The Book of Eli 2 (2025) Movie | Denzel Washington | Gary Oldman | Mila Kunis | Review & Facts

[Music] e e e e hey there movie lovers welcome to MP movie fa your hub for all things Cinema get ready to dive deep into the world of film with us from the latest Blockbusters to Hidden gems we're here to dissect discuss and debate it all join us every day as we break down The Good The Bad and The downright epic in our honest and insightful movie reviews whether whether you're a DieHard film fanatic or just looking for your next flick to watch we've got you covered so grab your popcorn hit that subscribe button and let's embark on this cinematic journey together the book of Le 2 is an upcoming American post-apocalyptic neow Wester action film will be directed by the Hughes Brothers written by Gary witda and starring Denzel Washington Gary Oldman munies Ray Stevenson and Jennifer Beals the story will evolves around AI a nomad in a post-apocalyptic world who seeks to deliver his copy of a mysterious book to a safe location on the west coast of the United States the 2010 post-apocalyptic Thriller the book of Ali is finally returning but this time it will be on the small screen in the form of a prequel series the aforementioned 2010's cult classic starred Denzel Washington as the mysterious Ali a blind man who traverses the apocalyptic Wasteland as the soul inheritor of Humanity's Last Hope with its gritty Landscapes and exciting action the book of Ali exemplified the sort of action films that Hollywood was producing at the end of the odds unfortunately the book of received mixed reviews from critics and managed to only gross $150 million against an $80 million production budget via Box Office Mojo while those numbers sound impressive the film likely only broke even at best when factoring in the afan advertising and marketing budget which often doubles a film's overall cost nevertheless it became something of a cult hit with the fascinating post-apocalyptic World sparking the interest of fans a sequel has been highly anticipated but now the story returns in the form of a prequel TV series in the first major update for the franchise since the release of the movie in 20110 it has now been confirmed that the book of a prequel series is in the work despite being a developing project several big names have already been attached including Star Wars Alam John boa who will assume the role of a younger version of li who was previously played by Denzel Washington original writer Gary witda is returning as the series Creator executive producer and headwriter besides starring boa will also serve as an executive producer alongside the Hughes brothers who directed the original film despite the exciting opportunity the prequel series to the book of the light is not attached to a streaming service or network and it is likely being shopped around however with such a promising start it won't be long before a Suitor is found so far the only name attached to star in the book of AI prequel series is John boa who will be assuming the role of AI that was originally played by Denzel Washington at this juncture it is impossible to speculate about who will be in the cast and it is highly unlikely that many of the film's other characters could return IL is unknown to every other character in the film so the only way they could appear in the prequel is if they are in a separate storyline since the ending of the book of Ali was a conclusive finale to the titular character story it only makes sense that the prequel series will start before the disaster that caused the apocalypse though nothing is confirmed about the plot the show will likely introduce the world and characters right before the apocalypse and then show how they adjust to the terrible New World the series will also need to show aiz transition from an average person to a skilled fighter on a mission despite the fact that the franchise is returning in a prequel some still clamor for a sequel to continue the story after the conclusion of the movie the question of the book of Al 2 has been floated since 2010 but all evidence seems to suggest the sequel may never happen the conclusiveness of the ending was not only a heart-wrenching finale but it also served the themes of the story to continue the story would do a disservice and completely undo what was built on the other hand the prequel series might help to spark interest in the sequel which could possibly explore other options besides continuing the story past the movie's conclusion for instance the book of alite 2 could be another prequel to The Book of Ali that is set before the 2010 movie but happens after the prequel show if the prequel Series scores big anything is possible for the franchise's future the ending of 2010's post-apocalyptic action movie The Book of Il is steeped in deeper meaning and features a shocking Twist the book of Le follows Denzel Washington as the titular Ali A rugged Survivor traversing a post-apocalyptic Wasteland in possession of a mysterious book that it's quickly apparent many are willing to kill for though the average critical response was negative some praised the book of ai's gripping plot and exciting Twist on the post-apocalyptic genra even among a wealth of other films tackling the same subject the book of La manages to World build in a way that is constantly compelling set and the movie grossed over $150 million via Box Office Mojo The Book of Eli surprises viewers with a bounty of twists while never turning its back on the strong use of symbolism that carries throughout the plot this heavy thematic depth also means the book of Le ending leaves plenty to unpack a fact responsible for its cult success over a decade after its debut after securing the book which is revealed to be an intact copy of the Bible at the end of the book of a li the evil Bill Carnegie Gary Oldman returns to his town and enlists the help of the engineer Tom weits to break the lock that holds it closed meanwhile elay and salara milakunis ared in the remains of San Francisco and row out to alcatra Island where they are greeted by Lombardi Malcolm McDowell and his people who are working to preserve the sum of human knowledge that came before the nuclear Holocaust that wiped out civilization Carnegie manages to get Li's Bible open only to discover that it was written in bra and there is no way he can read it though he loses the Bible in the fight with Carnegie La remembers its entire contents by heart and can recount the words to Lar party who eagerly begins writing everything down back in town Carnegie is confronted by Claudia who refuses to translate the Braille for him and alerts him that his quest to secure the book has led him to lose control of his city after recounting the Bible in its entirety Eli eventually dies and the freshly printed Bible is placed among a Shelf full of other holy books in the final scenes of the book of AI Solara opts not to stay at the Alcatraz sanctuary and takes El's sword as she returns home across the Wasteland though the book of el gives very little indication that El cannot see it nevertheless pulls a shocking Twist by revealing that he is blind one of the things that make the book of Al an underrated to Van in 10 sci-fi movie is that it continues to push its concept further and further and Eli's blindness isn't just a meaningless twist brilliantly revealed in the scene where Carnegie discovers the Bible is in Braille the twist ending comes about slowly as opposed to being a moment that overemphasizes itself and it completely changes the book of Eli's story unlike many other movie twists that make a rewatch unnecessary the reveal of Eli's blindness makes the book of a a more compelling experience on a second viewing Eli's blindness also makes him more dynamic because his very existence becomes symbolic throughout the movie Eli espouses the power and importance of fath faith and though he never uses the exact words faith has always been described as blind belief Eli is the living embodiment of Faith because he allows himself to be led by a higher power on an adventure that would normally be impossible for someone who is visually impaired action movies where the main character dies are rare but the book of LA's ending is made better because El doesn't survive instead of giving him an all guns blazing finale that would have tipped the movie into ilar territory Eli's morose and subtle death is appropriate for a character who isn't an action hero by choice Eli's death at the end of The Book of Eli is almost a necessity because it reflects elements of the Bible and the many other figures who also met their end in pursuit of Faith the gunshot wounds Eli suffers from Carnegie earlier in the movie lead to his death but not before he can impart his knowledge of the Bible to Lombardi having made the ultimate sacrifice El trades his life to protect the religion he holds dear and he mirrors Christian Martyrs who would later become Saints in some denominations the power of sacrifice is one of the central tenants of most religions but it is especially important in Christianity when considering the story of Jesus and his death in the New Testament something the hero's journey in the book of La mirrors despite not being a critical success the book of Al is anything but a disposable Blockbuster with no substance nearly every aspect of the story serves some larger purpose in the grand scheme of things and the plot is Rich with meaning the book of Le makes it clear in the end that Christianity isn't the sole specific message that is to be taken away from the story because the newly printed Bible takes its place among other holy books instead The Book of Eli is ultimately about the power of ideas and how they can be wielded for good and bad purposes Carnegie wanted to used the Bible as a means of controlling the minds of those around him while Lombardi and Eli were keepers of knowledge who only wanted to benefit Humanity ironically IL cryptically suggests in the voice over that the apocalyptic War was fought over religion which makes his mission all the more imperative in the end the book of Al doesn't endorse one religion over another but instead warns of the power of such powerful belief and shows how there can be intense good as well as unfathomed able evil that can spring from the very same well of ideas The Book of Eli has been a cult success as far as post-apocalyptic movies go with many fans hoping for a sequel while there are currently no plans for the book of La 2 there is another project that will extend the fascinating story a book of a li prequel series starring John boa is currently in development with screenwriter Gary wiet to return the book of a li prequel show is still in development with Studio alen television entertainment behind the project it's currently unknown which network or streaming service the series will arrive on as it's currently being shopped to various different potential buyers the show was announced in January 2024 and news has been scarce in the time since while there are very few details it is known that would a plans for boa to Star as a younger version of a life given the time frame of the 2010 movie it's entirely possible that the show will include the apocalypse that occurred before the book of Le began showing how the characters in the movie became the heroes and villains seen in the original film there is also a chance of course that if the prequel series is a success that the book of alite 2 could then follow the book of Ali was a big hit when it was released in 2010 and there's still a question of whether there will be a book of aite 2 though the movie failed to impress most critics the post-apocalyptic neow Western was still praiseworthy for its unique take on the genre the book of Ali also fared well at the box office and managed to gross over $150 million via Box Office Mojo thanks to the star power of Denzel Washington in the lead role as is usually the case with blockbuster movies speculation regarding a sequel to the book ofly started up almost immediately after its release with the hope that viewers would get to see more of the postapocalyptic landscape with similar movies like Mad Max blossoming into full-fledged franchises the idea of an extended Universe for the book of Al isn't entirely out of the question however with so much time passed since