🟢Earthquake In Los Angeles LIVE : The weird way the Los Angeles basin alters earthquakes| N18G

N/A oh oh [Applause] N/A [Applause] N/A w oh oh [Applause] a N/A w oh oh what N/A [Music] oh oh [Applause] sh oh oh [Applause] [Music] N/A oh [Applause] w N/A what [Music] [Applause] oh a oh oh [Applause] N/A oh [Applause] N/A oh oh [Applause] sh oh oh [Applause] w sh oh oh [Applause] m okay oh [Music] oh [Applause] N/A oh oh [Applause] sh w oh oh [Applause] a N/A w oh oh what N/A oh [Applause] N/A oh [Applause] N/A oh oh [Applause] w N/A w [Applause] a okay oh [Applause] N/A oh oh [Applause] N/A oh oh [Applause] N/A oh oh [Applause] w oh oh oh [Applause] h sh oh oh oh N/A oh oh N/A happened Israel would have never happened Ukraine would have never happened with Russia you wouldn't have ever had an embarrassment like that Afghanistan disaster with worst most embarrassing day in our country's history inflation would have never happened we would have never had it was caused by a very stupid energy policy then he went back to my policy because prices were grown up so much but it'll end if they won this election on day one all of that would end and this country will go through hell and it can never come back once it goes it's pretty far down already I'm gonna have to work very hard it's pretty far down when you let when you let 20 million people come into our country from places unknown and from prisons and from mental institutions and terrorists kamla Harris won't end the economic crisis she will only make it worse and why hasn't she done it she talks about it she's doing a plan you know she's going to announce it this week maybe she's she's she's waiting for me to announce it so she can copy [Applause] it like remember a couple of days ago and we will have no tax on tips I said that was my plan not only didn't she I mean they came up with a plan to go after all these people violently then one day she just uttered that sound but she'll copy a lot of other things too but she'll never do them she'll never do him she'll say him for the election but she'll never do she can't solve the problem because she is the problem she really is people like her when I left office I handed Toma and crooked Joe Biden a surging economy with no inflation the 30-year mortgage rate was 2.4% gasoline had reached $187 a gallon and for periods of time was even lower than that the africanamerican poverty rate was down 7% the Hispanic American poverty rate was down 8% the biggest drops the greatest drops that you've ever seen in this country they've never had it so well nobody nobody has every group every group Men Women Hispanics Asians blacks everybody was down at a level that nobody's ever seen we had the we had some of the greatest periods of economic growth and health that any country has ever seen I think probably more than any country has ever seen in four short years under President Trump we passed the largest tax cuts in history the largest regulation Cuts in history we unleashed American energy and real income surg by more than $4,200 in just a short number of months I mean we we it was nobody you never had it so good now you're not doing so well I hate today we had the strongest economy in history has never been a country that had an economy like us I gave Harris and Biden an economic miracle and they quickly turned it into an economic nightmare with a nation wrecking agenda ripped straight out of Comm San Francisco liberal Playbook what they've done to poor San Francisco well we're g to we're going to try and bring that back too Harrison Biden waged war in American Energy threw open our borders flooded the country with low wage migrant workers passed the green news scam racked up almost 10 trillion dollars in debt and buried our workers in job killing regulations costing $10,000 per family that's a lot of money you don't have to imagine imag in what a Harris presidency would look like you're living through the misery right now except it will get worse and you're paying the price a price like nobody's ever paid and we're disrespected all over the world as a country we were respected before Putin respected US president she of China respected us Kim Jong-un of North Korea respected us we were respected by everybody in the world today we're being laughed at today we're being laughed at all over the world you're paying the price for commis Liberal extremism at the gas pump at the grocery counter and on your mortgage Bill and on everything else how about your car insurance how's that doing not too good right I saw today it's up like 82% we're not going to let this incompetent socialist lunatic keep breaking our economy for four more years it'll destroy our country on Election Day we're going to tell her that we've had enough that we can't take it anymore kamla you're doing a horrible job you were a terrible attorney general you were a terrible district attorney you're the worst vice president in history Kamala you're fired get out of here go get out of here right get [Applause] out than you thank you thank you very much that was not a pleasant day I'll tell you front row Joe's were there front row Joe's were there they were were they've seen it all haven't you huh you've seen it that was a that was a horrible day that was a terrible day she's flip-flopping on every single thing she's ever espoused or believed in the Border Health Care crime but she truly is a radical she's flip-flopping on everything to get elected after she gets elected it all goes right back to where it was she refuses to do any interviews or press conferences almost 30 days now she hasn't done an interview you know why she hasn't done interview because she's not smart she's not intelligent and we've gone through enough of that with this guy crooked Joe he didn't do interviews either they kept him in his