Splatoon 3 Very Demure

Published: Aug 23, 2024 Duration: 02:28:17 Category: Gaming

Trending searches: very demure very mindful tiktok trend
e what is up my friends here we are again playing Splat yeah going to have a good time playing the Splatoon going to have a good time playing spat why is this not doing the thing whatever there we go boom all right we ready ready for this check one two bro there go my ego Dar darn it this warmup round warm up round it's been a while it's been about a week since I've played oh shoot get away ah darn it hey Corin what's up I see you oh ah wave breaker title of the video you know from very de very demure very mindful it's a whole tiktok Trend very demure very mindful see how I play Splatoon very demure very mindful see how we include everybody very demure very mindful see how we're supportive very demure very mindful just look up Tik Tok deure and you'll see a bajillion Tik Tok videos about it isn't that funny how some people can see a trend and some people can't oh they're on my team ah I'm not not there yet I've never I'm not there yet my brain is not is calibrating Splat brain SP Splat brain calibrating so not there yet oh no get away get away ah shoot hey T what's up thanks for joining haven't seen you in the chat before your fyp is cursed very demure very very mindful we're very demure when we play Splatoon we're very mindful how's the games going I just started this is the first I just started this is the first battle we've been on stream for 5 minutes so not very good I'm still getting Splat brain you guys want to play I'll reset the lobby so you guys can join I'll do that um yeah I don't like that Trend yeah I don't really I'm just trying to I'm just trying to to piggyback on on it see if uh see if people will talk to me about it get more more people interested and checking me out very mindful yeah exactly see T knows what we're talking about look at that I didn't get any Splats yuck all right you guys want to join I'll I'll start a uh little lobs Bobs here lobber Bobbers pool name is the Zim video it's right there underneath my face oh thanks for the follow let's go let's go t appreciate that very cutesy oh yeah the cutesy part too forgot about that that's right yeah see tea dark who or no dark dark dark something very cutesy anyone else all right let's go I don't know who dark is but that's cool when I'm live yeah it looks like it's going to be Fridays and Saturdays or Fridays or Saturdays probably about one day a week for a while cuz I I'm starting starting classes next week I'm an art Professor I teach I teach art classes at a university this year at Rochester Institute of Technology so it may be hard to play during the week but weekends might be the place to be so just look out I don't have a set stream schedule next weekend I'm going to start doing some art streaming I was thinking about starting tomorrow but I'm I don't know I'm going to chill tomorrow I might play some more Splat tomorrow but we'll see I just had a bunch of candy so that's probably affecting my my ability to play probably making me foggy brain ah too many wave Breakers in in one spot crab tank as well jeez so those of you that are on Tik Tok share the live stream do that whole Sher Sher thing cuz why not right help your boy out I'm only 28 subscribers away from 7,000 on YouTube so you jump over to YouTube um kick down a sub on the YouTube channel I'm only 20 I think 28 or 27 subscribers away from 7,000 oh I see you got one or helped get one oh come on God darn it very cutesy very mindful see how I play Splatoon very demure very mindful oops ah darn it I'm the Zim baby welcome to the stream I'm an artist art Professor game streamer living life having a good time I just cancelled my car insurance today so I don't have a car anymore I got you sucker that's right prob we got a minute left okay okay it's coming back got him ah come on Blue Team let's go oh friend request nice I'll get it we'll get it um let's get it after this battle might as well yeah sucker that's right see is oh I'm out of in ah I think oh I see you yeah that's right Z oh man Zim's coming at you ah bum thanks for hanging out friends says we have two people on oh one person on YouTube we have three people on Tik Tok did we get it I don't know look's H it's our T maybe we got it yeah all right I'm going to re I'm going to I'm going to stop the lobby so I can grab that friend request there I am look at me first win let's go let's go I'm also giv us all extra gold right or is it just me I don't know oh man I'm probably almost homie Yos what's up I'm almost out of friends probably got to watch that l [Applause] very demor very cutesy well that's was loud all right nobody okay I'm going to just go back to um other kind of turf war until I hear people want to play just jump in the chat say I want to play Zim and I'll start a little Lobby then we can all play together but if you want otherwise I'm just here trying to get Splats trying to get Splats hey stinky feet I saw I saw you I saw you there you are what's up anything new I start classes on Monday it's going to be a good time what are you doing they ran away they ran away from me God darn it how the matches is like the third one so we just started it's only been 14 minutes we won one I lost my first one we won the second one I don't know how we're doing this time I'm still get my brain I'm still calibrating Splat brain trying to get calibrated oh I hate those vacuums ah ah darn it yeah totally I'll start a new lobby after this I'll start a new lobby after this so I got all my stuff here I haven't played Splatoon since uh last weekend or something have all my Stu on Tuesday all my stuff came so starting to cut down on the echo in the room a little bit oh darn it I got a I got stuff I did a studio tour on my podcast so if you anybody wants to watch the studio tour go to my YouTube channel and find the last art professor's podcast I published it yesterday and you can see what my whole apartment in studio looks like Splat cat nice not we're not doing so good okay come on Zim we can do this sneak around sneak around am around poke it down oh I see you oh God darn it those of you on Tik Tok share the live that would be great help help your boy out there was a time so there was a time Tik Tok used