Published: Aug 25, 2024
Duration: 00:34:33
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: ulrika
[Music] some say he's a technical whiz some say he was born in Cornwall while some say he's on a journey it's the journey and here's your host David hacket I want other journey and today we're joining a journey who is inter empath with a history of being depressed and suicidal they came to a point where they had to choose between life and death today our guest shares their experiences and embodied wisdom from their art with nearly 30 years of experience and traditional Western and Eastern holistic disciplines they as a spiritual eer International author read of the aashik I believe that is records and Yogi teacher therapist takes them around the globe and there you have worked with men and women of different ages from all fields of life and we will talk about their work as we go along but we welcome to for joining yica Carlson hi David thank you thank you for having me no worries so it welcome and it's we start off about being an empath because obviously being an empathic person takes a lot and I've only met a few myself and I believe it's a true skill but what made you realize fully that you was an empera that is a good question thank you so um wow it's been a long journey and so many decades I I didn't know about it I never heard about it I didn't know that I was one but over my own sort of Rehabilitation coming back into more alignment after my depression and being suicidal and burnt out so when I came back more to my heart and after a lot of you know clearings and Transformations transmutations facing all my fears Etc one day I I saw a link uh on I think it was Facebook book and I followed the link because it resonated with me and I ended up reading about empaths and empaths are not quite the same as highly sensitive person because I'm both a highly sensitive person but I'm also an empath and highly sensitive person or people are feeling empathy for others as an empath you feel what everybody else is feeling so it's like you are this huge antenna that is sort of receiving all kinds of Transmissions every day 247 and for me I didn't know that I that I was an empath and I didn't know that I what my strong feelings that maybe not all of them were mine to begin with that I was sort of like an antenna and attracting all kinds of feelings from people everywhere you know in school when I went on the tube and everything and I was always exhausted and so when I read about being an empath then it was like wow now now I know what it means and now I know that I am one actually it's like these films that you see like X-Men when they all have different gifts and and being an empath is one gift because once you learn how to manage it and once you you learn that it's a GI gift but first it might have been a challenge which is a gift in Disguise so for me there was many decades of challenges uh facing you know the world and the way the world is today before I realized that I need sort of I don't have the filters like most people have like everything is just coming straight to me so I really need to sort of choose and manage my energy according to where I am and who I'm spending time with because I can imagine you said about having no filter it is like loads of things running or coming straight at you at such a speed that is so powerful and you can't control half a time I assume I know maybe nowadays it is easier to understand then you can control it more but back in the early days it was like Bo and you couldn't stop it if exactly and also I'm from a culture I'm from Sweden so where we don't show strong emotions I think UK also is that kind of country that we are keeping it suppressed or in the illusion that we are controlling we are not supposed to feel too much we're not supposed to be too happy too successful too sad too angry Etc so all these strong emotions are suppressed and stored within the body so when I was younger you know I also blame myself a lot I felt really I always felt like I didn't belong here and I I wanted to go home to my sort of home planet my home star and and uh so I had to really adapt more than most people to this society that I'm living in uh to be very conform and to be very adaptive and it takes a lot of energy to suppress all kinds of strong emots tions whether it's joy happiness or if you're sad or angry so it takes a lot of emotions to keep the emotions suppressed so I was always so tired and exhausted and I never knew why until I came across this link which really resonated with me so talking and I want to upset you and trigger in any way but depression and wanting to Comm commit suicide was that a point where things happened all at once in your life or was it just things that accumulated it was accumulating for sure as I was just telling you that I for a very very very long time suppressed my strong feelings whatever that I felt was very strong and intense and I suppressed it and I learned to adapt and I learned different strategies to be the good girl to be the clown to be the pretty one you know playing like all these different sort of part almost so uh it was accumulating and then like when you're suppressing the essence of yourself for a very long time obviously it comes you know it affects you multi-dimensional as we are multi-dimensional beings so it affected me physically emotionally spiritually Etc so from a very early age I I developed sleeping disorders and I developed panic attacks and and many many different and weird symptoms of stress and I was just you know pressing it all in suppressing holding back I was you know the the less I slept the more I pushed myself the the the worse I felt the harder I pressed and pushed myself into different situations so I was con continuously you know sort of crossing my own borders and uh my own boundaries and I was I was just depleted all the time and so I'm sharing about this journey H in my book 2:47 a.m. the journey home to my heart where I'm describing in a very raw and authentic way you know being depressed and suicidal and I how I needed to face these fears and suppressed