Nollywood Actress And Movie Producer Sharon Dies During Childbirth ,The Nollywood Industry Voice Out

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 01:22:56 Category: Howto & Style

Trending searches: sharon nigerian actress
[Music] happy Sunday my people today now beautiful Sunday lovely Sunday come we get important important J just relax I come African tagging African tag I for Vienna a I'm streaming from Vienna today a special day we get musician may they come today she go she start to the play in 2 hours time 2 hours from now Ang but for now make I tell the latest G in town for latest G in town please hurry up oh hurry up and home thank you thank you thank you where are you watching from who is watching already much love my [Music] people much love much love my people much love much love much love happy Sunday happy Sunday today today I interesting G and U heartbreaking shocking [Music] please share like the video thank you so much today now 25th of October August rather 25th August [Music] 2024 I get this important [Music] juice I'm good I'm fine thank you God bless you where are you streaming from where are you streaming from where you the chat from I'm streaming from Vienna and you ah malari thank you so much for your love God bless you please like the video as you join today's just today news it's a sad one we just lost we'll [Music] see e e e e e e e e e e e I'm sorry maybe the volume is low or maybe where I am is noisy I don't know but what about now I hope when I he about the breaking news oh okay nice Nigerian actress producer director Nollywood actor her name is Sharon she's from adate she just died after she gave birth she enter she was in coma she was in coma she struggled with her life before she finally died just because she won't bring H it can come life during TI bed this is really heartbreaking know beautiful angel like that beautiful [Music] so she was oh my God this is is sad really sad then you go see some people some men you go see some men for Africa your wife could get B still they punch and they P holy go no holy God no some people say she she she overstressed herself she too work too much work no rest that one safe join you go just day walk walk walk walk walk let make some of us for this part of the world any there is every year some people they travel come Nigeria two times go Africa two times so they go yearly because the stress in this part of the world you did too much you need rest you need rest you need rest you know so people walk walk walk walk walk they know they pay attention to their body they don't know when they need rest when they need sleep when they need to time for themselves some people like you you need see this lady now based on what they trade now they say she overworked herself too much work work work hress producer only have director it was too much for her join the pregnancy stress again now she don't fight she don't die she died during child birth she was in coma for some days or some months some days rather after CH to pretty come this life no is first of all the stress for this life generally then you come you not pay attention to your body just overwork yourself stress stress stress this money f h the money F the money hle for this life where where where will they carry this money go you go walk walk walk walk walk you know they rest you know they sleep you know they get time for yourself pregnancy no be pregnancy no no be child play you overwork yourself now you are no more rest in peace no matter how the love we love you will not F die with you no F go grave together with you you are gone you are gone rest in [Music] peace rest in peace Only God know whether the Ping survives because the news don't compl they don't tell us if the P survive she dies during dies during child's bir uh Sharon by name Hollywood actor AO actor she was a producer she was a director she was a philanthropist humanitaria she was so nice see the way people they talk so much good about her some people they cry some people say to say she make alive so they they be the most happiest on Earth you know really like make we should be coming that generally we not overpress our overw our for this life for Country I for Nigeria much stress no good at all too much stress no good walk walk walk walk get one adver they say one proverb walk what can what canot play right make Jack do Bo that that [Music] that you know they sink for our brain no [Music] I really see for her ah Beautiful Soul like this very beautiful lady on she go for our late 30s cute girl you I hope you know Sharon Sharon she know life again she died today breaking news now gentle so rest in peace to bring come this life to pass through child beds be mo mo like this be [Music] [Music] I just show small for where I I for see I did very [Music] busy I did for African tag tomorrow is the last day of this uh African taret is very very very very interesting frog um event they started since two weeks ago all kinds of musicians different different kinds of musicians right there from all over the world Africans especially today I Ang today this our great singer from Ben Republic K she's coming it will be a great one so I cannot wait so I show now once again where I day you see very very busy I I'll car go go show some of the event made so many many many around we discuss we have all kinds of African all kinds of African dishes here [Music] all kinds of African dishes here not be just not be only Nigeria koton people they here they cook Nigeria they they cook South