Tennessee Titans Vs New Orleans Saints NFL Preseason Week 3 Watch Party and Play by Play

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 03:13:40 Category: Entertainment

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e e e e e e e [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hey [Music] good morning good morning good morning or good afternoon happy noon rather if you're in my time zone in the Rhino time zone starting early there mukes I just saw it smash them what's up cam what's up Carr and thank you thank you thank you with the squashing of the Bots and so the fun begins we got the Tennessee Titans and the New Orleans Saints we'll get a little Steve McNair versus Drew Brees if we went back in time but we can't yet so we got to settle for what they have for us today Sunday now afternoon all they're ready to go no sleep for the Bots sleep is for the weak says the robots of the worlds shut them down you must terminate them yourself they will not be stopped unless they're terminated they do not break they do not stop how what what what does Sarah Conor say she's like they will not stop no that's not sarak it's the uh oh what's his name Kyle Kyle something he goes and he's like they're Relentless they're not like humans they will keep going it's true and that's what they do they will keep going it's all they want to do they just want to take over the world take over the world all right game thing Bob is not up yet what's up Sandra welcome in the Bots are back in town the Bots are back in town I think we had like seven or eight of them in the last game might have been might have been eight times which is a lot for the Bots usually it's like four well one already all right it is just about time they got them on the field ready for the [Music] kickoff Bang all right kicking off to the Saints to the three past the 1520 stumbling up going up top to the 26 before he's taken down I don't like how they just hop to the game they don't show anything before the game it makes me so mad there's no like let's get ready they're about to kick off it's like nope Jake haer Jake ha I haven't covered these guys yet this preseason but Jake Hanner is out there for the Saints no Derek car today because obviously he's the starter number three is haer don't know how much time he's going to get but they in the affirmation right here what's up what's up what's up shirom in the house runs it up top and stuffed you get nothing nothing on that carry for number three U oh the screen worked it's up there and going cool it was uh Mims Mims is number 33 he is indeed Mims what's good sh welcome in the robot is oh the Bots are we crush them we crush crush them crush the Bots smash them smash them and stays in the pocket hits his man with the to the 30 gain of four before he's wrapped up gobbled up and going nowhere so it'll be third and sixer after the reception by means means is that 16 16 I remember naton means on the Chargers back in the in the 90s went to a Super Bowl against the ners and got slacked it was like 5510 or something ridiculous Ambassador up top to the 43 in the first down is that brown taking it down for a first down let's go St Brown not alron not Alan Alan ra St Brown sorry it's not him not him but uh he is number 13 cool cool cool the boun are back in town bounce are back in town they're back smash him smash him roll to the outside plenty of time all day all day and then checks it down and can't make the play broken up down the sideline going to Mims all day to pass but could not get that one second of 10 for the Saints so we are under way and the Saints trying to drive down Saints and Titans I I don't have either one of these teams making the playoffs Titans should be on the bottom of the AFC South Saints probably in the middle of the pack below 500 they're in a weak division but the the Falcons should win that one runs up the middle stuffed maybe he lost a yard going the wrong way Robinson nope got back to the line of scrimmage so Robinson number 26 jez Louise they are on fire today on fire on fire they're working hard those Bots are working hard man shotgun looking third and 10 rolling to the outside can't make the one handed grab would have been short of a first down anyway in compit to Robinson and the drive stalls you'll pick the Titans oh uh I don't know who's going to win I say uh take the points and the under as per usual so Saints and the under that's what I think Saints in the under but I think will Levis is going to play a little bit today so that's by why the Titans are the favorites bus it away F returning it from the ner and a couple guys there knowwhere to go squeezes through the 16 geez guys are working overtime today let's go Titans let's go beat the Saints there's a few Saints fans out there Cameron as they hit the commercial uh Goodson did have a good day for the Colts 13 for 57 so I guess that's a good sign pun intended but I'm not the biggest fan of Goodson on the Colts anyway so the Titans will get the ball first and see what they can do uh what's sold so something sold for 24 million a Babe Ruth card Cold Shot Jersey H the Cold Shot jersey sold for over $24 million that's Insanity $24 million 24 million doll for the Cold Shot Babe Ruth Jersey back in the day I'm happy with buying my junk uh football cards from the 90s and 80s and stickers and bobbleheads that stuff makes me happy and that's like super cheap 24 million for a Babe Ruth Jersey that's crazy crazy Insanity oh we're almost up to 20 likes cool cool cool cool [Music] whoa oh man man oh man we got two more games uh two more preseason games after this that I'm not covering but that's the last two preseason games of before we have a kickoff soon we're getting closer and closer people we're so close so close the regular season little over a week away little over a week away why is my nose running sorry people my nose is crying one of the first team starters on the Saints kneeling to the flag huh interesting didn't see it didn't notice it I don't care let them do them they uh they do what they want to do off the field see if they can do anything on the field all right so the Titans from the 16 under Center will have a single back motion down low and fakes the run down low and Boots it up top and hits his man for about eight van n number 84 so will Lis out there last season threw eight touchdowns and four picks 1800 yards on 58% completion percentage that is iffy he's got to get those numbers up got to get those numbers up all right second and two for the Titans one for one so far he's amazing and runs it following the Box up top squeezes through and gets just past two yards show show me first down first down it is Pard the ex Cowboy going to be leading the Titans number 20 so he took the same number my first look at the Titans and Saints for this year don't really have to look at them much won't be covering too many of their games I guess I'll be in two Titans games because the Colts going to squash him twice at least they should squash him twice oh man Ravens offensive line coach passed away sheesh screen pass got some blockers in front of him to the 35 40 45 to the 49 good play well designed tons of blockers first down first down first down Vanette coming through go P you going to miss P there car I thought poo was a pretty good cowboy he didn't do well towards the end of the last year with the touchdowns but I thought he was pretty good what's up Alvin what's happening welcome in right by the Saints logo play fake Lis plenty of time all day passes it down low hits his man to the 30 and of bounds Boyd number 83 with the catch nice pass but clean pocket plenty of time it's not what you do in a clean pocket it's what you do in all the other situations that count you have to make the clean pocket passes of course but most people can do that most most NFL quarterbacks can do that especially when you have like that amount of time if you can get it rid of give it to the ball in less than two and a half seconds amazing if you hold on to it for more than two and a half seconds what can you do and can you make those plays with accuracy that is huge that is the full complete quarterback runs it up the middle pushing to the 25 26 P it on the run but I think he's pretty good I mean he's no Travis Henry but uh not many not many run Mone backs are the wild man is back backto back uh days and I haven't seen you in months loving it what's up Wild Man Dusty the Wildman appreciate that man hands it off P it again dancing going up top to the 21st down to the 18 here comes the Titans that's why they're the favorites they're rocking with Levis and po rocking rocking in a roll alone what is that number four kushum got him a body bag yeah tons of work today the Bots are a mid-season form midseason form on this Sunday the last now we got one more Sunday without uh NFL football screen pass the power down low 15 to the 10 fighting his way to the five it's going to be first and goal first and goal for the Titans impressive drive a little bit of everything throw it here throw it there run it here run it there Bing Bang Boom driving on the Saints excellente keep on crusing let me fix the screen a little that's a little better thank you Dusty first and goal motion Downs low hands it off of the middle the Pard trying to get through only gets to the three second to goal what's up RC all Ohio uh Iowa Caitlyn fever Aces in the rhos did you gobble up all those tacos are the tacos destroyed are the tacos defeated are they done are they okay the Bots are Relentless today and yesterday they want to be back on top of the world play fake slant over the middle incomplete getting a flag from the back end a flag coming through liar so it might be passing ference should be passing ference first and goal with the one they are back again they will not be stopped oh they're are leftovers leftovers the Bots are going nuts nope no you didn't too slow got to be quicker than net got to be quicker first and goal from the Uno bang bang power through for a touchdown TRS on [Music] top bang poed boom right up the M easy peasy touchdown squeezy let's go these Bots stink crush them Crush those Bots ride your bikes and knock the bots off their bike down the hill tumbling down hate these stupid Bots hate these stupid Bots here's your first lesson in karate how to take a fall oh how do I think bonck will do this year I don't know I wish I was a psychic I wish I could see the future besides Colts meting the p Packers in the Super Bowl but that's besides point but Bo Knicks he looked good in preseason looked really good in preseason against the Colts backups and the Packers backups whatever no not even the Packers backup whoever's backups second and third strings he he he did the right thing he got the ball out fast so he he makes his decisions quick in preseason against second and third stringers does this translate to week one can he do this at a faster speed where everybody's a step faster everybody's a step quicker a step smarter we don't know until he until he Happ been Sam Ellinger all these other guys that tear it up in preseason but they can't hack it at NFL speed regular season speed there's a difference between preseason speed and NFL speed I I don't know if it's going to translate we'll find out we'll find out for the Broncos fans and people