The PS5 Pro price is W I L D | It's Too Early

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 01:21:44 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: ps5 pro price
not food it was food but then the resin and the Ants resin is not [Music] food good morning good morning it's too early sure is welcome to the first best and only Morning Show in existence I'm Anthony Carboni and I'm Sage Ryan and Alex your mic's not muted so there's an echo oh thank you so much no we are just we are we just have that much vocal presence just a little bit of booming presence we we are like hello the Concord merchandising store is open oh thank goodness I'm not even feeling well today yeah I shouldn't even be here but I I came in agree I came in to let the BB's know uhhuh that Concord merchandise is now available on well you've all been waiting obviously all eight people that played Concord here it is I'm just going to uh I'm just going to head to the PlayStation Store okay all right and we're going to take a look at this good Concord merchandise it doesn't matter this is normally the part of the show where we're like oh how are you doing oh how are you doing is no there's only one thing that's worth talking about this morning a Concord logo hoodie a Concord logo hoodie bring it up on no this is not it I've got it you got to bring it up on Sage I've got it thank goodness you can spend $60 on a Concord that's a best seller that's a best seller a besteller of what I don't know but I think honestly Sage can I be real with you you may you want one we need to buy all this stuff yeah oh here it is okay we've got a beanie we've got a $30 beanie a $25 mug yeah yeah $30 shirt that's it that's they don't have a lot of stuff they just put the logo on a lot of stuff yeah but like I want it all yeah yeah I want it all this is look you could spend considerably less than that I'm just gonna say this I'm not I am never dunking on the developers of Concord no the developers of Concord worked very long and hard on a game that was obviously mismanaged yes uh this is obviously stuff that Sony had pre-printed yeah that was ready to go for Concord day 100% And now Sony has to deal with the repercussions of their own actions I feel like they just like scheduled it to go out on the store and they forgot to cancel it well they haven't they didn't make any sort of announcement about it on social I think they just quietly put it there and I think they're counting on like people like you and me yeah people who wish that we could time travel travel to fire Festival right people who want to go to dashcon yeah who love a failure unfortunately I respect the hell out of everybody who worked really hard on Concord and also I would love to be the guy wearing Concord merch everywhere now Anthony then you've heard about fire Festival 2 right yeah but here's the thing about fire Festival 2 it's no dashcon 2 no it's the same people that did the first one yes there's no way there's no way they're going to pull it off I want you to know nobody's signing up for that even you and I even you and I are not gonna sign up for it according to the guy there's been a ton of uh you have to sign up to like apply for tickets so nothing counts until there's money obviously um but yeah Fire 2 is taking place April 25th to 28th 2025 on a private island off the Caribbean coast in Mexico I hope it's as private as the last Island yeah um let's sign up yeah go ahead and sign up for tickets and then if we get in through the lottery you and I will go and we'll swim with the pigs I mean we'll swim with the pigs we'll have a tomato and or cheese sandwich yeah uh I will sit through the hell of a fire Festival just to say that I've been I would really really love to uh it says that right now tickets are being purchased uh Billy whatever his name is uh Billy McFarland yeah the guy who scammed everybody on firefest one is saying that uh this is basically going to be a huge hit according to a recent tweet from him massive he said 10 hours in 1,28 unique applications for over 5,000 tickets Fire 2 will only hold 3,000 people look here's what I'm going to go ahead and say yeah it's not real until job rule says it's real do you know how much tickets cost how much between 1,400 and $1.1 million you could give the firefest guy $1.1 million if you wanted to dude if you give the firefest guy $1.1 million I suggest you circumvent the firefest guy and simply throw fire Fest yeah you could just have your own fire Fest what you it's actually it would cost a lot less just to get the tents and cheese and bread if you really wanted to recreate the first one but I mean you're a Costco girly now we can probably get cheese and bread real cheap oh for sure yeah yeah I've got a hookup so if anybody wants to drop $1.1 million and put on a firefest you can use my cost $400 do you know how many Limited Edition Concord hoodies you can get for that they're only 60 bucks a piece yeah yeah imagine they only made 50 God we really got to buy one of one of everything yeah we really do uh blade of creation says hang on I got it Concord is the hyperscape of section eights wow games is a service am I right games is a service who is being served not I are you no what is the $1.1 million ticket get you to firefest well that's the thing we don't know yet because there is currently no lineup and no Talent has has been booked uh but but McFarland says it's not just going to be music for example we got karate combat I'm sorry what we're in talks with them to set up a pit to have live fights at firefest 2 there's going to be a fighting pit at firefest 2 now it's not professional fighters it will simply be two people from firefest fighting for a cheese sandwich dude I want to get in the fighting pits at firefest too you will simply have to get into the if you want a sleeping bag or one of those FEMA tents yeah if you want one of the good FEA you have to win it in a fighting pit you have to it's Mortal Kombat yeah they've got Goro from Mortal Kombat if you pay $1.1 million you're essentially paying for Goro from Mortal Kombat in addition to that you're paying for the claim that there will be luxury Yachts not explaining what they're going to do they there planes that will allow attendees to travel to other islands and countries oh like Animal Crossing yeah and scuba diving also kind of like Animal Crossing wow swimming a scuba now that's kind of nice yeah if if it happened big if true I guess true listen while you're out there spending money on firefest tickets and Concord hoodies please do go to pixel circus. shop or pixel circus. store store thank you I was going to say this earlier but we moved on uh for a whole lot less than a Concord shirt or hoodie hell even less than a Concord mug you can get yourself this really great t-shirt show my screen Alex show it to him show it show it to him thank you look at this it says it's wrong rald Reagan's fault and at the bottom it says it's too early look at that that's pretty good we got logo stuff too yeah get yourself like one of those nice it's two early mugs instead or a pixel circus mug yeah or oh this one's a pixel circus one I one yeah and here's the thing in a few weeks we might also have Concord merchandise yeah I don't think anyone will stop us like who's G to know who's G to know Skywalker says that they are wearing their pixel pal shirt with the teddy bear oo I like that one I wear that one a lot too it's really cute I keep clicking on the wrong stuff I don't know why Pixel Fest when we need $1.1 million all we need is $1.1 million and then pixel Fest is on Jesus could you imagine could you imagine just somebody handing you $1.1 million I imagine it every day I was going to say I think about it all the time think what I would do with that all the time I wake up every morning to whatever my landlords put on my door and I just I just think to myself $1.1 million would really solve this yeah I won't even get greedy we can round down there you go .1 million there you go even that would fix everything yeah that would still be pretty great um our merch does ship internationally yes um hey yeah it uses the same planes that take firefest from different Islands to different Islands uh also good morning Alex good morning my microphone is now on on purpose on on on purpose would you go to firefest if somebody said free ticket to firefest too would you go I no absolutely not I'm not a goto a desert kind of person and I'm certainly not a goto a private beach in the Bahamas kind of person yeah so fair but I will use your pool okay not out here that's balance yeah uh Alex your teeth look pearly white this morning thank you very much yeah I want you to know that if someone offered me a free ticket to fire Festival I would 100% go dude I would absolutely go listen if if Billy McFarland uhhuh emailed us and was like hey I'll give you half price tickets to firefest yeah I'd go yeah I'd go I'd go yeah I'd go we would be there instead of, 1400 out there they was like listen if you can scr up 700 bucks I'll let you go I'm there I'm so I'm so there $700 is like they dig a hole in the dirt and they like you have to fight two people in the karate fight I'm still there yeah it's like what meanwhile the guy who gave $1.1 million is sitting like is is sitting like the guy like the emperor and Gladiator yeah it's probably it's probably that guy in jaw rule sitting at the top yeah exactly just