How important is Willy Adames? Packers' Final Roster Insights, Badgers' Season Kickoff – Wisconsi...
Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 00:46:27
Category: Sports
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[Music] how you doing everybody and welcome in Wisconsin Sports on the go with trade I'm your host trage here on a great Wednesday August 28th we're almost to September I mean man oh man it seems like this summer flew by baseball we got a month left until we're talking about October baseball I mean we got the month of September and then it's October baseball already college football coming up this weekend already here week one technically week zero happened already we're talking week one we got the Badgers coming up on Friday I got more to talk about with the Badgers today here Packers they finalized their initial 53 man roster practice squad formation will start here to or today here I believe practice squad formation will start there there's some guys who were released by the Green Bay Packers that I hope they get onto that practice squad because I still I I some of these guys I watched them released there yesterday I think have a a little bit of upside to them so I want to see them come back and get on to that practice wiad so lots to get into today here yes 11: a.m they uh they start building their practice squad after the waiver process concludes at 11 am Central on Wednesday so at 11:00 am practice squads can be start to form a little bit there and there's some guys some names that the Packers released that I'm a little bit concerned may get picked up by another team outside of that though there are some guys who I believe will end up on the practice squad for this Packers team and then Brewers I mean let's start there let's start with the Brewers we didn't get much into the Brewers yesterday on the show here let's start with the Brewers today here and I I just watched you know I'm in I'm watching the game right now as you guys know I record you know night before you know the day of so I'm watching the Brewers right now vers the Giants and will Adamas I mean there's a lot of people out there who do not like how Willie you know they don't like his average you know Willie Willie doesn't do enough he's supposed to be this big you know star player on this Brewers team and he doesn't do enough he doesn't do enough that's the that's the thing that we we hear about all the time that I see all the time he doesn't hit lefties good enough he doesn't do this good enough I just watched willia Damas with the Brewers trailing three to2 hit a two-run bomb off of Logan web who has been the best pitcher in his I mean he's got what a 0 N5 erra before this game 0 N5 RA in his last six starts or something like that just ridiculous numbers that he's been putting up in the second half here and willia Damas steps up drives in and hits a huge two-run shot for the Brewers that puts them up four to three now in the bottom of six whatever this game finishes at all I'm saying right now willia Damas has been playing well this season and I mean he's second in rbi's among all Short Stops right now looking at him in his you know last seven games have been a struggle there average wise in the last 15 245 there and in his last 30 Games he's hitting 252 but you look at the collective effort over this season by Willie Adamas 250 average for him there he's got 65 walks to 86 uh he's got 65 walks to 141 strikeouts not a great in betweener there but but there's got to be a butt otherwise we're just going to completely you know bash this guy 23 home runs and 86 RBI you can't replace run production that's the biggest thing for me run production yes the strikeouts I'd love for him to clean that up I'd love for that number if it was even 120 you'd feel a lot better about it right it's at 141 not great not great in that aspect there due to the walks only being at 65 but you look at the home runs 23 86 RB on the season there I mean looking at his on base percentage 337 447 slugging there Ops sitting at 785 willia Damas has been a key to this offense when will Damas is going the offense is going when willia Damas starts to struggle the offense starts to struggle they need a bat like will damason there Jackson cheio I mean looking at Jackson Cheerio too put a light out in the scoreboard last night he's been phenomenal right he's been phenomenal for the Brewers you need that extra bat behind him the protection right you know you think about the days of Ryan on and when Christian Yelich was getting hot you know what helped out Christian yich in his MVP season not just the fact that Christian Yelich was on fire because he was I mean you look at those numbers he was hitting above 300 he had I mean look at the Home Run totals everything like that Christian Yelich was hitting I mean phenomenal I'm not going to take away what he did in that season but you know what helped him out a lot the guy behind him when you have that protection when you're in a lineup where there isn't a you know looking at just thinking of a team looking at Oakland Ace Brent Rooker he's hitting he's still above 290 I think he was at 298 the other day Brent Rooker has been phenomenal and what makes it even better as you look at the rest of that lineup