OPEN: Day 2 weigh-in at the Mississippi River

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 02:58:48 Category: Sports

Trending searches: mississippi
I can't weigh him without our way Master he is Austin bassm Howard hardest working man on stage let's welcome him to the stage and then we will be ready to go all right scales are ready Austin's ready you guys ready Miss Cindy's ready all right I think we're ready we may not be rocking and rolling because we got a lot of boats that are uh again stuck in the lot real quick I'll tell you that real fast you always lock at your own risk when we go to uh events where there are locks and the rule per bad so you have to be back at your check-in time you lose a pound per minute up to 16 minutes and your weight is zeroed out so if we have that happen we'll explain it as they come in I do think that is going to be a Poss possibility today based on a few calls I've gotten and again the Anglers know it it's a gamble they take at times and uh commercial traffic bars traffic always takes precedence over fishing traffic unfortunately I hate telling you that but that is just the way that locks and navigation work but let's get going he didn't lock he's here and he's ready and he's inside the top 10 in EQ points coming in to this tournament out of Oxford Alabama come on up Matt Adams getting the weighin started five in the bag he had a good start with 1411 and he's just 46 to take over lead oh yeah 18 lb and 6 oz all the way to first place two day total of 331 there you go Matt Adams to the top of the leaderboard nice job all right 414 is the big bass right now 46 46 on that one hand those off Austin all right well we're here we're checked in that's going to be a big story after today I think well you know I mean it's a gamble you take and it's something that I I thought about on the way here and it's uh I just didn't feel like I could take that chance of going down there and getting locked out and um I'm glad I didn't because I've had two pretty good days this this Fisher is incredible um it's so Target rich as I me mentioned yesterday and uh I never thought I would see 18 pounds on this fishery after practice well you did and you're in the lead that's here for him he's already got a couple of top 10 under his belt and he has a fantastic season going so far Andre ye come on up road with Mitch vaner today nonbo side 2B 6 o yesterday oh no excuse me 83 yesterday you need just 2 six to take over of the lead you got it three pound 7 ounces grab a fish hold it up you're sitting in the lead may do that several times today we got a long way to go but uh right now you're in the lead on the nonb side with 11 pounds and 10 ounces nice job and we thank you Andre Hopey that'll mean a good check for you thank you sir Jackson s come on up former College bracket Champion comes to you from the state of Florida he had some engine troubles but we made it back we made it back that's all that counts uh I just had to scrap everything go fishing today we had a good time 96 to get you finished up here today 222 your two-day total thank you Jackson and uh go get that motor fixed you got one more stop at Lake Harwell that's the next stop after this one the final stop for the 24 season Brandon wiy come on up RO with Jackson today to see Brandon bring them on up to us all right you had 115 yesterday what you bringing in two today yeah caught them on frogs but I didn't catch my Keepers until the last hour and a half so we appreciate you fishing with us 38 today 57 your two day total thank you Brandon look forward to seeing you next time out of Texas come on up Paul brownie start off with 99 yesterday and he's bringing five up today and uh better day no not really uh it today was trying to win battles and I had a 14 in like line burner and my co had two good ones and I'm like all right I need to get rid of this one and get him his third fish it happened we I called one and he got his third big third good one uh it's just been a struggle all year and small battles is is good for me right now and you know I shaved the beard and went to the goatee instead of the mustache and uh it didn't help so maybe it's time to go to the full Man chew or something or the mustache so we'll see what happens at Heartwell right Paul great seeing you man and I like I like the attitude looking at the small victories 98 today 9 Pound 8 O today 191 your two-day total Tak Kinyon come on up Dodgeville Wisconsin start off with 2-1 but like Paul was saying you got your limit let like a much better day today but need 910 to take over the lead looking for 910 that's what he's got n PBS 10 o this new leader on the nonbo side so nice job that's two ler changes right now on the nonbo side got a feeling we're going to I don't know I know Tai doesn't want that to change a lot but uh we may see that a little bit today nice job man nice job it took all day I caught that third fish in the last 10 minutes of fishing it was kind of stressful but I I got it and I was happy so hopefully finish in the top 40 and hopefully it will be a good check good for you sir good job we'll see where you end up all right come on up out of Arizona Bret had a great start with 1510 day number one he's bringing five