basement and essentially they're keeping her in the basement the same way they kept her they don't want to expose her to like a question like uh what did you have for dinner tonight remember Joe what kind of ice cream is your favorite vanilla oh I like vanilla that was George atopis he asked him that what what's your favorite ice cream H with me they asked me a little bit different question that's all right did everybody the other night see Elon and me great that was one of the most successful shows ever have done I mean that was a lot of people like him I think they like me too come to think but he's great and he gave us his full endorsement he's a great guy but he basically you know he's a guy doesn't need this stuff he what he wants to do is see our country be great again and he understands and it's very hard for him to endorse the opposing party it's not easy it's very hard but you know he really cares about our country and he knows the opposing party has destroyed really destroyed our country and will destroy our country and permanently destroy our country and he can't watch that but we had a great chat for two and a half hours hours two and a half hours being grilled by Elon and we had a we had a good time actually we're talking about something we love our country much easier when you love something right she doesn't want anybody to know what she's really for and that way she could change it you know I mean she'll tell you what she wants and change it the way she wants it and ultimately it'll be the way she wants it I mean the clown that she picked as a vice president this guy's a clown he was so bad you know when uh Minneapolis was burning down he didn't want to call in the National Guard I got him I got him on the you gotta get the National Guard get it get it get it I'm telling you if I didn't force it upon him you might not have the city remember CNN standing up this is a season of love this is what this is a very peaceful protest and the whole city is burning down behind him you ever see anything as far as the I could see a whole thing looked like World War II speaking of World War II I'll keep you out of World War II he's going to put you in World War II we're very close you're very close to being in a war a big war world war you're very close we've never been this close and we have incompetent people in the White House grossly incompetent people there was no reason for Russia and Ukraine to go at it there was no reason for Israel to be attacked on October 7th would have never happened but a politician will always go back to where they started and on November 6 she will be a San Francisco liberal again destroying everything in sight I wonder what she does after this our country will never recover especially when added to the destruction they've already caused over the last almost four years think of the our country think of the Border think of what we had the best border you know my favorite my alltime favorite graph right that is my all-time favorite graph not only because it shows the best border but for another reason I tell you what I'm glad I looked around to look at it Go W that was that's my favorite of all time even if it was [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you thank you very much even if it were bad numbers negative numbers I still think it would be my favorite of all time if Harris wins this election the result will be a CALA economic crash a 1929 style depression 1929 when I win the election we will immediately begin a brand new Trump economic boom it'll be a boom we're going to turn this country around so fast many people say that the only reason the stock market is up is because people think I am going to win did you ever hear that but there was one day a couple of weeks ago when they weren't thinking that and you saw what happened this will be in 1929 style crash you know I have one of the most brilliant men in Wall Street I think here I shook hands with him just a little while ago Scott where's Scott where is oh stand up this man will you come up here please just come up here for a moment he is considered one of the most brilliant men on Wall Street and he's made certain statements I'd like him to make them because probably I'd be better off if he made him than me right but I do agree with him but no he's considered one of the greatest on all of Wall Street respected by everybody and uh I'm not sure he can get through a secret service it's gotten very tight come on up Scott come on up come on up Scott come on up here look at him and he's a nicel looking guy too want to say a couple of words come on look this is the Trump economy this is the Trump stock market and I can tell you that it will be Kamala Harris will start with the Kamala crash in the stock market and then it will be the Kamala crash in the economy and I don't think that's going to happen you know I am convinced that President Trump is ahead in the polls now he is going to stay ahead in the polls and that he may beat he may beat KLA Harris by more than he would have beaten President Biden thank you Scott thank you is he Central Casting he's Central Casting thank you now he's been very strong on that he said that if they get in you're going to have a 1929 style crash he's been very strong on it but others have said that too and we don't want that to happen to our country that would be devastating for you for everybody on my first day back in the Oval Office I will sign an executive order directing every cabinet secretary and agency head to use every tool and Authority at their disposal to Def defeat inflation and to bring consumer prices rapidly down we'll do it very rapidly when you look at the cost of groceries the cost of bacon where it went up four and five times bacon I don't order bacon anymore it's too expensive it will be a whole of