Toronto Maple Leafs and Nick Robertson agree to contract, are Max Pacioretty and Jani Hakanpaa next?

Nick Robertson ends the contract stalemate with the buds but the leaves could still be looking to add competition to the left side we'll discuss all that more on today's edition of the locked on Leafs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network it's your team every [Music] day you're locked on Maple Leafs your daily podcast on the Toronto Maple leafes part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello and welcome into the locked on Leafs podcast a daily Maple Leafs centered podcast hosted by myself Mike to Stefano and my co-host Dave morisi today's episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code lockon NHL for $20 off your first purchase what's going on Dave how you feeling on a Wednesday man it's uh oh it's holy busy one and like you're see it's always like when the players are getting into like their like media tours that's you know like okay like we're almost pretty much there like back into it yeah did you see the the photos the you love to see it picture that the maple posted out there on on X that's an A+ caption by the way on first kind of First Look first picture of Austin Matthews in full uniform wearing the sea on his chest while they're doing some promo photo shoots and whatnot so that was nice to see I don't know if you could pull that up actually we we should have prepped it to uh to to show but for those who are watching on YouTube so they can get a get a glimpse of that bad boy because I did think that it was a a pretty solid pick of the new captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs but you know busy couple of days for Brad trilling you know like now they you know the the captaincy that's that's done with now right we can move forward on that but there's still a couple of finy little final pieces of business to attend to uh so here's what the captain C looks like on Austin Matthews you love to see it where in those photos are also just so well done oh yeah I mean that's those are professionals there that's those are professionals getting that done uh it's not you and I with with our iPhone cameras that's for sure snagging these I mean look the lighting and everything is just oh it's it's it's world class it's it's professional that's that's what it is um but yeah so that's the first look I guess of Austin Matthews in full uniform rocking the sea on his chest and we'll get to see it in a couple of weeks I guess when training camp starts up and and we got games going on a couple weekends from now uh an exhibition game so that's exciting you got some Prospect games coming up this weekend with the prospect Showdown against the Montreal Canadians the roster been released for the prospect Camp so we'll talk about that in a little bit but the break news that we had on Tuesday was Nick Robertson ends his contract standoff with the Toronto mate beliefs and uh signs a one-year deal with the team with $875,000 uh it was reported earlier in the summer that he had no intention on signing a deal with the map Leafs would have preferred a trade out he had requested a trade reportedly um but obviously no team stepped up to the to the table to offer the maple leaf with Brad living thought was fair value for Nick Robertson so he kind of has to come back with his tail tucked between his legs and sign this contract what uh what do you make of it Nick Robertson back in the fold for this season I mean it just seemed like the more logical option right at the end of the day given everything that was happening and it it makes me also go like what what what took so long for this to happen like like for for like I wouldn't say Co has for someone just say like get the the deal done well I mean yes get the deal done but I think Robertson like truly just I mean he probably still doesn't really want to be here but it just took this long for him to realize like okay well Camp's looming and no team has met the price odds are you know no team's going to come up and pay the price for me in the next couple of days so I don't want to miss out on Camp I want to be start of things not you know off B with new code if this is where I have to be for the next little bit uh so I think it was just you know him waiting it out ultimately and then finally came to the understanding like there's no market for me uh the maple e want me there's a contract offer on the table there's a spot in the lineup for him too which is why it's so crazy that this year of all seasons is what he decided to kind of dig his heels in and try and get himself out of here it's like Nick there's a there's a spot for you to finally play you know a full 82 Game season here if you can get it going um so I think it's good though that yes cooler heads prevail you know the leas didn't sell them off for pennies on the dollar and Nick Robertson comes in he can't afford to dig his heels and Miss Camp he just can't he hasn't played nearly enough games uh he's been injured too much development has already taken such a beating can't afford to miss training camp with the new coach as Well's they get the deal done um you know I I I I think that though for Robertson to have a good year and even to like I I wonder if even Nick Brad Dre living still has we'll have a line open for teams that that want to trade them and maybe eventually we see a trade request come through but maybe tree living said look here's a deal that's on the table okay come in and prove to other teams not just us like yes you're proving it to us too but prove to other teams that you are worth investing in and giving up assets for right now no one's willing to do that but come in put in a good camp get off to a good start and maybe down the road consider it if someone says you know what I'm ready to buy and invest on that we'll give up that second round pick or third round pick or whatever