What's New In Karen Read and Tate Brothers Cases? TCLU Aug 27, 2024

Intro [Music] [Music] [Music] Welcome ~ Are you Ready? hello hello hello hopefully hopefully my sound is coming in okay and I don't sound like a robot or something really strange CU someone in the chat let me know if the volume is okay and actually if you can hear me clearly at all what an absolute afternoon my internet's been going like all over the place uh very funny Craven I am not muted like I'm looking at it it's not muted thank you look at the at the trees and hey hey shill hey shill thanks for the ERS you can't hear anything plug in your damn headphones craving and leave me be your eyes cracker I'm gonna make a special room for you hey Liam and MPP thank you both for being here oh somebody timed you out oh okay crave hello uh you are Victoria welcome all right since I started so late I guess I should start like hey may that was funny I hope Craven has a sense of humor you didn't time him out too long did you just send him to his room for a little bit he needs his spanking that's what you get when you pick on the Creator they mute you like I've got some feisty mods yeah hello demon herb orb I'm sorry did I say herb I I didn't mean that it's been a tough afternoon all right thank you all for being very PE paent I am now going to unpin um this other message so that I can actually put in your bingo cards because I didn't do that yet I was leaving that message up for everybody that came in let's just get to that and then we'll get to our very interesting topics for tonight I'm sure that uh if anybody saw the thumbnail you kind of know who we're going to we're going to be speaking about we're definitely going to be covering uh the new the new stuff in regards to Andrew tap and there's also a little bit of news uh going on with Karen Reed too and we're going to cover both of them today and uh Liam thanks I'm glad you liked my thumbnail let me just bring let just add this to the stage there you go so I know like the way it was you know it you know it lookss like Karen's interviewing them believe me she didn't want to hear what he had to say like he was pretty loud um very aggravated in regards to what's going on over there so let's see as long as the volume's okay no static yes I meant to say or but welcome welcome uh it's good to see everybody is and it's not a Monday thank goodness although it kind of felt like it with the internet problems I'm sure everybody knows what that's like like you can see your meter and you're all green and ready to go and all of a sudden it's like yellow and you know you're going to sound like a robot and you know that your presentations are going to fail nothing's going to work it's going to be one big Tech problem you know so I just tried to avoid that by waiting a little bit and uh they did come through they had said it would be an hour um and it did come through within 45 minutes so that's good and yeah fish nerd look at that I had enough extra time to get my wits about me and managed to push that damn button on the banner look at that but I'm glad you're here I I am okay so FES all right so you guys have a preference of which one to start with I figured I have it kind of set up to start with Tate if that's okay with you because there's actually the most to catch up on there and uh I think that's I think that's what I'm going to do I'm going to do I'm going to do tapate first and in order to do Tate first I'm going to need to bring this down and I'm going to bring Update on all cases with the Tate Brothers & New Charges up okay I'll bring up something else uh when it's time well for right now I just want to bring you up the date a little bit on Andrew T in case you didn't travel across Twitter in the last few days or any other social media platform there has been new charges placed against Andrew and Tristan Chate and four other individuals two from the first filing that would um be Nadia and Georgina um their uh Partners uh in Romania and two other gentlemen uh this has been rumored since July of or June actually of 2023 decart put out a statement that there was further investigation going on that um we had heard rumors of some witness in imation human trafficking and also these charges are directly related to relations with minor so trigger warning this is not pleasant stuff none of the cases against uh Andrew Tate involve much pleasantries okay well we're going to be fair we're going to uh give you his statement and we're also going to talk in uh towards the end we're going to talk about his lawsuit in Florida for defamation against some accusers also okay you did get updated on my Discord didn't you Liam yes we we did try to keep all that Twitter stuff going on like um you know I I I hope that doesn't bother too many people but it's kind of a way of taking notes for me like I take massive amounts of notes with the the new pen I got that actually I can write on a tablet and it makes a document for me okay and then I can take parts of that document and actually put them in presentations um for the things it's like the best gift I ever received and uh um I really do appreciate it but I use it mostly off screen lately than I do on um but anyway let's get to it first of all he was arrested uh early early last week Wednesday uh Tuesday night Wednesday um there was a lot of speculation that they had a party the night before and so the tapes weren't letting anybody in and they actually had to break in through the roof there was a lot of stuff going on I mean if you ever see the pictures of the compound that they had to get into they actually have a security guard entrance for that compound there which is where you see mostly when they're taking um video of anybody outside you see Andrew T coming and going through there or the police coming and going through there right through their security guard all interest very professional very well done it's like actual compound that warehouse you know what didn't um I'm glad everything's okay in the chat that makes me feel better all right so now that we know that the charg is like we know that the charges were finally the additional charges were actually filed against Andrew and Tristan T I would like to play first um amputate statement as they left uh bu the the the Bucharest uh police station uh right near their compound which is the one that they tied to after they had been held for about 6 to8 hours um and uh for in investigative uh discussion hearing and actually for the judge to actually look at everything and decide how they would be held because they were arrested okay and brought in and so now let me just play this uh the results of that were that Andrew and the two women I believe are placed under house arrests but actually um tristane is on judicial um control the way he was before the only one that's under house arrest is Andrew that I'm aware of right now I think judicial control for everybody else the two gentlemen I have not heard explicitly what their confining would be um most of the news is only really reported on the tap Brothers okay so let me just add this this was Andrew and trist when they were released let me see if I could get this a little bit bigger is it going to be bigger no it doesn't really make that part bigger does it it just make makes that bigger I don't like that okay sorry that's not going to make that much bigger but you'll be able to hear in the anger um there's a lot of anger here in the don't meane it's a little bit long uh but I want to play the whole thing In fairness to the Tates because you know he's making a statement and he has his right to to be heard also okay um he's a bit Furious okay then here we go nothing think got the volume all the way up let's go listen to me I moved to Romania 10 years ago and I found an amazing country full of beautiful people and I told the whole world about Romania if you mention the name Romania anywhere in the world they say Andrew Tate lives there Andrew T lives there I've done nothing but promote this country I've done nothing but say fantastic things about Romania endlessly and when I did this people would say to me if Romania is so nice if it's so safe it's so beautiful why is it got such a bad reputation and I said well there's probably a few bad actors a few bad people who destroyed the entire reputation like the few fools at deot who just came along and told us that the mothers of our children are somehow human traffic I've been nice I've been patient I've played the game I've respected the Judiciary I've gone to every appointment on time but they bust in my house again and now I've come along saying there's 35 victims you know all 30 of those girls 30 of them have statements in our defense 30 saying we've done absolutely nothing wrong two two more of the mothers of our children and two more have never even been to arania never even been here they just found random girls Men new in other countries and made them sign pieces of paper this is a setup it's absolutely disgusting fair play to that judge who saw through the [ __ ] and let us free and also one more thing the media is complicit all of you are when they first threw us in [ __ ] jail when they first put us in there you're all running around saying human trafficker none of you said where's the evidence where's the proof where's the pictures where's the videos none three years later they do the same [ __ ] [ __ ] and you're all sitting there going human trafficking I'm all human trafficker clearly if you human traffic someone there is evidence this is a setup it's a stitch up the three prosecutors at decall in my house I said why are you here there's no case they said there's a case if we make one this is a [ __ ] setup all of it is and listen quiet quiet I'm going talk to you sir be quiet be quiet this is a setup it is done on purpose and is designed to come up with the most heinous possible crimes to slander our name and every single Romanian CI should be disgusted that they are spending millions of Euros wasting their time trying to put innocent men in jail instead of fixing the roads fixing the hospitals fixing this country you have a beautiful country full of beautiful people and three idiots at decal have [ __ ] everything ask for money laundering sure I'll approach that money laundering no problem supposedly we're moneya launderers because we buy luxury goods and we try and hide that we buy luxury goods for other people and hide our money if you buy