the originals release the chances of a book of a 2 Grow Slimmer and Slimmer with each year what really fanned the Flames of a potential sequel to the book of Ali was the character evolution of Solara played by munis while she started off timid and unsure Solara had seemingly replaced El following his death at the end of the book of elij and her decision to leave the sanctuary of alcatra Island obviously meant she had unfinished business in her hometown Solara would be a perfect character to lead a sequel and the possibility to expand the universe of the first film could be found in her adventures speaking with Hindustan timeses coonies denied any chance of a book of a life followup when she said I don't think there should be a sequel I think the purpose of the story ends it's done considering the fact that the story could only really continue with Solara the chances of the book of La 2 are essentially none without coonies on board a recast would completely rob a sequel of its power even if it tied up some of the Loose Ends from the first film with so many years between releases the book of alite 2 would have to be nearly perfect to succeed another big reason why the book of Elite 2 is highly unlikely is that the ending of the original film wraps up the story concisely while it doesn't explicitly explain everything the ending of the book of La is strong enough to finish the story on a powerful note with nothing else needed to complete the experience solara's character change was the perfect way to send the audience home happy but it didn't necessarily warrant a sequel furthermore Eli's blindness twist was also a satisfying surprise to cap off the story with the title character dying triumphantly after completing his mission the main message of the book A had been fulfilled Eli successfully delivers the Bible into the hands of Lombardi through his memory and it's clear that Carnegie's power has slipped and his Empire has crumbled science fiction films rarely get as definitive an ending as the book of a light and a potential book of ALU would only serve to harm its Legacy despite the stress that came with playing f in the Star Wars franchise John boa's career has been rolling on since appearing in the Star Wars sequel Trilogy boa starred in The Woman King and Netflix's they cloned tyrum boa is even expected to reprise his role as Moses and Joe cornish's Attack the Block sequel still some fans do want him to get another shot at Finn believing the Star Wars sequel Trilogy sold the character short while Star Wars May provide new opportunities for boa to return the actor may actually be busier than ever after being lined up for the prequel TV series to the book of AI that 2010 film starred Denzel Washington as a li a mysterious stranger roaming a post-apocalyptic America with a unique book while it received mixed reviews from critics it did well at the box office making over $157 million off an $80 million budget it was one of that era's most popular films which now has fans interested in how the threads laid down in the future could pave the way for a backstory with boa as a younger El directed by Alan and Albert Hughes the book of Al had El killing many people in the Wasteland his job was to Traverse a mad maxlike desert and get the book to a secret location out west a place he didn't even know IL remained dedicated though claiming he heard a voice that directed him to find the book when Society fell fell and then gave him this ethereal Mission unfortunately El ran a foul of Carnegie played by Gary Oldman a Sinister man who wanted the book it turned out to be a copy of the new King James version of the Bible along with almost all the nation's literature all books were destroyed right after a nuclear disaster that drove the world into famine drought and illness this subsequently led to a world where people became hijackers rapists slaver and cannibals Carnegie felt that once he could get the Bible he could weaponize it pray on the minds of the vulnerable and get people to follow him it would make him a messiah Grant him Cults from town to town and enable him to capitalize on the Blind Faith of the uneducated when Carnegie finally got his hands on the Bible a shocking twist ensued Eli was revealed to be blind the book itself was written in Braille which meant it couldn't be cracked at Carnegie's lair not even by one of the blind women Carnegie had as a consort Claudia it left Carnegie bitter because he sacrificed so much to get the book without it his Empire crumbled into chaos and his damaged leg rotted away from the war with a light Claudia however did seem to hide that she could have translated it but just wanted to make Carnegie pay she also knew El I was a good man who didn't want the Bible being misappropriated the book of Lee ends with dark Karma for Carnegie but it's still tragic for a life he managed to escape Carnegie's war with Claudia's daughter Salada they finally got to their destination out west to a community that hid literature and other works of art becoming the last Bastion for creativity there Eli rattled off the Bible from memory as he kept reading it for 30 years the hidden sect wrote down his words and reproduced the book using a printing press sadly Eli succumbed to his injuries after being shot by Carnegie still as a man of Faith he was glad he could save Solara from being one of Carnegie's prostitutes and find a way to keep spreading the good word hearing him reciting the words was made even more sympathetic by his confession where he admitted in protecting the book he became a hypocrite and a sinner he let criminals run aunder and oppress folks all because he was focused on his mission in that sense IL turned a blind die to Mankind's suffering and plight only becoming a vigilante when it directly affected him but he died in peace and redeemed himself by rescuing Solara an act that helped give him his Humanity back as such he begged for forgiveness before he died believing he had served the way the Lord would have approved of at last this finale did leave fans wondering exactly what shaped him into a man of prayer and how he got so broken along the way the book of prequel can look at a few things that shaped El's history firstly it can explore the actual nuclear blast in the sky why it happened and how I became blind it's implied he stared into the flash which burned his vision away this can illustrate how he adapted to his heightened senses and became a deadly warrior with his blade and guns from the way I got a purpose and turned into some sort of Defender it has parallels to a daredevil story Marvel TV told Matt Murdoch's Journey after the chemical accident made him blind and turned him a holy Warrior as well like the comics Matt used his Catholic religion to fuel him moving past losing family members and deciding to protect Hell's Kitchen not just as a lawyer but a Man Without Fear fans did enjoy Daredevil's battles against Kingpin bulai and such to the point that Disney plus seems to be continuing the Netflix Daredevil narrative however ever Daredevil did have a flaw in his history he used religion conveniently he committed sins of the Flesh and only turned to the church when he needed a morale boost the book of el can use its blind Soldier differently and show that the righteous path isn't a switch to flick on and off outside of revealing Eli's transformation from what seems to be a military man to a super soldier it can lean into his faith before the accident Eli hinted he was a devout Christian PRI which the show can use to explain why the voice called out to him it can further explore him learning other special abilities a scene when Carnegie's men couldn't hit him with bullets and where some actually bounced off the metal book casing in his bag basically IL had a holy Shield so the series could detail him adapting to it and realizing that he has to carry his faith at all times as pockets of civilization erode the way audiences have seen in the likes of The Walking Dead this will influence iie making the choice to accept his fate in a decrepit morally decaying Society 30 years before the movie This creates room to see him shaping his survivalist code never attack unless attacked know which friends or family influenced him and who he lost along the way such an approach would paint La as Resolute and religious in the face of adversity on a constant basis and not like Daredevil who uses his faith selectively even Matt's friends and fellow superheroes called him out on how fickle his moral compass has been in the comics with Daredevil himself being grief stricken over how he uses the Bible as a crutch and excuse to punish people seeing religion with AI at all junctures and then being the man's spiritual guide would provide a more comprehensive nuanced and emotive understanding of why I let religion heal him rather than enrage him all these subarcs would eventually inform how would adjust his his religious views to suit the times in a more understandable empathy-driven manner than Daredevil ultimately IL accepting the sanctity of religion is something Solara admired which would make this prequel the perfect Capstone as to why she grew to care for him and how he let the voice of religion amid his flaws walk with him through valleys and shadows in a Barren cruel dystopia when it comes to post-apocalyptic movies of the 2010s there's one that always seems to go unappreciated the book of La the 2010 Thriller sees La Denzel Washington traveling across the nuclear Wasteland of the United States with a mysterious package that he's compelled to deliver to the West Coast it's an action-packed pilgrimage for the lone Wanderer who fends off vicious looters and cannibals with his surprisingly brutal fighting tactics elay is carrying the new King James version of the Bible and unfortunately he meets a vicious Warlord Carnegie Gary Oldman who wants to use the Bible as a means of controlling the survivors because faith will give them something to follow Washington and Oldman are also joined by milakunis who plays salara a young woman alive from Carnegie settlement who winds up joining him along his journey by the end of the film it's revealed that Eli is blind and that the Bible itself is in Braille this surprising twist may not have been particularly well received since the the movie has a 47% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes but there's still plenty of love for the 2010 movie The Emotional ending sees salara pick up A's mantle as a protector of the innocent as she heads back out into the world with his machete and sunlasses since the movie implies salara goes on a new adventure of her own will there be a book of ALU it doesn't look like there will ever be a book of a Liu the first film wraps up its main story ending with Eli's death after completing his mission to take the Bible to the printing press in San Francisco and only leaves a little room for a sequel with Solara going out on her own according to milakunis it sounds like there's never been a plan to CH out a second film when speaking to the Hindustan times in 2010 the that 7s show alumna explained that it doesn't need a sequel this would be a very weird movie to have a sequel let's be honest with the purpose of the film I don't foresee it happening and I haven't heard anything so I'm going to say no I don't think there should be a sequel I think the purpose of the story ends it's done John boa is set to play a younger version of Denzel Washington's apocalypse Survivor in a prequel to The Book of a light boa will also executive produce the new series which is currently being shopped to buyers deadline reports that BOA is working alongside Gary wi who wrote the original film and Albert and Alan Hughes the directing Duo who helmed it the prequel series will take place 30 years before the events of the 2010 film it took place approximately 30 years after a nuclear catastrophe ravaged the Earth so this series will likely take place in the immediate wake of it boa has science fiction bonafides his breakout role came in Joe cornish's Alien Invasion pick Attack the Block which now has a sequel in production that BOA will co-write he further burnished His science fiction credentials with his role as Rebel Stormtrooper Finn in the Star Wars sequel Trilogy which kicked off with a force awakens in 2015 Boer recently starred