Julie Chen Moonves Misses Big Brother Eviction Due to COVID-19! by News USA

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:00:51 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: julie chen
what's something people don't know about Julie Chen moonz she's human too and even she can catch covid-19 on Thursday Julie Chen munvez the iconic host of cbs's Big Brother shocked fans by announcing she'd missed the live eviction episode the reason she tested positive for covid-19 Julie shared that she woke up with a sore throat last Friday and got diagnosed that night while her symptoms are mild she continues to test positive but don't worry stepping in for Julie is none other than Jerry oconnell Julie expressed her hope that Jerry has a blast hosting and sends her best wishes to the house guests she even joked about her chenbot Persona showing her light-hearted side stay tuned and join us in Wishing Julie a speedy recovery

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