Hydrogen Will Save The Internal Combustion Engine. Will Be The First Ever Sold !!!

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:24:25 Category: Autos & Vehicles

Tags : CAR Hydrogen
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we also have a grandson who just turned seven we were discussing it and we were afraid that our grandson would never have an opportunity to drive our cars so I know if we put them on hydrogen he will he's just a good old boy who loves burning rubber and driving fast [Music] all right here at Arington performance and today we are going to talk about something that in my opinion could be world changing and I know that's crazy coming from a drag racer that does nothing but burn a lot of nitro and stomp on the loud pedal tear up some parts but I'm still here with my buddy Mike and we talked about the 57 Chevrolet with the Gen 3 Hemi but this man has done something that as far as I know the only people really working on it and have actually done it is the OEM original equipment manufacturers Mike you have made the hydrogen work we have and what we're talking about today is something that's never been done and that is a non OEM car that's actually going to be sold that's correct yep your 57 Chevy working with CRC and of course yourself and Jeff and and all of your partners uh we're going to build this 57 Chevy that runs on hydrogen supercharged Hemi in the last video I said we were going to Target 500 and we're just going to limit it there that's where injector technology is today on a single set so we're going to run that we're going to set up to run 500 horsepower and then after we debut it at SEMA you guys are going to take it and sell it that's unbelievable this will be the first ever hydrogen Performance Engine vehicle sold to anyone in the general public I mean that's huge the entire world nobody has ever bought one that was non OEM I guess I'm saying that correctly aren't I you are yeah well we're the only ones have ever built one we got three of them one of them's a monster truck uh one's in a falcon one's in a in a 48 Chevy pickup that belongs to my wife but uh no one uh we we've never sold one to the public uh frankly I when you guys approach me about doing this and and your partners at edel Brock and everybody and we we talked about doing the Hemi and then the this the issue with hydrogen came up the opportunity if you don't know when we run on hydrogen we have zero carbon so we've EPA tested and certified some of our other engines we know what it is um but um it's it's the next answer right so obviously it is such a big thing in the world is this the way we save the internal combustion engine is this the answer I mean zero carbon emission you just said I mean that that's unbelievable yeah it's it's so the harmful pollutants are carbon obviously but noox is is also a byproduct of of internal combustion anytime that you create combustion with temperature the higher the temperature the higher the nox there's some other things that affect it right those are both harmful identified as harmful to the to the people to the environment to all of those things so in our case uh the testing on the truck were zero car we actually there's carbon in air all around us and we breathe it everybody else and people say well it's not much well from the time they kind of been following it it was 0 2 is where carbon was at today carbon a number of years right but it's 04 so the real question is where does it become harmful does it become harmful at at 100.0 or does it become harmful at 0.5 we don't really know yeah right we won't know until we get there and hopefully with hydrogen and with all the other things that are going on maybe we can keep it from getting there and we don't have to figure that out there's a natural cleansing that happens in the world but you know we're still at point4 you can say well that's not much well it's twice as much as we had so I guess it is but in our testing we actually scrub a minimal amount of carbon out of the air as we burn uh the air through the engine our KNX levels you know we see a lot of KNX when you test it in cars and diesels in particular at 4 point Something 2 point something our highest recorded KNX on hydrogen today with zero exhaust after treatment is 0.083 wow now that's exceptionally low that's something that we've developed for hydrogen and we're kind of leading with that but if it's a path right and anytime you reduce things that are known to be harmful to people the better off you are so we're continuing down that path we'll get better and better I have EPA certification tests that we ran at Rous industries that prove and back up what I'm saying so it's quite an accomplishment we're proud to be the first people to do it so the truck you built that has been seen all over the place we're at aing performance to check out this truck it says hydrogen on it and that's not a joke we need to figure out how this thing works so the exhaust coming out of that thing is clean no carbon at all actually minimal amount little tiny amount of water and uh you could actually they claim capture the water and drink it I'm not going to but but I've had people you know put that on their hand and so it has no taste well because there's nothing in it right but uh yeah it's just a a minuscule amount of water and once the exhaust comes to temperature it's just a it just comes out as a vapor and disappears you never even see it yeah and you've driven this truck a lot now I mean it's it's very dependable get in it and go yeah if if you get in one of our hydrogen Vehicles fired up if you didn't know it was hydrogen and you drove off you would not know it's hydrogen it drives just like it does on gasoline we're at 500 horsepower in a truck which is exactly where we're going to go with this Heming and um there they're super Dependable you know there's depending on the size of tank you got range hydrogen availability is still a bit of a struggle in a lot of the country but it's coming so 26 it'll be available in a lot more places and then it'll just get more and more and more so so we've talked about you being an engineer in the previous video I mean it where did the idea come from I mean it was it the the electric cars coming and you're internal combustion guy or I mean where did this all start for you well it um I've always known about hydrogen you know at GM I worked in advanced technology Vehicles some Advanced vehicle integration so we were always on the Forefront I mean I built electric cars in like 2003 2002 so anytime you see something that comes to production it's got years of work in it so I knew what the shortcomings