President Nelson's 100th birthday celebration

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 01:16:11 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] [Music] e brothers and sisters we welcome you to this birthday celebration for our beloved prophet and friend president Russell M Nelson president Nelson we love you and are honored and grateful to gaed in the conference center theater at the headquarters of the Church of Jesus Christ of latterday saints in Salt Lake City Utah present are President Nelson's family General authorities and officers of the church and numerous government Civic and religious leaders a worldwide audience joins us via broadcast for this centennial celebration of President Nelson's life a life that has blessed us all characteristic of President Nelson his only desire for marking this Milestone was to follow the example of Jesus Christ and look with love beyond the 99 to reach out to the one in need many responded to this invitation in inspiring ways thank you for being with us for this historic occasion we will open this celebration with the hymn Rejoice the Lord is king after which Elder ulyses soaris of the chorum of the TW Apostles will offer the invocation re the Lord is Lord and adore morals face and sing and tri LIF up your heart LIF up again I up your heart up voice again [Music] say the Lord theor PR the god of Truth and Love when he our Saint took his up your heart up your I LIF up your heart LIF up voice again [Music] iom [Music] can rules Earth and [Music] and H to Christ the Lord are up heart I LIF up your heart LIF up again I say [Music] thank you our beloved heavenly father with our hearts full of joy and love we come together before thee to express our deep gratitude for the opportunity and privilege to be together to to celebrate the 100th birthday of our dear Prophet president Russell M Nelson dear father we love thee and we love thy son we are so grateful for the opportunity to serve thee and to be part of this wonderful celebration of the life of our dear Prophet dear father we are grateful for president Nelson's Ministry around the world for his positive influence in the lives of all people who heard him who listen to his teachings and his voice we are grateful for his tender and loving heart for listening to thy children but especially to listen to thee and to thy son Jesus Christ and for all the revelations that he has received to guide us in these difficult days we are living we are grateful father to have a prophet on the earth to guide and lead us to help us to walk on the Covenant path that will bring us back together to thy presence dear father as we start this beautiful and marvelous celebration we ask thee to bless president Russo M Nelson with the strength energy and health he needs to continue guiding and leading Us in these days please bless him and bless his family his entire family who have been his joy and his strength during during his ministry throughout his life we ask thee to bless all of us that we have the courage and Faith to adhere to his words to his teachings to to take them to heart and to walk on the Covenant path and rejoice in the blessings of this gospel that has been restored in this dispensation we ask thee to bless present Oaks and present iring president Nelson's marvelous and Noble counselors that have been supporting him and and and helping him in in His Marvelous Ministry and finally father we ask thee to give us thy Spirit during this special celebration that we can all enjoy the music The Words the message that will be delivered here and we can rejoice in this marvelous wonderful opportunity to celebrate our dear Prophet birthday for all this we pray with much love and gratitude in our hearts and we do so in the sacred name of our savior Redeemer Jesus Christ amen amen thank you thank you thank you Elder saris we will now enjoy tributes and Reflections on President Nelson's remarkable life of Love service and dedication to the Savior Jesus Christ we will first hear from president Jeffrey R Holland acting president of the Quorum of the 12 apostles he will be followed by family members close friends and other leaders of the church our musical numbers today will be performed by Nathan Pacho chenny Oaks Baker and Jared Pierce at the conclusion of this cele celebration we will enjoy a video message from president Nelson after which we will sing we thank thee Oh God for a prophet the benediction will then be offered by President Susan H Porter General primary president following the closing prayer and upon signal we invite you all wherever you are to join in singing happy birthday to president Nelson I am very happy to participate in this historic celebration honoring president Russell Marian Nelson in doing so I represent all members of the Quorum of the 12 apostles president Nelson spent 31 years in our Quorum and two and a half years as its president that has kept him uniquely close to the Quorum letting him include the 12 in so much that the first presidency has undertaken in his very first trip following his call as president the Nelsons invited sister Holland and me to accompany them on a trip to Jerusalem that trip turned into a globe circling course that took us around the the world allowing him to announce new temples in many of the locations we visited president Nelson followed that up by taking extended International trips with the other members of the Corum of the 12 president Nelson has provided a life-changing opportunity for all members of the Quorum by taking us to the dedication of the Rome