PSA AR-15 torture test vs AK-47.....kinda

Published: Sep 06, 2024 Duration: 00:21:47 Category: Entertainment

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what's up guys welcome back to rug Adventures today is a bad day to be a brand new AR-15 in my hands that sand is going right in Kentucky play mod and let's just put it that's what we have right here this is a PSA 16in mlock handguard AR15 it's a blim model I have no idea what the actual blim is on this a lot of folks that get these say that they cannot find what is blemished on the thing uh and neither can I but today we're going to be running this through its Paces we are going to be uh just testing out the PSA AR-15 see how durable it is and really the AR-15 platform all together on the other hand we have already done this with this AK-47 or akm if as many folks like to point out uh in this is the most durable gun in the world it's the never jams no matter what you do to it at least that's what folks on the internet say we had a lot of problems with this when we put it in the sand and the mud and as a matter of fact it got so jammed up with mud in the extractor in the bolt here that it was not able to seat back onto the round and was not able to uh grasp that and so the bolt wouldn't lock and we could not fire it and I've actually seen this in real life with a real life person using one of these in combat trying to push this thing close so hard kicking it with his foot and could not get that to close which is a really bad thing but the AR-15 M16 does have a super uh kind of bad reputation from the very first models that they put out into the Vietnam War where they they pretty much ignored everything that Eugene Stoner had said about this and used powder that was much too hot the uh barrels in the uh Chambers were not Chrome lined and they really weren't treated so they were rusting up and you know getting corroded and they didn't even equip these with cleaning kits that even an AK-47 has with a cleaning rod and a cleaning kit here in the butt stock so today we are going to see how the AR-15 does compare to the AK-47 we're going to use some clips from uh back in that video and I'll link that down in the uh comments or the description but first off let's just get an idea of if this thing runs because I have actually never fired this gun I just got it and I think it was like $500 uh shipped to my FFL everything all included uh there's no sites in here cuz we're not testing sites today we are not uh looking for how accurate this thing is just if it works or does not work and if it does work very well we'll turn this into kind of a poverty stick build with a Sig Romeo Juliet uh Red Dot multip uh magnifier and whatever other things we want to do maybe paint it up but let's see if it fires at all and then we'll get on with the test so let's see if I can hit anything with uh no sights whatsoever ah we got one and it seems to work just fine and so we're going to find out what the uh the blim is on this or if we can't figure it out we will uh make our own blims just like this so that is not a huge fall but it's probably a solid 10 15 ft all the way down to here and it's something that I would think that a you know regular Duty gun would be would have to endure and so you know we just got some dirt on things um I don't know if it ended up hitting the barrel up here but from what I've seen so far it functions just fine there's no Bend to that uh this still functions fine if I can get it to go withholding the uh the uh camera and the gun at the same time but what if we had some other type of situation where maybe we're running along and as we're running we drop it down there in the Rocks maybe once maybe some more rocks over here does that do anything to it obviously scuffs it up you know we got some uh we got some scuffs going on there but now we're going to go find some cover in this Woodshed we come up and we get here behind some cover will the rifle still work are we going to be able to put it up here and you know make it operate did the charging handle Brak everything seems to be just fine with it so far from dropping it see butt stock works just fine let's see if we like I said we cycled it looks good looking down the rifle still looks to be relatively Square does the trigger still work it certainly does uh what let's see about the safety safety works the only thing that would that I would have to try still the bolt hold open looks as if it works just fine but let's see if it fires or if we did any real damage to it so other than some cosmetic things you know we beat the front of the barrel up a little bit we got some scuffs on the handguard we got some dirt in there like you want to see when you actually use a rifle and not just leave it on the Shelf the charging handle got a little scuffed up but nothing really of any significance and you know the AK did just as well this one endured the same tests and there is there's really no permanent damage people you know cringe when you do these type of tests but getting these things dropped and beat up that is really what they're made for uh even though they come pretty out of the package they are you know they're made to be used so but here's the Moment of Truth does it still function and the only thing that we're going to do in all these tests is just make sure that the barrel is clear if there's some sand residue if there's some mud residue in there that's okay but I do want to make sure it's clear so that I don't get uh you know an AR-15 blowing up in my face so load's just fine let's give it like a see if it can do a quick uh a quick three relatively rapidly no problem so drop test rocks throwing it off of a ledge uh into the wood in undercover pass very much so next up is our sand test and this is the first place where we had a little bit of the AK lore kind of fall apart where they said that you could you know pick this up off the ground in a desert in the jungle and it would run just fine oh it doesn't care look at all look at that sand Cloud that came out of it um did not uh did not lock did not lock forward though try it again again didn't lock forward you can just bash it forward and it goes same again and again and again I'm sure there's a lot of folks out there that spent a lot of time in various sandboxes knowing how sand affects uh the guns and what we did with that is we made it in a made ready uh condition and then we put uh the safety on which would be