Evil Israel?! Big Foot Spotted!! Lost in Space??

Sigma Tiga news all up in your grill with the hottest juiciest beef what do we got Today evil Israel Bigfoot has been spotted and Lost in Space [Music] boom here's your real hero the tiger let's see what we got today Ian Carroll on Twitter this dude is all up in it man he's got all the info check it out in case you missed it our greatest Ally is currently dealing with mass protests against punishing IDF soldiers for raping God and prisoners what so a punishment against punishing or protest against punishing Israel politicians are making Arguments for why Israel law or Israeli law is perfectly okay in stating that non-jews aren't full humans and so raping them is okay this is in their own media in their own words this is real evil Israel so yeah let's let's go ahead and Dive Right In everything is legitimate Israeli lawmaker justifies rape of Palestinian prisoners you the Israeli lawmaker from the ruling liud party hanak milwidsky said that everything is legitimate when asked whether it was justified to rape Palestinian prisoners to insert a stick in person's rectum is that legitimate asked Ahmad tibbi a Palestinian lawmaker during a meeting showed a video verified by several Mee Outlets yes if he is a NBA everything is legitimate to do to him screamed milwidsky MK Amal uh yeah okay so he posted it on Twitter there in another incident in response to pro-israeli demonstrators breaking into the bait liid Base fire right Minister of Finance basil smok said that civil protest in support of Israeli soldiers accused of rape or Justified the Civil protests against the terrible Injustice towards reservist seday Tean is Justified and I support it with all my heart uh in contrast to the hypocritical left who made breaking the law refusing and burning the state a method for a year and a half under the offices of the Attorney General we have a responsibility to the state said smotri therefore I call on everyone to maintain the law and the Integrity of the Army and the people not to break into the bases and not to confront other our brothers the soldiers and the police okay so they're basically just saying that that's totally fine if you're going to go ahead and rape someone especially if they're breaking the law all right okay this includes being subject to beatings while made to lie on thin mattresses on top of rubble for hours without food water or access to a toilet with their legs and hands bound with plastic ties several detainees reported being forced into cages and attacked by dogs some released detainees included a child and a dog bite wounds on their body read a report all right well let's just link off this guy's thing and see what he's on about o what do you no MK tabid okay well okay that's not it ooh video of IDF soldiers raping a Palestinian prisoner behind Shields has been leaked here we go the entire Camp is designed to rape and torture is the world going to pretend this isn't happening because it's Israel all right then let's zoom in viewer discretion is advised for oh right there well we can't exactly see what's going on but they've blurred something out there's men behind a shield uh so it does confirm kind of what the previous report said this is not an isolated instance this is the official Israeli policy Rabbi advocating wartime rape appointed Israeli military Chief Rabbi Beyond sick it's hard to watch but the world needs to wake up yeah absolutely and if you guys are aware of uh Sodom and gomorra the uh two cities that God had destroyed because they were so sinful well basically one thing that they were doing the men were raping sojourners anyone who was coming to the town for dominance they would just rape any new men who came into town and be like yeah that's what's up welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah and guess what look up sodomy in your law books people and what is it even the Cockroaches won't survive expert discusses hz's new EMP weapon Ram matal CEO of Asgard systems a company developing military technology for defense Industries discusses hz's new tactic and supply of electromagnetic ordinance interesting so the what is electromagnetic ordinance describing electromagnetic ordinance is like talking about something no one has ever seen but everyone understands exists and is present in reality our case uh on the geopolitical and Military chessboard of the Middle East in essence imagine lightning striking the building you live in not hitting a lightning rod or antenna but the entire building causing all electrical panels water heaters and water and electrical systems household appliances computers television systems and even lifs Medical Systems to startop working yeah an EMP electrical magnetic pulse that happens as well when there's a nuclear blast the shock wave sends out an EMP and it knocks out Electronics if you're ever watching movies and there's a helicopter near one and then it just it drops out of the air so where is it aimed it's going to be aimed at drones it's going to be aimed at boats any sort of Weapons Systems yeah so is this an escalation obviously anyway the Chinese Sea Dragon Commando show off drones that look just like birds all right well uh get a close look at that all right do we have a video members of Chinese geong Commandos a maritime Special Operations unit are seen using multiple types of birdlike drones new emerged vide the scenes may look ripped straight from Hollywood action thriller all right we don't have any video available we'll try and get that for you hang on hang on [Music] very brief but uh as you could see they had a drone there now whether it actually works or not we don't know like this is a propaganda video so whatever all right Chinese made humanoid robots raise alarms in Congress stealth Army on our land yikes well uh watch out for that we definitely don't want these things on the shore what's going on Advance Chinese made robots with early lifelike capabilities are poised to enter the global market and some us lawmakers are already demanding that they be banned in the US okay