Miguel andir has hit well for the A's this season I believe last time I looked he was around like 278 not a bad he's having a pretty good year I mean for a guy that a lot of people gave up on he's having a great year with the Oakland A's there the thing that doesn't help about a lot of guys a lot of stars is when they don't have that protection in a lineup bats behind them who can get things done Jackson triel being up there with contras behind him with adamus behind him with even a guy you know a lot of people they love to bash on ree Hoskins but I can tell you one thing pitchers are still worried about ree Hoskins I I will tell you that now the dude's got raw power he's got a ton of raw power and they don't want to face him with Runners on because they know the D damage that he can do so when you have guys behind him who are hitting the baseball it makes Jackson chio's job way easier it makes Bryce terang even at the top of the order it makes pitchers have to throw to Bryce terang which makes his job a lot easier so will Adamas being able to do what he does driving in runs at this clip 86 I mean I can pull up complete rankings there let's go RBI in total on the season there in the National League fourth in rbi's behind Ozuna Otani and Alec B and he's right behind Alec bow he's Alec Bow's got 89 ad Damas has 86 on the season so there's your numbers there's your numbers fourth in RBI in the season that tells you that tells everybody this guy can drive in runs I don't want guys on base when this guy comes to the plate if Willie Adamas wasn't in this lineup I think it changes l well it definitely changes the lineup you're talking 86 RBI it definitely changes the lineup but it makes everybody's lives a little bit tougher so what willia Damas has been able to do this year do the numbers look great no they don't the numbers don't jump off the page at you they don't scream this guy should be the highest paid shortstop in baseball they don't scream this guy is worth as much as what they paid Danby Swanson it's not worth that you know if you're looking at statistics right but if you look at the ability to drive in runs this guy right here Willie Adamas I mean we can look at Short Stops in the national league right now bleeds all short steps in the National League 86 RBI next closest Francisco Lor was 78 RBI in the season and he's actually got more home runs than what will OD Damas has there's your perspective there's your perspective of where he sits you look in all of baseball right now with Will Adamas one behind Bobby Wht he's uh right now he's eight behind Bobby Wht for RB there now Bobby Wht is on Pace to be a potent he's gonna be a candidate for the MVP I don't know if he'll win the MVP he's still putting up I mean the numbers for Bobby Wht are unreal 347 uh 38 doubles 11 triples 27 home runs Bobby wht's been unreal right but he's got to deal with judge Otani you got all them guys you got to deal with all the household names right Bobby wt's kind of the out the outlier The Outlander guy right now in in that category just because of those other names and the power that they bring you know 27 home runs for Bobby Wht that's a breakout year to be honest he's I mean he's gonna probably hit 30 probably 30 plus maybe 32 in that range I would say probably finishes with 32 you know Bobby Whit's not a big home run clip guy so I can't I can't say that he's going to be up in the 35 right he's going to go on a burner but he might he might go on a burner here and have one of them kind of years where he's a 3030 guy because looking at stolen bases he's got 27 right now he could get up to that 30 he could be a 3030 guy so I mean he's gonna be 3030 with doubles to home runs so that'd be impressive too and if he can get I mean 15 or he's got 11 triples right now if he ends up in the 15 triple range that is an unreal season right there so hats off to Bobby Whit for what he's been able to do but will ad Damas for the Brewers I I see too much too many people who are just completely bashing this guy for the average everything like that I'm going tell you this right now rbi's and run production to a team like this who struggles to put runs across or push runs across is huge so will ad Damas to me huge part of the Brewer success and why they are where they are right now defensive wise I I don't know if he's had his best defensive season that we've seen from him here in uh Milwaukee but still I mean will Damas is still a good Defender I mean this season probably I'd say he's like a B+ be bus be in that range there as we see terang draw a walk Bases Loaded now for Cho oh baby I mean I'm hoping I'm hoping I'm in between talking about something else I get talk about a grand slam here because Cheerio is the guy right Cheerio is the guy you cannot is it's like you know watching watching Jackson chel for me at least in this second half it gives me those Christian yellich Vibes that I had in 2018 right it was even 2019 it was one of those at bats where you don't want to miss it because it's electric right that's what I have with Jackson Trio right now I don't know what it is I don't know what it is but this guy he steps into the box I mean we just talked about earlier Logan Webb has been phenomenal in the second half especially in the month