here in Denver that are going goooo Gaga over bonix thinking he's the next John Elway the Savior uh the best quarterback ever that they went and got that fell to him at uh wenton got fell to them at the 12th pick the sixth quarterback taken it's a possibility he's looking like he's good but man they would be so lucky if five of the teams passed on bone Nick and he falls in their lap and he's amazing so I'm I'm not I don't I'm not ready to say he is but he could be he could be it'd be nice for Denver but I I really don't I hope I kind of I kind of hope he sucks so I could stop hearing all these stupid idiots I know that's redundant but they deserve it like going going nuts over this guy and and when he was drafted thinking he was like the Messiah of quarterbacks it's just crazy I don't want to hear their nonsense the Bots are loving this Channel right now maybe nobody not many other people are streaming so they're attacking us we're turning it out to the 30 what's up what's up what's up samel oh we got bird watcher oh bird watcher crushing some Bots what's happening let's go the Bots are like no the bird watch is here no did I see the new Crow yet I didn't see the old crow I didn't see any Crow crows Crow ey Crowes no haven't seen him runs it down low breaks a tackle with a little juky poo out to the 40 Bam Bam Bam Mims On The Run show me first down they want to be be stopped they won't be stopped and roll to the outside throws across his body it's man to the 43 what's this parentis parentis number 46 whoops parentis here comes the Saints see what they can do on this drive what the heck's going on it's a bot party yeah it's a bot party there RC big announcement oh baby let's hear bird watcher hands it off doesn't take the hole of the middle cuz he want to go outside runs into the blocker he either cut early or cut way late he chose in the middle runs it to his offensive lineman goes nowhere loses a yard or two means on the carry on the little Jet Sweep cly invited to attend tonight Sunday night baseball game yeah you're about to hit 2,000 right hitting 2K Subs you're you're like uh less than 30 away I think I saw the 2K is coming to the bird watcher people about to hit 2K whoop oh throws it over the middle on the quick slant in complete dropped it you gotta catch it little fella Jaan Johnson number 83 Jaan Johnson a duck that's quacktastic he's a duck cordially invited very nice way to invite me geez Louise this is insanity birdie coming through man how many Bots do they have they got a they got a minion of bots escapes the bresser throws it up top it's his man for a first down 11 yards right at the sticks beautiful very very nice Perry on the catch number 17 ridiculous um am I doing the Sunday night game uh no I'm doing the CFL tonight CFL at 7 o'cl eastern time oh they're challenging this Jo in the spot challenging the catch did you Bobble it out of bounds I didn't see the Bobble oh you're 18 away if anybody hasn't subbed up yet go to the bird watcher or's bird watcher subscribe to his channel does the birds all day long all week long Orioles everywhere sub it up and uh they're going to hit 2K 2,000 in his first season and the season of baseball isn't even done 2,000 less than a season of baseball pretty impressive it's impressive not pretty impressive man oh man the Bots they're insane I think uh how many times is that already I know Pas and Fitzy were doing a stream they said they got it 20 times in their stream 20 we're like almost halfway there this has got to be like number eight or nine already they had a 20 in a stream 20 attacks we need body to fight these guys off body where are you we need body this is crazy silly silly silly squash him well that uh it's a sign of us moving Moving on Up Moving On Up in the world back again the are back again they're crazy do I have to like switch over to subscribe subscriber only I might have to switch to like subscriber only if uh this keeps going yeah the last year uh bird watcher they they streamed a Patriots game a pre-season game or regular game I forget what it was but they got it 20 times in a stream or 20 times in the first half something crazy like that what's up volcano good luck to your Titans Levis look good so far so far is looking good you got to look good in preseason uh yeah it was last it was last year yeah the Bots they're just football they push the football they they don't go in other uh it's football bots so you shouldn't have to worry about that oh was incomplete oh let's see he got I don't know if he Bobble did that's one foot oh and that second toe came in but the heel came down out of ounce so it's like you you can't you can't put down the heel even though your toe is in first if the rest of your foot winds up going down right after that still incomplete so you really got to go tippy toes and then lift up the foot all right all right all right and returning from the nine cutting up Fields here comes the Titans to the 15 20 to the 22 almost broke free you got K K's cooking BS yeah oh man how many of those shirts did you buy her good morning fellow nerds what up Bundy welcome in what's happening Bundy and the Bots have arrived they've arrived Bundy and the Bots happy Sunday football people this is one of the last three preseason games last NFL preseason game I'm covering I got the CFL 7 o' Easter tonight and it's rock and roll players from fake looking plenty of time over the middle wide open to the 4550 and 45 yd line tackle that bounds for number zero number zero who is number zero it's a number all right people all day to pass wide open you can only hold them for so long and hands it off runs it for about 5 to the 39 who is 30 oh was Ridley that's Ridley my man I'm used to being the Jaguars so you like the Jaguars huh Ridley is zero I thought he was going to be even a bigger player than he was such a such talent feel like he's almost wasting his super skills away Ridley from Alabama I'm pretty sure Alabama first round pick 26 pick from the Falcons Back in the Day 2018 runs to the middle to the 35 and we're about two minutes left in the first Spears on the carry so they still got this um they still got their starters out there Calvin Ridley man oh man because he was suspended that that year for uh for gambling at the 35 affirmation on Third and one gobbl up goes nowhere nowhere it's going to be fourth and one fourth and Uno what's up shroom the backup bowls are over soon yeah yeah get to the real deal shroom getting to the real deal you like this is this is my favorite Jersey this is my favorite Jersey got this bad boy I think at 99 had to have it specially made right after he was Fulk was traded from the Colts to the Rams there was a place in the mall called going pro my family had it made for me and it's a puma it's a puma throws it up top of the Fall first down to the 21 yd line easy peasy let's go Pard coming through with the catch and run fakes the Run Pard to the outside done first down sheesh 122 days until Christmas wow man oh man but yeah this and this jersey still in pretty darn good shape for like 25 years old now this bad boy 25 years old I was rocking this jersey uh in senior year of high school baby double reverse going down low Cho the bounds to the 27 loses about four yards what's up Virginia going with the Chiefs can they go back to back to back Super Bowl champions it's possible I hope somebody else gets in there but the chief's Dynasty is pretty sick pretty sick all right let me see if I can adjust [Music] this three pets 6 months away it is quite possible there Virginia quite possible let's see if this helps people I switch it to subscriber mode only uh but maybe the Bots might be able to subscribe and spam so I don't know we'll see if it helps because it's getting pretty ridiculous let's see if this stops them in any way so you got to be subscribed for a minute before you could uh Post in the chat have to start decorating for Christmas now you mean Thanksgiving you start decorating for Christmas on Black Friday Black Friday is Christmas decoration time after the Thanksgiving after all the turkey eating and we have two thanksgivings okay we we can't start S we can't can't we can't get ready for Christmas in August football season even start we're not even we're like we're not even in the fall yet we're not even it's just isn't it like the end of September that's when fall starts Autumn like uh isn't it September 21st or some nonsense like that I know we get pumpkins and pumpkin spice and pumpkin raspberry latte v j drinks or whatever but um in August but like you know that's fine not talking about Christmas in August like the halfway Christmas like uh is in July where they do that whole Christmas and July stuff so yeah stop it stop it sa the time not the Summers but like I I know you want to get to the fall and winter because those are the best you know seasons of course obviously but try to enjoy the summer if you can I like the summer I don't like the heat CU I don't like the sun should be called Sunner instead of Summer a Sumer sucks sucks pumpkin underarm deodorant oo that's pretty funny somebody like something smells delicious oh gross my bad that'll end the the pumpkin craze pumpkin spice deodorants throws over the middle to the 21 gets about six on the catch there by Ridley right at the danger zone They said no but they did have a pumpkin fast face mask get ready for Stuff early I don't like being on subscriber mode only but we'll see hopefully this gives you guys a little bit of a break of the crushing of the Bots third and nine lvis throwing it to the end zone knocked away good coverage at the back of the end zone well done going to Ridley Sans with a good defense nice nice nice and L to settle for three well three-point attempt man oh man you put Halloween stuff up in another three weeks and then 111 knock knock knock in on the Thanksgiving Doo Nick Fulk 29 of 30 last year splits upright 10 nothing Titans good start good starts as we're just getting on the way in the second [Music] [Music] quarter the Bots have mental problems today yeah I went to subscriber mode only RC so hopefully that ends them for now and I'll go back I'll switch back later once uh they settle down and they disassemble we disassemble all those Johnny Fives Guys take your wrenches and disassemble those Bots crush them smash them and then throw them into the liquid magma the liquid magma all we freaking need is L uh sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their head is that so hard all Hall Eve how many days till the NHL uh I don't know 60 is it 60 60 days might be under 60 where's Dallas when you need her she's probably making some buttery corn and and reading a book on the beach or saving lives or recycling her sandals or some crap she's probably she's probably out there recycling her sandals or saving the rainforest or some crap who knows that line I paraphrase just a tad to keep it clean but I love that line who knows they still got in they still got in those sneaky sneaky sneaky sneaky bots so that means they subscribed and now they're they'll uh they'll unsubscribe so I probably got a sub and they'll probably disappear after I didn't they didn't even I didn't even get a subscriber and they snuck in Shallow how nope nope nope it is not shallow how I think we get a sub from them they have