Passing Notes w/Danneel Ackles (Rachel Gatina) • EP306 | Drama Queens

Published: May 27, 2024 Duration: 00:59:47 Category: People & Blogs

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first of all you don't know me we're all about that High School drama girl drama girl all about them High School Queens forever we'll take you for a ride in our comic girl drama girl cheering for the right team drama que smart girl R girl fashion but your tough girl you could sit with us girl drama queens drama queens drama queens drama drama queens Drama [Music] Queens season 3 episode 6 locked hearts and hands grenades air date November 9th 2005 Hillary what was this episode about oh my God it's the fantasy boy draft you guys um we're going to give you the rundown on this but not to be confused with the boy toy auction by the way that's it it was like they were like you know what's worked in the past wait did we do the boy toy already the boy toy auction already the boy toy auction was season one yeah they were like we like we like hot ass and so to join us for this you selling boy body episode was our wonderful friend janal Harris AEL um janal welcome well listen A lot happened this episode and Rachel was the spicy center of a lot of it uh to prevent the cheer squad from fighting for the same guy Brook sets up this fantasy boy draft it backfires as predicted um Haley continues to work with Chris Keller as he pushes her to write better music the mayoral race heats up between Dan and Karen and Lucas is having so much trouble keeping up with the pace of basketball it's just things are dramatic in Tree Hill this week it is it's a bit intense we wanted you to come back for Rachel's introduction uh because it was the perfect curveball for our show and since we didn't get to talk with you we needed her energy let's go back cuz as long as we're like looking at boy bodies in this episode we might as well go back and remember the full dis play that you had to do with your cheerleading audition um yeah what was like how the hell did you end up on our show what happened oh yeah that's right yeah well h i auditioned but when I auditioned I didn't have to do that dance there was no um I mean look full disclosure I was a cheerleader but I was always the one that was like in the back row and I was a Bas means I was like the lifter of girls and I I was like never the one who could follow along with the steps and I was always the one who was like counting along with my mouth one two three four like it's always that person so it's like the kid in the play that's always mouthing other people's lines to them yes yeah so I was always in the back and so with with Rachel and like her you know her first you know her her introduction is you have to learn a dance and I remember getting the dance when I got to set and I was like oh they think I'm like a real performer who could just like learn this in a day like I need a month for this like I needed to so it was a lot um and I think it was to the whisper song it was really gross yeah turn up the volume is very scary it's um it's pretty scandalous Gus is obsessed with Star Wars right now and I was explaining to him the viral Sensation that was Star Wars kid like around that time do you guys remember that video totally and so we repeated it in those cheerleading tryouts we had like a Star Wars Kit and so I went to show him that I was like look we referenced this in One Tree Hill and then all of a sudden Rachel comes out and starts doing her dance and I had to like oh no like he's like oh that's denal and I'm like we're not going to look at an like this yeah oh my God I don't remember how many times you told I saw you this weekend and you told me you auditioned for a different character yeah so I auditioned for Brooke and at least I'm pretty sure I'm pretty sure it was Brooke I was going through a record collection and being really [ __ ] um but not in a [ __ ] Payton way BR way I'm pretty sure that was Brook that had to been Brook it was a that's awesome so they loved you and brought you back then for this did you have to audition again for Rachel or was it like we remember how much we love that girl call her no so it wasn't like a giant audition I do remember that it was just like you know maybe like 10 of us or something yeah but there there were a couple girls and um but I do remember specifically there was no dancing required and I was not told about any of that and then I get there and I was just like so nervous and I had to meet you guys all I met all of you in like a Pamela Anderson outfit that was super tight it was pleather was V maybe it was vinyl I don't it was so it was a lot was nerve-wracking I think it was we have talked about that dress cuz I had as Payton and as Hillary had zero problem with it was just like oh my God look at her calves like this she's amazing amazing and what I like about the way you play Rachel is I suppose any of those other girls auditioning could have played some of these lines really [ __ ] like oh is that your boyfriend you know yeah and Rachel from the jump earnestly asks Brooke she's like oh I'm so sorry is that your boyfriend and Brook's the one that keeps saying no no no and so yeah so Rachel doesn't necessarily get shitty with Brooke until Brooke is like clearly offended by her presence and it kind of it doesn't make sense it's like really feels like it's yeah it's kind of all on Brook right now I mean and Rachel's seems to be having a little fun with having fun with her about it because she's clearly so bothered and Rachel is clearly so not bothered but you know when you see somebody that's all worked up about something it's fun you're like Joy do you like to push a button here and there I don't but there are several kinds of people and some people like to just kind of poke buttons a little bit when you see some who's really worked up um I don't know I just this whole episode I'm like Rachel's so nice she's so friendly and and genuine I don't know why is Brooke so mad I was um oh who was it I was really into Iana chub the acting coach she was like a famous acting coach um I think she's passed away now but she wrote this really great book um and I remember for this specifically for this audition I went back um through her book and I used um some of her techniques and what I discovered with Rachel is you never needed to play Rachel [ __ ] and if you did you know that that no one was really going to respond to her because the lines by themselves were so terrible that if you didn't say it with a smile