of end of July August he's been phenomenal for the Giants and Jackson chero stepped in there as Logan Webb was starting you know have to first inning he had he struggled Brewers got to him a little bit there didn't give up any runs but they were you know kras had what a 15 pitch at B it was I mean crazy at bat ended in a walk or 17 something like that there I mean the Brewers were putting together pretty good at bats but then he kind of found his groove right and cherio took that change up and just drove it 449 feet that was awesome that was awesome but it's just like this guy is one of those and I watch him fly out son of a gun see got under it a little bit there or as I'm talking about but you know that's the thing he is one of those guys right now where it is a can't miss at bat for me I don't know why you know you you get those those players you know during the season where it's like I can't miss this guy's at bat that's Jackson cheio for me right now that is him in a nutshell I just every time he comes up the bat I'm constantly like if I'm on the radio I turn it if I'm listening on the radio I turn it up a little bit if it's on the TV I'm like I'm glued you know I'm focused I'm I'm All About watching that at bat because he has been nothing but great for the Brewers especially since Christian Yelich went down every you know when Christian Yelich went down everybody was worried about okay me included how do we replace the average how do we replace the RBIs how do we replace everything that Christian Yelich was doing for this Brew team early on how do we replace that right and it was like okay we're going through the list of outfielders that we had and then even some people I I even you know mentioned myself I was like okay the Brewers are targeting fetty from the white socks now fetty hasn't been great since coming over from the white socks there uh to the Cardinals but when the Brews are targeting f are targeting fetty I was like maybe they can double dip and get Luis Robert too they might have sent a hall but Luis Robert would be a big bat and in the Outfield to add to this Brewer's roster and I was going through all them you know different kind of scenarios of different outfielders right Brent Rooker from the A's you know there was there was a ton of I wouldn't say a ton of options out there but a ton of candidates that you could attempt you could at least attempt to trade for right and I was all over that I was all over the map with it and then all of a sudden Jackson just he just you know they call him Jack Jack right Jack Jack there for Pat Murphy he just found his groove right and it was like all at once Brewer fans were able to say m you know it sucks we wish that Christian ywi was still out there because if Jack Jack like Jackson Cheerio was hitting this well with Christian yelish still in the lineup too hitting as well as he was this Brew's lineup will be unreal right now we'd be talking about this in a whole different light where we'd be able to compare this lineup to say the Dodgers to the Phillies and say they got some competition at different spots right but without Christian Yelich Trio turned it on he turned it on he stepped in and he said okay I know I know we're missing Yelich right now I know we are but I can feel that Gap I can feel that void until we you know until um well next season now but at that point it was until Christian Yelich does return now he he did get back surgery actually they said he Yelich was talking about I saw little article about it and just uh you know tidbits here and there and he said you know it it wasn't just on the field that the back actually affected him it was actually an everyday life right and that's one of those things where if that was the case you you hate to you hated to see him go out for the season there you wanted to see him try and rehab that but if you can't even I mean go home and relax and just you know be able to just if you have a dog or whatever right be able to walk your dog and everything without feeling a pain in your back okay now you got to go get that checked out you got to get that checked out so him getting that checked out that that's great that he did and that he got to surgery because now they're saying he's he's actually feeling painfree for the first time in years in years so hopefully I mean this is the Hope right that is going to fix that back problem that has been nagging him for years now that is going to fix that so that way it's not a problem come next year and that you have them for that full season not missing a week not missing you know games because of it right that's going to be huge so I I was happy to see that the back surgery is successful and that he's painfree for the first time in the longest time you gotta love to hear that um that kind of news there but back to Jackson shio back to the Outfield as a total I mean South Relic has filled a g a void out there the only guy that I say that I would say I wish would maybe find it a little bit here is Garrett Mitchell you know Mitchell who I mean Blake Perkins returned and now I don't know if we're gonna see Garrett Mitchell as much he was filling that void when we were missing him too but Garrett Mitchell looking at him over the last 15 games 159 he was hitting