in this video I try to do all the emotions from inside out too in real life after doing all the emotions the cursed inside out two characters are summoned in real life I find anger and anxiety arguing and then I find some weird creepy toys right after you guys hit that like button and subscribe to my channel here we [Music] go all right everyone before we do the Inside Out 2 challenge in real life I have a for you which Inside Out character are you a quick little inside out two quiz by popcorn trivia let's give them a like and let's watch welcome to popcorn trivia you a fan of inside out you can say that today we're going to find out which character suits you best oh boy oh boy boy fear sadness anxiety or Joy okay here we go oh my gosh I'm anxiety where can I put myself a new emotion let start the video okay question one what is your favorite color ooh orange purple green red blue or yellow it used to be green uh I'm going to say but after living in Florida for a bit I think it's blue now to be honest so I say blue check how many points your answer to this question got and remember these 10 points bro I should have went with green a man question two the hottest summer accessory is guys make sure you make sure you guys do this with me okay not just by myself you guys got to play this game with me so after every single thing count the amount of points you got and write it down and save it till the end gloves Beach CL your couch Fab sunglasses to-do lists or a li hottest summer accessory accessory probably glasses I don't know check the points in your answer and add them to the previous okay I'm writing it down video notes okay so I got 10 points for the first one and then I just selected uh Fab sunglasses check the points in your answer and add them to the previous points okay 10 points and I also got 40 points here all right so that's 50 points by the way have you guys seen iOS 18 apparently you can do like a math note and it'll just add everything up for you that would be cool in this video all right next one broccoli on Pizza is delicious whatever oh my God broccoli on Pizza is disgusting thing bro I'm going to say gross I'm going to say an Abomination I'm going to say d That's what I'm going to say I'm going to say d okay 60 points from your answer to the total all right 60 points so I'm going to say 60 points okay let's keep going that's disgusting imagine putting broccoli on Pizza bro what is wrong with you that is disgusting four what is your spirital what's my spirital peacock dear dolphin oh my God bro it's definitely not a sloth um it's either a dolphin or a tiger bro I'm going to say tiger to be honest already subscribe to the channel Tiger Tiger 60 points continue adding the points from your answer to the previous total uh I think tiger was 60 points which dising character are you most related to oh wow Donald Duck Arlo Ed mode white rabbit or eor um bro honestly enjoying the video leave a like I'm going to say Mickey I'm going to say Mickey else 50 points all right awesome 50 points points all right look at this comment I got anger bro I have anger issues that's actually hilarious that's funny do you have anger issues okay how many points do you have let's see let's keep going the points from your answer to the total okay next up next up question six at parties where can I find you on a couch on the death debating passionately analyzing social traps fashion Choice that's a tough one I'm going to say uh I'm going to say add the points from your answer to the total I'm going to say a I guess post to familiar places that's what I'm going to say okay so that was 20 points for me okay let's keep going this is cool I wonder what all these points are going to mean this is going to help you determine which character you are where would you like to spend a day honesty Island what the hell is hon is Island tragic vampire romance Island hockey island or social media Island um first of all what the hell is honest the island that can't be a real place I'm going to have to say um okay okay I'm going to say goof wall Island 50 points continue okay cuz you know social media island sounds a little cringy okay I got 50 W I'm excited I want to see wonder what this is all going to add up to here we go question eight what do your friends think fashionable scared lazy always happy always overthinking or hot tempered uh I going to say always happy cuz it's definitely not fashionable so I'm going to say I'm going to say always happy 50 points all right 50 points damn I'm getting a lot of points I don't know if that's good or bad sometimes continue tracking your points don't just pick the one with the highest points cuz you think it's going to be good there's a chance it might not be not the best part of your day is in the safety of your home watching a romantic movie making someone smile winning an argument when things go as planned or shopping probably e because I have a lot of things planned and I have a lot of goals so I love when things just go as planned like I hate when I have all these plans like oh I'm going to film this video then I'm going to do this video then I'm going to go to the gym and then I'm going to go like hang out with my friend and then I'm going to try this or going see my mom and then nothing goes with plan I get so