Carmalt Middle School Music: Lesson 6

Published: May 19, 2020 Duration: 00:02:53 Category: People & Blogs

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Intro welcome back middle school to week five of distance learning it is almost the end of May I can't believe how fast time is going it feels really fast on my end I don't know how you're feeling by if you look I've posted our new assignments and this assignment looks a lot different than the last couple of assignments even though we are in week five the music lesson is six because we remember we skipped lesson four because there weren't any resources included so even though we're in Week five we are now on lesson six so lesson six is all about bringing out your creative side and responding to music that you like and that you know so this is an activity Instructions board and the directions for this are pretty simple there's five activities given but you will pick the three that you think you'll have the most fun with so once you have the three activities that you would like to complete read the activity and then beneath it you'll find the assignment for the grade level in response to that activity so we have five different activities you will do three of them and I want to let you know too that activity two asks you to ask an adult what their favorite song is and ask them why they like it if you're working on this and let's say maybe the adult that you are living with is at work or unavailable and you need an adult to talk to you can call me on teams or you can send me an email and I'll give you a responses to question number two or activity two so you can find out my favorite song and then I will you know walk you through some of the questions as to why it's my favorite song any guesses I'm not going to tell you right now but I wonder if you have any guesses what my favorite song is or what band sings my favorite song and if Questions you can see that but that's a hint that's the band that sings my all-time favorite song so if you have any questions you know where to find me you know how to reach out to me I'm sorry this video is not longer but I figure you guys are pretty you guys have been doing a pretty good job with these assignments and these ones give you a lot more freedom and a lot more choice so if you have any questions about understanding any of the activities you can reach out to me but they're pretty self-explanatory so have fun with it this week you'll next week and the following week there will be activity boards as well just with new activities so let me know if you need any help of thumb and I'll post another video next week email me again you guys can reach me with my Google Voice number or you can reach out to me on teams I hope everybody as well take care

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