day 119 of 365 review of Documentary on Netflix “Daughters”

Published: Aug 20, 2024 Duration: 00:15:24 Category: People & Blogs

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hello and welcome to my Facebook live day 119 of 365 days and today I want to talk about this documentary that I saw on Netflix which really really touched my heart in so many ways and that's Ron is doing yard work in our home in our home so see this um fence here there's like a good like 3 ft from this fence to our actual property line which is like another fence so it was had like a bunch of shrubs in there so he's cleaning it all out it's like one of those like deep cleaning situations that it looks worse before it gets better it's kind of like that so all of that shrubby noise that's run cleaning up our yard making our home feel so amazing so I wanted to talk about this documentary and if you've watched it please let me know tell me what you felt and how it if it did change your perception on men especially men who like maybe we can think that there's no hope for them or maybe we can think like have some judgment against the men who are incarcerated right and um yeah just let me know what you felt when you saw this documentary how like what was your take takeaway when you saw it so to break it down the what the documentary was about it's called the daughters it's on Netflix and basically it's where these men who are incarcerated who have daughters the daughters get to have like a daddy daughter dance at the jail or at the prison or whatever it is I know there's like a difference I think between jail and prison but you get what I'm saying um a lot of these um prisons don't um allow for touch meaning like it's there's no in-person fits as inside anymore apparently from what I've understood in this documentary and it's only through the petsy pexi glass that they can talk or see okay I hope my phone does not overheat which would really suck cuz I would have to start this whole thing all over again let me see if I can put it in the shade okay so I'm going to try to make this like pretty quick then because I think my phone might overheat here in the Sun what the takeaway that I got from this documentary which by the way the men have to do a 10 week coaching program inside of jail inside of their prison in order for them to be able to have that father daughter dance so it's not just like okay let's just do this it's a full legit program where these men go through these different coaching sessions I'm I'm assuming that it's weekly they're in a big group with a like a leader um and they learn a bunch of things I'm not sure everything that they learned but they learn about fatherhood and I saw this diagram on there that it said like fatherhood manhood Boyhood and I can't remember what the bottom was um they talked about father wounds and mother wounds they got to share in this circle right and that alone showed like wow like okay this is pretty amazing like that these men get to learn things that they'll probably never never learn outside in the hood with their buddies and maybe that their partner will never even be able to share with them unless their partner goes on a journey so on the other side as well the mothers and the daughters have to go through these classes as well and teaching the mothers that you had to forgive even though your part their their boyfriends or husbands or baby daddies may have done things to them that have been very hurtful or whatever they have to learn to forgive and get out of the way so that their daughter can have a relationship with their father so it's like a whole thing where they target both the father both the mother and the daughter in order to have this one day for 6 hours and what I found so beautiful was obviously the moment that they that they met with their daughters like that is a tear jerker I was like crying like I'm on my period too so that doesn't help and I'm like oh my God this is so beautiful like for them to be able to to to witness that and you know in my mind as I'm watching this I'm like okay great let's see what happens like I'm creating all these judgments in my mind okay let's see if they break their hearts if they break these girls hearts and like um make these promises to these girls that they can't keep and like which they had to do at the do at the at the dance at the dance they had this thing on their on their suits cuz they were in suits they weren't in their they weren't in the um in their orange jumpsuits they were in full like on looking good you know suits like to a dance they had this like flower thing and they had to give it to their daughters and tell them make them a promise like I'm getting emotional make them a promise to them and like these men are crying grown ass men that are in jail badass men you know who are you think that are heartless who you think have no emotions which goes to show that men are so capable of emotions even the hardest hardest of men I don't know why they're there they don't share which I think is great maybe some of them did some things that you know that were like I do feel that a lot of men are incarcerated for really dumb reasons and like for weed compared to like rape or pedophilia like you can get some ridiculous amount of years and then rape and pedophilia get they get free like it's just really ridiculous I do think that some of them are in there for maybe something that's ridiculous I think others are in there for something more serious either way they at the end they share you know they share one year afterwards four year afterwards I was like wow they really filmed this and waited 5 years before to release it in order to show what to show like okay let's get gather some evidence like which is what a documentary is about at the end they interview some men and some of these men I'm thinking like God I don't know like they looked emotionless I'm like I don't know if anything is getting through to them it was hard for them to even connect to their daughters at least from what they captured in the documentary and at the end this one guy said you know I've been in and out of jail for 6 months like ever since I can remember it I haven't been I have the longest I haven't been in jail was like 6 months I think he said he's like I have been out of jail for 5 years now five four years sorry four years I was