Africa day here so many kinds of any everything about Africa here today now one of the Great great day helloo so may Shon so rest in peace may God accept us soul may God grant our Eternal rest you know e you I beg we women especially may we learn may we we study our body may we not just the think say we did too strong strong just died young lady beautiful lady a movie producer director just died like that please like this video like my carry camera com like this my show that things see this on a bag handmade bag very very see I won car around this place I hope I know the lady may die if you don't know please tell me if you don't know the lady made I please tell you see another NB now actress now producer Now movie director now now she's supposed to be mother but unfortunately as she doing child birth now she di this Materia is fine like I said I did for I did for Vienna today now second to the last day of African tag which is African days for Austra Vienna all kinds of before we continue all kinds of handmade all kinds of handmade things from AF all over the H African konu Ben Republic rather Nigeria South Africa many kind that is everywhere choke different different thing so we there here I can't see this news now say make I they discuss the news with make show make I the show W they get so I who know who know this lady made guy young lady who know this lady made that please guys like this video show me love this is land my people have see this one now 2 can you show you you don't mind to show yourself on my why now the the own of the show this where are you fromal seal yeah so the ah this is so today is today the last day of African time no tomorrow tomorrow yeah you been here since how many days two weeks 3 weeks now that's for us 3 weeks tomorrow is the last day tomorrow is the last day we already tired we have to go back home man you came from where Sagal well you Bas in Vienna yeah ah nice Munich yeah so my people family show this one family so nice this one is 25 so nice show so nice is that's is by V this is and good when they come he say normally this 50 but for me25 but tomor yeah from from from fromal Sagal so of African costume you take this one um yeah you HS this place oh nice we clo CL yes so Umar thank you I be where watch from and I want know if know about this G I follow about this if follow up about this juice yes of may happen now we just lost one Nigeria actress producer director yeah producer director and uh producer director she's supposed to be more than that but may I so rest in peace she know there life again and Norwood now they mour her everybody they mour her because she was a nice lady philanthropist humanitarian she love people she extend love may I so rest in peace so like I said today we expect great musicians so from 1 hour from now now this place Go full nobody go f put leg enter I just make a show around IDE I show around may I so rest in peace men some men they treat women anyhow I think God make know how to treat women no easy to bring life this one are from Jamaica F material see this one this one is from from Jamaica without being told see the color see everything [Music] nice I round the place I want make see the beautiful things you know Africans we get beautiful things this is called African days they started since 3 weeks ago African for Dutch Africa tag all kinds of African things I want car around food drinks loal from Africa I they find Nigeria stand make I show Nigeria clothes as in clo everything and is very expensive very expensive that bid now it say 25€ 25 but you not go mind you not go blame them because they pay for this stand they pay for this place made there so and this African T this year the 20th year they started this Africa see this one I'm handmade shoes handmade local shoes I don't know which country this one come from except I ask the man handmade Africa everything here handmade you go buy nice nice thing these ones are bags forms of basket like this not say in those days now they act Nigeria movie all this on they use they act Nigeria Village movie now when only wood was wood do sh for INS Kish cashh it is so this is real African costume really we African things clo GCE buy one and be small and yeah it's called African days so may our soul rest in peace may God accept our soul we got Grant internal rest oh this Frame is nice see see like I said it is called African days African Target you see see important important lovely lovely things huh [Music] for people may like Bobby you can buy this on may get Bobby many of us like Bobby you can buy the like Bobby please like and share this video if you don't know today's topic you let me know I can I can tell now today's topic we they talk about uh our Nollywood um producer director may just died she just she passes on today during child bed after she during child's bed she finish she she both finish go she enter coma some days coma she I am telling you this is really sad sading our hearts as Nigeria as may we be we just lose our actress and actors not good though they happen now they say stress they say she overwork please like this video I give me 10 likes now 10 likes at least and 80 people they watch I know get 20 likes my enem is the watch me show me love show Coco Mama love I show what they happen for here see all this place now after this and welcome to Nigeria kitchen as you can see welcome to Nigeria kitchen this are another kitchen but they don't write their name uh show me love like the video see sit down sit down they eat Nigerian food