What Charles Barkley Can Teach You about Successful Weight Loss | Podcast Ep #618  | The JoLynn...

Published: Sep 04, 2024 Duration: 00:21:50 Category: Howto & Style

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I am not really heavy into sports except for downhill skiing and I love the Winter Olympics but I have something really really exciting to share with you today when I heard this story I thought wow this is a great secret to successful weight loss you could use this right now you can absolutely do the same thing so let's get to it welcome back to the Jolan brilley show today is episode number 618 the topic what Charles Barkley can teach you about successful weight loss [Music] all right welcome again to the jolen brille show I am jolen brilley I am the founder of the inner self diet which might sound like a different sort of name but here is something that most have no idea about and it is that the inner and the outer always match which is actually a universal law there's nothing you can do to change it but you can change yourself and if you were to change your mind you would be able to easily change your body that's what it means that the inner and the outer always match if you want to get thin fit healthy strong on the outside and you want to be able to do it easily without stress without struggle without cheating on yourself without B back sliding without constantly craving your old binge eating foods and emotional eating foods and comfort Foods the trick is to transform your inner world so that your inner World matches the you that you want to become on the outside that's the work that I've been doing with awesome coaching clients since 2009 it is the most successful path to real weight loss because if you want to stop struggling on the other hand if you're okay with yo-yo dieting constantly struggling then you know there's all kinds of food diets out there and you can just do that or you can do what I'm going to teach you today but what would be even more powerful is if you were to use this secret that I'm going to teach you today and have a weight loss mindset at the same time change your mind to change your body wow you could really get to the place where you'd be unstoppable what would that be like how cool would that be make sure to download my free grocery list get it at www.gb myy grocery list.com grab my grocery list.com for a l of the whole foods that I eat and this is how I lost 28.6 lb naturally holistically no drugs nothing strange get my grocery list now at grab my grocer list.com it's totally free to download so what is it that Charles Barkley can teach you about weight loss well this is such a cool story I heard this recently when I was in the car driving and I thought wow I need to do a podcast about this to share this because it makes totally perfect absolutely fantastic sense and it makes weight loss very very doable especially if you have a lot of weight to lose because let's face it it can be very overwhelming and if you don't have a weight loss mindset and Especial if you have no interest in healing the root of your overeating problems if you have no interest in healing your emotional eating binge eating compulsive overeating if you're okay with you know continuing to do the food diets and if you're okay with gaining the weight back and then losing it again and I'm not being sarcastic you know there's a lot of people that don't want to address the root of the problem so if you're okay with all of that then especially this tip that I'm going to give you here today this awesome way to lose weight can really really help you in a huge way and it is just so simple and like I said especially if you have a lot of weight to lose so what I learned about Charles Barkley's story is that back before he ever got into professional basketball I I think this was back in the 1980s he was overweight he was 80 lbs overweight and he had talent but he was too big he needed to drop weight in order to really become the star that he ended up becoming and he was very lucky because he had a coach now see coaching is the fastest way to get from where you are to where you want to be especially when you have a coach who helps you Empower yourself but stay accountable and stay on track it's just so easy to lie to yourself to tell yourself that oh well you know what I think I'm just going to make some cupcakes and it's not going to really put me that far behind in my weight loss goals and you know I deserve a treat and then before you know it another three months has gone by you lost no weight in fact you regained the 10 pounds that you had pre previously lost and you just flounder you know you flip and flop and Flounder all about because you don't have professional support you don't have a coach and you definitely don't have a weight loss mindset so as far as what happened with Charles Barkley he was very fortunate because a man Moses Malone coached him to get that weight off and you know what he did he did not tell Charles I want you to lose 80 pounds what he did what Moses did is he told Charles you're overweight you're too big he actually told him that he was too fat and too lazy so he was real with him and that's great because Charles probably never would have really gotten to where he ended up getting with without Moses telling him the truth so Moses Malone told Charles you're not going to make it you're fat and lazy and you're going to have to change if you want to really get somewhere with this so he had 80 pounds he needed to lose but Moses Malone did not tell him I want you to lose 80 pounds instead he told him I want you to lose 10B 10B so here's the big trick which is so workable and so doable and it makes weight loss especially again if you have 80 pounds to lose that's a lot of weight and that is going to take quite a bit of time keeping in mind also men have an easier time releasing the fat because they don't have as much fat padding on their bodies because they don't give birth to babies so for you being a smart successful spiritual woman who already knows what you could be doing to lose the weight but you haven't been doing it remember a weight loss mindset is 92.8% of what is going to give you struggle-free success with your whole weight loss journey and if you release one to two pounds of fat per week if you can get two pounds off per week that's fantastic but if you were to have 80 pounds to drop you're looking at at least 40 weeks possibly probably longer because sometimes the body reaches a plateau and you might not drop fat for a couple weeks but 40 weeks is the math if you drop two pounds every single week so you know that's that's going to require patience consistency it's all going to depend on your mindset it's so easy to quit it's so easy to go back to your old ways it's so easy to keep eating all of those addictive processed foods that keep you in the struggle and just keep you on that hamster wheel where you never really make progress you might think that you're doing something but the scale shows otherwise and your clothing shows otherwise so anyway with Charles he was determined to succeed with his basketball dreams and Moses Malone had told him that wasn't going to happen unless he got that weight off so he dropped 10 pounds and then you know what Moses told him he said okay now this is great celebrate not with food right we're not going out to McDonald's to celebrate with food but giving them encouragement giving him the support that he needed to keep going and then Moses said now I want you to drop another 10 and that was the process to get those whole 80 lounds off 10 and then another 10 and then another 10 so the point is break your weight loss goal down into these smaller segments celebrate each Milestone not with