to like push push videos out but ever since I've moved to Rochester and done live streaming on Tik Tok they don't don't push it out at all they just it's like three people see it at a time used to get hundreds of people hey shiny what's up okay I'm going to reset the lobby we didn't do it I don't think God darn it I wasn't I played horrible that game I played so bad I don't know maybe H yeah no we didn't get it we got smashed can't play you're at a wedding well have fun at the wedding hopefully they have good food I when I when I got married we had um potluck we had people bring food oh I didn't get any Splats crazy I don't know how long I'll go for 2 hours is usually all I got in me unless it's crazy if there's like for some reason we get like 100 people watching or something man then I'll play forever but with only like five people watching I was kind of like just fun for a while fun for a while and then we're done for a while fun for a while then done for a while all right new maps hopefully they're good ones hopefully they're good ones wow why is it taking so long I've spent a whole bunch of money on those things just cuz I felt like it okay I like both those ink blood and Ship Shape yeah those are good all right we're ready to go probably it so let's just rock and roll all right let's do it hey 25 I wonder how what's what's the delay on when it shows somebody join the live versus when they're actually here it show it it tells me everybody that like swipes through it it shows who swipe who saw it but yeah they should not not do that I think they should only like they should probably just I don't know I don't like it only if they like interact with the live should they notify that somebody's like around oh we got a bunch of likes no we don't do we yeah we have 679 likes wow who gave all the likes thanks for that seems like they always use this map this map gets used all the time feels like they don't rotate the maps like they don't rotate all the maps they like rotate like a selection of them oh get away oh get away ah come on God darn it I kind of couldn't swim over there right Jesus today might be a I don't know I don't know if my brain oh maybe it'll get there we've only this only in the first few games maybe I'll start to get in the groove get in the groove oops get away dude oh I missed get in the groove you know you just got to get in the groove there we go that's a Groove that's a Groove oh prove the groove hey Crow what's up thanks for saying hi I don't know if I've seen you in the chat before appreciate it what she up to today we're playing some Splat some Turf War action usually what we do around here we like the tur War we like the tur War we like the tur four ah you're new cool what are you doing today what are you up to Saturday chilling I did a little bit of schoolwork I went to the art supply store thinking I was going to do some art tomorrow but I changed my mind I'm going to wait till next weekend to start my art next weekend is going to be art weekend what we got 20 seconds left what we got what we got oh I see you come on where'd you go where' they go oh they try to go there huh we were all just painting when drawing where do you look for inspiration when drawing well these days within politics really people that are trying to make the world better I'm pretty inspired by the by the the opportunity to vote for the first female black president South Asian woman president pretty pretty stoked on it so that's yeah yep yep yep try to just amplify the important messages O next Friday I'm going down to get a new driver's license so I can be registered to vote in Rochester New York cuz I got to do that CU I'm trying to trying to get registered can't miss out this election that's for sure I know most of you are too young to vote so it's all good probably all of you my Splatoon audience tends to be 12 year olds or so 13 15 maybe couple 18 year olds you can vote if you're 18 you who I jumped all the way down there cool got you sucker I see you see you you ah Blaster 14 yeah see told you I wasn't wrong I ain't wrong I ain't wrong I'm probably the oldest Splat player you ever met I bet you I wouldn't I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the oldest Splat 2 player especially the oldest streamer I I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the oldest Splatoon streamer but I don't tell people my age so you're you're it's going to be a mystery it's a mystery it's a mystery thanks for the follow let's go I'm trying to do it I'm only like I don't know 4 25 followers away from 10K on Tik Tok I don't know why it Tak so long I'm pretty cool I'm chill dude I'm so chill I'm so chill it's it's insane how chill I am I'm super chill I'm I'm I'm I'm villain chilling I'm so chill it's crazy those of you that are on Tik Tok uh share the live stream looks like we have six people see if we can get 60 people see if we can get 600 people I don't know is there 600 people that would be interested in watching a Splat streamer 600 people probably not but you never know 60 I could see 60 though I bet you we could get 60 people here someday I bet you we could do that ah D thanks for uh hanging out friends you have any questions for me let me know I love I love talking about stuff answering questions and stuff like Crow asked about my drawing inspiration I'll be drawing um probably next weekend ah got you finally next weekend maybe tomorrow I might get get a bug in me and and stream a little tomorrow but probably going to wait till next Friday cuz I have it's a it's a 3-day weekend kind of a 4-day weekend for me because I don't work on Fridays really although I'll sort of sort of kind of so I plan to do Saturday all day Saturday and all day Sunday next weekend drawing on live stream it'll be long there'll be like 10 hour live streams cuz I want to do a bunch of drawings it's going to be long long maybe not 10 hours as long as my butt can handle it but I'll get up and walk around and stuff go get food or whatever take breaks let me know if anybody's waiting to join and I'll reset otherwise I'm just going to keep rolling I don't think there's enough people here to worry about resetting the lobby for now [Music] out ah ah if anybody's interested I did a studio tour on my YouTube channel yesterday in my um art