OpenAI O1 Strawberry Introduction

Published: Sep 14, 2024 Duration: 00:01:10 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: openai strawberry
good morning all today we're going to talk about open ai's new 01 model um commonly known as strawberry because they use case for the POC was trying to let the model determine whether or not it could determine how many letter RS are in the word strawberry which previous models had struggled with um what makes the 01 model or the strawberry model um much different than chat bt4 or the previous open AI models is it has the ability to reason so they've actually introduced reasoning tokens which allows insight into the Train the chain of thought that the model is deriving its answer so instead of just going through a simple retrieval of information and giving you an answer it will continue to think about the answer and it opens up the ability to answer more complex problems um it's going to reduce the amount of hallucinations and ultimately the metrics I've seen on Research is that it's like PhD level um intelligence um so can't wait to get my hands on it um have any questions let me know um have a good day

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