Temple he then delegated major your temple dedications to each member of the 12 as those temples were finished and so the list goes on and on and on surely history will note that of the many marvelous characteristics visible in the Nelson Administration one quality that was almost invisible was the warm and productive Unity that Russell M Nelson maintained between the first presidency and the chorum of the 12 apostles to put president Nelson's 100-year life in some temporal context we should note that his 1924 birth was the year a little project called Band-Aid was introduced to the public they apparently were aware that a baby had entered the world who was destined for a singular medical career one that might call for use of those little strips from time to time on a more personal note Pat and I have known the president and his family closely for nearly 50 years one endearing event the Hollands have never forgotten was when our youngest son David was baptized in the River Jordan in the holy land at that precious experience we needed a photographer to get a photo for the family record well this anel Adams of Judea was of course the multi-talented Russell M Nelson who not only took a dozen photos for us but also prepared and delivered a second set to my beloved mother whom he knew from far off St George Utah when I came into the Corum of the 12 some two decades later my mother wept and hugged me and then told me I was her second favorite Apostle I don't have to tell you who was number one president Nelson is quite literally the renaissance man in addition to that photography and his world-renowned career as surgeon and medical scientist he's a gifted musician as was his beloved mother Edna Anderson Nelson vocally he carried Perfect Pitch even as a child later in life already a talented pianist Russell decided he wanted to play the organ which he then mastered and has used in Corum of the 12 activities for years to facilitate both his surgical career and his church callings he has mastered basic skills in in 17 languages including English and including Chinese crowning all of that in his foreordained rise to Service as the Lord senior Apostle are his personal spiritual qualities in his effort to hasten the work he's been the Lord's mouthpiece in receiving and implementing a veritable Rush of Revelation as I once called it he is unfailingly kind and composed gentle and forgiving above all he has embraced and personifies the counsel Paul gave to the Corinthians do ye not know that they which minister holy things should live the things of the temple president Nelson in the spirit of the hundreds of temples you have announced drafted remodeled completed or dedicated we celebrate the sweet robust history making 100 Years of your life we have come to say we love you and we say it in the name of Jesus Christ amen [Music] president Nelson turned 100 this year and asked us to reach out to the one to celebrate his birthday is 100 Year amazing right he wants us to help find the one who is lonely the one person in our lives that may be feeling discouraged or overall just needing the love of God at this time what an amazing way to celebrate your 100th birthday how can you do something amazing with the Lord and that would bless somebody else's life that would help somebody [Music] else I invited her to follow me to church and she said yes I was scrolling through social media when I came across an old friend's profile I decided to visit a 14-year-old young man who hadn't been to church for over 5 years my brother and I decided to celebrate him by finding the one to take to the temple to do B isms for the dead today at PE there was a girl who was having a really hard time hitting the ball so I cheered her on and that really seemed to [Music] help I had a friend who was super sick and so I went over and made her food I served my neighbor Elizabeth my grandparents my dad [Music] one of the things that always sticks out to me and thinking about my experience growing up is the people that took care of us as the one out of the 99 as a new mom I didn't know what to expect but I was surrounded by The Loving sisters they encouraged me they advised me our neighbors came by with food our sisters show their love and and concern to me my phone got flooded with text from friends family and church members someone remembered me and it made us feel that it was all going to be okay it reminds me how I've been forgiven and I'll never forget that feeling of love and gratitude that I felt for everyone that reached out I felt a heavy burden lifted of me I know that when we came enough to pray for the one L to come back to the Lord the Lord will inspire us what to do 31,000 people wished president Nelson happy 100th birthday what he wants is for each one of us to reach out to The One mer [Music] uh you're an example in this world to me and I'm so grateful for the opportunity being able to follow and serve on you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday president Nelson happy birthday president Nelson happy birthday president Nelson we love you happy Birthday president anding [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh qu Ed of body in the SRO [Music] [Music] [Music] see whom Soul we stand [Music] [Music] pal so speed he [Applause] [Music] con so [Music] spe [Music] for deep you on [Music] [Applause] see see more [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I am inexpressibly happy to bring greetings to president Nelson on the occasion of celebration of his 100th birthday and I say that it goes without