professor's podcast at the very end you can see my studio oh no God damn it I like my little Studio space here it's it's pretty cool ah sometimes I forget that the there's like a whatever it's like a splash damage that comes off of the uh super stamp but I always think it's just if you get hit by the hammer but it's not it's like there's that Splash radius oh no get away my my auto bomb got someone nice nice oh thanks for the likes user user 343 anybody seen um Tron whatever the last one that came out the guy that's like the announcer for the tournament he's like user he's a user oh I missed the jump I missed the jump we got here ah darn it I'm not playing very good yet the team's holding it down I think this time you guys are holding it down for me since I suck got one yeah finally got one finally got one one I finally got oh no they made a comeback God we were we we had them I died at the wrong time that's why jeez user well well well oh thanks for the sub Mark let's go we need like 25 more people just like you let's go is Mark watching or did I don't know maybe Mark subscribed from something else that's sick love it let's let's kick down the widget again I love the widget widget time Mark Mark let's go oh be like Mark subscribe to the YouTube let's look at where we're at with stats here the stats the YouTube stats oh we're 25 on the nose we need 25 more for 7,000 6,975 sick let's go let's go let's go let's go thanks for hanging out friends all right get focused let's do this all right Focus time we haven't played this map yet I like this map nice blue I like that blue it's a good blue oh no get away ah got got him nice nice nice hey thanks for joining friends got four people on YouTube three people on Tik Tok nobody's on Twitch yet with us we don't really get anybody on Twitch we get like one person every once in a while we got oh saw them up there but jump down to oh I see you oops go ah darn it couldn't get him couldn't swim around hot milk hot milky interesting come on oh God darn it they were stuck in the ink and everything Pacific Northwest is that what that is PN WG what's Pacific no maybe it's something else PNG GW PN WG I don't know I'm from the the Northwest user we're at 900 likes on Old Tik Tok can we get to a th000 we 1,000 likes what we got what we got what we got we got what we got where do we at where do we at where do we at yeah that's right oh I got two somehow nice wipe the mouse suckers let's go no we're all in the same area anybody anybody anybody anybody got him oh I got got nice we we we demolished their faces off if anybody's waiting to join just let me know and I'll reset but otherwise we're just going to keep on rolling keep on rolling keep on rolling let's go how do I do I got like six yep knew it I knew it all right let's rock and roll oh hey what's up random art collection you're back nice I'll be making art next weekend maybe tomorrow but next weekend for sure how long you been away I don't even know I don't remember did you change your name I don't remember your name I don't remember your [Music] name oh o oh we're playing the same crew we're playing against the same people oops did you get him [Music] nice oh no oh I got out of there can't believe I made it out oh no God darn it it's me o oh okay cool you're playing with us nice welcome back I moved to Rochester New York we're in a new studio I'm calling the stolen car Studio because my car got stolen because my car got stolen and I don't have one anymore so I've dubbed the studio stolen car Studio Rochester New York I start teaching on Monday my first class I have I have I have three classes I'm teaching plus a workshop so yeah having a good time a man get him yeah oh no oh no oh darn it they swam under my shot they got under me they got under that's what I try to do other people hey yo Trey what's up ah lame I think we lost oh maybe not I don't know paint team paint paint I'm not doing anything good ni taking it easy I start classes next week so trying to just chill a little bit I Pro playing platoon for a while I won't go crazy today I won't play for a long time unless something crazy happens is sick oh bummer I was sick earlier I'm doing it right now though last weekend like what was it two weekends ago maybe two weekend though I got sick and I've been kind of slowly recovering but I'm pretty good now just in the all there something happened to my that was weird um all right okay good oh oh he jumped what oh we lost someone we lost someone we lost someone well I hope you feel better soon get well soon right as they say how's the audio I'm not distorting it at all am I my podcast I recorded yesterday there was a little bit of distortion in the shadows you've left us sound is AOK good yeah turn it down a little bit so it wouldn't distort if I got real close and stuff where'd you go where'd you go come on yes ah bummer I got I got got I got got 222 come on where are you shoot him shoot him where'd you go where'd you go where'd you go oh come on I'm not hitting anybody God that was lame they're all dodging me kept dodging me yes that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about even though their splash down was still in effect their double Fister Splash downers her come on God darn it they're too they're swarming us they're swarming us I need space to swim around I don't have any swim space I I can't do anything look at all this look at all the rain and and wave breaker and other things God darn it see if I can sneak behind them oh come on God darn it wish I could have got that pencil snipe Rider come on paint it up Team Pink pain pain pain tried to make a push right at the end we needed that snipe Rider to be sniped earlier in the round darn it ink brush I think every teacher would choose snip I don't play snip Rider I'm a teacher I play nzap what's everybody doing today how's your Saturday been it's 4:30 for me right now I've had a lot of sugar today I had um kitkats I had a really cheap 7-Eleven pie thing writing teachers oh okay I'm an art teacher I should I should use the brush right because I'm an art teacher [Music] oh my auto bomb got some nice I'm honing in I'm focusing not looking at the chat just focused on I'm not looking at the chat I'm focused on the Splat I'm not looking at the chat I'm focused on the Splat that's