in they clone Tyrone a Sci-Fi comedy from juwel Taylor he has also appeared in the woman King small axe and breaking the book of Ali will be his first major television lead role released in the book of Ali starred Washington as the titular Ali A Wanderer in a post-apocalyptic Earth who seeks to deliver an important mysterious book to a secret refuge on alcatra island El is one of the few people who can read in the crumbling ruins of the world along the way he passes through a town ruled by Carnegie Gary Oldman Carnegie soon becomes his enemy but El befriends his mistress Claudia Jennifer Beals and her daughter Solara munis together he and Solara set out to deliver his book before Carnegie and the rest of the apocalyptic scavengers can take it and their lives the film also starred Ray Stevenson Michael gambin Tom weights and Malcolm McDow the film received mixed reviews from critics and holds a 47% rotten rating on Rotten Tomatoes but it was successful at the box office earning $157 million us on an $80 million budget together the Hughes Brothers broke out with their searing crime drama Menace Roman 2 society and went on to direct Dead Presidents and from Hell the book of aot is their last collaborative effort the two have gone their separate ways Albert directed the good Lord bird and last year's John Wick spin off the Continental while Allan directed Broken City in 2013 whito wrote After Earth and Rogue one a Star Wars story and wrote for the video game for spoken last year the book of takes place in 2043 the world is in Ruins after the last great war and an event alluded to as the flash which blinded a good majority of the population The Bleak atmosphere is brilliantly set up within the film's first few minutes there's an ash covered Forest where a soldier's corpse lies rotting on the ground a hairless cat crawls up and begins to gnaw on The solders Remains the camera tracks back to to reveal a man in a gas mask with a bow and arrow waiting patiently for the moment to strike the arrow Soares through the air stopping in slow motion to split a piece of Ash and hits the cat now that's what I call a lean post-apocalyptic dinner the best thing about this movie is the confidence and Artistry of the directors the Hughes Brothers may have taken some time off since from hell but they've come back stronger and with an even clearer sense of style and storytelling movie about a guy carrying the Bible across the country because he was divinely told to do so might be a stretch or seem way too heavy-handed in the wrong directorial hands but the Hughes Brothers balanced the message of Faith with an incredibly gritty world that's oversaturated from the Sun burning through the ozone and filled with characters that are so lost you believe their only salvation could be this book the pace the movie flows with gives the audience room to breathe in between action scenes the action scenes are direct in a very coherent way which seems unheard of in films lately to actually be able to see what's going on in an action scene not just flashy MTV Style Annoying Cuts all over the place and shaky hand held cameras making the audience nauseated instead of thrilled I also feel the film's theme isn't too much of a stretch saying that the Bible is the world's greatest weapon people use Faith to heal and bring each other together but there are others that use it for fear mongering and as a means to marginalize and control others Carnegie wants the book so he can have the words to strike fear in people so they will look to him for guidance he will be their Messiah W wants the book to be protected and knows he has to take the book West that's his Divine Purpose it's a science fiction movie where instead of Technology being our downfall it was religion what's the difference one of the most intriguing elements of the film for me was when Lee goes to a shop to get his iPod battery charged and the shop owner barters with him for items of value but the items of value aren't money or anything you'd expect if the world went to hell and Society broke down there was no more water because the irrigation pipes won't function properly and the Earth is turned into a desert Wasteland water would be more precious than gold and it is treated as such in this film people literally themselves out for this precious commodity Peaks the pawn shop owners's attention most with moist towlettes cleanliness is hard to come by in this grungy world I really liked the realistic portrayal of how things we take for granted now would become something that's sought after in a crumbling Society the acting is topnotch in this film as well not a loose Link in the chain Denzel Washington is quiet and reserved but packs one hell of a punch if you try to disrupt his quest Gary Oldman is at the top of his game as usual as the devious single-minded Carnegie and even Mila Kuni shines in a role that's more underplayed and vulnerable than any character I've seen her play with each movie She's and I'm happy to see her get further and further away from her That 70s Show type casting the thugs in Carnegie's gang are about as villainous grimy and menacing as they come making it all the more kickass when Alli takes them out one by one with a swift cut of his machete is the the end of the world really the subject that entertainment wants to Thrill us with nowadays with knowing and the road movies that feature apocalypse just keep coming maybe after filmmakers realize they use too much of that subject in too many movies for 11 12month period they'll get back to other stuff with the book of LA and Legion seeming to finish off the 12-month period of end of the world movies it seems as though the genre will be left alone for a long time but the Book of Eli is a good movie not as strong as the road but not as confusing as knowing it's a slick well-made end of the world Western if you will a cataclysmic event dubbed as the war obliterated almost everything and everybody on Earth what exactly happened I'm not quite sure I think there was a war that tore a hole in the sky as a character says how did this war begin and when did it end I'm not quite sure of that one either anyway 30 years later survivors of the war try to make their best to survive this Wasteland that was once America everything is valuable now especially water everyone has to wear sunglasses because of the sun's new rotation or brightness or whatever some survivors just like in the road have stooped to cannibalism it truly is a Mad World the main character is a man who should be called Eli Denzel Washington but strangely enough we hardly ever hear his name but since the movie is titled the book of a light we are forced to refer to this man as a li he's a mysterious traveler who walks non-stop heading west where he believes that the last King James Bible which he has in his possession and reads from time to time will be safe from others who would use it to manipulate other people in this damaged world for the worst oh yeah and Elia is also handy with a knife in one scene in the beginning he takes down a whole band of thugs with just 10 seconds he has also been heading west for a number of years saying he walks by faith and not by sight in that case maybe he only thought he was heading west all these years well as it turns out there is someone out to take possession of the King James Bible and has been looking for it since everyone burned them all during the war this is Carnegie Gary Oldman the ruler of a western town who of course has his own band of thugs by his side including a bald musliman and a scrawny Wise Guy Winn walks through this town and is given Hospitality by Carnegie it isn't long before the Bible is discovered and a bloodbath is sure to be drawn for it Carnegie is an evil man but played by Oldman as a calm dictator who isn't Broad in a way that we wouldn't believe he could possibly do such Deeds he is also married to a blind abused woman named Claudia Jennifer Beals who wasn't blinded by the war but was born this way and was in some way lucky when the event occurred Carnegie abuses Claudia to control her daughter salara milakunis who is a prostitute in Carnegie's bar salara later accompanies elay in his NeverEnding quest to bring the Bible to safety and there they meet two characters who are as strange and deluded as anybody in the road a husband and wife survivalist couple named George and Martha but more on them when you watch the movie which is bold inventive and Powerful it's also phenomenal in the ways of the performances by the actors Denzel Washington is at the top of his game here as a li he plays this complicated mysterious person with a right note and with a great deal of edginess Washington is great in this movie and Gary Oldman is brilliant as the villain with a fine line between calmness and irrationality I should also give special notice to the performances by milonis and Jennifer Beals both of which carry the best performances of their individual careers now the final half of this movie is a bit flawed and sort of uneasy to follow it also carries one of the most surprising plot twists in recent memory but directed by the Hughes brothers who previously directed Menace Roman 2 Society it's very well-made and the cinematography is suitably Bleak just like the scenes that followed in the book of a life the terrain is Barren and colorless and the sun always seems to be shining its harsh poisonous Rays The Wretched landscape is peppered with survivors scrounging for leftover supplies water and human meat on his voyage hey meets a number of characters played by big actors in small pointless cameos Tom weights and Michael gambin to name too things get worrisome when a watches as a motorcycle gang murders and rapes a couple on the road taking their supplies he vows to continue on his path and not get involved the gang brings the coup's books back to their ring leader in the town ahead a power Monger named Carnegie Gary Oldman who desperately searches for a copy of the Bible of course Carnegie soon learns of Eli's book and trouble ensues ili and Carnegie are the same they both know the Bible's power but they want to use it in different ways Eli just wants to continue continue with his mission which he claims was given to him by The Voice the Crim Lord Carnegie wants to become the next Billy Graham and lead the world's Collective stragglers into a new civilization if only to enjoy the power that comes with a position the movie turns into an actioner when Carnegie sends hordes of goons to gal's book and our hero teamed with Carnegie's sympathetic and religiously curious employee salara milakunis kills just about all of them the most admirable aspect of the production is its use of Washington in a samurai escroll traveling the spare Road like a ronin with a purpose Washington is very much a singular toiro miume like character here more of an action hero than he's ever been before the fight scenes are clearly described and enjoyable to follow with a camera placed at a distance so the audience can see every detail of the violence as it unfolds it's not muddled with extreme close-ups and shacky C photography we watch as A's massive knife cuts through people or as El takes down a dozen armed men with a pistol and the Hughes Brothers keep us aware of space and setting throughout never losing us in their formal flourishes there's a big reveal concerning Eli in the final moments that you may not see coming though the twist won't be described here those of you who see the movie can imagine how much more powerful the film would have been had we learned Eli's secret much earlier in the film it may have elevated the story to the level that filmmakers were doubtless trying to achieve But ultimately didn't what spoils the movie is that the audience is left wondering what purpose the Bible will have given where the story leaves off was the reason for Al's journey to spread the word of God or to Simply Supply the religious perspective to a group of historians Gathering data on what Humanity used to be what significance do aiz actions have in the grand scheme compare the book of to last year's very similar the road and you'll find there's no comparison at all everything that John hilot did with emotional gut punches and Stark introspective scenes the Hughes Brothers do with action and Blind Faith in religion Hill coat's