the ball better uh in that last seven games there he was hitting 261 it's the strikeout numbers that bother me with Mitchell because the uction you know I was talking about willia Damas there right and willia Damas you know those the RB it makes looking at those strikeout numbers a little bit easier as we watch I I hate yky I don't know what it is but I just dislike yenky so much hits a Bome off of Y pums there pums had been pitching well pums had been pitching well and now we see yky take him deep there a moonshot son of a gun son of a gun 5'4 Giants there as we shoot here but Garrett Mitchell the strikeout the strikeout looking is what really bothers me with them because it's not like he's going down swinging you know he's watching a lot of called strike threes and a lot of the called strike 3es he's they're dead red like they're not like it's Corner pitches it's not like it's a bad call I mean we saw bad calls last night there in that game against the Giants there from the whole plane ire I mean we've seen we've we've seen Garrett Mitchell have some good games but we've also seen the bad and we've seen the strikeouts right and the strikeouts I think right now are my most worrisome thing with Garrett Mitchell and that's why I believe that Blake Perkins it might be Blake Perkins job to lose at this point I think they will platoon it a little bit out there I think they'll give Perkins some days off I think they're gonna give you know s a day off here right maybe move cherio to the DH Ru for a day because that's how well he's been hitting right you put that guy in the DH and you know put Mitchell back in the because I still believe your best Outfield is Mitchell Perkins and South Relic just because Mitchell is that Dynamic outfielder Cho is a good outfielder I don't think he's completely there yet so that's where I'm kind of you know Mitchell might be a late game outfielder for um for Jackson Cheerio but then you run into that problem where if he comes up the bat then you lose chio's bat so you don't want to play that game it's it's a lot of different chest pieces to play in a game that I I'm glad I don't have to I'm glad I don't have to there but all in all the Christian Yelich injury you know if you really think about it end of the day yes it was a big blow to this Brewers team who is in the playoff I mean they're they're heading I I believe truthfully they're they should be in the playoffs right they're they're going to be in the playoffs I'd really do I mean knock on W it would take a collapse but I really do believe you know this team will be in the playoffs probably is a three seed they I truthfully I think they're going to win this division outright and then we'll see what happens in the postseason so it was a big blow for Yelich go out but I think this is one of those things where Yelich may be out but it gives Pat Murphy it gives the organization it gives them this little glimpse of what they've been building in the miners you know seeing it all on the field seeing it together right because what says that you next season you don't want to say hey yellich I want you to be the DH now and I want to put these other three guys in the Outfield Now you kind of had that you have that sample size now where you can see it you watched it already you know what it looked like now we feel better or maybe we're like uh I don't know about this guy I don't know about this guy it gives that perspective of this is the future of the organization out there in the Outfield right now who do we want to sign because you're going to want to sign them young right just like they did with cheerio if you're planning on keeping Sal Fric around for a while you might want to sign a deal with Fric I don't know if he's going to be this hot commodity if he goes to a free agent or if he becomes a free agent but you don't want to get to that point if you want s Fric you don't want to be in a bidding war for sth Fric you want sth Fric to feel like hey we want you here too we want to win championships with you let's make something happen or if Garrett Mitchell you feel like Garrett Mitchell's that guy okay now we know or Blake Perkins if you you want it I Blake Perkins is like I I love Blake Perkins right I love that guy he is like the the most Carefree dude to watch Rob home run in the world like he just slowly hums back there you know gets to the wall leaps catches it throws it in like it's just so nonchalant when he does it it's actually awesome but you know so you have all these talented outfielders right it's time to see them out there every every day so that's what they're getting so with Christian Yelich being out is it bad I mean yeah you'd love to have him out there but is it good for the future of the organization to see some of these guys yeah I think it is I I think it really is we get to experience these guys all together for this extent of time here I think it'll be good for them good building blocks to go off of there and good like I said for the organization to get a little taste of what they have moving forward here so that's about all I got with the Brewers for the day there just talked about a couple guys there talking about this game going on right now right just jumping around jumping around there talking about where