your girlfriend a handbag in Romania they charge you with [ __ ] money money laundering this is disgusting disgusting we have children this is disgusting thank you okay and so and so H well I do want to get I I don't really blame him for being angry because I mean he did just have a great party the night before and everything's kind of been ruined with everything they talked about a year him still being under investigation but um although he does have his right to say what he wants um he's going to have to expect a little bit of push back especially from me when it comes to some of the things that he said okay first of all the first charges have gone through judicial review a lengthy lengthy judicial review we've been reporting on these for over a year well over a year and they've gone through all the apps they've gone through all the appeals the tap Brothers their lawyers and the other two women have appealed egregiously often at every turn and have been styed by the judicial review not decot okay decot is the investigation unit the prosecutors are someone else and the judicial review is above all of that the Romanian system is quite comp complicated and it is a lengthy lengthy process but as we know in the first case which as he called out to the media hey you know nobody's asking for the evidence he clearly forgets about all the evidence in case number one right you know exactly not once had they come up with the defense now some of the things that he said says are true okay that last part he threw in there about two of the women never have been in Romania that is because of other charges of what happened in the UK a a mavian in an actual a Florida resident who met him there and he tried to convince them to go to Romania using the lover boy tactic and they tried to file charges on him a long time ago and nothing was done in the UK and he's specifically speaking about those two women and I know he is because they are part of a civil lawsuit that he started in Florida against them but we'll talk about that in a little bit the other one he talks about the mother of his child uh and also Tristan yes it's true they are listed as the victims and they will not give victim statements because they say that they're not going to go against the fathers of their children however I'm sure if you're from the United States or the UK you know that if you have six with an underage person you don't need that underage person's permission to file charges for a criminal offense deart does not need the mother of the children and apparently according to the charges Andrew Tate began his relationship with the mother of his child while she was only 15 and they have documented that he had her working on camera before her legal age and earned money off of what she did before her legal age and that is where some of these charges is regards to the minor are coming from and unold they do not need a statement from her to prove any of that it is still illegal whether or not she thinks it's okay he says he's got 30 statements from these women he has statements that he forces people to sign before they do this stuff with this uh online only fans type situation where he is making money off of them and his agreement with those women has nothing to do on whether or not it's illegal let's just clarify that it's not that what Andrew Tate is saying is on true it's that he's skewing it to disregard the fact that regardless of what he says laws were broken yes they are accusing him of organized crime because he did because he had up to 34 women locked up not able to go anywhere else took their passports brought them all over using lover boy techniques promising them relationships they have documented text messages between Andrew Tristan and the other two women on how they would enforce control over these women saying they should be hit saying they should be denied things they should be emotionally tortured all kinds of things I mean there are hundreds and hundreds of text messages in those documents from the first case that they took their time to try to prove the minor case and the additional women the first case if you remember member included seven known victims this next case includes the rest of them 30 up to 35 in total between all of these two cases there's some overlap in the first case into the second case when it comes to all of this and if they're not serious that he's going to say that they're only after him then why in the organized crime part and human trafficking part and the illegal God of gains off of an old person's back so to speak are two other gentlemen now mentioned and charged along with their other uh original uh defendants from the first charges okay so I will say that some of what Andrew says is true that it's possible that those 30 women have some kind of statement on file saying that they earned money well deau is saying they can prove that the women didn't get the money that the money went to Andrew and Tristan first to the organization first and if the women were unfairly paid and not given their share and violated against that way also they can show that they did not file or claim this money that they were making they want the women to pay the taxes on it but unfortunately when they get the money first and they don't give all the money to the women that there would be like reasonably amount of money that was not claimed that was hidden and I assure you deot is not pressing charges on Andrew Tate for buying his girlfriend a fancy purse all of that allegation is coming up because when they tried to get the vehicles back they were showing them that they were in all other people's names although those other people never drove those cars or had possession of those cars they were all in Andrew Tate's garage they were hiding AET I mean you could look at it two ways I bought a gift for Mary L I never really gave her the keys but it's in her name so it's a gift deot says no that's not a gift that is hiding an asset that is buying things to have value with money you don't want to claim that's money laundering you know hey let me just check the chat real quick I've got more I've got so much Bros birth certificates and the calendar are enough evidence but he wants the world to believe he is being persecuted yes it's the Matrix didn't you know yes Mrs Cassandra 15 in trting I don't know did anybody notice Tristan's deer in the headlight look now Andrew is mad because he sees what's happening and he also sees that he's not able to turn the public the way he could before he doesn't have the standing he once had people are starting to notice and pull away including his close friends in Associates are starting to see that it's kind of bad news to be associated with him right now so he's losing media he's losing his Empire yes he still has a huge following I don't doubt it cuz let me tell you just from doing these streams or sharing the posts on Twitter I get plenty of them plenty of them that want to follow me and call me names and trash me out you know not as much as some of the bigger ones get like um Murder By crayons or asent adic or even milkbar TV or some of the others that are on Twitter sharing the information right from Romania there's a Romanian journalist that we follow they get abused constantly by the hundreds of accounts that attack them and I wouldn't say that they're all bals I would say a good portion of them are people that just don't want to believe that Andrew Tate is guilty of anything you know exactly yeah he is persecuting the world with his existence Chu is unbias as I try to be everybody knows I'm no Andrew Tate fan because before the charges even happened before it became a legal issue for me to follow I was not a fan of his because I truly believe that although he offered he offers this whole great story for young men trying to fit in in today's society with all of the pressures that they have and it's tough out there all over the world and I'm not going to sit here and pretend that it's not and there was actually a me for it but what he did was make money off them and then leave them hanging and tell them there's no way they could ever be him and they might as well just off themselves because basically that's the result of his whole pro pro uh his whole program they can't actually achieve what he says and he actually calls you a loser if you don't get to where he is okay um I don't think he's good for the mental health of these young men I believe in empowering men um to be able to get through in society I don't think that they are weak if they need assistance with mental health I don't think it's weak to talk about the pressures that Society has put on them I don't consider that weak at all but Andrew T does but then again in Andrew Tate's world I don't have an opinion do I because I'm just to be used and abused and I got to kiss his ass if I get anywhere because I should actually just agree with every d thing he says because you know he be the alpha dog now I'll agree with that statement partly he's a dog he damn well is a dog but he know Alpha okay it's just that's an oxymoron when it comes to ENT but he's a dog definitely in the way that he treats people in general he doesn't even treat men with any kind of respect okay um let alone what he does to the women in his life and to actually be called out for that is something that's been a long time coming so yeah I do think he is actually persecuting us Liam says he thinks he is so smart but it comes down to not having Scruples and trying to gain the system exactly um I have actually spoke on his uh what I would call his MLM his pyramids scam it is actually quite clever that you have to pay for actual his one-on-one lessons and this and for his program and actually part of that is you promoting it you making the videos on it you doing the esteems you actually out there so actually he didn't get much taken down did he in regards to his social media it was actually quite genius because he has everybody out there selling the program for him to be part of the program you sell the program it was genius if he's so smart well yes some of the smartest people I know are actually stupid in the end aren't they actually youu how did he get in this legal mess because he's a freaking idiot because he figured that women that he gets in total control would never turn on him but he forgets the law doesn't need the statement of the women if they know certain laws are broken and once everything started