saying he has Justified his existence in this world he did not just exist but he after the upbringing and training that he received in the Church of Jesus Christ of latterday saints the love and nurturing of his parents his receiving his academic training by the way parenthetically in medicine at the University of Minnesota where I had the privilege of also pastoring the historic Pilgrim Baptist Church in St Paul Minnesota and little did I know that in 20 19 I would be at the NAC P National Convention where I was asked by the nacp national board to introduce president Nelson to that great Concourse of delegates there and when I introduced him I introduced him as my brother of another mother and I meant that because I felt that that kindred spirit immediately when I met him and he came with a track record of leading the Church of Jesus Christ of latterday saints to higher Pursuits of racial Reckoning understanding and working to provide a better day for all of God's children particularly those who lived in urban communities around this nation he my brother who has a worldview and has led the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints through unparalleled accomplishments of humanitarian spiritual cultural and social betterment in this nation and world so happy Birthday Mr President I wish more years upon you and your dear wife Mrs Nelson and that you will go on from strength to strength keeping the Beloved Community intact amen [Applause] for the past 23 years of my life I been lucky enough to call this wonderful man president russum Nelson my great-grandfather I love this man because of our sweet connection I've had a personal look into the inner aspects of his life and I've been directly blessed by incredible example undying devotion and unfailing love in recognition of this unique relationship I want to share some of my great-grandfather's attributes I love the most because he is a world-class enjoyer of lists I will call this list my top three Century highlights when I think back to my childhood I think of my great-grandfather as a tender and loving man this is the first century highlight I love about him his love he is a man who loves Lov his family deeply I finally recall my great-grandfather playing the piano surrounded by children all laughing singing and smiling I remember him proudly informing our entire family that I had been cast in my ninth grade rendition of The King and I he even enthusiastically and spontaneously sing a tune from the play to show his support and love he has also as grandfathers have been known to do given personalized nicknames to almost everyone in his family cute love it endearing nicknames I will always think of his love when I think of him from his hugs to his personalized nicknames he has always been full of love my grandfather is a man who shows up a man who is Dependable a man who is reliable this is the second century highlight I associate with him his steadfastness despite serving in a myriad of callings he has hardly ever missed a baby blessing baptism Mission call opening or special family event our family has become very large but he has always focused on us as individuals as a young teenager I was especially touched by this attention I was struggling with many things but was feeling especially shaky about my faith I was invited to attend General Conference and the minute my grandfather entered the room his eyes sought me out I locked eyes on him felt his undefiable undeniable love and support I don't think he explicitly knew that I was struggling but his Dental dependability was grounding for a young unur girl I could tangibly feel a solid wave of encouragement reminding me that he was proud of me and that he loved me even when I was struggling my grandfather was also steadfast in his education his professional education and accomplishments are welln but his dedication to personal learning including a lifelong study of various languages isn't as well known though Holland did just say that during our family calls he will pause to look at me and say talk TOA toxik is Swedish for thank you I served my mission in Sweden not many 100-year-old men know how to say thank you in Swedish or even remember that they have a granddaughter who served a mission in Sweden it's a small meaningful way for him to show his love for me in a country that we both cherish he is dedicated to his family he wants to know about our achievements and our struggles and our struggles his advice is profound and thoughtful he helps and lifts us from personal failures he remembers all our accomplishments including birthdays graduations mission calls marriages and everything in between he has been and remains steadfast in all things and I love him for it my great-grandfather has a profound respect for women I've been able to see just how much he loves me his wife his daughters his granddaughters and all of the women in his life this respect and esteem for women is the third Century highlight I love about my grandfather the love that my grandfather shares with the women in his family is the same love and respect that he has for all women of the church and by extension the world you don't need to be his granddaughter to share his love or to be part of his family his respect for women is innate he has said the heavens are just as open to women as they are to men he has taught that the kingdom of God is Not and cannot be complete without women he is proud to exclaim that we need women who have the courage and vision of our mother Eve he loves and respects men and women equally in the