Rachel Maddow BREAKING NEWS highlights September 13, 2024 | MSNBC

thank you for joining me this evening and and happy Election Day to all who celebrate I know November 5th is still 54 days away but today voters started casting the first ballots of the 2024 election yesterday absentee ballots went out in the state of Alabama and today we are seeing local news reports that people are already turning those ballots in so we are off to the races people next week Wisconsin start mailing out its absentee ballots and Pennsylvania Minnesota South Dakota and Virginia all start iners early voting slowly but surely the rest of the states will follow and what that means for this race is that the window to change voters Minds is closing today Donald Trump announced that he will not have a second debate with vice president KLA Harris as everyone saw two nights ago we had a Monumental victory over comrade Camala Harris in the presidential dep Harris though said that she and Trump owe it to the voters to have another debate now Trump is explaining why he doesn't want another debate by saying when a prize fighter loses a fight the first words out of his mouth are I want a rematch and Trump claims that polls clearly show that I won the debate for the record The One National post debate poll we have so far tells a very different story according to morning consult before the debate Harris was leading nationally by three points within the margin of error on the day of the debate Harris's lead widened to Four Points and after the debate Harris's lead widened to Five Points but yes Donald Trump says he doesn't need another debate because of how clearly he won the first and second ones because we've done two debates and because they were successful there will be no third debate it's too late anyway the voting's already begun on at least one of those points Trump is right the voting has already begun and it is about to begin in some of the states that are going to decide the election like Pennsylvania which again starts its early voting next week so without any more debates on the horizon the question for the Harris campaign is how do you reach those voters before As Trump put it it's too late well one way is through ads today the Harris campaign announced that in the 24 hours after the debate Harris had her best fundraising day since the launch of her campaign the campaign says it raised $47 million in 24 hours and that could help bolster the $370 million the Harris campaign cign has already committed in TV and digital ad buys that are going to be running from Labor Day to election day and those ads will keep the memory of Harris's Victory on the debate stage very much alive the Harris campaign today announced that it is going to release a series of ads highlighting footage from that debate to get Harris's performance in front of as many voters as possible here is the latest one of those ads which the campaign released a few hours ago I want to turn to the issue of abortion for 52 years they've been trying to get roie wade into the states I did a great service in doing it it took courage to do it and the Supreme Court had great courage in doing it I have talked with women around our country you want to talk about this is what people wanted pregnant women who want to carry a pregnancy to term suffering from a miscarriage being denied care in an emergency room because the healthc care providers are afraid they might go to jail and she's bleeding out in a car in the parking lot she didn't want that her husband didn't want that a 12 or 13-year-old Survivor of incest being forced to carry a pregnancy to term they don't want that I think the American people believe that certain freedoms in particular the freedom to make decisions about one's own body should not be made by the government I'm kamla Harris and I approve this message beyond the ads the Harris campaign is planning to meet swing state voters by doubling down on retail politics today Harris's running mate Tim Walls was in Michigan Second gentleman Doug M mhof dat events in both Nevada and Arizona and vice president Harris herself had two rallies in North Carolina and I know you might be thinking North Carolina Democrats have not won North Carolina in a presidential election since Barack Obama in 2008 and they hadn't won it before then since Jimmy Carter in 1976 that the Harris campaign is making a big bet that North Carolina is in play this year according to Quinn aak polling this week Harris is leading Trump in North Carolina by three points that is within the margin of error but still three points North Carolina an official with the Harris campaign told NBC news that the Harris campaign has set up 26 field offices across North Carolina and that since Harris became the nominee more than 20,000 North Carolinians have signed up to volunteer for the campaign so again I know we are 54 days out from November 5th but the first ballots of the 2024 election were cast today this is a marathon but it is also a Sprint it's time to turn the page [Applause] we are ready for a new generation of leadership that is optimistic optimistic about what we can do for our country together I will always put country above party from the courthouse to the White House I have always fought for the people always f for the people North Carolina we have 54 days until election day 54 days and with your help we will win we will win joining me now is Michael Tyler the communications director for the Harris walls campaign Michael thank you for joining me it I know it is very very busy and I appreciate your time in advance um let me first just ask about the the second debate with Donald Trump for vice president Harris what Donald Trump is calling the third debate are you surprised that it's an a firm no from the Trump campaign given the fact that Trump himself acknowledges that the loser often wants a rematch and do you think it is a firm no uh well listen