more up 178 would put Brett height in the lead looking for 178 with these five in 1510 on day number one looking for 178 great job on fish care 14 PBS 10 ounces up to Second Place grab those Brett it's going to be a good finish for you maybe enough to stay inside that top 10 two day total of 30 lb and 4 o said he's got a big one he wants to we too and Brett height in his element having a good time out there on the Mississippi River 46 today is Phoenix boat big bass see what we got 47 47 there you go I mean I I feel like this is your style out here I hope you had a good time seems like you figured out a good bit out there yeah I caught a lot of Keepers each day uh you know yesterday my first bite Was A four- pounder today my second bite Was A four- pounder and that kind of calms you down and uh gets you in the right mode and lets you slow down and just look for those key bites but uh I think I may be a little short for making the top 10 but love this place love the town this uh this town's awesome we love coming here the weather's great uh phenomenal fishery that's uh just very unique all right well good job Brett let's here for him he's having a good finish good tournament with one left Avery Williams come on up Merl's Inlet South Carolina start off with 10 six day number one five to go with it better day no I think it's about the same we set our sights on the home state after this yeah that should be a fun one ready to get to it we get these to calm down you're right very consistent 105 today 20 pounds 11 ounces two-day total thank you Avery William solman come on up non motor 5 pounds 11 ounces day number one he's bringing up one more today hope you had a good time this week William oh I enjoyed it I love fishing up here come up well this going to be next week so I'll be up here four times this year so you do like it I like it 114 on that one thank you sir two day total 7 lb9 o they Parsons come on up out of Texas see Dave Dave had a good start 142 five more in there today better day no it's a little less today I think 11:14 for you hey it's going to jump you to third place though it's a good finish for you hope you enjoyed it what's that yeah we'll bring them back yeah we can get a picture real quick that's fine not a problem big shout out to the service guys i' I had some troubles in practice and the Mercury guy came in and picked me up got me on the water and it might be enough to get a check out of it nice job nice job thank you Dave be safe going back home to Texas let's bring up our next hanger Scott Dunn on Mot start off with 54 day number one all right Scott we got one more hope you had fun out there this week I did I got paired with a couple of really good guys and uh had a good time both days one n to get you checked in today 613 your two- day total thank you Scott Cody deweer come on up gunville Alabama that's where he calls home now start off with 10 s yesterday Cody five more to go with it today yeah had a lot of fun this week uh this place is awesome I live on Lake Gunnersville which I is known for frog fishing and this place hasn't matched pretty well so uh cool place hopefully we come back in a really cool town here so I really enjoyed it hey Cy I'll see you down to South Carolina 129 today 23 even your two-day total Alex grimbo come on up out of Canada I think we saw Alex yesterday but we got you today good job W to finish strong yeah it was a tough bite out there but uh at least I got a fish 2113 for you on that fish Alex thank you sir and we will see you at the next one Nico Romero leading the aoi coming into this week on the nonbo side already has a trophy under his belt nine2 yesterday you only need 210 to take over the lead and you got three so I think we're going to get that 6 pound and 8 oun this new leader on the nonbo side 1510 Nico's two-day total once again Nico finds himself at the top of the leaderboard on the nonbo side nice job this here for him one time all right your work is done here in Lacrosse and uh it's been a good tournament it was it was a fun day um I wanted to say one thing uh you guys got a really special place up here take care of it um after I looked yesterday there's been some tournaments this year where we've struggled as co-anglers St fill a check for 40 places after one day and to see 6065 limits on the coast side's unbelievable it was awesome lot good numbers good job and you are in the lead of all those co-anglers now Ethan Preston come on up out of North Dakota Ethan fishing with us this year on the division three side of things started off with 113 yesterday Ethan four more to go with it today yeah we couldn't find that five uh fifth one each day but hey we got four of them we were able to play around we played offshore we played shallow with the Frog everything all week want to give a shout out to my wife she's allowed me to come out and fish all in division three we got two young kids at home and I know it's getting crazy so we're going to get back to them 9 10 for you today Ethan thank you sir 2013 your two-day total Cody St step on up out of Georgia EQ angler start off with 159 yesterday five in the bag 179 will put you in the lead 18 lbs even new leader on the Boer side two a total of 33 lounds and n o and