okay they're not releasing these things they're going to sell them to us and we're going to have them in our homes cooking for us taking care of our kids mowing the lawn vacuuming all right well right now they're capable of carrying boxes and replicating human facial expressions one leading Chinese firm unitary robotics has developed a $90,000 robot capable of running it speeds up to 11 M hour $116,000 virgin can absorb punches and kicks and twirl a baton so looks like they're designing soldiers here very interesting yeah okay so whatever uh we're talking about AI what do people really ask chat Bots it's a lot of sex and homework okay like uh I did a report previously on uh Chinese women giving up on men and enjoying the company digitally of uh a chat bot that remembers things like their birthday and Comforts them when they're menstrating and things like that so no need for humans anymore soon they'll have the the robo ejaculator or the robo inseminator whatever you want to call it and uh they'll just be like collecting the sperm from the uh sperm bank and uh droning in your dildo and dropping it and then you can go ahead and procreate on your own yeah so there you go that's what people using for homework you know can you make this up for me I even seen a website that you can put the in your information that the AI spit out and then it'll tell you how much it looks like Ai and it'll reformat it uh to be more humanlike so there we are big foot spotted in resurfaced dock clip is that you sassy well let's get a closer look here it is documentary uh looks like Africa and there's something there in the background quite blurry Bigfoot enthusiasts think they've spotted their man or animal in an old documentary they're digging back up uh yeah well here let's have a look here in the background here I mean it's possible to me it looks like a gorilla the reappearance of the scene has stirred up the old debate of whether or not it's real especially since film's director William reev admitted 8 years ago on the YouTube page thinker thunker he didn't notice the mysterious figure until 15 years after and of course there is a the American classic well some folks believe all right all right hang on we got another one here let's check this one out look at that Bigfoot is real that is or is it just another silly hoax you decide so you can see there let's just go ahead and Rewind it a little bit TMZ bringing us this one just having a seat maybe he's dropping a deuce who knows perhaps he's from New York I don't know what do you think all right whatever 10 foot tall people discovered by archaeologists in Nevada cave what mythology folklore and even the Bible tell us that Giants once roam the Earth and it turns out there's evidence to back this claim extraordinary human remains have been found in US state of Nevada with some of the skeletons measuring up to 10 ft tall alongside their jaw-dropping SI the bodies some of which were said to have been mummified were found to have had red hair [Music] H this has fueled the theory passed down through the ages that the long forgotten race of humans once dominated Southwestern America according to the uh pouti a tribe that settled in Nevada region thousands of years ago cannibalistic red-hair Giants called the set CA came to the Americas from distant Island Legend has it that the ca crossed the ocean on rafts made of reeds and they soon made a name for themselves as being taller stronger and crer than ordinary man then in 1911 while digging for bat guano a key ingredient and fertilizer poo poo bat poo poo if you don't know check out um Ace Ventura Pet Detective that's how most people found out about Beano near the city of Lovelock Nevada some miners Unearthed a number of strange objects really this prompted the launch of two official excavations in 1912 and 1924 during which thousands of artifacts were recovered among the Staggering finds were the mummies nicknamed The Love loock Giants which measured between 8 and 10 ft tall according to archaeological World they also found a 15-in long sandals that showed signs of wear and a boulder etched with what appears to be a giant handprint shortly after the second excavation in 1931 an article published in local newspaper the Nevada review minor claimed that the two giant skeletons had had been discovered in a dry lake bed close to Lovelock these remains measured 8.5 and 10 ft in height respectively and were mummified in a manner similar to that employed by the ancient Egyptians H very very interesting and while all this may sound farfetched the legend of these strange people crops up all over the Americas for example in the 16th century a Spanish conquistador called Pedro siza De Leon recorded an ancient Peruvian tale about the Giants origins in his account Deon wrote The Towering figures came by seeing rafts and reeds in the manner of large boats and that some of the men were so tall that from the knee down they were as big as the length of an ordinary Fair sized man furthermore high up in the Andes between Peru and Bolivia skeletons with elongated skulls have been found the remains are said to be around 3,000 years old which are much larger than normal human ones intriguingly some of them were also found to have red hair according to archaeological World some scientists attribute the reddish color to the environment in which the bodies were buried perhaps uh high iron content you know however others view it as proof of the existence of the SATA and their kin and if you're wondering how such a strong monstrous race came to disappear if indeed it ever did it exist at all the P to have the answer according to the mythology T waged war on them and all the other neighboring tribes wreaking Terror and destruction after the years of fighting the tribal the tribes United against this formidable Foe and of course they destroyed it potentially public masturbation Soares in New York City hm with sickos pleasuring and exposing themselves elves in the open of 51% can you imagine more sickos are publicly pressuring and exposing themselves on the streets of the