novel L miserab Victor Hugo states to love another person is to see the face of God this quote exemplifies my grandfather because he loves others so deeply regardless of gender he is able to love God I have been empowered by his love and respect for women I have never felt less around him I am grateful for his understanding of the role that we all play and his understanding of my powerful role as a woman it is impossibly hard to capsulate a man as wonderful as my great-grandfather in such a short tribute but I hope you can sense at least a measure of his remarkable character and his huge capacity for love he is a truly tremendous man who tenderly cares for and loves each member of this Global church I will be forever proud to call him grandfather and to be his baby Ashlin happy birthday grandfather 100 looks good on you in the name of Jesus Christ amen [Applause] dear brothers and sisters daddy Wendy beloved church leaders family and friends I am honored to be here today to represent president Nelson's children when I first received this assignment my mind began to fill with childhood memories and the Decades of happy memories that have followed being blessed to grow up in the home of Russell and anel Nelson so this is a little personal Glimpse our father and mother were a terrific team and all 10 of us feel greatly blessed to belong to them as I enjoyed reexperiencing all these memories I was impressed again with what wonderful teachers our parents were we learned volumes from mother daily and although busy with his professional and church work daddy also taught us so much by word and by action he helped with bathing the little ones and putting them to bed with he helped with Troublesome homework like chemistry math and foreign languages he taught us to play tennis ice skate snow ski and water ski our parents loved music both played the piano and were excellent singers and we soon learned to love singing together and as well as playing the piano and other musical instruments he showed us how much he loved our mother by the words he spoke and the actions he took to help her when he was at home one small example was on Mother's Day Sundays for several years he would escort mother to have a rest after church while we little girls helped him with dinner there were several years of Mother's Day corsages for her and single Carnation corsages for each of us honoring her as mother and as daughters our potential to become mothers in our weekly family meetings he taught us how to calculate our tithing based on our allowance and then took us to the bishop on Fast Sundays and introduced each of us as we handed the bishop our envelopes he showed us how much he loved us by setting firm and fair rules for the way we treated our siblings and the way he counseled with us when we faced challenges No harsh words of anger were allowed among us and we learned constructive ways of dealing with our disagreements now sometimes his lessons were unplanned such as one day when some of us heard the movie projector running and we thought oh family home family movies are being played on the screen so we ran into the family room to find daddy viewing film footage on a movie screen of an openart surgery procedure that he was preparing for a medical conference well some sisters were fascinated and brothers ran quickly away above all his love kindness and fun sense of humor always made time with him special it was absolutely delightful when he could be at home or when it was our turn to travel with him on medical meetings these are but the tips of a very deep Iceberg of memories and while my specific memories are certainly different from those of my youngest sisters and my brother who later rounded out the family the principles of Love kindness and commitment to the Lord were the same our home was centered on love for each other on love for the Savior and in on living his gospel it was full of Music fun and joy in being together thank you Daddy dear for teaching us to love each other and for cherishing us as we cherish you we are grateful we've continued to learn from your Apostolic and prophetic teachings we love and appreciate Wendy from whom we have also learned much especially about being obedient to the Council of prophets her commitment to family history work and to you is amazing and we have learned from her Good Counsel to us and the world through her messages and inspired work thank you Wendy Dear Daddy we wish you a very joyous birthday with our deepest gratitude and love we are eternally grateful for your teaching wonderful example and love in the name of Jesus Christ amen amen [Music] we ever pray for thee our Prophet that God will give to thee comfort and cheer as the advancing years Furrow thy brow still May The Light Within shine bright as now still still May The Light Within shine bright us we ever pray for thee with all our hearts that strength be GI thee to do thy part to guide and counsel us from day today to share a Holy Light around our way [Music] to shed a Holy Light around our way we ever pray for thee with fent love and as the children's breay is heard above Thou shalt be ever blessed and God will give all that is me and best what Thou shalt live all that is me and best while thou [Music] shout we ever pray for thee Pro de ohh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] president Nelson from the University of Oxford and as a member of the Church of England I salute you and give you our hearty congratulations and prayers on your centinary thank you for being such uh an approachable World Faith leader