thank you so much for having me this evening I'm not quite certain that it's a it's a firm no listen I mean Donald Trump also said for the first debate with the vice president that he was happy with uh unmuted microphones but his team overruled him so we'll see if that happens again uh the vice president has made her position clear she thinks that that the American people uh deserve to see once again what they saw on the debate stage uh on Tuesday night right which is a very clear choice in this election and so uh whether or not that happens whether Trump ultimately agrees to do so we're going to make sure uh as you were discussing that from now until the election uh we bring that same split screen to the voters where they are on the ground and on the airwaves we're going to make sure every day between now and November 5th they understand uh the very clear choice in this election between the vice president who's fighting for them who's going to stand up uh to provide for an economy where people have the opportunity to actually get ahead instead of just get by she's going to contrast that with Donald Trump's uh disastrous economic policy on the issue of abortion that you just talked about where we're running a new ad she's going to make sure that they understand that Donald Trump is the one responsible for the horror that is playing out in dozens of states with Trump abortion bans across this country and that she's the leader who can get us out of this mess and restore row she's going to make sure that on every single issue uh the American people fundamentally understand the choice in this election um I want to go back to a lot of that but just cuz you opened the door to maybe this not being a firm no on a second debate with Trump are you guys still negotiating with the Trump campaign on the terms of a debate or have those negotiations ended no listen we're open to having conversations about a second debate in October we think that the American people deserve to see that uh we we had a very clear choice on the stage uh on Tuesday night and we think that if Donald Trump is willing to do so uh that they should have another opportunity to do that so we're entertaining offers we are having those conversations uh we very much look forward to debating Donald Trump again in the month of October we think that the American people deserve to see that before uh everybody has the opportunity to cast their ballots on November 5th Michael you bring up the the abortion ad that we just played on the air and I wonder if you can talk a little bit about how the campaign is seeing that issue in terms of driving turnout and also what you have been hearing from constituents about the things Donald Trump said on that stage on on Tuesday night yeah I think what a lot of Voters heard Donald Trump say was that what he's been saying out at the Maga rallies for months now but he hadn't necessarily said it in front of a mainstream audience right this is a guy who proudly takes credit for the role that he played in overturning roie Wade po pointing a majority of the justices that overturned roow with the dobs decision uh somebody who uh takes credit for these Trump abortion bans that are playing out in over 20 States across the country uh the Imp that that is having Beyond simply abortion right the threat that we have now to fertility treatment in States like Alabama which you mentioned is voting starting today and what they saw on the other side was uh the vice president who made very very clear a who was responsible in Donald Trump uh but B how we get out of this electing her and making sure that we restore row so that women uh can make uh their own choices about their bodies moving forward this is a fundamental issue of freedom in America and so uh what we're hearing and what we've seen from voters across the country is that uh this is not a partisan issue I think it's regardless of ideology you see women and Americans across the country understanding this as an issue of fundamental Freedom uh our dials for example that we were running during the debate this was one of the most powerful moments among undecided voters in Battleground States uh so it's going to continue to be a very resonant issue with the voters and we're going to make sure that they saw that they continue to see The Exchange that took place on the debate stage on Tuesday yeah I'm sure I'm sure you are uh let me ask you two events in North Carolina some people are scratching their heads and I'm sure there's some Democrats out there worried about an ambiti a more ambitious map what do you say to people who are a little wary of going beyond the blue wall States and and you know the strategy behind having not one but two events featuring the vice president today in North Carolina no listen we've been very clear about our path to Victory uh from the beginning of this campaign it is inclusive of the blue wall States uh Michigan Wisconsin Pennsylvania but it's also inclusive of the sunal states right out West Nevada and Arizona and then in the Southeast Georgia and North Carolina and that's why uh I think the vice president's travel coming off of this debate is reflective of that uh she's in Charlotte in Greensboro today in North Carolina tomorrow uh she's going to Pennsylvania Johnstown wilbury and we're making sure that we when we go to these Battleground States uh we're making sure that we touch every single part of the state right that's tomorrow uh we're not simply spending time in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh which we travel to often and will continue to do so uh but we're making sure that we're tapping in uh to other parts of the state that Democrats haven't traditionally campaigned in it was the same thing in Georgia on the bus tour uh we're proud that this is the the first Democratic campaign in 30 years since Bill Clinton to to campaign in Southeast Georgia and so we're going to do more of