like no cheese in their sandwich 100% I here's the thing all you have to do is if you were going to do something like that you have to be prepared for do I have enough money to fly myself home if this actually gets bad don't go I wouldn't go if I couldn't go okay if I really needed to I can book myself a ticket home from Mexico yeah you know I can I can check and see if there's a way back to the hotel back to the airport yep and if I can like if I can get a taxi back to the airport or a bus or whatever yeah yeah or it's a thre mile walk I'm going to the airport I'm going to the airport and then I've got the money yeah take me home that's it as long as there's that I'm good I've got my official my official firefest attendee shirt awesome proof that I was here yeah proof that I lived proof that yeah remember if you're already planning I am I was Acorn says if you are already planning an escape from an event maybe it's a sign you shouldn't go or it's not or it's a sign that this event is exactly where we want to go Acorn are you new here do you not understand us yeah do we look responsible or do we look like we're doing all everything in life for the bit if yeah if you tell like it's a bit yeah and it's like hey it's a bit you're gonna get hurt I'm like but it's a bit but it's a bit I'm in I'm in for the bit yeah that's is it's a good bit right it's a good if it's a good bit I'm also always preparing to leave anywhere when I go to a friend's house party I have a leaving plan Sage every time I go out Sage came over to my house once to watch a movie and she had a bugout bag with her she had she had a a a stack of 20s wrapped in plastic wrap yeah and a zip gun that she made herself and like three changes of clothes and a road flare just to be ready to go and it's a really good excuse to leave because people want you to leave your house when they see it anytime I go a birthday party a bar a gathering a lunch I've always got an excuse prepared to go home a dentist appointment yeah I'm ready to leave and her dentist has been like you cannot bring firearms in here yeah but also sometimes you got to go okay but you also uh drill inside of human teeth with a weapon so can we not be on the same come see comea same same you know what I mean everybody we've got a great show for you today we're going to be talking about a lot of great stuff um we have got some obviously some more Sony stuff to talk about uh we have got some wild wild industry stuff to talk about at anap Perna and Microsoft um and of course we will be talking about baked goods that can also be lamps cuz I can't get enough of that [ __ ] and we're going to talk about the harmful effects of eating resin that's going to be an important part of this all right well let's start with game stuff sure let's start with uh the biggest game release that we've got here yeah let's talk about some big gaming news PS5 Pro was announced this week people said no people said where are the games what people said where are the games the games are not coming out for PS5 Pro where are the games we'll tell you where the games are they're right there on your phone they're on your phone when a kid asks do you got games on your phone they're not be they're not being weird and they don't want to touch your phone with their snot covered hands yeah they want to know if you get where games are yeah and finally your phone can have games on it again because after 10 years Flappy Bird is back now those of you who had an early iPhone may remember Flappy Bird as a like I would say one of the first games to like blow up I on mobile it's funny all of my memories of Flappy Bird are very hazy because I was using my phone as a beer yeah yeah yeah and he was so drunk I was so drunk from my phone being a beer that's not the game there that's the game there we go yeah there's yeah I don't know all these other things it's showing you don't look at those don't worry about it that's the game it's back and it's back in a big and different way that's new Flappy Bird yeah new Flappy Bird is not just what you remember yeah flappy bird has special modes it has basketball Flappy Bird it's got purple so it's got purple now so listen uh got purple now around if you weren't around for uh early iPhone games and you aren't familiar Flappy Bird was literally just a game that has been replicated a million times on mobile now where you like fly between things by tapping your screen it was a big deal cuz it was like look we're on a touchcreen and that's how it affects it there are literally like Tik Tok filters that do this now in app um it was made by one gentleman MH and he it was an amazing success so much so that he said I'm done he got too overwhelmed and anxious from having such a big game that he took it off the App Store people were apparently like you know when you're one person yeah uh and this was the in the wild west of of phone games yeah he was getting every support email every complaint y every and like listen if you if you have a complaint about Flappy Bird no you don't flppy bird if you have a complaint about Flappy Bird there's something else in your life that is making you unhappy and I suggest you look inward so uh dong Yuen who made the original game a Vietnamese based developer uh was like hey uh I love that this is a huge success that's awesome but it's ruining my life he said it ruins I can call it a success of mine but it also ruins my simple life I I love that yeah he knew what he wanted 100% And he already he already got that bag If we're honest was Flappy Bird free yeah it was free to play no yeah Flappy Bird was free right it was he was not in fact getting the bag so people were complaining and making his life horrible yeah over free game yeah ww babies yeah I'm hoping that he's gotten the bag now because obviously he's not coming back with this alone no which should be good um it says with an expanded version aiming for launch by the end of October multiple platforms web browser IOS and Android uh Flappy Bird uh isn't from dongan at all no it's from the Flappy Bird Foundation which is a Flappy Bird fan group that got together to make the modern version of flappy bird so it says they have acquired the official Flappy Bird trademark from gametech Holdings a US company that had gotten the trademark from new um and I don't know if they got it directly from him did they get it directly from him or did they just yank it it says that they got it it doesn't say how they got it okay I remember that being not not entirely on the up and up but I am also my brain is predisposed to thinking right that that would not be on the up and up yeah I don't know uh but now the Flappy Bird Foundation is is bringing it back they're also talking about new game mode new characters progression and uh multiplayer challenges yes I love that they call themselves The Flappy Bird Foundation because it sounds like they're trying to fix birds that are overly Flappy yeah like they're like they are a nonprofit group that repairs broken wings of birds yeah that just looks at looks at birds that are flapping too cartoonish oh yeah yeah you know they're just like that bird is working too hard that's a little too Flappy for my liking hey bird SW do a little swoop tranquilo bir tranquilo Cino is what they say uh it's just interesting because like in all of this they never mention the guy who made it like they're not talking about this dude at all in any of their announcements for this game yeah and uh that dude is offline he left the internet entirely there's no social media uh he he doesn't post he doesn't anything I have a feeling I mean if the Happy Bird Foundation truly are uh devoted fans I have a feeling they tried to at least check in with him yeah and I would imagine that he said if you got in touch with somebody who basically erased himself from the internet I'm sure his thing was like cool do not mention me yeah do not do not bring any attention my way if this way lies Madness if they're real fans if they're real fans if the Flappy Bird Foundation is actually a fan Collective and not people looking to make a little money I don't know I don't know maybe a bit of both maybe a bit of both maybe a bit uh I'm very curious huge huge huge game release yeah I will say uh I will be getting this yeah yeah I'll download Flappy Bird again course I will absolutely I love to download a mobile game that ruins my life for a week yeah I have the uh I have the thing now on my phone we're during business hours will not let me open games that's really great yeah I also want to give give an update on thy uh on the Barbie phone on thy Barbie phone thine Barbie phone it's not on sale yet but thy Barbie phone ath yeah I've signed up for the pre-order uh that you can do but you can't order it yet they acted like it was on sale and then you click on it and it was just like cool and you're like no give it to me you have this listing on the website and they're like I bet yo you want that don't you and I'm like I do can I have it and they're like no we know yeah give us your email I'm like okay can I buy it now and they're like no and I'm like when and they're like but guess what now we have your email get ready yeah I guess get ready for a lot of emails yeah so uh I'm waiting I'm waiting and then I'm getting that Barbie phone and then there will be no Flappy Bird for me either during business hours can I tell you something speaking of speaking