African food see see their names their country flag now very very very very interesting program is really interesting show me love like the video May the S of our sister rest in peace as a woman I beg you just get B I Take God beg you you should be coming down you get b as a woman you could distress yourself which you def fine over stress you go wait may you Bing finish at least may may you may you know where you day eh you you get B you just do any now you don't you don't you just a stress overw walk yourself I sit down here I sit down here I don't come get better position to sit down oh sorry my my people may are so rest in peace so may may gentle so rest in peace young lady oh Victoria God bless you young lady she should be around she ttis no h ttis make I go bring one stick of meat more they eat what we go do now when we eat meat I carry one stick of so that we go sit down at my home discuss with wait buy one I won buy now I won't buy ion buy sck we don't we don't need car we only need car give me coming then they too busy show the soup side this the soup this OK with mushroom all kinds of soup kind of soup so this what I want eat now stick meat but then they busy if then finish because I want the meat I want to make the meat hot so I need to go when they less busy a bit May microwave the meat for me so as you can see I'm relaxing oh my God the weather is very beautiful I I love the weather please and Victoria we'll talk laterina tomorrow be our discussion may I so rest in peace oh but women I beg if you you get b or you don't get B we not strong like men we should be we stop to the do comp competition you get B you just walk boom boom boom which money they find at least you go hold on you bum picking first when you BMP piing first you finish you continue the struggling H you hold done oh I don't understand but the thing be say you you you you you overstress you know overstress this pregnancy of a no be no be no be luck some people go BM they don't make I'm alive they'll just die just just the way this happen to her it's not about the if you get lucky go survive during child birth yeah if you get luck you survive no be say automatically you BM somebody this woman just get B she don't BN she don't get she don't BN everybody don't get the same luck everybody don't get the same look some people go go 3 4 days then they labor 3 4 days then they labor why some where they they cook they already BN their pcking everybody did different different labor no children play they you can't over stress yourself join now e if you don't over stress yourself you come get one husband make go they give you stress your husband go they give you stress no go let you drink water keep cup for Grand you go day for husband you go marri say you for fire they know that you get B my wife get B make sister or make I make I no stress her leave her make she rest some pregnant woman now then go do everything for her do the laundry do the cook can do everything in form of an African culture My Mama D my my mama Mar my mama get seven children H with h go do this for my papa to do this no not everything your mama do or your papa do you go do at least our African men make they Cal down they show wife love they especially if they get B they carry your baby that pck may you put for their B to answer your name you will marry her she will leave she she will leave her papa name begin to answer your name for D may not reach you pay our culture she go B P answer your name when she get B you go do this do that do that you talk he slap be like commodity may you buy for Market see this lady now Only God know what make her die now Only God know whether the stress of pregnancy or whether another stress make she they pass through only God just know anything they happen I hate to see women just movie producer I've been ordinary I've been a just woman for the society especially when woman one b p one b p come this life he he can't die the thing is really painful it is I day sad if I see such news it did sad really really sad that's one the bring come this life just SP it's really please guys like this video show me love before we continue all before i r up make I introduce you now to tap tap s if you're living in Germany Austria Belgium Netherland Switzerland Canada France Italy please download tap tap send from your Play Store the spelling is t a p t a p s e n d tap tap send it there for your Play Store this app is one of the best app now if you want to send money to Nigeria I'm telling you you will come back and tell me thank you download it from your Play Store you don't need to pay extra fee say sending fee they are they don't already do their their work complete no need of sending paying sending fee and um no need to to to they stress yourself say you want to go to one place or I want send money make AO one place no they don't already do everything for you just relax download them and send money and if you use my promo code COC ko ko as somebody that refer you to this app you go get €10 £10 $5 five as the cases may be for free of charge additional as your first time to use the app and as you use my promo code as the referee somebody that refer you to the the the app so download it from your play and send money the app not there for Nigeria Bo they for Western world like I said Austria Germany Belgium Switzerland Canada America many countries Italy Bel France and so on and so forth so you can download it um that is it though what is the name of the H the name of the H is tap tap send t a p t a p s