the Brewers are kind of sitting and what I've been seeing everybody talking about right it's what I love to get into is where the conversation pieces that I see all over Facebook or wherever it is you know everybody talking about will OD Damas and Jackson juio this and everything else I just want to get into those today and talk about them a little bit there so with that before we move on here I want to get to the Packers 53 man roster but before we get there I want to mention the great sponsors of this show here so first game day supply in on Alaska do you have a sports club or team are you looking for some sweet custom uniforms or apparel check out the awesome crew at game day supplying on Alaska to help your team get the sweetest gear find them on Facebook at game day supply or online at Gamay also Pittsville Farm and Home Center at the store they serve you anything from hydraulic hoses to red roses stop in and see the awesome crew at Pittsville Farm and 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Love the Money Man himself right Jordan love going to be in there number one qb1 right and then we see Malik Willis it's pending a physical yet I'm guessing he's going to pass a physical but pending a physical he will be in there so they have two quarterbacks on the roster they did release Shawn Clifford and Michael Pratt so I mean you're Shan Clifford I expect they're just going to release him and that's going to be it Michael Pratt I do expect they will resign and send to the practice squad I that's gonna be my gut feeling on that one Michael Pratt was the de he he's the you know we're trying to develop this guy yet that's that's what I see with Michael Pratt the Malik Willis signing by the Packers was Insurance just in case if Jordan love goes down for a short amount of time now if he has a season ending injury you know knock on wood there but if he does okay now you're it's Malik Willis time and you're not I mean if you if you somehow make the playoffs you make the playoffs right but Malik Willis is like if loves out for two weeks we want Malik Willis in there because I believe he can win us games over what Shawn Clifford and over what Michael Pratt were believed to be able to what they could do for this green by Packers team so M Willis Gets a Job Sean Clifford Michael PL Pratt are released as of right now looking at the running back room we see Josh Jacobs marshan Lloyd and Emanuel Wilson that's good to see marshan Lloyd on that list because that tells you good things about his health right wasn't on the injury reserve nothing like that just I mean flat out made the fifth three man roster makes feel good about that so I'm the injured reserve done for the season AJ Dylan is this which could be this could be the end of AJ Dylan's time in Green Bay with that I mean with this season season ending injury here I this is it I I Tru I really do believe after what Emanuel Wilson showed and the preseason Martian Lloyd the rookie I expect good things out of Martian Lloyd and then Josh Jacobs is Josh Jacobs plus I mean you look at this Packers team realistically I think Josh Jacobs is gonna get a good amount of touches but with the talent they have at wide receiver with the arm Talent they have in Jordan love the Touches for you know Jacobs elsewhere are going to be limited I would say for the first three quarters and if it's a blowout in the fourth and they're trying to burn you know burn up clock there's your touches outside of that I think it's gonna be a very spread offense so AJ Dylan I I don't know if he's needed anymore in Green Bay so I'm the injured reserve for the rest of the season here we'll see what they do at in the off season there but I do expect that to be the last will see of AJ Dylan in a Packers uniform Merryweather and McCrae both released nothing crazy surprising there I believe that one of those two will end up on the practice squad for the Packers there wide receiver room this is where I mean we there was a lot of controversy who would get in who wouldn't the Packers decided on six guys Romeo dobs Christian Watson Jaden Reed davien Wicks Malik Heath and Bo Melton so Heath gets the job Grant too uh samor Tor Julian Hicks Demitri Stanley and Jaylen Wayne were all released I really in that group right there I do hope that samor Tor and Deo end up on the practice squad I really do because I think those two have I think Deo especially has a b of potential Tor is just solid I I have love I have loved what I've seen out of té when the Packers have given him time I like both those guys I really hope that the Packers can keep them on the practice squad I think you know those names somebody might try and pick them up out there I Hope they've passed through P the Packers can quick grab them put them on the practice squad and potentially if we need them at some point in the season we will see one of those guys looking at the tight end room Tyler Davis injur reserve for the season there he was another one of those names out for the year Joel Wilson was released thank goodness I was done with him I was done I not impressed by Joel Wilson uh Swinson was also released and Pearson was released I expect one of those guys to make it onto the practice squad there tight end room Luke Musgrave Tucker craft