of people reaching out to you [Music] oh I political candidates I don't have any money oh my God I simply do not have any money and it doesn't matter how you couch this it doesn't they are getting weird with it they are like hey I'm desperate my leg's caught in a bear trap yeah I'm bleeding out on the side of the road can you help me by sending $17 to kamla Harris every morning I break my arms and every afternoon I break my legs at night I lay awake until the heart attacks put me to sleep yeah yeah can you give me five I will match I will match your yeah for patriotism it's [ __ ] wild yeah uh and this is where all of our all of our uh outside of the United States BBS go I'm sorry what yeah yeah yeah so I currently my spam box is absolutely filled with these emails you also get calls you get text messages asking for money for campaigns because it costs money to become the president and that money is not our tax dollars it's new different that's weird and it's also our tax dollars but also other money that we have to give to the maybe president that might not win it's a Bad Bet however I have two different vastly different types of emails in my inbox or in my spam right now because no matter what no matter what you are like registered for you're going to get both sides of the political Spectrum like that's just going to be it exactly um so I get the emails for kamla Harris which uh are usually like democracy is on the line give five dollar now to save literally anything uh and like here's the thing not technically wrong okay these are all like things where I'm like yeah I'm not giving you $5 to a democratic politician however like it's a lot it's a lot okay but the Trump emails I'll literally just that are just like that lying [ __ ] is eating your dogs and you're like what the hell dude you'll just get an email headline that's just like K is in your house trying to steal your children give us $10 now to get them back if you've ever heard scratching at night that's Tim Waltz in your Tim Walls yeah and he and he is he is going to take your children yeah he is going to take them and he is going to eat them yeah I has Nancy Pelosi stolen all the teeth from your mouth not yet well then you should probably give money to Trump and you're like what does this have to do with Pelosi as somebody who was born in the great state of Ohio I will say this I cannot support any candidate that does not respect our time-honored tradition of welcoming new Ohioans into the state by having them eat our pets that is just something when you move into Ohio and you get an Ohio driver's license yeah you are handed a puppy or a kitten from somebody that was given to you by somebody in the Ohio community that's a Midwestern tradition and neither of these fat cat candidates understand it okay get in touch with the Working Man get in touch with the Working Man however you know what I love there's been a couple of great Tik Tok remixes from the debate yeah yeah they're eating your pet yeah yeah yeah that's a good one that's a good one there's some good Goro to it already to let you know if you're not living in America to let you know the hellscape that we're living in people watch that debate go down and and some of them are just like I still don't know yeah I don't know I still don't know that's the why one for me who are straight up Trump supporters actually make more sense to me than people that are like I'm just really not sure there's just no good option it feels like it's the same on both sides am I right like that is way more wild to me because like if you are blatantly a trump supporter it's like at least I know what your alignment is I knowas easy to be like oh you're unwell right you're divorced from reality and you hate minorities at least I know what your [ __ ] deal is is right but it's somebody who can't tell the difference right between these two things that are happening that's where it's like whoa yeah oh you're a different type of dangerous because I can't see you coming yeah you know who knows what you're I can I can spot the other one in the grocery store can I tell you something can I tell you something if they were if they were giving out gender reaffirming gender affirming surgery in prisons yeah I know so many friends who would go out and commit a crime today yeah 6 months rentree and you're going to give me my expensive surgery yeah I'll take a felony on the record they're so expensive they're so expensive they're so expensive so wild it's the same thing too of like they're doing it in schools I'm like we can't get them to feed children in schools that's the alternate happy ending to Dog Day Afternoon in Dog Day Afternoon alpachino gets away with the bank robbery and gets the reass yeah gets the gender reiring care that he needs for his girlfriend whatever like wild absolutely [ __ ] cuckoo bananas there was so much in there uh that is just it's it's simply it's simply too much it's wild um it is simply too much to ever imagine the uh it's there's a lot of brainworms going on there's a lot of brainworms and they're not all in rfk's head you know what I mean yeah um anybody hey make sure that you're registered to vote I also think it's worth talking about there being one more uh this is just annoying terrible thing that's happening um the not annoying terrible thing was that Taylor Swift came out and endorsed KLA Harris for president yes uh Hey I want to say a quick to everybody who's like who cares shut up shut up she of people care she got like 400,000 people to registered a vote afterwards so many people care 400,000 registered through her link like so many people care uh this is a huge thing for people who were just like unenthusiastic about voting uh this is for young people who felt like hopeless and uh weren't interested and hadn't made sure that they were registered to vote or weren't putting together a voting plan weren't planning on voting uh that's a big deal and is very good and important because like I would really like to be continue to be able to continue to have rights as a woman and a gay anything if you have the power if you're somebody it doesn't matter how important you think that person is if you are somebody that has the power to speak up and cause 400,000 people to mobilize yeah and are using that power that's great now does that mean does that mean we uh have to enjoy watching you dance like a middle school dance at the US Open no I don't care I also think it's super weird that people are making a big deal out of uh everybody simply if you uh a uh if you see a woman enjoying herself and you are overcome with rage and hate simply uh leave society and go to therapy um like leave Society because you can't handle it here uh literally let her lit literally let this woman exist I'm not a Swifty I'm not a fan why are you guys so weird uh and uh Eli musk literally should be thrown into the Sun so that's the thing she caused all of this mobilization and the two biggest stories about Taylor Swift this week yeah are Taylor Swift was dancing weird at the US Open and she wasn't even weird I don't get it she was singing along to a song she was just dance people were like that's not proper tennis blah blah I don't know their monal popped off yeah uh and then the second thing was not what Taylor did but Elon musk's response to it which was the most inel thing in the world I've ever like the mo like the grossest most childish yeah like weirdest response yeah uh because she signed a her uh letter talking about um how it is the issues that are important to her that Reproductive Rights are important to her the lgbtq rights are important to her and she signed it uh sincerely a childless cat lady because uh because of jie Vance and his weird creepy statement about uh women not having any value if they're not creating children um Elon Musk tweeted fine Taylor you win I'll give you a child and protect your cats with my life which like what a gross thing what a gross incel thing for this [ __ ] 55-year-old man to just be like clearly what she needs is me to put a baby in her like ew like ew ew death isn't enough for some people you know what I mean like death would be an easy way out for some men and I just think that we have to consider what some other options are it's comedy it's jokes I'm so funny I want to shoot him into the Sun but I want him to survive on it for a while you know what I mean so funny anyways anyways uh that's all that stuff we do want to talk about the PS5 Pro we got to talk about this PS5 Pro this is it this is it boys and girls and everyone in between this is the deal it's me the rest of the studio is everyone in between this is it this is it boys girls and sages yep uh this is the console you've been waiting for uh this is the powerhouse this is this is real gaming for PR and it's $700 this is a $700 console uh and let me tell you mark cery they got they got Mark cery out of whatever Tupperware Mark cery sleeps in yeah I just I looked at that guy as he was talking and I was like that man is in some sort of like alien style stasis chamber yeah in between these press conferences where they just like they thought they thought out Mark cery and he's not quite ready yet nope but they put him in front of the camera and he's just his skin still got a little of the goo on it and you're like he's got a little of the goo uh I was saying this on my uh on my stream the other night I interviewed Mark