Mike Straka News Reporter “Tased” he blurts out, Neil Cavuto, crazy to bizarre action news, we talk
Published: Aug 16, 2024
Duration: 00:01:00
Category: Sports
Trending searches: neil cavuto
the the national and worldwide audience know you have been tased I've been tased and it there's video out I just saw it you guys sent it to me John afterwards how did you feel did you feel alert did you feel more focused no I felt I was shaky uh I my heart was pounding I was very uh very like I felt like I was just on a roller coaster I felt like I ran a marathon it was brutal and they if you count it's only eight seconds that they tase me and you're the the the dosage for law enforcement is 30 seconds tase somebody for 30 seconds before they let go I was only tased for eight and I was like I was shaking for like a good hour after they tased me can can I ask a very serious question on why you were so stupid to get tased yeah who volunteers I and I know media and people do it I will tell you exactly what what transpired I was covering the Consumer Electronic Show and Neil kavo was in New York Neil Kudo the business anchor for Fox News Channel his producer called me and said Mike