government effort to raise the standard of living and make American Life affordable again it's going to really be a very important thing afford because not affordable even if you're doing a little bit better you've lost all of your money because of inflation it's it's been out of control for a long time and don't forget now eventually it's starting to maybe get under control but you're already up 50 60 70% in so many items you look at car insurance I couldn't believe when I looked at those numbers this morning I was studying numbers and I looked at the car insurance numbers it's incredible and that's just one of many you can go through many but the groceries just to put it in simple terms people go to the grocery store and they have less than half a uh half a deal in fact I had something here I I did have something I would show you wait a minute I don't know if you've seen this I used it once oh I have it I do have it look at this look at this so this is tic taacs right I don't know if I like the company I've never met I have no idea they're so lucky this look at all the television is like this the greatest commercial they ever had but that's what happened this is inflation this is Tic Tac this is Tic Tac this is inflation this is what's happened I just happened to have somebody gave me this one today I said I think we'll put it up as an example of inflation but you know what inflation is destroying our country it's destroying our families we will Target everything from car affordability to housing affordability to insurance cost to supply chain issues we have the worst supply chain we've ever had in the history of the country to the price of prescription drugs I will instruct my cabinet that I expect results within the first 100 days or much sooner than [Applause] that I would say the first seven days is fine car insurance is up 70 to 100% and you can't get it you can't even get it does that do you agree with that you can't even get it they tell me insurance is up 50% or higher the whole industry is out of control the insurance industry has never been anything through the we have never been in a situation with insurance like it is right now you can't get it no matter what you pay but prices will come down you just watch they'll come down and they'll come down fast not only with insurance with everything at the center of our effort to bring the cost of living under control will be the allout push to end the the Biden Harris war on a thing called American Energy American Energy we will drill baby drill we're going to bring Energy prices down [Applause] [Music] thank you and just so you know they stopped it and it was terrible what they did that's what caused the whole problem the country even with Supply chains I mean it just caused a problem and then they said oh go back to the Trump plan now now they're drilling but the day after the election if they win this election the drilling stops they're only doing this for purposes of getting elected they said let's go back to what Trump was doing but the prices are still way high you see $5 a gallon now for gasoline and uh much higher than that in some areas and we will put anoir back into service you know anoir in at in Alaska it could be the largest oil field in the world could be larger than Saudi Arabia could be larger than what Russia has and Reagan Ronald Reagan tried to get it good man he tried to get it couldn't get it Bush tried everybody tried to get it I got it and the first it was tough and I got in different times because they stop it on environmental you know they use the environment to stop everything right you know that and I'm we're all environmentalists we want to see what's right we want clean air we want clean water but we don't want to destroy our country but they stopped it and uh we got it going we got it going we got it going like never before it was all set to go and then the first think of this the first week in office they stopped it they gave it back they said no we're not going to do it the greatest not only great for Alaska which is an incredible place a beautiful state they wanted it so badly economic development for Alaska would have been so good but worldwide I mean we would have been selling oil and gas all over the world especially with Asia because of where it's located so Asia all over the world and they stopped it but we'll start it up again very very soon we're going to get it very quickly we'll get it approved again very quick and your prices are going to come tumbling down your gasoline is going to come tumbling down in your heating bills and cooling bills are going to be coming down you have you have places like in New England I don't know how they put up with it you have the highest costs almost anywhere your costs for energy for heat for air conditioning are through the roof and you know why because they don't want to put a pipeline through a section of New York that desperately wants it to happen a very poor area they won't do it and until fairly recently you know who used to deliver them the oil Russia Russia ships were pulling up to New England how was that under comm's extreme high cost energy policy known as Net Zero you know Net Zero they they have no idea what it means by the way it's Net Zero what does that mean nobody knows ask her what it means we're going to go to a net zero policy what does that mean uh I have no idea she's attempting to abolish oil coal and natural gas 84% of us energy supplied she wants it ended you think that's going to lift your prices a little bit think of that they're going to take away 84% and the real stuff that's the stuff that powers the plants it's not wind that goes around and around and darling let's watch the president's State of the Union speech tonight I'm sorry we won't be able to do it the wind isn't blowing darling