you got to be able to learn how to re relax let that energy go um it's very difficult to find time to chill because fight week is is it should be pretty chill I know there's a lot of media that you have to do there's a lot of events there's a lot of appearances you have to make but at the end of the day it's still a fight welcome in to boxing scenes top stores here on ProBox TV download the ProBox TV app never fall behind with your boxing news of course the big news this week Canelo versus banga September 14th Mexican Independence Day in Las Vegas now the festivities of a big fight it's part of the reason we love the sport but who is ready for them and who isn't Jimmy Smith in studio joining us remotely the Champs poly malagi Chris algeri gentlemen I have to ask you as the festivities roll on we're talking about the fighters making their entrances getting interviews the old heads right Canelo he's used to this Danny Garcia Eris landar they've been in big fights before but MCC for example and of course Edgar banga aren't that used to it Chris what is the effect the kind of stars in your eyes if you've never been through this before does it have an effect no it absolutely has an effect uh I remember the the grand arrivals in Las Vegas when I was fighting Manny Pacquiao and uh I mean thousands of people as as I came through through the door um at at the I think we're at the Venetian Hotel where they had it and um yeah I mean I mean like rows of people I never never experienced anything like that uh before that after that anything I mean it's it's a whole different experience and and that one of the things when we spoke to Edgar we got a chance to interview him um I asked him like you know this isn't just a fight this is an experience there's a lot going on into it and the only thing that is going to feel normal to him is actually once the bell rings and he starts to throw some hands because everything else leading up to it he's never experienced and there's no way to prepare for it either it's not like you can you know visualization Works in a lot of ways but it's not the same as when you're actually in there or and experiencing yourself you know we're seeing on the video right now all the people I remember this this walk going through thousands of people on each side cameras and interviews uh and when you're young it's actually it feel it feels good of course but also like you're absorbing that energy you can take that into you you know inside as you're as you're going through fight week and I think it's really important to keep you up but at the same time you got to be able to learn how to re relax let that energy go um it's very difficult to find time to chill because fight week is is it should be pretty chill I know there's a lot of media that you have to do there's a lot of events there's a lot of appearances you have to make but at the end of the day it's still a fight it's still a fight week and even though you've done that 20 25 30 times before that event uh the the the the spectacle leading up to it is completely different and um you know it's up to every young fighter you know their first time to figure that out uh it's happening for berlanga you know fighting uh you know canel Alvarez is a a walking Legend at this point but he's had some big fights as well he's fought main events in in Madison Square Garden he's had a lot of uh uh energy and and and and lights around him you know in terms of the people that he rubs elbows with and the way that he's uh developed his career is a you know pretty star studded if you really look at it um but it's just it's different when you're fighting a guy like Canelo when you Paulie if you're in the corner of one of these guys in a situation like this like banga especially mccum you talk about Bang's had some big fights mccum kind of in the spotlight for the first time what's your advice to them with something like this do you have them enjoy the moment do you try to get them pass it and ignore it what's your thought on it yeah I you can try to mentally prepare as best you can but the the environment around you is still going to have some sort of effect I mean first of all I'll tell you what champ you made a point there the only familiar place of the Ring not even the ring is familiar because I tell you why when your opponent even misses a punch the crowd is going bananas because you're fighting such a popular fighter just him throwing a punch makes the crowd go bananas so you're dealing with with emotions that even come come to you during a fight that that uh haven't you know happened before when it comes to mumi at least here he's on in the main event okay but he's still fighting a a bigname star in this particular situation it's going to be a very big Pro big Pro Canelo crowd uh they'll be paying attention they in this fight because it is a part of the main undercard main undercard attraction but at least it won't be as loud I think banga is going to have a lot more to deal with one in terms of outside interference as far as uh the atmosphere and whatnot the environment that mcum is Caleb plant is a known entity if you can get past the fact that Caleb plant is what he is which is an ex- world champion one of the fighters at the top of his game and one of the best fighters in the world you may be able to handle this emotionally because the crowd is not going to be so vested into this fight as they are in the main event uh and as for mumi you know emotionally he's vested s very very much into this fight because it's his first big step up you can take the positives out of that and tell yourself you know this is the moment you've been waiting for one of the moments you were waiting for anyway you know uh to get to this level to to fight at this level and to be able to take on guys that you've been watching on TV that you've been you know watching in big fights on fight nights with your friends and now they're across the ring from you you know these are moments that you kind of tell yourself that wow you know I I can't believe I'm I'm I'm across the ring but at the same time you also you also confirm your arrival and you'll confirm it even more if you're able to get that