Uncle Matt's Bedtime Story - Friday, March 8, 2024

Published: Mar 07, 2024 Duration: 00:09:33 Category: Film & Animation

Trending searches: matt landers
[Music] it's time once again for Uncle Matt's bedtime [Music] story hello everybody it's Uncle Matt and I'm here to read you another bedtime story it's International women's day and although I'm not a woman I have three women that live at my house and uh I wish them and you a happy International women's day we're going to read a story about a very heroic woman and you might have seen stories or movies even of this woman and uh I think once I show you the Book You'll Think oh yeah yeah I've heard about this person this is Mulan Mulan the legend of the woman warrior it is uh translated by Fe Lin wo illustrated by Joy Ang and just seeing this story was copyright in 2019 are you ready here we go there once was a smart and strong willed girl girl named Mulan who lived in a small village in northern China with her parents older sister and younger brother one day Mulan sat weaving watching her father pacing in the room he looked old and frail she stopped turning to her father she asked Baba what is wrong what is worrying you with a far away look in his eyes her father replied I received a letter the emperor has called for all men to defend our country I must leave the family to join the Army how can you go you not well and brother is far too young to go Mulan said with concern in her voice Mulan thought for a moment and then announced Baba I can go in your place how can you serve you are only a girl replied her father I know I can I am strong and able girl Mulan insisted the next day Mulan dressed in her father's clothes went to the market to buy a horse a saddle a bridal and a whip for the trip in the morning Mulan Bid Farewell to her family when she arrived at the army camp she and the troops set off for the north riding long miles Mulan traveled to the Yellow River at night she camped at the riverbank tired Mulan dozed off to the sound of running water she dreamed about her parents calling for her Mulan she missed her family Mulan rode and traveled up to the top of Black Mountain and settled across from the enemy's Camp exhausted she fell asleep to the distant sound of the naying horses again Mulan dreamed about her parents calling her name she missed her family even more but she knew she was a strong and able girl she was determined to work hard serving her country to make her family proud for 12 years some of you guys aren't even 12 right now for 12 years Mulan ured many hardships she rode over numerous mountain peaks and traveled thousands of miles on tired Lakes she often she stayed awake through freezing nights Mulan fought in hundreds of battles and led her comrades to many victories with her skills and bravery Mulan Rose quickly through the ranks as a Victorious Commander Mulan led her troops back to the Emperor's Palace the proud Emperor beckoned the triumphant troops to appear before him Mulan was awarded with countless pieces of gold and other Treasures for her courage and service the emperor praised Mulan and appointed her to the high court the emperor asked on what she might desire thank you Emperor I do not wish for the appointment to the high court I only want to be back home to my family Mulan replied the news of mulan's return reached her family to welcome her home mulan's parents eagerly waited at the outskirts of the town for her arrival her older sister was cheerfully dressing in her best outfit while her younger brother was busily setting up for a feast upon arriving home Mulan hugged her family she was happy to see them she went to her room she took off her armor and changed into her favorite dress she sat down in front of her mirror brushed out her tangled hair and carefully applied color to her cheeks Mulan then rejoined her Army buddies who were celebrating with her family in the living room the men looked up at Mulan as she entered the room with eyes wide open and a surprised look on their face they sit and wonder how is it possible we did not know that our respected leader was a girl all along Mulan smiled and responded one should not judge another by their appearance alone when a pair of rabbits run side by side can you tell the female from the male Mulan continued a woman can fight any battle now I am happy once again to be just me Mulan a strong and able woman the end that's a great story for international women's day that's all the time we have for Uncle Matt's bedtime story I hope you enjoyed that story and I'll see you next time bye for [Music] now w

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