good afternoon welcome back to the Belfast indoor bowls Arena to the quarterfinals of the main competition the cup competition here and we've got Craig Burgess of England playing against Andrew Lei of Ireland both players bowling with Taylor Elites both black balls which means I've got to really concentrate good draw in the PO hand from Craig Burgess just one shot first end welcome back to everybody who's watching earlier and welcome to new watches prob G's probably done enough there think he's lying shot now we'll update you as we go in the meantime thanks for joining us just play a bit more direct at this it's going to result just comes to the C see what the players agree on on to Andrew luy takes a one shot to Advantage One in played excuse me those just joining us we are at the Belfast indoor Bowls Club just shaes Bridge just outside Belfast a short M Blazers tour it's the Irish open second ranking event of the Season you're watching a match between Craig Burgess of England playing with Tyler Elites and he's playing against Andre Lei of Ireland also Tyler Elites both playing with black bows and both red stickers which really helps me so good start this end from both players and do yeah it's not bad is it 3 in short of a perfect draw Craig come you have a look Craig playing a positional ball looking for his next shot already hi Shirley I be G John under control and lei making good contact here Craig's positional ball was excellent Craig lies one Christopher Terry good afternoon so thanks for joining us everybody quarterfinal match of the cup competition Craig Burgess of England yeah draws another one in Craig burges of England playing with tlor Elites he's playing against Andrew lacky Ley of I Adam Andrew Ley of Ireland also playing with t eles c bir is currently l two shots in this end Andrew Ley won the first end taking one Shoto Andre Ley looking to play this Jack through these these mats are holding you play any Pace they're just holding the line you're only getting the balls to turn really if you're just playing dead weight so last ball of this end Craig bir is's already l two you would expect him to pick this up for three he doesn't need to be short no it's very good so three to Craig bures nice to see you on Callum it's craigus go for Middle Jack Craig leads three shots to one after two ends played good to see you back on Rachel hope the we man's okay decent start from Craig just reached long Jack jacks on middle good first bow from Andrew Ley on the back hand will look to just move that Jack back Jackal ball situation gets the ball and gets a touch it good move good ball Andre luy a little bit unlucky there gets a toucher but the ball go off the mat right Smithy nice to see you on mate thanks for joining us everybody what if you joined in the last couple of minutes over the last couple of ends so we are at the Belfast indoor bowls Arena which is at shaes Bridge just three mile outside of Belfast and you're watching the short map Players Tour Irish open and we're into the quarterfinal stages this is the cup competition you've got Craig Burgess of England playing against Andre Ley of Ireland both playing with Taylor Elites Andrew Ley just to confuse things he's playing with four bows two of each with different stickers not making my job any easier Burg just thrwing in second as well ball so Andre will be looking to just move this Jack back he's he going to make contact yes may come too far back quite sure looks like shot to Craig burges to me from here Craig thinks it's a measure course of the Umpire just try and get a better look for you so Craig just pointing out which bow is going to be measured Nigel Nicholls from Corall is the Umpire on this occasion just put wedgies under the balls that are leaning just to give a bit more of a solid fa when you're measuring against just putting um you might call them rubber rings semicircles that go around the Jack so the Jack doesn't move can't get you a good shot here try and get a better shot I think that's one shot to Andrew ly one shot to Andrew yeah one shot to Andrew Le scoreboard will take over and it'll be three shots to two advantage to Craig after three ends played the Jack's been put at three quarters right right now Ryan Knight just joined us congratulations to Ryan and Leah if you know you know Andrew just looking to Jackal wood here gets both gets a touch it moves Craig's ball out the way hello mate Craig just playing the draw he's very good effort this isn't he good draw from Craig shot and do like to drag this Jack back a little bit Yeah does so good ball Mandu line three shots now good effort here from Craig isn't it yeah great ball from Craig Burgess yeah Craig draw shot there very good uh yeah I'd say there's a very good Irish contingent Mr Quinn uh let's have a look across what I can see yeah J's just beaten um Alex clay I can see jel on the map I can see uh I'm trying to see who else from here can't quite see to be fair John obviously got Andrew on this m my dodgy old eyes I can't see everything that's some draw again from Andrew isn't it just C down there Drake bir is playing weight at this well okay he took a wood out one to Andre result I suppose so 4 in played three shots all move on to the fifth end Andre Ley leads off John it was good to see jel back I have to say those you don't know jel richson jel Richardson in the last round beat to Alex clay former multiple Champion here good to see jel back not been just seen much on the tour the last few years was there in the early days 2012 13 145 whatever plays a little bit more positive get a toucher F Burgess just coming under that Jack Big swingy Balls the elites so those draws on the Jacks there are quite tough you got to be a little more direct I think at it you might say as his Andrew here at it and now's it absolutely unbeatable ball B has no choice to try and draw a second this looks a good effort for second spindle nice to see you all night and do luy asked the question how many shots it's just the one one in the ditch is not quite in the measure sorry the one on the right in the ditch is not quite in measure so