Category: Entertainment
Brian ps always seems to take one undrafted rookie free agent each season to be on chicago's 53-man roster and this guy just has a natural gift of finding talent that goes unnoticed by everyone else and he can also thank ian cunningham for being a great running mate in this duo for the chicago bears... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro the nate davis drama continues over at how hall as the veteran right guard that chicago last year signed to a threeyear $30 million contract is causing the chicago bears nation to become very frustrated with him and many want the bears to get rid of him on the roster as a whole yeah the bears... Read more
Category: Sports
That was an emotional episode of hard knocks to be honest with you i kind of want to cry right now guys um lot to get to a lot of notes we are here tonight and we will be with you for at least the next hour recapping what we just watched on max and we are powered by comed tonight um i'll just start... Read more
Category: Sports
He [music] chgo after dark hard knock edition powered by comed as always we love comed frankly i love that my power's on right now thanks to comed because of the storms that came through a little bit earlier tonight uh brags is stopped sweating from all the [ __ ] he talked a couple weeks go about how... Read more
Category: Sports
Did ryan poles do it again did the chicago bears jam find another hidden gem we'll talk about said player here in just a moment but listen we are trying to get more new subscribers this year in the month of august than we did last year last year we picked up 2612 this year we're at 1,132 right now so... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] it's winners and losers sunday here on chicago bears now i am harrison graham we'll put a bow on the bears 27-3 preseason win over the bengals as chicago is now 3-0 during the pre-season but this is a fun game another dominant win for chicago we'll talk some winners talk some losers some overall... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro [music] before we jump into the latest bears news and rumors who is ready for the first training camp practice on saturday i know i am if you are hit that like button on today's video i think we can get a th likes on today's show so go ahead and smash that like button i'm harrison graham welcome... Read more
Category: Sports
I was in his shoes uh back in college when i tore my acl i just remember the trainers telling me after doing the acl test like you tore your acl i thought it was a bad dream i just started crying things like that like put things in perspective all about perspective you know even when ian's mom was like... Read more
Category: Sports
N [music] oh hello it is quite lovely to be back with you on this tuesday morning it's calm british calm i've changed with my new blocks as i like to call them i am chuffed to bits to be here with you today nicholas it is lovely to see you my friend i can't do this there's no way you must you you what's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Just when we all thought that ryan poles was done after solidifying the 53 man roster in the practice squad he went out and made even more moves to help with an emergency move to fill in for our long snapper need along with even more depth on the practice squad and even brought back a familiar face... Read more
Category: Sports
With romad dun a sidelined and probably going to miss sometime with an mcl sprain i've got five bears that need to step up here on today's show my name is harrison graham this is chicago bears now and before we get to that send some good vibes to mr adun type the 15s down in the comment section of this... Read more
Category: Sports
Let's talk about the other trade that came down today more dline help for the chicago bears a guy that matt efl knows well uh chris williams who k talked about earlier somewhat of a short press conference today but uh chris williams was with flo in indie which is where he started his career and um was... Read more