film knew that in this fried all hope is gone world to put your faith in religion didn't help much that the end was coming no matter what you believed the Hughes Brothers film thinks just the opposite that religion will save every because it has the ability to collect people and force them to take action in the name of God Carnegie believes this with every fiber of his being and perhaps he's right undoubtedly audiences will decide which film they prefer based on their own religious convictions the Hughes Brothers have made an admirable film they've beautifully photographed a gray blasted desert Wasteland and made it completely believable they keep their composure in allowing their story to play out their approach is patient but in the end rather enigmatic about what kind of story they want to tell is this a Yojimbo tale a yarn about a lone badass traveling through town and leaving a trail of bodies behind him or maybe it's something more like Tolkien a vast Journey made by a meditative traveler the Hughes Brothers try for both because they couldn't decide and so the combination of their confused purpose heavy violence and potentially significant themes make the story feel confused while enjoyable it's unclear what audiences are supposed to take away from it the book ofly Stars Denzel Washington as a lone Wanderer making his way across a post nuclear Holocaust America Scavenging and scraping to survive and well Adept at it the film opens with a really riveting scene slowly panning across a wooded area covered in Ash and with more Ash still falling from the sky here we get our introduction to denzo and a feel for his skills and patience things are desolate and times are desperate there aren't a lot of people left alive and it's been long enough since the destructive event that anything I comes across has already been completely picked over by other people scavening to survive we don't meet anyone else for a while spending time with AI alone and it gives us a feel for his lonely existence eventually he comes to a town run by man named Carnegie Gary old man Carnegie has been sending out a pack of dirt bag Marauders to look for a mysterious book that he believes will give him power El is just passing through but of course we have the required bar fight which brings him to the attention of Carnegie carnegi is impressed by 's handling of himself against multiple opponents and wants him to stay but IL is on a journey and this is not his final destination IL meets Solara milakunis who at first is employed to try to get cooperation from Eli based on her feminine WS of course it turns out that Eli has the book that Carnegie has been seeking and has no intention of turning it over to be used for evil purposes and from here on out the story is about Carnegie trying to get the book from elii and having a difficult time of it despite seemingly having the upper hand in both Manpower and weapons IL is unknown to every other character in the film so the only way they could appear in the prequel is if they are in a separate storyline since the ending of the book of Al was a conclusive finale to the titular character story it only makes sense that the prequel series will start before the disaster that caused the apocalypse though nothing is confirmed about the plot the show will likely introduce the world and characters right before the apocalypse and then show how they adjust to the terrible New World the series will also need to show a life's transition from an average person to a skilled figh on a mission despite the fact that the franchise is returning in a prequel some still clamor for a sequel to continue the story after the conclusion of the movie the question of the book of a 2 has been floated since 2010 but all evidence seems to suggest the sequel may never happen the conclusiveness of the ending was not only a heart-wrenching finale but it also served the themes of the story to continue the story would do a disservice and completely undo what was built on the other hand the prequel series might help to spark interest in the sequel which could possibly explore other options besides continuing the story past the movie's conclusion for instance the book of alite 2 could be another prequel to The Book of AI that is set before the 2010 movie but happens after the prequel show if the prequel Series scores big anything is possible for the franchise's future the ending of 2010's post-apocalyptic action movie The Book of La is steeped in deeper meaning and features a shocking Twist the book of La follows Denzel Washington as the titular Ali A rugged Survivor traversing a post-apocalyptic Wasteland in possession of a mysterious book that it's quickly apparent many are willing to kill for though the average critical response was negative some praised the book of Ali's gripping plot and exciting Twist on the post-apocalyptic genre even among a wealth of other films tackling the same subject the book of La manages to World build in a way that is constantly compelling set and the movie grossed over $150 million via Box Office Mojo the book of Ali surprises viewers with a bounty of twists while never turning its back on the strong use of symbolism that carries throughout the plot this heavy thematic depth also means the book of a Le ending leaves plenty to unpack a fact responsible for its cult success over a decade after its day after securing the book which is revealed to be an intact copy of the Bible at the end of the book of a lie the evil Bill carnegy Gary Oldman returns to his town and enlists the help of the engineer Tom weits to break the lock that holds it closed meanwhile elay and salara milakunis arrive in the remains of San Francisco and row out to alcatra Island where they are greeted by Lombardi Malcolm McDow and his people who are working to preserve the sum of human knowledge that came before the nuclear Holocaust that wiped out civilization Carnegie manages to get Li's Bible open only to discover that it was written in brail and there is no way he can read it though he loses the Bible in the fight with Carnegie La remembers its entire contents by heart and can recount the words to Lombardi who eagerly begins writing everything down back in town carnegi is confronted by Claudia who refuses to translate the Braille for him and alerts him that his quest to secure the book has led him to lose control of his city after recounting the Bible in its entirety IL eventually dies and the freshly printed Bible is placed among a Shelf full of other holy books in the final scenes of the book of AI salara opts not to stay at the Alcatraz sanctuary and takes a sword as she returns home across the Wasteland though the book of La gives very little indication that La cannot see it nevertheless pulls a shocking twist by revealing that he is blind one of the things that make the book of a an underrated Tov 10 sci-fi movie is that it continues to push its concept further and further and Eli's blindness isn't just a meaningless twist brilliantly revealed in the scene where Carnegie discovers the Bible is in Braille the twist ending comes about slowly as opposed to being a moment that overemphasizes itself and it completely changes the book of a li story unlike many other movie twists that make a rewatch unnecessary the reveal of Eli's blindness makes the book of Al a more compelling experience on a second viewing Eli's blindness also makes him more dynamic because his very existence becomes symbolic throughout the movie Eli espouses the power and importance of faith and though he never uses the exact words faith has always been described as blind belief Eli is the living embodiment of Faith because he allows himself to be led by a a higher power on an adventure that would normally be impossible for someone who is visually impaired action movies where the main character dies are rare but the book of El's ending is made better because El doesn't survive instead of giving him an all gun's blazing finale that would have tipped the movie into sillier territory Eli's morose and subtle death is appropriate for a character who isn't an action hero by choice Eli's death at the end of The Book of Eli is almost a necess because it reflects elements of the Bible and the many other figures who also met their end in pursuit of Faith the gunshot wounds El suffers from Carnegie earlier in the movie lead to his death but not before he can impart his knowledge of the Bible to Lombardi having made the ultimate sacrifice IL trades his life to protect the religion he holds dear and he mirrors Christian Martyrs who would later become Saints in some denomination the power of sacrifice is one of the central tenants of most religions but it is especially important in Christianity when considering the story of Jesus and his death in the New Testament something the hero's journey in the book of La mirrors despite not being a critical success the book of La is anything but a disposable Blockbuster with no substance nearly every aspect of the story serves some larger purpose in the grand scheme of things and the plot is Rich with meaning the book of Le makes it clear in the end that Christianity isn't the sole specific message that is to be taken away from the story because the newly printed Bible takes its place among other holy books instead The Book of Eli is ultimately about the power of ideas and how they can be wielded for good and bad purposes Carnegie wanted to use the Bible as a means of controlling the minds of those around him while Lombardi and Eli were keepers of knowledge who only wanted to benefit Humanity ironically Illy cryptic suggests in the voice over that the apocalyptic war was fought over religion which makes his mission all the more imperative in the end the book of Ali doesn't endorse one religion over another but instead warns of the power of such powerful belief and shows how there can be intense good as well as unfathomable evil that can spring from the very same well of ideas The Book of Eli has been a cult success as far as post-apocalyptic movies go with many fans hoping for a sequel while there are currently no plans for the book of La 2 there is another project that will extend the fascinating story a book of a li prequel series starring John boa is currently in development with screenwriter Gary wit set to return the book of a prequel show is still in development with Studio alen television entertainment behind the project it's currently unknown which network or streaming service the series will arrive on as it's currently being being shopped to various different potential buyers the show was announced in January 2024 and news has been scarce in the time since while there are very few details it is known that WD plans for boa to Star as a younger version of AI given the time frame of the 2010 movie it's entirely possible that the show will include the apocalypse that occurred before the book ofly began showing how the characters in the movie became the heroes and villains seen in the original film there is also a chance of course that if the prequel series is a success that the book of Le 2 could then follow the book of Ali was a big hit when it was released in 2010 and there's still a question of whether there will be a book of alite too though the movie failed to impress most critics the post-apocalyptic neow Western was still praiseworthy for its unique take on the genre the book of Le also fared well at the box office and managed to gross over150 million via Box Office Mojo thanks to the star power of Denzel Washington in the lead role as is usually the case with blockbuster movies speculation regarding a sequel to the book A started up almost immediately after its release with the hope that viewers would get to see more of the post-apocalyptic landscape with similar movies like Mad Max blossoming into full-fledged franchises the idea of an extended Universe for the book of a isn't entirely out of the question however with so much time passed since the originals release the chances of a book of Al 2 Grow Slimmer and Slimmer with each year what really fanned the Flames of a potential sequel to the book of alai was the character evolution of Solara played by milakunis while she started off timid and unsure salara had seemingly replaced elay following his death at the end of the book of alide and her decision to leave the