that tomorrow we're going to keep doing it in the weeks to come uh because this is a margin of error race that was the case uh before the debate that's going to be the case after the debate and for us margin of error really comes down to margin of effort and so you're going to see vice president Harris Governor walls this entire campaign apparatus kick into high gear to make sure that we communicate with every single voter that is going to determine the pathway to 270 electoral votes and that's across all of our Battleground States March of error being turned into margin of effort okay Michael Tyler communications director for the Harris walls campaign thanks for your time so really appreciate it thanks for having me we got a lot more coming up tonight including the one issue that could decide the election according to the New York Times polling expert stay tuned to find out what it is plus how kamla Harris can fight and win that battle of inches that will be fought over the next 54 days we're going to get thoughts from two Democratic strategists coming right up next ours will be a very tight race Until the End okay it's going to be a tight race until the end and we are the underdog understand that we are the underdog but I say all that to say we've got some hard work ahead of us but here's the thing I love about everybody here we love hard work hard work is good work hard work is good work hard work is good work that was vice president KLA Harris in North Carolina today riding that post debate momentum but also reminding voters that this is going to be a close race with a whole lot of work to be done the Harris walls campaign schedule on that note is packed the self-proclaimed underdogs have appearances planned in wilbury Pennsylvania Grand Rapids Michigan Wasa Wisconsin I hope I'm saying that right and that just takes us through Saturday joining me now is f Shakir former campaign manager for B Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign and Ben wickler chair of the democratic party of Wisconsin Ben you were nodding when I said W what is it ww Wisconsin waaw Walla gosh I have family in Wisconsin too um I just I'd love to get both of your thoughts on these kind of three issues that are emerging as strategy points for the Harris campaign and what your thoughts are the first is this idea that kamla Harris represents a candidacy of a c she's a candidate of change there's an ad that they took out came out yesterday night and it's basically um contrasting Donald Trump is someone preoccupied with an America of your a dark vision a retrograde vision and haris as the sort of Avatar of a new tomorrow it's a hard case to make when you're the incumbent vice president that you're a candidate of change but you know the ad's convincing I wonder you know how much of an uphill climb you think that is for her I think it's very clear in fact and I think that moment in the debate where she said I'm not Joe Biden I'm obviously not Donald Trump but I can offer new generation of leadership it was it it was saying what was very obvious when you looked at the stage uh someone pointed out it's been since 1976 that we haven't had a presidential election that didn't have a a Clinton a Biden a bush or Trump on the ballot or just Clinton Biden B like it was it's wild to think how relatively static the kind of cast of characters of American politics has been for a long time and K is new in that bigger sense not new just relative to the last few years but to the last generation or really the whole history of the country and she's bringing a new energy and a new kind of a new joy that does feel materially different it was a choice between you know this sort of sense of dread and disaster both sides describing how awful things would be under the other side for years now going back since 2016 and 2020 and now there's this real sense of just a palpable relief and laughing and and dancing and it's it's a new day is a genuinely new day and Wisconsin's Motto by the way is forward so this is very very on brand for your state zaz what do you think of the idea that Harris is at once sort of touting the achievements of the Biden uh presidency the Biden Administration which she's an integral part of and also suggesting that she is the page Turner in American history which of course our candid represents in terms of gender and race but in terms of you know politics do you think it's a hard uh Hill to climb well first of all I'm speaking to you from Wisconsin been running around Racine and Jamesville Ben's favorite state meeting some of his wonderful staff and trying to talk to local unions here about the issues that are most concerning to them and I agree with everything that you and Ben are saying with the newness and how it works to her Advantage rather be KLA Harris than Donald Trump at this juncture of the race I think she's very well positioned and you know Hillary Clinton at this point in the race was similarly pulling at a at a very strong position so to Harris's point we think of as an underdog know that there's hard work ahead and some convincing to do for the late deciders that newness that you guys have been referencing is an advantage and the suggestion of the hard work that needs to be done because it means that as somebody who's new you need to kind of affirm for people who know less about you what are your values what drives you why do you want Power why do you want the government's Authority in your hands what do you want to do with it and for me at least and I think a lot of people running around here Wisconsin feel like economic issues are really at the top of the mind and to use that government power to say I want to take on what I see is exploitation abuse by big government over workers over consumers I want businesses to thrive I want profits sure but I want an economy that works for working people that's my orientation if she can get that across in the last few days