what's under doing here just too pacy B is not going to Bow his last wood no point can't beat the shot wood so one to Andre Lei D Ley moves into a four shots to three advantage five ends played don't forget folks if you're watching this don't forget to go on to YouTube search for the short M Players Tour you can watch these games over and over subscribe if you can got an never growing group of people subscribing to YouTube and there's an awful lot of games available to watch those c those cold winter nights when there's a load of rubbish on the Telly heast Enders and all of that crap so get on and watch something that's interesting some of the world's best Bowlers it's a great burges line shot virtually on the jack Andrew playing a little bit of pace on this just a tiny little kiss on the ball as he comes through Craig a look at drawing a long Bowl here needs to be behind this Jack really doesn't want this cuz he's made the made the target slightly wider St and sheay nice to see you on again Andre luy finds himself two down send four balls to come play wage again he got a contact this time so situ ation is that Andrew Le is lying one shot see the Jack in the ditch you can probably just see the edge of it past the fender um his ball that you can see to the right of the screen that's a toucher Craig burges has a toucher which is to the extreme left of the screen so he's looking no he's got the front ball oh didn't want that he wanted the edge of that ball trying to play his ball with an edge across to the jack got it full so Andre Leo now will just draw to this line two balls to come this end clever bowl from Andrew Lei I suppose Craig other option was to try and take that shot wood off the mat doesn't really have that option now although Craig's playing at weight what's he got it's a good effort from Craig he's he's tried to get that ball off the M he's he's pushed Andrew's touch into the ditch one shot to Andrew Lei good effort from Craig Andre Ley moves into a five shots to three Advantage six ends played hydration and sustenance all in one go on to the seventh end we go still a reasonably tight match this Craig Burgess of England playing with Taylor Elites Craig bowling now he's playing against Andrew Ley of Ireland also Bing T eles that's come on SO Andrew Le draw a good ball on the backand Craig bges has been very confident with these Elites drawing some wonderful balls quite get to that one line was good big finish on the elites big hook finish like and Ley just looking to do another one on the back end looks to be very close here yeah is that good enough for second I don't think it is think it's still just one shot to Andrew Ley so Craig comes on the back hand now looking to draw the perfect ball not far away let's sit down now let's have a quick look currently one shot to Andrew luy on this end slightly tight slightly short on this one not quite good enough a second I don't think Craig looking at FR looking to be positive possibly two shots in there ear it's either a draw on the back end or he could play positive on the forehand looking to get rid of uh Andrew ley's balls let's have a look what he does he's announcing little bit of weight so he's playing the positive shot he's he's certainly in the area certainly got one edge of that sure any see really from here luy takes one out it's only one so that's one shot to Craig Burgess scoreboard six over seven ends played Andrew Ley will be leading five shots to four with seven ends played Craig burges puts it middle Jack leads off on the forehand decent start 10 Ines past the jack ad Ley on the back hand yeah sits the wood got shot very good expect Craig yes Craig comes on the back end as well use the balls looks to be very good this yeah good bow this do likey possibly go for end yes going for round now dead draw just move the Jack back he's got a ball waiting two options here dead draw it is will that stay up looks close let's have a look both poles look to be touching Andrew's ball is at a precarious angle so cig might choose to the forehand draw here the dead draw would possibly no he's going backand any movement there on the map might just sit that ball down anyway Andrew's Bowers it quite precarious it's a really good effort from Craig here some bow isn't it see a very good bow from Craig burges I think I think it's a tight end at the moment I think both both balls are touching I can't quite see Craig burges is telling me he's holding one so that's that's nice to know cuz that changes the perspective of Andre Ley shot tight to that block what's come out of that Andrew taking a close look both touching and who says both balls are touching so Craig will also just a little run into this nothing silly just a little foot or so on oh that's very good from Craig that's very good two shots not bad Mr B I think he's played before so big tough draw now foring like he's playing the draw it looks like he's trying to make contact here he's stepping right out do he want that jack off the map does he is that what he's playing well what's he done there then interesting still to be want to Craig from here yeah Jack went forward a little bit there which is quite a rare occurrent so yeah good effort from Andre Ley scoreboard ticks over five shots all eight end played very good game this very good standard just what we've come to expect so little Jack Craig starts off Ley also goes forehand shot ball so far draws shot on his back hand now Andrew Le is coming up on the forehand where's he done with this some efforts isn't it it's a little bit unlucky there gets a touch on the jack she's always good Craig just a little bit with that one just drop Andrew playing anything on the forehand Sask now father the jacks away he 4 Ines from that ball from the shot ball big effort again from Andrew Lei what he got here yeah draws perfect draw for shot right no messing just a bit heavy on this looking a bit disappointed with that one play one shot down one B to come this end [Applause] like he's going for the big the big forand draw gets past that front ball he's going to be close I think that's in looks like it's