e n d tap tap send t a p t a p s e n d i be the name of the h T tab sent so you can download them Coco Mama a president general of No Nonsense No Nonsense African woman know [Music] easy know easy J it is where it is s God help us all please like the video and also share at least be at least be waiting respect thank you so much where are you streaming for I'm streaming from Vienna the capita I'm streaming from Vienna the capita H Austra rather the capita Vienna Vienna Austra now I do you see the way I do I'm chilling the weather is cool see is chilling Thea the weather that's sunny weather but they hot for for body more than Nigeria weather I'm telling you so I'm off today I'm my off day permanently I'm permanently off on Sundays and tomorrow Monday I'm Al I'm also tomorrow I'm also free or Tuesday I'm I'm free but on Sunday is my permanent off day you're from India thank you so much you know see my my my outfits the way I dress will tell you how the way that be the way I dress will tell you how the way that be the way I dress now will tell you how the way that be ah you see you can not say the weather is the weather is really really really really sunny sunny weather but very good weather I want make watch one um musician may they come today but not be now and I go R up the live stream we come again make I make I see important musician they come now Ben Republic she's from Ben Republic great mus Ian she's coming today so today now €40 to pay to enter this place but if you come early you'll pay €13 later like 1 hour from now be40 50 it depends ah you be my Divine wife for way I miss before relocating to the US [Music] hi hi I'm good yes I'm chilling all right okay may our gent soul rest in peace may God accept our soul may God grant our family the heart to Bear the loss may God may God give our rest it is not easy oh it is not easy it is not easy it is not easy it is not easy God will grant her rest she go rest in peace want up beautiful soul beautiful woman she day for she maybe she go day for early 30s she never even reach late 30s okay say late start you know say this our Hollywood actress they they tell us their real age what a beautiful woman beautiful woman just died like that what they happen some say stress some say child bir the struggling the pains some say over stress she walk herself too much may have so rest in peace please follow my new Facebook page Coco mama orig mama origina I get other Facebook pages but I know they available there I won demn them this new one and we they do give away for that new Coco Mama original if you never follow that Facebook page especially if you're streaming you're watching from Nigeria you're missing since I opened that Coco Mama original weekly giveaway if you go there you going to see not be you going to see people they appreciate don't benefit they weekly give away for Coco Mama original Facebook page and for this our YouTube page I want to introduce every every first week of the every first Sunday of new month we could they do giveaway for our YouTube but for Facebook Coco Mama original now weekly I do give away weekly I do weekly give away for Coco Mama original weekly giveaway k m you need to you need to go you need you need to go scatter the Nigeria Senate to the Senate Senate and House of H representatives of of M members aha I will check and see I will check her I will check her no please show me love like the video like the video like the video how do I look I look I look pretty I look take away I look I look thinking ah the way that hurs the way hot make I walk around make I show how this place look like make I walk around make I show how this place look like see how people be many many part of the African tag name be the name of this event African tag African tag I be the name of this event you look beautiful thank you so much oh I'm glowing I'm glowing I am glowing may my haters go hog Transformer I'm cute glowing glowing glowing I'm glowing I'm cute now God create me God create any any thing God create human being God create perfect may I so rest in peace oh may God grant her rest oh it is well oh really sad really really sad Nollywood Nollywood industry generally they in tears yeah in tears mollywood in tears H Victoria you call me after this live stream so I will talk hello okay we'll come after this live stream oh call me R call me or I will call you I will call you because I won't give you my private number May will talk I want to give you my private number yes so so that we G I want me you may we talk we know how far my people this place they they they Groove but this this the main purpose why I here today now tomorrow this event go tomorrow the event but the main purpose why I here today this been a republic musician this Angelo may they come they very interesting so I want make I want stream live I want make I want do live make yes Victoria I will call you now be that if you like her now your head we love who you who you refer to viia who be that my people like this video show me love I appreciate you now will pray May the S of the S of shon rest in peace got gr rest I guess Don is get too much swag now my swag be poor swous C Mama any one make transform thank you so much see admire everywhere see this my young [ __ ] I don't know where but now black man he just going say hello beautiful you know how many you Stars today like slim slim fine mama like me who I don't get BN children see my tummy be like you don't be like all this tmy don't drop three children see now make I sell myself I