to go in place less women were satisfied with actually what was going on remember they had to keep them all separate because if they kept them all together they might start organizing I mean there's a reason they took their passport right if you don't have serious lawsuits against and discust the majority of the people on the planet then you're a loser I have no time for Tate I know I know Juju this is going to be a very distasteful episode for you yes this is a common thought Juju that he is actually probably got incredibly low self-esteem and feels rather sad and only the majority of the time yeah and yep Craven doesn't that sound exactly like an MLM to it does to me too it it does to me too but let's carry on with some of the things that are going on in the case let's bring some more okay so the brothers were remanded in custody last week for six hours okay um by the directorate of investigating organized crime and terrorism in Romania that's what decot stands for that is the investigative unit a special crime unit for those that are avoiding paying taxes organizing crime in Romania in human trafficking this organization has a very good success rate of being an incredible investigation in trying to deal with a serious problem that Romania actually acknowledged they had for quite some time okay um intertate wasn't always in Romania okay he was not always in Romania all right he was in the UK and he was here but he went to Romania and I ask you why they already had an issue okay and he actually thought he would be free to conduct his business accordingly okay they searched not only the compound in Bucharest uh but also uh several homes in ilal County which is a little bit farther away so they're also the or decot is actually or working with the the actual investigative unit of crime in ilal County also um they searched all of these and they were detained and also their Associates Alex stanu Alex donier Georgiana Nagel and Luanna Radu I said Nadia before that's because I always mix up her last name it's Lanna not Nadia or George gaana and and Lanna are also charged in the original the original indictment against them that is going to trial it actually has going to trial now that they have been actually uh brought in and charged they have 60 days for the judge to decide if there's enough evidence to back up those charges to go through the Romanian legal system in regards of trial and ex one and we've been here before that's what happened last year or even more than year ago and it does take a while now that there are two cases it will be years before he's free from Romania if if he even is not found guilty he still will be years before this is resolved okay now the cot has said that the new probe related to the alleged trafficking of minors as I said human trafficking uh actual having intercourse with a minor influencing Witnesses and money laundering now this is the problem influencing witnesses that act it is rumored although I have to wait to see actually what happens when they get the trial could be the reason that Andrew Tate is under house arrest because he was under judicial control before and according to his lawyers they have obeyed everything with judicial control and so they should not have to be put us with the new charges as as horrible as they are could not be put under the new char under house arrest again or arrested and held in prison which they could and that is actually what the prosecution is asking for because if they actually did do anything to influence Witnesses in any way while the first charges were in place that is a violation of judicial control that is not complying with court orders that's an interference of the process and if you commit a crime of such nature during the process well you couldn't up back in prison now you know they were there for months and I know they don't want to go back which is why I think Andrew Tate is so angry and this is why Tristan looked like a deer in headlights when they got out of there because that's the reality of it that influencing Witnesses the intimidation influencing Witnesses involved in the first case of any means is a violation of what was going on and could mean staying in prison until trial and they have learned from experience that trial is going to be a far way away and no one wants to stay in there that long anyway the prosecutor said the new file had over 30 ni was making allegations against the Tates even though T will actually counter that as you heard and say they will give him statements that he did nothing wrong it he did nothing wrong and that's their statement how are their allegations against the teeth from victims maybe they're talking about the different 30 people all of these crimes that are listed in the new charges dated between 2014 and 2024 yes 2024 after the original charges after a case was already made against him after he was already arrested both of them all of them after they were already arrested 2024 some of the offenses happened decot said the defendants used their lover boy method to exploit 34 vulnerable victims who were forced to produce pornographic material for the online and that more than 2.8 million that's two and a half million euros it generated was kept by the defendants the tap Brothers not the women so while he's saying Romanian people stand up and complain that your streets aren't getting fixed it's because you didn't pay taxes on $2.8 million dude double edged sword like I see some of what he said is true but only in a certain light only in a certain light you know they're accused of running an organized criminal group for the purpose of recruitment lodging and exploitation by forcing women to create materials with pornographic content attended for distribution for fee and of course this is allegedly these are new charges and the tapate brothers deny all of the allegations you heard them himself they didn't do anything and it's fair to keep saying that they have not been convicted of anything to date they have not but there is the UK civil suit Okay the reason that now people are saying all right before I before I go to that okay let me just I want to give you a few other things first all right in regards to these charges here is a Twitter feed from agent arvit okay and I'll actually bring it up but that's there for you guys for your actual record trying to keep everything straight is like crazy okay agent Arvid is an account on Twitter that says it's related to decot but he really not although Andrew Tate has used it in several his statements lately on Twitter and elsewhere by others to say that decot is actually over here in America and on Twitter and everything making false allegations and all look this account I do not believe is an agent at all what they do is get it they they actually follow some of the same accounts I do they're in contact with uh people in Romania the journalists and Etc and they get the information um that way they do get very good translated documents in Romania the official documents so I do think that they have some pretty good connections there but the way that they advertise that they're a decot special agent number 69 I really think that that might be a joke so I tell you to take it with a train a grain of salt so to speak you know tobly too much I'm not going to say that they're in agent it's not been proven to me however their information once checked it comes out there quick and then I wait and then we check it there's usually three or four different sources that can back it all up so I would say pretty much they've got the general gist of what's going on there but I will tell you that they are definitely biased against the Tes they don't think they're inocent they never put anything out in regards to the defense of the claims but here they're going to talk about there being 49 actual 49 actual W uh uh victims okay um what they said they there are across all of the criminal and civil cases because there is a civil case here in the UK um that there is a uh Andrew and Tristan Tate criminal cases total 45 victims and then you add the four victims in the civil case the civil case itself is sexual assault on ER without consent we know what that means a physical assault and that there were four alleged victims that got together to press those charges in the UK we saw fundraisers for it we also know that that UK civil suit was put forward because because they felt that the UK government was not listening to them that they investigated and they did not bring any charges so the next thing to do was to start a civil suit mostly they do admit to get the attention on what the Tate brothers were doing okay Andrew and T Tristan Tate together their total uh criminal cases have an alleged 45 victims okay for human trafficking including one minor for human trafficking who was only 17 um intercourse without consent of at least two victims or sexual assault at least one alleged victim um intercourse with a minor whether consensual or not of the age 15 and inst instigating assault against another alleged victim and that is coming from a lot of the text messages and charges um that that they saw the criminal cas in Romania that they were D indicted for under Andrew he is indicted for forming an organized criminal group human trafficking and intercourse without consent Tristan forming an organized criminal group human trafficking in instigating assault those are all from case number one the new charges are under Andrew and trist forming an organized criminal group human trafficking of 34 alleged victims witness tampering and money laundering in Andrew Tate specifically has additional charges of intercourse with a minor 15 years old who Andrew claims is the mother of his children trafficking miners one alleged victim who was 17 years old who could be tristin's baby mama or not but she also was underage in there saying that she was trafficking tra human trafficked to perform these services in Romania uh at an illegal age in Britain the criminal case that's under investigation that back in may we that Romania uh approved extradition orders for the arrest warrant for Andrew and Tristan Tate to face two charges of intercourse without consent sexual assault six counts at least in human trafficking of at least three alleged victims they will have to face those charges when and if they ever get to leave Romania they will be EXT extradited once they leave judicial custody of Romania okay um they also that was against both