we have no electricity we have no electricity darling we won't be able to watch tonight but perhaps sometime during the week it will be blowing and we'll be able to get our television on upon taking office Harris and Biden shut down the Keystone XL pipeline they issued orders to close dozens and dozens of existing power plants and comma has vowed that if elected she will absolutely ban fracking she said I'll ban fracking just recently I'll ban fracking there will be no fracking that means that she can't win the state of Pennsylvania because Pennsylvania is all about fracking that's their biggest industry and you know what Pennsylvania I hope you're watching because that's what she says and that's what she'll do and that's what she'll go back to she wants to ban fracking and she's wanted it for her entire career and we're not g to let her destroy our country like that we're not going to let her if Harris gets in Energy prices will Skyrocket far more than even in Europe you know Europe's a basic disaster because they've tended to go a little bit woke but that's now changing have you been watching that's changing inflation will surge into double digits in our own country and your quality of life will absolutely collapse your quality of life is going to collapse under these lunatics by contrast she said it already has I who said that ma'am wow you look healthy though you look very nice you look very nice by contrast I'm announcing today that under my leadership the United States will commit to the ambitious goal of slashing energy and electricity prices by half at least [Applause] half we intend to slash prices by half within 12 months at a maximum 18 months and if it doesn't work out you'll say oh well I voted for him I still got him down a lot but we're looking to do it we're looking to cut them in half and we think we'll be able to do better and every single thing that I promised I produced every single [Applause] thing you will never have had energy so low as you will under a certain gentleman known as Donald J Trump have you heard of him so we think your energy bills will be down by 50 to 70% how good would that be for a thing called inflation how how good would that be you know energy is such a big topic such a big cost so powerful so big that if you have a doughnut shop you have the ovens you have a truck that delivers the donuts if you have whatever you do you're heating you're cooling everything is about that that's where they really blew it they blew it with too much borrowing they blew it with wasting nine and 10 trillion dollars on the scam the great scam of in history there are a lot of scams that they worked on where's the laptop from hell is it around by sh but they they did it by doing a lot of things but with the energy it's such a big topic no matter what business you're in you have to heat your business cool your business you need cars trucks to get there and to take the product it's so energy uh it's so energy dominated my Administration will issue rapid approvals for new energy infrastructure unlock new lands for drilling and achieve energy Independence and energy dominant so we want we want energy dominance almost immediately we were energy independent four years ago think of it today we're getting energy from Venezuela in the form of tar we're getting it from Venezuela tar you ever see what it is to make oil out of tar they have tar they have a lot of tar uh it's not good you know where they make it in Houston Texas it's the only plant in the world that can take this material and turn it into gasoline and oil but no it's tar and uh and they're getting they're doing very well you know uh speaking of that just for a second so Venezuela crime is down 72% because they're taking all of their criminals out of Caracus out of the different places their mental institutions are literally closing up they're taking the people from mental institutions people from prisons and jails terrorists have terrorists all over the place and you know where they're bringing them welcome to the United States of America murderers drug dealers and Venezuelan crime is down 72% but that's only one all over the world crime is down because they're taking their criminals and their people from mental institutions and they're putting them into our country because we have stupid people like Kamala and Joe running our country and there's never never been anything like this and if you look at New York today and you look at a couple of remember I said migrant crime will be a big subject I said that a year ago everyone said oh no oh he's so wrong do you see what's happening with migrant crime they make our criminals look like nice people they do these are the toughest these are the toughest people in the world the toughest people we built 571 miles of wall as an example they could have and we that's more than I said I was going to build but then I was going to add 200 miles we had it built and they didn't put it up would have taken three weeks to erect it was all there ready to put up would have taken three weeks to put up and that's what I said they actually want open borders and commala wants open borders and she said it for 15 years she wants open borders she only changed recently when she noticed in a poll that wasn't polling too well people don't want open borders where people can flow into our country to further combat inflation I will terminate kamla Harris's green news scam and resend all of the unspent funds give all of the unspent funds back to building roads Bridges and give it back to the government and we won't uh it's like throwing what she did what they did was like throwing billions of dollars out the window we will stop wasteful spending and big government special interest giveaways and finally stand up for the American taxpayer which hasn't happened