were I knew what the positives were uh we built the first uh hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and if you don't know in a fuel cell you inject hydrogen into a membrane you burn it as it passes through the membrane and it creates electricity that electricity is pulled off and put into a battery pack and then that battery pack is used to through electric motors to drive the vehicle so it's really a self electric generating based on hydrogen system so but it's still Electric vehicle hydrogen internal combustion I mean I I've been a hot Roder my entire life I just love there's nothing in the world better to me than the sound of a V8 engine whether it's idling especially if it's got a good cam in it or full song I mean you give me a an engine at 7500 RPM that's just music to me I mean that's the best music you can get that a hot Roder would want hydrogen and hydrogen had some experience with it and how it works and what it does it's an opportunity to save what we love right my wife and I combined have like 20 cars right most of them are hot rods some of them big horsepower I got a 2100 horsepower uh GMC Canyon I got th000 horsepower Jeep I [Music] mean we live for this stuff right I got th horsepower Challenger we also have a grandson who just turned seven we were discussing it and we were afraid that our grandson would never have an opportunity to drive our cars so I know if we put them on hydrogen he will so we started down that further we got the more we learned the better we got the more advanced we got with what we're doing today we can drive them around just like they're on gas it's a path right eliminate the carbon kill the KNX how much better does it get so essentially don't take this the wrong way this is a big company but it is nothing compared to the oems but yet here you are you've you've done it your company has figured this out and I mentioned this earlier kind of joking like I I said something about the Tucker car you know here you are small company compared to them and they've got to be paying attention now I would think because again the world is starting to find out what you you've done what you've created here yeah well so when when we started down the path we I I have some really smart friends thank God and uh you know one of my one of my best friends is a engineer I worked with at GM named Al butland Al had a lot of hydrogen experience as well with fuel cells and things like that so he came in and supported me and helped me he's now our chief engineer for our future programs um so Al's a super smart guy Bosch uh kind of partnered with me to do some of that they had some super smart people and uh we just worked together and created this path um it it works out really well because Engineers engineer technicians do what they do you know we're kind of we were able to take the Best of Both Worlds and accomplish frankly what a lot of people still call us liars and say we can't do right yeah we we raced our truck in the Optima ultimate street car Invitational in Las Vegas old Happ yeah became the first ever hydrogen IC vehicle to compete in a race series in North America but uh a friend of mine Aaron oberly he drove for us because I was debuting our next project and um he said he had more than a 100 people crawl under the truck looking for a gas tank because it's out there running around and racing and competing and we got a big tank in the bed to show off that it's hydrogen and he had tons of people that crawled under it because they didn't believe it was true I still get some people that say that occasionally but we've got a lot of exposure been a lot of places we got one video on YouTube with over 2 million views um it's got a lot of exposure yeah not So Much Anymore to they question did you today they question how did you right so that's that's kind of the path so what's like the ultimate goal here I mean is it to get the OEM guys to figure out this is the way to keep internal combustion going I mean I know that's a huge question I'm just asking but I mean kind of watch's your vision I guess is my real question well I think you know there's a number of OES and a number of the big companies out there in the world that are working on hydrogen as well so that's a path for new vehicles for new anything right whether it's airplanes or it's boats or whatever it is um from our perspective our Focus uh according to SEMA there are 292 million registered internal combustion vehicles in the US there are 20 million in Canada there's 6 million in Australia all over the world our path is to develop programs and packages that allow you to convert your vehicles so by converting your vehicles to run on hydrogen you don't have to throw them away anymore right now you can you can save the world for our future Generations you can do all of those things on hydrogen and we're focused at those kits for all those Vehicles all of those different Vehicles right so I'm probably going to be like a lot of the viewers here where would we get hydrogen how how do you see that happening as we move forward yeah it depends on where you're at right right now there are more than 50 Public filling stations in California they're right now building the first one in Michigan um it's it's coming right the infrastructure Bill the latest one had $7 billion to build 8 to 10 hydrogen centers across the country kind of super centers right and that's going on right now I just read that three of them uh have been approved their funding and the checks are supplied so that's coming each of those are set up to cover about three states the goal of the government supporting them and funding them is to lower the cost of hydrogen by 80% so if they do that when you do all the math and all the correlation everything hydrogen will cost less than a dollar a gallon wow so that's insane yeah so that's coming across the country starting in 26 so that's kind of where we've got most of our our retrofit kind of focus and those things targeted that era you know we've identified eight verticals that hydrogen can work within and support and we're working on the first vertical right now and uh two more that'll come shortly after that and then we'll work towards that that so you can convert your 69 Camaro or your your 70 Challenger or your your Mustang a dollar a gallon I mean a dollar it kind of equates because we sell it by kilogram but when they reduce the cost today a kilogram of hydrogen is about 30 bucks and in California it's about 25 you're in Michigan and but when you break it all down and do the math a kilogram equals about five gallons of gas so if they get the price down to basically five