sanctuary of alcatra Island obviously meant she had unfished business in her hometown Solara would be a perfect character to lead a sequel and the possibility to expand the universe of the first film could be found in her adventures speaking with Hindustan times coonies denied any chance of a book of a life followup when she said I don't think there should be a sequel I think the purpose of the story ends it's done considering the fact that the story could only really continue with Solara the chances of the book of a 2 are as essentially none without coonies on board a recast would completely rob a sequel of its power even if it tied up some of the Loose Ends from the first film with so many years between releases the book of Al 2 would have to be nearly perfect to succeed another big reason why the book of alite 2 is highly unlikely is that the ending of the original film wraps up the story concisely while it doesn't explicitly explain everything the ending of the book of La is strong enough to to finish the story on a powerful note with nothing else needed to complete the experience solara's character change was the perfect way to send the audience home happy but it didn't necessarily warrant a sequel furthermore Eli's blindness twist was also a satisfying surprise to cap off the story with the title character dying triumphantly after completing his mission the main message of the book of La had been fulfilled Eli successfully delivers the Bible into the hand of Lombardi through his memory and it's clear that Carnegie's power has slipped and his Empire has crumbled science fiction films rarely get as definitive an ending as the book of aite and a potential book of alite 2o would only serve to harm its Legacy despite the stress that came with playing Finn in the Star Wars franchise John boa's career has been rolling on since appearing in the Star Wars sequel Trilogy boa starred in The Woman King and Netflix is as they cloned Tyro boa is even expected to reprise his role as Moses and Joe cornish's Attack the Block sequel still some fans do want him to get another shot at Finn believing the Star Wars sequel Trilogy sold the character short while Star Wars May provide new opportunities for boa to return the actor may actually be busier than ever after being lined up for the prequel TV series to the book of 11 that 2010 film starred Den Washington ASI a mysterious stranger roaming a post-apocalyptic America with a unique book while it received mixed reviews from critics it did well at the box office making over $157 million off an $80 million budget it was one of that era's most popular films which now has fans interested in how the threads laid down in the future could pave the way for a backstory with boa as a younger Elite directed by Alan and Albert Hughes The Book of Eli had killing many people in the Wasteland his job was to Traverse a mad maxlike desert and get the book to a secret location out west a place he didn't even know IL remained dedicated though claiming he heard a voice that directed him to find the book when Society fell and then gave him this ethereal Mission unfortunately El ran a foul of Carnegie played by Gary Oldman a Sinister man who wanted the book it turned out to to be a copy of the new King James version of the Bible along with almost all the nation's literature all books were destroyed right after a nuclear disaster that drove the world into famine drought and illness this subsequently led to a world where people became hijackers rapists slavers and cannibals Carnegie felt that once he could get the Bible he could weaponize it pray on the minds of the vulnerable and get people to follow him it would make him a messiah Grant him Cults from town to town and enable him to capitalize on the Blind Faith of the uneducated when Carnegie finally got his hands on the Bible a shocking twist ensued Eli was revealed to be blind the book itself was written in Braille which meant it couldn't be cracked at Carnegie's Lair not even by one of the blind women Carnegie had as a conort Claudia it left Carnegie bitter because he sacrificed so much to get the book without it his EMP fire crumbled into chaos and his damaged leg rotted away from the war with AI Claudia however did seem to hide that she could have translated it but just wanted to make Carnegie pay she also knew Eli was a good man who didn't want the Bible being misappropriated the book of Lee ends with dark karma for Carnegie but it's still tragic for AI he managed to escape Carnegie's war with Claudia's daughter solada they finally got to their destination out west to a Comm that hid literature and other works of art becoming the last Bastion for creativity there Eli rattled off the Bible from memory as he kept reading it for 30 years the hidden sect wrote down his words and reproduced the book using a printing press sadly Eli succumbed to his injuries after being shot by Carnegie still as a man of Faith he was glad he could save Solara from being one of Carnegie's prostitutes and find a way to keep spreading the good good word hearing him reciting the words was made even more sympathetic by his confession where he admitted in protecting the book he became a hypocrite and a sinner he let criminals run aunder and oppress folks all because he was focused on his mission in that sense Illy turned a blind eye to Mankind's suffering and plight only becoming a vigilante when it directly affected him but he died in peace and redeemed himself by rescuing salara and asked that helped give him his Humanity back as such he begged for forgiveness before he died believing he had served the way the Lord would have approved of at last this finale did leave fans wondering exactly what shaped him into a man of prayer and how he got so broken along the way the book of La prequel can look at a few things that shaped Eli's history firstly it can explore the actual nuclear blast in the sky why it happened and how became blind it's implied he stared into the flash which burned his vision away this can illustrate how he adapted to his heightened senses and became a deadly warrior with his blade and guns from the way IL got a purpose and turned into some sort of Defender it has parallels to a daredevil story Marvel TV told Matt Murdoch's Journey after the chemical accident made him blind and turned him a holy Warrior as well like the comics Matt used his Catholic religion to fuel him moving past losing family members and deciding to protect Hell's Kitchen not just as a lawyer but a Man Without Fear fans did enjoy Daredevil's battles against kingin Bullseye and such to the point that Disney plus seems to be continuing the Netflix Daredevil narrative however Daredevil did have a flaw in his history he used religion conveniently he committed sins of the Flesh and only turned to the church when he needed a morale boost the book of AI can use its blind Soldier differently and show that the righteous path isn't a switch to flick on and off outside of revealing Eli's transformation from what seems to be a military man to a super soldier it can lean into his faith before the accident Eli hinted he was a devout Christian prior which the show can use to explain why the voice called out to him it can further explore him learning other special abilities a scen when Carnegie's men couldn't hit him with bullets and where some actually bounced off the metal book casing in his bag basically IL had a holy Shield so the series could detail him adapting to it and realizing that he has to carry his faith at all times as pockets of civilization erode the way audiences have seen in the likes of The Walking Dead this will influence iie making the choice to accept his fate in a decrepit morally decaying Society 30 years before the movie This creates room to see him shaping his surviv survivalist code never attack unless attacked know which friends or family influenced him and who he lost along the way such an approach would paint La as Resolute and religious in the face of adversity on a constant basis and not like Daredevil who uses his faith selectively even Matt's friends and fellow superheroes called him out on how fickle his moral compass has been in the comics with Daredevil himself being grief stricken over how he uses the Bible as a crutch and excuse to punish people seeing religion with a lie at all junctures and then being the man's spiritual guide would provide a more comprehensive nuanced and emotive understanding of why El I let religion heal him rather than enrage him all these subarcs would eventually inform how II would adjust his religious views to suit the timeses in a more understandable empathy-driven manner than Daredevil ultimately IL accepting the sanctity of religion is something Solara admired which would make this prequel the perfect Capstone as to why she grew to care for him and how he let the voice of religion amid his flaws walk with him through valleys and shadows in a Barren cruel dystopia when it comes to post-apocalyptic movies of the 2010s there's one that always seems to go unappreciated the book of a light the 2010 Thriller sees La Denzel Washington traveling across the nuclear Wasteland of the United States with a mysterious package that he's compelled to deliver to the West Coast it's an action-packed pilgrimage for the lone Wanderer who fends off vicious looters and cannibals with his surprisingly brutal fighting tactics elay is carrying the new King James version of the Bible and unfortunately he meets a vicious warlord Carnegie Gary Oldman who wants to use the Bible as a means of controlling the survivors because faith will give them something to follow Washington and Oldman are also joined by AA coonis who plays salara a young woman alive from Carnegie settlement who winds up joining him along his journey by the end of the film it's revealed that Eli is blind and that the Bible itself is in Braille this surprising twist may not have been particularly well received since the movie has a 47% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes but there's still plenty of love for the 2010 movie The Emotional ending sees salara pick up Al's mantle as a protector of the innocent as she heads back out into the world with his machete and sunglasses since the movie implies salara goes on a new adventure of her own will there be a book of aou it doesn't look like there will ever be a book of a the first film wraps up its main story ending with Eli's death after completing his mission to take the Bible to the printing press in San Francisco and only leaves a little room for a sequel with Solara going out on her own according to munies it sounds like there's never been a plan to churn out a second film when speaking to the Hindustan times in 2010 the that 7s show alumna explained that it doesn't need a sequel this would be a very weird movie to have a sequel let's be honest with the purpose of the film I don't foresee it happening and I haven't heard anything so I'm going to say no I don't think there should be a sequel I think the purpose of the story ends it's done John boa is set to play a younger version of Denzel Washington's apocalypse Survivor in a prequel to The Book of a light boa will also executive produce the new series which is currently being shopped to buyers deadline reports that BOA is working alongside Gary widda who wrote the original film and Albert and Alan Hughes the directing Duo who Hound it the prequel series will take place 30 years before the events of the 2010 film it took place approximately 30 years after a nuclear catastrophe ravaged the Earth so this series will likely take place in the immediate wake of it boa has science fiction bonafides his breakout role came in Joe cornish's Alien Invasion pick Attack the Block which now has a sequel in production that BOA will co-write he further burnished His science fiction credentials with his role as Rebel Stormtrooper Finn in the Star Wars sequel trilogy which kicked off with a force awakens in 2015 Boer recently starred in they clone Tyrone a Sci-Fi comedy from juwel Taylor he has also appeared in the woman King small ax and breaking the book of AI will be his first major television lead role released in 2010 the book of Ali starred Washington as the titular Ali A Wanderer in a post-apocalyptic Earth who seeks to deliver an important mysterious book to a secret