right that's right where'd you go where'd you go ah see W that's right that's right that's right I'm not looking at the chat I'm focused on the spat a darn it hey Roman what's up oh I looked at the chat oh I'm not focused on the Splat I lied I'm not I'm not focused on the Splat okay get focused on the Splat don't don't look at the chat focus on the Splat yeah that's right sucker you wish you didn't even see me you didn't even see me coming no God darn it there was no nowhere for me to swim I couldn't swim swim away I watched the original Blade Runner the other night downloaded it or you know rent it it or whatever it's pretty good what we got what we got I see oh you're lucky you started that booyah bomb otherwise you would have been gone don't look at the chat focus on the Splat here we go focus on the Splat the Zim is coming at the Zim is coming at going to Splat jum that's right where'd you go ah yeah I got you sucker that's right sucker oh I see you oh come on come on get him yes get him get him get him oh I see you ah darn it gosh darn it come on team 14 seconds oh no I died at the wrong time can I get in here and actually help can I help can I get in here and help paint ah I don't know think we lost that one seven people on YouTube what's up if anybody's new kicked down a sub we're 25 subscribers away from 7,000 oh we got smashed if anyone's waiting to join oh reset this time I'm going to reset the lobby everyone reset time reset time going to reset the lobby it's reset time thanks for hanging out friends we have one person on Tik Tok six people on YouTube nobody on Twitch reset time [Music] oh where is everyone they all left me lames oh well all right it's me and you let's go I don't want to wait around for anyone else you I don't want to wave anyone else maybe I got her cuz o it's not hitting the it's the a button it's this one right here you like my controller I got It's a Mario controller took me a second to get used to it because the thumb sticks are so much taller than the joycons nobody's talking to me I'm so bored I want somebody to talk to me I want someone to talk to me so I can talk to them all right we're going to focus on the Splat ignore the chat focus on the Splat here we go oh that's a nice color I like it I like it yes sir oh no God darn it of course I just roll right into bombs kiwi I got I got the kiwi yep stolen it's gone forever they smashed it they destroyed it they crashed it so I just canceled my insurance today actually so I don't I don't have car insurance anymore oh you got sniped um so but I dubbed my studio here stolen car Studio because of that ah shoot thanks for asking Trey so I'm going to save up trying to get a van by by Spring I'm trying to get a van yeah I know whatever yeah that's right sucker that's right they had the shield we just have to invest in our in our um communities more that's all just invest in just vote for people that are going to invest in community and um it'll cut down on crime invest in the community and it'll cut down on crime guaranteed anybody that's being stingy and hoarding wealth and doesn't want to doesn't want to be taxed and stuff it's like you're hurting Society so you you you uh you want to share the wealth invest in the community invest in the community anyways hey Rich what's up yeah I want to get a van I want to get a sprinter if I could there's two different Vans I either want to get a Volkswagen California ocean but they're not available in the United States so if there's any way I could get one of those I'd want that or I want a sprinter a a uh what are they Mercedes Sprinter that's those one of those two vans tall Sprinter yeah I'm all right getting ready for school to start next week first day of classes anybody wants to play with us you got you can join in we got all right nice Romans here who's dark anyway who's dark I don't know who dark is dark upside down a there's jump in the chat let me know okay you join yeah yeah we'll do we'll do two rounds with this crew and then we'll reset like like we do or unless somebody drops out between now and whatever join away join join join join join join join join join thanks for hanging out everybody seven people on YouTube if you're new to the stream we're 25 subscribers away from 7,000 I'm saving up to do a sub do a giveaway on my channel so look out for it I plan to convert it to like a van life van a van I can sort of live in that's why like a camper van sort of like a camper van living van what was wrong with that person oh I got whoa look at all the Splats I'm getting randomly [Music] somehow I'm going to convert so I want it to be more of a cargo van at first so I can kind of convert it but hopefully I can get like the front seats to be nice right out the gate like the front part of it will be like nice but I just ah out of ink ah ah yeah sucker I got so lucky right there I got so lucky lucky ducky oh somehow I got one how did I get one I'm going to I'm going in I'm going in oh no I almost got that one oh yeah nice the Zim is here the Zim is here that's what I'm talking about suckers oh I almost got another one ah missed it oh I see you man they suck I'm sorry to say but their team sucks I mean we've been in that boat before too so you know whatever their team is kind of trash their team is kind of trash what we got anywh behind us no ah sh thanks for hanging out friends kick down a sub if you're new look at us God domination station what's up yeah boom eight people here thanks for hanging out I'm the Zim this is the Zim video I'm an artist art Professor game streamer having a good time we got two people on Tik Tok with us seven people on YouTube looking for new subscribers on YouTube trying to get 25 subscribers on YouTube oh there you are dark angel what's up are you the dark one you must be thanks for hanging out you must be the one you must be the one 11 Splats check me out gu let's do another round with this party and then we'll reset see if Rich can get in here if he's still around or it's Olivia as well so I don't know if it's I don't know I don't know if you're a boy or a girl Rich Olivia SL Olivia YOLO YOLO all right Zim is in it we're back we're back we're ready we're doing it we're making it happen those of you on YouTube if you want to see my studio I did a studio tour on my