to be sub let's say subbed and unsubbed right away the last day of preseason let's go silly flipping Bots all right kicking her off to the Saints here we go six yards deep and kneels it down nobody know knows that movie except my sister Spencer rler coming out for the Saints now rler number 18 take that Jersey off you're not worthy of number 18 you're not worthy he's probably out there recycling in sandals or saving the rainforest or some crap appreciate appreciate the like thank you thank you thank you can't wait till it counts coming soon over the middle hits his man first down means with the completion very very nice very nice I like how much Saints and the ners uh impossible they're both in the NFC maybe the championship game sometime in the future but not this year Saints is staying home they hope to win like seven games runs it down huge hold to the 50 45 CH to 43 what was that Robinson Robinson on the run another first down here comes the Saints hopefully that quote helps you aad there RC Sandra knows what it is let's go green man I like your work runs it up the middle gobbled up maybe gets two I once drove around 11 states wearing her head as a hat you know don't talk to me it's my daughter's birthday I got the whole world He's Got The Whole World in His Hands are you sick do you take medicine there is no medicine for what I have throws it over the middle and can't hang on and incomplete Jacobson can't make the catch Jacobson number 86 right you are ding ding ding ding ding ding what do we have for Johnny a correct [Music] [Applause] answer uh sorry people I have subscriber mode only sorry sorry sorry because the Bots are going crazy what's up Breeze welcome in welcome in welcome in the Dixon way coming through I had to turn on subscribeing mode only to stop these stupid Bots the preseason Bots people my apologies for the mode I hate going subscribe subscriber mode only Richardson did not look good against Cincinnati he looked good on his first drive the other four drives were eh but it's preseason so they're testing things out that's not what he's going to do that's not going to be the style offense once the season starts though so you didn't get a chance to see it what's up there Scottish welcome in welcome in welcome in sorry about the sub mode only the Bots are Relentless today what's up True North media what's happening welcome in appreciate the likes people thank you thank you thank you 10 nothing Titans on top here in second quarter two and a half minutes in at the 44 third and 10 pressure Rattler throws it and there a flag makes the catch Shane Brown wrapped up but no first down uh but let's see there might be a pass interference or legal contact on the defense for run at first down Cowboys and Niners in the Super Bowl uh no both in NFC there they'd be a championship game oh might be legal contract on the offense oh no then then then the rough gave the signal the wrong way and it's the illegal content on the defense and brown Lee so oh man almost spilled the coffee all over the table and went it stayed up sheesh um all right so penal uh first down by penalty coming through appreciate it appreciate it people thank you thank you thank you for dropping in dropping the likes dropping by dropping those Bots all right first attend the 38 flag on the play after the snap and runs it up top for a yard not much there for Mims Engles get ready for tomorrow pre-season's over after today the real deal starts tomorrow get ready get ready hell Dixon way got gifted membership thank you thank you thank you True North media for the gifted sub thank you True North media you're the best around appreciate that and Dixon way is the winner of the membership thank you thank you thank you Dixon way with the raid coming on through make sure you guys go check out the Dixon way subscribe to his channel do it now do it now go there go click on his his name go over there and sub it up he's on his path to uh 3,000 subscribers he's just about 3,000 Subs Super Bowl 59 Cowboys let's their Super Bowl is actually winning a playoff game because it's been forever and runs it through the middle to the 19 so first and 10 Mims coming through and inside the danger zone well they have won a couple playoff games but uh I think five since 96 so not too many first down Saints driving [Music] driving thanks again Che North media here we go here we go here we go play fake Rattler All Day stepping up the pocket on the Run nobody home right to the 15 stutter step out of bounds of the 11 eight yards on on the run and tumbles out of bounds should also check out true north media I think he's closing in at 700 subscribers no maybe closing in at 800 subscribers actually didn't the Cowboys want to Super Bowl back uh one television weighed 50 pounds yes 1996 oh yeah big fatty TVs fatty on bam and cuts down low at the 10 dive into the end zone flag on the play right now it's a touchdown Robinson but we got to see it looks like it's going to be holding probably going to be holding down the sideline holding no touchdown what I done [Music] I don't know that line just over 700 got you gotcha gotcha yeah I think uh I was thinking around 721 Subs but I don't remember Saints the world champions in 2010 yeah they beat the CT strew Brees super M VP w w close game Colt should have had that one they got out coached Shawn Payton out coached him out coached Jim Coldwell straight up straight up ridiculous it could be pass third and 12 for the Saints Go what means I don't know that quote I can't even I don't even know how the person's saying it within it is the city I don't know it can't even picture it haven't heard it maybe I've heard it somewhere but I don't definitely don't know the movie go to the end zone up top what it was like almost triple coverage and he beats all three of them and rler drops it in there what crazy bam that s Brown St Brown goes out and up so St brown with the tutty St brown with the tutty and extra point will make this 10 to seven is this uh yeah the screen is behind seems like they're behind a tad Spencer Rattler the rookie this is from South Carolina oh man judge [Music] dread these Titans are poverty Judge Dread wow I haven't watched that since the mid 90s uh yeah so I haven't seen that movie in 30 years 30 years Judge Dread wow I did watch it a couple times back in the 90s but wow I mean middle school I haven't seen that since middle school uh 7 o'clock Eastern time Canadian Football League CFL tonight CFL tonight we got the Elks and the aletes you should come back it's on 7 o'clock Eastern for the what is it for the crushing it's going to be a blood bath it'll be [Music] are you here for the feeding you're early it's not till 7 o'cl Eastern unleash the fury Mitch unleash the fury come on unleash the fury Mitch eat him who knows that movie more Bots what do we Crush apart from the Bots more Bots uh the Titans Colts fans hate each other uh rivalry for many years now I'm not worried about those guys but uh they were a little Annoying for a few years if I saw myself in clothes like that I had to kick my own that one I know H I know that one oh you had your first short to go over 100,000 views holy crap same video on Tik Tok at 150,000 holy crap go Vikings good luck they got crushed by injuries but good luck man wow that's impressive on the shorts if I were close to that they kick my own I know this line I can't see it returning from the goal line here comes the Titans out to the 15 down low 20 spin maneuver knock down the 25 huh goes that maybe they should play My Stream at dog parks all right all right I I don't know what that's about but all right I'll take you there Polly Rising Rhino The Dog Whisperer Engles Engles let it all out now let it all out now in pre-season but until the regular season comes the death of the Broncos begins runs it out to the 31 looks like a flag popped in I thought I saw before they switched uh camera shots yep there is a flag I'm still on uh sub mode only yeah holding bring them back what I should I undo it oh oh man man Mason Rudolph's out there for the Titans talking about the golf clothes that's right I knew I knew that one ah I should have had that one I couldn't picture Adam Sandler Mason Rudolph on the Titans weird not seeing him on the Steelers man should have had that throws it down low did he make the grab oh incomplete I thought it was it was too high for one receiver and too short for the other second and 17 should have had that Colts going 0 and 23 come on man shotgun right to his right screen pass drops it off to Spears Trant the jump over guy holy crap and gets all the way to the 30 dangerous he got popped up but he went even higher luckily he landed on his fetish not like tumbling on his head or some nonsense that's scary you don't jump over a player when there's other players right around you can't do that well you can but it's a bad decision if there's if you're if there's one guy to beat okay maybe try to jump over more down the sideline there's one guy there but in the middle of the field with three of guys closing in on you dangerous third and five after the 12 yard uh scen pass and plenty of time Rudolph up top hits his man to the 43 makes the grab bam first down Westbrook a a coming through Titans are [Music] trash the Bots are still getting through but not as much not as much I'll double check of I'm still on it I didn't change it see runs it up top gets about four to the 49 yeah I got it as subscriber mode only I'm going to switch it back right now and see what happens we switch it back and then the Bots going to come through and then I'll I'll try to then I'll switch it back again we'll see how this goes but I didn't even get a bot sub sneaky Bots sneaky sneaky all right from the 49 Second four and dble zero is on the play clock busted play Wrong Turn running back went the wrong way the quarterback went the wrong way and has to go and take the sack cu does error smash them free thumbs up and Subs listen to people with the wrenches gotta keep grinding people keep on grinding on this Sunday so next Sunday there's no NFL and then it doesn't stop through all the way through January shot little bit to the left Rudolph dancing around throws over the middle bang hits his man at the 43 touchdown the 41 Rudolph coming through that was nice nice nice nice the sneaky Titan Bots how am I doing today Kenneth I'm doing all right able to sleep in I put some of my stickers into the sticker book I watched the rest of a movie that I started last night pretty terrible but had had a cup of coffee or two and here we are under Center single back pitches it up top beats the end to the outside and gets about eight and Bob that bounds uh number 36 who's that Chestnut Chestnut how did Chad Kelly look yesterday for the Aros uh oh two days ago I didn't that that game I didn't get a chance to watch I didn't get to watch Chad Kelly I missed that one because the Colts I chose the Colts game I think that's what it was I chose the Colts game instead of Chad Kelly and runs it up to the 28 Chestnut again on the carry college football is full go next week the season's over for the seminal Titans are getting swept by the Colts again let's go Colts what up clan what's happening Kan in the house yeah buddy rhino rhino rhino oh yeah you got the special little emojis because you remember