Dave Grohl's SHOCKING Baby Out of Wedlock Decision!

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 00:35:29 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: dave grohl baby momma
Intro uh hi everyone and welcome back to Sunburst tarot or today I just was known or let know someone mentioned it and I'm like apparently Dave Gro is having a new baby and it's not with his wife that he is married to and I'm like huh what I'm interested so let's I just want to look into what's going on he's admitted to it news came out how is he doing how's the mom of his futured baby how is his wife feeling about it and overall how's everyone doing so without further Ado let's get into the reading all right so first things first remember everything I'm saying is all alleged and for entertainment purposes only no facts here yall just my opinion psychic downloads and the such if you want to use what I'm saying to help form your own thoughts opinions and conclusions please do so if you don't want to you don't have to uh again and I really encourage everyone to think freely uh take in information that you get from me but from other sources into account to help form your own uh as I don't want group think here everyone can have their own thoughts opinions and conclusions and you know what let me know what your thoughts are down in the comments below uh otherwise uh I'm going to give this one more great big Shuffle and I want to just check in how is Dave Gro doing uh with this new news that has kind of come out that he admitted to so let's take a look here how's Dave gr feeling oh The High Dave Grohl General Energy Priestess reversed what's he what what are we lying about high priestess reversed I'm like we got someone lying so is he lying about the baby no but it's like we're lying about something or we're not telling the truth about a situation or we're not connected to our higher selves why is this the Two of Wands I've got to look at a bigger there's a bigger picture here I'm covering some um huh H we're getting okay so there's Two of Wands typically My Two of Wands is like we're looking at the future we're we're we're having to look at the big picture however we're lying about the big picture and in this case I'm not getting the big picture you know wands can be phallic in nature uh and there's two of them make of that what you wish but it's like okay so we have that going on but I need to lie about was someone coming out with something against him Financial influences on the situation something didn't work out like it was supposed to I put all this time money and effort into something and nothing came up it failed something failed uh money failed I almost wonder if someone someone didn't take money there was maybe like hush money there was like we'll pay you off in some way shape or form and all of those attempts failed so had to come out and say something before something else came out hopes and fears I'm going to lose my star power I'm going to lose what people see about me people I'm going to lose my my my oomph or how people see me in a positive Light Unseen obstacles though the Eight of Cups I'm refusing to walk away from something Eight of Cups revers I'm refusing to walk away and that's the someone's refusing to walk away or or not or not let this story die or was not something there's a story here and he's that we're not seeing and it's like what we're being shown is not exactly the truth in my opinion here cuz like someone's not walking away from something so I I don't know if there's another story that they're trying to bury allegedly cuz the challenge here is the Five of Cups we're mourning a loss something ended something completely ended it's kind of over with done with it was something happy but you know what we can't have that anymore what's going for the situation we're going to move on from this pretty quickly I think people are going to move on from this really quickly they're going to be like okay that just happened okay move on uh however we what we are but what we're getting is like a front for the real story behind it because here in the past the page of Swords someone was going to speak up we're going to speak Our Truth speak our mind and then here in the future the five of The Five of Swords reversed which is you will not be winning this fight uh is what this kind of feels like the fight's not going to be won or the transformation process or going to that next stage isn't going to happen we're going to stay right where we're at okay what other information can we get here the Six of Swords internet distance travel change thinking about things differently with the Queen of Swords reversed ooh manipulating the situation to what I need to do to make it with the Knight of Wands upright cuz I need Knight of Wands upright Emperor reversed let's bringing this all together the king of Cups that's Dave himself yep yeah okay so we have the king of Cups Dave himself it's like I am bringing I'm controlling this situation I'm the one who's putting this action we're going to manip manipulate the situation with the intern turn at uh H there's something going on here like I said we're not getting the full story here cuz it's like what it's being hidden from us we're not seeing the full truth to what is the actual story behind this is okay so let's look at what is the actual story behind this it doesn't again this is weird I I thought we could just get a baby right can we can we just get something normal please thank you you apparently no all right thanks y'all this is what I signed up for great okay so let's just take a look here at grave Dave girl what what's this story what's the story behind the story let's just call it that way what's the story behind the story all about what is the story behind the story for Dave Gro because this one so whatever this story they have right