last art professor's podcast so you go check it out be cool go check it out watch it help me help me boost those numbers for Transit I don't I don't like I would I like I don't the only van that that's big like that that I like the way they look is the Sprinter the transit's my second favorite of the Bands it's like the trans it but I I don't really like the way it looks if they made if they made the fora conol line into a tall van I would like that way better than the Ford Transit I don't like the Ford transits look I don't I think I just I just don't like it no sir don't like it come on God darn it but you know that's all there was and I could get one maybe but I'd rather I'd rather have a sprinter than a Transit I like the Sprinter thing I like this Sprinter looks way cooler in my opinion oh I see you ah okay what we got what we got oh I see you where'd you go where'd you go oh oh almost got him ah don't get oh come on back me up who's that over there come on get him God darn it Pacific oh that's the minivan yeah I don't know if if I get a minivan I want it to be the udub or the udub the Volkswagen um California but it's not available in the United States so that's right sucker I thought they jumped down there so I was sneaking around o already got him oh I see you ah shoot blasters blasters are trashers blasters are trashers what we got it's right suck oh what's going on over here get him I see you oh come on God darn it gosh darnis [Music] come on ah thw a shield up did they wipe us out oh no oh no oh no wipe out at the wrong time oh no oh no get back in there oh oh no come on come on ah oh we got wiped out twice in a row God darn it we should have won that one we lost God darn it gosh darn it ah we should have won that one all right reset Time friends has a built-in vacuum sweet I mean I mean a buil in vacuum I mean thanks for oh thanks for joining friends thanks for the like uh star starface star person star starfish reset Time friends and remember this Splatoon stream is very demor very cutesy very mindful we're very mindful here on the Splatoon stream thanks for joining friends we got three people on Tik Tok with us kick down a uh or whatever it's called share it out with your friends we got six people on YouTube with us we got nobody on Twitch with us Olivia there you are rich rich Olivia I don't know I don't know what it I don't know if you're a boy or a girl I don't know or a non-binary maybe you're non-binary all right we good we just go with this crew 5 4 3 2 1 yeah let's do it all right cool anybody else wants to join can join whenever you feel like it whenever you feel like it 902 likes can we get to 1,000 likes we only need 98 more likes go like like like like like like like go like I don't know it's just like the game of Tik Tok right thanks for hanging out friends feel pretty good today ate a lot of candy I love candy I love candy what's your favorite candy put it in the chat your favorite candy I like SweeTarts come on a oh I should have got him see you later o thanks for coming back and hanging out with us probably be streaming on weekend mostly this for a while Kinder oh okay I've never had any kind of candies never had any kind of candies right sucker oh they got me with the torpedo oh thanks for the follow Alex Jr what's up I'm uh my my real name's Alex my uh Alexander you know but I go by Zen you can call me Zen call me Zen cuz I like it cuz I like it thanks for the follow we got three followers on Tik Tok today let's go let's get 30 let's get 300 followers let's put a zero let's put two zeros behind that follow count nice nice those of you on Tik Tok share the live stream if you would that' be great okay don't look at the chat focus on the Splat let's go let go let's go focus on the Splat okay here we go focused I'm focused I'm focus on the Splat Focus I'm Focus I'm focused on the [Music] Splat I'm focused I'm focused I'm focused on the Splat make me keep me focused on the Splat I'm focused I'm focused I'm focused on this flat it's my Mantra Focus focused focused on this flat oh I saw their Shadow God darn it couldn't get around there good enough see you Trey I'm focused I'm focused I'm focused on the Splat I'm focused don't look at the chat focus on the Splat yeah that's right that's right that's right oh I see you what's going on what's going on where are they where are they they go oh no no don't die oh I see you a darn it thanks for hanging out friends let's see what we got let's see what we got on the 6,976 all right we are 24 subscribers away from 7,000 oh we we got it we beat him that's good job team way to go team way to go team God I love Splatoon God I love this such a good game such a good oops I didn't mean to stop ah sorry team I totally didn't mean to do that God darn it what was I doing for a second I thought that was the right thing to do sorry everyone God I just screwed it all up I just messed it all up hopefully you can quit hopefully you that those of you that were playing can quit and join me again God darn it totally didn't mean to do that stupid dumb ah now I have to wait for people again so lame G all right Olivia thanks for coming back let's go let's do it let's do it let's make it happen satisfaction making it happen all right here we go let's get him ah shoot I was trying to I was trying to get get a uh sneak attack going on but couldn't do it ah oh I got him nice nice I got him come on God darn it gosh dkis almost had him ah ah I hate those things oops crazy crazy nuts it's nuts want to get nuts let's get nuts you want to get nuts let's get nuts where are you where' you going trying to trying to get in our area not allowed no sir not allowed ah oh how they I was like behind the wall how'd they do that how' they do that oh no it's all black and white I don't know what's happening oh Jers that was weird oh no I don't think we got this one God darn it gosh darn it bommer bummer for d I God darn it [Music] oops that's not what I meant to do can't get my bearings here get my bearings yeah that's what I'm talking about Z in he getting okay get my bearings get bearings back okay that's what I'm talking about you see that did you see that right there mhm uh-huh that's the Zim that's the Zim getting ready to win oh oh nice God darn it so good so good God darn we so good God darn