cery once and uh it was the weirdest experience of my life and I was hosting for PlayStation okay so I could not react like anything that was going on was weird uh and I was like yeah you know people people don't know like your your whole history you know you started off at Sega STI and you helped you know you helped make Sonic 2 the worst name for a company and then you made uh and then you made crash Crash Bandicoot and Spyro and he goes the dragon and I went yes thank you thank you for thank you for uh letting us know which Spyro I was talking about and like in the context and then I asked him and then I asked him about the particle system and like what developers cuz that was the big thing it was like the PS5 can push all these particles and like all this stuff I was like or the PS4 can push all these particles it was Knack baby Knack was coming out and I was like tell us like you know what kind of things could developers do and like what kind of technology is making that happened he goes how would I know why are you here his title is Chief Architect Chief Hardware architect yeah I was just like I don't know what to do I supp to know what the hardware does I don't know what to do about this silly anyway Mark cery came out and gave the PS5 uh Pro uh versus PS5 uh guys it doesn't make any sense it's um it's hard to find it's hard to find Here We Go the actual comparison has been buried by everyone on the internet talking about this thing yeah because every because here's the thing there's very little that you could have done with this PS5 Pro that would have had people like oh hell yeah I need a PS5 Pro right now like just in the economic state that the world is in and in the place we're in in consoles like there just isn't a need for a slight upgrade like that middleof the road upgrade this is not the generation for it we had Co we have uh we have like very strange economic stuff going on all around the world that still fall out from that right uh we've had games get heavily heavily delayed so you don't even have a library right I wonder if Concord was like really made for PS5 Pro o I wonder if that was the big like the big swing yeah like Concord was like unbelievable on PS5 Pro and like middle step consoles are not uncommon to be clear like we've seen that pretty much every generation there's always a pro there's a switch OLED there's there's always a man there's always a lighthouse um PS2 slim there's the PS3 Pro I had a PS4 Pro I had a um I had an Xbox One X yes uh midseason refresh or mid mid generation refresh is usually uh when I will grab a console if I have not bought a console that generation so it's simultaneously supposed to be for the people that didn't buy within that like you know first launch of the generation and maybe held out for this or for people that use theirs so much that they feel like they are already ready for an upgrade which is not happening with the PlayStation 5 and we all know it yeah so um let's I want to show a couple key moments here from this uh this is they're showing off The Last of Us Part Two again uh constantly constantly just selling us The Last of Us Part Two uh but here Mark CER is talking about uh the ps5s Fidelity mode and the PS5 Pro and how the Fidelity mode he literally says the ps5s Fidelity mode is much choppier those are his words he says much choppier this is the game that just a couple years ago you were telling us was the ultimate cinematic experience much choppier was a weird weird choice of words and I'm shocked that well it runs at 30 frames a second in Fidelity mode on the PS5 and it on the PS5 Pro it has the same Fidelity but at 60 frames a second okay so he's saying ew choppy 30 FPS you can't you can't insult the other console he looks like he looks like a really tired Dana Carvey yeah he looks he looks like the Master of Disguise he looks like he looks like a normal guy tried to put on an Elton John [Music] costume like your straight boyfriend tried to be Elton John for Halloween yeah this is your friend's dad who wants to tell you about his record collection yeah like this is the guy um but then they show off a couple like actual closeup like here's the difference mhm now I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt on this because listen when they showed off the PS4 Pro they streamed that they stream that launch announcement at 1080p30 ah and then you know you're going through uh encoding and like so you're not going to see everything you're not going to see everything but we've seen announcements before yeah and like have they looked better before look here's the Fidelity mode on the PS5 versus uh you know the regular and they say look how much better this looks and honestly do you know why because the 30fps version has way more motion blur applied to it yeah you could apply less motion blur to the 30 frame a second yeah like it's really weird like that's not a good comparison no uh the one that everybody was really talking about where I'm actually going to give PlayStation a little leeway it's not the greatest comparison uhhuh but here's what I'm going to say uh people were looking at at this comparison all right and they were saying I literally can't see the difference yeah now I can see the difference like I don't there's this this is such a it's such a slight difference and it's so ridiculous to begin with that you don't need to exaggerate you know what I mean you don't need to be like I've been looking at this for 10 minutes with my glasses and I can't see it I can see it I can see the difference it's not worth it the difference would not experience like would not affect my experience with the game at all this is it Watchtower far off in the background that they zoomed in on 400% yeah and the Watchtower in the background that takes up the tiniest bit Yeah has clear windows yeah and a bit more uh a bit more clarity on Textures yes that's what it's got that's not $700 the one that's really Bonkers though the one where I'm like okay you've got a point everybody is this comparison from Spider-Man 2 yes this these are trucks Spider-Man is in the foreground these are trucks that are way off in the back they're like this big again is that going to affect your play experience at all no and honestly on this one I don't see it very much it's like a little bit in the leaves I see the Shadows yeah but it's but I see it's not it's not going to affect my play Exp I see the Shadows are a little different but they're also a little different because the traffic is different on the roads yeah like it's not a one to one frame it's not so like what is what does it come with what is what do you get for your PS5 Pro for $700 they say it comes with the big three okay the big three is GPU uh Ai upscaling and I think it's more more oh I think it's more it's more more it's more more The Big Three The Big Three is basically uh oh I'm sorry it's uh it's no no there isn't a CPU upgrade that's what's [ __ ] it's the ray tracing oh it's the ray tracing there's a better GPU there's better Ray tracing and there's a AI upscaling which is three ways to say a better GPU those are that's a GPU and two things things that a GPU does yeah what what uh there is a little bit more RAM but that's not part of their big three yeah and you do get more storage but that's also not part of their big three right their big three is simply a GPU three-ways but also the $700 price tag that's for one with no disc drive so if you already have physical PS5 games choke um and if you want the one with a disc drive that's going to be 800 $ and if you want to stand it up the way the console is supposed to be stood up you also have to buy the stand separately it's not included that's right so apparently to put the bigger GPU in there the uh the PS5 Pro uh they had to yank the disc drive out I guess um but they there is a version there is a ver no you have to pay for the additional dis Drive yeah there is no internal disc drive it's the big hump disc drive that you can put on the the digal oh is it there's not one with it built in no I thought for $100 more it was a built-in disc no no for $80 you get the one that snaps on you get the external one that's so bad so let's talk about what Pro means because a lot of companies are using the word Pro these days and I need them all to take a [ __ ] nap yeah because Pro there's no such thing as a pro level video game console okay the the the most generous thing we can say is prosumer right that's the most generous like not not professional prummer it would be a weird thing to say but you could you could yeah you could uh it's it's for somebody who really cares about their gaming experience and their home theater experience yeah and apparently people who care about those things don't want a disc drive because that seems weird that seems like exactly the kind of people that would be really particular about having the physical copies of their media and the quality connect do that fascinating fascinating to me the other thing you do not get is the Dual sense Pro Controller you get the standard controller in the Box choke you don't even get the fancy controller come on so apparently the pro experience does not include the Pro Controller uh and then the vertical stand listen I said this on Twitter and and people got people got mad at me but I'm going to say I'm going to say it here do I think that the PS5 Pro should come with the ver stand yes