Captain Karadec has asked and obtained the relocation to the finance department. It's over between us. What happened? Didn't you like the job? Yes, I really liked the job. I find her at work... ...she peeps into my private life and now I even dream about her... You like her. - What is the problem?
- IT'S YOU! Who could love me, uh? Who? There are many people who could love you, Morgane. You- You made me- You- You kissed me in the most difficult moment of my life and... and and hour later you acted as if it was the stupidest thing you ever did! Can we forget what happened? It didn't mean anything. I didn't do it to use you! I did it because... ...because I was afraid of losing you. You need to create trust. You nurture it, you share it... I'd like to invite you to a romantic dinner. (in Italian) Morgane, if you keep asking this kind of questions I will kiss you. I fucked up my life, Morgane! For you! Or like working with trust, without risking betrayal at the first opportunity.