know find boyfriend see see cute girl now after three children looking this cute say God is wonderful some people want die they want me I got Jesus now before now before I st no I'm living my life like enjoying anything me I CH anywhere I want go I go like here and I pay money enter this place no man car me me come on my own some some women they pay I pay for them or smug enter inside without they no pay I be big chck I be big chck God now get power when I like this video like this when I like her they hurt our enemies may they may they they Shake our enemies are too big oh are too big for nonsense are too big for all this we when you don't be somebody you you don't go higher you get enemy if you for this life you don't get enemy you never start you never be woman see you see them see the St I pay before see they go put St for you see C no they mention give away oh some men go drive their women kooka you really par for your for your ex husband so men go drive their women as for give away we they do give away for my for my Facebook my Facebook giveway is every week Fe if you go there you to see say every week we do giveaway then my YouTube giveaway is every first Sunday of the week yes so I look like 35 okay for my place of work they say I be 24 only my boss May employ me I know my real age my boss employ me know my real age say I be 24 my coworkers I tell one my age look me like this now me be the second to the no the third oldest person for then are young young people for my department I may be the only girl said Woo say I look young I say yes I know I look young I look 10 years younger than my age that's God I'm so beautiful oh thank you where are you from I'm from Gambia you're from Gambia Africa Africa yes I know Africa but we in Africa Gambia Gambia oh you look handsome too [Laughter] go trans the house appreciate God creates people may get good mind can you imagine you look really really say don't tell me fire they go still say make I still this bab you really really you really really look good some people want to buy who send now are you paying my bill I do see the guy they tell me say I look beautiful cute handsome guy say I look beautiful eh see you look really really really really really really know how manyo toaster do I do because they they smell for me God forgive me I beg if you the you no like even if I sit down with them for BS or you know there are there are some of them they smell if I before I go down from this spe [Laughter] don't some of them know but I don't know fortunately for me my coworkers might they work with all of themo only me be the black smells nice I can't thank God say God thank you because only that for me me I know for that work if I if somebody may get body order or mouth order it come be so we must dat together so I just some of this people they get go M go thank you I really oh is oh go Mama go baby this like no VI say you going your that can sweet can PE who send are you pay my be big girl that be big bigger girl for God for Jesus I'm bouncing Jesus there go people this like see see another one though these are our drum these are are from Ghana without being [Music] told [Music] everyday my show around there [Music] man I'm having fun here ah normally we not supposed to laugh because today topic now very heartbreaking one but what want do what don't happen don't happen now God get the final we give all glory back to God May our gentle soul rest in perfect peace it God accept our soul little one talk it is well the thing be say generally we take care of ourself may we they take care of ourself nigerias we take care of ourself may we may we may we they listen to our body language what whether we they okay we they sound or not not be to just walk walk walk walk you just this feel say you strong you're strong you're strong like me they do that I strong I too strong for my place of work my they work my my chef they call me strong woman they call me I me do my own things what they carry two times I don't carry once because I don't get time for all those ah they like me they they you know but many times body don't need all those strong all those gyy you need to be coming that just relax do things like say you get time some kind time no be because this life no get duplicate though Coco mama you need you need a man where go give you another fine Pik your B this thing they Hur what want speaking do three children don't let this my fine face deceive you three children I seen it p i they sell them I'll go use and collect loan from from Bank I they sell them no I us collect loan from bank no what I need there I get boy I get girl my kids are lovely my first daughter she she's as she be like model beautiful girl FL ah I I'll B even if I not born S I must not born even if I get one it don't do I get three three three I call it born again as in I begging change topic I don't need a man go give me H picking if I need man for anything and man go give me money join my own so that me my money plenty finished I don't need that from anything only money only money I need man for now no be for k for anything just money support yes so I'm saying it pump and clean which which do what I want again I want I I don't I don't care why enough picking I don't get three children hand work H work at the work waiting again if I need V say go support me if I not see go support me say is just there for Kwa I'm not interested I'm not ready to settle for all this guy made only prick then get to offer or they be broke house guy oh I love you no worry go