absolutely do I think people that display their consoles vertically are absolute Psychopaths also yes really you don't put your PS5 vertical no oh I do it goes into the media cabinet and then the media cabinet gets closed what do you vertical why vertical cuz my Xbox is already vertical why vertical cuz the Xbox you are not supposed to put on its side what the Xbox the series X the Box yeah stands up this way that's how it's supposed to stand that's like you maybe can but it has like a built-in platform on the bottom of it here's what I'm gonna say the PlayStation on my shelves with it standing up throw throw that picture of the of the PlayStation 5 stand up Alex don't be shy um I think that is the correct way to lay a PS5 without a doubt also can this one even lay down look at the shape of it it doesn't even look like it can lay flat on its side it's so weird it has the weird curve to it looks like it would lay weird no it has a little thing it has a little thing and you put it on its side silly no that does not belong on its side I disagree with you no cuz what are you where are you putting it vertically what does your room look like vertically well I know your TV is already mounted far too high uh I don't live there anymore that's not true how high how high is your television mounted in your new place it's not mounted it's sitting on a thing and you have and you have your PS5 vertical on the same thing as the television is it just I have cubes we're not getting into this no to explain to me how it looks because I can't I can't imagine side by side with my with my Xbox Bonkers not only that not only is it Bonkers looking and it's weird as hell to me it's prettier that way some people are like oh I put it behind my television I don't have cabinets that close some people are like put it I put it behind my television vertical and I hide it to which I say you're a grownup Mount your television on the wall no a lot of people are renting and don't want to deal with that Mount your television on the wall Anthony and then you have the entire countertop for space for whatever you want you're the weird one here so sorry a lot of people a lot of people are saying no vertical a lot of people are saying no vertical look better vertically yeah sure but a lot of but I'm not the only one CU that's what I see right now your point was I'm the only one I am not saying you're the weird one I'm not weird I think you're the weird one here's what I'm going say insisting that people uh Mount TVs Les tastic it's in my lease that I can't mount a TV on the wall uh mounts need drills though a lot of people are saying this hey everyone everyone grow up uh here we go I've got aot Roku I agree with sage we've got uh hermona saying uh Anthony no yes diagonally says Tom Biden diagonally looks better vertical no it doesn't it looks like the it it looks like a lead certified organic building vertically it looks like you have the a model of the Sydney Opera House in your lay on its side it looks like it is like wrong it just looks like done it wrong laying on its side it looks like a piece of of audio video equipment like it's supposed to I will say the other thing to step outside the bit here to step it looks stupid on it side you can't tell me that doesn't look stupid looks fine looks dumb as hell it looks like it fell over and you didn't pick it back up you put it in it looks like oh do you want me to do you want me to pick that up for you sorry did it fall in the earthquake no it's good it looks like a mistake it looks like a mistake it look I listen it looks bad both ways but here's the thing the other problem is every single PlayStation console since the PS2 they have told you oh look you can do it vertically as well every single PlayStation console they take up less room that way develops problems when you store them vertically the PS2 would ruin and scratch discs yes the PS3 would overheat the PS4 would also overheat that sounds like and the disc drive would blow up yeah but that's that's the why Market your console as something now in the PS5 the cool thing about the PS5 is if you st is if you store it vertically uh it gets so hot that it actually melts the um the thermal paste on the heat sink and the heat sink slides off the goddamn CPU great and breaks thank you daavid the dark and xen Rider PS5 on its side looks wrong looks like it's falling over you're wrong and you're breaking your console so what I'm hearing is PlayStations look bad and are defective yes yeah all consoles look weird and are defective now except for the switch Yeah the switch is perfect actually Swit is just like a little guy sit there like a little guy cute yeah most of the time that's the only one like I'll put that on the stand on display I I got I got the little micro stand instead of the full stand I think it looks great uh no the Xbox is is simply foolish looking uh I don't love the look of the series X it's kind of like innocuous in that like it doesn't draw attention cuz it's just a little black box but it's not good look I don't like it it looks like a little trash can yeah there's a reason why they why they released that little mini fridge as a joke is because everybody looked at and they were like this is a refrigerator yeah this is stupid looking it looks like a little fridge it looks like a little Trash Can I don't love it all consoles look bad yeah like that like that's that is dumb behold the Obelisk but see what I mean how it has like that one has the air ventilation on the top of it yeah uh the PS5 has it is very much meant to be that way very little air ventilation at all yeah um I play my Xbox look I use my Xbox every day I love my Xbox uh I do wish it was cuter I wish I miss when consoles were cute and interesting looking and I think that it looking that like industrial is really unfortunate to me like I love the shape of the Xbox 360 yeah the 360 the 360 is swoopy the same way the PS5 is swoopy it's different swoopy but yeah it's swoopy looks it looks good on it I will say the like shiny material of it was so horrible because it it's all scratched up and nobody's is scratched up dude you remember when the 360s were breaking and they were like put it in the oven no do you remember this no 360s were red ringing yeah and they were like if you if you wrap it in a towel and put it in the oven it will heat up the thermal paste and reat the chips where they're supposed to be that is not the original Xbox 360 that's the hold on no that is oh then I'm thinking no yeah you're thinking of the the second one right you're thinking of the redesign yeah I'm thinking of the redesign I'm thinking of the little swooper redesign I that's the one I have that gets scratched very easily yeah no that was a weird one that was the one that was I liked that one actually but it does get scratched very easily it was created to match the Xbox one yeah um look all consoles a aab all consoles are bad yeah yeah aab they all break uh I'm just going to say the only ones that I have any interest in people seeing are my Nintendo consoles cuz all my Nintendo consoles are cute yeah I have my I have my uh my white my Japanese Saturn my candy colored Saturn My Little My Dreamcast I have those out your sagas yeah yeah I actually I do have my PS2 on on display right now I got the PS2 fat yeah all right and I have and it's on its side it's on its side that one looks like it goes on its side like that makes sense but they made a thing I don't know if you remember if you flip the PS2 vertical you could rotate the logo on the disc drive vertical here's what I will say though a console that still had so now we just put discs into things right we don't have a thing that sticks out the PS2 still had a thing that stuck out right it's still or do you put the disc oh no it was not a slot it was a tray not a slot yeah it was a tray yeah so that on its side is crazy trying to put a disc in a tray on its side it was lulous it was literally destroying disc doesn't make any sense it was literally scratching this the tray is impossible that belongs that way uh people are asking fortunately doesn't how did I display my Wii my Wii was also uh horizontal yeah my Wii was also horizontal yeah yeah you just laid it down on its side I just laid it down on stand yeah no you didn't yeah really yeah you're wrong it's bad for disc drives that one doesn't that one has a slot though not a tra not a TR it doesn't matter it's still bad for disc drives no disc drive spindle is meant to go vertically like that you're a menace that's not how the Wii goes look I'll admit that I am I might be on the wrong side of history on the Wii the Wii did look decent in its little like yeah it has it little little slant stand it looked kind of cool and it was Sleek didn't take up a lot of room but I I put it horizontally but you can store so many less that way somebody asked earlier in chat and I'm sorry I missed your chat it was like what am I supposed to do [ __ ] stack them then and get no airflow CU how are they making room for this what do you mean you have a whole shelf per console no I mean you could put if you have like a a media cabinet and you have your TV mounted on the wall renters and I'm a r I'm a renter and let me tell you something when they come for me when they come for me I'll jump out the [ __ ] window okay they can't stop me what are they gonna do what are they gonna do they're GNA come in and say