Refuge on alcatra island IL is one of the few people who can read in the crumbling ruins of the world along the way he passes through a town ruled by Carnegie Gary Oldman Carnegie soon becomes his enemy but Eli befriends his mistress Claudia Jennifer Beals and her daughter Solara milakunis together he and Solara set out to deliver his book before Carnegie and the rest of the apocalyptic scavengers can take it and their lives the film also starred race Stenson Michael gambin Tom weights and Malcolm McDow the film received mixed reviews from critics and holds a 47% rotten rating on Rotten Tomatoes but it was successful at the box office earning 157 million us on an $80 million budget together the Hughes Brothers broke out with their searing crime drama Menace Roman 2 society and went on to direct Dead Presidents and from Hell the book of is their last collaborative effort the two have gone their separate ways Albert directed the good Lord bird and last year's John Wick spin off the Continental while Allan directed Broken City in 2013 whito wrote After Earth and Rogue one a Star Wars story and wrote for the video game for spoken last year the book of takes place in 2043 the world is in Ruins after the last great war and an event alluded to as the Flash which blinded a good majority of the population The Bleak atmosphere is brilliantly set up within the film's first few minutes there's an ash covered Forest where a soldier's corpse lies rotting on the ground a hairless cat crawls up and begins to gnaw on The solders Remains the camera tracks back to reveal a man in a gas mask with a bow and arrow waiting patiently for the moment to strike the arrow Soares through the air stopping in slow motion to split a piece of Ash and hits the the cat now that's what I call a lean post-apocalyptic dinner the best thing about this movie is the confidence and Artistry of the directors the Hughes Brothers may have taken some time off since from hell but they've come back stronger and with an even clearer sense of style and storytelling a movie about a guy carrying the Bible across the country because he was divinely told to do so might be a stretch or seem way too heavy-handed in the wrong directorial hands but the Hughes brothers balanced the message of Faith with an incredibly gritty world that's oversaturated from the Sun burning through the ozone and filled with characters that are so lost you believe their only salvation could be this book the pace the movie flows with gives the audience room to breathe in between action scenes the action scenes are directed in a very coherent way which seems unheard of in films lately to actually be able to see what's going on in an action scene not just flashy n TV Style Annoying Cuts all all over the place and shaky hand held cameras making the audience nauseated instead of thrill I also feel the film's theme isn't too much of a stretch saying that the Bible is the world's greatest weapon people use Faith to heal and bring each other together but there are others that use it for fear mongering and as a means to marginalize and control others Carnegie wants the book so he can have the words to strike fear in people so they will look to him for guidance he will be their Messiah W wants the book to be protected and knows he has to take the book West that's his Divine Purpose it's a science fiction movie where instead of Technology being our downfall it was religion what's the difference one of the most intriguing elements of the film for me was when Lee goes to a pawn shop to get his iPod battery charged and the shop owner barters with him for items of value but the items of value aren't money or anything you'd expect if the world went to hell and Society broke down there was no more water because the irrigation pipes won't function properly and the Earth is turned into a desert Wasteland water would be more precious than gold and it is treated as such in this film people literally themselves out for this precious commodity Illy Peaks the pawn shop owner attention most with moist towelettes cleanliness is hard to come by in this grungy world I really like the realistic portrayal of how things we take for granted now would become something that's sought after in a crumbling Society the acting is topnotch in this film as well not a loose Link in the chain Denzel Washington is quiet and reserved but packs one hell of a punch if you try to disrupt his quest Gary Oldman is at the top of his game as usual as the devious single-minded Carnegie and even Mila coony shines in a role that's more underplayed and vulnerable than any character I've seen her play with each movie She's and I'm happy to see her get further and further away from her That 70s Show typ casting the Thugs and Carnegie's gang are about as villainous grimy and menacing as they come making it all the more kickass when iI takes them out one by one with a swift cut of his machete is the end of the world really the subject that entertainment wants to Thrill us with nowadays with knowing and the road movies that feature apocalypse just keep coming maybe after after filmmakers realize they use too much of that subject in too many movies for one 12-month period they'll get back to other stuff with the book of LA and Legion seeming to finish off the 12-month period of end of the world movies it seems as though the genre will be left alone for a long time but the Book of Eli is a good movie not as strong as the road but not as confusing as knowing it's a slick well-made end of the world Western if you will a cataclysmic event dubbed as the war obliterated almost everything and everybody on Earth what exactly happened I'm not quite sure I think there was a war that tore a hole in the sky as a character says how did this war begin and when did it end I'm not quite sure of that one either anyway 30 years later survivors of the war try to make their best to survive this Wasteland that was once America everything is valuable now especially water everyone has to wear sunglasses because of the sun's new rotation or brightness or whatever some survivors just like in the road have stooped to cannibalism it truly is a Mad World the main character is a man who should be called Eli Denzel Washington but strangely enough we hardly ever hear his name but since the movie is titled the book of a li we are forced to refer to this man as a li he's a mysterious Traveler who walks non-stop heading west where he believes that the last King James Bible which he has in his possession and reads from time to time will be safe from others who would use it to manipulate other people in this damaged world for the worst oh yeah and Eliah is also handy with a knife in one scene in the beginning he takes down a whole band of thugs with just 10 seconds he has also been heading west for a number of years saying he walks by faith and not by sight in that case maybe he only thought he was heading west all these years well as it turns out there is someone out to take possession of the King James Bible and has been looking for it since everyone burned them all during the war this is Carnegie Gary Oldman the ruler of a western town who of course has his own band of thugs by his side including a bald musliman and a scrawny wise guy winnell walks through this town and is given Hospitality by Carnegie it isn't long before the Bible is discovered and a bloodbath is sure to be drawn for it Carnegie is an evil man but played by Oldman as a calm dictator who isn't Broad in a way that we wouldn't believe he could possibly do such Deeds he is also married to a blind abused woman named Claudia Jennifer Beals who wasn't blinded by the war but was born this way and was in some way lucky when the event occurred Carnegie abuses Claudia to control her daughter salara aunis who is a prostitute in Carnegie's bar salara later accompanies elay in his never- ending quest to bring the Bible to safety and there they meet two characters who are as strange and deluded as anybody in the road a husband and wife survivalist couple named George and Martha but more on them when you watch the movie which is bold inventive and Powerful it's also phenomenal in the ways of the performances by the actors Denzel Washington is at the top of his game here as a lie he plays this complicated mysterious person with a right note and with a great deal of edist Washington is great in this movie and Gary Oldman is brilliant as the villain with a fine line between calmness and irrationality I should also give special notice to the performances by mounis and Jennifer Beals both of which carry the best performances of their individual careers now the final half of this movie is a bit FL FL and sort of uneasy to follow it also carries one of the most surprising plot twists in recent memory but directed by the Hughes brothers who previously directed Menace Roman 2 Society it's very well-made and the cinematography is suitably Bleak just like the scenes that followed in the book of the light the terrain is Barren and colorless and the sun always seems to be shining its harsh poisonous Rays The Wretched landscape is peppered with surviv iers scrounging for leftover supplies water and human meat on his voyage Billy meets a number of characters played by big actors in small pointless cameos Tom weights and Michael gambin to name twoo things get worrisome when a watches as a motorcycle gang murders and rapes a couple on the road taking their supplies he vows to continue on his path and not get involved the gang brings the couple's books back to their ring leader in the town ahead a power Monger named Carnegie Gary Oldman who desperately searches for a copy of the Bible of course Carnegie soon learns of Eli's book and trouble ensues Eli and Carnegie are the same they both know the Bible's power but they want to use it in different ways ili just wants to continue with his mission which he claims was given to him by The Voice the Crim Lord Carnegie wants to become the next Billy Graham and lead the world's Collective stragglers into a new civilization if only to enjoy the power that comes with the position the movie turns into an actioner when Carnegie sends hordes of goons to gal's book and our hero teamed with Carnegie's sympathetic and religiously curious employee salara milakunis kills just about all of them the most admirable aspect of the production is its use of Washington in a samurai escroll traveling the spare Road like a ronin with a purpose Washington is very much a singular toshiro miun mik character he more of an action hero than he's ever been before the fight scenes are clearly described and enjoyable to follow with a camera placed at a distance so the audience can see every detail of the violence as it unfolds it's not muddled with extreme close-ups and shaky cam photography we watch as A's massive knife cuts through people or as a takes down a dozen armed men with a pistol and the Hughes Brothers keep us aware of space and setting throughout never losing us in their formal flourishes there's a big reveal concerning Eli in the final moments that you may not see coming though the twist won't be described here those of you who see the movie can imagine how much more powerful the film would have been had we learned Eli secret much earlier in the film it may have elevated the story to the level that filmmakers were doubtless trying to achieve But ultimately didn't what spoils the movie is that the audience is left wondering what purpose the Bible will have given where the story leaves off was the reason for Al's journey to spread the word of God or to Simply Supply the religious perspective to a group of historians Gathering data on what Humanity used to be what significance Do's actions have in the grand scheme compare the book of a to last year's very similar the road and you'll find there's no comparison at all everything that John hilat did with emotional gut punches and Stark introspective scenes the Hughes Brothers do with action and Blind Faith in religion Hil coat's film knew that in this Pride all hope is gone world to put your faith in religion didn't help much that the end was coming no matter what you believed the Hughes Brothers film thinks just the opposite that religion will save everything because it has the ability to collect people and force them to take action in the name of God Carnegie