okay but in a civil case that I was telling you about all of those the civil case charges although Tristan is mentioned it's all on Andrew for um intercourse without consent sexual and physical assaults of at least four victims okay there is also another suit brought by the police um that we're going to hear the verdict on in September because they didn't need them present to file these charges because it's for tax evasion of at least $21 million in Revenue not dollars or that looks like Euros or or L okay and um also there is rumored to be a US Federal criminal investigation that is not being publicly talked about um but we have put up before the allegations on of some of the women that were from America or were contacted while they were here and that these minor allegations of being underage uh again here in America they don't need the permission of the actual victim victims to file charges especially if there's numerous cases of it and human trafficking is involved um it's a serious issue here in America too and we just we don't have any clear clear indication on what actually they're drilling down on Andrew Tate for here except for organizing and not paying Actual taxes on money possibly in regards to the influencer part to where he's using the ml and who knows it could be anything crazier things have happened here in America right but currently absolutely no charges against him in America now the other um and I hate to keep bringing these from Twitter but it what happens is like the information comes through through Twitter from Romania okay um and actually they just been like here is actually the statement um that was made this is it actually lists the translate like lists the TR it gives you the actual what was said in Romanian in the large article but basically they just drilled it down for everybody you know that deot has released a statement okay and it's pretty long okay uh this comes right from DIC right from decot okay on August 21st the prosecutors of uh decot uh Central structure ordered the Detention of six defendants for committing the crimes of forming an organized criminal group trafficking in persons trafficking in minors sexual intercourse with a minor moneya laundering influencing statements and favoring the perpetrator from the criminal investigation documents carried out it emerged that during 2015 three defendants two of them foreign citizens constituted an organized criminal group on the territory of Romania to which a suspect a foreign citizen joined in 2016 and in September 2021 another defendant a Romanian C citizen who acted with the aim of committing the crime of human trafficking both on the territory of Romania and of other states now here's where the other two gentlemen are me mentioned in okay three defendants two of them for citizens uh the Tates are not citizens one of the others is okay Georgiana in Lana are citizens of Romania okay but apparently only one of the gentlemen that was charged is a citizen okay two of the defendants using the lover boy method this mostly when they talk about the lover boy method they're talking in regards to the method that the tape Brothers have both actually admitted on tape through the actual services that they sell through their whole big daddy whatever organization they got going on there um they call it the they call it the lover boy boy technique themselves and it is a way to coer someone to feel that they're in a relationship with you bring them over they're the one and only this is what you have to do to get me if you want me and then not tell them they're part of a her of 34 other people who are doing the same thing short part of that well two defendants using the lover boy method in taking advantage of the obvious state of V vulnerability of 34 injured persons recruited them and with the support of the other members of the organized crime group transported and housed them in different locations where they supervised them and coordinated by by forcing them to produce pornographic materials that they later broadcast for a fee on profile platforms the proceeds thus obtained by the defendants from these exploitations of the victims were valued at over $2,800,000 us and 887 token uh th000 tokens okay and it goes on and I'm going did I actually I think I actually did already put that in the chat and I will add it to um the description list later for you guys too okay but that's actually right from decall and the reason that I put that there is to let you know I'm not just going by what some random some randoms say on Twitter like I'm actually trying to get all of the information that I can in regards to the case but I don't read Romanian and I have tried to translate some of the documents and I can tell you that they do a really good job um when they do the translations I have not found where they've added anything or removed anything um so I think you know you can trust some of it but like I always say don't you know you can always double check just don't take anybody's word for it okay so back to the UK civil suit that was mentioned before four British women say they suffered serious physical the women are pursuing this Cil case um for physical injury psychiatric harm they claimed they were subjected to Serious abuse included multiple assaults without consent serious physical assaults including strangulations and coercive and controlling behavior when Andrew Tate was living in the UK decades ago and the UK didn't prosecute the women all went in there the UK didn't prosecute they have now started another investigation and Andrew Tate has made venomous statement me declaring that that's just fraud because they never decided to do anything before they were cleared they never brought charges this should be a statute of limitations type thing when you've got multiple victims sometimes statutes are limitations there are loopholes in those laws there are here in America when you have mold than one victim or it's a pattern sometimes statutes limitations can be leaned and you get additional time so you know I don't know in the UK exactly under what precedent they are able to T PR you know press charges for something that happened a long time ago unless they are actually uh thinking that more can happened after and they're hoping the investigation will actually come forward and bring other victims that fall more within the statute of limitations but these women have filed a civil suit against him and de still is proessing it was not tossed out a cour it can proceed okay Tate Florida suit though had some issues okay now um the latest on this one and I'm going to give you an article on this one too because uh it is a good read it a lot of people are unaware of this actual um of this actual suit but Tate actually filed up up a few people two women and one of the women's parents in Florida claiming defamation interference with his business making opportunities defamation liable all kinds of stuff okay and basically the judge threw a lot of it out okay he definitely threw out the one against the one woman because she's not a resident of the United States or Florida she's a mavian citizen and everything happened over in the UK in regards to her so that was just he said sorry Andrew you cannot press charges here you cannot try to file a civil suit here in Florida against that person even though that person was indicated to work with the first person in actually organizing to extort money from Andrew Tate so they could get away okay or that's what the women say that they actually made a plan to try to get away by you know trying to get money out of him so that they could go away Andrew says no that was extortion because they were going to frame him for all of these charges okay okay the charge against the woman who did the text messaging and actually um he says defamed her the most and actually is making these accusations he actually tried to say that she was the reason that Romania actually is interfering with him and he's trying to blame all of that on this one on these two women okay the judge says no Romania had to have other things besides her statement to go by so whether or not this is like you can prove that what it's not not true what she's saying that you did to her she had every right to to talk to the Romanian government about it and that is also why he the judge came forward um in let me just see if I can um this judge's name because he was he was pretty good because he's trying to be as Fair as possible um he's in Palm Beach County and his name is Judge Joseph Curley so judge Curley said you can't Pro Ute the woman's parents for believing her story about what you did to her and actually reporting it to officials we're sorry that messed up your life but they had every right to uh report something they thought was wrong and you can't actually they didn't come out and make Twitter posts about it all they did was go to a a legal official and report it and that is their right okay that's not defamation that's not interfering with your public business or anything but anyway he says because they did all of this he being Andrew he's claiming that they interfered with his business and that he had serious repercussions and he wants the money back from all of them and the judge was like no that part's out you want to go after her for the things she said about you that you said aren't true fine you're going to be able to you prove they're not true although it's going to be hard to prove if none of it's true when you're under investigation in Romania and actually charged in Romania for all the stuff that she said now granted let's be a little Fair here it might not be true in her case it's just as likely that she's using this to get some money at an entry tape which is what he claims but it's going to be up to the Florida Court to actually figure that out and both sides will be able to proceed but he only gets to sue the girl making the statements against him not anybody else that she involved nor her parents all of that's been tossed and he only gets to go forward with false accusations for that he did not assault her in any way period so both sides are saying that that is a win for them okay and in a way I guess it is would you agree like it it could very well be a win for both sides on in that in that light right yeah oh Tate's Florida case I have one more about Tate um no I think that's just about it let me just see what I had left on here so that was Tate's Florida suit