emotions and unresolved traumas within me so I could come back to being more alive and coming back into my heart instead of just being in the head space so this book this uh journey home to my heart is is like a trampoline for others where they can use my inner wounds and my traumas and darkness to dive into their own and to transform them because the more we are are willing to discover explore and transmute our inner Darkness our unconscious programs the more we have access to lights and Consciousness so the more of the dark unconscious programs that I'm you know willing to face or transform the more access I have to my light to my gifts to my Consciousness so it's it's all really a matter of you know it's it's always an side job yeah because I know from my personal self I've been in very dark places and IIT I still am in certain Dark Places because it's the way it's been but I always find no matter what you do you put a mask on to make people think you're okay but underneath that mask is the true hidden feeling of I'm anxious I'm sad but if I lift up my mask they will see they will take advantage of it yes that that can happen and then we are I was too when I was sick and depressed I was so identified with my body and with my feelings and with my being not at ease with my disease so I was so identified like I was depressed and I'm you know I am having sleeping disorders but the thing is that we all have you know the Buddhists call it our monkey mind so we have our mindset we have our programmed deprogrammed Minds as we only have access to 5% of Consciousness meaning that we are being ruled and governed by 95% of unconsciousness and unconscious programs so at the time when I was depressed I believed my thoughts about myself and about you know the reality that I have created I believed that I was not worthy and that I was that I was hating myself and that I was loathing myself so all these thoughts and emotions I believed them to be true because I identified with my thoughts I identified with my feelings my emotions my bodily Sensations but here is the thing that we are souls we are Divine Souls from Divine Source choosing human experiences so everything that we choose is just an experience where we can grow because our souls are here to guide us into expansion into Evolution so uh but I believed that I was you know like equal to my traumas and to my unresolved feelings Etc but we are not like we have our bodies we have our thoughts we have our emotions but that is not who we are but it took me many many many many years to discover that and this is also what I'm writing about in my latest book it's called The Sacred Soul the Divine evolution through time and space like we have the ego right and the ego is only here for our survival the ego is here to keep us safe so the ego is here to keep us in the comfort zone but we all know that there's no growth in the comfort zone and the soul is here for our growth for our Evolution for our expansion so there's like two different sort of polarities and forces energies within each in one of us but most of us including myself at the time I was listening to my ego I was listening to my ego like because we have 95% of our unconscious are deep programs of lack scarcity and fears We Fear this we fear that we feel that we lack time money energy Health good relationships Etc so this is the ego based uh which is governed most of us but our soul is here to make us Thrive it it has nothing to do with Survival on the contrary like our soul pushes us into you know situations and meeting with people where we can Thrive and I'm so sorry okay I I've turned it down so I don't know so um I'm so sorry about that I I'm on not Disturbed so I don't know that call was uh was interesting yeah Jun wants to say something I don't know even who it was no it's but anyway so so we are governed a lot by our egos and we can see it you know in our societies today that we are driven by many people are driven by greed manipulation fear you know H and we can see these so clearly in the past two and a half years where there's been a lot of programs of it and and lack and a lot of programs of fears like you need to do this you need to do this and this is dangerous and you can die sort of but but that is the ego and that is the Deep programming that is reacting so maybe that is not the truth maybe maybe the soul you know because what we are seeing in the outer reals is also a reflection of what we are carrying in our inner reals so my internal and the external word or reality that I'm seeing are mirroring each other and if I'm in a low Consciousness that's what I'm see is playing out because we have all these wars going on we have you know the devastation of Mother Earth we have climate crisis etc etc and we are all contributing to these low frequency es these low states of energy being fear being in fear being scared or lack perspectives so that are very low Consciousness very low frequency in these Consciousness and the more I have it within me the more that I haven't resolved my own fears my own traumas unresolved emotions the more I will act upon what I'm you know the illusion that I'm seeing out there because we only living in The Matrix yeah so like in the movies I know what you mean so um you we talk about those feelings but do you think sometimes pride comes into the way people act because they basically what I mean do you think people are too proud to admit they are wrong to Proud to admit they are weak Too Proud to admit they are too strong um I think think the answer to that David can be also multi-dimensional for me the way I see it is that the polarity that we have in 3D three the third dimensional which is Matrix where we are living in these bodies with low density low frequency and our bodies are storing all these fears and stress that we are talking about so the way the way I see it my perception is that in in 3D there's the polarities of love and the polarity is fear and then there are just different V varities and different emotions covering the fear like proud proudness Pride can be one because if you ask yourself more