The Latest Big News on Microsoft Hits 3m Teams Premium Users, Avaya's New CEO, Crowdstrike Outage

Published: Aug 05, 2024 Duration: 00:36:13 Category: Science & Technology

Trending searches: microsoft teams outage
[Music] hello and welcome to another big UC news show with me David Dumay today I have a rather full room of amazing analysts with me uh let's do just a quick round of introductions before we get into our fantastic topics of the day I have with with me Mr zus caraval Evan Kell marabel Lopez craiger John Arnold ER irn Lazar sorry wiwin struggled there and then our new boy for today grae fuin welcome to the show everyone it's great to have you um let's get straight into some news conversations I'm gonna start with a Microsoft teams there's a Microsoft earnings call earlier this week which we're all kind of waiting for with baited breath really to see what would come out of uh of this call there are a couple of things though but I think we're going to focus on the the major UC piece of news and that was that UC uh sorry Microsoft teams has now reached 3 million premium teams users um I'm not sure if we expected Microsoft to do um badly there but of course this is pretty impressive the service has only been available since October and there are already some pretty big companies making use of this um I will probably add that Microsoft in typical Microsoft fashion did allow a 30-day trial for uh for free for users to kind of test out Microsoft teams premium of course it comes with all kinds of amazing features infused with sort of super duper Ai and Al all sorts of other things but I guess the question is you know what what what do we what do we think of this number um and what do we think of Microsoft's ability to kind of monetize their AI story ongoing um Irwin should we start off the you what what were your takeaways there yeah I I think it's you know it's still early but it's promising um you know if you look at what Microsoft teams premium brings to the table it brings some AI features like meeting transcription summarization it also brings things that are very useful and what we've seen a lot of the interest in is around using Microsoft teams as an event platform so some of the administration capabilities uh branding and and so on that the teams premium brings to the table so you know three million is still a relatively small number in in in the scope of the 300 or so people million people who have teams licenses uh right now but it's showing that you know Microsoft is is showing that they can add additional value increase arpo and I think that's always a challenge you know when you think about everything that's that's that's part of that license how do you uh find ways to demonstrate additional value and the fact that they have you know been able to add three million users and we'll see obviously over time if that grows could incentivize some of their competitors to look for ways of you know charging extra for additional features that they otherwise might have given away which you know from the buyer side makes things a little more challenging I think think what I like about this is the concept that um like you said you can layer value at a time that I think people thought well is is this Market slowing down would anybody be able to get any traction with services like that you know we've talked about what's the role of AI in that so uh obviously it's finding the right set of features that would drive that premium subscription but we went from thinking it might be nothing in a total nonstarter to they said it was 400% growth year-over-year but to the earlier point it hasn't quite been a year I don't know exactly when they're calculating that from but it's pretty significant ramp and so then the question is can they keep that love alive like you were saying yeah what I think is important here too is that I'm greatly concerned in the UC industry that most of the vendors are choosing to go down the path and we'll just give it away and bundle it in and you know that to me that's just not a scalable model you can't keep throwing money into R&D hold the price fixed by adding more features right and so I think what Microsoft is showing here is that with enough Innovation people will pay for additional features in fact I think even with co-pilot people question whether people would pay for that or not where other vendors give it away and I think the answer is if it does what it's supposed to do and it saves us time and it you know it adds value people will pay for it and so I I really don't want to see the UC industry go down the commodity route and I've been greatly concerned that it is and so it's it's good to see a vendor actually charge for the value the one challenge that I would have them CAU I'm cautious about is creating licensing complexity so um if you look at the number of add-ons you have to teams you know go all the way back to calling plans and phones and everything else which was already you needed a dakoda ring now you have another one and the features within the premium are um they're great features but they're they're hard to put them in a box for me you know what qualifies as add-on and value and what eventually waterfalls to being part of the Baseline offering as well too um and of course co-pilot I'm curious how much of the AI is driving the value towards the premium since it's somewhat uh infused within that versus some of those other co-pilot options you have to add on within your Microsoft experience as well too so the the the licensing fatigue is potential and that's what I'm keeping an eye on yeah I'm with I'm with you on that Craig too but just amply with Zas is saying you know it just shows that if they can keep charging and people keep paying uh they're going to just keep doing it I mean why why why would they change otherwise and clearly they're having that success when you start adding events and you know uh platforms onto this thing um it builds more of aote to compete against you know keep Cisco out and zoom