bucks a kilogram that's of course before taxes and our government you know is going to tax it so so that's a good question so a tank in the truck let's just say and I know you have a falcon as well we hadn't talked about that I keep bringing up the truck like how far can you drive like well the truck has more development more advancement than any of our other vehicles but um we we get about 200 miles out of 3 Kg in a truck now a lot of people will tell you that that's impossible because the math doesn't work and and math is no different than anything we do analytically right you put crap in you get crap out you cannot calculate hydrogen economy or hydrogen use the same way you calibrate gasoline so just the simplest thing an internal combustion engine naturally aspirated Peak efficiency is at 14.7 parts of air one part of fuel okay so that's the the ratio that you always try and calculate by we've run the engine our hydrogen engine because the differences between hydrogen gas more energy per volume all of those things we've run as lean as 100 to one wow right that's a scary number for a hot Roder standing behind this camera oh yeah that you got your nitro cars probably run at about 4 to one almost one to one these days actually wow we used to run them at like 4 to one but we weren't boosting them so so yeah I mean it was it was crazy how much and but 100 to one now that's not where we run it all the time but we can and we have right so take that simple math formula that you ran to tell me how much energy in a in a gallon of gasoline compared to hydrogen so run that formula and then change that number to 101 yeah then come back and tell me what it is it's crazy I am just blown away that you are going to allow us to do this you know meaning we're selling a car that the money will go to scholarships and uh you're going to put it out in the world I mean that's pretty crazy to for me to think about you doing that because basically you're going to be releasing the technology that you've developed yeah to somebody whoever whoever the highest bitter is yeah well and some of the beauty right so Linea is helping us with fuel injectors so everybody asks what these look like cuz they all think they're different a hydrogen fuel injector looks a lot like a uh regular fuel injector out of that runs on gasoline looks identical to me and the housing is but every part in it different these are designed for high pressure they're designed for a gas instead of a liquid just a lot things that go along with that but finia came on board they know what we're doing they're supporting me with injectors I got some stuff coming from bos that we're working with and uh they're doing the same thing right so um you know this will be the first ever one sold to the public that's just wild to me that that you wanted to do that well it's because of CRC and it's because of Jeff Lutz and it's because of you right I mean I you guys have been friends for a number of years and u i I truly want to support the the whole deal for paying for scholarships we need more car people right we need more people yes we need to actually say that because there'll be a lot of people watch this video so the scholarships are really cool for me and Mike uh you may not know this but they're going to Tech schools whether it's HVAC electricians or what we love and that's mechanics and so that's pretty cool what again CRC aing to Performance edel Brock all the people involved with this deal I mean it's to me it's it's a feel-good thing but what you're doing what you're doing to me is just incredible because of the technology that you're going to put out in the world here yeah well whoever buys this 57 and and I'm I'm really hoping I think we all are that it brings a lot of money right it'll go one of the major auctions around the country yeah but whoever buys it forever is going to have the first ever performance hydrogen car that's been sold to the public first ever I mean that's just crazy I can't believe we're here talking about this when we talked about the Gen 3 and the 57 I was super pumped about doing that and then when Mike's I I didn't dare even bring this up about making this thing run on hydrogen but that was you like soon as we talked about the Emy you're like yeah we're doing that and not only that we're doing the hydrogen you didn't hesitate well actually if you remember edel Brock's the one that brought it up so they uh they had their new Hemi head coming out and they knew what we were doing with hydrogen and everything else and uh so they actually said something to you and then we had more conversation and you asked about the hydrogen and we're far enough along with it now that what we do can be given to the public right I mean we've learned so much and come so far so what you're doing is obviously going to be huge for the environment and I don't know you may not even want to talk about none of it and I'm not asking you to if you don't want to but you're looking at all kinds of applications I mean what you're doing is literally world changing it can be you know so I mean you're looking at so many other places and I love the fact that you're doing that well the deal with hydrogen is and the program that we have and how it operates it doesn't care what what it is as long as it's internal combustion whether it's gasoline or diesel a single cylinder to we're looking at some engines that that I've been requested that are 2270 cubic in right let your mind run over that folks 2270 cubic in yeah they kind of round off the 95 L think about that when you get in your car with a with a 5.7 or a 6.0 97 lers so there but we're looking at those right we're working on some other programs right now converting some diesel engines over and uh there's just the opportunity to make huge differences and that's what we're working on it's crazy we could go on and on about this but all I can say is I want to thank Mr Mike copelan and he's changing the world people he's working on keeping what we love and that's hot rods internal combustion I love what you said earlier it's nothing like high RPM of a V8 engine and he's working on keeping that where his grandson your grandkids you name it can keep hearing the beautiful sound of a high Reven internal combustion engine thank you Mike thank you make sure you save your wallet start saving money now so next year when we auction this thing off let let's get some scholarships for a lot of students Amen to that Amen to that I don't know how to Top This video but I appreciate you guys watching likeing subscribe and sharing see you in the next one hey

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