pretty I mean straightforward there and Ben Sims will also be in there too Ben Sims is Hit or Miss for me he's Hit or Miss for me I mean you're gonna see most of the offense is gonna run around uh Musgrave and craft so you won't see a lot of Sims there but I mean what he's the number three he's the number three in Green Bay offensive line this one I mean this is about where we saw it all happening Royce Newman a lot of people wanted him out of Green Bay I was included in that one released by the Green Bay Packers that was okay with me I thought it was actually last season they should have released Roy Newman they held on to him there well it's okay with me that he's gone now Caleb Jones also released uh T tanut was released Smith was released and Jennings was released by the Green Bay Packers there looking at the offensive line Elton Jenkins Josh Meers Rasheed Walker Zack Tom Morgan Shawn Ryan Andre Diller Jacob monk Kadeem Telford and Travis Glover all made it on their 10 offensive linemen they're going to carry into this season here I mean that's good list of offensive linemen you know Rasheed Walker I expect him to take leaps forward this year Zack Thomas solid I expect him to be a big boost for the Packers on the line there Josh Meers you know it's like hit or miss for me game by game with him and then Elton Jenkins has been nothing but solid you know a lot of people don't talk about Elton Jenkins I like what I've seen of Elton Jenkins in Green Bay so that to me I I like the Packers offensive line I think they might be an underrated offensive line heading into this season looking at the defensive ends right now Preston Smith rashan Gary no no surprise there Lucas vaness expected it Kingsley anabar that was kind of expected there and then we did see Breton Cox Jr get on and Aaron Mosby Mosby also added into that group there nothing really crazy in the guys that release Alexandre uh Banks Morton and Allen defensive tackle we see Kenny Clark on the defensive tackle list there TJ Slayton Devonte Wyatt Carl Brooks and Kobe wooden I want to see leaps forward by Carl Brooks and Kobe wooden this season here you know it was you know growing pains and everything like that preseason was solid for them both but I want to see both those guys take leaps for forward in this season here and then also in the injured reserve designated to return Jonathan Ford is on that list right now Esther wage and Shad were all released inside linebacker Quay Walker Isaiah McDuffy Eric Wilson ederen Cooper and Tyron Hopper that's a guy that I can't wait to actually get some playing time is Hopper there I want to see what Hopper is made of there lot of injuries that the Packers had in this preseason I mean a lot of injuries most of their draft class got injured so a lot of people are like what the heck's going on Packers grabbing all these injured guys it happens it happens guys get hurt I mean it happens I want to see Hopper take a huge step forward koi Walker for me is a underlying Factor on this defense a lot of people after his first couple have been like H you know Quay Walker is gonna be solid but that's about it I expect him to take a big lead forward this season here now with the it seems like there was a leash on them I think they have still have that leash on them but I think it's one of those leashes with the retractable little handle on it where you can let him loose and then pull him back I think that's what he's going to have now with Halley in there as defensive coordinator so I love I cannot wait to see Quay Walker out there cornerback well one guy that got released by In This inside linebacker room Welch had a fantastic preseason for Green Bay I'm really hoping they can get him on the practice squad and then we can see him at some point if needed we can see him at some point because I I thought had a great preseason I actually expected that he could potentially maybe just maybe make this roster maybe over like Eric Wilson but they went with Wilson he's pretty good on special teams so that also factors into a lot of these decisions you need guys good on special teams I'm hoping Welch ends up there on that practice squad and potentially see him at some point looking at the quarterback uh cornerback room Jer Alexander Eric Stokes kesan Nixon Carrington Valentine and Corey Balentine I'm G be honest with you I I would have been okay if we would have seen kayn King get the spot over Corey Balentine I I don't think we've seen the potential of what Cory Balentine could be but I liked what I saw at kayin King I would not have been hurt if I would have saw Kalin King get in there over Balentine now we hope right that some of these guys will stay in Green Bay odds are you know if there if other teams saw the tape they like this guy potentially get picked up but it's you know most teams they find their 53 man roster and that's about it so your practice squad is basically made up of guys who You released or out there in waivers right some random guys that nobody else wants so definitely i Kin king would be a guy for me that I thought potentially could have gotten on there that didn't end up on there in that safety room Xavier mckin uh Bullard Williams those are the guys I expected Zay Anderson and oladapo I don't know Anthony Johnson