since I was President we stood up we stood up we stood up I mean prior to covid coming in in history there's never been an economy like we had then when covid came in you know we rebuilt the military we defeated Isis everybody said it would take 10 years to defeat I did it in eight months we did we did we rebuilt that whole we did so many things and we created the greatest economy I got a lot of credit on everything including the economy when covid came in we had to do certain things we had to make certain moves and if we didn't make those moves Scott and if we didn't help businesses survive for that little period of time you would have had that 1929 style depression that's what you would have had we did a great job then when we handed it to them the stock market was higher than it was previous to covid coming in think of that it was actually higher and we handed them something that was a jewel by the way more people died from covid in the bike Administration then the Trump Administration and he got it when it was ending all over the world it was pretty much ending so we never really got the credit we deserved for that with the ventil ventilators and all of the different things that we did the outfits a lot of things we were we were producing in New Hampshire and different places masks we had mask factories opening up we had everything and we did a good job and then it came back and it came should have come roaring back but they really blew it they spent so much money they didn't have to spend any more money what they had to do is let our economy take over but we had some great Republican Governors that did a fantastic job the Democrat Governors not so much out of the top 25 as an example crimer ridden cities virtually every single one of them is run by democrats think of that to make both new and used cars more affordable I will end the Biden Harris Electric Vehicle mandate on day one doesn't make sense and by the way there's a great place for electric cars they're going to do great I think they're going to do great and elon's heard me say that many times he still endorsed me I mean I you know I couldn't I wouldn't be able to change uh it's a question of how far do they go and how much do they cost and all of the different things factors but electric cars have a great place in our country but you have to be able to be really get uh gasoline powered cars hybrids many different types diesel you want Diesel with trucks you know they want to make trucks all electric going to California you have six stops with diesel you have no stops that's hard to beat right if they're too heavy Common Sense We're the Party of Common Sense an electric truck weighs twice what a more than twice two and a half times what a gasoline propelled truck truck ways right that would mean you would have to rebuild every bridge and tunnel in the United States oh that sounds reasonable it would cost so much money the United States doesn't have every country together doesn't have what it would cost but there's a great place for electric but there's a place for everything and you should be able to go out and buy what you want you go out and buy what you want to further reduce consumer prices I will immediately eliminate every single costly job killing regulation the Biden Harris Administration has created and they've created a lot remember I took out 12 for everyone I created and we ended up doing more than that we got rid of so many regulations that was so unnecessary some of them were a 100 years old in my first term our regulation cut saved the typical American Family $11,000 in my next term the Trump dividend will be even larger it'll be it'll be a dividend by repealing the Biden Harris regulatory onslaught we can save an estimated $20,000 and you're talking about a tremendous amount six7 $8,000 a year just in savings so to get to economic relief to workers and families we will make additional tax C that's what gave us the great economy we'll make tax cuts additionally will make them permanent because you know we have a thing where they want to terminate at the end of the period when they expire the Trump tax ta Cuts five years they want to let them expire that would mean your taxes would go up four times you'll be paying four times much and we will do something else which was copied I mean viciously ruthlessly copied no tax on tips okay no tax you know if they wanted to do that why didn't they do it three and a half years ago they didn't want to it was actually the opposite they hired 88,000 IRS agents to go after these people so for every position the fake new Kamala takes down and all of these positions three weeks ago the real Kamala said the exact opposite the exact opposite with me you will always have a president who tells it like it is you will always have somebody where I let you know where I stand and you can vote for me or not but you need that and you need consistency and you need Brilliance you need [Music] Brilliance she is not a brilliant person she's not a smart person she is not very smart but it is crazy isn't it though isn't it crazy she was so disrespected just a few weeks ago and now it's like Kam CA the fake news the fake news is a threat to our country don't kid yourself [Applause] to help seniors on fixed incomes who are suffering the ravages of inflation there will be no tax on social security we're going to stop it no tax on social [Music] [Applause] security this cruel double taxation of Social Security benefits and this has been talked about for a long time she'll probably announce this on Friday too oh look they have a spy in the audience right over there he's spying let's see uh C I think we should do no tax on social security but it only came into existence in 1984 and at that time it only affected a very small number of recipients but now