now it's like I I'll take this story over the other one huh what what else were they threatening to have come out allegedly conspiracy whatever remember everything's alleged here guys um so okay what's the story behind the The Story Behind the Story story the death card a death a transformation a rebirth uh it's like we were in It's Like We R viewed one way and now we have to transform into someone new or this could just be a death I I don't know uh why is this the king of Wands the death and rebirth because of a king of Wands type of individual they're taking their wand all over town someone took their wand all over town with the Death Cards you got to change Financial influences on this is the magician cuz I want to tell my story no one else is telling my story uh CU this is something I'm not ready to talk about this is something I'm still mourning or grieving and the Unseen obstacle here is the industry the industry turning his back on or the industry turning their backs on I think Dave yeah 10 of Pentacles is my industry card uh whenever I see T of Pentacles I'm like okay there's the music industry oh there's the entertainment industry it's my T of Pentacles kind of voice has been into multiple different decks but I also see this and it like it's like someone's turning their back on on Dave it feels like in this situation the challenge here is business contracts something with business contracts behind the scenes here as well so what is this in particular death card rebirth is the death card literal in this case I'm hearing no okay so it's a change it's a rebirth with this king of Wands type of energy so this Entertainer industry entertainment like we need to transition his his how he looks okay yeah we need to transition how he looks how he oh my goodness how he was to how he was before and how he is now we need to transform that change it forever the challenge here though is he's got business contracts in the background with other people but the industry is turning his back on him uh however he's not going to be a in the story behind the story it's like this one like this is something he can't defend himself with so we're putting something out in front of it so people don't look at that story and we look at this one the one with the he's admitting to having a baby with someone else uh here in the past the night of cups this was an offer that was given to him yeah this is an emotional offer that was given to him and here in the future the six of Cups kids what is this so someone with business contracts six of Cups it's like this has to do with C like in in his future kids it's it's like kids is his scapegoat no what I'm going to get some tea leaf carts and see if I can get more information on what the heck this is cu I'm a little I'm a little confused on what the story behind the story is here uh cuz yeah King Of Wands could be Dave himself and he has to transition but why does he need to transition why is this old version of him have to go uh what is this kind of all about we have carrot o it's is an opportunity or windfall this is an opportunity for him to get is this getting out of a story yeah what's this story a younger man dealings or relationship with a younger man I [Music] I there's something else here that another card here um CU it feels like we have another thing coming for Mr it's like what is this and then also Hills obstacles to overcome okay okay so honestly it feels like what the story is behind the story is that this is an opportunity that was offered to him Knight of Cups we're coming to you with an offer there's some sort of dealing with a younger man here we saw the Two of Wands uh in the previous little spread and uh and then with this Hills here the obstacles like this is an obstacle he has to overcome maybe it's a story with a younger man that's coming out or wants to come out and say okay uh it can either be this one or you got to we have to do this uh because we're trying to it's like he's given an option and these are your options and there's not a lot of other options to give for him and that's why the story is coming out because it's like okay in your future you're just G to have to deal with those kids okay stuffing with kids okay perfect got it got it perfect okay I'm just gonna I'm just put that over there okay so this is you won't convince me that this is the actual story that they want that they don't want out there but let's just go into it how does Dave I'm going to I want to take a look at Dave the the baby mama his wife and the energy of between them okay let's take a look at that energy that's kind of coming up here for the for this little Duality triology I don't know man I'm not accusing no one of nothing like I said it's all entertainment purposes only um but again uh yeah what the heck what are we trying to hide here I I should just not be shocked anymore by the entertainment industry hisory I really shouldn't uh but again uh if you guys are liking this too uh let me know in the comments down below I would love to hear your thoughts opinions ideas uh and everything because I'm I'm sitting over here like what the heck is going on so okay let's take a look at how Dave How Does Dave, His Wife and the Baby Mama Feel? his wife and this baby mama are feeling all about each other and in this situation okay so we'll get Dave night Pentacles so this is a way for me to move forward going to look at his wife which is the Eight of Cups reversed which is like I can't walk away from this situation the baby mama alleged Baby Mama it's like I'm getting out of my getting out of my comfort zone oh boy oh boy oh boy what is this um energy between these two we're going to keep our money the way we are between these two so this is an equal give or take in between these [Music] two and then I'll pull one after the at the end of this but okay now