thank you for leading your people as a true Pioneer leader leaving no one behind um and thank you also for touching the hearts of people that's how it works and you learned in your professional life that doesn't stop Hearts it actually prompts them thank you and a very happy birthday [Applause] hello president Nelson it's your old friend Robbie George here from Princeton University and I'm delighted to be joining my voice with that of so many others to thank and congratulate you for your work and witness you know the foundational principle of all sound morality is that of the profound inherent and equal Dignity of each and every member of the Human family and by precept and example you've taught all of us what it means to do justice to that principle to live up to its demands and so again thank you happy birthday president nson president Nelson recently I spoke with sister Jean Schmidt 103 years old who wrote a book entitled what I learned the first hundred years of my life she says that she attributes her longevity to living life with purpose you certainly have little of purpose giving that message of God through your works of goodness throughout the world every birthday we often blow out the candles I suggest keep them burning so we can continue to be the beneficiaries of your light your love and your loyalty as we say in New York mazeltov president Nelson on behalf of area presidencies and 70s serving throughout the world we want you to know what a privilege it is to help carry your prophetic messages to people everywhere we love you and we wish you a very joyful 100th birthday on the night before Martin Luther King Jr's Ascension he said like anyone I would like to live a long life longevity has its place I've had the privilege of visiting Salt Lake City and Temple Square four times and observe that the Tabernacle Choir family live a long time I'm convinced that the statement Dr King made is right that longevity has its place and its place is Temple Square on behalf of the more house College family our 177,000 living members of the alumni trustees Administration faculty staff and students We Salute president Russell M Nelson Senor for having reached the Centennial your 100th birthday today your happiest appearance Day celebration hence we dedicate this historic concert at morouse College this evening to you for helping us reunite the broken body of Christ Aloha president Nelson on behalf of the kawe and byana I'm delighted to wish you ha happy birthday we are deeply grateful for the love you showed to us here at BYU Hawaii and for your example and serving each of us with your heart might mind and soul we love you we sustain you and we continue to strive to be beacons of Hope by living the Gospel of Jesus Christ as you taught us the last time you visited our campus Mahalo Nei happy [Music] birthdays happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday to you [Applause] [Music] living in this world will change all around but with the prophet's words all stand on Solid Ground even though it's still hard with questions that arise every day I will say like brother and Sh of the weing warrior and my pers I will spread God's love to all I now and I will ple with my father on my knees I will be what I [Music] we'll spread the gospel wide throughout all the Earth with Jesus as our guide we wield the sword of truth even though it's still hard with questions that arise every day I will say I'll have F my brother and the strength of the I'll be PR aing Warrior and like me by pers I will spread God's love to all I know and serve I will with my father on my knees I will be what I will be all right as the army of we have been taught in our you and we will be the Lord's missionaries to bring the world is true we are as the army of we have been taught in our you and we will be the Lord's missionaries to bring the world is true I will be what I believe I will be what I [Music] [Applause] [Music] happy birthday to you president Nelson it was in October 2019 while delivering an address to the sisters of the church that you looked out in to the congregation at your dear wife Wendy your daughters granddaughters and granddaughters and then exclaimed you felt like you would like to claim all of us as part of your family with difference to the women closest to you Wendy your daughters and many granddaughters and with an expression of heartfelt gratitude for their sacrifice in sharing you with the world let me say that I feel claimed and paron of your family what a blessing your kindness love and respect have been to me personally and what an immeasurable difference your prophetic voice has meant to the sisters of the church in better understanding God's love for us and the spiritual Treasures available to us as we make and keep covenants with him your unprecedented temple building around the world has been accompanied by prophetic invit ations to do the spiritually invigorating work to understand the gift of God's power accessible to every woman and man who makes and keeps covenants in the house of the Lord you have invited us to fix our focus on Jesus Christ you have taught us that yoking ourselves to the Savior through covenants is liberating and spiritually empowering and with every prophetic invitation you have promised blessings when we enter into a covenant with God and keep that Covenant you have promised an extra measure of God's love his merciful patience and power that strengthens us to withstand our trials Temptations and heartaches better president Nelson I have seen and felt peace among the saints