believes this with every fiber of his being and perhaps he's right undoubtedly audiences will decide which film they prefer based on their own religious convictions the Hughes Brothers have made an admirable film they've beautifully photographed a gray blasted desert Wasteland and made it completely believable they keep their composure in allowing their story to play out their approach is patient but in the end rather enigmatic about what kind of story they want to tell is this a Yojimbo tale a yarn about a lone badass travel through town and leaving a trail of bodies behind him or maybe it's something more like talkling a vast Journey made by a meditative traveler the Hughes Brothers try for both because they couldn't decide and so the combination of their confused purpose heavy violence and potentially significant themes make the story feel confused while enjoyable it's unclear what audiences are supposed to take away from it the book ofly Stars Denzel Washington as a lone Wanderer making his way across a post nuclear Holocaust America Scavenging and scraping to survive and well Adept at it the film opens with a really riveting scene slowly panning across a wooded area covered in Ash and with more Ash still falling from the sky here we get our introduction to Al denzo and a feel for his skills and patience things are desolate and times are desperate there aren't a lot of people left alive and it's been long enough since the destru Ive event that anything I comes across has already been completely picked over by other people scavening to survive we don't meet anyone else for a while spending time with AI alone and it gives us a feel for his lonely existence eventually he comes to a town run by man named Carnegie Gary Oldman Carnegie has been sending out a pack of dirt bag Marauders to look for a mysterious book that he believes will give him power El is just passing through but of course we have the required bar fight which brings him to the attention of Carnegie Carnegie is impressed by 's handling of himself against multiple opponents and wants him to stay but IL is on a journey and this is not his final destination IL meets Solara milakunis who at first is employed to try to get cooperation from Eli based on her uh feminine WS of course it turns out that Eli has the book that Carnegie has been seeking and has no intention of turning it over to to be used for evil purposes and from here on out the story is about Carnegie trying to get the book from elii and having a difficult time of it despite seemingly having the upper hand in both Manpower and weapons at this juncture it is impossible to speculate about who will be in the cast and it is highly unlikely that many of the film's other characters could return IL is unknown to every other character in the film so the only way they could appear in the prequel is if they are in a separate story story line since the ending of the book of Ali was a conclusive finale to the titular character story it only makes sense that the prequel series will start before the disaster that caused the apocalypse though nothing is confirmed about the plot the show will likely introduce the world and characters right before the apocalypse and then show how they adjust to the terrible New World the series will also need to show ai's transition from an average person to a skilled fighter on a mission despite the fact that the franchise is returning in a prequel some still clamor for a sequel to continue the story after the conclusion of the movie the question of the book of a 2 has been floated since 2010 but all evidence seems to suggest the sequel may never happen the conclusiveness of the ending was not only a heart-wrenching finale but it also served the themes of the story to continue the story would do a disservice and completely undo what was built on the other other hand the prequel series might help to spark interest in the sequel which could possibly explore other options besides continuing the story past the movie's conclusion for instance the book of alite 2 could be another prequel to The Book of Ali that is set before the 2010 movie but happens after the prequel show if the prequel Series scores big anything is possible for the franchise's future the ending of 2010's post-apocalyptic action movie The Book of IL is steeped in deeper meaning and features a shocking Twist the book of a follows Denzel Washington as the titular Ali A rugged Survivor traversing a post-apocalyptic Wasteland in possession of a mysterious book that it's quickly apparent many are willing to kill for though the average critical response was negative some praised the book of a Li's gripping plot and exciting Twist on the postapocalyptic genre even among a wealth of other films tackling the same subject the book of La manages to World build in a way that is constantly compelling set and the movie grossed over $150 million via Box Office Mojo the book ofi surprises viewers with a bounty of twists while never turning its back on the strong use of symbolism that carries throughout the plot this heavy thematic depth also means the book of Lee ending leaves plenty to unpack a fact responsible for its cult success over a decade after its debut after securing the book which is revealed to be an intact copy of the Bible at the end of The Book of Eli the evil Bill Carnegie Gary Oldman returns to his town and enlists the help of the engineer Tom weits to break the lock that holds it closed meanwhile elay and salara milakunis arrive in the remains of San Francisco and row out to alcatra Island where they are greeted by Lombardi Malcolm McDowell and his people who are working to preserve the sum of human knowledge that came before the nuclear Holocaust that was out civilization Carnegie manages to get O's Bible open only to discover that it was written in bra and there is no way he can read it though he loses the Bible in the fight with Carnegie La remembers its entire contents by heart and can recount the words to Lombardi who eagerly begins writing everything down back in town Carnegie is confronted by Claudia who refuses to translate the Braille for him and alerts him that his quest to secure the book has led to lose control of his city after recounting the Bible in its entirety IL eventually dies and the freshly printed Bible is placed among a Shelf full of other holy books in the final scenes of the book of Ali Solara opts not to stay at the alcatra sanctuary and takes A's sword as she returns home across the Wasteland though the book of La gives very little indication that La cannot see it nevertheless pulls a shocking Twist by revealing that he is blind one of the things that make the book of a an underrated 2 10 sci-fi movie is that it continues to push its concept further and further and Eli's blindness isn't just a meaningless twist brilliantly revealed in the scene where Carnegie discovers the Bible is in Braille the twist ending comes about slowly as opposed to being a moment that overemphasizes itself and it completely changes the book of a li story unlike many other movie twists that make a rewatch on necessary the reveal of Eli's blindness makes the book of Al a more compelling experience on a second viewing Eli's blindness also makes him more dynamic because his very existence becomes symbolic throughout the movie Eli espouses the power and importance of faith and though he never uses the exact words faith has always been described as blind belief Eli is the living embodiment of Faith because he allows himself to be led by a higher power on an adventure that would normally be impossible for someone who is visually impaired action movies where the main character dies are rare but the book of El's ending is made better because El doesn't survive instead of giving him an all guns blazing finale that would have tipped the movie into sillier territory Eli's morose and subtle death is appropriate for a character who isn't an action hero by choice Eli's death at the end of The Book of Eli is almost a necessity because it reflects elements of of the Bible and the many other figures who also met their end in pursuit of Faith the gunshot wounds El suffers from Carnegie earlier in the movie lead to his death but not before he can impart his knowledge of the Bible to Lombardi having made the ultimate sacrifice Illy trades his life to protect the religion he holds dear and he mirrors Christian Martyrs who would later become Saints in some denominations the power of sacrifice is one of the central tenants of most religions but it is especially important in Christianity when considering the story of Jesus and his death in the New Testament something the hero's journey in the book of La mirrors despite not being a critical success the book of La is anything but a disposable Blockbuster with no substance nearly every aspect of the story serves some larger purpose in the grand scheme of things and the plot is Rich with meaning the book of Le makes it clear in the end that Christianity isn't the soul specific message that is to be taken away from the story because the newly printed Bible takes its place among other holy books instead The Book of Eli is ultimately about the power of ideas and how they can be wielded for good and bad purposes Carnegie wanted to use the Bible as a means of controlling the minds of those around him while Lombardi and Eli were keepers of knowledge who only wanted to benefit Humanity ironically IL cryptically suggests in the voice over the that the apocalyptic war was fought over religion which makes his mission all the more imperative in the end the book of Le doesn't endorse one religion over another but instead warns of the power of such powerful belief and shows how there can be intense good as well as unfathomable evil that can spring from the very same well of ideas The Book of Eli has been a cult success as far as post-apocalyptic movies go with many fans hoping for a sequel while there are current no plans for the book of La 2 there is another project that will extend the fascinating story a book of La prequel series starring John boa is currently in development with screenwriter Gary wit set to return the book of a li prequel show is still in development with Studio alen television entertainment behind the project it's currently unknown which network or streaming service the series will arrive on as it's currently being shopped to various different potential buyers the show was announced in January 2024 and news has been scarce in the time since while there are very few details it is known that Widow plans for boa to Star as a younger version of AI given the time frame of the 2010 movie it's entirely possible that the show will include the apocalypse that occurred before the book of Le began showing how the characters in the movie became the heroes and villains seen in the original film there is also a Chan of course that if the prequel series is a success that the book of alite too could then follow the book of Ali was a big hit when it was released in 2010 and there's still a question of whether there will be a book of Elite 2 though the movie failed to impress most critics the post-apocalyptic Neo Western was still praiseworthy for its unique take on the genre the book of also fared well at the box office and managed to gross over $150 million via box office off mojjo thanks to the star power of Denzel Washington in the lead role as is usually the case with blockbuster movies speculation regarding a sequel to the book of Le started up almost immediately after its release with the hope that viewers would get to see more of the post-apocalyptic landscape with similar movies like Mad Max blossoming into full-fledged franchises the idea of an extended Universe for the book of aay isn't entirely out of the question however with so much time passed since the originals release the chances of a book of Al 2 Grow Slimmer and Slimmer with each year what really fan the Flames of a potential sequel to the book of alai was the character evolution of Solara played by milakunis while she started off timid and unsure Solara had seemingly replaced Eli following his death at the end of the book of elij and her decision to leave the sanctuary of alcatra Island obviously meant she had unfinished business in her hometown Solara would be a perfect character to lead a sequel and the