I really think we got this she's doing I mean she's certainly you know that she I think her rockiest answer in the debate was when she was talking about the economy but she clearly has a story she wants to tell about her upbringing how she understands the concerns and needs of you the voters um but she's not I mean she's not just I mean whether or not the economy is the single most important issue in this race they're also they're applying a multi-prong strategy here there's something the campaign is doing around foreign policy that I think is super interesting then they're using the war in Ukraine as a touch point to to speak with uh undecided voters swing voters who it who may have Eastern European roots and understand she talked about this in the debate um you know whether or not Vladimir Putin runs rough shot over Europe is going to matter a lot to the 800,000 polish Americans in the state of Pennsylvania because if Ukraine's gone Poland's next um those she they're running ads on that and they're running ads in Pennsylvania they're going to run them in Wisconsin and Michigan as well do you think that that could be a successful strategy and getting people interested and excited I think it's one piece of a successful strategy for sure I think VZ is exactly right that especially for a lot of Voters who are cynical about politics they know how much they're paying for groceries and they want a a government that is on the side of working people and against you know price gougers and against you know bosses that are trying not to pay overtime and and fire people trying to form unions and with foreign policy they want they they don't want a government that is just letting the the country where they came from get overrun by Russia my own family you know the wickler shettle is in Perna which is outside of LV in Ukraine and has been under many flags at different times and there are so many wisconsinites so many polish wisconsinites uh there are several margins of victory of Ukrainian wisconsinites Biden one Wisconsin by 20,625 whether you should allow Russia to invade and occupy other countries you know Faz um the granular nature of this campaign like every choice is a very specific choice that they make right they're talking about change they're talking AB about abortion they're talking about Ukraine in a way that's particularly resonant with the swings with the undecided voters that they need to get to just from a campaign perspective how much um how much targeted information do you think they possess and are ready to deploy to get to these literally tens of thousands of Voters who are going to decide the election that's even better question for Ben because I've seen and talked to some of his organizers in the state and each one of you will hand you a a walk packet if you'd like to go canvas some doors and in that walk packet you will know a lot about the demographics the income levels where people are at how they voted in the past what are the issues of concern to them and so that there is that level of knowledge but not only in Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania all the key Battlegrounds all those State offices that you mentioned early in the pr program Alex that's what they're doing and I think though that while you you can do walk and CH gum at the same time a lot of the things you're talking about microt targeting of you know ads and you know pieces of content here's a you know one pager for you on Ukraine that helps but I also want to pull us back and say not the whole election is g to be won by a micro you also need a a kind of macro affirmation of what your values are that speak to the widest number of people that bring the widest number of people into your campaign I just don't want to lose sight of you know getting so m that you are not talking about the number one thing for many undecided voters that's that's where I'm focused right now the persuasion of the last bit man that the economic concerns I keep hearing over and over but it's not just an economic story it's tying it to what are your values for Harris too to drive a contrast that guy he loves Elon Musk he loves billionaires he loves to sit with crypto billionaires and and executed government on their behalf oil billionaires here this is who I am this is who I fight for this is why I care and to see that same passion come out on this issue like it does on abortion it' be great yeah she certainly I mean she's doing the micro and the macro Ben really quickly you know there are washing money in the Harris campaign how much do money matter at this point is it is it or is it more a matter of you know the the the foot soldiers getting out there and knocking on doors it's an all the above moment I want to stress though it is absolutely worth donating directly to the Harris campaign and to down ballot Democrats if you look in the state legislature if you support the Wisconsin Assembly and state senate Democrats other states like Arizona one seat in each ch chamber North Carolina one seat to break the Republican super majority those races are often starved for funds and so it is you know worth supporting top of the ticket also the Senate and House and State Legislative races wisd.org I I should put in a plug all of that work and using those funds to make sure we reach the voters who are paying the least attention to politics who didn't watch the debate it's when we connect with those folks and connect with them about the things they're facing in their own lives that's when we win this election at the margin and even potentially win by more than the fraction of a percent that so many of these elections come down to yeah I mean a fraction of a percent nobody's looking forward to another one of those but we'll take it if we get it um Ben wickler the person that came up with the phrase let's turn a margin of error into a margin of effort or or how I don't know I think I probably