we're so good that was awesome that was so awesome God darn it that was Radical that was Bodacious that was sweet that was sweet sickness demolish their faces we smoked them we smoke them that's what I'm talking about I'm going stand up I got pretzels pretzels going to crunch some pretzels I dropped the purle oh come on God darn it okay focus oh what was that oh crazy I [Music] okay what we got here oh uh-oh Olivia's caught in The Matrix is stuck in The Matrix hey thanks for the likes we're at 904 can we get to a th000 can we get to 1,000 likes [Music] uhoh come on team it's time to make the push 30 seconds left nobody die oh no they were behind me God darn it I didn't realize anybody was behind me 17 seconds I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming push push push go dark Roman go go go go oh I think oh we do it hard no I it's hard to tell it's hard to tell we did not do it we did not do it we didn't do it God darn it be is sh it [Music] oh I darn it nice that's what I'm talking about suckers that's what I'm talking about St [Music] [Music] God darn it stupid whatever was hey Cecilia what's up hey are you playing with your viewers yeah yeah totally it's all I ever do totally totally totally you want to join join in we rotate every two battles we do I think we have a spot in the lobby I do we do tur four mostly you can use the pool or send the friend Cod or whatever you feel like you want to join kick down a sub too we're only 24 subscribers away from 7,000 on YouTube I see you I see you I see you I got to get you God got you sucker oh nice oh nice 24 subscribers away from 7,000 on the YouTube Do It Up help me out help your boy out I'm the Zen this is the Zen video we play Splatoon I'm an artist and art Professor we make a lot of art over here we're going to be making art next weekend mostly maybe maybe tomorrow but definitely next weekend a bummer good job thanks I don't know what for but appreciate it yeah you'll subscribe all right I talked you into it I convinced you I I guil tripped you into subscribing for me subscribe Please Subscribe what are you up to where are you where are you what are you doing today what are you doing today Cecilia Cecilia you're breaking my heart I don't know the lyrics to the song but I'm sure you get it all the time cilia if that's your real name anyway could be not your real name so people won't sing you [Music] C breaking my heart something keep it going keep it going you subbed 6,000 977 Baby Let's Go 23 subscribers away from 7,000 wouldn't that be sick if we got it today somehow somehow it got a bunch of subscribers today wouldn't that be sick I don't know not many people are out there looking for Splatoon streams anymore you're joining nice nice oh that's a cool color like it get in the next are you using the pool if you're using the pool I have to like reset the lobby oh man that should have been a trade at least God darn it oh bounced off the thing that's lame uh-oh we got to they have a they have a disconnect they is it going to cancel us all yep yep okay I'll reset the whole thing right now cuz uh get Cecilia in here swim speed look at all that swim speed I have so much swim speed [Music] code to server uhoh well you're not going to be making it this time it's under my name it's the Z video see you see you liia thanks for hanging out Elegance ooh who's Elegance nice Elegance remember the Splat stream is very mindful very demure very cutesy very demure we're very demure on the Splat stream very mindful very cutesy all right cilia you can get in the next one who's Elegance who's this who is this person ILY ILY you can't I know you have to wait you have to wait I know you can't I know you can't you got to do you have to be in the pool before I start the lobby if you're in the pool after I start the lobby you can't get in so we'll reset after this battle and you can play with us next one I thought you were already in the pool so that's why I did it when I did it that's why I did it when I did it cuz I thought you were already in it that's why I did it when I did it cuz I thought you were already in it oh come on suck a oh I got smoke okay don't look at the chat focus on the splat focus on the Splat Zim focus on the Splat here we go I'm getting them I'm going to Splat their faces off Lewis okay we'll look out for lwis oh very mindful very demure ah that was not mindful that was not demure that was not very mindful okay be mindful be demure okay here we go here we go looks like my team is cooking smoking them all oh darn it oh come on all right finally got one Turf War yeah that's what we do around here or turf war tur fors tur for people this is your tur for station if you're ever looking for a good tur for station this is the place I prefer it because it's short battles Anarchy battles are 5 minutes a piece and when I'm playing with streamers it's too long when I'm playing with viewers I should say 5 minutes is too long to wait I don't like waiting 5 minutes yeah I got you you sucker ah bummer you'll destroy me we're playing together though we play on the same team we don't play against each other unless we can do a private battle but we don't have enough viewers here for private battles we don't have enough viewers for private battles oh come on come on yeah three baby did you see that that was like sort of a triple even though I didn't get them all on the screen at the same time yeah destroy the other team yeah let's go let's [Music] go very mindful very demure oh got him ah triple baby oh no no triple for me nice okay I'm going to reset everybody so our friend Cecilia Lewis can get in Louise is it Louise or Louis Louis overall splatter check me out yeah I'm awesome I'm so cool I'm so good I'm so I'm so fresh I'm so awesome oh and fist bumps too with one two three but one two 3 is not oh we got over over 1,000 likes on Tik Tok 1,137 let's go thanks for all the likes friends not that I know if it does anything for us I don't know think okay reset Time get Louis in here all right refresh hit that refresh hit the refresh yeah you can friend me friend away friend it up did you find us leis you friend me no I'm not going to friend you you can friend me uhoh Louis doesn't know what he's doing LS have you done this before you go to the turf four battles with friends