08 02 2024 Recent Cloud outages are a wake up call for cloud dependent businesses

Published: Aug 01, 2024 Duration: 00:00:59 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: microsoft outages
Intro Microsoft and AWS out to just serve as a wakeup call for cloud dependent businesses find this article and read it for yourself I'll include the link in the description there's the cloud strike Recent Cloud outages debacco then the Microsoft outage then an Azura outage and then an Amazon outage three maybe four Global outages in like 2 weeks so I'm sure if you're a business that is cloud dependent this just absolutely ruined your week hey Conclusion yeah I get it that it's cheaper to run cloud services because then you don't have to pay for hardware and people to maintain the hardware and replacement parts and all that stuff seriously how much money had you lost on those outages I mean it's quite possible that the entire loss of the last two weeks has been equal to or more than maintaining your own servers and hiring an IT purse there's something to be said about not having all of your eggs in one basket and knowing how to do it manually it's also why I'm not an MSP because when you integrate everything together and one thing breaks poof

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