Kingstonist News for September 10th, 2024

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:02:50 Category: News & Politics

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I'm Sarah brid with kingstonist news and here are your top headlines today September 10th 2024 on Monday September 9th Premier Doug Ford and minister of infrastructure Kinga surma were in Wellington to announce a significant investment aimed at laying the groundwork to get more homes built in Prince Edward County the government will invest up to $8.3 million to enable the construction of 3,895 new homes the county will use the funding to help build the new Wellington Regional water treatment plant after delibera in for only 3 hours and a napan jury returned a verdict of not guilty for a man charged with killing a fellow inmate at milhaven institution emoa Tiba Lewis was on trial charged with the second-degree murder of fellow mil haape inmate Dakota Ryder for a full summary of the circumstances surrounding Ryder's death and how the trial unfolded visit the op have released the above photo and requesting Public's assistance to locate a wanted Federal offender the Rope Squad issued a press release on Monday September 9th advising that 24-year-old Nolan pett is wanted on a Canada wide warrant due to a breach of his statutory release anyone who has contact with pichette or has information regarding his whereabouts is asked to contact the Rope Squad at 416 88590 the Kingston Police Force has announced a partnership aimed at preventing Auto thefts in the city of Kingston in a media release yesterday Kingston Police said they have joined forces with eite Association a not for-profit working to eradicate Insurance crime on behalf of the Canadian Property and Casualty insurance industry to combat and prevent Auto thefts through project Memphis Prince Edward County op recently reported two impaired driving related charges in the area on Thursday September 5th and Saturday September 7th as a result of these investigations Ian McAn 42 of Wellington and cine Raymond 36 from Quebec were arrested and charged the city of Kingston may have an interest in two prime federal properties to create more affable housing the federal government recently identified two Heritage properties owned by CSC the is mcneel house and St Helen's complex for potential long-term leases to help address the country's housing crisis an ASA driver is facing charges after members of the LNA County Detachment of the op investigated a traffic complaint on County Road 41 in Addington Highlands as a result Katherine Henning age 63 of ashaa was charged with five separate charges the driver for U-Haul is facing multiple charges after the LNA Detachment of the op received reports of a vehicle driving recklessly along Highway 401 near napan and striking other vehicles along the way on Friday September 6th with the assistance of the east region Emergency Response Team the opp K9 and op officers the driver was located arrested and charged for more on these stories and other local news visit And subscribe use my code s b 2024 for 10% off

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