win so emotionally you you got to stay charged up as far as being motivated but at the same time not too charged up to where you'll lose focus and there are different ways of dealing with that but I think it's more difficult than this on this fight night for ban because he's in the main event and you got a crowd that is there fully for Canelo Chris how do you prevent that mental or physical fatigue because you know as you know you're a fitness guy you understand completely the chemicals that make us Panic that make us fight or flight the adrenaline we're only supposed to be exposed to that in times of extreme stress very shorts amount short amounts of time in a show like this you got the walk-in you have two national anthems you have all the the the pageantry with it but you can't get that hype during that got to save it for the fight in your first big one how hard is that to do listen the anxiety spikes are there and how you manage that is what separates the the men from the boys so to speak and the best fighters in the world are able to make that happen and uh it it comes down to one it's just it's your makeup right your mental makeup in terms of your spirit and how you're able to handle it but also I think your your team man man manage uh matters a lot um and I think that baranga who you know obviously with his inter of the team that's around him he's got very experienced guys when it comes to fight night he got experienced guys when it comes to training they haven't been at this level either but you know he's got good management around him um Keith Connelly is his manager he was my manager he's been in a ton of big fights he he handled Danny Jacobs career another guy who's fought Canelo so he kind of has an idea of what this is going to look like I'm sure that that Keith is going to be in his ear and making sure that they're not doing too much work in fight week because there's a there's so many demands and being able to be like yeah we don't need to do that one right now um and having that kind of power to do that I think is really important and that just comes from having a team around you who understands that listen you don't have to do every single media event yes you're contracted you have to do a lot of them um but you can you can kind of gauge the aura of your fighter some guys grow during these events and some guys it saps them you got to you got to really keep an eye on on your on your charge and see how they're reacting to the moment um Edgar strikes me as the kind of guy he likes the attention it's going to it's going to help him um you know champ you mentioned you know kind of reaffirming that feeling listen imposter The Imposter syndrome is real you might look around and be like man do I should I really be here right now like I don't really know you got to fight those feelings off you got to fight those feelings off it's a negative selft talk that you get in your head that really separates how good you can truly be because in the best in the world man they got ice in their veins they deal with it um and and and a lot of them do it early on and the true the true Gra are able to acknowledge that stay cool stay calm stay Collective go out there and perform um but really it's one of those things you're never going to know until you know how much of an advantage and Paul you talk about this a lot not just tactically but emotionally you know you talk about Arison L's amateur career the guy had faced everybody had been in every kind of environment big fights as an amateur how much does that help you in your professional career when you've had that National Olympic exposure you're a Cuban fighter they are well known in their home country you have a bit of startup how much does that help when you get to the big fights as a pro uh I think that helps a lot but big fights as a pro the atmosphere is very different than big fights as an amateur you know I fought internationally as an amateur the the crowd is not um that vifer and that emotionally charged tied into one side or one particular fighter like like it is on these kind of cards with Lara I mean he's been not just overall in the greatest levels of the amateurs but he's been in a Canelo fight he's already had the Canelo experience in the in a main event of this magnitude so him fighting on this card was just part for the course he's he's been there done that he he's experienced all of it so for Lara it's more so about fighting father the time than anything else in my opinion you know he's I don't think emotionally there's there's any challenge to him that that he's uh goingon to see something he's not dealt with as far as in the buildup to to the fight and same thing with Garcia Garcia hasn't been to the highest levels of the amateurs like Lara but he was a very high level National level amateur in the US as well for the Olympic trials and is already a former world champion so with in terms of what what these guys are going to deal with there's not a lot of emotional stuff or or or outside the ring interference kind of stuff that they're not already going to have dealt with in their career and not going to know how how to deal with it you know with them it's it's different I want to go back to a point Chris May Cham you made a good point about their team as well the outside the team that gets you there is very very important because if you're getting there for the first time in your career it's so important for them to take care of the little things that they know because they've got the experience that might be distractions or they they know might might interfere with some of your mental concentration because it's your first time at this level having a team that understands that is very very important and and I think when it comes to team banga he's got a it seems like he's got a solid team there I'm not too all at all familiar with uh mcc's team as much as I with Bang's team uh you know but I as far as banga he's in the main event I think you you have you need that team with a solid manager with a solid with with with a solid trainer that will make you understand understand okay you know let's handle it this way let's let's pull him away from