heard it somewhere because it's so good but I say it all the time I love that Michael Tyler talked about it everyone should think margin of e effort margin of effort margin of effort let's put in the work all right Ben wickler and F Shak here thank you guys both for your time and expertise really really appreciate your time the polls are dead long live the polls okay that's a reminder in 2012 Barack Obama outperformed the polls but in 2016 and 2020 polls underestimated support for Donald Trump and in the 20122 midterms Democrats exceeded polling expectations almost across the board so what are the polls saying now and have they gotten any better at polling those polls according to a recent Battleground State average from The New York Times Comm Harris holds a slim lead in Wisconsin Michigan North Carolina and Pennsylvania ranging from just one to just three points all of which is well within the margin of error and KLA Harris is tied with Donald Trump in Nevada Georgia and Arizona joining me now is Ruth gmck polling editor for the New York Times whose primary responsibility is working on one of the largest and most important polls in the country the New York Times Sienna College poll Ruth I was saying to you during the break you must be like the most most popular least popular person in your circle of friends depends on the finding yeah I'm sure first of all like prepare us all here the the Scuttle butt in polling circles is that this election is going to be maybe even tighter than 2020 now let me remind everybody at home Donald Trump won in 2016 thanks to 77,78 votes in three states in 2020 Biden won thanks to 81,000 approximately votes across four states are we looking at tighter numbers for this much tighter much tighter yeah it's going to be a tight race wow tighter than 81,000 votes in four states yeah that's terrifying okay can we talk a little bit about what that practically means I mean when we when you're talking about undecided voters for example are there truisms about what that group of of people looks like across these Battleground States this year yes I mean compared to historical undecided voters the group is a little bit different this year but there is a sort of truism across States this year which is that we're talking about younger voters non-white voters black voters and Latino voters and that's pretty consistent across States and what sort of like Beyond being undecided is that they care generally about certain issues over the other and they're not hearing those issues is that they're not paying attention to you know the ins and outs of the political cycle what can you tell us about their behaviors yeah I mean they are generally low information voters voters who are not as engaged as a sort of more polarized voters who already have views but they also care deeply about the economy the economy is Absol absolutely issue number one above anything else what does that mean when we say the economy to to those voters I is it is it taxes is it inflation is it is it wages like what is it you know we mostly hear about inflation but I think it really depends but inflation is the big thing people are really feeling that burn at the grocery store at the gas pump and they really want a candidate that's going to answer that for them can you talk to me a little bit about um the margins that we're talking about in these particular States like it will either alarming or interesting to people that at this this day September 12th in the year 2020 Joe Biden was running ahead of Donald Trump in Pennsylvania by Five Points okay today this day in the year 2024 the president kamla Harris is ahead by one point what what what does that mean like how many votes is that that we're talking about if it was already so close at five a fivepoint spread a onepoint spread is like a handful quite slim yeah it's a hand it's going to be a handful of counties that matter and a handful of votes in those counties so it's really going to be slim and the pool of undecided voters is a lot smaller this year than it's been in the past does that mean that you reach them I mean can you because these voters are people that are not necessarily paying attention if I know this is a huge broad question but is the way to reach them anecdotally I'm not going to ask it are they paying attention is Word of Mouth does Word of Mouth matter within un undecided yeah I mean it's hard to know right but because they're younger we're seeing more on social media I imagine campaigns are trying to reach people through social media but it is just friends in Word of Mouth I mean that's often how politics you know gets done is people talking to their friends and hearing who their friends are supporting how good are the polls Ruth I know I'm talking to someone who's like has a vested interest in them being good and you guys are the you know gold standard here but but has has have the predictions gotten better or they have the has not the predictions the snapshots in time thank you yes I appreciate that not predictions have they gotten more accurate d think you know I mean it's hard to say every year we we do everything we can and we've done a lot of work to try to improve on you know issues that we had in previous years but there's a lot of reason to believe that the polls are pretty accurate in 2022 I know in the intro you were talking about polls being off but if you look at time SI polls for example we were nearly exactly accurate within one or two points of every race we ped and so our hope is that we're doing a lot of extra effort to try to make sure that we're reaching these voters who are lwi information voters but do vote on the other hand I will say polls are kind of a big blunt instrument that aren't great at figuring out this very narrow margin you know I mean polls are great at telling us that 60 to 70% of Americans support abortion you know polls are great at telling us these kind of broad brush