don't do it it's done it's too late and now I'm enjoying my television mounted at the appropriate height when I sit on my couch the middle of my television is exactly eye Lev it's beautiful mhm I've got my media a console yeah and I can put all of my consoles next to each other the ones that I want to display I can put them in the media cabinet underneath who has a media cabinet grownups grownups Anthony you're talking from a lot of TV mounting privilege here I need you to check your TV mounting privilege thank you much can't do it this is the one this is the one time Tom Biden said how does one store a GameCube it Cube uh that's a trick question you don't store it that's got to handle you keep that on you baby you stay strapped up with a GameCube I got that thing on me and by thing I mean a GameCube I mean a spice orange GameCube yeah uh anyway the PS5 Pro contains uh almost nothing yep the end the end and uh people are like how are you going to charge $700 for a console yeah $700 do you know I could build I could build you a mid a mid-tier gaming PC for $700 oh yeah yeah and you'd be good yeah you'd be good and you could put it basically up against a PS5 Pro yeah basically it's wild it is wild it's absolutely wild um while we're talking about wild things let's let's talk about a couple of pieces of game news let's get this one out of the way and then probably end on the other because we're going to talk about it for a while yeah listen I'm listening who could have ever seen the consequences of mic moft buying Activision Blizzard ending in a bad situation for workers who could have ever seen who could have ever seen could have ever predicted and who could have predicted that this bad situation would just continue to get worse over time like it just keeps getting worse who could have predicted that they would say in the beginning that there would be no changes to it and then slowly lay off everyone who worked there yeah we we're we're not going to make any changes everybody's going to get to run independently uh unless we see that there's some redundancy what what yeah yeah yeah like everybody gets to do what they do unless we already have somebody that does that or we just don't think what they do is necessary at all yeah and we're GNA make someone else who already has a job here do that job yeah so that's fair uh Phil Spencer sent out a memo to staff not ony Phil shocking I know outlining plans to let go of 650 staff members mostly from Activision Blizzard but uh from Microsoft overall in addition now this is in addition to the 900 people uhhuh that they laid off earlier this year yes oh okay he did say specifically that there were no canceled plans no canceled games or devices and that no studios were being closed by this just just shaving off 650 people what what H how do you how do you get rid of 650 people I mean here's the thing you can say that you're you're getting rid of 650 people but you are not going to uh that you're not going to shut down Studios you're not going to shut down Studios right now but this is a very standard thing that corporations do they are going to give these companies layoffs they're going to get rid of a certain percentage of their staff they're going to hold the remainder of that staff to Milestones yeah that required the larger staff to reach and then in six months a year they get to look at these companies and go you didn't hit your Milestones yeah so now we gota now we got to ask you we got to cut you we have 40% of our Workforce yeah but you know we set these milestones and you go to you got to hit number uh that makes if you include this 650 that makes 2,550 layoffs from Microsoft in the just gaming side since its acquisition of Activision Blizzard in 2023 now this is why you can't when a company sits in front of the FTC and says but we promise and it's not in writing that's not a promise companies don't make promises no and Promises aren't legal like there's no legal obligation of a promise what do you like we're not we're not going to change anything no we promise it'll be good for the games industry oh okay oh okay sure so everything's just going to run exactly as it's now normally what a company will do company will let whatever whatever businesses that they acquire they will let them run the way they've been running for like two years yep two years they'll wait for the heat to come to to to die down so it doesn't look like it has anything to do with the acquisition no it's just normal business and then they'll start making slow changes and then they'll do the big cuts and then Microsoft came in and said we're so big we literally don't even have to pretend we don't even have to do the thing where we like let you operate as is for a little bit to cover it we can do whatever we want and no one can stop us and it doesn't matter there's literally we did not say or do anything legally binding that that will hold us to the things we promised now mind you all of this happened while Microsoft made 88 billion dollars in profit last year now you would think profit 88 billion in profit billion with a B now you would think that's enough money to pay your people uh but remember we live in a world where it doesn't matter how much real money a company makes we are talking about line going up if line doesn't go up then the money doesn't really happen all companies are funded through imaginary [ __ ] money right now through imaginary money they are funded through Market confidence and that's it and so the 88 billion ion Dollar in profit that they made is not anywhere near as much as their stock value which is imaginary so they said people don't like the stock as much so we got to let it go well it's that and in addition to it it is exactly that is uh Brit JK is like but it wouldn't be profit if you pay the employees obviously said sarcastically yeah um and the thing is that's insane the thing is that that's insane is they like yeah but less of it would beit which means our stock value would go down if you kept everybody on and gave them a $10,000 raise yeah or even people are happy sometimes if you give them like a thousand raise yes right get a $1,000 raise across 600 people $650,000 out of 88 billion yep and you don't fire those people and it just costs you a little bit more I can't even and that's not even that's not even a million of that billion right that's what we're talking about we're talking about imaginary money even $88 billion is imaginary money you know what I mean we're talking about stock value as imaginary but $88 billion do is like what what are you what are you going to do with it it is literally an unfathomable amount of money it is more money than humans can actually perceived it's a rounding error it's an iced coffee for Microsoft they went out and they got themselves a little treat the little treat is is firing everyone is 2,250 people's livelihoods um this is awful and as a reminder we are caught in a cycle right now where if they keep doing this if it keeps going as it's been going over the last 10 15 years 20 really um if it keeps going this way there will be no value yes there will be no one we're already just about there there will be no one to buy the product uh shakma says spend it all towards AI probably here's the thing if they spent it on AI that would still be reinvesting in the business and it wouldn't be profit so this doesn't count all the money they put into those things this is just profit and I just want to make that so clear because that's what's so insane about it this is money that did not get spent like that isn't being reinvested in the business profit $88 billion do with a be in just profit now here's the thing not the stuff that goes into making games this isn't how they fund their [ __ ] it's profit the thing that's wild is the way that corporations are structured the way the corporations are structured you would think that if a company underperformed if every single Studio underperformed to the point where they need to they need to make thousands of layoffs if I did something at my job that caused us to lose thousands of dollars or caused us to have to lay people off I would be the first person fired or laid off because of the mistake who is making the decisions that are costing thousands of people their jobs it's the SE Suite the problem is the Executive Suite doesn't have anybody above them nope they're supposed to answer to a board so they do they have the board the board is their friends the board hates the employees yeah the board is usually their friends from other companies that they're on a on another board with yes at that company and the board is not interested in paying employees the board is interested in that line going up so you have no accountability at the top and the top is making these decisions awful it's absolutely horrible there's no repercussions for any of this stuff um except sometimes people decide that there's repercussions for some of this stuff uh Anna Perna interactive uh you may know Anna Perna they put out uh they put out a lot of lovely games um they are one of my favorite Indie not indie but you know what I mean one of my favorite double a sort of labels yeah they pick up a lot of indie games uh and indie developers they put out stray they put out um outer Wilds they put out neon white yeah you know games games that are that I love games that friends of mine have worked on uh today every single