the ask is I think that's probably a strong possibility too doesn't mean Robertson's here long term you know this could just be a hey let's get you into camp and see what happens type of deal well that's it right like I think when you when you see that okay he's signed everyone kind of thinks all right this is now trending one way it didn't make me see it that way I'm just like it just gets the contract done I think Frank sarali when he tweeted out that you know this there was the or was it Frank Cali it was it was sahali but like go go ahead with there was another but somebody else had mentioned like the Leafs might have been worried that if they did all the moves that they want to do before Robertson like there would have been an offer sheet right as well yeah thr at him yeah that was kind of the Sarah situation and Dreer I guess mentioned like you know getting Robertson done just takes away the threat of an offer sheet I suppose and there are corresponding moves that the Maple Leafs are reportedly getting ready to announce in the coming days we'll get to that in a minute as well the sahali report was that just because Robertson signs his deal uh it sound he is making it seem like a trade is still a possibility here uh and that getting a guy under contract makes it easier to trade him away the issue that I have with that is why would a team give up an asset to sign Nick Robertson or to trade for Nick Robertson when they could have just offer sheet him this entire time and the Maple Leafs obviously the leaf are looking at a contract at 875k any other team could offered him up to 1 point I think it's 1.5 million or 1.4 they could offer him like 1.25 right the maple are not signing that they can't they don't have the cap space to do something like that and they would have got that player for free without having to give up any assets so that's kind of the question that I have with Sarah's report Sarah was also I don't want to down on him like I still think sah is a good a good reporter but he also was wrong about the Mitch Marner thing would he give it a 5% chance Mitch Marner was a map Lea after the after the uh the draft so I don't know if if Sarah's on the mark when it comes to the mapel Leafs uh at this moment in time so I would take that one with the grain of salts I I think you know not not to say that a trade can't come through eventually like I said if Robertson plays well and a team decides to make that trade and make that investment and pay the price that tree living believes he's worth then sure a trade could come to fruition but I don't think all of a sudden because he's signed this deal that it makes him more attractive I I actually think it makes him less attractive because you could have got him without giving up any assets it would have just cost you a little bit more cap space and for teams who have a bunch of it it really wouldn't have mattered that's the part that I'm yeah like if a team really wanted Nick Robertson he they would have had him by now in my opinion like if there was a lot of interest in him the least would have traded him by now because then it would have just been like one L thing we need to worry about get an asset in return and we can kind of they can kind of focus on the players on the roster that want to be there yeah that clearly didn't materialize and so like I think and drer has been talking about how buub has been talking with Robertson about the opportunities in Camp and things like that and to me that that speaks a little more true to what we've been saying right with with everything that Nick Roberton is going through there is an opportunity here just get get yourself signed get yourself in a position to compete totally I mean you look at the left side could he could he you know realistically I think Matthew N I can penone as a top six guy like for sure of that like I could ni Robertson out playing Bobby McMahon for a spot that's not to say I don't like McMahon I don't think you know McMahon won't be a good player for this team but there's also a lot of question marks it's a small sample size we've seen on Bobby McMahon and he's dealt with a lot of injuries in his career as well you know along with Nick Robertson so like he could easily beat out Bobby McMahon and then there's really not much other competition when you're looking at a top nine role possibly Easton Callen if he blows the doors off in training camp this year maybe he's someone who could compete for one of those top nine spots in the left wing but there's not a lot of competition there is a a role for Robertson within probably the middle six not even just top nine but middle six um and good on him for finally realizing it I suppose uh and and hopefully he takes it and runs with the opportunity and look he's a guy who can he can shoot he can score he's shown that but we have 14 goals last year in 56 games um he can score but will he you know put it all together and and play a little more of a 200 foot game that's going to be the question that you have with Nick Robertson and can he stay healthy he did last year but that's because he also didn't play every night if he plays every night can he remain healthy that's another big question mark that you have with Nick Robertson he will actually have it sounds like one more person joining the fold who could compete for a spot in the top nine when it comes to the left wing position for the Maple Leafs we'll tell you who that free agent could be on the other side I'm Mike to Stefano with Dave Mori you're listening to the lockon Leafs podcast part of the lockon podcast Network it's your team every day today's episode is brought to you by game time game time has a new feature called Game Time picks that makes getting tickets to your favorite Live Events even easier game time picks filters out the fluff to show you only incredible deals on great seats so you don't have to waste time searching