Published: Sep 06, 2024
Duration: 00:18:30
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: wrexham
[Music] [Music] [Music] hello thank you so much for choosing this video I hope you enjoy it if you do please could you like it share it and it'd be great if you could subscribe to the channel it'll really help me out enjoy so I'm about a quarter of a mile away from the race course ground in rexam international break but today in rexam it's the first crossborder derby of the season when rexon play host of shury they haven't played in the league for 16 years they did play him in the third round of the FA Cup in January this year in shury and rexam actually won that game 1 nil so for many years shuby have always been in the higher division now a couple of XM players did start their careers in the youth Frank at shuby that's Ryan Barner and Callum Burton so the distance between the two places is roughly 32 Mi it takes around about 45 minutes because it's a bit of a tricky Road sometimes around about the hton roundabout where Mack is it can get a bit snailed up there so Rex them are basically top of the league they're just uh behind on gold defense one goal as well behind Stockport again Stockport now those of you that watched my earlier video when I went to the race course will remember because I'm a leads fan I did mention that if leads don't go up and Rex them D there'll only be a division apart well hey it happened which is quite astonishing really when you think leads were in the Premier League Rex and were non League only a couple of year well two or three years ago you know it's crazy isn't it it's a funny old game but there we are and I know quite a lot of Rex and Bas leads fans and it'll be interesting to see where their allegiance lies if you do ever get in the same division together because rexam and Leeds have never played a competitive game ever they played a friendly in the 60s which leads one it was that reom but they've never played play a competitive match which that's an interesting fact anyway waffling on it's not about leads today it's about rexam hos in shoy but also what interested me in the local press was at North Wales police they are going to be operating live facial recognition cameras now if you don't know what they are they're cameras that capture images and produce a biometric template the system then estimates the degree of similarity between two facial templates to produce a match now if you are matched it means that you're on a watch list now what is a watch list so if you're wanted by the courts or suspected of committing an offense or the police have reasonable grounds to suspect that you or the person depicted is about to commit an offense you could get arrested if you're subject to bail conditions a court order or any other restriction that would be breached if the if you're at that location at that time of the deployment you could get arrested missing persons anybody at risk of harm prevention a risk of harm to either other people or the person in question if you're a victim of an offense if you are a victim of an offense or someone the police have reasonable grounds that term again to suspect that you would have information to progress an investigation or who is a close associate of an individual wanted by courts or would arm themselves or others so really you know it covers a a wide spectrum now I'm assuming this watch list as they call it is put together by a number of agencies primarily the police and the courts and if you want to have a look at what it's all about there are a couple of websites you can have a look on Big Brother watch it tells you a bit more about it on there obviously Liberty they talk about it on their website now recently the Prime Minister has said there's going to be a wider deployment of facial recognition in the UK even though the EU voted against AI use with facial recognition on the 1st of August but it is common in Russia and China now I'm assuming that the photograph that they go off would be your passport because biometric I can't imagine they would use Facebook and things like that because the image probably wouldn't be strong enough or reliable enough however you want to term it now there has been a lot of talk about we're living in a dystopian State and big brother and all this kind of thing and obviously the two-tier arguments that are floating about but this really is happening and I'll show you today that it is happening now Liberty they say it's discriminatory very intrusive and oppressive so that's some information on live facial recognition it's not a New Concept it's been used used before but I've never seen it at Rex them at a league one football game so anyway enough of all that so if you just want to watch this video for the sport aspect crossborder Derby rexam versus shoy rexam at the top should be one place above relegation at the moment but it is early in the season obviously so I'm not expecting there's going to be any Ary any hooliganism or trouble today any scrapping but then again there's a border there was a photo posted on Facebook on social media this morning or last night whenever it was posted which I'll pop up so you can see that looks very European in its Style but now I can't imagine it be any bother really now if it was Chester mexum versus Chester well may have a slightly different opinion on that one however we shall see so not far from the race course now I'm just going to swing around to the right not far right just right definitely glad I didn't come that way I was in two mines made the right choice that's always good isn't it so I think it is going to be a a very busy afternoon can only be full once over though and I would imagine the capacity slightly less this week with it been a a derby there's a lot of police about [Music] though as you can see ah what we got is this the shuby fans and the official coaches I didn't know it's it's not a bubble fixture as far as I know but all right they've dropped their supporters off I know exactly where they're going there's quite a few coaches as you'd imagine and expect so they're getting their little police escort to the parking let's give you an idea on time we're about 40 minutes to kickoff so I'll mooch you around there you go that word again try and soak up some of the pre-match atmosphere okay so I'll do some filming now let's see if you can spot yourself later on that the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] YouTube quite a lot of comments I some of people saying that seen [Applause] themselves love fans of mice quein [Applause] if you come here 10 years ago goodness me this wouldn't recognize it now completely different [Applause] you probably see in the distance the shuby fans are already in the ground making quite a bit of noise they look got those buses that we've just seen so yeah quite a good turnout from shuby as you'd imagine so sh be already singing that uh England [Applause] song just trying to have a look for this van with all the face reconition cameras on it seems I've waffled on about it for a good 5 10 [Applause] minutes I think I've found the van so we'll have a little uh we'll have a little picture of that definitely show you what one looks like just so you know what it is by [Applause] [Applause] I've just gone past the turf obviously you have all seen the turf on that program it is and obviously you got the fourth wall there which is the temporary stand which I've shown you [Applause] before right so this van coming up I'm assuming that's the uh face recognition cameras obviously North Wales have their own version but you can see the cameras on the top of it so that'll be scanning me now going oh what a handsome fell you are and then matching against my passport photo to see if I've been a naughty boy never been a ever ever so they are stopping people that are getting flaged up there's quite a lot of coppers about to be honest with you so let's watch what they're up to then this big brother unit so they're asking people to go around that way at the station so there we are now they're not actually having the van near the turn Styles or any forced thoroughfare so as far as I know they're not breaking any rules live facial recognition I've never seen one before they've had them at Notting old Carnival and places like that but it's crazy yeah so is this what it's come to now you want to go to Footy to watch your team and now after you so there you go life facial recognition in our dystopian world I did say he was going to widen it out so here we are shocking seeing it [Applause] though now I'll keep rolling so I can capture some more of you if you do see yourself drop us a comment I'm still a bit shocked about that camera thing live facial recognition goodness me there was a fellow there who was protesting I didn't want to film him but never been in trouble in your life well you know this is a thing [Applause] me rexam does have a far reach so basically you could say it's a pretty much a ho of North Wales really I don't if I mentioned this last time but went for a day out in on angle SE and uh first shopy wning oh you from reom okay go there I've got a season ticket I mean that's miles away it's a good good hour and a half be two hours away so we've got heck of a lot of coppers now they excellent fans arriving they've obviously been down to Spoons or somewhere can you do me a fav please just don't go any closer for me yeah of course thank you yeah no problem it [Applause] oh I see yeah these are the shoes belong [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the pleas [Applause] [Music] I mean it's one hell of an atmosphere building up that's for sure League won this you know it looks like we've got a line of Rex and funds there as well so quite bizarre you separated them that was a bit bizarre was it it could be the the railway station you can see you see the sign could just be that that was a train that had come in and they that to separate them now the music stopped I can film that stand so yeah that's the temporary stand done that um I did pull down the old one cuz it was deemed unsafe but right M yeah still makes me laugh when you walk around with a camera how suspicious people are you know giving you the side eye and everything it does make me laugh yeah everyone's walking around with mobiles in the around that have got cameras crazy eh it's going to cross over