better if you better come me I don't walk my they walk your own I they talk my own I they hide down yes I don't need person maybe say I'm just SC join us for for waiting for my age I they go 40 for this part of the world my day some women may they not know they left from right why I say may God for I'm sorry to say this you go see woman of 40 years woman of 50 years woman of 50 something years they follow men made younger than them Abomination for me I forbid them this my I open for man make I Senor man my age I not open my for you must sen me respect must kind of men I a man the follow money be everything but c m May c m now I'm not ready to follow any man make no fit supports me every month at least €1,000 or 500 man not too exaggerate because no everybody get 1,000 500 I don't need you for anything I feel feed myself I feel clothe myself I feel pay my rent if you want come say you won't come I'll tell you what I want if you want stay you stay you don't want stay you get out here I must not K I go do fasting and and fasting and prayer for the K I tell God say now God God please I be service for [Laughter] me I mean when I mean go service go God God make me I say easy but I think a man of God may be he say sometime say he say this thing he say Pastor preacher he say not easy see woman I man forid he say not easy for matter you need to be man you need to to say no you need to man of God PR CH I say correct I hope your head for [Music] sale yes qu not be for sale I understand Sam you're very correct but nowadays as a woman I go advise you no car your C give man May no fit give you at least 500 monthly I they talk my own you must not follow my advice me if you see me with any man today I said to God just know say the minimum M collect from that man is 500 monthly what will be girlfriend and boyfriend for what based on say make the service you I I know hide my own first of all I don't need man I F survive without man as long as I get God if you can't say you like me and you must be my I must be your girl friend I'll tell you my words this is what I want if if you want to stay you don't want to go as you see me may you like me you get what till you see may you say you like and me I going tell you say this is what I want if you g then business I don't know that business love I call because nowfe you just follow some kind as they say money not be money money is not K is not for sale they say Kwa for this part of the world all over the world they say Kwa Kwa is for sale nowaday you'll get get boyfriend you know F assist you if you get as simple as € 100 problem but you they there to the service all the time as a woman check your brain some women now you go carry give the man carry money give and your your brain need to be checked do I said to God who create me I know do the least I can do for you if I to like you you do birthday I feel celebrate birthday for you that one that one like s give you money now make people come up may God bless your new age I feel give you gift for your birthday but come give you money as in how are the C can't money give you w my husband I feel support you for business but man the date I don't give you nothing I give you you must give me monthly allowances I'm telling you something or you go your it's not no be by force no be for sale but if you say you like me you want to carry want me this is what I want monthly from you if not it get why so that this K I go and go give God like that I must not car make it just be I must not car how you going car as a woman k for fun are you okay all your mates they use the same K they they do something I don't understand some people say k is not for sale and let no just be normal friendship no ask for me of course I have children yeah my body okay AB thank you so much Mr Don I have three kids yeah three kids sh I take care of myself that you come say you admire this beautiful body may God give me you want to be my boyfriend know as long as you you senior me with like 10 years because I know they follow children I know they do children I do real man you see me like 10 years minimum or more no problem and I go see no say a man maybe say I say ah dear I beg I need like 1,000 borrow me you go Fe borrow me or I need like 1,000 I beg I not Dash now talk fear your face you say okay take now that one be Man follow kinds that if I know they pass my my boundary I know they pass my boundary I then they put hand for where my my pocket no reach so I know be that kind of woman maybe say I know my salary not €1,000 or 2,000 I go the budget something of 5,000 I go do as I want then you say be man you like me wait wa and me I like you to but this is what I want if you want St if you don't want to know that not conern me I know need man to survive I only need God to survive yes so I'm not serious I'm serious I swear to God Almighty if I the like God witness I'm serious I love you and your and your qu better pass 500 qu when you see a hardworking woman strong and bold trust me she can never go for l oh Victoria I love you I love you my darling sister eh I love you J remman is not by age REM is not by age yes I know thank you so much God bless you real man is not by age but me I will never follow any man make I Senor I never do since I did dat become truth I not follow man make I Senor I not follow man maybe my head because I get coconut head God I I get you know I need somebody may I go see go fear no be the size the size no matter but I go they see I'm say it's Senor me now I I you understand he still get some