nearly half of all seniors are forced to pay income tax on social security and thanks to inflation under Harris she is horrible this tax hits more seniors every year more and more and they can't make it they're not making it they're failing you know the people that did it right they saved they worked they saved and save those are the people that were hurt most by this kind of thinking and this economy with your vote I will end this Injustice and I will always protect Social Security and Medicare for our great seniors just as they did for four incredible years there was never any talk about doing it by contrast KLA Harris has a three-step plan to destroy Dy Medicare and to destroy Social Security First she has thrown open our borders you know what that's going to do they're all signing up oh congratulations they'll be all signing up right next to you but she's opened up our borders think of it again I believe it's 20 million people but I think it's probably much well with the goway is and you know what a goway is Right remember I had remain in Mexico policy you think that was easy to get from Mexico what I had to do to them and I had remain in Mexico they ended it immediately they thought it was unfair to Mexico can you believe that Mexico is like a it's like a railroad track coming into our country I want to thank a very good man and he's in there fighting he's fighting and we know he's a fighter the next governor of North Carolina Mark Robinson thanks Mark Mrs Robinson thank you they're a great great couple thank you both thank you thank [Applause] you thank you very much well it is a very frisky group I have to [Applause] say and by the way we have some very good polls coming out today I just heard just despite all of the fake publicity about this radical left person from San Francisco how's San Francisco doing not like not like North Carolina no we have some very good polls coming out so that's good you know con considering the fact that they what they do I mean what they do what the fake news is able to do and yet we're leading and let them have their convention and who knows how that's going to turn out Joe Biden is a very angry man you know that right because they they took it away from him they usurped it they took it away from him terrible terrible and I'm not sure that they picked the right guy in him but he got 14 million votes he got 14 million votes she got no votes and you look at what happens that's not the way it's supposed to happen uh they are a threat to democracy right as they say they are a threat to democracy but thanks as well to members of Congress Chuck and Edwards and Virginia Fox Warriors thank you wherever you may be ah thank you thanks Chuck thank you Virginia state ordor candidate Dave bollock he said I'm only in politics for you sir I only where is Dave anybody that would save Dave if you say that and if you me do you mean that if you mean that I'm for you all the way he has my endorsement thank you Dave a man who's doing do an incredible job so good when we won this state and we won it easily I said Michael Watley you're going to head the RNC with Lara with Lura and they're doing an incredible incredible job and also your North Carolina GOP chairman Jason Simmons Jason thank you we're doing okay we're doing good Jason okay we're way up here we got to make sure everyone gets out and votes but we're way up so I want to thank you we had a tremendous experience here we won every time we were in the special place well my son you know he uh he and his wonderful wife you know who I'm talking about Lara Lara But Eric and Lara they named their beautiful daughter Carolina okay I said which one are you talking about well you know today I'm going to say it's North Carolina right now she was she was born here raised here and I'm sure it's a big reason we've done so well here she's great she's really terrific and he is a a great young man I mean you know I'm a little prejudiced perhaps because he's my son a little bit but they're a great couple and thank you very much we appreciate it with the help of everyone in this room 83 days from now can you imagine 83 days we're almost there we got to get it we're going to defeat super liberal more liberal than Bernie Sanders did you hear that the most liberal person in the Senate can you believe that we're going to defeat CA Harris we're going to win back the White House in a historic Landslide and we're going to take back our country we're going to take it back and I think it's important to say and I never get corrected I know it's fact because you know if I'm slightly off they do swords headlines he didn't tell quite the truth well we are leading the biggest political movement in the history of our country bigger than any movement ever before there's never been a movement like this it's called make America great again Mega make America great I say to the Democrats when they come out well you know we've got to try and stop magga Maga is make America great again what do you want to stop it for that's what we're doing they put in a candidate and we beat him badly how did he how did he do in the debate then they put in another candidate this is like you have two fighters the one guy's losing he say come on out let's put in another one so then uh they put in another candidate dat and we're doing very well considering the fact that uh she has the greatest press she went from being a totally disrespected person six weeks ago nobody thought she had a chance nobody and I don't think she can possibly win if she does our country is finish you want to know the truth but she was totally disrespected the most unpopular vice president in the history of our country and then they decided to get politically correct we have to put her in they put her in and now they're putting her on the covers of Time Magazine