now you're fired you're fired yeah I covered the Colts but what are you going to do what you going to do rhino rhino rhino rhino rhino that's right [ __ ] Rhino is in the chat let's go let's see them all people rhinos in the chat blast them maybe we should do that at uh like when they score a touchdown or something we put rhinos in the chat maybe like a Colts touchdown I don't know gotta start something something crazy Rhino's in the chat blast him Char to the 2 little screen pass over the middle and tackled right away who was that 36 again Chestnut chestnuts roasting on open [Music] Titan still got a chance this season too early to count them out but that's a rough loss man rough loss I'll watch a bunch of the games and and hopefully stream a bunch we'll see because uh I got plenty of CFL so that cuts into college football for me what up Chad what's going on r no Ry no let's go and runs it up top for first down moveing the chains here they come here comes the Flaming thumb TXS rhino rhino Rhino Rhino's everywhere Rhino's everywhere baby fire yep yep yep I got to get myself uh a nice new seminal sweatshirt to rock for college season closing in on 40 likes before halftime closing in on the 2-minute warning at the 16 in inside the Red Zone take snap looking got time all day over the middle knocked away a little bit behind them but well covered going to Chestnut again well if you keep going the chestnut they're going to catch on most likely and a Smith is a dummy most likely I got to book my flight the Colts will lose to Green Bay that offense is too good I no Colts Packers Super Bowl preview Super Bowl preview oh the semal have given the team the right to use the name forever and Mason Rudolph On The Run sliding down at the 13 like he went down like a slipping slide let's go for to Gators all right all right all right Anthony Richardson's College with the tul warning 107 Titans on top but Titans driving down yet again gator in the chat what we got to have the Rhinos eat those gators yeah I think if once the Colts score touchdown we got to get the Rhinos in the Chets what else can I do for special things to get the chat into it I think think of something maybe something for a sack something for an interception are there any cool emo ogis for sacks or interceptions like what what could relate to those words I'm not a master of the Emojis you listen to Taylor Swift every day that's fantastic fantastic Swifty in the house what's happening we got a Swifty a little Nifty Swifty can you take a punch in the first round of fantasy football I was going to have punters as part of the team but I scratched it and I was going to have head coaches as well but I scratch that from our league too so no I was going to have punters and head coaches to add a little spice to the fantasy league but I didn't do it I did not do it a three- wheeled knee scooter ah what the heck are they talking about no clue no clue Falcons Colt Super Bowl let's go that would be that would make up for the the lack of the special this year Dixon way that would be a unique Super Bowl that never uh one that never happens Colts Falcons wow that's that would you'd probably win some good money if you put some money down on that Super Bowl happening happening indor or one of those teams winning that would be that would be super big money super big money uh kickers yes linebackers I just have a special teams defense uh combo so you can take a defense special teams since they're together but no no defensive players it's all part of the team throws it up top to the 10 and getting to the 13 just short of a first down fourth and two what was that from tane Jackson number 19 Jackson I do think the Falcons win the division this year with the addition of quarterback help so that's a big step up with cousins big step up there Dixon Wayne I know you agree with that I mean he may not be a beast in the playoffs or prime time but that that helps out the Falcons significantly with that signing significantly off-road bike tire what is happening and his name is John Cena I'm watching you I beg your pardon I'm watching you that's exactly what the other taker said the John Cena extra uh the field goal up in good [Music] 13-7 ohello is Champ there is Champ there who's who's champ we have the answer to that question this Saturday at Super [Music] SL oh I love that prank call that's like the best one around that one gets me cracking up like crazy John Cena judon and Simmons were huge pickups I can't believe Simmons was out there for so long nobody wanted to sign him I'm like Colts are like nah everybody else was like nah I was like um the veteran help can't be that much money what did they sign Simmons for what did the Falcons pay him it's like a steal who's out there forever you don't like Travis Kelce w w because he's stealing your Taylor Swift from you man oh man artificial intelligence where is Al Bundy I thought she was talking about Al Bundy before all right coffee down onto the water one year 8 million how do you go wrong one year 8 million veteran help injury help you're telling me that you got you got four safeties better than Simmons on your roster Colts no they were really going with the uh the young Talent young talent and uh potential for the Colts because I wanted them to the sign Simmons they didn't so I don't know I don't know what the Colts are thinking they must see the potential in like Nick cross and I mean Blackman's good Rodney Thomas [Music] thei I don't know I don't know man to save eight million no more tequila for the Rhino tequila all right less than two minutes left 137 Tans on top Saints getting the ball touch back into the end zone tequila brutal brutal tequila rough stuff man rough flipping stuff all right so yeah I took off the uh subscriber mode only and the Bots have been quiet we're hunting for Bots at the 30 here we go plenty of time Rattler runs of the middle hits his man the 35 makes the grab doesn't let him get up what the heck is that about St Brown on the catch had the touchdown earlier down by six let's see this minute and a half offense by Rattler and the Saints shotgun rushing for four pressure on the outside rush to throw got wrapped up and incomplete bounces it to his man Mims how his body he's doing good he's doing all right we got to test them this week and that's the mission to be ready for the NFL season which he's supposed to be ready he's supposed to be ready holding on the Titans first down by penalty one tequila two tequila three tequila four what is that like can you can you say it in like the beat of Mambo Number Five floor after three tequila floor to the floor to the floor to the floor out to the 40 4550 first down 10 yards on the little short pass and run there by Mims bang that was a quick 10 119 on the clock bang all right all right all right it's almost halftime people I will take a little mini break at halftime because why not uh hands over the middle dancing around bang another 10 yards to the 40 MIM squeezing through what's with his weak sauce defense by the Titans love this jersey old school Marshall Marshall Marshall one minute left and dumps it down over the middle to the 35 Mims again as with over 30 likes nice nice nice at the 36 here comes the Saints 40 seconds oh throws it behind them could have made the grab should have made the grab not the best pass but Perry still should have had it incomplete 40 seconds left in the first all right they are crushed I think we finally destroyed them they've had enough the Bots have played have run its course and throwing it deep down the sideline to the five can't make the P incomplete to Perry smash that like follow And subscribe button Rising Rhino on YouTube Rising Rhino on the rumble what's up Michigan and that Rising right on the purple side we got 13 people on the rumble side cool cool cool cool cool oh injured to number 45 as he's limping off oh man up uh closing at 600 views for this game that's uh unique I guess because there's nothing else happening on this Sunday maybe people taking it easy they want to watch the Titans and the saints that can't be it that can't be it the Cardinals and Broncos are on wait is that that's on a little while I thought that was is that on now I thought it was in like an hour I thought it didn't start off from another hour yeah 2:30 Cardinals and Broncos on in an hour and 15 minutes I am not covering that Patriots commanders oh that's right the US Open tomorrow I got a little look at the schedule to see if I'm going to cover any tennis tomorrow we'll see maybe I'll cover some tennis I don't know I don't know even downtown voices carry carry what buckets of water I don't understand I don't understand Wright suffers a broken foot for the Ravens McCoy headed to the Eagles Hall of Fame the Eagles Hall of Fame LeSean McCoy oh missed that guy that had that guy had quite a a few good years oh yeah the Dolphins released Mike White I saw that earlier on they released Mike White they're going with uh the other guy some of the S shesterkin no wait that's the Rangers goalie H I forget his name schroer schinger well he's the backup and not the backup that's uh never mind stupid jokes I don't even know what I'm talking about sometimes he still talking about your talking and calming dogs yeah I know uh I don't know how that's working how can I cover tennis if you got to work I can't cover tennis if I got to work I can cover a tennis after I'm done with work I can cover a match uh after I get home tomorrow evening do you need to stream the Cardinals and Broncos on your own with the comments turned off yes yes it's on all day tomorrow all day all night field goal squeaks inside the left uppr 54 y bang 13- 10 nasty gupy gupy coming through with the kick three-point game so there I think jokovic is playing tomorrow uh tomorrow evening cuz I know a lot of the matches are early but there's a couple later on there's a couple night matches because they have tennis all day it's it's on Long Island I never went there when I lived there but uh it'd be nice to go if I ever go there around this time but I could have did it years ago but I didn't but Derek went there once uh many years ago I don't know if he does it anymore but but there are a few matches later in the day people afraid of feedback do it do it who cares screw them screw them all right here we go turn pass the 105 to out to the 23 down he goes 23 seconds on the clock and hunt and hun and hunt and hunt and hunts and hunts just print the damn thing do it up RC do it up tennis all day all day shotgun it starts at 11 a.m. Rhino Time 1 o'clock Eastern time breaking the tackle out to the 45 and dragged that of bounds 14 seconds on the clock 88 I don't know who 88 is on the Titans [Music] I don't [Music] know find out in a second was that Burks throws it down l no Burks is 16 who was that Robinson Robinson Oh Martin Robinson that's who it is Martin Robinson don't know the Martin Robinson rookie David Martin Robinson from Temple H guess undrafted undrafted rookie David Mar Robinson rookie from Temple okay gotcha he's rocking number 88 n seconds left they're at the 49 they roll 49 let's see if they can get a little bit closer on this pass possibly uh kick a field goal and quick Slam in the middle all the way to the 40 so first down and maybe they'll they'll call their last