Published: Jan 05, 2023 Duration: 00:06:34 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: julius welschof
[Music] thank you chose your family Trojan family what's up man uscj here it's the top of the morning it's the top of the morning listen I hope everybody is getting ready to get up get out and make some things happen this morning listen we got some incredible news we got some more good news listen I brought to you yesterday USC is up upgrading um their staff their football related staff and I believe it's going to enhance the program and I believe there's more upgrades coming but listen the transfer portal still continues USC still to have it only pop in the only Kraken as it relates to that you see right now that we've already added some transfer portal guys and listen now we got some good news and it's coming from a guy by the name of Julius uh well scarf and uh he's coming from the University of Michigan and he has great familiarity with Sean new and Sean Noah has great familiarity with him uh these guys know each other well simply because of the fact that Shawn Newell was on the staff um coaching the big time you guys remember Aiden Hutchinson the guy that got drafted in the first round Sean Louisville was responsible with him well this guy happened to be with that same unit and uh Sean Newell was very familiar with him so he took the Twitter today and said look I'm very thankful after having a long conversation with my family I'm very thankful to be offered um by the University of Southern California I want to thank Coach Riley and I want to thank coach Sean newer which I think is absolutely outstanding for him to even acknowledge Him like that because they have a pass look let's take a look at his film and let's see exactly what UFC has an opportunity to get and what exactly is on the table I think he's a good get he has a big body he's an edge guy six foot seven but we we're going to take a look at them man the guy is a huge guy he has some films let's take a look at it man let's go all right so this is going to be Julius here um what's up well scoff I hope I'm pronouncing his name right um this is going to be him let's take a look at some of his film and see exactly how I like this this piece right here because he's actually you're going to see him fight off a block the officer lineman is trying to hold him up and trying to maintain his block but he has the ability here to fight him off let's take a look at it here he is here on that end right there there he is Boom fight him off get that nice little let's take a look at it again boom fight them off and then you see the runner and then a tackle I like that what I've seen from them there let's continue to take a look at them this is going to be another you know you know that he gets you in third down he's going to move a lot of different people [Applause] and pushes Minnesota backwards but do you know this is another picture here of him uh not a not a video but this is a picture you see here uh they played in the playoff game last year against Georgia Stetson Bennett and you see him here um looking like he's getting ready to take down Stetson Bennett so you know I'm saying that to say that this guy has a lot of experience when you got a guy like that that's played in Big Time games has a lot of experience you know that this guy you know he's a he's a get in there right now type of guy able to uh contribute right away and he's he's actually going to be a strong side edge guy now this is another picture of him and um he's originally from Germany um and I think if I'm not mistaken he's the first European player to be picked out of uh to be actually signed um straight out of Germany to college I think if I'm not mistaken I could be wrong don't quote me on that but when he came out uh he came in the 2018 class he was a he was a three-star Prospect number 28 strong side defensive end overall of course number one uh in the state in uh Germany um so look you guys hit me in the comment section you guys tell me what you think um I think this guy actually um he was actually committed to Georgia Tech before he came to before he went to and committed to Michigan so uh so listen you guys hit me in the comment section you guys tell me what you think I believe this is going to be his last year he had some more this last year of Eligibility so look he uh I think he want to make his next move his best move so um this is him Julius will scoff hit me in the comment section let me know your thoughts on him all right so that is big Julius and uh you see him there I think he's very familiar with uh Sean newer seanu is very familiar with him and listen I think USC has a big opportunity here also listen um Anthony Lucas the guy that I brought to you on yesterday this guy has now I believe from what I'm told my sources are telling me that he has nailed his schools down to two schools and apparently he must want to stay um close proximity where he's from which is the state of Arizona so listen that's that's pretty good news right there um listen we didn't think we were uh uh uh you know coming into the year would even have an opportunity but she's seen all these guys from Texas A M Now find themselves winning the shift out of that school giving the record and giving um uh which has taken place at that University so now USC has a real opportunity here to make some things happen even with Anthony Lucas man I expect this this trend to continue to happen I expect UFC to continue to move and groove and the right direction as it relates to this man and listen we get these guys in place um uh on the defense the big time defense from line guys I think that uh USC is going to make a power play toward the playoffs next year listen like share subscribe uscj32 on Instagram uscj32 on Twitter listen until tomorrow everybody stay blessed and continue to fight on Friday

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