questions what is this Pride here to teach me then maybe you find out that it's fear like you are scared of not being included you are scared of losing you know your face or that you are uh considered or perceived to be a fake uh so for me the way I see it pride is just one form of fear of being fear that the the the underneath the underlying emotion of pride is always fear because and and and you can have your pride also that you don't want to admit that you've been wrong or you know so for me Bas the basic emotions here are fear and love and then we have the whole Spectra between but we can see what what things are coming from Love and we can see what things are coming from Fear so I would say that people with a lot of Pride that is also just the ego the ego wants to have you know wants to be right and don't want to be wrong so that's also about the ego and it comes back to the fear perspective yeah and I like how you see that there's two main divisions and then off that's why I call the podcast for Journey because every one isn't completely two-dimensional it's got loads of branches off it's like going on the motorway I I think that's what they call in Sweden as well but you're on a main road and you got lots of Junctions it wouldn't be normal if you're just going one straight Direction exactly and that is one illusion that is one a deep program that we all have because we want to have quick fixes we want it to be quick fast smooth we want to you know do bypass we want to skip out of you know what what we don't like and that is also what Buddha the enlightened one is talking about what causes suffering to humanity so what Buddha found out was that what causes suffering to humanity and this is still valid is cravings and aversions cravings for more money for better bodies for Eternal youth cravings for higher educations for new kitchens new cell phones you feel in the blanks okay so each and one of us individually we have our own cravings What what you know what what our motives what we want to move to right and then the other polarity of that is aversion and again all of us individually have our own aversions but aversions to strong emotions for instance for us here in the western Society aversions for being excluded aversions for right wrong Etc so what causes the suffering is that we are never being present because we are always you know like a pendulum moving from what we desire and trying to avoid we are trying to avoid these strong emotions we're trying to avoid our fears we but we want to have more money and so we are never press and this means that our energy is never fully in our hearts our hearts are closed and we are mainly up in the head space always trying to think of a solution or to solve the problem so but we are multi-dimensional beings like we exist our bodies exist in the third dimensional level and this that's a very dense experience that's why we can experience everything from the fear to the love and everything in between and then in the fourth dimension the way I see it is where we are having our our mindset so it's still energetic but you can't see it it's not you know something you can grasp or it's not tangible and then from The Fifth Dimension and above which I'm writing about here from the fifth to the 10th Dimension and above that is the soul 's Dimension and in the Soul's Dimension there is only love there is no comparison there's no judgment there's no competition there's only love and we individually and collectively we have been in the Divine Essences and energies of the Soul when we came here when we first reincarnated here on Earth but we fell in our frequency due to our negative choices we fell in frequency due to greed power over others um manipulation Etc so these low frequencies many people started to kill each other because they wanted more land wanted more money or whatever and we all carry these within our memories in ourselves in our DNA and my book called holy [ __ ] in Sacred Water the SEC I love that title yeah thank you so do we so this book is like a universal truth where everything is stored within our own water because we know that we consist of more than 75% of water right so the water within us is carrying these 95% of our unconscious programs and our DNA is so polluted by the way we live in the western societies our mind set our stressful lives our cravings for more money for higher educations Etc so we are so polluted on a cellular level so this is also the energy that that each and one of us individually are bringing to the collective Consciousness so that is why it's so important to connect yourself to higher frequencies to the dimensions of the Soul so that's why each and one of us today all so are contributing to the mess that we see that is going on in the world today it is my inner wounds and my unhealed wounds or Darkness or unhealed emotions that I'm unconsciously transmitting you know like a radio station we are all being radio stations so we are all transmitting it and then so we see the result in the collective Consciousness with all these wars the corona the separation between you and them you took the jab we did not you are included you are not uh and you can see it also it's just a repetition of our human behavior throughout history like gender race the color of the skin religion so it's like our egos we have not learned anything from thousands of years because we are still governed by these 95% of deep progress in where where we have the programs of fears and lacks so we haven't learned anything right so that's why each and one of us are so important for us to clear out our on a cellular level to clear out the emotions the traumas whatever that it is that you and I are carrying and like I also do Karma clearing in the akashic records so that's why we can align ourselves back into who we are on the soul level and to walk the path of our Soul's Mission individually and then I'm trans transmitting I'm sending from another frequency I am transmitting on a higher frequency so this is also how we can change the world you know like one Soul at a time but it takes radical responsibility