Category: Gaming
[applause] now a first carry here for robinson and he gets forward up the middle but only for a couple it'll be second down a check in on the numbers last week for robinson the hattick plus one four trips to the end zone with his legs and partner you know how all the guys do when they do that little... Read more
Category: Gaming
Not to be advised giving the ball away in that position oh that is a goal from long range he won't soon forget absolutely right out of the top drawer well as you can see this is a great bit of skill he hits it perfectly doesn't he that's a br Read more
Category: Gaming
It should be oh a moment of pure class had to catch it perfectly and didn't he just [applause] Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] [music] thank you [music] thank you [music] thank you [music] [music] Read more
Category: Gaming
Go that will do nicely for starters first goal of the [applause] [music] game well here it is again it's a good delivery from the corner and it ends up with a fairly simple finish certainly not much the goalkeeper can do about that and the ball moving again what sort of risk response will we see from... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hallo leute ich bin der dominik und ich begrüße euch zu ein neuen folge der f1 2016 fahrerkarriere und ja leute wir sehen zu beginn erstmal unseren neuen rivalen leis hamilton ja den werden wir glaube ich nicht so oft schlagen letztes renn haben wir nicht geschlagen ne aber wir haben ihn schon mal geschlagen... Read more
Category: Gaming
B tout le monde c'est on se retrouve pour une nouvelle vidéo youtube sur f1 2023 un point de rupture bon c'est parti go on va voir j'en avais déjà fait un mais bon je vais en refire un avec vous go comment vous sentez-vous à l'e de votre première course dans la catégorie r je me sens comme un gosse... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applaus] wir heißen sie herzlich willkommen zu dieser partie heute abend schön dass sie mit dabei sind am mikrofon sind auch heute wieder einmal wolfu und frank buschman die vorrunde der uefa champions league ist unterwegs es kommt hier zu einem duell in der vorrunde fc barcelona gegen sch ein wichtiges... Read more
Category: Gaming
And i'll tell you what you really are spoiled for choice when it comes to football grounds in the midlands of england welcome to the hawthorns i'm derek ray and sitting next to me with his tactics charts at the ready is stuart robson and looking forward to bringing you action from the kabau cup it's... Read more
Category: Gaming
[applause] [music] [applause] it is the grand final the roosters versus the raiders and this is gonna be a match like the 2019 grand final so hopefully you like it these are the team lineups just so you know it's a pretty good lineup for both teams andrew voss and alongside me today chris in a feature... Read more
Category: Gaming
For today from acure stadium in pittsburgh it's week one of the nfl on ea sports [applause] it's the pittsburgh steelers taking on the san francisco [music] 49ers but not far from where the steelers former homes at three river stadium forbes field once stood we are at pittsburgh's acure stadium today... Read more
Category: Gaming
Salut à tous c'est usco j'espère que vous allez bien pour ma part ça va nickel les gars aujourd'hui toute nouvelle vidéo car manager avec le losk donc voilà donc comme l'épisode dernier je commence l'épisode des début du match donc voilà les gars donc pour cet épisode on va jouer bordeaux on va jouer... Read more