and hit that refresh button in the right whatever it is X and then it should show up if you're in the pool I'll send out the thing again go to turf war with friends hit refresh look for the pool look for my name the Z in theim oh Lou didn't make it maybe next time Louis maybe next time we do every two rounds and then we reset so two battles and then we reset so it won't be long seven or so minutes hey Elegance who's Elegance anyway they're not in the chat with us come in join the chat tell us who you are I want to know I want to know let's go check out my locker let's go check out my locker look at this super awesome Locker got all my skateboards got skateboards I fit all the skateboards I could I have one more skateboard doesn't fit skateboards I love the skateboards all right let's do this we're going to smoke them I can feel it let's go oh they got two Chargers watch out for the range watch out for those Chargers we got here ah God darn I did I saw him there I did see him oh no oh no uhoh oh one of us disconnected here's your another chance Lew here's your chance Lewis hit refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh refresh oh you got to go okay bye guess it's not your chance no chance for you no soup for you no wait no wait no wait what wait what how's your chance right now now or never the worst oh my gosh the worst been forever good to see you the worst if you're in the if you're in the Stream with us the worst I've seen you I've seen you log in and play others I think I've played against you too since the last time we've you've streamed with us you've joined us bye [Music] no let's go oh yeah get [Music] him what's happening down here there's somebody down here no there just shooting down here oh no oh no that's my new sound I've been I've been doing this like sound a lot lately I don't know where that came from like it reminds me of a sound there's like a one of the birds from Rio makes that sound oh no oh what are they all up in our area get out of our area you sucker chase you down that's right that's right sucker that's right oh Shadow what we got what do we got what do we see here oh don't saw you where'd he go oh they just love to jump up in area this all about it where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go ah oh there he is go get him dark Roman [Music] [Music] oh oh oh get away I see you how does he get up there how did he get up there come on Jas I don't know what happened in there oh they got us lame man they smoked us ugly how's everybody doing we've been at it for an hour and 50 minutes so probably going to end soon overall splatter with four what happened that's the problem we need more people splatting we need more splatting happening we need more splatting happening for for ah lame ah lame get start God darn it trying to chase them down but can't get him ah lame you good job team we did it we did it yay us we did it that's what we did we did it hi welcome back we did it we did it we did it we beat him yeah we did first Splat I love first Splat we'll reset after this battle you're in all right we'll reset after this battle we shall reset hey Elegance what's up Bo boom you be ah [ __ ] you'll wait okay we'll reset after this one hopefully you get in my you I [Music] that was funny think we won I think we beat him I'm resetting everyone resetting resetting resetting after this battle reset time Turf War yeah Turf War tur War for who's going to be the last one LS no doesn't seem like you a you made it you finally did it let's go Louis let's go that's what I'm talking about all right we'll do two battles with this crew this might be my last two battles I don't know I'm getting pretty tired of playing because yeah I kind of cap out at like 2 hours when there's just not very many people here if there was like 100 people here I'd be like let's go i' I'd stream till my eyes bled there was like a 100 people in the Stream I would stream till my eyes bleed I'd be like I can do it let's keep going uh-oh why is it taking a long time that's a bad sign are we about to lose someone that took forever all right here we go rock and roll baby [Music] [Music] come on give it to me come on sucker God darn it if anybody's new on the Youtube kick down a sub we're only 23 subscribers away from 7,000 let's go let's go we should be able to do this right now let's get 20 23 more subscribers right now right now let's do it let's do it man let's do it let's do it ah hey thanks for the follow Mars let's go Mars and on Tik Tok we're only like 400 followers away from 10K uh-oh lisis what happened what's going on Louis there you are are smoking their faces off was smoking them ah Mars what's going on Mars are you still with us what's up in the chat say what's up say yo yo yo I'm good to go I'm in the flow you know you know hey a reminder everybody this Splash stream is very mindful very demure very cutesy yes that's is true all the things very mindful very demure we are here playing Splatoon I know super cheesy but hey got to be cringe being cringe is worth it dude we smoked their faces off they didn't even stand a chance they got they got demolished by us God darn it we smoked them look at that God darn it 15 I think that was that could possibly be the best ratio I've ever had they were very bad their team was not very good sorry to say sorry to say their team was not very good not to uh put you down or anything but your team wasn't very good not very cutesy not very demure not very mindful nope wasn't all right all right all right all right I guess Mars left Mars followed and left is like I'll follow and I'm out of here I'm not going to stick around for no nothing don't get cooked stay off the hook or whatever they say I want some yummy food I want like a I might get some some wings or something oh I have a can of stop in the yeah very Cy very mindful very demure I have like I'm almost out of money oh I missed ah aim leave those squid parties over here please it's not what we do I mean you can do it for a second but ni what we do ah d that was sweet did you see that double double double Splat double kill right there that was so dope that was so awesome God darn I'm so good I'm so good at this game I'm so good go get him team I see you I see you yep that's right that's right sucker yep that's right M