men make them don't reach 50 years 50 something years they no get brain they don't get brain then he get some young guys may get brain but me and they do young guys I don't do children play tell me tell me the angle of the direction of the play M they play can I come for you tomorrow no no come for me no problem who be this who be CH Mak no no worry but moreover I am not single I am not searching I just talk I just explain my kind of person I am not single I'm not searching I am not single I'm not such I don't already get my man need and I know they date two men at the same time I never I not do what if what if you your senior what if you waiting what if you senior man I don't understand if you senior man with 6 month why go senior man with 6 month now I talk I explain myself you say what Senor man with 6 month with 6 months is not allow Les see I don't condemn people may follow younger men because they don't try older men may not get sense some men will be 50 years m 50 years M go they talk now [ __ ] they come out from but some go be 20 years 30 years get sense some don't try younger men and older men they don't get sense then they go for younger men and it they work for them me since I for relationship person follow younger men I know they like my sty I want to follow man maybe say first of all they see me walk even if he don't get money he take care of himself I take care of myself let I just what come to us what they real man I they follow don't be children I don't do children I know they do children and I know go follow two two men at the same time Li lie I go finish with one F because I like I like I like to Proud where I like to work out for every area I go be say yes no they not say this don't friend this don't car with proud car they do Shaka because I know say yes I know they do all this make I like to find o do kind of men man maybe say he go f assist me go support me no be man I go want €1,000 I go go Bank go borrow money or I ask myself what make I come get boyfriend I don't need that no be by force I go alone chop food I give food chop what come to us you P you P better scratch are they C to go do give away s because to the find PRI I know I know do if I do before now before now do I know I never do in any way because some kind some of these guys may you just ah I like him or he's a nice person may we just [Music] D they know they last last It Go be like say they do you one favor or It Go be like say I C any man may give you 500 you know what time you know why he go turn around come come insult you later like after all I get you for without money after all you you you you what to make you for my life man give you money open your high tear your high as lady what I make encourage women work no depend on man any man come Niger if he gets to give you fine if he not get to give you go anyone get May no May no support you what he want use can do day on your own go and work after all for this part of the world except if you get special kind of man May there be all this H diplomats all this kind of man maybe say they get they get source of get some kind of money extra money if not every money latest salary for you 1,5 2,000 2,5 so if you don't give me money I go survive but if I don't know I think some of these men for this part of the world they for for you if they not say keep women because some women May te high like me may know they are words if they because some men they like high quality test of woman if they don't get them they could just save their money every three every four months they'll just go a house go k 50 come back house again every 4 months then they GA 50 they go k every 4 months they got 50 because they don't feel sustain woman they don't get that cap cap they no fit they never fit take care of theirself and their mama and their papa may they drop them for money for house that they carry woman for I don't blame them because me if I be man you come tell me say you going to give me 1,000 5,000 I don't follow you but women know their words go and work as woman you don't need man to survive you need only God to survive go and work if man give you an Applause no depend on man put yourself for that man go come big man man know your words Nigeria some people say old man Mar old man Mar the old man old man with P you know go treat her like Angel see now Jet Jet private jet fly here and there now old man old man young guy may not know your words or another old man go day May if you don't pass 50 years you still behave like you beu forever they don't know your words they kind say God bless you J man get S PA Paul God will bless you sir know your what know your standard as a Woman They said e this thing to ca some people will come Market this thing fine but two c fine but two c fine but two c somebody may know the what go come by and come up for Market but may I drop the price Market don't people don't they go make her sell and come out you just say yourself get out from road but if you know your what leave for that price person need them go come buy them and they go buy them for that price then you put them I'm telling you everybody go touch ah fine two cost go fine but two c the what come by that amount yes so that's not when woman knowing standard knowing what uhhuh they say with man to not be only woman man to know your words no just carry Every Woman this one a cheap one I not pay any money just do go carry dis some men especially for this part of the world they like cheap cheap kind of woman maybe say me to pay 50 for I just carry