you never drove with Max forer right no nearly nearly but you did yeah and I'm even older than heo something goes wrong now yeah I can't say I raced him but I drove on a track at the same time as him but was it was it because you drove three races for the Florida they had they had one car which they allowed uh media to come and and race and what do you see at Max at the time did you already notice something or yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so I wrote about Max at the time and I was like this kid's going to be a world champion there's no question he was he was phenomen and he was he was pissing off everybody else there cuz he would had come just out of straight out of go-kart this was the first competitive outing for him and it was open data and Max was doing through the corners that everyone else was struggling to do and you look they're looking at his overlays and they're like somebody looked at yours no point