equivalent to this dust cover because that safety on that AK-47 comes up covers the action and sort of acts as a dust cover so we're going to do the same thing here and then we'll try it without the dust cover on and see what the what happens with the AK the first round would go and then it wouldn't seat back into the battery because you know it gets sand in there and I can definitely see that happening on this one but uh we'll see um so let's just uh kind of get right to it so we're going to make this thing ready to fire we're going to put it on safe and we're going to close the dust cover for the first test that we have here and when we put that down here we'll take our sand and you know a lot of people are going to be like oh my God the sand and we're just going to cover this thing in sand both sides of it now obviously that's going to you know some that's going to fall off but that's reasonable and so we have sand all over the gun and we we will pick it up shake it out so we don't have sand in the barrel we're going to put it on fire and there's no crunchiness to that just yet and we'll give it uh we'll see if it can give us three in a row and you guys will probably be able to see a big sand plume come off of this thing so no problems uh repeated fire that was three we'll give it uh let's give it two more and it works flawlessly so let's go ahead and put it back onto safe the uh obviously you guys can see that the dust cover is open we're going to do the same thing except this time that sand is going right into the action there into the chamber and it is completely filled with sand as you all can see and we'll go ahead and do the same on the other side like we did with the first part of the test bring it up it's obviously you know looks like crap make sure that it's out of the barrel and we will see if we can get uh three more shots again the um the safety was still not crunchy like it was with the AK-47 and we will give this a shot I want to get a shot of the action here too if we can three rounds and right there we had our first failure and there's a failure to to to uh for it to uh seat in the chamber so we'll pull this out put this in safe we'll do we'll just run this a couple times mag's back in it forward assist and it's still not able to seat so once again mag out and now we're getting some really big hang up here to the point where I think I'm going to have to Bounce It On The Ground to get that round out cycle it a few more times mag back back in looks to be seated let's see if we can get three in a row put it back on fire once again did not seat completely can't get the forward assist to and it didn't I don't even think it R it ran all the way back cuz we are not uh able to move the safety round in there again and so well there's three that one didn't seat all the way I imagine it didn't run all the way back got one seated in there again and now we are back into a ready to fire uh condition so probably about the same as it was with that AK-47 as far as sand sand is a not fun thing to get in guns and uh but this one was able to resume firing just like the AK was after you know six or seven uh rounds going through it so we're going to do a hillbilly field cleaning on this just like we did with the AK the PSA dagger and The Rock Island 1911 that we did torture test videos on as well but the thing that I want to show you guys first is that this has no sand in it if it focuses on that the magazine itself I mean it might have a couple grains in there has no sand in it the when I broke this apart which I can't show you on YouTube or else they'll say it's you know manufacturing Firearms or something like that this uh has no sand in the trigger group here for the most part there a couple grains obviously but the AK was completely filled with sand in all of the trigger group and I mean you can see if when I rotate the safety here it still clicks very nicely um it is not gritty whatsoever and so we'll go ahead and clear this thing make sure it's clear and I'll show you guys how in Kentucky you can uh clean a gun very easily you put it in the water like this and then we're just going to run it a few times and that's really going to be all to try to get all the sand off of it like that and I'm sure there's a lot of you guys out there that are absolutely cringing right now about what we're doing but if something's going to be durable and you're going to rely on it this should probably really be the minimum that you would expect out of it all I'm going to do is just let the water drain out like I think any reasonable person would do and we're all we're shooting a 55 grain cheap steel ammo today um see if it charges it did not so that's not the greatest thing in the world there we go now it's seated there was a round that got stripped off the mag on that one let's see if it works so it did work did not cycle enough I bet you it's not going all the way back again is it not going all the way back yep it is not fully coming back because there's so much crap in the chamber and it's not having enough velocity coming forward and even using the forward assist see if that got it fully seated and so we weren't able to clean it out enough for it to run and right now it is not cycling at all so it looks like the issue that we're having with this is it doesn't have enough forward motion to carry the bolt all the way through with stripping around off the magazine and everything else that it needs to do in order to load the next round and what I found with this particular AR-15 again this is a PSA blim so this is a very low dollar rifle is as this is coming forward it hangs like right there and I've actually got it to just stop at one point and hold and I found that that was like that brand new out of the box you can see how if if you're if you're watching real close there it goes and it's just hold right there and so I don't know if there's some sort of Machining issue because you know a lot of people say there are some QC uh problems with PSA but that seems to be where we are holding up and I'm sure that the sand and all that has only made it worse so what we're going to do is do some lubrication is this the right gun lubricant no is it what I have in my truck yes and so we're just going to lube this thing up as best we can to get on to the next test and this may be what you would have to do in the field with this gun now does this make it any better or worse than the AK-47 um I don't