or didn't say it with like yeah you know I always gave Rachel the backstory of you know her parents traveled and she has been in a thousand schools and she expects to leave Tree Hill um she does not expect to be there she's there and what how was it like we were sophomores or I think we the junior year because we have one more year left to school yeah okay so I mean she was just like well this is like I've spent two previous years in different schools now I'm going to be here for just a second and like and I wasn't supposed to be a series regular I was only a recurring guest star so it played that played into my story that was in my head of like I'm just popping in here for a minute like I do every school yeah and it's more fun I'm just like what like okay y'all are going to get all serious everybody's worked up about this but I'm gonna leave in a minute so it doesn't matter I don't need to invest too much so her lines to me were always just kind of they needed to be more flipp it more like oh that's so smart and it tracks when I watch your performance I see that choice oh it's senior year we just had that big like beach party where we're like it's our last year of high school that almost lends itself to being flippant cuz it's like guys we're out of here yeah don't be babies you and your little boyfriends how cute yeah you're not gonna know them and Rachel would never know anybody long term because of moving so much so it's it you know she doesn't develop those really strong relationships and I think later later on not to be a spoiler but that's I think that's why she holds so close to mouth when they do become friends cuz that really was her only true friend at Tree Hill broke a little but they always it got good and then it seesaw what was high school like for you for real I mean I know that you I listen I told on you I told the other girls that you were a pageant Queen cuz oh yes that that picture of you with the puffy sleeves and the scepter is like my favorite picture it's my favor throughout my life various F I like it's one of those things where like I'll go over to people's house and they found it on the internet printed it out refrigerator I'm like okay classic I've seen this like a thousand times I'm gonna get a cardboard cut out of it and just have it here in the office I was the cun culture Queen and you know what I'm proud of my Cajun culture and I can tell you a lot about it um it was just like a thing to do where I grew up everybody did it and I I I only did that one though that was it for me I wasn't like a I did one and I won what do you guys want from me I did one and I won I was like okay I check that but you know I did a lot of things in high school I was like a had a lot of different um different friend groups and you know I changed high schools my sophomore year or let's see middle of my freshman year I changed from like a really small high school to a really big high school and um so I got to kind of reinvent myself I think um as much as you can do in a town with like you know three red lights so right I reinvented myself when everyone was like no no you're no you're still that girl we already know but um high school for me was fun I don't have any like bad memories of high school I enjoyed it I mean sure I got my feelings hurt and I probably hurt feelings but um all in all it was a good experience nothing quite like Tree Hill well I would say yeah what these kids go through God Lord no offense to all the people I went to high school with but like Tree Hill is like one of the most beautiful high school like did you see all the cute boys like is that nor and The Chew leaders are super cute like this was during that era super of like CW casting or Warner Brothers casting where they're like literally every face has to be you know every face every face has that was a lot to up to though that's what you went to the CW for if you were an audience member like you knew yeah every it was just all pretty and that was the the Trope and the joke right about the network like it's just all pretty people right yes I don't know yeah well they were they were beautiful I noticed that about Tree Hill I was like wow this is a good looking High School who would you have picked in the boy draft who would have your who would your pick have been I think it' be a tossup between well I think Nathan because just because we were watching him run back and I'm like this is a cute guy like yeah I don't know probably not Lucas because are we talking about me or Rachel you know we can we can be safe and say Rachel like who do you think Rachel I don't think Rachel would be into um all the philosophical poetry and all that I think she would maybe roll her eyes in a bit like I would want to be on a date with someone as Rachel and they and they're like starting to quote poetry like I'm no kill me now so yes I think probably Nathan Chris Keller I'm taking like all of your men um Joy sorry those two maybe let's see why do I slap you in later events don't I throw a drink in your face no you throw a drink in my face why do we fight we fight in an episode coming up soon right why do we fight I throw a drink in your I do something with your husband oh because you were after Nathan that's right yeah she did eventually decide yeah that's what it was but a lot happens to her I mean she has to overcome I mean there was like you know she was heavier in her younger years and and Brooke put all those pictures up of her so she's embarrassed in front of the the whole high school so I think like then she starts to retaliate she becomes different but um yeah I you threw a drink on me and then slapped me do I slap you no cuz you're pregnant the girl getting so many altercations on this show I feel like you were pregnant so I would I don't feel like I would have hit you I think I was pregnant too so maybe it's next year next season well it's girl fighting that kicks off this whole boy draft this idea that like the cheerleading squad is just fighting over boys um yeah and like physically fighting with each other Bon and one of the other cheerleaders have each other in like headlocks I love how much screen time beon got this episode it was crazy I don't remember that but it's awesome and I want to see like I want to see more of her character with SK chemistry was so good it was really unexpected too it scene to me that was the most interesting scene of the episode because it was just so there was like little fireworks happening on camera it was great yeah I can't wait till they come on