and then we're up to Karen Reed so there I'm gonna leave it on Tate okay but what I'll do is I'll check the chat first for questions in regards to tapate because there's got to be something okay victims not going to the police because they have been convinced that they are either worthless or would be in more physical danger do happen exactly um when they talk about vulnerable state I I do agree with that and I think that there are plenty of loopholes now put into well I call them a loophole but let's call them um exclusions or exceptions to the rigid standings of statutes limitations or there are exceptions to all of these rules for situations if you can prove you're under mental duress if you were under treatment and then you know you couldn't do anything about this because of your fral state that in here in America that does extend it in some states okay the time that you can to follow and you are allowed to petition the court for permission to file the charges uh we've got plenty of States who have made one-year gaps for adult victims of things that happened a long time ago and we have seen successful prosecution of some people who attack people 20 years ago or more and they have been prosecuted and egene Caroll was one of the successful uh prosecutions or of trump in regards to her assault that was a long time ago well she was able during this window that was put in by the state of New York it has to be jurisdiction it has to be where it happened um but she was able to prosecute and some people don't think that should happen but I think it's it's a fine balance between a victim and a perpetrator okay and yes they both have rights in a legal system and that's only fair right but I think I am happy to say that there are some exclusions and to see that uh some of that has come forward for for people that really needed the additional time all to file you know let's just see oh wait yeah the Saudis who were going to buy Six Blondes From Him pulled out of the deal that's how his business was affected yes because like they were too like they would actually talk right they would actually fight back yeah I get it um but uh yeah he was actually saying you know because a lot of his business is based on reputation he's built his Empire on being this guy right and if you actually soil the rep utation of this Alpha Dog Persona um that can affect his business I mean you know I guess right yeah I know I'm being snarky I'll stop yeah it's time it's time to move to Karen re hey Mousie and hey dog it's nice to see you you're in the UK yeah maybe uh if you could you find me anything on the statute of limitations that would be great I'm more than I'm researching now I am yeah I am definitely dog I'm glad I'm glad to see you I hope you're well you know what is this one here let's see uh here it is anyone who is sick of people getting rich off the backs of the people people who just need help should be biased against he exactly you know and JuJu says it makes me so sad they do this to people the women the people that follow them everyone I find it heartbreaking for so many reasons I also juu it is uh it is very upsetting to see the influence in in the damage that gets done and the reason I started actually following what Andrew Tate was doing and started looking into his practice this this business that he says he has not so much the pornographic stuff but this mln of influence of young men was because of the damage that was being done now I understand why something like that was was necessary to counterbalance what was happening on the other end what which which I call the failed me too movement which did give a voice to victims but then got converted into a man bashing vehicle for legal prosecution and ruining of reputation is in public whenever we can that was a mouthful but yeah that's where I am with that I'm all for uh equality on both sides and I do want to believe victims I do but I do think that the way it happens here and in some of the places where someone is prosecuted in the media first ruin their lives and you can't take it back when you cannot take it back even when you are found anything it does not come back okay um there are other countries that don't allow that to happen and I have always advocated that I think that's the proper way that doesn't mean that victims don't get a voice it just means that not the victim's name all the accuser's name is public until the trial and the convictions happen then let's let all that dirty laundry out and and let's just ruin their reputations whever however you want there's a time in a place okay and I that sounds a little harsh but that's actually where I am you know that's actually where I am hey Randy hey KCA it's good to see you it's good to see you thanks for joining us all right so here we go let's talk about Karen Reed okay now I have some things for you The O'Keefe family sues Karen Read & Bars for wrongful death and more on Karen Reed first well there is definitely here's an article from The Washington Post the oi family Paul oi brother of John oi okay first of all anybody who doesn't know who Karen Reed is she's being accused of of murdering her boyfriend or maybe not murdering but actually causing the death in some way of her boyfriend on a snowy night in December or January whatever it was very wi it was Winter my God how I can't remember the date is just I cannot remember the date it's been a while we had a trial it was a m it's going for another retrial because the jury was deadlocked on the charges there was actually motions by the defense to say that the jury was going to acquit her on two of the charges but like then the judge ruled well they never actually did because they had the jury verdict form and they never put not guilty on those charges nor did they approach the court in any way to ask what to do about that if they did agree so they did not follow the actual process that needed to be done that's unfortunate uh the defense had every right to file a motion to thing if the jury is actually saying that but actually there's a retrial scheduled anyway for January 27th but what the defense was requesting was that the two charges that they would have acquitted on just be dropped but there was no formal acquittal on those charges so legally that's kind of impossible to do because even if they bring the jury in to say what would you have done the fact of the matter is during the jury process and during the trial they didn't do it they didn't ask what to do they didn't ask for additional information they didn't query nor did the defense or the state asked for the jury to be qu queried when they came back deadlocked on one of the charges but they didn't fill in the other ones the process was not served so the really the judges as much as people are going against the judge for her not dropping those charges how is she going to when legal process did not happen there was a vehicle for them to actually do that and they didn't and if they were confused about the process there is a means for them to question and query and get the answers that they need and unfortunately the jury didn't do that either um so actually the way I see it her hands were tied this is what legal following the legal statutes would require her to do it's unfair that some think it is but I assure you if the the evidence does not convict her a new jury will acquit her and if if it is true what they say that that many of the jury wanted her not to face those charges they will put her not guilty for them in the next go round which happens January 27 so but in the meantime Karen Reed unfortunately is going to have to handle another suit because Monday in Plymouth Superior Court Paul o'keith the brother of John o'keith who Karen Reed is accused of backing into and leaving him in the snow to die in her vehicle on a very stormy night in Ken Massachusetts okay well this lawsuit is from o'i is following on behalf of his family in his brother's estate and it names Karen Reed in the waterfall waterfall LA and Grill and CF McCarthy's as defendants for the wrongful death of John o'keith it's a civil suit and it's asking for a jury trial now for for this this is trouble for Karen because we've talked about this before the standard for civil lawsuits improving anything is much lower as far as evidence and you don't need to prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt you can use probable inference in other words likelihood that it happened okay and she's got a few things against her here like the fact that well the water for Bar and Grill admitted to serving her Le drinks and at CF McCarthy she had one drink and one shot after all of this around midnight okay and then when she was tested it like I think when she went back and through the trial we heard evidence and I'm going to repeat a little bit of it but it's not going to matter until the civil suit happens and what they bring forward but as far as just like first reading everything that's going on um they may be able to to say that they're all indicated in some way and I'm sure the businesses insurances are going to have to pay up and there may be some consequences here because 11 drinks in one place and she left and you knew she was driving I mean she's not huge it just doesn't it doesn't seem reasonable to me okay and just so that you know I'm not speaking out of turn here is Massachusetts uh State alcohol information on what they do about certain things and what they find accessible they you know just like many places 08 is the limit for driving a vehicle Karen Reed had a blood alcohol quent of 93 that's 0.93 per disil leer okay 08 is the legal limit so8 hours after the accident that hit after the accuse she's alleged to have hit him 8 hours later when she goes to the hospital under uh what they call a section 12 because she was very acting hysterical and erratic that they wanted to make sure she was okay and they're saying that she tested that many hours later and they knew she was drinking prior to midnight they have t they had testimony from bar from the people at the bar from the servers Etc that's all been entered into evidence um if it was 093 that many hours later they're saying it could have been anywhere from 0.13 to. 292 at the time of the incident based on calculations now before everybody gets in an upro we're clearly of aware of the fact that she could have stopped drinking hours before maybe it was lower at the time of an accident we don't know exactly