person at anap Perna interactive resigned the company was in negotiations to buy the gaming part of annaa from the owner of Anna Perna media anap Perna is movies games yeah anap Perna is massive in general and it's owned by Megan Ellison Megan Ellison is Larry Ellison's daughter uh the founder of the founder of Oracle do you like databases Larry Ellison did that and if he didn't do it he bought up the people who did uh so she's big money M uh old money big money old money and uh the movie division put out Zero Dark 30 that's right yeah um Anna Perna puts out good movies good games uh but apparently there was a bit of a division between the gaming side and Megan Ellison they were in negotiations to become independent to buy the company from Megan Allison which makes a ton of sense anap Perna interactive the gaming division of anap Perna has such a separate business from what they do in general and really great reputation and like is has been a that developers have loved working with and like consumers treat as like a champion of Indie even though they're not indie right so it's like they could split off and become that and that's and that's you know when when blade of creation says they put out the movie Zero Dark 30 and then you look at their games you can understand like there's a different vibe this label this label for these games like should maybe be its own thing and clearly there is some disconnect between the two so they were they were in negotiations and apparently Megan Ellison backed out of these negotiations and everybody just said no and everybody said oh you thought we were kidding so all 25 members of the gaming division of Anna Perna you thought we were you thought we were just just junling with you you thought these were Japes we're not a bunch of jonkers not today not today not the one um so basically uh there are a couple people left right uh they brought back in one of the co-founders of anap Perna Hector Sanchez uh to be the president of interactive and New Media and he said uh he reassured partner developers that the company will continue its existing contracts that's basically all they could say um all they could say is like hey if you've got a contract with us we're going to support you but the thing that's interesting about that is how and with who and who and house when you you and are a publisher there are things that and you sign on as a developer hopefully if you sign on as a with a publisher you get a few things out of it obviously you get somebody that has good contacts at all of the platforms and with all of the QA and all of the testing that you need to do they know how to get you through those Hoops get you on the storefronts but you also have people that are going to Market your game you have people that are going to help develop your game they keep senior level developers and creative directors on hand uh to look at people's games and help guide them and help you know a lot of these developers that are making indie games that are double A games this is their first or second game and they might not they might not know how to run a project like this yeah and so you get that help from inside your publisher if the publisher is doing a good job how how does this how there's no one there you call you call the phone you call the phone and say help on game no one answer no one there all gone and like there are going to be a bunch of De developers that are at critical parts of their game that they need the support from their Publishers right now uh and there are going to be games that are like irreparably harmed by not having this support from Anna Perna and it was very avoidable and I want to be clear I'm not blaming the people that walked out on Anna Perna they are correct and this is worker solidarity in standing up for decency uh but I'm very concerned for the independent developers that are uh now working with a totally different company even if they staff up incredibly quickly they're working with an entirely different company than they signed on to work with if I was somebody at one of those developers at one of those Studios I would be immediately on the phone to my lawyer being like how do we get out of this and I'd be like this has to be a breach of contract there's no one there yes this has to be a breach of contract uh if I if I'm a developer and I get a deal with a publisher and I do something that is morally reprehensible and I get uh crucified on the internet where I've done something that harmed a bunch of people uh most of the time there is a clause in my contract that says they get out because they don't want to be attached to me anymore because I've done something outside of the bounds of the person they signed on with and this is this is a business failure too this isn't this isn't even like one of those like good behavior Clauses like you're we've Faith because You' You' cused a scandal this is like legitimately the you were dealing with is gone because business as much as they like us not to believe it is people I'll tell you this though if I if I'm the anap Perna people I'm calling all of those developers right now yeah and I'm saying hey just so you know if you need us to help get you out of this contract we will CU I bet all those people are starting their studio right now I bet there's I bet there's an LLC spinning up right now those are smart people uh some people are asking about the Allen wake and control 2 deal yeah now control 2 and Allan Wake are very interesting the Allen wake TV and trans media projects yeah are part of anap Perna media not interactive right so the Alan Wake TV show m is not affected by this control two is because they are uh funding 50% of the development costs and the publisher of well but this is what's Wild the 50% of development costs was not through anera interactive it was through in an aerta pictures as part of the TV deal interesting so they still have that money and the thing is that remedy is basically like it's not self-publishing but it's going to be in associate with aner pictures okay which is a very different way to work with them it's mostly the funding that they got for the rights to make Alan Wake and control media because remedy doesn't need the support that anap Perna interactive gives they wanted money remedy need money to make game remedy can self-publish yeah so and remedy has the contacts they need and all of that stuff so they they made a bunch of great successful games they needed the cash and it was like hey we will help you make this game which will keep your studio open and we'll also shop around your TV show which will get you some money and we'll get Sam Lake some TV stuff but doesn't necessarily keep a game Studio open so it was a really good deal all around and it won't be affected by this although if I was if I was remedy right now oof I would feel I would feel a real uh real gurgle at the pit of my stomach at having to continue working with these people that's really tough and I'm very curious to see what happens next um I'm very curious to see what happens what comes of anap Perna interactive if they just staff up new positions or if they decide cuz like I still think there is the possibility that they could go this is such bad press yeah that we should just let them separate and a Pera interactive give it to the 25 people that just left for like they're going to sell it to them they're not you know hey can we just have it people were planning to buy this yeah usually this is done through a buyback deal so it it would be um a certain amount of money up front and then a certain amount of money every year until the equity in the company is fully owned by the people buying it sometimes they'll try to make you pay cash out of pocket and I have a feeling something tells me they wanted a lot of cash out of pocket up front they wanted an something untenable but even then it wasn't that they wanted something un untenable the employes left no I mean Megan Ellison wanted something I'm saying so even then though that's not what ended the negotiations it was that Megan Ellis walked yeah so it's like it it doesn't even seem like it was like okay well then I want this much money it was like never mind there's no amount of money yeah [ __ ] you she asked for the moon and then didn't want it yeah is what it sounds like not good not looking good everybody it's not yeah it's anap Perna is not looking great uh but hey that's all right that's okay there's games there's games coming it's bad we wish the very best to the 25 people from anera interactive that have just left uh I hope that they either get what they set out to negotiate for or start something amazing that's you know in their control and they get to continue the good work that they've been doing yeah I'm waiting I'm waiting on the announcement I have a feeling we're going to see an announcement very soon and I'm excited for it there a lot of good people over there um let's talk about one last quick thing one last quick thing yeah it's 1021 oh my goodness 1021 I told you I thought we were GNA end on that one woof 10:21 my stars okay well let's end on one last thing uh this is a story of heists of crime this is this is oh no that's not what we're doing sure oh no no actually what we have to talk about is the teamu lamp because you teased it in the intro that's right it's no longer a stories of heists and Crim no although there's a patreon video so maybe