Category: Education
Hey everyone welcome back to the popular report this isn't a real video i'm going to be just going through some labor day sales that i'm seeing out here on amazon i it's saturday night i was scrolling through i was just seeing a bunch of good deals and i was like can't why don't i throw them up on a... Read more
Category: Gaming
Bung is driving the streamers insane wait what gives you the impression that i'm struggling huh i'm i'm offended right now what do you mean you think that i'm struggling bro me the legendary i frostbolt all right 0 to 5500 comp one v these are the most viewed destiny 2 clips found on twitch in the last... Read more
Category: News & Politics
My message to carbon tax carney is come in from out of the shadows we don't need a phantom finance minister i had a great summer traveling across the country seeing the extraordinary people the farmers and fishermen the factory workers uh and forestry workers the hardworking people the soldiers who... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I just want to ask you about the bi-election happening on monday, in lasalle-marverdon. uhm, another liberal stronghold that appears to be up for grabs. you are here in montreal today to do some local radio interviews later today. something you haven't typically done as prime minister, how... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] what's up squad back with another video i see the title is going down make sure y hit the like that subscribe button for me please let's get in this video y'all we want to thank everyone for joining us we apologize for the delay that democrats have an important uh caucus they're at or conference... Read more
Category: Education
All right we have more changes unfolding in presidential politics changes that have the vice president of the united states finally after 45 days of becoming the nominee doing her first solo interview and it was a train wreck so bad her team tried to bury it before it got widely circulated but failed... Read more
Category: Education
Well friends we just uh received word today that germany looks like it's going to be closing its borders as early as monday uh they have plans to start imposing uh border controls at their land borders on monday and to give you an idea of how big of a deal this is they are going to be violating the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
हेलो व्यूवर्स सो आज बात करेंगे एसओ के बारे में तो इस साल का एसओ का समिट होने वाला है पाकिस्तान में पाकिस्तान इसका होस्ट कंट्री है पिछले साल भारत था और भारत को भी इस साल बुलाया गया है पाकिस्तान में अच्छी बात है लेकिन क्वेश्चन यह है कि पाकिस्तान एसओ का मेंबर है लेकिन पाकिस्तान एसओ में क्या वैल्यू ऐड कर रहा है ठीक है आप एसओ में है कुछ तो कुछ आप वैल्यू ऐड करोगे क्या आप लेकर के आ रहे हो एस के लिए या फिर आप एसओ में बस इसलिए हो कि कि चाइना आपको चाहता... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I believe in what we can do to strengthen our small businesses which is why i have a plan let's talk about our plans and and let's compare the plans i have a plan to give startup businesses $50,000 tax deduction to pursue their ambitions their innovation their ideas their hard work i have a plan $6,000... Read more