time out and try like a 57 yard field goal interesting 57 yard field goal attempts perhaps whose jersey is this let's go you know who this is you know who this [Music] is come on RC come on man Marshall Marshall Marshall back in the Rams 99 2000 season love it 58 yard field goal from the left hash to end the first half with a 58 yard field goal are they icing him a he gets a free kick has it lined up and had the distance it seems so we had it lined up there nice kick on the first go round all right all right all right when we have 33 likes pretty sweet for pre-season at half time 34 likes yeah buddy I'll take a little break and I put some stickers away and relax for a few minutes I put a bunch of the stickers away before and still got a few left we got the Return Man at the back of the end zone just in case it's a short field goal if it doesn't have the distance kicks it again the sailing to the right and it's short so eight yards Deep In The End Zone but turns it to the right goes to the the left of 10 10 15 20 down the sideline trying to cut back and does 50 4540 got one big man to be get it to the outside could be gone returning it down the side I think he stepped out at the five he's down he steps Out of Bounds at the five yard line almost returns it all the way for a touchdown at the four so close he does not get in there [Music] out of time eight yards deep all the way to the four yard line of the Titans out of time wow almost people almost and that's the end of the first half to the 10 and number 89 forces them out of bounds 89 forces 89 out of bounds well done steep out bounds of the three oh man so close wow they iced them and then the second kicker was short he used up a little of his juice from the leg I guess let's go LSU Samuel all right all right all right how do you do tennis in the morning if you have work I already answered that I can't do it in the morning it would be later in the evening it goes all day and there's a couple of night games that takes place on the East Coast so I might be able to cover one of the matches after work for I think jokovic is on in the evening uh oh the Bots are back all right let me take a 10-minute break people I will be back in 10 minutes ah what the heck extra cameras be back in a few minutes hit that like button what's up goons just about to take a break at the half time taking a quick step off to relax for a few second half is coming e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] all right back in action the Saints will be kicking it off welcome back welcome back welcome back let's play the music just because why not bang kickoff time to the Titans all the way back of the end zone nine yards deep kneels it down back in Action here in the third quarter woo we quarter three Samuel quarter three it's you me and the Bots Sean McVey that's not not Sean McVey I was like what I'm thinking uh I'm thinking Sean Payton I'm stuck in 2010 when they beat the Colts boom boom boom adios there Samuel catch you soon [Music] yeah so the Bots came in subscribed and then unsubscribed that's what the Bots do Flipping Bots and drop them like a bad habit get some food get some good food all right from the 30 yard line under Center Rudolph still out there hands it off running it down low Cuts in five b Scoops it up by the Saints to the 35 that ball was out before he hit the ground oh baby what a turnover just like that it was a good five six yard run but the ball popped out bounced right to the Saints man oh man boom Oh that was small oh pull the guy First Carry and he drops the ball w w number 31 gets out there and boop boop ball comes out man oh man all right all right all right here we go s to the ball to 31 after the turnover sheesh first turnover of the day and throws over the middle of the 25 gets to the 21st down to the 18 13 yards on the reception bam for number 35 kabot 35 kabod kabo coming through bam oh golfer what's going on golfer on the rumble side hey 18 people on the rumble cool cool cool hands it off cutting back trying to follow some blocks there's a wall gets about a yard and that's about it so second and ner kabot kabot coming through let's see approaching 700 views all right all right all right not bad for a preseason game preseason NFL we might have a chance to hit a thousand for pre-season Saints and Titans that was the the least one I thought had a chance to hit a thousand views but Sunday nothing else on so here we watch out on the run up top and hits this man for a touchdown bang Court of The End Zone near the pylon flag on the play but right now Perry has a touchdown oh he might have ran past the line of scrimmage oh was holding on the offense done oh man bring them back bring them back [Music] H back out there so they brought out Rattle and they bring ha back that's interesting had a touchdown we got a little holding w w Any Given Sunday from the 29 looking throws it up top it'ss his man to the 25 tackled at the 21 number 14 on the reception let me just see something here yeah it was Morgan yeah number 14 is Morgan it's making sure they have it set up right on the screen look different it was behind before but okay from the 22 third 14 looking pressure screen pass and gobbled up and gets to the 20 but still way short of a first down and they'll have to set up for a field goal so we checked it down to is it Robinson I believe yeah checks it down the Robinson Well Screen pass design screen pass to Robinson my bad my bad your week zero recap all right all right all right good luck with that extraordinaire good luck with that I got to do my uh my predictions this week from the right hash bang 38 yard good he's got it oh baby he's got it ties number 13 1313 oh that's what I'm going to do with the Bak check the tennis uh matches US Open tennis let's see what matches are run tomorrow while they switch shes Monday August 26th which is tomorrow yeah start around 11:00 Eastern Time uh let's go to the men's first who's on early buck umbert on at 9 11 o'clock Eastern Time Shelton 10:00 East uh 12:00 Eastern Time Fitz 12:15 probably closer to 1:00 eastern time I think these are on ESPN or you might have to have ESPN or ESPN plus to watch some of these matches rublev is probably closer to 1:00 musetti number 18 in the world probably 2:33 o'clock dimitrov about 3 o'clock let's see bz probably closer to four Runa about five 5:00 tifo 7:00 eastern time and then yeah Albert and jokovic 8:15 eastern time so 615 my time is the jokovic match which I could cover jokovic the number two tennis player in the world was is outr three with Center number one they should have dropped Center attad should have dropped them let's see what the what's going on with the ladies now uh we back we're back we're back sari is on Sakari is on 1100 a.m. eastern time Zang 11 Eastern veic 11 Eastern kakina same thing uh Bosa one o00 Eastern Coco is around 2 2:30 Eastern Keys around 3 o'clock Eastern Navaro about 4:30 Eastern aara about 6 o'clock Eastern sabalenka nine o'clock at night that'll be the last match that's going to be on late tonight uh late tomorrow sabalenka and they got Stevens on about 7 o'clock Eastern time but Saba Lanka on tomorrow night close to the time when uh jokovic is on so they might overlap just a tad the B are back in town Olympic gold medalist an Olympic gold medalist Novak jovic and bronze from a few years ago but he got the gold baby he's got the gold when was jokovic 65 so yes SAA is going to be on just after that or a little bit overlap as they run it up to about the 34 small on the carry fumbled it before doesn't fumble that time back in Action back in Action to the game 1313 Andra dropping the elbow on the Bots what's up aome boy back what's happening second six single back motion motion to tight formation play a fake booty to the outside the play always works and gets seven yards and out of bounds like uh nobody could stop this play whenever they dial this up it works all the time we're talking about like 90% Clips yep like fake the run one one way roll it to the other way Booty like I haven't seen the Colts do that but I'm assuming the Colts going to do that a ton and is he going to throw it or is he going to run that play works all the time CFL UFL NFL all the time fakes the Run boot to the outside with somewhat mobile quarterback it's Beast it's a beast beast of a play runs up the middle gets 12 yards pop the spins off of them small for the first down bang small coming through so we already at 26 points the over under 37 and half so under because it should start to slow down with these quarterbacks once they get the third string quarter third and fourth string quarterbacks in there all right at the 45 yard line of the Saints here comes the Titans runs it up the middle gobbled up to the 42 posum boy what's happening Jacob sa is trying trying to to uh from the batt Hawks trying to latch onto a team didn't stick with the Giants probably won't stick with the Browns probably get released after today today tomorrow and uh hopefully someone snags him up otherwise he'll be playing in March for the battle Hawks most likely second and seven shotgun throws it to the 36 and taken down to the 33 Martin Robinson on the catch I think that's enough for a first down it is got him TM Hill only player in Super Bowl ERA with 10 plus passes rushes and recep receiving touchdowns wow you can do it all this guy the utility football player hands it over the middle they fake the end of round only gets to the 33 yards on the Run probably small up the middle kubak man to know all those positions is insane to know one position really well is crazy but this guy's got quarterback running back tight end intense flipping intense single back under Center motion down low hands it up top and gets about three it'll be third and three another carry by small up top 121 at quarterback 204 slot SL wide 29 the backfield and 80 plays at tight end for Tamm Hill here we go shotgun 33 nobody home oh gets a quick SL nearly intercepted can't play make the play the linebacker and bang bang bang who was that Oliver Oliver number 80 he's sat in the pocket there Rudolph and made the play hung in there waited waited waited through a dart just pass the linebacker at the 13 oh tries to plant his leg and go but he crumbles down hopefully he's not injured that was awkward no he's fine he pops up number 25 on the carry who is that little fella who's number 25 Hoskins he's down the chart that sucks well for him second and 10 second and 10 in the danger zone shotgun and throwing it to the Zone under Throne knocked away incomplete OD odoya number 89 odoya odoya that's why I got to look up my flight for Friday Friday to Monday little Vegas trip gotta check that up got to check that up and check that out welcome in Rick what's happening how is your afternoon mine is going good relaxing so far slept in watch a movie watch some foosball stream some foosball played with some stickers going have a little break after this eat some sausage of peppers and then cover the CFL tonight 7 o'clock Eastern time how you doing Rick pressure avoiding running Rudolph setting throwing oh almost made it work doesn't have that Elite quickness and scrambling ability but almost made a play there and left to settle for a field fourth and 10 let's go let's go let's go we need three more subs to 1725 