there will kind of a story of heists and crime it's still I think a story of crime yeah uh but join us on the patreon after show we've got more crime stories uh but this is something absolutely wild um teu is obviously a bad store and we know that uh teu was selling a beautiful quirky croissant lamp there is nothing that like a quirky uh late Millennial early jenz loves more than food shaped home decor oh my goodness you get yourself a you get yourself is that a croissant that's left out on the on the Shelf no no it's a lamp it's a light up croissant it's a lamp and I am quirky um I get it 100% I get it uh so somebody bought if you look at if you look up croissant lamp I'm looking at croissant lamps and we're looking at like you know $20 we're looking at you know anywhere up to like $250 for a beautiful one made by an artist uh so obviously if you want a croissant lamp but you want it on the cheap get yourself on a te- right which is what uh which is what uh FR hat girl on Tik Tok uh yeah honestly let's screw it let's watch the Tik Tok let's watch the Tik Tok you can watch it on mine I've got got it so we can like pause and stuff yeah all right oh wait hold on I'm hearing us hold please hold hold please hold please that's us now it's all better it's a big wind up now I fixed it don't worry so this is the teu croissant lamp apparently bought for her sister mhm yeah you have to turn it like way up for if this is a [ __ ] literal real croissant covered in resin and I don't know I looked at it and I was like no way anyway I just poked a bigger hole like and it like lowkey looks like a [ __ ] croissant under there so it was a croissant lamp but it was just a croissant with a light bulb shove shoved into it that also was shellacked it was covered in in like an epoxy resin yeah and so she left it on like a on like a window sill and came home and there were ants all over it and she's like why would ants want to eat a fake croissant I don't think you can trick ants into eating look at the Led module in the croissant and you look at the inside and it sure does look like croissant and I was like no way this is real and then she starts knocking the crumbs out and I'm like why would they make it that realistic it's teu teu but then she commits the greatest sin of the internet she breaks a piece off you guys she's like I got to know but you already know there's other ways to know you didn't have to eat this frog and a hat girl you already know it's it's literally [ __ ] food no it was food and then they put resin on it that's not food it was food but then the resin and the Ants resin is not food you can't eat resin resin is incredibly poisonous you're not even supposed to let resin touch your skin if you if you use resin with the windows closed you die bro yo I remember there was some dance that we had at high school where the theme was like Paris cuz of course it was yeah yeah and like this was something that the student council did on the cheap they bought like big loaves of bread and baguettes and they put light bulbs in them and shellacked them and like put them all around really yeah and then at the end of the night one of my friends was like oh my gosh I'm going to take one of these home I was like don't it's it's not it is neither a lamp nor bread at this point it's nothing it's this is It's A Hazard only this is only trash and one of your classmates yeah now works at Teemu and is and is a millionaire yeah so think about that that that classmate Roger teu she did say she ate that part from the inside okay tell me this if I took a croissant okay now a croissant notably a bread that inflates essentially in the oven and has lots of like like little holes in it to aate right MH and I were to dunk it in something like a dunkaccino yeah let's say I dipped it into water okay and then I opened up the croissant do you think the inside of the croissant would be wet because the answer is yes especially if it was sitting in it for an extended period of time the inside of that bread is also going to have resin on it especially because bread is absorbent especially because the resin was melting and that's how they noticed that's that that's that ooey gooey resin coating so it's not even cured resin no they didn't even cure it right because it was still soft but if you put but but if you put a little ham and cheese in that croissonic could be cured well cured meats in your lamp am I right uh hey don't don't buy don't buy Teemu don't buy things from teu oh my God and don't eat poison yeah I would say the bigger lesson is don't eat poison everybody uh even for the viral Tik Tok I know it's tempting I get it and I myself as has been pointed out in the chat do know a thing or two about deadly and poisonous arts and crafts I have nearly killed myself on multiple occasions trying to craft yeah I carbon monoxide poisoned myself once sure we set the studio on fire once yeah it's fine so we shellacked some chicken wings once and put them on Crocs and I tried to eat one of the chicken wings after yeah because I looked at and I said o chicken wing and I forgot so even though it was on a Croc right I just looked at I was like o chicken wing and you were like Anthony I was like and we didn't even get a viral video out of it so uh that's it everybody that's where we're gonna leave don't eat poison um we love you too much so you're not allowed we are going to go say food is poison I would not I would never say such a thing okay we're going to go through and we're going to thank everybody who supported us during the show today there are a lot of ways that you can do so if you want a little extra from today's show you're not getting enough we got a lot of stuff we didn't get to you can go to pixel circus $5 a month get a bonus clip from this show every week you get early exclusives on other shows you get lots of other fun stuff we've been filming a lot of behind the scenes of weird stuff that we've been doing lately for the patreon so lots of stuff going up there soon you a free trial check it out if you like it $1.1 million a month and we'll throw a fire Festival $1.1 million even one time so if any uh investors are looking for a couple of cool folks to counter program firefest we've only almost destroyed a studio three times uh you know of thank you to everybody who shares the show on social media thank you to everybody who has joined the Discord and is just hanging out it's free you don't have to be a member of anything to join the Discord and you can suggest things that you want to see us talk about uh if you want us to give our opinions on things you have some you want to talk about with the BB's drop them in the its2 early channel on the Discord you can troll the show a little bit if you're on YouTube right now uh go ahead and give us a sub we really appreciate that we're trying to get to 10K so Google will stop stealing our money if you're not on YouTube right now and you're listening in podcast form you're watching on Twitch you can go over there and subscribe anyways because it's really helpful and you can like the video because it helps us out a lot in the algorithm to let people know that you dig what we're putting out yeah uh thank you to everybody remember if you are a uh if you're a patron we'll see you in a couple minutes uh but otherwise oh where else do they see you they see me on Anthony carbon there we go and also a new episode this week of the official Marvel podcast we go into the history of Falcon and we also talk about some of the greatest whatif characters ever in the history of Marvel o I got to talk about sheep boy yeah and I got to make a morbius joke that almost got me in trouble ooh What About You Sage you can find me everywhere on the internet at not Sage and here we have a bunch of fun things coming up on the tabletop side of pixel circus very soon how about you Alex you can find me on Twitter at Alder mancy as well as on Instagram at Alex tlets I have a cool announcement that's coming out on Monday so keep an eye out for that W all right we're gonna go through and we're g to thank everyone who supported us here live during the broadcast today a huge thank you to K 317 for that 12-month Prime sub of Gregorian year we'll see you for the big one next month uh brid JK for 31 months thank you so much said so many months definitely my longest stable relationship hey I'm honored uh dwe BLS thank you for 36 months whoa whoa that is three Gregorian years yeah that's not pixel circus years no it's not pixel circus years said been gone a while came back apparently it's three years we love it thank you so much and in three months we're going to thank you even more thank you to siros the weary for four 35 months my goodness uh kotoku uh with 48 months saying for Gregor Ian years that's a lot of months that's a lot of months we think you might like us THL Katrina with the 40 months as well look at all these high numbers oh my God you guys you guys have really been hanging out we appreciate you so much uh 30 months with the prime sub from demo nacho thank you thank you to am I will I am for 29 months so appreciated 31 months with the prime sub to Jay newom woo and thank you to White Wolf fan for 28 months you all make this show literally possible and we appreciate it so much thank you for spending your morning with us and we'll see you again on Monday Bye b right [Music]

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