what it was at the time of the alleged accident incident um with her vehicle we do know she left the the bar after multiple drinks multiple drinks and drove and we do know when she arrived at a certain place with John o'keef we do know he got out of the vehicle what we don't know for sure because we don't have any video of it is whether she actually hit him but there is evidence that he was hit possibly by her vehicle in terms of of a broken tail light that tail light matching the glass the little particles that are on his own clothes scratches and all on him trauma to his head a glass on the bumper a hair on the bumper and now they are saying even some DNA of his on the broken tail light pieces okay now these are all and off for a jury to infer that possibly she did back into him but is that actual murder which is the criminal charge maybe not manslaughter or wrongful death a jury could get there quite easily in my humble opinion you see what I mean they Place her at the scene of the crime they Place her there inated they've got charges already I think it's going to be very difficult for the businesses themselves because like she had 11 drinks in one place goes to the other place and they served her and 11 drinks put you well over they had to be really watered down for her not to be over the limit when she walked into the other bar um not to be what they call sloppy drunk is where you're slurring your eyes are a little uh you know um it's I don't know other legal opinions out on YouTube say it's not going to be that easy I see this is very damaging to her I'm kind of looking at it from a perspective in just from following the other case and depending on the evidence and I will put this caveat in there depending on the evidence that they actually present in the civil case um it would be pretty easy I in my humble opinion for a jury to actually convict all three parties of wrongful death I mean isn't it wrong that he dead somebody backed into him and hit him yeah and I say that somebody backed into him and hid him because there is evidence of a broken tail light all over him and some kind of impact and I don't really buy the story since nobody saw him inside the house nobody saw him enter the house there is no eyewitness or anything um that they got beat up in the house and then dragged out there's absolutely not a stitch of evidence except for speculation and it makes a great story and I'm not even going to go into the fact of why they did that of course they're trying to put on the defense and they just don't want her to be guilty but I'd rather go to her words when she was first charged with manslaughter when she said she didn't intend for him to be nak you know when her own attorney said this is not something she that was intended this is a terrible accident in a tragedy basically stating that she kind of knew it or her statement to her father in the hospital that was put on record by a hospital worker where she said I know I hit something I just didn't know it was him or I didn't know what it was that last part I'm not sure about the exact words well she did tell her father she knew she hid something so if you knew you hit something and you left the seat of the of the accident um you're kind of guilty just by that you know I don't really think she intended to Hur him I think she was inebriated and she banged into him she wasn't aware of what she was doing that's my te on it okay well that still is guilty of wrongful death you don't have to mean to cause the death or intend to murder someone for it to be wrongful death you caused it period for those of you that like to read I actually have the suit for you if you want to read the legal documents but basically they are going to be asking um let me get down to the bottom part they're also going for not only wrongful death but emotional distress about the conspiracy that was created by the defense team with Kar be assistance in other YouTubers and parties that he organized the emotional distress that happened to the family because of all of that and what they did and basically the wrongful death charges are in all with you're not taking accountability you know you did this and everything you did afterward actually caused more harm to the family but know like I said this is it the accident itself happened in January of 2022 okay they it goes into the details it get it it goes line by line into the details of what why they think Karen Reed actually did it and why they actually feel that she could have acted at any time uh to help one of the main reasons is if they knew that she hit him if she knew that she hit something she didn't go back and look for him right away she says she got there at like 6 o00 the next morning and he actually had a body temperature of 80° when he got when he when John o'i was brought to the hospital after the body was found after he was in tubed and trying to stay in in um he basically may not have died of his injury could froze death um it could have been saved um something could have been intervened um they're really going in they're going in hard and this is going to actually play to a jury in my humble opinion because the estate is of two minus his niece and his nephew that he adopted and took care of when his sister died and her sister's husband also died from a terrible disease in an accident and then he took them in a single parent and took care of them gave him a loving home and they're going to take the stand and so that jury is going to know that money isn't going to an institution it's not going to a wealthy person it is going to go to children who are deprived a home who already have a lot of tragedy it's going to play well is my point okay I'm trying to look at it from the jury and well you can just put me on record is saying it looks pretty much like it's bad news for her you know I'm also you know quite surprised that after 11 drinks she was served in another bar I'm quite surprised she got 11 drinks in the first place but you know wh what can I say these things happen I don't want to police anybody's habits you know but there are laws that regulate drinking establishments and things that they have to do um anyway the first count is going to be wrongful death on the estate is suing them all for wrongful death the second count is against um the bars also for the wrongful death count three is against Karen Reed negligent uh count four is negligent infliction of emotional distress and that is going to be uh John ois mother versus the last bar that served her own and all her reasons are there John o'i um in his estate is actually going after maaf is also full negligent inflection of emotional distress and actually the brother is going against uh mafes for serving her for negligent infliction in emotional distress okay and they're going after the waterfall the same way oh for serving her over serving her um each plaintiff because it is the parents and and the estate and the brother all suing it's the family suing some individually some separately for different items all throughout here in how everything was handled um with them um but what they have to prove is the over serving um that's going to be the one hurdle um but then since there is actually documentation of the amount of drinks and it's been put around it's actually just getting people to support it in there for the civil suit the same okay but for Karen they actually add um the niece Kaye and actually putting charges against Karen Reed for negligent Reckless and or intentional infliction of emotional distress the niece is putting forward that the actual defense that Karen actually instituted and what she did and how people were harassed intimidated and what happened to her in regards to that was actually orchestrated by Karen and that she actually did all that with unknowing or truth she knew these people were vulnerable she knew that they were dealing with the death she didn't care and she actually went forward causing them all harm okay she actually says that regardless of anything one of her main issues is that when Karen Reed came into John oi's house after he was missing and during when he was still out missing that in her presence she was obviously drunk obviously calling people on the phone spoke on a speaker phone to various people between 4:30 and 5:00 on the day they she knew that John was missing and didn't go back and find him and he was dying in the snow and she brings up a good point this does not look good for Karen at all anyway I hope you um let me just see it's a it's it's 22 pages but it's not it's not too cumbersome and actually the points are are laid out in there but as those you you know much more legally qualified than I am because I am not a lawyer at all have put forward that it is going to be actually the Lynch pin of the whole thing is proving the inebriation and proving the fault on the two businesses that they over served her in with full knowledge that she was not able to drive a vehicle and they allowed leave the premises with her keys period or that Karen herself should have known she shouldn't have been able to drive and um they caused the death and hardship on others because of they caused the death of John o'i which caused emotional pain and further acting on in the defense of her own trial to defend herself caused and inflicted more additional pain unnecessarily on the Family and it's going to be one that could change precedent about a few things okay this has been quite the case to begin with there are pro there are the people who think that Karen Reed is being prosecuted by a group of police officers just because they don't want to be accountable for what they did they actually are claiming corruption throughout and you know what a lot has come to light uh people did some awful stuff one officer is actually in Jeopardy of losing his position probably has already based on just how he spoke about her because she was not likable and he really think that she did do it um and he did not act professionally in private conversations to others not in investigative conversations I make that distinction because although what he said was horrible unnecessary and I don't really think he should have he did not do it during the investigation to people involved he was actually talking to people privately off hours and Etc and I think he's entitled to his opinion he's a human being and he knows her okay and sometimes we all say things we shouldn't say was it was it classless