through thousands of tickets you can customize your game time pick curate them to make it easier to save more on sports or concerts or comedy Theater events within the city 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by opening night so if you are a daily listener and every day or the podcast you have yet to subscribe or you're enjoying the show and you're a firsttimer please do we'd appreciate that and you can also find the podcast uh for you on the-go listeners wherever you get your podcast um whether it's Spotify or it's apple or wherever you can get get it uh just search up lockon Le you'll find them um so first was Nick Robertson's contract over and done with and that is now in the books and then Darren Dreger sent out a bit of a follow-up tweet there's some stuff going on outside I don't know if you can hear the sirens or not downtown Toronto happen in place can't hear the sirens no no okay good that that the mic the mic works that this mic is not terrible because it only picks up the voice uh but I swear there were there there was a lot of sirens going on outside uh anyways big report from Darren Drager after the contract was agreed to and um and and nich's deal announced report Darren that uh now the the focus shifts to Max Patch ready and Yanni hakena that's next up on tree living's du list before training camp um little unclear if it's like an actual outright signing of these two or if it's a PTO uh on these two players but uh at this point it does sound very likely that petti at the very least is going to be a Toronto Maple Leaf what do you make of that well I I just think that with with petti I know that the big thing was can the leaves entice him with just offering him a contract without doing the PTO right and I I don't know how given pater's injury history the last years that a team unless you're a team that's capable you know using a a contract spot on patch writing I guess that's an option but I think for the least like there's likely a all right here's an deal we're prepared to give you come to Camp get through it we'll sign you right I and I think I know a lot of people are like I don't get why the leaf are going after uh Max Pat like why do they need Max Pat ready look at the lineup look at the depth at left wing you need depth you need guys that can score right like this been the least problem how many times in the postseason yes they got really good options to score on the top six once you get to the third and fourth line there's nothing there really now is Max petti going to be competing for a fourth line role I mean could be but I don't think that's probably where I'd see him really I actually think that's probably where he lands as a fourth liner third or fourth liner like he's a bottom six depth piece oh no he's a bottom six guy he ain't he ain't competing for a top six I think like maybe third line at worse at well or at best however you want to look at it but yeah I I personally think he's they're looking at him as a fourth line piece I don't I don't know like I mean it's semantics it he may get a chance to to be on the third line fourth line it is what it is but ultimately it's a guy who has dealt with some injury you know issues over the last two years he's been limited to just 52 games just seven goals over those 52 games uh in the past two years 26 points so it's like you know half a point per game basically um so the offense hasn't been there like it was earlier in his in his career in his Heyday with the Montreal Canadians as their Captain once put up you know uh was one two three four straight 30 goal seasons for the Montreal Canadians and then went over to to Vegas and you know put up another 30 goal season there so he's he's had a lot of success in his career putting Pucks in the back of the net you know he's a guy who's been known as a power forward he's not really a speed s especially after a couple of killes injuries not going to be that for you so you know I think that he is more of a fourth line kind of grind it type of player at this point just you know go up there and try and put the shoulder down or just go to the net and try and bang at rebounds you know be on the second power play and kind of be a net front presence type of thing and be a leader in the locker room as well um that's kind of where I think he is at at this point in his career I don't see him being you know a fixture in the top six by any stretch of the imagination but I could certainly see you know third fourth liner you bring in Max pater ready just for some depth someone who can get at a touch of secondary scoring from the bottom six and and uh I I I think it'd be a worthwhile pickup if if it's either way it's going to be a cheap deal it's not going to be anything crazy it'll be similar probably to like Mark girano where worst case scenario if things don't work out you could just send the guy to the miners and he'll probably more so maybe like even like the Wayne Simmons situation where if it doesn't work out you could send the guy to the miners and he could just you know ride off into the sunset career over type of thing um and he doesn't even have to report to the AHL if he doesn't want to like that that's worst case scenario for Max petti at this point in my opinion yeah and actually it's interesting you bring up uh jordano because he was also his agent was making the rounds he was on um I think it was Eric Francis show he was in Calgary radio basically talking about how yeah Mark JD still wants to play still looking for home like they they they called around right the Leafs the Flames like a few teams and I think the Flames said ah not not going to happen I think the Leafs kept the door open a little bit which interesting it's interesting well maybe it's like Yanni hacken paaw Insurance like if this if this hacken paaw situation does not turn out uh then maybe they go and and and bring in Gio again I I don't know