pissed that pisses me off the most so when things go is plann that's definitely best question 10 what would be your worst nightmare speaking an endless story night or loud music probably an endless story comments which characters you like the most an endless story probably 30 points like imagine you're trying to go to bed and some dude is just telling you the story and you're like bro come on like wrap it up already that probably is my worst nightmare that's funny okay adding the unless a cockroach was on the uh the list I would have chosen cockroach okay next up 11 how do you react when something goes wrong yell and swear make a sarcastic comment freezes have an anxiety attack cries a lot or stay positive uh probably stay positive because like not everything is going to go right all the time and no matter what happens to you like if something doesn't go your way whatever dude like there's people who don't have like food they don't have water they don't have legs so it's kind of hard it's kind of arrogant for me to start yelling and swearing or like be upset or like whatever because at the end day it's not a big deal and people have it a lot worse so you have to be grateful and always remember that so you got to stay positive so I got 50 points like I said uh the higher number might not be better you know like we don't know what the points are going to add toing your points adding the points from your answer to the total all right all right 12 what can't be missed on a trip beaed itinerary perf photos a cozy blanket ticket to all shows sunscreen or stress balls uh okay stress balls are not necessary probably an itinerary is the best I'm going to say an itary is probably the best continue adding the points from your answer or clothes no you definitely need clothes bro I'm going to say with clothes I'm going to say clothes cuz itary no man itinary is probably better iary you got to know what you're doing otherwise you're going to be like lost okay we're almost done this quiz guys I hope you're counting your points otherwise you're going to find this video boring so make sure to count your points 180 points you are sad oh here we go the reveal the Ral okay let's count up all my points so I got 10 + 40 that's 50 + 60 that's 110 + 60 that's 170 uh + 50 that's uh 30 + 20 that's 220 uh plus 20 that's 240 Plus 50 that's 40 + 50 is 290 + 50 that's 340 370 uh 400 450 480 I got 480 I just did that off top of my head so I don't know if that's right or not hopefully it is uh so I just got 480 okay so if okay now let's see the results write down your results right now I'm going to wait for you okay go calculate it you can pause this video or I'm just going to wait for you no worries just use the calculator quick you guys are done probably okay you guys are probably done here we go if you got less than 180 points you are sadness okay I'm definitely not sadness I got 480 so emotionally intelligent and deeply empathetic inent you understand the complexities of feelings while you may have melan melancholic side your ability to connect with others in times of need is your greatest strength okay that's awesome if you got between 190 and 300 you are fear cautious and Vigilant you approach life with with a careful eye while you may be easily frightened your ability anticipate and plan for future potential challenges makes you an invaluable asset in navigation navigating uncertainty of Life naig all right all right that's cool that's cool uh what else if you got between 310 and 420 you were anxiety always thinking ahead and considering every possibility you approach life with caution while you may worry about the unknown your meticulous planning and attention to detail Ure you're prepared for whatever comes your way all right well I got this one if you got between 4:30 and 540 you're disgust what why am I disgusted bro are you serious I got 480 oh my god let's see this a tast maker with a keen ey for okay you appreciate the Finer Things in life your attention detail and strong opinions make you stand out on any ground and you know that sometimes a little attitude can go a long way all right a little attitude apparently can go a long way Joy if you got between 5 15 16 your joy always optimistic and full of energy you find the positive side in every situation your infectious enthusiasm brightens the lives of those around you and you know that life is an adventure meant to be enjoyed oh God if you got anger passionate and assertive you tackle challenges headon your fiery personality means you don't shy away from experiencing your opinions and you believe that sometimes a little anger is necessary to get things done I mean that's debatable but uh I guess that is the points guys so comment down below what you got and now let's get on with the challenge all right so the next part of this video is going to be the actual challenge we have to experience all of the emotions right after each other and if you do this then you will summon the inside out two characters in real life now I'm back at the place where I was flying my drone where I saw the inside out two characters and that is a huge bird holy crap anyways so I'm going to do this challenge right now I want you guys to do this challenge unless you know it's going to be embarrassing for you you can just watch but