with an artist sketch they don't use a picture they don't use a picture they use an artist sketch I want to use that artist I want to find that artist I like him very much but we're gonna beat her also and they may then get a third candidate who knows this is a little bit different than we're supposed to be doing you're supposed to have a candidate you know we spent probably a hundred million dollar on beating him then we had a very good debate and we beat him and they said well instead of letting it go who knows what happens right it's the world of politics they say we want him out Joe you're getting out now Joe well I don't want to get out I have 14 you're getting out now Joe we can do it the nice way or we can do it the hard way and he's getting out he's getting out fact they're not even giving him a good spot to speak you know when he's speaking on Monday Monday is not the that's the worst day but that's what they do and it's their own form of it's just another I guess relatively it's a minor form of cheating by comparison to what they really do right everything kamla Harris touches turns bad it all turns bad San Francisco was a great City now it's unlivable California was a great state now it's unlivable she breaks everything just like she broke the Border broke our economy but soon we are going to fix every single problem KLA Harris and Joe Biden have created and we are going to save our country we are going to save America we're going to save America now this is a little bit different day because this isn't around this is we're talking about a thing called the economy they wanted to do a speech on the economy a lot of people are very devastated by what's happened with inflation and all of the other things so we're doing this as a intellectual speech you're all intellectuals today today we're doing it and we're doing it uh right now and it's uh very important they say it's the most important subject I think crime is right there I think the border is right there personally uh we have a lot of important subjects because our country has become a third world nation we literally are a third world nation we're a Banana Republic in so many ways and we're not going to let that happen because we're starting a freef fall but from today and from the day I take the oath of office we will rapidly Drive prices down and make America affordable again we're going to make it affordable again under KLA Harris and crooked Joe Biden the American dream is dead you don't hear about the American dream anymore it's dead her radical liberal policies have caused horrific inflation decimated the middle class and gutted the finances of millions and millions of Americans families real incomes are down by over $2,000 a year per family I mean that's a lot of money they're down by that and it's actually much more if you figure it a certain way if you add some other categories in it's much more than that but down by 2000 since she took office and it was just announced that real earnings were down once again at a record rate the Harris price hikes have cost the typical household $228,000 congratulations hope everyone's happy credit card debt has exploded and it's exploded to the highest it's ever been and the cost of a typical monthly mortgage has tripled tripled and probably more than that if you think about it we were at about 2.4% and now you're up to 10% and even 11% but you're really not there because you can't get the money even if you want to pay it in July alone 350,000 people were added to the unemployment roles kamla Harris wants to talk about her fantasies and they are f everything she says if I say something she said that's what she's going to do too I said what are you doing but she wants to talk for the future about these fantasies but really what she needs to explain is the present suffering that she's caused along with Joe Biden and by the way they're a team you know she's trying to throw him overboard she doesn't want to know who he is anymore she doesn't want to talk about anymore she says let's not bring this guy in let's not bring him in no no they were a team he appointed her as Bazar and she did the worst job in the history of borders I will tell you does anyone here feel richer under coma Harris than CR Jo than you were during the Trump Administration is anything less expensive under kamla Harris and crooked Joe we had inflation that I don't believe we've ever had inflation like that you can go back a long way are you better off now with Harris and Biden than you were with a person named president Donald J Trump you know him he's a nice gentle nice gentleman with four more years of harrish your finances will never recover they're never going to recover our country will never recover frankly more importantly it will be unrecoverable vote Trump and your incomes will soar you your savings will grow young people will be able to afford a home and we will bring back the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever before thank you thank you thank you very much thank you look at this we have a lot of front row Joe's here wow H what a great group of Patriots they are I don't know they've gone to I think 219 or 220 and these this is in rally but this is a different kind of thing today we're going to talk about one subject every and then we'll start going back to the other because we sort of love that don't we but it's an important no it's an important they say it's the most important subject I'm not sure it is but they say it's the most important s inflation is the most important but that's part of economy kamla Harris wants to be in charge of the entire US economy but neither She nor her running mate is said the beauty isn't [Applause] he he signed a bill he wants tampons in boys bathrooms I don't think so tampons but they've never held a private