the podcast well we've had we've had both but we need to get them together they're both great comedic actors and usually on our show we use our comedic actors to lighten up the straight men so like Lucas would get pton geted with people toen up um when we have these scenes where we've got two great comedic actors working together that's why the skills Barbara stuff is so good down the road you know we don't get to do a lot of it it's usually just kissing and crying every once in a while I want to giggle make me laugh no but I I liked I I agree I really liked that it was good it was very sexy we also had a a cameo in this episode um a guest star Juliana gill who is now she's still working now she's starring in Joe picket uh alongside Michael D Dorman he just did a movie with Sophia oh that's right he did that one uh in the motel room yeah yeah I can't remember the name of it yeah she was great I remember her like in this specific episode the director for some reason kept making her say that line skills to bevon over and over and like I just remember that in my head like the minute she said skills to bevon I had like a traumatic Flinch I was like oh God I just remember sitting on that couch and something was going wrong I don't know if it was like technical or what whatever it was but it was like she kept kept having to say that line and then she ended up like being so upset you know it was just I remember that room being a just bit difficult that day but she was great and she um she went out and did a movie after that that was kind of big it was like a high school film oh that's cool I love seeing people who are still working in the industry and still like making stories and making great movies pop up in their early early beginning days pop up on our show she was also like Friday the 13th yeah I was G to say with Jared padaki yeah because I remember going to the premiere of that and seeing her and I was like oh my gosh so yeah know we can talk about that boy draft we don't have to talk about things in order because when we saw that this was the episode we were watching we were all like ooh ooh cuz this was a hard one they hard to shoot they had like 300 girls in a room and not only are you supposed to know your own lines but you're supposed to know everyone else's lines so you can rapid fire like you know talk one right after has to be yeah it was impossible and the director I think got very frustrated with us she was kind of Grouchy anyway it just was good she did one episode of our show and was like I'm never talking to you guys again never again um yes that is what that is what I remember the minute I saw it I also remember not understanding the boy draft at all and I watch it again and I still don't understand and I don't understand Fantasy Football Draft so and I don't know how that works so maybe that's why I'm so confused but I was watching it I was like I don't get it like okay so Brook was explaining it right yeah Brook's explaining it and I still had trouble figuring out what the actual yeah so so nobody's allowed to like that that's the boy that you can chase for the entire season and no one else can chase after him I don't like it is that what it is I don't understand I don't I don't get it I don't like the whole like I when you're 16 years yeah 16 17 years old like you've got to pick one you know like you're supposed to be chasing three or four at any given time 1 it's like a real live version of mash yeah like we were trying to do you know the piece of paper Mash Mary and apartment Shack house or whatever man oh that's what it is Mansion apartment Shack house you did this Hillary of course I did this of course but I was always like I want to live in a castle with bats and you know like I want to marry a vampire I feel like Brooke was trying to create her own live real life version of mash yeah then I remain confused by it I don't know what we were doing but I knew I had to pick Lucas and it was to piss Brook off so that was the only do you guys have like Girl Code when you were growing up like was it like you and your friends made agreements like we're not going to like the same guy yeah but it never worked right yeah exactly I would agree with that in fact I remember I remember me and my friend both going out with the same guy like in the fifth fifth grade or something fifth or sixth grade and it was like yeah we're both his girlfriend interesting we were so Progressive it worked for like four days yeah in high school we I just was in a very small town so by Nature you were going to date somebody that somebody else's had already been with but sometimes that's good because you can learn a lot before you get into that relationship so my best friend and I dated guys in college so our senior year we dated college boys and they were best friends they had graduated two years before us and they were best friends and we were best friends and we would like double date and like super cute until did your parents know my mom would have killed me yeah but we grown up in the same town we'd known these guys since we were little like it's not like they were like mysterious older guys I'd known them since they were like you know nerdy fifth grade although IM immediately after graduating high school my boyfriend was 29 and I was 18 yeah guys come on it's like you and coer I dated a 28-year-old when I was 19 too it's yeah poor choices but these boys decided that they wanted to switch they decided that I was a better fit for her boyfriend and she was a better fit for my boyfriend and they decided they want out Progressive guys no I was the [ __ ] that was just like we're done here we're done no everyone's done oh you didn't want to here didn't Shia Twain do that no dude I completely left the quadrant I left the quadrant Shia TW oh that's right wa they doy do bouses yeah they did they did with who so her husband started cheating on her with the the best friends there The Little Couple they were best friends with I think y'all we have to go back and look but then and then the other two were kind of like bonding with each other about it or something and then they started there was something and so now is that the situation they just did a full Switcheroo and now everybody's happy again there's still dinner parties it's still just like I don't know how happy it is baby yeah I don't know if they hang out NE doy do but disclaimer none of us know Shania or anything about her life but if she wants to come on and tell us all about it we're totally G spreading yeah Shia