we're going to do this challenge together and we're going to see how it goes here we go so let's start from the beginning okay first up we got sadness okay so let me think of something that made me really sad a long time ago and uh let's try this now this might not be the best okay I'm not the best actor here so don't be judging but we're going to try anyways here we go sadness that's so fake wow what a fake oh come on all the make it seem real okay here we go let's try again sadness [Music] sadness okay I tried my best all right guys what what do you want me to do okay next one fear okay now to try being afraid okay let me try that again let me try that again okay here we go let's try again fear what is that ah I'm afraid okay I tried my best I told you I'm not the best actor okay I'm a YouTuber YouTubers are not actors we just film what happens in our day anyways okay next one okay anxiety oh oh this one's going to be weird it's just going to be like worrying and panicking right okay here we go uh I got to think of something I got to think of scenario okay I got one babe are you are you sure you put the food in the fridge are you sure it's going to go bad if you don't B I don't know I don't know oh my God wait hold on I think I I think I forgot to lock my car did I lock my car did I not lock my car oh my God we got to walk back even though the car is 10 minutes away I I I don't remember if I locked my car or not okay that was probably pretty good for anxiety I think right yeah that was pretty good okay next one next one disgust okay here we go broccoli on Pizza disgusting bro how are you going to put broccoli on pizza that's literally disgusting ew ew ew bro are you good I'm not sharing a pizza with you disgusting okay I'm I think I'm doing pretty well here guys rate my emotions and the next one is Joy okay oh boy okay no that's mickeey mouse let's try Joy okay what would actually make me excited I'll tell you what would make me excited if this video went viral so let's pretend this video is going viral oh oh my God this video went far oh let's go let's go let's go let's go Jack Army yeah let's go okay see that that's me being excited okay now that I've completed all the em oh wait there's one more emotion anger wait I'm not I'm not really good at anger but let's try this anyways um okay you know what let's say your cat just like or no you know what let's say your dog I don't have a dog but let's say your dog just scratched all the couches and and pooped on your couch and your baby your kid you have a kid in the scenario too and your kid just like broke your laptop for some reason and poured water over it and your cat brought in like a a group of M mice into your house for some reason I don't know how that happened but now you have a bunch of mice and cockroaches in your house oh my God how could you do it are you kidding me no why would you poop on the couch now I have to clean it oh my God I can't believe it oh you ruined my laptop too no why would you ruin my laptop and why would you bring all these mice into the house okay guys that was my best impression of getting angry you can tell I'm not that experienced at getting angry anyways guys now that we've completed all the emotions this should technically wait yo yo guys I think I just saw one of the characters from ins out 2o right there oh my God guys let's go let's go before this video starts I have a question for you have you ever wanted to be a YouTuber I just launched my brand new school YouTuber Academy the community contains hours of videos teaching the ins and outs of YouTube how to grow your Channel with me personally as your Mentor where I'll be hosting live week Q&A sessions to give you one-on-one help with your YouTube channel so if you want to hire me to be your YouTube coach check out my school Community from the link in the description Down Below guys I'm trying not to get seen right there but I can see the Inside Out characters right there yo there's two of them it looks like they're talking I'm going to try not to get seen hold [Music] on Yo they're literally right there I can't believe this you got to calm down stop freaking overthinking everything no but you don't get it like what if everyone FES I'm aaring and they don't well as glass well then if that happens then happen you're just making everything worse hey who was that oh my God guys that was a close one they literally almost saw me are they still there oh my God guys they literally almost saw me did you guys see that he was literally yelling at him oh he's still there guys I'll check back with you once they're G okay guys I think they're going dude that was a close one the last thing I want is for the cursed emotions to see me cuz if they see me I'm going to be in trouble okay now what what are they talking about let's keep going down this way guys if you see anything by the way throughout my adventure please comment down below the time I got to keep my eyes peeled here and I don't want them to see me cuz they could if anger catches me I'm going to be in trouble okay so what were they talking about I think anger was saying how anxiety is just panicking because what what was he saying like if people don't like me or whatever and then anger said so what I kind of agree with anger except I wouldn't really