that's that would be an interesting situation I guess to bring him back again yeah I kind of figured like that door was closed like to me that's what it felt like but I guess maybe like you I understand like he didn't have a good year last year but having a guy who's capable of stepping in when you have injuries still I especially when you know for a fact that you're not expecting Mark Jord down to play every day he's your eighth defenseman question question for you at what point do you start do we start to like look at this Leafs roster and start to get concerned about like how old of a roster this is like even the the Young young guys like the Marner the Matthew like they're not kids anymore like these guys are in the prime of their career they're mid like mid to late 20s at this point and then all the other veterans are like over 30 over like they brought in oel who's 33 they brought in you know Chris tanv who's you know 33 34 years old like you bringing in Max petti who's now 35 years old right hackin paa's in his 30s like they just continue to bring in these older players and you know foot speed is still very much you know an important thing when it comes to the NHL I wonder I'm gonna be curious to see how this plays out this year because it is going to look awfully different you know Ryan Reeves is another guy who they brought in last year you know older player kingberg was an older player um and like they just continue to add these guys as opposed to let their youngsters kind of maybe flourish and take take a hold of opportunities like that's the one thing too you look at bringing in you know Max petti and you know Nick Robertson's now back into the fold you know at one point we're talking about on Monday like hey maybe Easten has a better opportunity to make the team inject some youth into the lineup um because there's there's there's open spots well now there's more competition and it makes it you know difficult and look competition breeds the best out of people I get it but it's like young and spry versus you know old and injured the tie is going to go to the veteran but is that necessarily the best course of action for the mate beliefs I know it's kind of what I'm thinking now when I keep hearing like Brian Patti now they're thinking maybe keeping the door open for Gio TANF oel it's like this this an old folks home we got here in Toronto like yeah like literally like when you look at the off season and things like Marshall RI was like one of the only few like deals when you look at younger guys on this roster how old's Marshall Rea isn't he like 25 like he's not super young himself either he is like I'm pretty sure he's like 24 25 he's not a a spring chicken here I would imagine I I'm I'm pretty sure he's been in the system for6 26 he's all I thought he's already 26 years old like yeah I no it's true right but again it's why we're looking at the E cow the Fraser mintons but on the blue line we've already made this case many times this is where they lack they don't have the Young defenseman there that I've they're gonna maybe maybe someone in Camp will surprise but like that that's been the that's been a source spot you need younger guys more guys who you know I mean other than lilligren right like uh tell see when benwa is like what 25 26 I believe he he's like one of the younger blue liners that the leafes have at this point he may be he's he's 25 like it's like it's him and lren that are kind of like the youngsters yeah but like those guys have they don't have a guy who's like never hasn't played a game in the NHL looking to make a spot in Camp like we haven't heard like we're not hearing anything about like the topi nalas or the you know I wouldn't say like he's gonna go back to probably back to Junior like like guys guys like that we're not hearing about them because they're just why don't we take a break because why don't we come back and and talk about some of these players because the prospect Showdown roster was announced on Tuesday we could take a look at it the prospect Camp begins today for the Maple Leafs and some of these names that we're talking about uh they're all going to be there so we'll get a chance to to hear how you know they all look after their uh after their off season and maybe someone is looking to make a push uh for the Maple Leafs with a strong Camp here over the next uh week or so so let's come back talk about some of the names we're keeping an eye on over the week as the prospect Showdown Camp begins that's coming up next here on the lockdown leavs podcast part of the lockon podcast Network it's your team every day we're driven by the search for better when it comes to hiring the best way to search for a candidate isn't to search at all don't search match with indeed if you need to hire you need indeed indeed is your matching hiring platform with over 350 Global monthly visitors according to inded data and a matching engine that helps you find quality candidates fast this the busy work use indeed for scheduling screening and messaging so you can connect with candidates faster and doesn't just help you hire faster 93% of employers agree inded delivers the highest quality matches compared to other job sites according to recent indeed 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having their ear to the ground on uh this week well obviously Ben Danford first round pick we have you know I'm sure some people have watched him in juniors but a lot of people may not have so be the first real chance to see him play so he's one for me um Kade Weber again you signed him late last year a lot of people obviously look at the guy with a lot of size and you know maybe is a little closer you know I don't think he's gonna play in the he could you never know but like you you see a guy that can probably play a lot of minutes with the Marley's this year um obviously we got as you said e Cowen and then the you look