Big Apple crime statistics show a nauseating development critics have chocked up to lack laws and a broken mental health system yeah you must be insane to just masturbate in public and there is an image of I guess some guy and his uh rag just there shoes off totally comfortable here's another guy just balls deep butt naked socks on dudes on the radio not making contact just averting the Gaye we're exhausted by it we're trying for help we're pleading with our electeds to help and basically getting ignored on all fronts and they're not reporting crime so crime is down in New York what are they talking about crime's down what the heck anyway well uh it's not down over here what the heck is going on this is Liverpool mate the pool scowers [Music] all right so you know I mean a lot of people were talking about like the protest are Justified you know protest yeah this is not this is like hooliganism and setting fire to police stations on call for shouldn't be it and yeah so the Muslim Defense League THS beat an English boy as they roll in the streets looking for targets to attack uh so that's one thing the the um the uh the media is not really talking about they're saying well the uh Israeli or the Muslim Defense League is mostly peaceful mostly peaceful mhm but the other ones are uh right-wing thugs so what we have basically is a culture War and what happens if you speak up and you don't even grab a weapon you just have something to say have any alcohol okay well I'll tell you okay the times uh 20 to3 1440 arresting you on suspicion of improper use of the electronic communications Network okay so you do not have to say it may harm your defense mention one question anything you do say may given evidence do you understand that so I'm actually being arrested you're going to be arrested okay to the police station okay this is in relation to some comments that You' made on a Facebook page and that is all you really need to hear about that comments he made on a Facebook page and they show up and they're like we're going to arrest you but the dudes are out there like lighting fireworks and smashing people and kicking them in the face I don't see any police not one and if they are there they're just off to the side just watching and warning the Muslims say listen if you got any weapons just drop them off at the synagogue and you won't get in trouble all right sure no big deal just go ahead looks like you've had a bit too much to think support your local thought police don't speak out or question close mind stop thought crimes I mean what an amazing poster but what's going on in Germany of course they have no um free speech there as well actually here's a gentleman Martin selner he gave a lecture yesterday on censorship and the police showed up and shut it down I mean there's no need to watch it but he's like basically like talking about the police you can see it up here on the big screen and then he's like look Commandos so it's gone team Biden is shocked shocked at massive migrant fraud what migrant fraud but still wants to wave them in yeah I mean come in please he's still the president if you don't know you probably wouldn't think it based off what's going on they basically CED uh him out they went in and they were like hey man you're too old no one likes you you're going to lose this for our team so just you know take one for the team and get out of here apparently he's not too happy about it I've heard that he's mounting a comeback he's going to uh crash the DNC and just try and get all up in it well what happened bordar Kamala Harris went ahead uh despite patently obvious likelihood of fraud with this program they pushed forward now review by DHS citizenship and Immigration Services found that possibly tens of thousands of application from migrant sponsors contain fraudulent info really you want to get into the country and they're like they're just letting us in let's go and you're like but what about the information like put anything they're not going to check it and boom hello migrants have risk their lives making treacherous Journeys through dangerous train and dealing with the most ruthless criminals to get here resorting to fraud is a no-brainer yeah once they get here they're not going to be like oh no I don't have my sponsor I I don't have a letter they're just going to whatever they want so yeah not good keep bringing them in keep bringing them in cuz guess what they're not a problem here are uh six Unfortunate Souls that lost their lives to migrants due to uh murder and unfortunately likely rape we have Rachel Moren Molly Tibbits lisou Medina Katy steinel Sarah root and lak Riley God Rest their souls we pray for them we pray for anyone who's been a victim of these uh illegal Invaders welcome to the race Tim Waltz yeah if you don't know Kamala Harris has picked her running mate Tim Waltz he's the governor of uh Minneapolis or Minnesota or whatever it is let's make sure America knows who you are you helped ignite the George Floyd rots the worst the country had seen in decades while minap burned you stalled on deploying the National Guard for an entire day blaming the city for not submitting the right paperwork you let your daughter leak the guard's deployment plans online so that riers would know how long they had to loot the city with impunity miniapolis was a war zone because of you just days after the attempted murder of Donald Trump you called him and his supporters fascists egging on the same rhetoric that led to him being shot in the first place you have overseen some of the most radical youth trans surgery laws in the country under your leadership teenagers can get their breasts chopped off and get sterilized and your government calls it health care you have the most radical abortion laws in the country zero limits every five to six babies are born alive and then murdered legally under laws you support so like on immigration you famously said you wanted to provide a ladder so Invaders can come over Trump's wall you are a radical open border Zealot you oversaw the single worst fraud of the co era the