hopefully we get a bunch tonight for the alets and the Elks see what happens preseason slow CFL is where it kicks up hopefully on a Sunday night people like let's watch some Canadian football 31 yard field goal attempt from the left hash for The Titans with a little over five minutes left to play in the third feel go got him 1613 Titans on [Music] top wh bam thank you ma'am you weren't hear much for yesterday all good all good you did some streaming oh you had to delete it and end it early why is that about that's not good that's not good man but I appreciate you popping in all the time makes me feel good I love when uh everybody's always dropping in hitting the like button hanging out for a little bit popping in some somewhere somehow on a stream it's pretty good brings up the views brings up the likes helps out the channel so it's good to see everybody love it love it love it oh almost at 800 views we're going over a th we're getting it this one's going over 1K I can feel it feel it on this Sunday someone kept bamming uh the worst yep yep yep yep those guys you got to go and drop them like a bad habit you got to uh you got to time those bad boys out it gets annoying make sure you smash that like button Rising Rhino and the Rhino Nation on YouTube Rumble the rising Rhino on the purple side let's go let's go we got 167 followers on the rumble I think we're at 203 on the purple side and approaching 1725 on [Music] YouTube cool cool cool little by little people little by little let's see you missed the threshes what's up S you have a you have great feelings about an elk upset wow an elk comeback is Trey Ford playing if Trey Ford's playing if he's not playing I I wouldn't I can't agree with that I can't agree with that [Music] if Trey Ford's going to be back maybe they'll make it interesting but uh I don't know man I don't know all returning a passage 10 15 spin at the 20 pop goes to helmet and down at the 20 yd line helmet went flying off bam wham bam Robinson on the return bam helmet going flying helmet's flying good head's flying not good now not good and ha over the middle plenty of time to the 40 45 and Bounds at the 46 coming through Perry first down well done too much time for Han makes it looks easy easy easy easy easy and runs up the middle Kody Uno On The Run not much there one like to 40 let's get it we're getting it I'm counting it we're there we got it we got 40 here in the third quarter with four and a half left yeah baby nice 1613 field goal Fest between the Saints and the Titans we're getting it we got it count it coun it I counted it it's good it's golden he's got it oh baby he's got it 46 second and ner rushing for all day to pass and now the Pocket com to Bo buo and the Saints off misses it the other offens Lan Scoops it up running like a like um an offensive lineman would and Downey goes oh man they can't jump with the ball so they lose a ton of yards there on the fotball man oh man plenty of time doesn't step him the pocket and Boop the ball comes out hand it with a little fumbly poo 53 got him around the foot 59 smashes him the Saints offens should have had it then backed up to the 26 when Big Boy number 72 covers it third and 29 [Music] forever and they hand it over the middle just a setle for a few yards to the 33 and the Saints will have to punt seven yards there but fourth and 22 craziness all right so the Titans will be getting the ball back in a moment all right all right all right pting time f returning from the 17 20 25 up top 30 to the 34 chop down G on the return all right commercial time all right let's see what the heck no that's what I want to check what put it back in there you suck I just did this you're the worst searching [Music] searching let's see it's going to be so many Frontier flights I hate Frontier [Music] here let's go that one personal item included w w that's all they give you come on S the ANS uh let see let's find a late one for Monday night on the holiday what the heck that is crazy only 530 I guess I have to do that one still expensive expensive so what is that Friday evening Monday evening all right players watch out behind you bind side it's smash to the 25 huge sack by the Saints got him Blindside Blitz by Payton crushion [Music] them smashing them Rudolph does even see him no Simon Rudolph number seven who's out there for the Titans now first play get smashed who is that who just got smashed oh Malik Willis totally forgot about that guy man oh man I think he was drafted about 2022 sheh hopefully he makes the team he did not uh do much and they had to pick will Levis last year and uh that play crumbles down and third and 19 just like that Willis number seven going to be out of here going to be dunzo and this guy back toback sacks that one gets back to the line of scrimmage but goes down in the books as a sack yeah well in his buddy Brian uh going to Vegas so I was just looking up flights now still expensive so uh yeah expensive hate it and it's a short little flight it's expensive ridiculous uh and little screen pass out to the 36 and they will have to punt as we're less than a minute left in the third quarter so that was small for 12 but uh quick little three and out for the Titans I got to see what time he's getting there all right puns it away Kane is back in Action what up we're turning from the 10 and flag on the play to the 15 20 to the 26 but we got to check what the flag is because flag if you're not with me [Music] then you're my [Music] enemy I'll be holding on the return team oh illegal formation I guess it was a quick flag oh they're going to add the uh the yards on should be a five Yer should be a five Yer yep five yards oh is there an injured referee they got to promote from within to help out the refs if they're down a ref all right from the 31 runs up the middle bouncing the outside 3540 Cuts in nice move to the 45 first down and mower was it 35 I thought it was I thought it was a different number kabot so end of the first quarter kabot coming through let me just see he's getting there the day before me um all right all right all right all right now the second half of this preseason game is in slow motion slow motion people Rick came with a flyers logo all right cool cool cool all we got 30 people watching they're just watching observing like it's baseball um this one we could delete that that's gone that was from before okay cool all right approaching D of views we're going to hit that 1K people 1K in the views let's get it always over 1,000 maybe the Bots helped with all those stupid views stupid Bots flipping Bots popping in [Applause] all right hey we at 42 likes awesome blossome extra [Music] awesome oh I got to do that draft later too while I'm streaming almost forgot about that maybe I'll have the people Help me during the CFL that'd be cool Rattler had a good day and hner is back out there all right affirmation and now rer is back out there all right CH runs it down low first down 13 yards on the Run by kabot kabot coming through next month you're going to Vegas got to love Vegas got I love it Robinson the Miss multiple weeks Darius Robinson on the Cardinals with an injured CF wamp I'm want to check up on Downs hopefully he'll be back soon Nicks won't play in the preseason finale yeah yeah broken foot for right on the Ravens fall star bring them back what have I done all right all right all right what are you doing in Vegas there Cameron what are you doing Denver to cover night cover tonight kids all right all right without Bon X looking thr it up top and gets pushed down there's the flag underthrown trying to get it to Parry and pass interference pass interference first down by penalty easy call easy peasy Daddy needs a new pair of shoes get it done kid get it done all right from the 26er offset eye up top hands it off straight the middle bounces up top and gets to the 20 L flag comes in up top 1613 Titans with the lead here in the beginning of the fourth quarter and your outet by half a dozen oh kid is is Trey Ford gonna be back is he back yet is he still injured Trey Ford quarterback of the Elks is he gonna play otherwise alitz should squash should stomp should smash personal foul face mask on the defense what the heck are they doing just gifting the Saints yardage let's see oh he's running through the middle face mask there it is right there easy peasy 15 yards easy peasy all right from the 11 first and 10 roll the outside jump throw TBO style and it looks like bounc it to him he had to rush it couldn't get it couldn't have complete it to his man boom so that's a rarity with the booty doesn't work bethl Thompson starting that ain't good all right second and 10 motion going up top and Cabot to the five to the end zone bang bang kabo with the [Music] TTY bang Saints up 1916 let's go bang bang bang bang just like that easy 11 yard touchdown run easy to the peasy where is it boom who's 82 on the saints that I don't know extra point up and good um Fair is a fair child it is Fairchild Fairchild Fairchild rookie from Kansas what's up Jeffrey welcome welcome welcome welcome in shout out to Jefferey let's go welcome in thanks for popping in my man coming through there it is this one's for you Barry popping in as well what's going on Esposito how we doing fellas welcome to the party covering the last preseason game that I'm going to cover this year we got CFL later tonight 7 o'clock Eastern time there's other preseason games today but I'm covering Canadian football um yeah two more preseason games before that's done and then next step regular season the following Thursday one week from Thursday cutdown day is Tuesday so two days from now everybody's got to give everybody that big ugly Axe and uh see what happens and teams will be formed and the fun begins the fun continues we got just over 100 more views to 1K yeah buddy sub it up people sub it up we're on our mission to 1800 [Music] subscribers we're getting there little by little little by [Music] little um all right I hate Frontier but what are you going to do what are you going to do what happens get more with bis Fair no thanks no thanks how I sign in why am I not signed in oh there it is nope sign in sign in all right kick off from the 35 20 to 16 score only aditt it into the fourth quarter your mama's birthday Brenda from Mississippi happy birthday birthday birthday birthday confirm it from my email as it's a Touchback out of the back of the end zone now it's a personal items are free that's all I get Saints plus 5 and a half looking good it is it is [Music] sh all right from the 30 hands it over the middle squeaks through for eight all right not bad not bad not bad not bad did it go go go go oh we in there we are in we're in Friday night to Monday night all right here we go second and three of the seveny r High snap Willis takes it down low it's a little run run option past Midfield to the 47 that's all he can do but gets a first down look at that stash that guy's got a stash and a half like he's living in the uh 1700s or something show the game no can doville you got to find it yourself it's on NFL Network my man can't show the game YouTube will kick me off right away always report those people that show the game illegal but welcome in thanks for the view appreciate it 20 to 16 Saints on top hands it off cuts and Tackle to 43 so can't break for H