at the goalies you got the the two Russians and hild Toby like this is where you hopefully get to see your goal tending development see how far that's come along right um but the one name and I was one name I don't see here and I'm a little I mean maybe there's an injury or there's something we're we're going to hear a little later but William Ville know is not on this roster oh interesting yeah cuz he would be one of those guys who like you think maybe could compete like you know his last year in the American League he was okay it's a guy who W to uh you know played really well in junior former fourth round pick yeah you would think that he would be at uh at a development Camp such as this but don't see him on the roster you're right so Perhaps Perhaps there's an injury and and maybe we'll find out but hopefully he's good to go for training camp maybe he underwent sort of surgery in the off season and you know they don't want to rush him in too too quickly I'm sure that news will come at some point uh yeah but though those are pretty much the the names that you're talking about Nikita grankin I'm actually excited to see to get a look at him you know someone who's been in the the KHL for for quite some time but uh has made his way over to North America I know that he did really really well in the KHL as a youngster which is a tough League to succeed in especially when you are an NA HL team's property uh typically they don't love playing those guys and allowing them to develop but you know grankin had 19 goals last year in 67 games in the KHL for magnor so he's a player I'm excited to to get a to get a look at uh you know Miroslav hinka was a draft pick for the Maple Leaves this year we'll get a chance to to see him as he makes his way over here you know Ty Voit possibly Fraser Minon you know get a chance to to see Fraser min in action once again so there's there's a couple of guys up front that you're excited to see but yeah Ben Danford someone who I think will a lot of eyes are going to be on him to see all right what's what's this kid look like right out of the gate you know first round pick defenseman you know they uh they they they spoke glowingly about him you know possibly could develop a bit of a a two-way game can we see that possibly flourish throughout this Prospect Camp so uh should be a lot of fun uh like I there is going to be a couple days of Camp Wednesday Thursday Friday I believe and then uh they'll be taking on the Montreal Canadians there's G to be two games so it'll basically be like a split Squad tournament type of thing um where it'll be uh the the the map Poli versus the Canadians and you know get a chance to see these guys in game action so I'm excited should be uh should be fun to watch the the Leafs of the future go at it yeah it's it's it's one I think hopefully the format will be a little better than the Travers City Prospect tournament because I think last year like one of the games you couldn't even watch because they had to move it to a different Rank and there was no broadcast set up there yeah that was BR hopefully now that Eric's gonna be at the at the Bell Center there's actually hopefully I don't know how the Canadians will I'm assuming they're going to pres make it presentable for people to watch so um it'll be a very Montreal esque broadcast so probably take a not maybe they send Todd Crocker down there possibly get a little little Leafa coverage there I think that's what they did last year didn't they like Todd Crocker did it for like and they broadcast on the Leaf's YouTube page I'm pretty sure think so and that's that's a possibility too um and if you're going to be sending guys there you might as well send Crocker they usually do it for the for the lot of these tournaments so it would make a lot of sense so um I actually didn't get a chance to look at the Canadian draw see just like how much of the um like their top prospects I'm assuming a lot of them are going to be there at the um at I think yeah I would think Owen Beck Owen Beck's gonna be there Philip uh Mazar is gonna be there Ryan Boer there uh yes Ryan bacher's gonna be there Lane Hudson's gonna be there Logan Mayu will be there um what about uh who's who's the kid they took at fifth over this year is he there the forward oh the Russian Ford I don't see his name yet no he's probably because he's playing in Russia this year so I think actually they're they're already underway Shan frell is gonna be there so oh interesting interesting sha frell okay yeah I don't see I I don't see Ian uh demidov yeah yeah so I I think if he's nowhere close to being uh well I just think I think the KHL Seas is underway already so if he's playing in a KHL which I kind of forgot then they're not going to loan him out for a prospect tournament I can I can guarantee you that that won't be the case the reason why the Leafs KH lers are are taking part in this tournament is because they've now made their way over to North America and we'll be playing with the Marley's this upcoming season like gonan like you know arak tiav and vaseslav pexa um so I'm which I'm excited to to to see those guys play because you know there's been Ray reviews of them coming from the KHL so we'll see if they can translate it onto North America ice and this is kind of the first time that we'll get to see it uh so I'm excited for it all right buddy good stuff uh that'll do it for us here today on the podcast well Mike unfortunately Mike uh uh computer went off at the wrong time but um well thank you guys for listening and for supporting the show make sure you follow the locked on these podcasts wherever you get your podcast from and you're also subscribed to us on YouTube so you make sure you get that content whenever it drops and make sure you follow us on X at locked on Leafs but until then keep it locked right here on locked on Leafs

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