out and N via out and you're really covering the whole landscape now with this and it's just you know further entrenching their uh their dominance and when you look at the volumes of you know revenues that they're generating it's it's really them and everybody else and that's like say has to stay in the game you got to give it away but so what so what I mean they're they're having everything and I'm with you Craig I don't even I don't even know how much of a an AI story an AI story this really needs to be it's just that they're bundling everything in one package they already learned about that they can't get away with um forcing bundles with Office 365 in teams so they've learned kind of got they got the slap on the wrist about that but this they can keep bundling because it's all kind of in the same pack package of services uh and I don't see anything changing there I guess the toughest thing is I'm looking at the list right now there's some really I I I there's things that qualify as your teams premium feature and I question why did they wind up on there things like hide attendee names view engagement reports um read live transcript captions during the meeting versus uh after the meeting so some of these things are kind of nuanced and somewhere back there someone's making that decision like is this premium is this not and and and I'm just boy wouldn't that be interesting to be a fly in the wall for that process huh can we can we get extra money out of this feature or not yeah I mean I think ultimately they want to bring more event you know webinar type features into teams versus having a separate product there so that's probably driving a lot of it yeah yeah and that is an area for disruption I mean the most virtual events you know signups and it's it's it's really nobody does that really well yet so well we've gone back and forth of how much we're going to do right from the online event perspective I have the the same kind of point about the the regular teams and premium as well with uh teams premium and co-pilot who's deciding uh how are they deciding which of the co-pilot features will be integrated into the team's fe uh premium or not and how that's going to evolve over time are they going to pull more from co-pilot to gain more or are they just going to keep getting traction how they are now yeah don't eventually the copal type fees eventually just become a standardized set in every like we would just expect to see it in every kind of communications tool we use right they you know the the I've always said that we know AI is real when we stop talking about it and it just becomes an embedded part of what we do and so I I think grah to your point it just eventually I think we'll see most that stack built into it and I think all of matters will have to comply that way but it there's a certain expectation that these things will get easier to use and and generative AI component will be a natural part of using these applications I think this gets back to Craig's point though on what does licensing look like right now and everybody's trying to figure out what do they want to put as a discret item and what do they want to have as part of a bundle and to your point zus I think eventually we get AI embedded in everything but there has to be that uplift that even pays for the transaction of allowing AI to happen in the platform because AI comes at a cost right so what we probably get moving forward is we get different licensing with different dollar value tiers that are higher that have ai embedded in it and then it's a matter of if you know can you parse out the AI is is some AI more relevant and more interesting and worth more than others but we're not at that point yet right now we're just co-piloting everything on the planet right yeah we're all old enough to remember Telecom expense management wonder if we'll start to see AI expense management where companies are knocking out doors saying hey we'll audit your AI license figure out what you're using what you're not using and you know pay for our services uh just based on what we can save you there's Pro there's probably a gen AI bot that can do that on behalf of the Gen AI auditing process yeah we're already seeing that in the cloud space we have companies starting up who are doing Cloud sprawl analysis and SAS sprawl analysis and uh in this new era of the bottom line that's a Hot Topic is is uh uh overlapping licenses and and overuse of cloud and uh yeah why not yeah well the ROI piece is important too and and this you back up and look at how this ties into Azure and you know it's just more data to drive the cloud and everything that they're doing with open AI to build their models this is more than just you know tying up customers with more and more of your features it's it's is a much bigger story here too I think that speaks to their dominance in the whole AI Cloud space yeah I'm going to Crowbar my crowbar my way into the conversation now I can that's completely that's a great point now John actually in terms of their dominance we're just coming off the back of some kind of uh research of our readership and surprise surprise you know Microsoft was uh was the most dominant vendor in in all of that research so um but we let's let's move it move the conversation along a little bit to our next topic and that is Av AV is the story that keeps on giving ly they've been on a humongous transformation Journey with Alan maserak over the last couple of years Allan has finally retired though um and we have a new CEO over at Avia Patrick Dennis um in the last week we've seen more layoffs um we've seen um some notable names actually leave the building as well uh now this has all been kind of dubbed as just the final kind of phase of Allen's plan that that Patrick is um kind of completing on and moving the ship forward um it's great to see some some more new blood within the business as well um but yeah about 180 jobs have gone um so I guess the question is you know is this is this the fruition of Alan maserak