my left ear is ringing wonderful oh goodness gracious okay so we have Dave showing up here as the Knight of Pentacles this is like okay this is going to be good slow steady progress moving forward I can I can I can work with this it's steady progress in in this whole situation his wife over here eight of cops reversed she can't walk away from whatever is going on she's like I'm stuck I'm here I'm refusing to walk away uh from this situation that I've kind of found found myself in between the two of them we have the four of Pentacles upright uh I would see this as these two kind of sticking it out long term uh they don't want to divorce the money's good in my opinion here four of Pentacles is like we're being greedy selfish with our money our assets our resources so between the two of them uh I don't see them splitting in any way shape or form it's almost like we kind of need to do this to hold on to our relationship hold on to our resources and our finances in some way shape or form then we have um our baby mama over here which is the hermit reversed getting out of my comfort zone what I'm sitting here like so baby Mama's getting out of her comfort zone here understandable I mean you're having you're Dave girl is alleged having you're having Dave girl's baby that he's now confirmed apparently and it's like okay I've got to I'm a part of this story now I might not have wanted to do it this way but this is the way what we're doing it cuz like this isn't something whoever this person is is not comfortable with it it's out of their comfort zone it's like I've been pulled out of my safety net out of my hidey-hole why is this public uh seeing the energy between baby mama and the wife it's a Temperance card oper right this is an equal balance this is an exchange of energy back and forth so it's almost like it's like okay I did this for you guys oh and then now you're going to do this and it's like it's an equal give and take between these two which is just I kind of wasn't expecting uh so I'm a little like kind of thrown off a little bit cuz with the temperance card it's like I pour into your cup you pour into mine it's like I scratch your back you scratch mine type of energy and I'm like what and then between Dave and this alleged Baby Mama this is a decision that wasn't that that that was put upon them this is a decision made for them it's this wasn't oh you get to do this or you get to do that it's like no you are doing this like this is happening we don't have a choice what's that all about between all of them the death C well the four of Swords upright which is you're going You're go it's like this is ending this is like ending of a it's not even ending of a cycle it's it's like this is going to like this is we're in Ruins it's like we're resting we're relaxing this is going to get us out of the media this gets us out of this gets us out of the spotlight this gets us out of talking points or people places things this is like the big thing and now we get to go and hide or rest or retire in some way shape or form what in the world this is just weird Okay um huh okay I want to pull more specifically here now on cuz it's like his wife had got put into a situation that she's just not walking away from but with with the baby mama and with Dave like there's a situation she's like I'm not walking away from it uh this is like it's almost like this situation is like this is like a Band-Aid to something uh like it's a Band-Aid to something it's a story to something it's something to get us out of it's like it's like our big thing and then we get to go like we get to retire or something along those lines weird okay so I just want to take a look at what's going on between Dave I want to look specifically at Dave and his wife uh I want just look specifically at their connection and then I want to also then look at Dave and the baby Mama's connection specifically and we'll see where we go from there uh what in the world is going on okay we'll do it one more time Dave and His Wife here so we have Dave king of cups come on which he showed up before as we have his wife which is the seven of Cups energy between the two of them so Dave showing up as the king of Cups loving caring emotionally available type of individual king of Cups great energy to have wife over here is a seven of cups I got options uh I'm looking at multiple different things multiple things that I can do between the two of them the magician upright communication communication communication but this is also truthful communication Dave doesn't get away with anything does he no whatever Dave did his wife knows about it's like what cuz over here now the emperor yeah she's got options but she just I feels like she do they does she I'm going to pull one more line and then to tie it all together okay so looking at the major cards that actually fit his wife so we have the fool the fool is the one that's kind of pulling her all together uh I see this as kind of like kind of like a naive type of energy it's like okay I can just do this and do that uh she's got a lot of it's like she's got so many different things on her plate with the seven of Cups seven of cups in the world revers I don't know if this is something that's happened before it's like okay I'm just repeating she's repeating Cycles in some way shape or form with the Internet it's like something came out distance travel change I don't know if what it feels like in her energy is yes she knows this happens this isn't the first time it's happened it hopefully it'll be the last time it happens but this is a cycle that keeps occurring uh over and over and over again it feels like on her side at least it feels like uh where this has happened before and now I'm going to accept it and keep going again this is not the first time it feels like at least in her energy cuz like she's kind