Haskins on the run but welcome in deck welcome in all right all right to ride five yards on that play and three minutes into the fourth [Music] quarter all right shotgun running back to his right motion motion's back down low and has Haskin switches to the right side and they blow it Dead full star it was still time on the clock time out for the Titans I guess that came from the sideline interesting interesting come on go we go to a commercial cuz of the time now so commercial time oh my God it's being so [Music] slow stupid you are stupid I forget what that is Bing let me just make sure something's right I'll be back in a second people be back in a second fix I said fix supposed to fix um let's see come on boom okay all right we're back in a I said fix third times a charm the phone sucks it sucks stupid phone you're the worst all right all right all right we have 43 likes let's keep going on the like friends yeah buddy all right we got it oh baby we got it where the heck's the mousey jeez Louise bam and Bam okay you're bringing two suitcases to Vegas wow all right I am not bringing one I'm only gonna be there a few days I'm bringing a carry on carry on my way won hands it off down low cuts through the middle bang to the 34 nice little run there by H Haskins two suitcases I'm just bringing like a little mini backpack a backpack with a little bit of clothes that's it that's That's All She Wrote that's it all righty Willis out there the 35 let's see if he can lead the Titans to Victory and hands it off up top gobbled up loses three back to the 38 bam no roof for H Haskins well done by the Saints defense four minutes into the fourth what are you goingon to be doing in in Vegas there cam what are you gonna be doing boarding ends 20 minutes before flight departure did they change that 20 minutes before that's crazy talk H all right shot G up the middle to the 35 gets the few yards back it'll be third and 10 all right that's the way you do it you play the guitar on the MTV I got to make sure I'm good with the app because you got to do it on the app otherwise they try to charge you and arm and a leg and another arm third and 10 of the 35 going to see your family and then you're going to the Vegas Strip throwing a deep up tub hits his man bang touchdown down the sideline In The End Zone got him what a play What A Catch that's Oliver Oliver with the touchdown 22 to 20 Titans bang had his man beat by a few steps and he under threw it but on target for the catch boom Titans taking the lead and that hits the over crushing the overs yesterday in today as the other game is about to start right now the Cardinals and the Broncos extra point up and good 2320 let me see it's got my past one doesn't have my current one on there yet H let's look at the confirmation code confirmation code boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom there we go um open in five days for the checkin I'm going to take a picture of this just in case it's on there good to go beo all right cool just got to check in the day before Awesome Blossom we got a message on the rumble front let's check that real quick the rumble side 12 people chilling over there and come on come on go why is it not going refresh the page because it's not listening to me I don't like it when it's not listening to me oh we got five likes all right all right all right I want a KFC gift card for 500 bucks click this link uh no thanks liar liar I win no $500 gift card this a nonsense little Fake Messages people don't like it appreciate the follows uh Rumble peeps thank you thank you thank you it would be nice to get a $500 gift card that'd be pretty sweet to KFC but I didn't win it [Music] [Music] love that music and kicking a two yards deep at the end kneels it down so touch back for the Saints the roof the roof the roof is on fire why don't I have any rewards from BDubs that'd be nice give me Rewards all right back to the game it would be sweet runs it up the middle and to the 38 78 yards on the carry by kabot um I mean I I it's $500 C it's got to be a scam I'm not clicking that link now if it was buffal Wild Wings I'd probably lose all my money I'd click the link get a virus see my bank account and they gobble up all my money but hey it's worth it $500 to buffal Wild Wings they'd get me they would get me the rewards I know I want the rewards two more subs to 1725 let's get it offset i saints of the ball to 38 second and two and over the middle boit stone hands at the 49 you got to catch that my man you got to catch that in complete by number 81 with the drop 2320 Titans on top the drop Austin Austin Massachusetts was that Austin number 81 I think that's Austin right on target to Austin Kevin Austin Jr yep it was Kevin Austin Jr on the run for first down got it got it got it got it rattler on the Run first season Kevin Aon Jr from Notre Dame I guess he was undrafted all right let's see Bingo Bongo all right runs it up top gobbled up no game oh wait and he's pushing the scrum for about two or three yards he was gobbled up but he gets a few yards all right the goons wants the Saints cool cool cool field goal a touchdown they're down by three down by three all right second and seven two days till cut down day throws it up top it's his man bang first down nine yards on the catch there we go that was Morgan Morgan on the play all right Jacob kabot nine rushes 61 yards doing a bunch of work here today in the second half Kody you got the Saints plus one and a half all right seven minutes left let's see what they can do goons play and fake Rattler all day deep down low got him man wide open at the five to the two should have been a touchdown under throws his man Perry to the two but uh man oh man would have been a touchdown hopefully the Saints compound it in kabot style man oh man little bump and run gets right by him runs oh fakes him turns his head goes up wide open at the five tackled at the two beat down the sideline got him and hands it off down low runs him into the end zone for a touchdown I told you kabot style bang Saints take the lead with the touchdown bang oh yeah going crazy dancing around in New Orleans right now let's go looking good now under seven to play but Saints on top tight game back and forth lots of scoring so much for that under boom ran over the linebacker Jackson carries him to the end zone kabot doing good things in short yardage through the middle good running here in the end of the second quarter into the second half Saints on top extra point good up by four bam 626 on the clock should have been a touchdown past OD to Perry but the Saints still pounded in but I'm sure Rattler and Perry wanted that as a touchdown that one's on Rattler with the under throw Spencer Rattler's a stud I don't know that was a that was a big underthrow there big underthrow volcano he underthrew it by a good three yards and cost the team a touchdown through the air still able to pound it in but if he not that wide open that's a terrible pass so he's holding his own he's playing pretty well pretty well but that was a bad pass bad pass there volcano but a tight game back and forth between these uh these backups and the Titans played their starters for a lot of the first quarter and the Saints are doing it with all backups no car no Kamar random wide receivers so Saint up by four nearing the end of the game what I collect you I did okay we have the CFL on in about two hours hours and 20 minutes 7 o'clock Eastern time the Elks and the ettes we're only doing two streams today with a little break in between so we got more football later oh man one like to 170 followers on the rumble side cool cool cool n by little approaching 200 just keep grinding just keep grinding man oh man oh man people man we almost got 40 people watching the the second half of this game I'll take it man I will take it people coming in here chilling make sure hit that subscribe button for the rising Rhino on YouTube and the Rhino Nation covering all all the Colts games all the Prime Time games all the overseas games a lot of the Broncos games and some of the best games when the Colts and the Broncos are not on I'll pick the best game of the week or that time frame and cover that 14 views till a thousand crushing it yeah baby got to love him when a preseason game goes over a th views and that football goes out of the end zone for a Touchback yeah the saying the Saints have been vanilla this preseason not doing much and I don't think uh they had Richardson do what he's going to be doing he's just trying to be a pocket passer right now and uh which is good so when he starts doing these other things with him you like what the heck is going on we can't stop that that's what I'm hoping that's what I'm hoping rattler over Carr wow that's a hot take even though car had a good stretch the last six weeks of the season last year but uh man that is quite the statement there volcano huge run in the middle 45 to Midfield 20 yard run there by small bang bang bang bang excuse back to work tomorrow people the weekend is almost over I feel it's just beginning on the Saints logo at midfields runs it driving driving driving get seven seven yards on the blast through Zid small again started rough for him with that fumble on the first carry but he's been doing all right afterwards doing quite all right like uh how is he doing where is he why is he not on there runs it H Haskins gets to 37 by five yards on the run I'm going to the wrong side my bad H Haskins got 27 on seven uh 63 car uh 63 yards by small on nine carries so yeah it's doing all right leading all rushers kabot also has 63 on 10 carries memberships available and if you want to gift the membership go ahead feel free we love deit all right all right all right at the 36 motions up top 50 points in this game and gobbled up and loses a couple yards back to the 37 Saints defense there smashing them down do I think he'll ever be a starter it's possible it's possible still early in his NFL career and get a yard runs it up top [Music] all right all right all right three minutes left in this game third and 11 for the Saints all right throwing it down low back shoulder incomplete and the Saints off the punts I mean the Titans off the punt Titans off the punt all right here we go here we go here we go fourth and 11 they're going for it my bad this is down by four what the heck 256 left in the flag to play and they're going to punch it what are you going to do little delay of game what have I done we're up over 40 people watching the end of this Titan Saints games all right all right all right all right I'll take it pretty pretty pretty cool don't get this amount of people for preseason football Ball but I like it I like that all right so they to punted away he's lined he set to return around the eight yard line and a punt it from about their own 47 is Boop see if we can angle this to the seven kicked it right to him all right so the same have the ball Up by 4 251 on the clock as they'll take a little break yeah let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go and we're 1,000 views yeah yeah we did it we got it 1K hey you all right Saints under Center single back Hanner back out there gobbled up at the four loses three yards on the carry was that kabot kabot I am going to miss a couple streams for the CFL because of the vacation the