master plan you know um there's a bit of a reshuffle going on you know what do we think of this news um Zas I know you've um been briefed on this you know what do you what is your take yeah I spent a lot of time with Patrick and ML and you know saurin and a lot of the leaders there and in a lot of ways it is I I think they weren't sure where the business would be at this point in time right and so they're adjusting headcount to that but I I do know the the 180 headcount I mean it's a little overblown the it's 3% they 6,000 employees so it's not a tremendous number there's a lot of companies that that do that every year a rationalized headcount one of the important parts to understand though is they are reallocating a lot of those heads as well so on the sales side they they're Global account and so one of the things that Allan talked a lot about is focusing on the global 1500 right and going really deep with those customers now the global account managers typically had 50 60 some had a 100 different accounts you can't really do an effective job of managing accounts if you've got that many and so at most they want their Global account managers to have 10 accounts more like five to seven would be the optimal number and so you need more salespeople to do that right if you're going from you know 50 to 5 right you need 10x the number of people and so uh a lot of the 180 they will rehire different people in fact ml said just go to look at our website we've got jobs open they're doing that um you know they they did that in engineering as well and so I I think that um uh they've had to bring in new Talent as well and if if you look other companies do this all the time I remember last year when Cisco was doing a reduction of headcount Chuck on his earnings call said look we we're shifting resources from you know say collab to security ideally we could take people from this group and move it to this group but if they don't have the skill sets then we got to bring in new people right and I think from an AIA perspective one of the reasons they're in the position they are today is because they didn't do that kind of stuff right they had a lot of long tenur employees that tend to just hang around and it was almost like a club there and I think they're trying to take a lot of that culture and change it right so I think these are good changes for the company the Allen shift was an interesting one when I talked to Allan about it he said look he likes the transformation work he likes that kind of Mucky stuff but now that they're down to X's and O's he said it's not that I can't do it but it's just more you know in Patrick's wheelhouse and I do think this was planned for a while and one of the reasons I say that is because a lot of those top Executives that Allen's brought in they came in because of Allen and so now you have to question are they going to leave with Allen executing or or exiting and I asked them all and they said no Patrick was part of our onboarding process and so we're very comfortable with this transition and so I think this is gear Point Day part of the larger plan uh that was put in place and so we'll see where they go from here I do think right now Dave it's going to be very interesting next year for AA they've got the team they wanted they got the product where they want they're you know they've got the strategy in place and so now it's time to you know start putting up the customer wins right so you know you can you can talk about it all you want but now you got to start showing the wins and so this is a an really important next 12 months to show that the strategy they put in place is actually working so hiring more account managers is really still just trying to maintain what you have right I mean they've got to grow they have to get the if they're going to downshift from the mid market and focus on that you know 1500 grouping that's going to be the hardest place to compete you know I'm just wondering in the strategy sounds okay but can they really translate that into a net new growth and that obviously we have to see how that plays out but yeah the first order business protect that base though right and so they got to make sure they don't if they lose that now now they're in trouble so done but it's a steep hill for sure I feel like we've been having these conversations about you know protecting the base and trying to find a growth path for them for a number of years now right well yeah and many of us were at engage and including myself after having been somewhat detached from what was happening at AA for a number of years through all the changes and the the takeaway was a lot of energy high energy a lot of excitement a lot of enthusiasm and um you know a lot of admiration for the work Allen had done and a little deflationary to hear some of the latest uh changes I we heard a lot from Allan about how the bottom line the balance sheet was in such great shape um and to see you know uh those changes happening you know a little bit disappointed but you know the the proof will be in the pudding like Z said to see what's happens over the next year I don't think it's a bad thing to change Talent out I I you know good companies do it all the time it's just like um there will be a net reduction of people obviously but I think it's something that comp should have addressed let me ask you this I mean there's two questions actually and since you've had a chance to talk to Allan would how would you grade him was his job done in that two years that he was hired to bring in and done well and then secondly is he truly retired or is he just going back to the uh bench for waiting for the next similar um recovery type project yeah I'm guessing he'll probably do another recovery type project he you know if you look Craig I I don't know if it was completely done but from the day he started he talked about an 8 quarter transformation and he's at eight quarters and so I don't know if the plan with the board was look we'll give you two years then we're bringing