this and let's have a talk about this if if you something is bothering you know you need that and then you need to take care of the political stuff stuff that the commission might have to deal with that you don't want your fighter to know you know maybe there's a gloving issue or maybe there's an issue about the way the how much adrenaline your cut man can have in the corner or whatnot you don't want your fighter be involved uh in in all that kind of in all that kind of hubub going into a fight night you want him because there's already enough pressure if it's his first time in this and I'll give you an example Prof uh professionally uh my first big fight I pretty much had the the three ring three- ring circus uh ringland Brothers in on my side I there was nobody that knew how to do anything it was my first time being there um I can remember fight day my Miguel Cotto fight and my my um my brother calls up my manager and says bro the ring is small ring is really small like he was at the Garden and I was across the street like the ring is super small what are we doing and manager calls up my best friend who's with me in my hotel room when he's like buddy we can't do this I mean this kid brother's going to the ring and he's complaining about fight night this and that I was already focused I'm like I'll handle it looking back the ring was small I mean I I sometimes I question whether that ring was even legal all right the also when I got in the ring it was it was very spongy it was meant to take away my legs moving and again this not an excuse CTO was a great fighter but you're just dealing with these kind of little advantages that better teams know how to give their fighter so it's up to your team to try to combat that and make things even so you know you're basically dealing with things that you know if you have a circus around you if you have the circus working with you on your team it's it's going to become even more difficult cuz you already got a world class fighter in front of you now if they're G if there's he's got a team that knows how to give him advantages it's going to be even more difficult so having that team put you in the right situation to be able to be successful helps also combat those nerves but you know that team actually starts with your lawyer at the contract yeah I remember I had the exact same situation when I fought panikov I remember at the weigh-in in the Barclay Center I could see straight down to the ring and because they had the ring set up prior to the you know Fight Night at the weigh and I'm looking down I'm like that ring looks small and my coach is like no no no no no it's good it's just like the one we train with okay cool then Dan rapael posts on Twitter the day of the fight this is a exceptionally small ring for a championship fight and I was like ah my coach lied to me but he did it on purpose he wanted me to feel comfortable you know going into the fight but I I didn't even know you could negotiate the size of a ring and that's why I talk about having a lawyer looking over your contract thing in Vegas please Vegas it's standard some commissions is standard and some commissions you can negotiate it and some place like for example I can remember vaki when he fought in Germany he a super middleweight world champion in the in the 90s former Olympian he was a guy who had no Knockouts but he moved around the ring his ring was like a mile wide you know he you went to fight him you couldn't find it he was like whoa whoa he was like a Road Runner he he was out boxing everybody he actually retired undefeated so you know it depends but these in certain commissions it can be negotiated New York was one of them and as we both found out if you look at that fight with d Cotto fight if you look at the outside photographers there something you'll notice in my fight with me a photo the outside they're they're laying all on the ring apron the ORS are so pulled in their entire body is on the ring apron laying there usually you can only get your head on the ropes so was it's one of those things where you need a solid team if you if you're team banga especially because you're dealing with a team Canelo who is of the highest level they've been this is what they do they just live this level of fight experien at this kind of thing right and that's the thing yeah and and in Vegas go ahead go ahead go ahead Jim go ahead Leonard Hearns right famously Leonard ran away with all the negotiating got the ring he wanted the ropes he wanted and obviously we know how that Haggler and we know how that worked out for Haggler it did not work out the way he wanted look at and look at look at look at the Leonard Duran rematch the ring is huge you know the lard Durant rematch too the ring was huge but again you have to have a team that knows how to come back that sometimes you got to give a little bit because there's more money on the other side but you got to at least have a team that's willing to fight a team that's at least not knowledable to know if they can fight that's what that's where it starts well the the the the fight starts outside the ring and continues in the ring that's right more boxing news around of course you know Canelo versus banga this Saturday don't miss it he's the pride of walara the Mexican Maestro the unified super middleweight champion of the world Canelo Alvarez his Challenger undefeated knockout artist and pride of Puerto Rico Edgar veranga it's Prime Time Canelo versus berlanga plus Lura versus Garcia Saturday September 14th live on PBC Pay-per-view on Prime video Wednesday night fights Dynamite action on Wednesday night fights every other Wednesday on your Boxing Channel coming up on your next Wednesday night fights September 11th Rising Guatemalan star Lester Martinez puts his own on the line against fellow undefeated Warrior Joe sha shant time James live from the prob box Event Center in Plant City get your tickets at prob or take your chances at the door Wednesday night fights don't miss evenly matched High action fights Wednesday night fights on ProBox Tv scan the QR code on the screen or go to the App Store and Google Play

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