and distasteful yes does it affect the outcome of the investigation well in one way some are saying that he was biased that he thought she was guilty but I'm here to tell you that investigators are actually looking for things to what they think and feel they don't just come in and say oh it could be this it could be that they're actually working with a scenario in their head almost all of the time so I really don't think it prejudiced him that much I think he was prejudiced from the beginning he said very early on he didn't like what he was hearing in that he really did think she was doing it as she did it he's entitled to that opinion as an investigator but he has to come up with actually evidence as to why he feels that way and then the prosecution's job is to prove it to a jury let's just see Hello Recker I didn't see you come in it was nice of you to stop in Craven says yeah normally you hit something and you go what the heck was that and you get out and look it only to make sure you didn't mess up your car true well there are two things that interfered with that one the horrible storm that was going on at the time this uh at the time the area was covered with snow it was windy there was snow this is why the body wasn't seen for a long time they're saying that like why didn't the snowplow people see well when they went by they actually helped push some snow up towards him to where it was even more difficult to see him and you know I can understand cold also they were fighting um he got out of the car she thinks she hit something she probably just thought it was a bunch of snow I mean not that I'm sticking up for her I think she's made a lot of poor choices and I think that they could have eased the pain and suffering of everyone involved had she chosen other things um but not being able to put my myself 100% In Her Shoes I couldn't really say also she was inebriated I doubt like she was thinking clearly at all you know Yep this is it like you know I know Liam some people can mask their inebriation for quite a while behind a hoty attitude oh did you watch some of the trial you might have saw some of that hoty attitude or like Juju says or they hit the sauce on the regular and that makes it as well still it's going to be hard to explain to a jury 11 drinks and I do get what both of you are saying it is true but the law is the law 11 is a lot functioning alcoholics just like Boon yeah boon that's another one yeah that's that's something else you know Juju says she made the choice to drink the bar cannot monitor how much she had to drink I do not support going after the bars um that's hard that's hard because like I have seen people in a bar like fall down drunk and I think that it is because the bartenders are sober and because we're talking about moving vehicles and keys if they want to serve him fine or take his keys like I think that that actually endangers other people in a certain times all people's privacy or free will need to be need to be negotiated a little bit I'm not living here on the shore and well I am biased because I do have personal things in in my past where young people died from drunk drivers and it's really hard it's really hard to negotiate the bar's right to serve somebody to the Limit that they cannot function and to make a profit doing that when you're dealing with the other side of it and the other side of it is that that person got into a vehicle and the other side of it is that person is not in their right mind and that is where the bar comes in is to prevent those things because if you know you're serving someone to where they're not functioning with Clarity then proper decisions aren't being made and somebody needs to step in because harm is going to be done and I know that's a tough one and I know there's a lot of people that aren't going to agree with me and that's fine we all come from it from a different way but these laws are in every state for a reason and they have insurance for it too and they have requirements and training for bartenders it's not the way it was where anybody can do a bar will actually suffer from these kinds of cases and these two bars will suffer from this civil suit they could lose their insurance or their insurance could fight for them and the insurance is on a hook for it for sure um their livelihood as as being a functioning business Act with but based on what we saw in the other Karen Reed case the criminal case I'm sure that people will be divided in both ways in the outcome well it's up for anybody right now I think a jury is actually going to side and award some money to the family I do but it's because of what I've seen before and I do admit to being biased uh on that situation I just I could just see with the lower standard a jury getting there a little easier and once they get to the fact that she may have hit or that she was inebriated that's going to bring the other businesses in as as liable you know they don't always but I know here from personal experience juu says how does a bar know how I got there or how I'm going home exactly that's why many of them will ask okay especially with the drinks and they have to pay attention and that's why they in here on the shore where I live most of the bars have bouncers and people that are watching and like in the crowd and they are actually looking for over they don't want anything to happen because once it gets like if they cause any kind of accident and they come up and debated and they ask where they were that place gets named so they all do have some kind of mechanisms even in casing just take having their bartenders pay attention to the crowd and what's going on and I know that it is a difficult thing to actually maneuver but the risk is there and once you're inebriated you know it's a they're saying they say well you're not in your you're not in your right mind so you can't be held accountable for all of this but yes you can so why can't the people around you that knew you weren't in your right mind anymore help okay I have seen actually people with drunk people getting named in lawsuits because they didn't offer to drive them home call them a cab most bars will call you an Uber free in most companies the Ubers here in ours like they have a system to where they want to protect people they will they the certain you can call and get this person a ride home um it's a matter of asking questions and not knowing for sure but there is some responsibility there and I know it's a hard line to cross in you know I do I BL the drop too it is definitely the drunk alone but there has to be some way to protect people and I think that's what these laws are trying to do they're not trying to prosecute the bars they're trying to prevent the bars from being prosecuted they're giving the bars a means to prevent themselves from being named in the suits that somebody else is causing I get that I totally get that okay you know but look what happened in the mallerie beach case you know you don't think that the bar that served underage kids that caused a boating accident that CA somebody else's life should have been named when they broke the law the law states that a bar cannot over serve an individual in many states so there has to be a way to mechanism that's the law it already exists Juju um so they are culpable you know I've been at the bar before the chief of police was hammered and drove right on home I tried to stop him but he's the chief of police I get it I get it it's not fair and it does put an undue B burden on the people that are trying to do the right thing I get that what they're trying to do is save lives and not make it so so easy when you look at the statistics of people who died from drunk drivers before and after the laws were instituted you'll see that they do have some success okay and we're not really trying to penalize the bar we're asking for reasonableness okay yes it is a burden but they're the ones making the money on it so they have to put a little bit money in it to actually make sure that they're doing everything within the guidelines of legalities okay it it stinks I agree with you it does put a burden on them that is not their responsibility they're not driving the vehicles okay but if they can help prevent them person from getting in that vehicle or getting to that state that's thing okay um I could use some other harsher examples but I don't really want to go there because I do understand the other side of it I really do and I'm just I'm okay with them having some responsibility because they are the ones with the clear Minds in the serving of the alcohol and and I do know that it is the drunk's responsibility when driving a vehicle and the majority of it is definitely right on there everything else is just trying to be reasonably preventive okay and just kind of like see something say something you know um I would not want to see somebody so sloppy drunk and just say it's none of my business if I saw them getting in a car yes I am that [ __ ] I'm going to call in your plate I may even ask for your keys I may even go go inside the facility and tell the bouncer he dropped his keys five times and he can't even open the car door he cannot drive and try to get someone else involved because I know what happens when you don't so there's two sides you know I'm not trying to be dramatic about it I'm just trying to explain why I have a somewhat biased opinion in regards to it and I support those laws and I have seen a decrease in my state alone in the amount of people that have died from drunk driving because of how harsh we are about it it is actually illegal to be drunk in a licens establishment in the UK the exact definition isn't given it is up to us to make the call but who is providing every bar with enough breathalyzers exactly Liam and you have a unique position because you're in what you do for a living you are around it all the time as one of those sober people actually being responsible for is someone too drunk to be able to function yeah and it is an it's a it's it's a harsh burden and I agree but it's also part of running that kind of business and there's insurance for it and there's programs for it in the UK may be a little bit different here in the United States but making a heart limit is not not practical but supporting staff and their decision to stop serving should be part of the management culture and put it before profits exactly and that is what these laws here in America actually do that you