vacation vation and brusher ha Wings it away incomplete third and 14 just gets it off and doesn't take a safety there was somebody within the area 21 left on the clock as we near the end the game oh the Broncos up 6 nothing over the Cardinals halfway through the first all right all right all right third and 14 and oh diving near interception incomplete on the out dangerous dangerous going to Jacobson incomplete and 2 minutes 6 seconds left and the Titans to get the ball back with a two-minute drill with a possibility to lead the team down to win the game yep yep yep Friday evening Friday night Friday night to Monday night short little trip this is my summer vacation I guess little mini Vegas trip to meet will for few days will and uh his buddy Brian since I didn't go away for uh didn't do anything in the summer get a little three-day weekend so it's like two and a half days basically returning for the 40 3530 still in the feet to the 24 yd line with a minute 53 left and now with the two-minute warning uh G with the return what's up Andrew what's going on what is happening welcome in at the end of this game the uh the Saints are up by four but the Titans have a chance to win the game in the final two minutes here it's going to come down to the wire see if Willis can run for a touchdown or throw for a touchdown we'll see that would be something for this quarterback that'll make him feel good make him feel like he's worthy to be a backup instead of a third Stringer get the big ugly axe or something he hasn't looked good last year and shaky today besides his running ability oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man what is the good word winding down one stream just about done one to go a little bit later a little bit later I get a break a nice little break not as crazy as yesterday's four stream madness madness I tell you Madness whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop let's go let's finish this game up two minute warning dunzo here we go should be done in the final eight the final eight minutes good morning football 88 a.m eastern time on the NFL Network that's pretty early pretty early seven nothing Broncos yeah so they scored a touchdown who scored a touchdown there Engle who scored that touchdown esteem orri esteem with a three- touchdown run got it who's who's playing is it Zack Wilson no stm's playing yes STM starting and I think Russ uh Zack Wilson's gonna get the rest of the game Zack Wilson's probably to get three quarters go br goes all right 153 they got Willis out there yeah Willis is back out there for the for the Titans esteem yep yep yep esteem last preseason game for the bronos no B Nicks though F hand off Willis up top to the 20 15 Out of Bounds at the 12 with his legs watch out inside the danger zone plenty of time 148 Zack Wilson's going with the practice squads oh man they're probably going to keep three quarterbacks the Broncos probably going to keep all three yeah they got to rest him for the uh the regular season Zach Wilson no someone would gobble him up cuz they're still looking for potential but the Broncos probably keep three quarterbacks and driving to the 11 unless they drop stum they might just drop stum even though uh Zack Wilson really hasn't shown too much H Haskins on the carry for a couple time out for the Saints trying to give themselves some time if the Titans get a touchdown here I know they're not going to cut Wilson they might cut stum but I think they I think they keep the three quarterbacks there's going to be a few teams that keep three quarterbacks but some will utilize the emergency quarterback rule um with the practice squad but somebody that likes their third guy is going to keep them on their on their roster so so nobody else gets them second and six from the 11 motion motion under Center single back Willis hands it off up top and gets to the eight so it'll be third down and five third and five time out of the Saints they got one left 30 second time out one left pumpkin spice Slurpees probably they probably have that don't they they probably have that most likely almost at 1100 views for pre season Titan Saints the madness the madness I like it unless it's the algorithm starting to change for me because I've been covering so much preseason probably not this is probably just uh a fluke situation outlier if you will third and four motion down low Willis running up top blown up breaks the tackle to the six it'll be fourth and two with 90 seconds left fourth and two pumpkin spice Slurpees thumbs down Bundy thumbs down I'll be coming to CFL later and I have to stream I have to do a a fantasy league so if anybody wants to help me with fantasy picks come back for the CFL game later uh the second half I have to I have to stream the game and make some fantasy football picks in one of my Leagues with uh My Friends League and it's one quarterback with a super Flex so he basically it's a two quarterback League I know she loves the pumpkin spice fourth and Uno shotgun Willis over the middle bang hits him in the hands for a touchdown gets him again Oliver Willis to Oliver touchdown Titans bang just like that Titans on top by two up by two 7-Eleven in La is doing it just sounds gross everything pumpkin spice extra point up and good three-point game so let's see if the Saints can do something with 85 seconds left down by three maybe they can tie it or win it and yeah the Saints don't have any more timeouts so your weird food is ketchup you put it in eggs steaks come on don't catch up the eggs don't catch up the steak Ketch uping the steak dude I don't use ketchup like ever ketchup the steak I do like my fair share tomato sauce on a bunch of things and A1 sauce and a bunch of things but ketchup man grilled cheese mac and cheese with ketchup oh Bundy go sell some [Music] shoes and we're turning from the three out to the 20 going down low outside to the 2530 35 flag on the play out of bounds to the 36 probably holding ketchup equals yum flipping Bundy this is what we get this is what we get catchup on stake I know Eng Les I I don't know I what am I supposed to do I I don't I don't what to do holding what have I done what have I done oh legal formation done oh they're forcing and reick so this is going to uh move it down and back him up most likely first time you sold shoes in a month there's probably Crocs they're the worst A1 on the steak sometimes yeah sometimes I like french fries with A1 sauce dip it in a little A1 Sauce n n but uh occasionally occasionally little A1 Sauce Hans 57 I like my burger with medicine tomato Hans 57 and french fried potatoes what is that from my old boss used to sing that song something like that a1's not common in the stores by you what the heck is going on what up verons 57 86 that 57 and returning it from the 20 2530 at balance of 33 another flag they're wasting time and they're going to hold and bring them back oh man well let's see holding on their turn holding on their turn I feel like they can call this on every kick with turn pretty much so bring them [Music] back A1 is slamming slamming that's a little iffy a little iffy but all right all right Spike that like Spike that like what are we at what are we at what are we at what are we at on the like front backed them up to the 15 110 on the clock 44 likes okay cool cool cool 44 for preseason I will take it thanks for coming out shotgun hands it off and can't break free back to the line Second and 10 that play did not work kabot going nowhere where you going nowhere where's he going nowhere you want overtime not in preseason you gotta wait for regular season for that cam throws it up top hits his man to the 34 Bang there it is let's go who was that uh Morgan Morgan coming through with the first down and 29 seconds on a deep down low diving incomplete at the 36 seven w w going to 89 is that a NAA it wasn't NCA NCA trying to make the play diving in comp complete on Thea no overtime need the Saints win not looking pretty not looking pretty cheeseburger and Paradise Watch Out roll to the right on second of 10 throwing a deep and he falls down Hing to get a flag incomplete going to Davis there was like double uh double coverage on the feet Tangled Up Little Feet Tangled parrot head what is that is bro there's like two guys there the third one on the way incomplete to the Kua no call no flag Davis incomplete pressure rolling up third and 10 on the Run tackle at the 40 gets a few yards 9 8 7 6 5 4 three they're not going to get it off two one oh he gets it off and roll to the outside the let a ride he's going to get a h Mary oh he swings it up top to nobody incomplet over over incomplete Saints lose 30 to 27 Titans with the victory crazy and they went to commercial real quick jeez Louise speaking about puka he is also another he is also another super slow wide receiver but he's got technique yes he doesn't what's his speed there uh Bundy let me know what his speed is because he was a late pick but he he's another one that relies on technique and quickness cup uh cup is quick too he's not he's not super fast but yeah but uh stord makes cup and and puka look super good makes them look really good yeah that's why puka didn't have many touchdowns he doesn't have that Breakaway speed D Thea played for La uh NOA did that was his brother uh which what's I don't know his first name let me see let me see what's his first name uh Samson Thea Samson Thea from BYU his first season where was he he [Music] was where' he play he was in the uh UFL I forgot what team pretty sure he was in the UFL Samson n let me see real quick Samson Nua he's got that stash uh where was he I have his Wikipedia page I can't see it let me type it in Samson Thea UFL U he was in BYU in Utah H they they terminated Nathan Peterman good where was he I can't remember oh Panthers Michigan Panthers he was on the Michigan Panthers that's where was in the UFL gotcha gotcha gotcha 4.57 puka 4.64 cup wow and they can make a living on that all right all right catch an [Music] extreme they know how to run on schedule yeah that's a big thing I mean I mean what's it Alec Pierce has blazing speed but he doesn't know how to get open he can't get open you can't get open so what are you going to do all right end of the first still seven other Broncos good stuff there Engles I'll see you later see you tomorrow uh I'll be streaming in two hours 7 o'clock Eastern time for more football CFL Canadian football later on tonight Elks and the uh IET football all day all week all year this is what we do Rising Rhino make sure you hit that sub button before you leave appreciate that I catch you later if you're feeling frisky hit the uh notification Bell ding ding John Ross blazing speed and he's just he sucks he's not good he's he's not good yeah so yeah you got to put those two things together you got to have the speed and the technique technique over speed but uh if you get a little bit of technique with speed get those deep balls so all right people I'll catch you in a little while thanks for coming out I'm going to put more stickers away into my little sticker books see you guys in a little while taking a little break let's go Elks the underdog I think they going get squashed by Montreal but we'll see catch you guys soon catch you later thanks again

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