of been looking at it kind of naively and be like oh this will be the last time oh this will be the last time that's the type of energy I feel for her looking over here at Dave we have a person who's very a very an emotional person not in a manipulative way however it's kind of his way or the highway with the emperor he has a lot of control in this situation in this relationship in this Dynamic it's like what I say goes cuz he's got all the money with the Wheel of Fortune here good luck good opportunities however with the queen of Cups reversed uh where he's very emotionally available individual he can be a manipulative person uh who kind of uses his emotions as a weapon it feels like allegedly no fact Cal uh especially with that queen of Cups reversed just prone to outbursts is what what I would kind of say and then we look at their relationship the UN unhappiness so do I think this is a happy loving relationship underneath the surface no but seeing we have the magician the Tower reversed and the six of Wands we showcase it even though our whole Foundation might be rocking underneath us even though uh the whole Tower is trying to kind of crumble down they both know that was coming I think they're both kind of allegedly unhappy in this situation in this relationship however it's better to be it's better to be seen together it's better to be seen together because it's a victory uh as and just being able to communicate with each other because everything else might be crumbling down uh around the two in this relationship and they might be unhappy but we're projecting it as something different okay that's what I'm seeing for these two what's going on with Dave and this baby mama I want to look at their relationship what's what's just their relationship to this whole thing uh yeah also I don't know if this is weird man [Music] um also if you guys are enjoying this feel free hit a hit that like button down below let me know your thoughts in the comments subscribe if you want to see more content like this uh and and again leave me comments on on readings that you would like to see like I said I just posted a community tab post and someone's like did you see this and I hadn't and I'm like wait what so I kind of just came and and and did the video uh cuz I'm like what is going on so let's take a look what's the energy between Dave girl and this baby mama Dave and Baby Mama alleged baby mama okay we have Dave Two of Pentacles ah this is a decision I was forced to make baby mama uh Ace of Swords something I didn't want to do but you know what we're going to do it anyway because Ace of Swords it's like I'm saying one thing doing another energy in between the two of them the 10 of Cups reversed these two aren't happy either it feels like did she want to do this no did he want to do this no they're really unhappy they don't so why are they doing this okay let's see oh [Music] God okay so Davis showing up here is the strength card uh overall his energy is like I got to be strong I got to be the I got I have to show up as that person in this I got to show up as strong resilient on top of my stuff why is this the Knight of Swords reversed cuz I need to talk around a situation person place or thing because I had bad decisions in my past uh things that I I got away with things Justice wasn't served this wasn't his decision this was something that was made for him it's like I can go one I'm trying to balance two different options but you know what I can't so I have to go with an option one of them fell and now I'm stuck with one of them CU we couldn't balance overworked overburdened burnt out it's like I don't have any other options I can't think creatively in a certain situation that's Dave's energy baby Mama's energy we have her showing up as the Queen of Swords so it's like I'm I'm going to say what I need to say do what I need to do to get my things going why cuz it's a force death and rebirth here it's like I it's a forc death and rebirth I'm I have to redo something or I have to make up for something why because I need to start something new a new cycle here with the Ace of Swords because something didn't pan out or I said the wrong thing someone she feels like she doesn't want to be in this situation either cuz it's it's being forced upon her in my opinion to do this or at least on this public of a scale but she's like I'll I'll do it but it's like it's being forced upon her looking look at this uh relationship their Dynamic so what's kind of pulling them all together is the seven of Wands which is I need to defend myself against the Beast uh why is this because I'm emotionally cold or there's an emotional coldness here because I don't you can't convince what why are these two having a baby oh I don't want to say that how do I code this okay so oh People Are Crazy Town let's go to Crazy Town okay so we have the devil which is you're kind of controlled by your vices your addictions it can be booze it can be alcohol it can be drugs it can be it can be the negative aspects in life I've also seen it be be a demonic card with maybe uh alleged Cults or an underside of different things it it could mean a it could mean a multitude of different things right a multitude of different things uh and it's like okay so we have uh it's like we have we have maybe negative things uh that maybe were a part of that we're trying to be not attached to uh that we might have uh made mad so this is how we're going to defend ourselves because it's kind of being like you want you want to be it's either do you want to be seen in the really really bad light or do you want to be seen in in a like a not as shitty light you have an option and in this relationship this relationship it feels like in my opinion is like we met because of bad juju and now uh cuz they don't like each other in my opinion I you can't convince