AT&T outage prevent people from calling 911 & kept firefighters first responders unable to respond 

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:00:51 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: att outage
did y'all get affected by the AT&T outage from 6:00 till 9:00 last night I did I couldn't call 911 nor could a lot of people I didn't need 911 but as a fireman I needed to be able to receive my 911 pages and I couldn't therefore I could have missed a call and somebody could have died because of AT&T's negligence guys we need to all band together if we have AT&T and we were affected if everybody comments and shares this video and we all sign a lawsuit one they're going to be held accountable and two we're going to get paid at the same time is that wrong no they got billions of dollars and they're screwing us over we all pay our cell phone bill every month so we should be able to get service and we couldn't so therefore they should be held liable if they have to pay the government a fine for not being able to contact 911 why don't they got to pay us

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