Kristi Noem Claims Trump Resonates With Voters Because He's 'Genuine And Normal'
Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:03:48
Category: News & Politics
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question is uh I just won a heavily contested U race uh for the Michigan State House of Representatives for the 50th district and uh I won it and it's a 7030 District so I'm going to be the next Michigan State House of Representatives for that area but yeah so my question is uh what advice would you give to get more people uh engaged uh for those that may have a more difficult race uh but getting our voters out uh we saw that with this early voting it hasn't been a success in the state of Michigan as a matter of fact less people voted in this primary than the one before so that's my one question then the other is outside of obviously the the obvious reason why you're having baby booms in in your state uh what do you attribute that to when other states are are not having that and thank you and God bless you both yeah do you want to talk to the advice for him running his race and helping other it's when first and foremost don't read the comments on social media but seriously I think I mean to her Point earlier don't be offended keep going through I mean it's going to be tough but you the difference I think between what I see when we have the RNC Convention as compared to the DNC convention is that this is a heart and soul Mission and sometimes I think it's harder when it's deep in your soul that you want to be serving people and and that can make it that can discourage a lot of people and I think it's hard to get people involved from that standpoint right now we are so viciously attacked I mean you you've seen for months they've called Donald Trump a threat and then of course when people are called a threat someone wants to eliminate the threat so you end up with a really bad guy and boy does that discourage people from running as Republicans right now and so I would say there are so many people out there that love you that respect you there are people who are afraid to run and you have to pray about it and you have to ask God if this is what God is calling you to do and sometimes it is really easy When God says no you're doing this to be like no I'm good trust me I've been there listen to God pray sit with your family if you so I will say when I started running someone said pick the 10 people you trust the most and have them on your campaign and by the end you'll have five and go into it knowing that thank you appreciate that's fantastic uh I would just say continue to be genuine and normal I mean that's why Donald Trump resonates with people is because he's just normal he doesn't give a debate perfect speech or you know he he's himself he I tell people all the time that that he doesn't think he's better than anybody else he he really truly doesn't you talk to anybody who's worked for that man anybody who's been close to him he treats them like gold he asks about their families he asks about how they're doing how their business is he asks them you know what he can do to make their job better if they work for him anywhere they love him because he cares about people truly and he's normal and he's genuine and he has his flaws and that's fine and when people attack him he punches back so I'd say there might be a time where you got to punch back and you got to stand up and show that you're strong yep yeah we have time for two more questions don't be don't be afraid to do that because people do respect strength they want you to know that you love people but they also know that you're going to be strong enough to withstand the headwinds that we've got from the media from the left from all this woke that's going on around the country you you can be strong enough to do that and still care about people