Adam Barton vs Brackley Town | Reaction | Vanarama National League North
Published: Aug 25, 2024
Duration: 00:03:56
Category: People & Blogs
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[Applause] yes so SPID we'll start on a more positive note today man hit his 50th game in charge of the club today how how do you feel about that it's great achievement for him um you know he kind of got thrown in the deepend last season um and he's he's gone from strength to strength to be fair to him um obviously he's he's he's constantly learning um I think if you if you do 500 games you're still learning but uh no fair play to the gaffer and uh I'm sure there'll be many more is there a particular a memory since he's come in for you uh not necessarily won but just the fact that he's com in and you know last season and he's kept the team doing what they did uh and he he took us to the playoffs you know it's it's very hard for somebody who's never been in that situation before to step into the role um especially when our team's doing well uh and and achieve more than what we did the previous season so you know credit to him and the staff um for doing what they've been doing off the pitch as you know so you know credit to him unfortunately we do have to speak about the game today how did you view your performance on the team as a whole uh it's obviously a tough one to take um you know we we tried to change things a little bit to uh adapt to the way they play but then they changed the way they play to adapt to us it was kind of a bit of a a clash really and um I just put it down to individual erors today and and little switches off and and that's it and then when you you know you con see two two goals and then three goals the gamees pretty much done in this league you know there's no team in this league who can come back pretty much from 3-0 from half time it's very very difficult and as players when you're three and0 down at half time you know it's all right saying we got to go out and don't let ourselves down and stuff but you you're three enough down and it's really tough to to to to go go go but we give it a go second half um I know they they sat off us completely and defended a 3-0 um lead and then obviously the fourward goes in uh it's hard to break any team down which we've shown in the in the in the previous games that you sit off teams you let them play there's no team good enough in this league to to pass around teams you know there isn't um as we've shown in the previous games we we we we sit off teams we let them play and we we end up winning so it's very hard to break teams down but you know we we we we Tred we didn't we didn't drop our heads kind of kind of say and the good thing about football is there's always another game so we've got to kind of as players get over it today I'm sure the managing staff will have a look at the game see see what happened but as players we we we focus we we we prepare well we prepare our bodies tonight and tomorrow and we go again Monday and we win Monday and it's kind of all forgotten about finally as you do say we do play again Monday we look to bounce back again against Darlington how do you feel going into that one you've got to be positive you you can't just you know you can't you can't be negative in this game it's only three points we've lost you know we haven't we haven't lost a a cup final or anything like that yeah we we got beat 4-0 but if we get beat one nil it's still three three points dropped it's not six points nine points it's the same so you know we we we got to we got to take on the chin we can't win them all maybe it's a a wake up call in such to go right okay we we we we need a reaction now Monday um and it's great that it's Monday and not a week to wait so you know the fire will be in the bellies now till for Monday and it's just around the corner so we we we've got a turn up and I'm sure the lads will uh you know will put in a shift thank you [Applause]