come explain spreader I'm into it well um guys this episode felt to me like it was a placeholder yeah like nothing happened and all the things that were supposed to seem really meaningful like lucas' speeches and even a couple moments with Nathan and Haley I guess and it it all just felt like kind of a filler like they couldn't figure out what to do with this episode and they just said well let's just do something fun nothing matters is it a spec script oh that's interesting cuz here's the deal when they're hiring new writers or when they're like bringing new people into the writer room a lot of times they're like just write a standalone episode so that we can pop it in whenever we need to pop it in and this one really doesn't connect to anything you know it's no the only connections are the Dan and Karen stuff and Dan and bar uh I always want to call her Barbara Dan and Deb um just and those are just continuations of a storyline that already started but nothing there's no real progression in either of those story lines they just kind of I think her moving that sign was a big deal I wanted her to I didn't understand she didn't deface it or anything it to paint I was like okay so you got it moved you put a little bumper sticker on the back as an adult very nice though no as an adult get too dirty we're so much more capable of vandalism at this age than we were when we were younger absolutely what would you have done I me at least like popped a giant poop emoji on the head or I don't know done some more with the with the like there should have been more diarrhea or something you wanted more poop jokes yeah we needed I wanted to see that like I guess we weren't it was too early in the series to like actually see a poop stain or maybe that would be like standards and practices would be like no no no no but I wanted to see a poop stain um I love that Paul was so committed to that like when he was in Karen's Cafe yelling at her and then like the way he kind of hobbled off cute I love he was like so game for anything yes um but I thought was some really good like um Brook Rachel lines in there and like there was definitely a lot of like if I look on my Instagram some of those scenes are always on there because it's like the totally beaches moment people love that line they love um just some of the early Brook Rachel face offs I think and those were so much fun to shoot like I just remember like being done with those and then laughing because they were so ridiculous and um you know you guys out bitching each other it takes a big personality to stand up to Brooke you know like yeah you cannot be a little bit intimidated or insecure you have to out Brook Brook in order to play the game with her and so watching you two together is so fun because this is the first time we've actually seen Brooke kind of insecure like she wasn't insecure with Erica Marsh she knew exactly who she was with Erica Marsh you know yeah this is fun it's I I also like the way um when there's the Haley Brooke interactions because like Brooke is like and Haley's just like yeah so anyway and it's like just so grounded and it's just like these two I loved it um I loved watching that that's like every conversation y'all have in that episode was like that it is laugh true the I loved seeing yeah I loved seeing Brook and Haley really uh getting a chance to to play ball and batter around their friendship in in the last SE this this season it's been really fun I like watching Hy and Chris like you want to talk about chemistry you and Tyler have such good chemistry on this show and so Chris thanks that that segue between um them talking about something sucking and then Chris being like the song sucks you know yeah was a great segue and he the only thing that's good about that song besides it being over yes they always gave him great lines he really did yeah the same hair as me in that episode hair color I don't remember his hair I didn't remember his hair being red I don't know why I always remember it being like it might have just been a light in the room but the tint of the filter yeah yeah there was like neon like a neon sign in that room I think um no but he is a good Catalyst for Haley the conversation that you guys have in the recording studio is great because he's like he's doing exactly what Nathan wants him to do and that's to push her and get her to stop lying or stop pretending or being safe um and it is weird that he's the only person that can do that and then when he comes into the cafe and he puts her name on the board I totally forgot about that wait what no I thought you did that Chris oh no she's talking about earlier when Chris came in and did that yeah that was really sweet and I love the Scott at the end oh you know what made me think of that because they um it made me think of wanting to explain to the audience how they get those shots because the shot of Haley putting the Scott sticker on the map uh trans transitions into the a shot of these Scott letters on a what is it a locker or a jersey or something yeah it's but they have to measure that so specifically with the camera to make sure that they're the the letters are going to line up exactly so that they can Transit and then how to pull back from that to to get to the actor's face because you're going from a super super super extreme closeup and then pulling back out to a regular size you could be there for like over an hour something sometimes on each end trying to make sure that you get the uh get you get the sizes exactly right and I always think those things are interesting for people who don't work in our industry to know that you just see a cool shot oh that's so cool they transitioned on the Scott name that's neat but um sometimes the technical stuff is kind of fun to learn so there you go no totally and I mean I'm sure people are always like it takes yall how long to make a 40 minute episode I over a we eight days oh my God cuz were we eight days yeah we were eight yeah we spent seven of them like holding cupcakes in your apartment in this episode just trying to get that se done the cupcakes Okay so listen the props department is who supplies the cupcakes right they have to go out and get all the fake food but they didn't get like 300 cupcakes for all 37 of these girls to eat in every single take so the direct might have thought they might have thought I was just going to put them you know on the on the counter or that's what they because they had meetings prior to this like um tone meetings and all these different sorts