for me I could have taken him over Zayn Anderson I I liked what I saw at Anthony Johnson Jor um that that was a toss up for me it's going to be more in a reserve role there but I don't know I that would be my one that would be my biggest one there I could have taken Anthony Johnson over Zayn Anderson special teams right now Dal uh Daniel wheen I mean he's the punter we know that as of right now Greg Joseph did win the job over Anders Carlson and Alex hail so one of those guys I me man I I'm not gonna say that I was I I was surprised I'll be honest with you I really did Think Green Bay would stick with Anders Carlson I did not think they would be so quick to move on from him there I did expect them kind of to say you know Greg Joseph they were so close in preseason we'll stick with Carl until we find something better they stuck with Greg Joseph more of the veteran look and Greg Joseph hey we trust right that's what everybody tells me and goody We Trust I really do believe they're still you know they they're out there on a Manhunt right now trying to find a kicker they're trying to find a kicker to fill that R uh fill that void right now Greg Joseph is just a placeholder for the next guy that's that's all I can think about when I when I heard about the move everything like that I sat there and I was like this is just this is a place shoulder for the next guy they are openly looking all around because the 53 man rosters were figured out there's going to be more kickers out there in waivers the Packers will be looking for one of them out there and if they see something they like they're going to definitely grab them there so there are your there is your 53 man roster so I mean the big notables I guess AJ Dylan Tyler Davis they're going to be uh done for the season you they didn't receive the return designation so their 2024 seasons are over there Brian gakin we all know traded that 2025 sth rounder to get Malik Willis from the Titans I thought it was kind of a steal because I didn't think Malik Willis was that bad but I mean interesting interesting move by the Titans there uh if Willis does appear in a game this season he'll become the first Liberty Alum to suit up for the Packers since running back Sano Sam Con gado in 2005 2006 defensive end Sebastian Barry in 1992 is the only other Liberty product to play a regular season game for Green Bay so if Willis appears in a game he will be the first guy first he'll be the only the only the third Liberty player to play in Green Bay interesting set interesting stat right there uh it's the fourth year in a row the Packers will proceed into the regular season with two quarterbacks I mean the last time they carried three was in 2020 they had Aaron Rogers Jordan love and Tim Bo there uh third year in a row the Packers have carried 10 off at least 10 offensive linemen on their initial 53 Greg Joseph did Prevail in that kicking competition uh looking at him Joseph he was I mean the it came down to that last preseason game I really do believe and Carlson missed that 32 yard field goal in the fourth quarter Joseph made good on both of his stries 36 Y and a 55 y so I think that really went down and that that was what was it on that one um Telford and Mosby who spent all last season on the practice squad both made the initial 53 there uh that's about it on that one none of Green Bay's nine undrafted rookies made the initial 53 roster if the Packers don't add one before week one against Philadelphia it'll be the first time Green Bay hasn't carried an undrafted rookie on his week one roster since 2004 H that's wow wow uh while no new undrafted players made the initial 53 the Packers kept the four who made it last year Malik Keith Emanuel Wilson Ben Sims and Brenton Cox Jr huh interesting stuff right there Green Bay kept nine of its 11 picks in the 2024 draft releasing only quarterback Malik Pratt in the who was a seventh rounder and cornerback kayin King who was also a seventh rounder there and the Packers 53 man roster is comprised of 41 former draft picks and 12 undrafted free agents 33 were drafted by general manager Brian Gins that is an impressive number right there 33 were drafted by Brian gakin I mean in goody We Trust right he's putting together a dang good roster and this is a guy seeing Talent where isn't even there I mean you're talking about guys like Valentine who was in the late rounds there right and I mean ran Gary everybody called him a reach Jordan love everybody called himmer just so many gu look at the wide receiver room right all those guys later in the rounds right um Christian Watson Romeo dobs uh looking at davien Wicks now they picked up guys like Bo Melton out there right just I mean Brian gakin sometimes I don't think he gets enough credit for what he does I really don't sometimes I don't don't think he gets enough credit for what he really does so some of the breakout candidates let's end it with this I know I said I was going to get to the Badgers today I'm sorry I didn't get to the Badgers we're gonna get to the Badgers tomorrow here I promise we'll get to the Badgers tomorrow here but some of the breakout candidates that I want to talk about so first on the defensive side of the ball you know it'd be crazy of me to say well you know I believe Jer