we are watching it on the screen and live so w does get the jump on him so he's a huge roll over by Justin Hall [Applause] lands yep I'm flying through the air this is not good what's happening everybody Justin all here just got done stripping the 4500 car and had some people want me to do a walk around of all the damage um so here we go so first and foremost front of the car Twisted super bad right here you even see this tube here has a good twist to it this whole tube broke off there cracked here there there down there one spot in here um this tube cracked um that down there is cracked you can kind of see it there that's cracked um it broke all these off all my cross uh bars off in the rack um yeah I said the front of the chassis pretty much is toast um obviously white took a hit um all Hood pins uh this tube on the chassis got a pretty good uh dent in it not Dent just bend um a lot of little cracks here and there there's like th this bit all back here is cracked the whole back of the car is kind of shifted over that way I didn't think it was that bad until I started really tearing into it and yeah there's quite a bit going wrong with it so yeah going to uh pretty much scrap everything scrap the chassis turn into scrap metal there a there's really nothing worth saving definitely sucks but oh well on the bigger better things we had plans to get the 4,800 car done so yeah it's over there in the background said we're we're just finishing up ripping the parts off of this only thing that's left is I got to pump the gas the race gas out of the both fuel cells into the drum and then yeah start cutting this up and turn this thing into scrap metal at some point so if somebody wants to come cut it up for me and be happy to kick them some bucks when their cycle comes through and I just don't want to deal with it so yeah there's a lot of parts that I've taken off of it that's for sale um I'll be posting stuff here and there so just keep an eye on Facebook and on my Instagram stories I highlighted a real or not a real I highlighted my stories so I post on stories there'll be a highlight on the uh on my actual profile page so you can at least jump on there and um check things out but yeah like I said this sucks this car has been good to me for 6 years now and just sucks I had to go out the way it did but I learned a lot in this car um fairly successful in this thing uh it's been revamped quite a few times it was a good Learning lesson like learning curve and learned a lot about fabri like all fabrication suspension geometry what I liked and what I didn't like shock setups just playing with weights in the car like I learned a lot with this thing and I did a lot of trial and error with it and um I think a lot of that's going to pass over to the 4800 car so I'm super stoked about that and I said we're going to come out swinging for King the Hammers 2025 we're going to do our best to make sure the car is perfect and dialed and hopefully like I said come out and put on a good showing for everybody so yeah follow along tell these stories reals and all that stuff I don't really have a whole lot of content with the new car so just going to have to deal with uh seeing cool videos of the old one until the new one's done and then I get to make cool videos with that one so that'll be neat um yeah well thanks for listening and catch you guys around