food because that's only going to set you back you have to find another way to celebrate you've got to have the right mindset to do this you have to believe in yourself you have to believe and know that you are worth it that you are worth the time and the effort to do all of this and you have to stick with it for the Long Haul but if you break your goal down into these smaller steps it is just so much more manageable and again if you've got a weight loss mindset to go along with it then you're golden so isn't this awesome I just love this this is how Charles Barkley got an entire 80 lbs off 10 lb at a time but you got to start and you have to get that first 10 off before you have the next step which is getting another 10 off and then there's the next 10 you know of course obviously depending on how overweight you are unfortunately nowadays there are more and more and more and more cases of obesity you know 100 lbs or more overweight and it's easy to get there because if you're using food if you're eating because you're unhappy but then you're unhappy because of your weight and then you eat more food because you're unhappy and then you're unhappy because you're eating so much and you're unhappy about how you look you're unhappy about your weight and then you go eat more food to try to feel better but that just keeps the whole cycle going you know it just you you can stay in that forever and it can be very very debilitating for your mindset for your peace of mind for your self-esteem for your selfworth it just it's not good it's not good it's not good mentally emotionally or physically the human body is not supposed to be carrying around a whole load of extra weight it's too much for the heart What About Your Knees what about your tendons your your joints I mean it's a lot even 10 lbs though if you can just get that first 10 lbs off that's a lot of weight here's a way to really get real about it and feel it and it's so simple you just go to the grocery store pick up a 10 lb bag of potatoes and carry that around the store for $15 minutes it's heavy it is heavy so the point being that that is 10 pounds of extra weight that your body is having to Lug around if you're carrying at least 10 pounds of extra weight which I'm going to guess that you probably are since you are listening to this free weight loss podcast episode here on the jool and brayy show although I have had coaching clients over the years since I've been coaching since 2009 I mean I've had clients who were as little as 4 pounds overweight and then I've had clients who were as much as 100 pounds overweight and you know what's interesting is because 92.8% of this is what's going on right between your own two ears the woman who is 4 PBS overweight can sometimes be in more stress and frustration than the one who is 100 pounds overweight oftentimes unfortunately the one who is 100 pounds overweight they have been struggling with all of that weight and it's pretty much beaten them down so far that unfortunately a lot of them give up and they just say oh I'm just going to you know this is how it is the one who is 4 PBS overweight still has hope and that's what you you never want to get to that place if you can avoid it where you lose your hope that you can change because you are the only one who can take action to change coaching is going to help you get out of that place faster than you ever can on your own because none of us can see our own blind spots even with a coach though you are the one who has to show up for yourself and take the action and do the work but it's just gosh how much easier is it when you have a professional coach in your corner who can help you navigate out of the boulders and the blind spots that will hold you down and hold you back and just keep you on that hamster wheel you know what I mean and you can take action immediately with the same thing that Charles Barkley did to lose 80 lbs all the way back in the 1980s you can just set a goal for 10 lbs or if it's easier set a goal for five pounds get the first five pounds off and then another five and then another five but you want to keep it going otherwise you know how will you ever get to your end goal right I understand how easy it is to cheat on yourself and sabotage yourself and this is all going to come back 92.8% of it is your own mindset it's how you think about yourself how you think about your ability to get to your goal weight what you believe 7.2% of it definitely is the food you absolutely have to get off of that highly processed food because it is so addictive and it can set you up for failure but that part is the easiest part to take care of because you only need to be eating clean for 3 Days to get most of that chemical pull out of your system give it a full two weeks and you should be just you know in a in a great place with your healthy eating but then can you even get through 3 days of eating clean and if you don't know what I mean by eating clean do get my grocery list www.gb my grocery list.com to see a list of the whole foods that I eat and ate to drop 28.6 lbs if you want to go further than just getting information hearing my free weight loss podcast trying to lose 10 pounds on your own and then another 10 and then another 10 if you've been battling this a lifetime if you know that you need help it can be hard to admit that especially if you're used to telling yourself that you can do everything on your own but if you could do everything on your own then wouldn't you have already healed the root of your unhealthy eating behaviors wouldn't you already be free of this stuff wouldn't you already be at your goal weight wouldn't you already be Problem free with this whole topic if you could do it on your own why not because you already know what you should be doing right but you're not doing it and some will say oh it's because I'm not motivated well where does that come from what is it that is stopping you and do you want to get out of your own way if you really want to break free and if you want help go over to www.dis discovery-- session.com discovery-- session.com apply for a compliment mentary one-on-one weight loss Discovery session with me this is your first step towards Freedom From The Struggle but this is only for you if you really are serious about getting out of that place where you never really end up getting anywhere you might get a little bit of success but then you backslide you know you've got a problem but it's not changing if you really want to break free then definitely apply for this compliment mentary one-on-one weight loss Discovery session but it's not for you if you just want to say hi or you just want to collect more information because how does information ever lead to transformation how does that work look at all of the information that is out there how could there ever be enough information to make a difference if you don't have enough information already when will you ever have enough info to see results so I'm in the business of helping my coaching clients get results if they really are willing to commit to themselves and do something new and different get a weight loss mindset change your mind and then you'll be able to change your body without the stress and without the struggle without The Strife without the self-sabotage how cool cool would that be take action now do not give up on yourself you really can change if you really want to I'm jolen brilley permanent weight loss coach founder of the inner self diet the diet that lines you up with the body that you want on the outside by becoming a match to that on the inside remember the inner and the outer always match I wish you your best life living inside of your ideal body [Music]

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