feeding our future case thanks to ineptitude at your Department of Education criminals stole $250 million doll of taxpayer money to spend on luxury cars houses and vacations also during covid you approved $500 million in hero pay for Frontline workers only to have 40% of that money go to People Who are ineligible or in many cases literally deceased all right so oversight this guy here has got it you know accountability and Spades in the house you were Pelosi's sidekick and did whatever the Democrats demanded you will try and disguise yourself as a folksy Midwestern moderate in reality you are a white male version of Cala Harris radical inept undeserving to be in leadership make this go viral ruin their honeymoon let's educate Millions because the media will not H well Charlie Kirk dropping it well uh here's Natalie wyers to the VP pick Tim Walls head headlined a Chinese Communist party influence group in 2009 National Convention he spoke alongside the president of the Chinese people Association for friendship and foreign countries which leads a billion dollar Chinese influence operation Flag by the US state department for directly and mely influencing American politics or politicians sorry us officials added the effort the united front work department works to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition and influence foreign individuals and the policies of foreign states to serve Beijing interests despite these ties wal headlined the National Convention of another CCP influence group the US China people's friendship Association in 2019 alongside cpf FC president Lee Xiaolin so he's a CCP asset and uh this is called biodynamics go ahead and hear it this is what uh she loves Kamala Kamala all that ladies and gentlemen and everyone else that is called biomics that is called biomics and we are very proud of biomics all that ladies and gentlemen and everyone else all right let's hear this one 24/7 this is the only 13 seconds Trump needs to play on repeat for the next 92 days to win the election okay listen up okay listen carefully this is what this person says with her mind and her mouth and her words you know we have to stay woke like everybody needs to be woke and you can talk about if you're the wokest or woker but just a more woke than less woke you know we have to stay woke like everybody needs to be woke look at the reactions of the women next door they're kind of like h Huh L woke all right yeah yeah let's get more woke kamla you are insane all right what's going on I totally got this going correctly got a handle on the produ ction of this all right former Secret Service Chief wanted to destroy cocaine evidence well we heard about that little baggie of cocaine that was found in the um the White House obviously it was Hunter bidens everyone knows that former secret service director Kim cheel of che's angels and others in top agency leadership positions wanted to destroy the cocaine discovered in the White House last summer but the forensic Services Division and the uniform division stood firm and rejected the push to dispose the evidence according to sources and apparently she was not pleased with that she got quite upset uh hunterbiden had a well documented addiction to cocaine crack cocaine and other substan for many years but repeatedly claimed to be silver since 2021 an assertion that has prompted President Biden to often Proclaim how proud he is of his son one of the smartest people that uh he had ever met in his life well yeah she was also close to the family whatever where was the cocaine first discovered he she knew it would spark a firestorm I must protect my uh boss Joe whatever anyway uh Holly and Secret Service whistleblowers right Holly Josh Holly there he is Christian constitutional law husband to Aaron dad to aij of blae and Abigail US senator for Missouri all right he's being told that um the Secret Service whistleblowers the lead agent on the Trump Butler job was not enforcing the normal security protocols that day and she wasn't having IDs checked that day he describes this as a free-for-all and says as as we speak this lead agent is still doing all her duties on the job no problem she is getting her done yeah so no one's lost their job about this except the person who resigned who should have been fired and this is the new acting dude and he's like oh I'm not going to uh to jump to any conclusions what an idiot flirty Bill Gates was like a kid in a candy store and Microsoft banned young intern from being alone with him as the real reason for the multi-billionaires marriage breakdown reveal so yeah handsy bill you know what I mean busy hand Bill there it is and I mean like is it any surprise that this dude's a mega creep no I mean he's got like the superiority complex the God complex rocking hard his wife left him you know why would your lovely wife that you've been married to forever and you built your Empire with leave you because she thinks you're disgusting human being who loves young women young Bill Gates Jeffrey Epstein connected all right what else Mission return stranded Starliner astronauts to Earth I mean we talked about this they barely made it up there I was like they're not coming back I mean if they try to take the styliner back they won't survive re-entry like this thing is plagued since the get-go the SpaceX Dragon space draft could launch with two astronauts instead of four to make room for the Starliner crew yeah Elon to the rescue it's been nearly two months since bowling Starliner air spacecraft arrived at the international spaces for first crew tested flight despite several technical mishaps they have delayed Starliner return to Earth helium leaks all over the Gaff yeah anyway elon's coming to save the day because Boeing if you don't know has gone woke and their company is absolute trash tires exploding doors flying off well guess what they entered the space game and uh they suck at that too so go woke go broke vote for Kamala kamacho and you're going to go broke too so remember that Sigma tiger signing off

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