of meetings where everything is discussed and it was probably said that I would just put the cupcakes on the counter and then maybe on the day the director was like no no no she passes them out and she wanted everyone to take bites of the cupcakes like I remember that being like she's like these got to look like these girls love these cupcakes so that Brooke is upset and so so we'd all have blue mouths cuz you know that icing from the grocery store cupcak cuz I have kids and it is like a disaster that stuff it doesn't come off do not come off the great cupcake Battle of the fantasy boy draft was it's so stupid the things that you remember it's so stupid cuz it's like it's like we we filmed for eight days but the cupcakes are the things where I'm like oh not those fing things GH yeah do you know what I have for you guys oh oh what I have a present for you um sometimes my hoarding pays off and I have hoarded this mouth mcfaden boy draft card for the last like 15 years my gosh it's got stats on the back hold on how do I hold this you read it okay yeah read them what does it say it says number one for your consideration height 57 weight 190 in what world was M 571 190 okay art Department got a little creative here it says born 10189 okay so we know that M's birthday is birthday a it says I'm the nice guy you've been waiting for exclamation mark and then bullet pointed uh like on our resumés when we have to do special skills um it says stylish smart sincere great conversationalist and great dancer available now MTH mcfaden oh my gosh awesome I mean this was I stole this from set and I it's been in like send that to Lee you got to frame it in one of those frames that's glass in the front and glass in the back I love him you can get them at like Marshalls they're cheap go grab a frame he's a number one pick guys no she's a hoarder she's not she's not going to give that yeah Joy there's no way in hell he's going to get it I'll maybe take a screen grab and send it to him but I'm going to be I'm going to be 95 years old like let me tell you kids about the fantasy boy draft the cupcakes you got to get him to sign it and then still keep it that's a class I love him so much by the way he really is the best dancer that's attractive he is he's a great dancer yeah it really is it makes a difference when a guy knows how to dance doesn't it yeah it's nice okay so what were you going to say before I interrupted you with my totally sweet trading card I was say well there's two things a I really want to go back to uh figuring out what we would have done to destroy Dan's campaign because I think that's such a fun topic but also why the hell does Lucas care so much about being on the varsity basketball team that he's willing to risk his life what is going on well I think he said he said in the episode that he never felt like he had fit in before and he'd finally found a group of people that you know supported him and he felt he felt safe and all of that didn't he say that he did did I mean it's not like he's hanging out with the Bros it's not like he's like like got a connection with the team at all and all the girls still want to hook up with him so it's not like not playing basketball is going to ruin that um if again it feels like a spec script it feels like a standalone thing where it's like just really has to care about basketball so much um yeah he's only been playing for what half a year yeah on the varsity team I mean obviously he's been playing his whole life and the River Court me means everything to him and those guys mean everything but that's the other thing I mean what about his River Court friends aren't those the people that always made him feel like he belonged somewhere so why is he why is he suddenly all obsessed with the jocks at the high school who were always to him [Applause] I do love that this was like the first time we saw skills at school about time you know was it yeah one of the first I mean if it's not the first it's the second which is weird he came in hot which I like yeah oh yeah I don't think we have seen him at school before I mean maybe sitting in a classroom maybe maybe I don't know how about how bad is Brooke at passing notes just like who thought that was a good idea like do kids even pass notes anymore it still happen I got I got in big trouble but it wasn't really passing a note it was I left it in my pocket and my mom washed my pants yeah you know and pulled it out and found it and it was bad yeah it was like all about like the party that we had snuck out and like I don't know why my friend was writing in so much detail but it was like all of it she just like and then at 7:30 out your window and went to so and so's house and then I can't believe we stayed out until 2 in the morning can you and but it was just like well everything's there my mom was like okay well you're punished and I'm like couldn't even get out of it because like every single detail had been described no way man I got caught in such a great IDE you had Dan yeah great you're the best sneaker out ever my mom did the same thing she found a note in my pocket that I was the middleman this girl Jade wanted me to pass this note to her cousin in my class and my mom finds it in my pocket and it was just one sentence it said You Leon and it was second grade my mom found it and was just like who's Leon it has to be another t-shirt I really need that t-shirt you Leon You Leon no I used I pass all the time we used to um I used I was went to high school in um New Jersey in a building that had been around for probably since like the 30s or 40s so we had these old radiators that were on the sides of the rooms and it was close enough to the desk where you could count how many slats in the radiator there were and you could like there so there was this little note space for notes and I would slide my notes for for my friend who was coming into the next class so we would all leave the classroom and then he would come in and sit down and my note would desk yes this was like my best friend in high school and I so I would always leave a little uh I leave a little little notes in there we would like trade pass notes back and forth in the radiator that's hot I know be like pardon the pun oh well I didn't even mean it a mom jokes no I think I'm just thinking like if that was in a movie that would be like a sexy little thing to do is to have like a little hidey-hole in public public you know what I mean like that's what makes it so cute it's the you know the sixth it's like the sixth slat or