Alexander and Xavier mcken right mcken is a I mean that guy is going to be one of the best safeties in football I really do believe that Jer Jer like he's going to give you what he's got you who are going to be my breakout Cates candidates for this season number one Carrington Valentine I loved what I saw out of kington Valentine last year in pass coverage went through his growing pains right this season I feel like he takes a Leap Forward I think it's gonna be Valentine Island out there right watch out it's no love there is no love on Valentine Island I I want I'm going to I I expect to see big things out of Valentine in this season here the guy that really want to see good things out of though Eric Stokes man oh man stay healthy show me something I just want to see that draft pick payoff because Eric Stokes I I have never given up on that guy to be a potential I mean a potentially a great quarterback at some point or even a good quarterback I've never given up on that hope I hope Eric Stokes has a breakout year there between Javen Bullard and Evan Williams on that in that other safety spot bullard's going to be my guy I mean man oh man that guy watching his college highlights this is a guy who blows up plays in the back field he's good in pass coverage he's good in zone coverage he is good at just about everything you could throw at that guy so Javen Bullard is a guy for me to watch L for on that defense and then I mentioned him earlier but Quay Walker I really do believe he is set up for a big season Quay Walker to me the last couple have been solid but not over the top watch out for koi Walker this season on that defense and then also so uh Lucas vaness I loved what I saw at Lucas vaness in the preseason I think he's going to take Leaps and Bounds ahead he didn't have a lot of time at Iowa right so jumping into you know he didn't have a lot of time at Iowa then he jumps into the NFL and he's playing right away in Green Bay and trying to go through the growing pain so fast they on the defensive line everything's flowing fast I think he's finally had time to be able to settle into it I expect great things out of Lucas Van Ness offensive side of the football I'm looking at guys my on the off line Rasheed Walker I think is going to have a breakout season on the offensive line Elton Jenkins I believe is just going to be great I believe Elton Jenkins is going to be solid and great for the Green Bay Packers on that offensive line looking at the wide receiver room the guy that I that I don't know if you're going to call it uh is going to be an underlying factor I think a lot of the attention is GNA be on dobs I think a lot of the attention is g to be on Watson maybe even Reed I think Wix is gonna be my breakout guy in that wide receiver room I think he's gonna have a massive year for Green Bay and he might even equal out what dobs or Watson is able to produce on the offensive side of the ball in that tight end room Tucker craft that guy has bulked up in the off season he looks phenomenal watch out for Tucker craft to take a leap ahead and possibly maybe I love Luke Musgrave but possibly see Tucker graph start to fill that void or that you know start to be that number one tight end for the Green Bay Packers those are my breakout candidates as of right now I'll probably find you more when we talk about the Packers again but those are my breakout candidates when I look at that initial 53 man roster I'm just hoping we see Tor Deo and Michael prad all get thrown onto that practice squad kin King some of them guys I'm hoping I see those guys on the practice squad because I believe that each one of them could have made this Packers roster just I mean they had some Talent ahead of them that they believed was a little bit better I really do believe they have all have realistic shots to be on the Packers roster at some point this season so with that that's about all I got for today like I always say like subscribe share it to your friends I mean nothing better for me I mean to help grow the podcast here than for you guys out there if you enjoyed the show or if you didn't you want other people to come in and you know yell about what I'm saying share the show out there to your friends let them know where you heard this where you heard that I'd love to hear their opinions on everything leave a review Send us fan mail go down the bio click send us a text message down there send us you click that it'll give you a link you can send us fan mail there let us let me know what you liked what you didn't like maybe what you thought about a you know concept that I was talking about that you thought different of I'd love to hear you guys' opinions on that there but with that this has been with Scots and Sports on the go with trage thank you guys for listening I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your Wednesday but until I talk to you guys again tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] Deuces yeah oh my Lord watch me sway Darkness Falls and we all pray hoping for the light of day down to the river I have held the devil's hand felt the weight of my own sin burdened by the heart of man down to the river down to the river oh oh bury me carry me oh oh far beneath oh Fire and Water me going down deep saying