deal with it in that situation like if someone's not going to like you they're not going to like you you know you can't say the right thing to the wrong person you can't say the wrong thing to the right person you know what I mean so don't stress about it people are going to like you they like you they don't screw them they're missing out anyway I'm pretty sure I saw them going this way but I'm not sure where they are thing is I got to keep my eyes peal cuz there could be more of the characters somewhere around here wait a second what the hell is this guys look what I just found guys what is this toy right here what is this oh my God guys look at it what the hell yo is that blood guys there's literally blood on this toy what why how oh my god dude that is creepy girl look at it oh my God it's all over the letters dude it's l all over the letters oh my God that's actually creepy what the hell happened here guys I don't want to touch it oh my God it's all over the toy okay wait kind of leads this way let's keep following it what the hell guys there's L random clothes right here this is actually kind of weird guys this is really weird I'm finding some weird objects wait a second what the hell look there's some bloody socks too up against this window wait what is even in there that's so weird guys what is inside there just like abandoned just like this random abandoned Shack with blood wait there's more oh my God guys there's another one bro what the hell is going on this is getting weird guys this is why you should not try doing all the emotions at the exact same time or this might happen I think I need to go this way what guys this is getting really weird oh my God what is that is that a balloon hold on there's also a balloon what there's a balloon and look what's on it bro this is so weird this is so weird what the hell I'm going to keep following the trail guys I think it's going this way wait did you guys hear that wait camera down there did you guys hear that what was that is that one of the characters guess that might be one of the characters he came from down here is anyone there that's so weird oh my God here we go 3 2 that's weird there's nothing here that was so weird I just heard some weird emotions but I don't see anyone did you guys hear that what is that what is that is that joy that sounds like excitement to me but I don't see anything there's nothing there I just heard excitement and I heard a bunch of the emotions wait it's coming from down here this time something strange is going on here it's coming down from right here I feel like it came this way something's down there maybe maybe down this oh my God what the hell was that oh my God dude the emotion characters are after me oh my God y died I'm M right here holy crap dude that was crazy I knew I wasn't going crazy trying to trick me into falling the sound okay I don't see any the emotions anymore but I got to be careful okay oh my God this is getting crazy okay you know what I know what you guys are probably thinking you're probably thinking hey Aldo why don't you come back here at 3:00 a.m. well you know what that's not the worst idea hold on wait this is the tennis court isn't this where we saw Joy on the Drone video I'm pretty sure this is where we saw drone uh Joy you guys watch my drone video you know what I'm talking about there was a guy playing and then I saw Joy hiding around here dude we got to keep our eyes peeled okay this is getting freaky and you know what honestly that was crazy I just got chased dude that was insane okay check it out I'm getting chased by these characters and things are getting weird here's what we're going to do guys this video is getting pretty long and uh to be honest it's going to start to get dark soon so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to stay here until 3:00 a.m. if you guys want okay if we get enough likes on this video and enough of you guys want me to come back here at 3:00 a.m. just comment down below and then in the next video I'm going to come back here here at 3:00 in the morning and uh we're going to continue looking for the inside out two characters the cursed inside out two characters in real life okay so let's do that I'm going to go home get some food and come back here in a couple hours when it starts to get dark well more than a couple hours probably like 4 hours Let's Be H maybe 5 hours I'm going to come back here at 3:00 in the morning okay so make sure you come to my channel every single Monday to Friday at 2: p.m. Saturday Sunday at 10:30 in the morning for new uploads okay love you guys so much thank you for watching Al those World TV and remember it is your world if you want to be peace I hope you guys enjoyed that video don't forget to check out my school Community if you want to be a YouTuber I just launched my brand new school YouTuber Academy the community contains hours of videos teaching you the ins and outs of YouTube how to grow your Channel with me personally as your Mentor where I'll be hosting live weekly Q&A sessions to give you one-on-one help with your YouTube channel so if you want to hire me to be your YouTube coach check out my school Community from the link in the description down below [Music] hey heyyy [Music]

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