issues but on these really tight races in these states that are decided by you know a handful of votes polls aren't necessarily perfect at that they're the best thing we have and we do our best with them but that's a limitation that we struggle with yeah and I assume that accounts for how the fact that they haven't really moved right these big 10 pole events and you're just not seeing a big shift in the numbers cuz it literally is not a battle for inches but millimeters Oh Lordy Ruth gelnick from The New York Times the most popular person the least popular person we don't know whether you're going to be the either what you're going to be in your circle of friends but we really deeply appreciate the work that you're putting in thanks for joining me tonight thanks for having me coming up The Man Who besides Donald Trump did today the Department of Homeland Security made a big announcement about January 6 2025 today the Department of Homeland Security designated congress's certification of electoral votes which happens on January 6 2025 they designated that a national special security event that means a routine bit of congressional business is now going to have the same level of Secret Service protection as presidential inaugurations and the Super Bowl and here is how house Speaker Mike Johnson responded to that news sounds like politics to me me joining me now is Susan Glasser staff writer at the New Yorker Susan thank you for being here I know you know this but you know Mike Mike Johnson was one of the Ring leaders of of the 2020 uh January 6 plot uh Mark Elias calls him other than former president Trump arguably the most culpable Federal elected official in what transpired that day um what do you make of his reaction to designating the certification a national security event well you know Alex it was really striking hear him say I think it sounds like politics because of course it was Trump and his allies on Capitol Hill such as carsman Johnson who turned an event uh like that into politics that is really a ministerial constitutional function of the government and you know it's it's really so striking because we're once again four years later in an election in which the candidate for president of the United States from the Republican party is already attacking and undermining the basis on which the election will occur saying that there are going to be questions about it that it's going to be fraudulent that it's going to be unfair uh and of course calling upon his allies on Capitol Hill to support him in whatever claims he makes I mean that's the amazing thing imagine calling the election rigged before it's even taken place that's the situation that we find ourselves in again uh you know I don't know if it'll be January 6 or it'll be some other way in which Trump chooses to attack or undermine the legitimacy of the election uh if he loses it again but I I I think there's a very real basis for those concerns if you're paying attention to the sort of signals that are being given whether by the Department of Homeland Security or by the Attorney General I I feel like a normal person thinks hm I'm a little worried about what happens this election season today mer Garland not not known to be a public alarmist gave really unusual remarks to Department of Justice staff today where he called out attacks on prosecutors and doj personnel and talked about conspiracy theories and just warned the public and obviously his staff that this was very dangerous and the environment was very very threatening to the integrity and the safety of the Department of Justice and its employees he didn't name Trump by name but I mean it is Susan correct me if I'm wrong very unusual to have someone like Meritt Garland saying that 54 days before an election there's no question of course this is something uh you know that we really haven't seen before meric Garland as you said is a very cautious official not given to inflammatory statements I thought that speech was quite remarkable and it's very consistent of course with Trump being very clear about wanting to use uh you know essentially to attack the institutions that are set up to safeguard the Democracy I was very Struck it didn't get as much attention probably understandably given all the incoherent uh and inflammatory things Trump said in that debate the other night but I will point out that he was asked about January 6 uh he was asked about his election lies and he chose to double down on them in the debate uh the other night he said not only that the election had been rigged and stolen from him but uh that he continues to say that he's going to Pardon uh the January 6 uh insurrectionists and he calls them as you know repeatedly in his rallies he calls them essentially murders to the cause of Donald Trump and that's the side that he's taken on I noticed that KL Harris made a point of saying how many police officers were injured on January 6 2021 and you know pointing out that Donald Trump claims to be someone who backs law enforcement who's anti-me uh but I I just I think that in this election season we're going to see more and more escalation the closer it gets to the election itself because Trump is actively engaged in a campaign of undermining the legitimacy of an election that he might lose again yeah he's already saying today on the campaign Trail I think we're going to win very big and as long as it's an honest election I will absolutely accept the results upshot is that he's not in the presidency right now downside is that Mike Johnson is now the Speaker of the House Susan Glasser always good to see you my friend thanks for your time tonight thank you still ahead this evening Donald Trump and JB Vance are enjoying spreading the big lie about cats but it's coming at a real cost in the town of Springfield Ohio where Haitian migrants tell NBC news's yamisha synor that they now fear for for for for for for for for for for for