that defies understanding and can only be explained by Covenant confidence that special kind of rest that comes to those who enjoy a covenant relationship with God thank you for teaching us and inviting us to seek The Guiding comforting and testifying presence of the spirit to understand what it means to be Covenant women of God thank you for expressing confidence in us as Covenant women to to play a vital role in preparing the world for the second coming of the Savior you've invited us to speak up and speak out teaching the doctrine of Christ and articulating truth to courageously defend morality and families to Shepherd God's children along the Covenant path and while expressing The crucial part women play in building up the kingdom of God and inviting us to change the world you have gracious L reminded us that no one can do everything nor should we try president Nelson you have blessed The Sisters of the Church of Jesus Christ of latterday saints to feel loved and precious and necessary I had never met a prophet and president of the church prior to you extending the call for me to serve as the primary and then releas Society General president an anticipation of that first meeting I wondered what it may be like to be in your presence would your piercing blue eyes see into my soul would you know all my faults and weaknesses would I Feel Again the pain of my past mistakes in your presence no on that first occasion and every subsequent occasion you have looked me in the eyes and your clear blue eyes have communicated love love and compassion and mercy and confidence in me even when I hadn't earned it by Earthly standards president Nelson I feel claimed by My Savior Jesus Christ because I have felt his love through you his Propet what a gift what a treasure and I trust that on countless occasions you have looked into the eyes of thousands of people around the world members of his church and friends and they likewise have felt the love of God joyfully and with all the fervor of my soul I declare to the world that President russem Nelson is a holy man the Lord's mouthpiece on the Earth today a mighty prophet of God I am sure of it president Nelson's prophetic invitations and promised blessings will bring enduring happiness of this I know and testify happiest of birthdays to you dear president Nelson I love you we love you in the sacred and Holy Name of Jesus Christ amen [Applause] president iring and I are pleased to be part of this H 100th birthday celebration for president Russell M Nelson after 6 and a half years of experiencing his inspiration and teaching we all rejoice voice in the remarkable progress of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints under his leadership consequently president iring and I will not concentrate on the elements of that progress but try to explain what it means to us to have worked side by side with President Nelson during this exciting period I am just delighted to be here with you and and to talk about the experiences we have had side by side with President Russell M Nelson and I'm just grateful that I have the chance to be here with you and I with you and so I think I think you used the word his warmth and I think I'd like to start with that one of the most wonderful things of being at your side and with with President Nelson is the feeling of warmth and that is that you have the same feeling yes I do and I just consider it a wonderful thing to be able to learn from him yes he has taught us so many things as we've been together oh my yes and don't we learn from him especially when we see how he relates to other people oh my yes that's my that was my point point is that the way he relates to us he does it with everyone in addition when when people enter the room he almost always stands for them but he always stands when there are women in the group always but it my point is I think it it it sends a message he is like he is the savior's representative and he's acting like the Savior giving you the feeling he cares and I I think that if I wish the members of the church could have any sense of how much he really loves them uh and cares for them it's pretty quite remarkable it certainly is another thing that's impressed me when we meet with him is that he does not lead off with his opinion and ask people what they think of it he calls on individual people in the group yes here's all the input including from his counselors yes and then he'll indicate what he thinks we ought to do well he's a wonderful teacher oh and he draws out the best in those who report to him to be in a room or in a meeting or in a conversation with President Nelson just gives you the opportunity of experience ing what it would be like to be with the savior he is the savior's representative and he is our role model and you also want to be better when you're around him he communicates love for the people with whom he meets and for the people who will be uh affected by any decision made there he's he's a very loving leader yes he's easy to love but actually the temple building is a lot the same as I say to myself that he would I mean previous Prophet The Prophet Joseph was worried about the finishing of the temple right at the the end they've always cared about but the degree to which president Nelson has done it and he's done it on a spiritual basis of saying we've got to offer the covenants to people that are far away from temples it's the ordinances that make the difference let's not not be extravagant let's make the buildings lovely it's the ordinances to make them available I have