two yeah Craig had missed a two two to Andre Andrew Ley so nine ends played Andrew luy goes into seven shots to five advantage most of the crowd are still awake one or two exceptions we don't want to see that tongue we know where it's been Trot is on the beer even Mr G is on the beer well times they are are changing so Andre Ley with a seven shots to five Advantage leads off on left hand on the back end yeah good start this nice spot back to touch here burges sticks with these forehand good good effort this maybe just through they just through 15 in past the jack good ball from Andrei Craig will swap hands now come back hand can afford to be a foot through this but he hasn't got the line at all this time probably a little bit pce so it won't come back from there afternoon Rob rtk because it's evening now up be watch rages like 7:00 and I'm saying afternoon evening everybody so those just joining us quick update we are watching a quarterfinals match between GRE Burgess of England and Andrew Le of irand and this is for the main or the cup competition for the Irish open and we are at sh Bridge which is 3 m outside of Belfast and it is the Belfast indoor Bowls Club so just asking who's L shot let's have a look if we can it's tight for shot wouldn't want to call that Craig's going to fancy is andal fancy is it's how it works Craig justes shaking his head Craig doesn't fancy his b for shot here I would say it's a good measure so Andre leave the for end Alone come on the back end to City's ball oh he's tight on this what's he playing here what now I think he's just got it tight I'm told that was Andrew's bowl that sat down for shot Craig's very close here this will finish B big these Elites do that's some draw from Craig isn't it really good draw so Andrew ADM to two well there we go scoreboard is going to tick over and guess what guess lock still locked in nine shots to five it should be seven shots all I thought that was uh it should be seven shots all now 10 end played thought a check it's the pressure so yeah all square 10 ends played can't for much better than this players looking to hi Becca hope you're well not happy with your husband beating me today swine so yeah uh we're all square here 10 in played both players looking to get into the semi-finals of this cup competition the Irish open Andre Ley very close here it's just just sat out give Craig a slight opportunity to just drag the Jack back which he'll be looking at close pace is good he's very close here yeah perfect ball it's been a real example of Top Class drawing in this game yeah I made him work for it Becca don't give anything away easily hi Neil oh that's a bit unlucky for Mando do you got to say Craig's toucher goes off Andre gets a toucher which are now stay in the ditch craiger just draw another one inah as I said to Rhino earlier massive congratulations to you both great ball from Craig burgus there draws in line too but he won't be over happy he's left a gap so Andrew Lei will be just looking to draw with a little bit of pace through this split nothing think silly reasonable amount of pace good effort this has he done enough has that stopped I think he has I think his ball stayed quick enough Craig will be after that ball doesn't need to move far well he's just played the draw good draw from Craig could up to two nicer people there you are going to need a bigger house soon you do know that and a bigger car just get yourself a mini bus I'm only joking obviously High ATT so Craig bur's line shot one bow to come this end all square across seven shots each after 10 ends very very tight game been a game of drawing good to see Soo giving this one a lot of thought a lot of chalk marks there aren't there I can see 1 2 3 four five bows chalked one in the ditch one off the mat completely and three still on the mat so good standard okay just trying to play ball uh sorry under trying to play ball onto ball okay he's cut it down one shot to Craig Burgess so we're going to the last end Craig Burgess has a slender Advantage eight shots to seven after 11 ends Craig will be leading off with the rule change in forc this season changed the uh perspective of some of these games where players in the past would have been after this Jack trying to ditch it can't do that now with the first bowl a big first bowl for Craig Burgess he wants to be absolutely on that Jack get the pressure on Andrew dirty wood ambitious Craig said comment there as it's ambitious Mark the ball before it comes up so a bit behind he would have like better than that DUI comes on the back hand yeah Do's onto the ball nice shot all Charlie Craig stays with the forehand that's a pace this one very close yeah good draw just left the Jack visible though so I think Andrew will be at this a little bit from his stance I think he's going to play reasonable weight at this yeah he's not just trying to draw it through he's got contact he's a little bit unlucky sometimes you pick those and they sort of shoulder off the other bowl and come through Craig lies one so Craig will now will be also be after that Jack Jack in the ditch it's all over Craig currently holds a one shot advantage and this is the last end hi Brenda hope you're well miss you at chelsford Craig's close Craig's got this that's it's match wining bow from Craig burges superb balls great game of balls Craig holding his nerve excellent excellent ball from Craig to draw that into the not bad Mr Burgess we have to say so another great game of bows um keep watching we'll be back in a few minutes with more games to be streamed meanwhile if you are we got a few minutes to spare before we go on the next you can always nip onto YouTube please subscribe to the short M players to channel and you can watch bowls all day night if you wish thanks for watching everybody we will be back uh we're get to the back end of this tournament now so getting back to Second semi-final soon we'll be starting to stream the semi-finals of the main cup competition and the finals of the plate and the shield competition so come back and join us thanks for watching enjoyed your company see you all later