TRAGIC LOSS Netflix star Rob ‘The Rabbit’ Pitts dies at 45 following health battle after telling
Published: Aug 26, 2024
Duration: 00:03:58
Category: People & Blogs
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tributes have flooded in for the car restoration Enthusiast the TexMex motor star died on Sunday after battling stomach cancer the Netflix showed that debuted in June last year seiz motoring experts transport cars from Mexico to Texas to restore them in a heartbreaking clip posted to YouTube pit said goodbye to fans and detailed his health struggles it was in the comments to the black and white video entitled this is goodbye that Pit's videographer Jeff told fans that the news was true hey everyone this is Jeff Rob's videographer I am with him now in hospice he wrote he just passed at 2145 on 825s sl202 24 he will be missed and we will never forget him in the 3 minute YouTube video pittz told fans about his diagnosis while begging them not to feel sorry for him sent to the song Too Late by Jacob Lincoln Pit's last words come up in black and white as he admits I know some of you are wondering about what I've been up to he explained how last year he started feeling off and had been losing weight as he got ready to shoot the second season of texmax Motors however when filming began he explained that he started to lose his appetite and increasingly suffered acid flux-like symptoms after numerous trips to Urgent Care his cast me Jame who he called the set mom took him to the ER and in March he was diagnosed with stomach cancer it's been rough he admitted as he talked about receiving at home treatment more bad days than good but hanging in there he wrote as a black and white picture showed a frail pits in a hospital bed accompanied by a friend I have a lot to live for in life has been going my way don't be sad for me I accomplished my dream of buying my own store finishing season 2 of Netflix and marrying the love of my life luckily she doesn't mind doing long-term things with a short-term guy he tragically added the CEO of pits truck service a family business that started in 1968 gave his last piece of advice in the video he urged viewers to ensure that if they feel like something is wrong they go and get it checked out and get to the bottom of it if it does not go away fans immediately flooded the comments with tributes praising the car Legend Rob Pitts played a massive role in the man I am today one wrote he inspired me to buy and sell cars when I was a kid he was my number one role model I wanted to be just like him one day and I still do he inspired me to start a business he inspired me to be the good honest businessman that I aim to be he made such a massive impact in my life as well as many others rest in peace rabbit you will never be forgotten this guy was a legend in the automotive World his stories were legendary and genuine another said my favorite story has to be about the one when he sold eight cars in one day Mr eight cars in one one day meanwhile others were brutally honest in their Devastation at the news I am a 77-year-old man enjoyed your stories for years sitting at the kitchen table having coffee crying one wrote me and my wife both we crying our eyes out on the phone talking about this another said it's wild the profound impact a complete stranger can have on people's lives