been in church leadership for many years and I have never heard the phrase gather Israel on both sides of the Veil until I heard him incorporate that in his teachings and it astonished me and I knew instantly that that is providing us a knowledge of the Lord's plan line upon line precept upon precept just yeah yeah uh he had relationships the Lord had over his service has put him in touch with people of prominence that make it possible for us to take the gospel to the world and the ordinances one other thing I'd like to say about President Nelson I have so admired his facility at making decisions Oh my he rarely postpones our decision on something brought before him he will postpone it if he believes we need to gather some more facts or consult somebody else yeah but the typical exper experience when a committee or councel or a task group comes in to meet with the first presidency he hears from everybody and he makes a decision he just doesn't postpone it he's a decision maker president iring hasn't it been wonderful to be invited to talk about President Russell M Nelson and to Marvel at all God has accomplished through him as a prophet leader I think it's been one of the greatest opportunities of my life is to have had some time to reflect on the greatness of this Prophet his example extends throughout the church imagine having him with us to observe a 100th birthday of blessing indeed thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my beloved brothers sisters friends and family what a memorable day this has been I'm overwhelmed with the kindness generosity and prayers of so many around the world I'm grateful for the countless cards and messages I've received thank you for responding to my 99 +1 invitation to reach out to someone who needs your loving care I'm grateful for my wife counselors we are grateful for all of our colleagues here at Church Headquarters thank you all I do not know why the Lord has allowed me to live this long there are at least three times in my life when sudden death seemed imminent miraculously in each instance Heavenly help rescued us then a year ago I fell and injured my back I've never experienced such pain thanks to the power of the priesthood and to my dear wife Wendy who has cared for me night and day I am here to celebrate my 100th birthday for this and for many reasons I feel deep gratitude for me I feel as though Thanksgiving has come early I'm thankful for Treasured Memories they begin with you my dear brothers and sisters I have visited members of the church church and friends in more than 130 countries you have made my life more wonderful we have worshiped together and strengthened each other again and again you have inspired me with your Devotion to God and your faith in Jesus Christ you have shown me The Marvelous fruits of consecrating one's life to God to you my beloved brothers and sisters I express profound gratitude and love I'm grateful for my precious family I'm grateful to be sealed in the house of the Lord to them I Marvel that the Lord led me as a young man to marry dancel white and build an eternal family after Danel suddenly passed away the Lord blessed me again later he led me to Wendy Watson to be my eternal companion Wendy has been a strength and a beacon for me for more than 18 years how grateful I am for each of these remarkable women I'm very thankful to know that God has a plan for his children that makes it possible for us to return to his holy presence a mortal birthday is not an end point it is a step in our Eternal progression Central to Heavenly father's plan is the atoning sacrifice of his beloved Son Our Savior Jesus Christ how I love him him how grateful I am to know him how thankful I am for his redeeming and healing power how grateful I am for his unfailing love and his generous guidance to me as he leads his church my dear brothers and sisters the length of your life is not as important as the kind of life that you live for each of us even for a 100y old man life passes quickly my prayer is that you will let God Prevail in your life make covenants with him stay on the Covenant path prepare to return to to live with him again with joy in my heart and a spirit of deep Thanksgiving I express my love for you dear brothers and sisters humbly I invoke a blessing upon each precious one of you in the sacred name of Jesus Christ amen [Music] to our hearts with his [Music] we [Music] bless and to [Music] and [Music] know in [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] day and my rej GL and bl [Music] his toest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] our dear heavenly father We Gather as thy children across the Earth and here in this Conference Center theater with gratitude in thy hearts and feelings of unity as we Express gratitude to thee for thy love for thy fabulous plan and for sending thy son the Lord Jesus Christ to be her Redeemer we are grateful for this time time today we've had to remember and celebrate and honor president Russell M Nelson our Prophet th Prophet we're thankful that through him we have heard thy voice and we have felt thy love we pray as we reflect on his teachings that we may be brought closer to thee we may be brought to love one another as he as thy son and as thou lovest us we pray for him our Prophet dear and say this humbly and in the name of Jesus Christ amen amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right everybody join in here we go happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday to you what [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] e