whatever it was you you always say whichever desk you ended up sitting by be like number eight yeah what happens if someone else leaves a note there one day I know are y'all SC like I'm always more scared I mean I like to journal but every time I Journal something I'll then shred it because I'm so paranoid um of like keeping notes and letters because it's like oh my gosh it's so permanent um and then yet I will text a lot of crazy stuff and I'm like like just a digital foot something about yeah it's just a digital footprint it's just going into the cloud and anybody can access it but like as as far as your dra got to shred this it's probably some like Trauma from high school but I'm like you got caught yeah I got caught so I'm like better shred this note but yeah I'm always I'm always like so scared to write things down now no way haven't you seen Bridges of Madison County after ml Street dies her children find all of her like serious she dies that's how the movie starts it's her kids and they find all her in the attic and they're like mother had a life mother and a photographer no keep the notes let your kids think interesting one day you know I love keeping all that stuff I'm a total paper hoarder I have there's a lot of stuff that I'll throw away but paper I have bins of note cards and um greeting cards that people have given me from birthdays and things from like you know 20 years ago oh yeah keep all that stuff I have a box full of notes from high school that I passed back and forth with my friends that's not true Hillary I have a birthday card you gave me for my 26th birthday a and if I ever come on this podcast again I will bring it because she would draw like elaborate pictures remember you don't wor too old because I was like the oldest one and I was always like wor di always like oh so old like compared to everybody else God I'm so old what do we think than goodness we didn't have like so much like social Med we didn't have any social media but no no we were safe nobody could nobody could really like comment on that because I remember like watching 90210 and my mom being like Dylan McKay is 400 years old none of these people cuz he had all like the forehead wrinkles yeah R um but yeah it was like no we didn't know we didn't need to know what people were saying about us we just passed our own little not joy and I had a notebook that we would pass between our trailers and you decorated the front of it and it was called trailer trash and we would just talk in this journal and pass it back and forth so that I have it you you do I found it in my in my storage unit interesting there needs to be there needs to be another podcast yeah trailer trash trailer trash yes that's it because it's like you you do the scene and you know you're just like oh God I'm exhausted now I got to sit around for four hours while they shoot a different scene and I don't know what to do for the next four hours and so you write to your human Journal joy and you're like did you check out this on set today and did you know who's kissing who and did you know what happened after work on Wednesday we had a grand time that's great yeah we did I love the I love the traveling notebook and I you I've actually used this um in raising my daughter it's really helped with communication because um she would I we I started out with uh when she was writing kids start writing about um what five six years old in kindergarten they're like putting together real basic sentences um so if she was mad she just shuts down she will not speak and have a conversation so I and she would go in her room and close the door or she would we weren't allowed I didn't let her have a fully closed door until a certain age so she you know I took it off the hes she's got no door now slightly a jar and um so I would I would write um are you mad at me and then slide it under the door oh and then she would write yes and slide it back and I would say what happened you know slide it back and shot and so we would do that and we have kept doing that I think the last time we did it was eventually I graduated to a notebook because it was a little easier because you know I had to keep going to find pieces of paper but and I wanted to keep them forever it was it gave her the freedom to have to share her emotions without the scariness of having to you know say things out loud sometimes um so anyway it's a it's a fun tool for any parents out there who are trying to figure out how to get your kids to talk to you about scary things or their emotions or whatever I like that a lot that's a good one Gus employed that Joy like I remember finding a note on the kitchen island that said mom is dumb D and he was trying to say dumb yeah yeah yeah mom is dumb so Jeff still yelled at at me he'll be like Mom is dumb it's notes are the the way to my heart even if you're being kind of an [ __ ] I love the written word me too what would you do if you found a boy draft note in your daughter's pocket I would laugh so hard I don't know I think that's hysterical yeah like the idea of Brook Davis's kids finding a boy draft and it being all the names of all of the like uncles and like people she knows in town that's horrifying we don't think about it in context like that if it's a stranger fine my youngest daughter you know those little jewelry box you open it up and there's like a little ballerina in there kind of twirling around so she has one of those and I I was putting away some of her little like stretchy bracelets and I opened it up and I looked in there and she has in there and she just graduated preschool she has in there perfectly positioned a little boy his picture his school picture she put it in there and I was like gosh what's this and she told me his name and I was like is this like a special friend and she's like I just didn't want to lose it and I was like okay she's like it's really special and I'm like that's adorable like it's really cute I'm here for young love me too I love it fun oh man it's the best you're never too young to have a crush I don't think it just means you like people well New Generation like Jeff and I don't understand we were both like in love from preschool on like I have been in love my entire life Jeff was in love his entire life Gus is like computers do you know what I mean kids now are just like I don't know that seems like work you guys are a lot really intimidating I don't understand that can I find love Minecraft whatever one of mine so at least we know one is a romantic I was like that's great is the older