know uh the the AK-47 obviously did better after the sand than this did we'll see if this does better after the mud because mud made the AK completely inoperable even with soaking it down uh with WD40 because the extractor was so jammed up with goo that it would not latch on to the next round after soaking it down with WD40 let's see if it runs any better than it did and as they say a little bit of lube goes a long way so let's get this GoPro rolling here and we're going to try this in the mud this was the AK-47s Kryptonite which I'm glad it's not see it's just it doesn't it's got too much crap in it so this is obviously ready to fire as we just did we put it on safe with the dust cover closed and we are just going to toss it into this uh mud pit here this is the only one that we have right now because the uh the ground is so dry and we've had such dry weather that that's all we have so we bring it up here make sure that the barrel is clear it looks like there's a little bit of crap in the uh muzzle device there but nothing else we will flip this thing we'll make sure that it's as empty of water as we can get put it on fire and see if it will run two shots no big deal so now we put it back on safe the dust cover is open and this is again uh I think the test that really just sealed the deal for the AK-47 I think after the first test and I'll had to look at the video that we took of that um with their with the safety on with essentially the dust cover for the AK closed um it didn't get anything in it we'll see about with it open with this AR-15 in the mud drop it in there let it fill with water just like we did the AK-47 it's still bubbling bubbling bubbling the mag's still bubbling a little bit we will bring it out looks like it looks like that is clear it is you know covered in mud as it is now make sure that there is no water in it best as we can tell flip it to fire let's see if it actually works or not no problems whatsoever with it being open or close let's get a little bit more kind of uh nasty with it let's take we have it on safe let's get a handful of this mud here this uh nasty Kentucky clay mud and let's just put it right there on the action as you can see uh not too terribly clean probably isn't what you would want for your rifle uh let's put our finger on the trigger here we'll flip it to um fire and which is still very not gritty or anything let's see if it runs with the uh bolt filled with mud like that and we'll try not to Splash the camera here if it goes once twice no problems with mud and one thing that I want you guys to take a look at we're going to take this mag out we're going to make this thing safe if we can is the holes in this thing if it focuses on that these are the gas holes that's where the gas comes out um a lot of times when people talk about AR-15s versus a AK-47s you'll hear a lot about how the gas goes into the uh the chamber and goes into the action puts a lot of carbon and you know nastiness into uh into the chamber here gums things up you have to clean it out which was a big problem when they went to war initially in Vietnam and uh they they didn't have any cleaning kits but every time you shoot the gas goes in the gas block through the gas tube into here and blows out whatever is in here and I'm sure that there are some leaks and such that enable it to uh me that enable it to sort of uh clear out some of the stuff that's in the chamber and that is in my opinion sort of a benefit versus the Piston driven AK that has all the gas up here and so there's nothing in that coming in here to really blow things out I know that can kind of be a negative or positive depending on which way you want to look at it as far as you know Carbon versus blowing stuff out and granted I would assume everyone that's trained on this for combat reasons has uh has been told not to get your gun like this but since we've been cycling like this getting that mud all nice and nasty up in there let's see if it will fire now if I can get my hearing protection on without getting it just absolutely slathered in mud see here get that still inside of the magazine other than being wet is pretty darn clean pop that in there I don't know if this is going to work at all that that was not good comes back did it seat I don't think it did I don't know if if we have anything to hit this on but we'll see if it's seated it did not I don't even think it ripped one off the magazine no there is one in there in the chamber it never seated let me pull this mag down see if we can there it goes it's seated that time on fire let's give it a shot and that is the end of the mag it didn't hold back completely uh I assume because there's so much friction in there right now but you could pull it all the way back I'm sorry it's not the end of the mag there's one more in there and then it did hold back but not completely the bolt is not all the way back but it was running and it did survive the mud test without needing to be completely disassembled and so right there guys that is uh AK versus AR-15 a torture test of the PSA AR-15 and the one thing I can say is that when we did the AK that AK that we had had about probably at least 1 th000 rounds through it this has had none so there was really no break-in time and I don't know if that would have made any difference with the way that this was uh kind of hanging up there before actually the the the mud there seems to have sort of provided a bit of lubrication so guys if you you like this be sure to hit the like button down below be sure to subscribe to this channel tell me what you think I'm sure the AK guys are going to tell me that this that this uh was flawed the AR guys are going to be super happy we did use uh lubrication to get this thing running again after the sand and water wash out uh so this did not do really as well in the sand as the AK did uh but afterwards it did do much better in the mud test considering that we were able to make this thing functional and it did function pretty well and uh it um the a was completely unfunctional until we got it back to uh to the house and was able to detail clean it dropping it and such like that that's not really that big a deal any gun should be capable of that shouldn't be a problem you should be able to drop these things nearly anywhere that you want to I appreciate you coming out here to the farm with me and I'll see you in the next one

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