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Category: News & Politics

Hey boy hey tim what what you doing i think this 2002 beret is going to be perfect in paris one way to look at it how does it feel to win gold how does it feel to win gold what are you doing i'm practicing for paris we're headed to paris with ksl news radio to cover the salt lake 2034 announcement so... Read more

The Utah Utes firetruck: Four generations of Utah tailgaters thumbnail
The Utah Utes firetruck: Four generations of Utah tailgaters

Category: News & Politics

Maybe you have noticed another fun tradition that goes on here during the tailgate parties it is a big red fire truck that takes some tailgating die hards to the game but do you know the story behind it it's actually taking four generations of youth fans to the game and lindsay erand has the story yeah... Read more

The KSL Archive: Early arrival of daylight savings time effect Utah’s marshmallow crops thumbnail
The KSL Archive: Early arrival of daylight savings time effect Utah’s marshmallow crops

Category: News & Politics

The lowly marshmallow some people think of the marshmallow is a mere cream puff in the agri business economy of utah but noted horticultural expert dr herb iide knows that could change this is the worst i've ever seen it dr side has good reason for concern the early arrival of daylight savings time... Read more

University of Utah grad Dennis Connors set to compete in Paris Paralympics thumbnail
University of Utah grad Dennis Connors set to compete in Paris Paralympics

Category: News & Politics

One of those athletes though we'll be watching very closely here is dennis connor he's a paras cyclist and went to school right here at the university of utah alex cabero join me right now and alex you spoke with connor recently representing the usa really something that means quite a bit to him yeah... Read more

Afternoon weather forecast for Sept. 11, 2024 thumbnail
Afternoon weather forecast for Sept. 11, 2024

Category: News & Politics

Tips there thank you all right kevin joining us right now big weather day huh yeah how long can you hold your breath uh i don't know two minutes is the most go uh we need to because this wildfire smoke is terrible unhealthy air quality from north to south east to west wildfire smoke coming in from nevada... Read more

Fire caused by hoverboard triggers sad memories for one homeowner thumbnail
Fire caused by hoverboard triggers sad memories for one homeowner

Category: News & Politics

Well a charging hoverboard is to blame for a fire inside a utah county office building the lehigh fire department found that hoverboard plugged right into the wall yeah it was new special shelby loft in is at that building right now and shelby firefighters put out the flames early this morning so when... Read more

KSL looks into tax cut claims made during Utah's Senate GOP primary debate thumbnail
KSL looks into tax cut claims made during Utah's Senate GOP primary debate

Category: News & Politics

Brad wilson had this to say about tax cuts in utah and as speaker of the house i ushered in the largest tax cuts in the history of the state the president of the utah taxpayers association told us if you add the cuts together cumulatively wilson's claim checks out and in march last year then speaker... Read more

The Utah Utes firetruck: Four generations of Utah tailgaters thumbnail
The Utah Utes firetruck: Four generations of Utah tailgaters

Category: News & Politics

Maybe you have noticed another fun tradition that goes on here during the tailgate parties it is a big red fire truck that takes some tailgating die hards to the game but do you know the story behind it it's actually taking four generations of youth fans to the game and lindsay erens has the story yeah... Read more

Salt Lake City OKs major zoning changes tied to Smith's Delta Center plans thumbnail
Salt Lake City OKs major zoning changes tied to Smith's Delta Center plans

Category: News & Politics

Buildings in downtown salt lake city near the delta center will be getting taller by about 200 ft the city just approved that and other zoning changes and it paves the way for the revitalization project with utah's new nhl owners to expand the delta center and two blocks east here with details new specialist... Read more

Utah businesses involved in helping Paralympic athletes win gold medals this week thumbnail
Utah businesses involved in helping Paralympic athletes win gold medals this week

Category: News & Politics

For an athlete there is nothing like hearing your country's anthem played after winning gold it's the eighth gold and 18th paralympic medal overall for axana masters who won a grueling paras cycling race in paris this morning masters is used to pushing through pain and credits a product made by a utah... Read more

Wildfires continue to rage across western U.S. and Canada thumbnail
Wildfires continue to rage across western U.S. and Canada

Category: News & Politics

Or to help customers. the transportation department announced tuesday it would be investigating the airline. >>> multiple wildfires on the west coast and in canada have forced thousands of people to beckley. crews are fighting flames in colorpoint, oregon and utah. the fires have burned thousands... Read more

Montana State Bobcats vs New Mexico Lobos Full Game Aug 25, 2024 | NCAA Men's College Football thumbnail
Montana State Bobcats vs New Mexico Lobos Full Game Aug 25, 2024 | NCAA Men's College Football

Category: Sports

Mexico won the toss will rece he got a booming leg also handles the pting will kick it away and luke weong 15 toari rogers 28 and this one's going to go well through the end zone for the touchback and montana state defensively junior year at saguaro in arizona as one of his teammates as a go-to receiver... Read more