me I'm sorry it's my opinion uh and it just feels like it's like you need to do this because you're either being sh seen as a really really shitty person or you're being seen as just a [ __ ] person which one would you like to be seen as and that's what this relationship feels like it's covering up in my opinion okay um I'm just going to see what's next for Dave gr here and I'm going to end it uh cuz I don't I don't like where this is I don't like where it's going I am kind of creeped out I don't yep let's just see what's coming up next for Dave girl and uh we're going to end it there if you guys have any thoughts opinions ideas uh you have questions that you would like to see answered reading ideas and other things let me know in the comments down below uh yeah that's that's what that that's awesome uh again like this video if you guys want to subscribe if you want to see more content like this I have a ton of other readings uh that you can go and peruse around um as well as if you would like to support me uh or uh get your own personal reading you can do so uh using my website link down below uh you can go book a private reading with me or you can if you want to see videos like this early uh you can go and do so um uh by joining my memberships which is $3 a month um and you get exclus and you get exclusive Early Access to readings like these as well as uh what's the other oh custom emoji emojis that I got down there uh and I will be doing uh some giveaways uh well not giveaways but I'll be doing um uh I'll be doing like a free reading for a member uh remembers uh a free 30 minute personal reading from me okay now that I got all my stuff that I remembered let's just see what's coming What's Next for Dave? up next here for Dave gr we have the four of cups which is like a burden we're feeling excitement engagement in life here maybe this will be a new tour maybe this will be him uh just experiencing different things uh showcasing out new music being excited happy lovable uh and the such Why is this cuz the Two of Wands is this the is is this Two of Wands like the first one no okay okay okay so why is he being happy and exuberant and like a like a new spiced life because he gets to try out new things uh where things might have seemed I think a little doomed before uh he's going to still be able to go out and do what he wants follow his passion see out his dreams and the Financial influences I see him going back out on tour we're we're like repeating Cycles here World card revers so uh I'm seeing him going on more tours being out doing more things um repeating repeating what he's always done um hopes and fears here that he's going to keep his hard work is still going to keep uh accumulating that that whatever he whatever just came out doesn't really affect him and making money selling tickets and the such I don't think it really will obstacle those here is the lovers reversed uh he does have to detach from someone um whether this is a lover whether this is a wife whether I don't think it's his wife whether I don't think this is the baby mama either he's having to separate from someone that I don't think he wants to separate from uh this could and it this could be a relationship a man a manager a friend uh or just any or like a sibling a partner it could be any one of those different things uh the challenge here is the wheel of for is the wheel which is the money how he saw it before is not how it is in the future uh where maybe there was big Fortune big tours big things everything just kept expanding and expanding and expanding it feels like things have now kind of contracted a little bit or things have kind of stayed stagnant where they're at and maybe like concert tickets or sales and the such uh what's going for him though is that the hard work and the efforts the time and the resources that he's put into different projects into what he's done so far he is going to be reaping those benefits those rewards uh but do I see anything new coming in not particularly it's going to be more of things that he's done in the past that are now that he's now still able to kind of keep going in the present and the future here in the past the Ace of Wands reversed we all know wands are a very phallic image seeing It reversed it's like um uh it could just be your wand isn't going all over town or we're misusing our wand in some way shape or form and then here in the future uh he's not walking away from the entertainment industry I think we're going to kind of see him right where he's at uh I don't see any major repercussions for him uh in any kind of way shape or form anything else we can get yeah judgment is he going to get judged for what's kind of going on now yeah but he's still going to be able to make his money at the end of the day finding balance between this story and the other one even though he had to let some people go and people from the past go as well so that's what I'm seeing here for Dave girl if you guys enjoyed this hit that like button down below subscribe if you're new here or if you're returning and just been like oh I've watched a few videos oh maybe I should just subscribe just you don't miss out any new ones in the future uh otherwise uh remember if you would like book a private reading you can do so in the description in the link in the description box down below if you want to join members to see videos like this early or have um access to custom emojis or uh have an opportunity to win a free reading from me you can do so there uh otherwise I would love to hear your thoughts opinions and ideas in the comments section down below and I'll meet you there uh otherwise thank you so very very much for watching and I hope wherever you are you have a great day or night and then I see you guys in the next video bye by

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