know first of all the actual server if a server said that a customer was too inebriated and said that they didn't shouldn't be served anymore and somebody stepped in and served them anyway that server would actually have a case against the bar for allowing something like that to happen against the legal laws of the state that they are licensed okay you know you have to put the culture of safety and reasonableness above profits absolutely and that's why the statement I don't think they should go after the bars I can't really get behind 100 per. I think they should go after the bars reasonably I think Karen Reed having 11 drinks going into another bar and having another drink I mean look at the weather alone okay the woman should not have been driving but I do realize that in a culture like that especially in that area from what I saw people are actually like were drinking like regularly all the time okay um it would very I I can understand the plight of the bars in trying to manage that culture okay cuz it's a little more of an inebriated culture to begin with um in that situation and unfortunately a tragedy happened in the lawsuits around it abound right so yeah I I get that Liam here here we do too it's based on the culture that the actual facility the actual establishment uh institutes it's it's actually in where they're most of them want to stay in business okay especially on the shore they make their money all summer long part of it is eating and drinking and you want people drinking into the we hours of the night when the entertainment is there but it has to be like you know you have to have additional staff and that's why here on the shore which is full of tourists and people want to have a good time and they're probably overindulging but we populate that actual crowds with paid people and observers to help the servers understand so that when somebody who's completely inated gives their money to somebody else to go up to the bar to drive the drink they can intervene when that drink comes back and is handed to that person they are actually part of their job would be to take that drink and say are you driving because if you give me my key if you give me your keys I will give you the string you know and it's perfectly legal yes it's not welcome and it can cause problems and you know we've had plenty of tussles in all of these places you know especially the ones up on the beach but you know what I'm saying it's like it's a kind of opposition like uranium at being responsible being the sober one can you imagine that like they just don't get it right ju guu and that's where the burden does get put on the reasonable person like right and then I hope that you actually were backed up with not selling it by management because that's crazy if you if you had a man drive his vehicle into the side of a bu building and then he comes in and he wants more alcohol and you're like uh no okay and they're going like why and probably making a fuss it is awkward and horrible and you shouldn't be put in that situation but we have to remember we're dealing with people that are not reasonable they're not within their because they are already inebriated they are not actually functioning at their normal level so to speak I mean maybe they are maybe he's an [ __ ] anyway in a jerk and he doesn't care about anybody else who knows but it does put it on the burden the burden is on those responsible sober people around you know for the record he also dropped the six-pack in the middle of the store good see Karma I'm I'm glad yeah I'm glad I hope it like all spilled all over the place and opened up and he didn't get any and he didn't have enough money for another one because like they may have saved somebody's life you know yeah it's unfortunate Craven you know that that that some management is like that and I feel for everyone but on that I do besides the issue of the law about the bars it is going to be an interesting civil case because um just proving that she was responsible for the death with the evidence that was already presented is going to be a little bit different standard and then I'm wondering if this case happens faster like her retrial is going to be January 27th I doubt that this civil suit will come to trial before then but will the outcome of January 27th's trial have any effect on it because they are accusing her of much more than just the deed they are accusing her of going forward and causing emotional distress in that several of her actions after the event were directly me to harm them it's a it's agreed Juju you and I are on the same page with de Juju said she's toast in the civil case it is because was like they were going to put those kids up there yeah they're going to put up like how much she drank um and it's going to be hard to fight against seriously Now intent I don't I really struggle with intent I do not think she intended for the events to happen the way they did that night um but they did and I think she's responsible for all the decisions that she made afterwards and some of them were pretty bad so um yeah that's right Juju being smart here with the legal stuff they probably cannot depose her until after the retrial in a civil case she doesn't have the Fifth Fifth Amendment um rights uh that is true that is true unless they really want to F with her and then she would and could incriminate herself it could be it would have to be voluntarily I'm I'm sure that they could actually say that um they want her defense could actually she could actually file a motion to delay it till after the trial which I think would be wise in her case I don't really expect anything to happen with this until her retrial in January for the criminal charges which stand at all three right now uh that was denied to drop the other two that order came out uh a few weeks ago and we had already talked about that but yeah yeah if she actually gave a statement in the Civil trade they could bring it into they could actually try to actually um but there is actually some things that prevent you from self-incriminating statements and things like that um it would be a battle but they could try to get it into the trial I'm sure juu and I'm sure they would want to but I don't think she'll be giving much of a statement until after I'm I don't think a lawyer would advise it I think they would try really hard to delay it to after in in all fairness yeah exactly because anything says could could incriminate herself on any deal that she makes in the civil case in the meantime which is why I don't really see anything happening until after January to be honest I'm sure a judge would in all fairness to both sides would delay it would absolutely delay a deposition in that until after um it would it just doesn't seem reasonable right I mean we're not not even lawyers any of us here and it just doesn't seem reason reasonable to us but I will check into it a little bit further but uh that is definitely where I'm with that and on that I'm going to close it up uh before I hit the two-hour mark thank you all for coming late and Final Thoughts and Channel Announcements staying even though these were hard ones to talk about and you know it's not easy to talk about you know relations without consent and or um the on the tragic demise of someone due to uh a possible inebriated accident um these aren't easy things to talk about and I'm glad you guys are so patient with both sides of the situation and that you all feel comfortable enough to say how you feel that means a lot to me all that you give your opinions and you're willing to do both sides of it uh and you give me the grace to have my own too oh but in both cases we will have to see what legally transpires with Karen Reed we're not going to know on the civil case for a while but we will add it to the car read files that we are tracking and if anything else happens before January 27th in any of the hearings of course I will come back with that in regards to Andrew Tate there is quite a few things to follow there the judge there has 60 days to decide if the second charges if there's enough there to actually go through the process of judicial verification which is where they go through all of the evidence okay and move it forward they also the prosecutors have appealed that Andrew Tate is on house arrest and that Tristan's on judicial and that everybody else is not in jail either and they actually because of the other violation the witness tampering and perhaps money laundering that was going on I don't know if the money laundering is part of what's going on in 2023 and 2024 after the charges um when they were first arrested uh but the prosecution is a good case there that is actually there's enough evidence there they could end up back in jail so we'll be watching on that I'm sure that's not where they want to go thanks so much dog dog dog that's such a great compliment thank you and I'm so glad to see you here it's been a while I hope you're doing well sir I really do and JuJu's last call me the Tates are worthless and disgusting you are caught up mousy was that was that what you were like bringing her up to date on on the date Cas you're too much sh you Mousie I hope you catch the replay thank you so much for checking back in thank you everybody all of my mods everybody who's listening everybody who listens later don't forget to like share and subscribe and if you have anything any questions about either of the two cases we talked about tonight tapate and uh Karen Reed uh the tapate brothers in Karen Reed uh for whichever cases they were or hit the back of the comment section I do answer comments uh every day okay and if you have anything or if there's other things you want to talk about go right ahead and hit the back of a video not only does it help the algorithm but it lets me know that you know there's things you want to talk about and there's questions that need to be asked and it helps me you know know if I did a good job or not like if there's questions unanswered I want you to get the answers okay we we want to discuss it that's what this is all about we want to get you the information so on that I'll be adding all of the other stuff that I put into the chat onto the descript description because the only thing there right now is the playlist but have a good night everybody thanks for being here and I will see you towards the end of the week Outro [Music] [Music] [Music] e

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