this woman sharp sharp she she give me money just car good luck for you the way take care another man take care they share the virus share the disease around that one make keep our for that price if you want buy you buy you no want buy you no buy a woman may know their words and they stick to one man no to they share virus for the every make I comment I don't blast me I like you so much hey God bless you oh see men when they like me men may desp hit the on the head they know say the c talk some men may not like truths CH find me please like the video jar yeah I know brain is not by age thank you so much everyone Coco Mama the older woman get the less older men uh available why you the why you why you they fear younger men with strong no I they fear younger men with strong ba no not about and they talk about carry for wallet they talk about you see me from my after I C I don't day for this part of the world may I for those Nigerian women may they find small boy or they find they find man brush M by first to K what wanton Give Me Jesus not be strong man with with they talk about and they talk about oog kind of men real men may know your wor and real men may know their self say every hole they put prick because they see free [ __ ] no be every hole even if free they go look virus day they go look and whether what their standard real men and real women now they talk about no be strong man with B who strong man help you bring strong B come your pocket strong are they CRA your pocket strong oh as a woman I not be woman make they scratch I swear to my God for this all of this Vienna no man go come outside say I don't care why you for this you for that I know my kind I don't need man to survive I the walk then if you come be say you want to be my my boyfriend then I'll tell you what I want no be do or die aair it's not by force it not be by force men know what they want for women and women may get supposed to know what them to want from men if you don't know what you want from man man tell you what want you know tell you are a fo make I say don't be a liability Walk Hard as a woman as man know what he want from woman me I know what I want from a man man go come I need a beautiful woman this one to get K leg or this or that then me as a woman I want from Fear Man car two head anyway I need to charge my phone we continue our live stream again for the other [Music] [Music] [Music] know hey God [Music] [Music] you take you [Music] from investment so I said this thing you are saying really affect my life from the beginning trust me now I can never go for the man that cannot support me again exactly God bless you Victoria eh you are right thank you so much waiting 15 years man do you 50 years man not doing anything 15 years not the only woman need a sister to need a sister to more over enjoyment don't be only man you are right you are right you are you are thank you love is sh love is to share God God bless woman like why women always talk about their interest yes women talk about their interest likewise men men too talk about their interest my phone was off I go charge them now not be stuck not be stuck you we just be friends yes I know say be St then let's just be friends we must not be intimate friend then I give you my qu for free I don't get qu for free you my boyfriend my lover whatever I must not give you qu before we be friends I don't understand I I make my and I explain I they explain children like you they watch if for who be the children my sister women my sister women are plenty over here in Europe whenever you are serious you must bring out you are right you right women really plenty everywhere you are very correct but special one anointed one carry oil this cast [Music] aned me car oil [Music] this my phone was my phone low so I can't charge I put my phone Charing for conf Grand like this thank you so much I I read comments comments every year for Europe you're very correct in fact Young can hold pickles full everywhere young pickles old pickles you're right but qu be qu the way say qu organic see any any likeo as see already P like you don't want go there you don't want choper you don't let chop but you just close your ey go there because now free and you want a wol you want a wol you could just close your eyes could just enter like that those ones day some fine ones a tasting day they don't need money but me I for that category as you need me for this one me I need you for that one now this hand wash this this hand wash this hand yeah you get what you want from me I get I want from you too not business but my sty business my sty that's my sty that's myy and it's working for me perfectly I not just if I if I introduce any man this my man this my I'm telling you just no say man say if I get stress of 1,000 2,000 no be problem you give me the money take I support you if you get give me all take take this one social amount inside if you get give me social amounts kind this h i be man I be boy now just to jump and clean out I'm not ready to settle for leg say no to BR guys [Music] I go Char so that I want do live stream I show so I all right my darling I need to leave this phone make you charge fully charged so that I will do this live stream I see the musician make C today is going to be powerful powerful powerful so this phone need to charge all right I just say bye for now until one 1 hour after we'll come on life again thank you so much God bless because I need to this one charge well [Music] oh

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