sector job in their entire professional careers and it's no wonder they're both socialists they're actually Beyond socialist I think they skipped over socialist that's why I think when people find out because you don't know who these people are I think when people find out who they are I I personally don't think they can do well in the election they've destroyed this country what they've done when you look at San Francisco what happened to and she was the one that started it years ago she was district attorney then she was the Attorney General of the State of California California is a dis now now Gavin nsam hasn't helped very much but but it's a disaster she was the one this November voters are going to give radical liberal kamla Harris the opportunity to try something new a real job in the private sector for the first time in her life nice kamla has declared that tackling inflation will be a day one priority think of it for her but day won for kamla was three and a half years ago why hasn't she done it you know I keep saying ah she's one of these complainers you know like a Critic I remember growing up I'd see plays on Broadway and I'd go to different things and you'd always have critics they criticize but I'd see and they were critical critical but they never did it themselves you know she's a Critic that's all she is she never did anything nothing that she ever did work when KLA LS and and she got lucky with this she was the first one out she was 22 people I guess I hear I just asked I said that many a lot of people she never made it to Iowa the great state of Iowa she was the first one out she had a lack of skill and people didn't like her and now she's running for president than she never got one vote think about that when kamla lays out her fake economic plan this week probably will be a copy of my plan because basically it's what she does just remember she goes to work every morning In The West Wing her desk is 10 steps from the Oval Office she cast the tiebreaking votes that gave us record inflation and for nearly four years kamla has crackled as the American economy has burned what happened to her laugh I haven't heard that laugh in about a week that's why they keep her off the state that's why she's disappeared that's the laugh of a crazy person I will tell you if you haven't done she crazy she's crazy they told her don't laugh don't laugh no it's her no her laugh is career-threatening they said don't laugh she hasn't laugh she doesn't laugh anymore it's smart but somay it's gonna come out that's the laugh of a person with some big problems she says her plan is going to be and bring down prices she thinks she's going to bring down prices then why here's a simple little few words why didn't you do it comla why didn't you do it you've been there three and a half years why aren't you doing it now you can do it right now I can say that with everything why hasn't she secured the Border you know she was the bordar right she was the bordar it was a big deal she says now she wasn't the bordar that's okay she was in charge of the border call it whatever you want but she was in charge and it's it was uh the worst this was the worst Border in history there's never been a border in the world like this why hasn't she brought back the jobs why she talks about jobs we're going to come up with a new plan she's been there for three and a half years with a man who frankly she defrauded the public because she didn't tell you about that man I exposed him during the debate thank you very much thank you and now the bombs are starting to drop in the middle least you see what's going on there right that would have never happened Israel would have never happened Ukraine would have never happened with Russia you wouldn't have ever had an embarrassment like that Afghanistan disaster with Mo worst most embarrassing day in our country's history inflation would have never happened we would have never had it was caused by a very stupid energy policy then he went back to my policy because prices were going up so much but it'll end if they won this election on day one all of that would end and you this country will go through hell and it can never come back once it goes it's pretty far down already I'm going to have to work very hard it's pretty far down when you let when you let 20 million people come into our country from places unknown and from prisons and from mental institutions and terrorists kamla Harris won't end the economic crisis she will only make it worse and why hasn't she done it she talks about it she's doing a plan you know she's going to announce it this week maybe she's she's she's waiting for me to announce it so she can copy [Applause] it like remember a couple of days ago and we will have no tax on tips I said that was my plan not not only didn't she I mean they came up with a plan to go after all these people violently then one day she just uttered that sound but she'll copy a lot of other things too but she'll never do them she'll never do them she'll say them for the election but she'll never do them she can't solve the problem because she is the problem she really is people like her when I left office I handed KLA and crooked Joe Biden a surging economy with no inflation the the 30-year mortgage rate was 2.4% gasoline had reached $187 a gallon and for period of time was even lower than that the African-American poverty rate was down 7% the Hispanic American poverty rate was down 8% the biggest drops the greatest drops that you've ever seen in this country they've never had it so well nobody nobody has every group every group Men Women Hispanics Asians blacks everybody was down at a level that nobody's ever seen we had the we had some of the greatest periods of economic growth and health

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