Night M Night shalam sh I see you I see you I see oh I see you very cutesy that was not cutesy that was not very denure that was that was not mindful not at all where we got where we got where we got where we see where do we see yes yes oh I see you a yeah that's right oh I see you oh God I think we got that though let's go anybody waiting to play is anybody waiting to play I'm just going to keep rolling with this crew let's keep it rolling crew let's do it let's go let's keep going till I hear somebody say I want to play till I hear somebody be mind you got five nice let's go let's do it oh it's oh it's almost oh hi everyone it's almost 555 but it's all it's 554 any new Subs 6,977 23 to go 23 Subs to go oh M ah ran of and I fell down so I couldn't launch my super jumps ah oops I thought that was the guy you yeah did you see that quad baby let's go let's go Zim's in the hisy getting busy that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about the Zim is in the house getting crazy yes we are that was so sick that was so awesome love what I just did cuz I was so badass yes it was it was so cool yes it was it was yes it was that was sick that was sick suckers quad baby quad trying to get all four names on the screen at one time but didn't happen yeah baby we smoked them very demure let's go eight Splats all right friends Let's do let's do two more battles and then I'm calling it my back starting to hurt think I might go for a walk or something hey what's up Louis we got four new followers on the Tik Tok today that's pretty cool we we're only 25 subscribers away from 7,000 on YouTube that'll be fun it'll be fun when I hit 10,000 when I get 10,000 that'll be cool all right let's do this team we got this those of you uh LS um I'll probably be playing on Fridays and Saturdays mostly over the next few months so I don't have a set schedule I just play when I feel like it so come back again play with us tell your friends tell your friends tell everybody you know that this is the place to be for the Splatoon oh no oh almost had him oh vacuums I hate the vacuum I hate the vacuum I hate it oh I see you yeah that's right sucker you got to press with the brush you can't go away you would have killed me you can't you can't move away with the brush oh come on oh a shoot God darn it very cutesy very demure ah vacuum time again God darn it hate those news oh no get away what do we got a oh we got l a [ __ ] Dar it that's right sucker that's right did you see that you see how I snuck around the backside I knew they were all facing One Direction so I was like let's go get them on the other side let's go God darn it that was awesome that was awesome God that was awesome all right one more round one more round friends and then we'll call it a day I don't think I'll play later I don't know overall splatter look at me yeah five with five all right here we go last round babes babies babies last round oh map's been updated okay well we'll do one more round anyway see what the new maps are if we get like raid in the next 4 minutes then um we'll we'll keep playing but only if we get raided by like Mr Beast or something let's get raided by a be huge streamer it would like send us over like a thousand subscribers is this um reset is This Server reset time I don't think so no all right here we go you got to go all right see you later thanks for playing with us come back again sometime what do we got here see if anybody joins us all right I guess it's just me and do this is it this is the last battle the last mask melon this is the last [Music] melon see how many followers I have on Tik Tok I got 9,570 so I only need 430 more subscribers on Tik Tok or followers then we'll have 10,000 taking forever I couldn't I couldn't seem to take advantage of the um trends that were like help follow everybody follow follow the small you know get everybody to 10K nobody wanted to do it for me the trends never mind okay welcome back let's go I see you there let's go hi all right last battle friends last battle last battle last Mas melon get him get him Louis get him nice nice job made him run away made him get scared oh they jumped away ah lame n LAN hey thanks for the like Jay this is actually my last battle we've been streaming for two hours and 22 minutes it says 2 hours and 22 minutes so I need a break I don't know if I'll stream again later but oh not ink oh no what are you doing get out of here get out of here Le likes the squid party we don't do squid party type stuff here so try not to get too uh comfortable with that style of play I got my gold Banner from the capsule machine oh nice gold Banner huh do I have a gold banner I don't even know I've only used my table Turf banner and the one I'm using right now his quarterhead wanted to have matching banners so we we did uh what what it's on right now oh I launched these off in a bad spot oh well okay what do we got what do we have here what we have here is failure to communicate 200 how do you oh wow does it keep track of it how do you know how do you know how many times it took oh man all right didn't do so good all right friends thanks a lot for hanging out today let me I want to go see if I have a gold I doubt I have a gold Banner but man we got smoked we got smoked I wasn't really paying that playing that well I was kind of not paying attention as much [Music] oh my gosh so loud jeez the only thing about living in this house is that that right there seed number oh I don't know what that means but okay [Music] oh my God banners is there a gold one no gold ones I don't know what it looks like is it just pure gold is it just like straight gold is it like this one no this one this one I don't know what it looks like I don't know what it looks like I normally use the this Banner I'm going to switch it back till I play with quartered again actually I'm going to switch more than that back I'm going to go do my badges as well there we go pure gold all right all right seea thanks for playing LS all right friends we are done for the day thanks for joining NJ at the end here I'm going to go chill out do something I don't know what I'm going to do I don't know what I'm going to do but anyways as always be loving kind of patient peace out my friends bye [Music]

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