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Sean Hannity Full Show | FOX Breaking News – September 4, 2024

Category: News & Politics

Minute former president donald trump will join us for an hour in part he will answer your questions think about this in just 13 days early voting will officially get underway across the keystone state in a few days just mail and ballots will go out in other states and we are only 61 days from what i... Read more

Breaking News: Downtown Dallas Shooting Incident thumbnail
Breaking News: Downtown Dallas Shooting Incident

Category: News & Politics

What's something people don't know about downtown dallas today it's the sight of a shocking shooting incident three people have been injured in a shooting near the continental building on commerce street law enforcement swiftly responded to the scene after reports of gunfire erupted as of now the suspect... Read more

Brazil and Argentina SHOCKED! South American Giants Fall in World Cup Qualifiers | Viral News thumbnail
Brazil and Argentina SHOCKED! South American Giants Fall in World Cup Qualifiers | Viral News

Category: News & Politics

In a shocking twist in world cup qualifying two football giants fall brazil the unstoppable sambba kings taken down by peru ending their perfect start in argentina messi's men defeated by ecuador two powerhouses one dark night for south american football what's next for these titans can they bounce... Read more

Global Outage: Microsoft 365 Services Down! thumbnail
Global Outage: Microsoft 365 Services Down!

Category: News & Politics

Hey there business professionals today i've got some urgent news about a major global outage affecting microsoft 365 services yes that includes teams and outlook it all started hitting hard in the europe middle east and africa regions the worst hit places south africa and the uk users there have been... Read more

Donald Trump Won't Participate in Another Debate with Harris. #donaldtrump #uspresidentialdebate thumbnail
Donald Trump Won't Participate in Another Debate with Harris. #donaldtrump #uspresidentialdebate

Category: News & Politics

Former president donald trump has announced he won't participate in any more debates ahead of the 2024 election but when a prize fighter loses a fight you've seen a lot of fights right the first words out of that fighter's mouth is i want a rematch i want a rematch and that's what she said i want a... Read more