you know our guy in or if he negotiated that or however that took place but he's been very consistent eight quarters eight quarters I didn't think eight quarters literally meant eight quarters right I thought he you know we we'd see him longer than that but uh uh he he certainly um uh you know did hold to that timeline you know as far as a greening goes I think if you were to ask him behind closed doors I would guess that AA was a bigger mess than he realized it was right and um I think there was a lot more work to do there uh I think in the eight quarter time period I'm not sure you could have done more than what he did Without Really you know burning it down right and so and he's done a lot of that and sometimes you need to burn it down to bring it back up and so I think the look are they going to come back and be you know the great company they once were who knows right but I do think they had to change the strategy that they were doing because more of what we saw over the last five years was just going to lead to more of what we've seen over the last five years and so this at least is a different strategy and so ultimately is it going to work I don't know like I said it comes down to the team that's in place now and uh you know I do like the fact that they've regionalized leadership we all love Nadal but I do think running like emia out of Dubai and Singapore right is very difficult to do and so now they' brought in a bunch of regional leaders I I do think nal's loss is going to be interesting to see though just because he was so popular with customers and you I I did have appreciation of their what I'll call portfolio cleanup or their brand cleanup um they really leaned into that phrase uh disruption um innovation without disruption um I know that you guys uh several of you were at gitex when that became a very uh Mantra that people were raising a flag for it seems to have you know landed well it could just be marketing fluff but there seems to at least be some cleanup that took place in the portfolio yeah the large Enterprise base is very scared to move right uh to to to really change things radically and so I think the Innovation with the stru from buys and time you know um and the question is what do they do at the time right but it also plays to their strength their core customer large Global Enterprise companies but if that's what they want to hone in on and drive future growth I just have a hard time seeing how that's going to happen whereas the smaller end of the market there's much more you know much more ability to close deals faster and get your volumes up and get those net new wins so I I don't know but um yeah Craig I I like that tag as well it do yeah buys you some time Etc and but again it speaks to the needs of that Enterprise Market but the rest of the market isn't there they're already in the cloud they've made those changes so it's it's a less less of an attractive fit there so maybe and maybe they're seeing that and they saying you know what we better stick to our knitting and really hone in on the big companies who have a hard time moving on off of what they have but this is a good example of what we were just talking about with a more count managers you have an organization that has a good good embedded basee that has to go through a lot of transition probably needs a fair amount of handholding there's opportunity to change the infrastructure cost for them and still have a win for a via so I think leaning in on that and getting that nailed I mean it's really hard like if you think of just even in basic consumer like if you're a Telo and you're trying to get a consumer to come on it cost you hundreds of dollars to get that one consumer and then if you lose lose them they got to come back so then magnify this Con set by you know 10,000 seats 15,000 seats you know there's real it's a lot easier to keep one company make them happy and try to do an upsell than it is to backfill that with 250 smaller companies right so this is what they're trying to do and it's uh it's not a bad strategy I know it gets to the where's the growth opportunity come from but there's something to be said for like stability and a solid base and proving that you can execute and migrate people over into a new world and if you can do that then that gives you the opportunity to come from a base of strength and tell other people hey we did it with them we can do it with you we could take you off of Cisco we can take you off of you know whomever right so yeah don't don't forget too that Allan always said we missed the first wave with Cloud but AI it's still early enough that'll be an even bigger opportunity that's where we're gonna like if that's where they think they're going to close the gap and get into the plus column and okay so if that's if that's the part of the strategy that Allan laid for that I guess we want to see more not just reor of the sales organization but where is that AI Innovation maybe with disruption Craig but that real Innovation that AI is promising they they've got to show leadership there if that if that vision is going to come true so I got a big beef with the AI point at the moment right and it's like here's my so here's my beef with the AI point so every single vendor comes in and we're going to make like Gob smacks of money selling people AI right but they pitch the whole portfolio like our portfolio is amazing because it has Ai and then when you roll up to them they're like oh you want the AI it it's it's like all the features that you could put on a car it's like okay we're gonna get you this Ai and then we're gonna get you that Ai and we're gonna get you this other Ai and it's like 15 different things that you have to layer on to get the product that they talked to you about in the beginning now I get why everybody wants to demonstrate that they can make money with AI and we've talked to a lot of different vendors in in this space around it and I think everybody on this call obviously has um so the question is it's like