one fun is she is she a Flirty Girl no no she's serious no she's very serious like not a flirt no no and I don't really think any of them I she my 9-year-old recently had a slumber party and I mean third grade slumber parties we were talking about about boys they didn't they did not mention one boy interesting oh wow well that's good they're evolved we were just like Monsters yeah yeah they did each other's makeup which was hilarious but not in a serious way they like blindfolded each other and did it all like crazy see that's what we should have been doing at the apartment you know yes the apartment's a good set by the way though so okay so Sophia's not here everybody at home knows that she's doing romantic things um which is very cool uh but I love in this episode the apartment you know she's like the French Riviera and Rachel corrects her but isn't that like where sof got engaged like has life come full circle oh that's interesting Positano right wasn't that sort of the area that she was guys I don't know I'm just some Bumpkin that lives in the country but I think so NE hold on somebody I don't know oh oh no no is Como different Como I don't know the difference isn't it the same it's off the same Coast come on guys it's they were in a boat Rachel's lines I am not I don't know it okay talk about Rachel being smart though cuz I loved that bombshell this episode with the Supreme Court case oh my gosh that was great yeah she's very smart and she does that throughout I think all of her time at Tree Hill she's always pulling out something like that but I mean again like when you're you know popping around to all these different schools I mean I feel like there is part of her that's like she just kind of buried herself probably in her studies and you know we learned later that her parents aren't very um present because she and Brooke share that in common um well I guess welc to Tree Hill yeah I was like no one we were the Charlie Browns of um real life I guess no one's parents were really that present yeah no but I like that you also are so smart in real life denil like when we had to do that Maxum cover we had to go sit down and do an interview and it was s denil and myself and this reporter's asking us questions and we were very aware of what that kind of magazine wants you to be and you know like the whole like bimbo mentality and as we're answering all these questions I was like do you understand that danil's the smartest one at this table like she's the one that graduated college like she's always been like the honors student like denil is the smartest person at this table and denil is all like oh no no no no but in real life lies and it's also just memorizing a couple of facts that um think will yes yes the human head weighs eight pounds right you just spit out a couple of random facts and like oh if she knows that she must know more mm-hm it's a long that is not true you are an incredibly successful woman in so many different Arenas and it's because you're so smart and intuitive and you know that doesn't happen by accident well yeah oh look she's a business owner look I've got our family business beer shirt on right now um and that wasn't inten you want me to go get my booze bottles we were GNA do a no no no no yeah Hey where's my booze the booze is coming do you guys think it's it's weird that as adult women we went from One Tree Hill to all kind of venturing into the liquor business or the like the alcohol no I don't find is it a coping mechanism this just made us all luses tracks perfectly well yeah what is Rachel doing right Sophia does Sophia she's a Johnny Walker wine yeah yeah and gr and wine I figured there might be something about wine coming but I didn't know um what's Rachel doing now where where did Rachel end up I don't even know Dan dies and then what happens I where I we talked about I think that I just took all his money and left um we might have to ask some fans to help us out but I um yeah I'm gonna do like a little research on her because now I'm interested watching that watching those episodes is really fun it's really fun like all the emotions and I know I've heard y'all talk about it but like when you actually watch it that just makes me happy well you were saying that you have like muscle memory like you remember some of the lines right I was remembering I was remembering my lines I was like oh my gosh I remember this I remember what comes next I remember the scenes I remember what she's gonna say probably because I was like just starting out and I was so paranoid all the time that I was going to forget stuff and then I did and then I get screamed at like you should know your lines and I'm like I do I'm just so nervous and scared I can't remember them I know my favorite part of watching this episode back is when the cheerleaders are fighting in the classroom and they said something really mean like he's not into [ __ ] or something like that yeah denil in real life geod and then Rachel laughs like you laughed on Q in you were like it's funny I don't care it's still funny it was funny then it's still funny yeah should we do some listener questions I think we have a couple I like listener questions okay uh there's a question about musical theater and then another question about uh I like Ariana's question let's start with this one she says was it hard to be mean to someone when your characters didn't get along and you actually adore the real life actor for example what about Tyler Hilton and James lafy Sophia Bush and denal Eckles hm oh I think it was fun we kind of talked about that a minute ago like those it was it was so fun and I remember just like sof and I just like busting up laughing like right after those scenes because it was like hard it was it was hard to keep a straight face and do those yeah um that was one thing I I remember because like you had to be so intense and like and Sophia is like so like Brooke is like so over the top and so fast in all this and you want to laugh anyway cuz it's funny like she's funny when she's doing it and I just remember it being like hard not to laugh that's it it's hard not to laugh because it's just so absurd how it's so crazy to be mean to someone that you really love that's yeah it's hard it's just so ridiculous I think it's way more awkward when you actually hate the person cuz then you to pretend like you don't in between scenes and you're like oh yeah great work today [ __ ] [ __ ] you know what I mean you're right that's way more Awkward yeah yeah when it's your friend go all out