for each and one of us to move inwards because the more I want to expand the more I need to go within the higher I want to reach the deeper I want to go so this saying as above as below as without as within Etc it's only describing how energy is working and if I'm want to make a big impact out there then I need to transmit and send from a a frequency that is anchored within me in my body so not only can I be talking about it like a mental spirituality or a mental Enlightenment it needs to be embodied and here most people don't want to go we don't want to feel and acknowledge our bodies because it's painful and it's intense so we are distracting ourselves we are distracting ourselves with social media with films with wine with food with drugs with medications you name it so we are numing and distraction our Human Experience because it's so painful to feel everything that is going on in the body yeah so going into the future do you think the inner body the inner self will change and recognize for the better or do you think it will get worse it's going to be worse before it get better and because as I'm saying most of us we only want to we are still in the we desire these things we are in the Crave for these things and we are in aversions for our inner traumas and feelings so most of us we still projecting the image of the lack and fear and scarcity perspectives unknowingly and unconsciously so it takes radical responsibility and insight to do the inner work and not only to float on the surface if you know what I'm saying so I think it's going to be worse before it gets better but each individual and each individual's frequency is counting into the collective Consciousness so that's good interesting facts um now you showed all three of your books which I love all titles and I if I can I'll probably get all of them but for anyone watching listening where can they get them and what they are called so uh you can get the books from me on my website it's www. u l i s k a r LS o so it's olis Carlson and olis is my nickname my birth name is ulria and that means magnificent so my own Journey my journey home to my heart has been to claim being magnificent without comparing or being you know in competition of anybody else because we are all you know unique Divine Souls originated from Divine Source but we have forgotten about it so I'm here to remind you on who you are on the soul level so it's ulis you can also find the books on Amazon but uh the books have been under the censorship there so Amazon keeps all the money uh so I know the books are are sold in like 17 countries but the money uh I don't see the money is kept by Amazon so choice of society without going too political on yep um is there anything else you would want to say to people listening watching now any hope any positivity for yes I have so much to say David so thank you so first of all we are in the midst of a huge Paradigm and it's Guided by the Collective Soul the Soul frequency so the evolution is inevitable it's you know we can't avoid it we can't bypass it we are in the midst of this Soul each individual soul Evolution for the highest good for the collective Consciousness so that is one thing the second the second thing is that if you find yourself like in a dark space that's actually a good thing you can see think of it like you are are a seed that has been planted so you can blossom and Thrive into something new and the third thing is being depressed you can also consider that deep rest it's a deep rest for body mind and soul so not only that you're depressed it's a necessary deep deep rest for you to clear out all the inner [ __ ] and the karma that is no longer serving you and four when I was being suicidal and depressed I was listening to Opera Winfrey and there was a guest I can't remember who it was I can't remember what was said but there was one thing that resonated with me that day that made me not to commit suicide so that's why I love to be on podcasts like this because if you're listening probably there's something in this frequency that you need to hear right now and if there's something in the things that I've been talking about about and even if it's just like one sentence or one word then I have paid back my karma and the circle is closed so it's like Ripple effects we are all you know like paying it forward everything that we do consciously or unconsciously everything that we do from uh lack or scarcity or fear perspective or everything that we do from love has Ripple effects so happiness and health and everything that you're dreaming of is always an inside job yeah we can take other people to guide us through or you know to hold our hands but it's always an inside job to clear out your own inner shits I understand that and that's why you call that book with title I assume you did because exactly um you it has been a pleasure interviewing you today um I hope it does resonate with everyone where we have been talking about because it's not just about the top layers about unpeeling those layers and it hope it helps people for the future exactly like we are all the onions that we are peeling on so so our souls are here for constant Evolution that we are always becoming the better versions of ourselves while the ego's like no hold on you're stuck stay here this is good and safe and so but uh the souls are in a higher frequency and this is where we are going individually and collectively and I also want to say David that if you want to have me back on another call and we can you know dive even deeper because we were only talking for like 30 minutes yeah I think I think we can do that it' be good we can do it later on and in some podcasts I'm on like eight times really to to share my my acquired wisdom through my own Journey which I'm sharing in 247 a.m. okay but that' be good I'll enjoy that a lot yeah so thank you David for having me and thank you who's tuning in and listening to thank to this podcast thank you [Music] that was the journey hosted by wise words Imaging hosted by David hackit be sure to like subscribe and listen to another Journey coming soon [Music] [Music]