what do you really get when you're buying a product like what a what AI do you really get versus what AI is going to be an overlay and it's like hey just make a bundle charge me more with the AI included on it because people can't do the upsell when you go to a company they're like if this is going to cost me 10 15 30% more to layer in the AI I can't get the budget for that when I'm moving over into Cloud as an example so we have just got to rationalize if it's going to come with AI that's going to cost you more it's going to be more in R&D dollars then we have to find a way to make that so that people can consume it without feeling like they're gonna be nickel and died with it as well sorry that was my rant on AI because it just happens good rant I like rants especially from you marel but um I mean just to just to reiterate though customer experience customer service is the one top area where AI will have the biggest impact not UC and other areas so uh Now's the Time and now it's a space and gosh I've thought probably had 300 innovators in voice Bots and uh conversational AI on my podcast everyone is like laser focused on this area and it's time to Triple down for AIA the the the challenge for Ria and really all the cast vendors all the contact center vendors though is that Wall Street believes that it's going to create a big deflationary effect on the contact center industry right so they've got a tie GE Point Marell AI to seek growth to revenue growth right because a lot of investors now believe that if AI can do a great job of customer service companies will cut their number of agents in half which creates a much smaller addressable market right for sure sure that's more of an industry problem so does edifi get them there is that you know do they have to make more moves bigger moves like that if they're going to really be a leader um no I don't I don't think that's enough right but uh I mean it's a start but they you know the good thing about AI is there's enough public models that they can use to bring into their product the the the engineering team itself has gone through a pretty big change right so sain's done a lot of hiring and bringing in new talent and stuff but I think they're we we're really early in that cycle especially particularly for AA yeah they they actually just had a call before we recording this where they talked about Road out for the next year and AI ecosystem was a big part of that so yeah they're not going to be able to do it all themselves to Evans point there you know 300 companies delivering different AI Solutions I think the success comes from having some of their own capabilities but also layering in partner capabilities making it easy for customers to consume that and integrate it into the core of via platform it's you know same's true for any other vendor in the space I think AI it's a team sport right I think that's a good a good uh I think that's a good place to move on to our next topic of today um we're going to talk about resiliency and now um we saw a mass sort of meltdown of the digital world couple of weeks ago um caused by a crowd strike update um that if you're on social media at that time that it was alive with people happy that they didn't have to go to work anymore and sad because they couldn't catch that flight because many of the airlines went down as well although notably actually American Airlines they had quite a nice story they were up and running again sort of fairly quickly within an hour I think um so um it was a bit of a story of two has really and I know there was a more recently there was a an incident at the Olympics as well um but you know what what can we learn from these kind of outages um around about resiliency um Craig I know you had some thoughts and opinions on this you know what how can people respond to this you know what what did he make of all this kind of major melt you I appreciate asking we had a debate uh as chat earlier among the analysts on this call and we were trying to hone in on the idea this crowd strike truly impact UniFi Communications and it it probably only on the peripherals it wasn't as much since it was a lot of inpoint but the idea of vulnerability to a to a system is what really piqu my interest there and just at that same time across the BBC newswire came a story that they wrote about the attacks taking place in in France related to to the Olympics and they called them attacks uh despite having 20,000 additional soldiers there to re you know to back up the 40,000 police officers were there people were able to physically go through and cut phone lines fiber went down in entire areas of of the city did not have phone service so it it it just raised the question to me are we still at a point where some systems can still be vulnerable to attack on such a global national level or at at points of Crisis or or key importance I think so and and it may may not be a crowd strike which is a little bit more of a push of a update taking place and there was bad decisions and catastrophic impacts but the vulnerability of our infrastructure is still present and I think crowd strike brings to Bear how it can impact and the ways of impacting things taking place who would have thought a PC having a blue screen of death would have resulted in Zas losing his luggage you know on on a trip and and what resulted from that so I I contend and I'm open to the conversation here that um Communications is important but we're still very vulnerable as an industry as a technology to some either catastrophic meltdown or a bad actor impact yeah so this is this is in this is disruption without Innovation it's really think about it um what the thing that really strikes me about this crowd strike thing is all the all the disruption that it caused and I think touched just about everything and everybody this was a human error problem about an upgrade this was not a security breach could you imagine what would have happened if something really bad happened like cutting wires is a big deal