like Wow and then I saw the other guy that was emotionless like he was there with his daughter and he been out there he's doing good for himself so at the end of the day at the end of the thing it says that the men who joined the this program 95% do not go back into jail 95% do not go back into jail that is a huge [ __ ] number that is so huge which shows you so many things shows you that number one these men they need community and they need direction they need a beacon of light to show them what fatherhood is what your childhood wounds are what your father wound is what your mother wound is how to be a father and how to show up and they taught them actually also about the family unit and how that's so important at least from the clips that I saw so men need that men I mean we all do but it just shows you that these men that it helps it supports them on their growth of evolution number two these men are doing this for their like for them I'm sure for sure for like for it's always for you first but I but what I believe is the inspiration for their change is their daughters the feminine for them to feel and hug see the tears feel their energy and see how much it meant to them when they saw their daughters in person and spent those 6 hours together six hour like it's beyond the pig glass and it was this one moment that really defined their moment in their life to change that trajectory so men even the harshest of men can change even the harshest of men can evolve who knew a 10we program could do something like that could be so powerful to stop to to stop generational trauma and dysfunction then this is what this is what it is this 10we coaching program that they went through was about stopping generational trauma because a lot of these men has said oh yeah my father was in jail my father was in jail my father was in jail so it's repetitive it is repeating and they also stopped this trauma this this generational trauma for their daughters because guess what they came back for their daughters and their daughters if they decide to choose a man who let's say does go to jail I think they will have the courage to say this is not for me right they will they they these fathers are helping break the generational dysfunction through a 10we coaching program and through the power of their daughters through the power of the feminine cuz the feminine is what inspir these men to change like it was it touched my heart so much to see this and it showed me the just showed me the goodness in men men want to do right by us even men who have gone to jail and who've been in repeated repeatedly go back in there but when they're taken in the right direction guided and they're feminine and they and then the inspiration is their daughters or some like feminine inspiration in invokes their masculine leadership consistency to be there for them this is what it showed me and I hope that women who watch this who've had hard time believing in the goodness of men can see this can see that man can change men can change and this is not saying to stay in a relationship that is toxic that is not serving you I am not saying that at all do not stay do not do not stay for potential stay for the actual reality of change and the actual reality of what is right now but I what what I want what I would love for women to see when they look at that is to to to see the goodness in men and that men can change and that we can change this world we can evolve this world 95% do not go back to jail that that is so [ __ ] huge I can't even tell you like I'm sure you know that you know that you know that it's not 10% it's not 30% 95% to call back that is [ __ ] man that is huge and like it really inspired my heart was like I would love to do something like that when the time calls I would love to support in some way or shape like this helping helping communic that need the help to to change the trajectory of their lineage so let me know what you what you experienced when you saw it what did you see what were what what did you feel what hope did it give you for the future what hope does it give you for changing like the collective by watching this documentary cuz that's what I saw what I saw is like holy [ __ ] if this is a program that's out there which they I'm sure they run maybe a maybe once a year or something like that but once a year to have 95% of the men who who do this program not go back to jail and are actually consistent fathers for their daughters it is huge it is huge for the father it is huge for the daughter and it's huge for the baby mama whether it's the wife the girlfriend or the or or just the baby mama like it is so bit it like extremely touched my heart and like it just I've always believed but things like this make me it's like yes this is available this is H this is available in the world this is available and you can break the system you don't have to stay stuck in the system of pain and suffering and what has been repeated either in your own life or what you saw in your in your parents life like I just thought it was so beautiful I feel like is there anything else about that that I want to share about it I think one of the biggest things about it too was about the about them learning about you know it was a very intentional program like they took they brought a lot of intention into that to share about what it means to be a father what it means and probably highlighting things in their life that they probably have never shared in all these grown ass men in jail crying in front of each other with their daughters like it was just just shows you men are so capable of feeling men are so capable of change and we have to stop putting them in this box that they can't just cuz one man in front of you says that is not available to change is does not mean that there are other that every man is like him you get what I'm saying men are 100% capable of feeling we just have to inspire that in them so let me know what you thought I'm going to conclude this live now with love to see what you thought about it when you watch it so you can either comment on this live or just send me a message because that documentary was was was beautiful and can and shows you the change that can happen in the world all right have a beautiful rest of your Sunday and I'll talk to you tomorrow

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