possibility to expand the universe of the first film could be found in her adventures speaking with Hindustan times coonies denied any chance of a book of life followup when she said I don't think there should be a sequel I think the purpose of the story ends it's done considering the fact that the story could only really continue with Solara the chances of the book of a 2 are essentially none without coonies on board a recast would completely rob a sequel of its power even if it tied up some of the Loose Ends from the first film with so many years between releases the book of Al 2 would have to be nearly perfect to succeed another big reason why the book of Al 2 is highly unlikely is that the ending of the original film wraps up the story concisely while it doesn't explicitly explain everything the ending of the book of La is strong enough to finish the story on a powerful note with nothing else needed to complete the experience solara's character change was the perfect way to send the audience home happy but it didn't necessarily warrant a sequel furthermore Eli's blindness twist was also a satisfying surprise to cap off the story with the title character dying triumphantly after completing his mission the main message of the book of La had been fulfilled Eli successfully delivers the Bible into the hands of Lombardi through his memory and it's clear that Carnegie's power has slipped and his Empire has crumbled science fiction films rarely get as definitive and ending as the book of aik and a potential book of alite 2 would only serve to harm its Legacy despite the stress that came with playing Finn in the Star Wars franchise John boa's career has been rolling on since appearing in the Star Wars sequel Trilogy boa starred in The Woman King and Netflix as they cloned tyro boa is even expected to reprise his role as Moses and Joe cornish's Attack the Block sequel still some fans do want him to get another shot at Finn believing the Star Wars sequel Trilogy sold the character short while Star Wars May provide new opportunities for boa to return the actor may actually be busier than ever after being lined up for the prequel TV series to the book of a life that 2010 film starred Denzel Washington as a li a mysterious stranger roaming a post-apocalyptic America with a unique book while it received mixed reviews from critics it did well at the box office making over $157 million off an $80 million budget it was one of that era's most popular films which now has fans interested in how the threads laid down in the future could pave the way for a backstory with boa as a younger La directed by Alan and Albert Hughes the book of Al had killing many people in the Wasteland his job was to Traverse a mad max-like desert and get the book to a secret location out west a place he didn't even know IL remained dedicated though claiming he heard a voice that directed him to find the book when Society fell and then gave him this ethereal Mission unfortunately El ran a foul of Carnegie played by Gary Oldman a Sinister man who wanted the book it turned out to be a copy of the new King James version of the Bible along with almost all the nation's literature all books were destroyed right after a nuclear disaster that drove the world into famine drought and illness this subsequently led to a world where people became hijackers rapists slavers and cannibals Carnegie felt that once he could get the Bible he could weaponize it pray on the minds of the vulnerable and get people to follow him it would make him a messiah Grant him Cults from town to town and enable him to capitalize on the Blind Faith of the uneducated when Carnegie finally got his hands on the Bible a shocking twist ensued Eli was revealed to be blind the book itself was written in Braille which meant it couldn't be cracked at Carnegie's Lair not even by one of the blind women Carnegie had as a consort Claudia it left Carnegie bitter because he sacrificed so much to get the book without it his Empire crumbled into chaos and and his damaged leg rotted away from the war with AI Claudia however did seem to hide that she could have translated it but just wanted to make Carnegie pay she also knew Eli was a good man who didn't want the Bible being misappropriated the book of el ends with dark karma for Carnegie but it's still tragic for AI he managed to escape Carnegie's war with Claudia's daughter salara they finally got to their destination out west to a community that hid literature and other works of art becoming the last Bastion for creativity there Eli rattled off the Bible from memory as he kept reading it for 30 years the hidden sect wrote down his words and reproduced the book using a printing press sadly Eli succumbed to his injuries after being shot by Carnegie still as a man of Faith he was glad he could save Solara from being one of Carnegie's prostitutes and find a way to keep spreading the good word hearing him reciting the words was made even more sympathetic by his confession where he admitted in protecting the book he became a hypocrite and a sinner he let criminals run asunder and oppress folks all because he was focused on his mission in that sense Illy turned a blind eye to Mankind's suffering and plight only becoming a vigilante when it directly affected him but he died in peace and redeemed himself by rescuing salara an act that helped give him his Humanity back back as such he begged for forgiveness before he died believing he had served the way the Lord would have approved of at last this finale did leave fans wondering exactly what shaped him into a man of prayer and how he got so broken along the way the book of La prequel can look at a few things that shaped El's history firstly it can explore the actual nuclear blast in the sky why it happened and how became blind it's implied he stared into the flash which burned his vision away this can illustrate how he adapted to his heightened senses and became a deadly warrior with his blade and guns from the way I got a purpose and turned into some sort of Defender it has parallels to a daredevil story Marvel TV told Matt Murdoch's Journey after the chemical accident made him blind and turned him a holy Warrior as well like the comics Matt used his Catholic religion to fuel him moving past losing family members and deciding to protect Hell's Kitchen not just as a lawyer but a Man Without Fear fans did enjoy Daredevil's battles against Kingpin Bullseye and such to the point that Disney plus seems to be continuing the Netflix Daredevil narrative however Daredevil did have a flaw in his history he used religion conveniently he committed sins of the Flesh and only turned to the church when he needed a morale boost the book of elen use its blind Soldier differently and show that the righteous path isn't a switch to flick on and off outside of revealing Elli's transformation from what seems to be a military man to a super soldier it can lean into his faith before the accident Eli hinted he was a devout Christian prior which the show can use to explain why the voice called out to him it can further explore him learning other special abilities a seen when Carnegie's men couldn't hit him with bullets and where some actually boun off the metal book casing in his bag basically Billy had a holy Shield so the series could detail him adapting to it and realizing that he has to carry his faith at all times as pockets of civilization erode the way audiences have seen in the likes of The Walking Dead this will influence Ellie making the choice to accept his fate in a decrepit morally decaying Society 30 years before the movie This creates room to see him shaping his survivalist code never attack unless attacked know which friends or family influenced him and who he lost along the way such an approach would paint delay as Resolute and religious in the face of adversity on a constant basis and not like Daredevil who uses his faith selectively even Matt's friends and fellow superheroes called him out on how fickle his moral compass has been in the comics with Daredevil himself being grief stricken over how he uses the Bible as a crutch and excuse to punish people seeing religion with a lie at all junctures and then being the man's spiritual guide would provide a more comprehensive nuanced and emotive understanding of why I let religion heal him rather than enrage him all these subarcs would eventually inform how would adjust his religious views to suit the times in a more understandable empathy-driven manner than Daredevil ultimately IL accepting the sanctity of religion is something Solara admired which would make this prequel the perfect Capstone as to why she grew to care for him and how he let the voice of religion amid his flaws walk with him through valleys and shadows in a Barren cruel dystopia when it comes to post-apocalyptic movies of the 2010s there's one that always seems to go unappreciated The Book of Eli the 2010 Thriller sees La Denzel Washington traveling across the nuclear Wasteland of the United States with a mysterious package that he's compelled to deliver to the West Coast it's an action-packed pilgrimage for the lone Wanderer who fends off vicious looters and cannibals with his surprisingly brutal fighting tactics elay is carrying the new King James version of the Bible and unfortunately he meets a vicious warlord Carnegie Gary Oldman who wants to use the Bible as a means of controlling the survivors because faith will give them something to follow Washington and Oldman are also joined by milakunis who plays Sara a young woman alive from Carnegie settlement who winds up joining him along his journey by the end of the film it's revealed that Eli is blind and that the Bible itself is in brail this surprising twist may not have been particularly well received since the movie has a 47% critic rating on Rotten Tomatoes but there's still plenty of love for the 2010 movie The Emotional ending sees salara pika's mantle as a protector of the innocent as she heads back out into the world with his machete and sunglasses since the movie implies salara goes on a new adventure of her own will there be a book of aou it doesn't look like there will ever be a book of aou the first film wraps up its main story ending with Eli's death after completing his mission to take the Bible to the printing press in San Francisco and only leaves a little room for a sequel with Solara going out on her own according to milaku it sounds like there's never been a plan to CH out a second film when speaking to the Hindustan times in 2010 the that 7s show alumna explained that it doesn't need a sequel this would be a very weird movie to have a sequel let's be honest with the purpose of the film I don't foresee it happening and I haven't heard anything so I'm going to say no I don't think there should be a sequel I think the purpose of the story ends it's done John boa is set to play a younger version of Denzel Washington's apocalypse Survivor in a prequel to The Book of a light boa will also executive produce the new series which is currently being shopped to buyers deadline reports that BOA is working alongside Gary wit who wrote the original film and Albert and Alan Hughes the directing Duo who helmed it the prequel series will take place 30 years before the events of the 2010 film it took place approximately 30 years after a nuclear catastrophe ravaged the Earth so this series will likely take place in the immediate wake of it boa has science fiction bonafides his breakout role came in Joe cornish's Alien Invasion pick Attack the Block which now has a sequel in production that BOA will co-write he further burnished His science fiction credentials with his role as Rebel Stormtrooper Finn in the Star Wars sequel Trilogy which kicked off with a force awaken in 2015 Voyager recently starred in they clone Tyrone a Sci-Fi comedy from juel Taylor he is also appeared in the woman King small axe and breaking the book of Ali will be his first major television lead role released in 2010 the book of Al starred Washington as the titular Ali A Wanderer in a post-apocalyptic Earth who seeks to deliver an important mysterious book to a secret refuge on alcatra Island IL is one of the few people who can read in the crumbling ruins of the world along the way he passes through a town ruled by

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