but if they if they have an inkling that you don't like them you have to pull the performance back a little bit just for the sake of politics yes yeah bring it back it's true all right we have another question from Jackie as a huge musical theater nerd I love when y'all talk about Connections to the theater and your love of it if there had been a full musical episode of One Tree Hill oh my God we used to ask for that what we did what would you have wanted to sing and I'd love to know what your favorite musical is denal loves singing okay my favorite musical from yeah I love I do love singing I just don't let other people hear um but I recently had a conversation with joy and she said she was gonna help me with that so oh yeah thank you for reminding me I'll send you those I'll send you those links thank you I do remember it I didn't have that much champagne right it was that was really early on in the night um no my f my first favorite musical was Oklahoma my parents had the record and I would listen to it over and over and over and over and sing all the songs and yeah I just loved it and I actually sang it this weekend quite a bit in my head in your head yeah you're just walking around Joy what's your favorite I mean I could always watch lay always always yeah and South Pacific South Pacific is one that has no boring moments for me there's no dip there's I'm I'm interested in every single moment that's on stage um I really loved Tommy the first time I saw it um the who's Tommy but it's been a while since I've seen it on stage so I don't know um I think those are my favorites I love into the woods of course oh yeah the second act is depressing I don't know like 25 minutes too long yes yes what's yours a funny girl funny girl oh yeah yes you know seeing it as a kid and then having it parts of it come to fruition in my adult life you know that that scene where all of a sudden she gets called up by the zigf Feld Foles and she's like oh my God oh my God I did it it's overnight like getting called up by TRL off the street you know I was just like oh my God it's happening you know and the relationship stuff of like having been with men in my past that didn't love that I was successful you know like there were so many parts of that movie that as a kid I was just like this is razzled Dazzle I want to be an actress just like Fanny Bryce um and then those life lessons just hit hard with a yeah a sweet barbar strand solo here and there she's genius did you see funny girl in London when they did it with um no they're doing it right now can't remember that New York they're doing it again oh they are with beanie Fel oh yeah oh beanie that's right she I haven't seen it yet you know I I love her I think she's great normally when I go to the theater I take my son and so I don't know how in a funny girl he is I actually promised him we're going to go see Little Shop of Horrors um tell Tammy I said hi that's a fun show man you would be a good Audrey denal I would love to oh denal would make a great Audrey yes oh my we'll be her backup we'll be the we'll be the do up singers in the background that's right yeah that's those are the songs you can practice singing yes okay I'll practice that we'll start with that yeah sunle Seymour go nut yes go for it babe that's so fun those are good questions um D should we spin oh wait we didn't talk about if there had been a musical episode of the show yeah let's go back I mean I don't I don't know like it's hard to tell I'm trying to think of songs back then oh like a song that what like embodies your character or just a like a group song or I don't know what well so Glee was like a jukebox musical they would take pop songs and make them like the characters narrative what song embodies your character like popong I mean in in this season it's um Ain't Too Proud to Beg right please don't leave me don't you yeah I mean I don't know what's that Four Non you for the candle box I'll you for the I'm going to punch you in the neck with the candle box denal loves signing other people up for karaoke and then making them sing the song while she's yelling at the audience karaoke [ __ ] um I did sing four non- blonds recently you did that's a good one yeah actually with with Renee our head of development um at our pod so it's uh it's really fun okay should we spin a wheel guys do it let's do it okay go ahead what is what does it say danal who is most likely to travel the world in their van so who is most likely to travel the world in their van you have to pick a character from the show in a real life person but I think we know the answer to this Chris Keller charact oh sure I could see Chris on the show doing that but in real life it's you dude you've got the big huge like Astro van like seriously van we were all together this weekend and denil rolled up in a van that my husband thought was like the van that was supposed to take us from the hotel to the venues he thought was like the hired van oh my gosh take their family on the road in a van it is me you did you have to get like a like a CDL license to drive that thing no no and we used to have a boat and I didn't I actually I I got a license for that because I thought everyone should but it's not required what yeah well listen when we go on the road with the drama Queen's tour with our wine suitcase you can be our bus driver no worries I got it drama Queen's tour we are working on that folks feel free to send us uh some info about if you want us to come to your city email us us Austin we want you to come that be fun yes stay weird okay next episode season 3 episode 7 champagne for my real friends real pain for my sham friend this is one of the ones that I remember this title and I think of it often for some brand some reason I guess just stuck in my head I don't know what the episode's about but I bet I'll remember it when we start watching yeah you will hope you'll join us thanks for hanging out with us today and we'll see you next week bye thanks deal we love you guys bye hey thanks for listening don't forget to leave us a review you can also follow us on Instagram at drama queens or email us at dramaqueens at see you next time we all about that High School drama girl drama girl all about them High School Queens we'll take you for a ride in our comic girl drama girl cheering for the right team drama que Dr girl up girl fashion but your tough girl you could sit with us girl drama queens drama queens drama queens drama drama queens drama queens

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