that's that's that's that's that's all kind that's a soft target attack and they can happen anywhere with any form of infrastructure and that's a bigger issue too and the Olympics just puts a spotlight on that when you start getting into you know Global terrorism and stuff like that but this stuff is is you know the human error thing is just like wow if if it's that easy to cause this disruption yeah the Bad actors are all over this I'm sure saying wow if that was so easy to do imagine what we're going to do when we really want to cause some damage and that that's where I think that raises the stakes Dave your question about resiliency um it just shows you how fast and large scale these things happen when things don't go right um and I just thought we got off easy with this just being a a blue screen and you know shutting down a few Airlines there could be much more much more damage done when they start getting resiliency and diversity I mean you know look at vendor we were talking about vendor diversity a moment ago and how Microsoft has this outsized share of of Market uh in so many areas um you know this didn't happen to Apple Mac users on the client side we were fine you know one reason is is because Apple doesn't give people kernel access uh to to f around on the core kernel which Microsoft is now considering changing that policy so hopefully there'll be like some lessons learned some takeaways but vendor diversification system redundancy data redundancy you know have have become so obviously important not just for these sort of attacks but for any real ransomware attacks and um Even in our personal lives I I heard Zas talking about how we had three different flights booked on three different a lines to get home just so he could jump on one and you know Enterprises need to think about that sort of diversity and redundancy uh moving forward so the thing is the technolog is there to create to create redundancy and diversity the question is do the vendors follow it like in the case of crowd strike I have never heard of a cloud provider pushing an update to every node they have all because typically if you see Cloud outages all the time but the cloud provider just fails over to another Cloud another region and that's what you would have thought crowd strike would have done but it turns out they pushed the update everywhere which but from yeah from an Enterprise perspective though you know I I guess you could say du diligence but I I don't think I'd actually ask that question right as a as a buyer but I I suppose you should but I I do think that um there's a the way you know networks work today and you know there the technolog is out there to build it whatever level of digital resilience you want the question is how much it's a it's a balance of spend and you know then uh things like that for companies but it does underscore the importance of it and uh but the the tools and Technologies there to protect yourself if companies are willing to to put the money in and that's that's the big question I guess the thing that is really I see is really important as a lesson from this as it relates to UC or anything is the concept of your depend Tendencies right so usually there's in often times an illogical number of interdependencies that you as an organization have not kind of fully worked through and therefore even if you backed something up you know no one would have thought that well the issue is that you know crowd strike did this so that meant that for Microsoft right so did anybody draw that connection and usually you don't and you know we've seen other big uh Pro High profile that were more cyber related like the MGM one you know they had all their systems tied together you couldn't order food you couldn't get your valet card the slot machines didn't work and so at some point you had to say did they roll through all the in data interdependencies or service provider interdependencies like what service provider needs to depend on what other service provider and this is where it gets a little wonky so that's a that's a interesting risk exercise I think a lot of organizations need to do now and I think about it in terms of the enduser organizations and Enterprise as well so may the build off of what you're saying too how much responsibility would I have as a buyer I'll use UC as an example does it mean that I should still maintain both teams licenses and zoom licenses in in the background do I have a cost of Burden or am I starting to get in a position as an Enterprise buyer that I can start requesting more clarity around their resiliency and and in um protocols so if there's an SLA and even accountability if I subscribe to crowd strike or whoever can I hold them accountable you know um the airlines is suing Delta is suing crowd strike as as a result of that is that a precedence is that something that can come up that there's more level disclosure on these software and Sass providers that are required it uh in this environment then so I think that is a great place to end today's discussion uh before I say thank you to my guests uh let's just talk about a few events coming up um we have October the gauntlet of events uh kicking off with the cavel summit the service provider event in New York on the 1st of October UC Expo London 2nd of October zoomtopia 9th and 10th of October that is a hybrid event so there is an online element to that as well and then we've got we're over to Dubai in the Middle East for gitex Global in the middle of October about the 14th U and then we're rounding off the month with WebEx one in Miami again another hybrid event and that's on the 21st so make sure you get those dates in your diary I'm sure many of this room will be uh attending at least some of those in person as well so make sure you come and say hello um so it's nothing left for me to do but say thank you very much to my guests let's go around the room quickly Zas Evan marel Craig John Ann and Graham thank you so much for joining me and we'll see you next time [Music]

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Category: News & Politics

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THE PS5 PRO IS A SCAM! #shorts #playstation #ps5 thumbnail
THE PS5 PRO IS A SCAM! #shorts #playstation #ps5

Category: Entertainment

The ps5 pro is a complete scam sony has been having a rough time as of late with some notable high-profile failures including the abysmal launch of the life service game concord along with concord's failure sony has attracted the ey of playstation players and most consumers the reveal of the ps5 pro... Read more

Apple's $14B Tax Slam, Endava Lawsuits & Adobe's Stock Shock! 🚀📉 #TechNews thumbnail
Apple's $14B Tax Slam, Endava Lawsuits & Adobe's Stock Shock! 🚀📉 #TechNews

Category: Science & Technology

Intro welcome to the friday edition of tech stocks daily folks hold on to your gadgets because we've got a roller coaster of tech news for you today we'll dive into apple's turbulent week from staggering stock prices and colossal 14 billion tax debts to their ai powered iphone 16 launch we're also decoding... Read more

Star Wars Outlaws is BROKEN thumbnail
Star Wars Outlaws is BROKEN

Category: Entertainment

Position fire you know i expected nothing yet somehow i'm still disa pointed Read more

Apple WWDC 2024 keynote in 18 minutes thumbnail
Apple WWDC 2024 keynote in 18 minutes

Category: Science & Technology

Visionos 2 - good morning. welcome to apple park. let's start with our newest operating system: visionos. - now visionos 2 lets you do something truly amazing with the photos already in your library. with just the tap of a button, advanced machine learning derives both a left and right eye view from... Read more

Verizon to Buy Frontier for $9.6 Billion in Broadband Push | Bloomberg Businessweek thumbnail
Verizon to Buy Frontier for $9.6 Billion in Broadband Push | Bloomberg Businessweek

Category: News & Politics

[music] bloomberg audio studios podcasts radio news this is bloomberg business week inside from the reporters and editors who bring you america's most trusted business magazine plus global business finance and tech news the bloomberg business week podcast with carol messer and tim stenc from bloomberg... Read more

MAKE HIM GAY!? Salty games media uses Astro Bot success to CRY about Concord FAILURE!? thumbnail
MAKE HIM GAY!? Salty games media uses Astro Bot success to CRY about Concord FAILURE!?

Category: Entertainment

[music] everybody is talking about astrobot a fun little platformer game that i didn't even know existed until thursday of last week maybe i think it's the first time i i heard of it when i saw some gameplay and a review talking about how great it is and then i watch watched a couple more reviews and... Read more

X (Formerly Twitter) Resumes Service After Global Outage: Key Details thumbnail
X (Formerly Twitter) Resumes Service After Global Outage: Key Details

Category: Entertainment

In a surprising turn of events the social media platform x formerly known as twitter experienced a significant outage affecting users worldwide on august 14th 2024 this disruption impacted both the web and app versions of the platform leading to widespread frustration and confusion among users reports... Read more

Lilly Is Selling Zepbound Vials at 50% Discount to Shots | Bloomberg Businessweek thumbnail
Lilly Is Selling Zepbound Vials at 50% Discount to Shots | Bloomberg Businessweek

Category: News & Politics

Bloomberg audio studios podcasts radio news this is bloomberg business week inside from the reporters and editors who bring you america's most trusted business magazine plus global business finance and tech news the bloomberg business week podcast with carol messer and tim stenc from bloomberg radio... Read more