Cody stall Takes Over the Top spot two day total of 33 PBS and 9 o is here for your new leader all right says he got one he wants to we for big bass absolutely let's see where we are Brad hey has a 47 414s total overall that's what you have to beat for that 41 today but nice job yeah it was a heck of a day today I I knew I had the potential to to bust a good bag like that and I'm just glad it did but you know huge shout out to my fiance she's been dealing with a bunch of house stuff this week she's been you know been dealing with a lot of stress and I mean she's awesome uh but also a huge shout out to G ju ice and Mountain Dew I had two fish every day that was bleeding like no tomorrow and I put a little G juice and Mountain Dew in their throat and stopped bleeding and never had a problem with them spoken like a true Southerner ice juj ju and Mountain Dew number one uh Southern sponsor portfolio I feel like Josh Douglas step on up he was talking about it for fish care 11:14 yesterday Josh five more in the bag today yeah uh better day 137 today yeah a little bit better uh I I got some awesome sponsors but I really want to take a sec I've been today is my 19th wedding anniversary with my wife we literally met when we were teenagers so I'm going to go home well happy anniversary for you let's hear it for him 19 years somebody can put up with you for 19 years that's awesome yeah he say he's gone all the time on a bass boat that's what helps Christian no strander step on up out of California top 10 earlier this year here down in Arkansas start off here with 144 five more in there better day Christian eyes tough you checked in 113 113 does jump you up to fifth place two day total of 257 thank you Christian Eric is it bright CRS come on up Eric absolutely you can weigh a big fish non mot side didn't see Eric yesterday but let's see what what he's got today two in the bag wor six pounds in an ounce good job shove that big one off and then we'll weigh it nice job shab boan Wisconsin big bass going weigh four pounds in an ounce just a little shy the overall but still a nice job sir thank you appreciate you fishing with us Sean Clayton come on up out of cica South Carolina Sean and EQ angland riding all nine we're headed close to home next oh yeah I'm definitely ready you know there's no two ways about it I just missed it this week uh you know that's that's the way it goes that's the game we play you know you're not going to you're not going to top 10 every one of them but uh I'd like to thank all my sponsors uh palet boat Center fishing for dummies uh DCS Automotive just to name a couple of them but uh let me tell you if you're not in a phoenix if you've never been in a phoenix you're missing out man cuz that boat's incredible it's been been performing flawlessly all year mercury has been incredible it's fast it's quick and it'll get out of the way of everything all right man good job 310 today I'll see you back home at the next stop 117 your two-day total Kyle Palmer coming to you from Winchester Tennessee former bethl tiger all right Kyle we started off with 71 yesterday five today looks better little better day today but I just dug myself too deep of a hole yesterday uh but you know good days and bad days come on the water but one thing remains the same that's Jesus Christ and I want to thank him my Lord and Savior for the opportunity to be here 135 for you today Kyle thank you two day total 20 lb and 6 o ler Howell come on up 11:14 day number one he's bringing five more up today better let's press the scale a little bit 10 six today 224 your two-day total eighth place and we're going to get some points with one one one tournament left I'm in eighth place oh my gosh hey let's just end it right there y'all go home we we all get a check and we'd be good I wish it was like that but no for real it was a fun tournament uh obviously I zigg when I should have zag this place has got my number since the last two or three years I've been here so one day I'm going to conquer it but as you see there's a lot of really big fish in this place so we'll be back next year I'm sure on some tour so we'll see you next year all right leer good job we'll see where you end up right now in eighth place Brady Veron come on up had a great start 18 pounds and 5 O had him parked inside the top five four in there today the good news is you had a big start yesterday so you don't need as much today 155 on these four to put you into the lead n pounds 15 o jumps you up to Fourth Place two day total of 284 so hopefully we can hang on to a check yeah hopefully so um I was locking up to S and there was a barge in there this morning when I was trying to get up and then my deal was completely over by the time I got up there so it's part of it but on to the next one anyways so we'll see that was good Brady good job this week so going to be a good finish for you we'll see where you end up right now you're in fourth Gary haruchi come on up held a trophy on the nonbo side just a few weeks back in Leech Lake Minnesota started off here Gary with 5 eight yesterday we got three today though looks like a better day yeah it was a better day didn't have a fish at noon time so I'm blessed to have them 10 three would put you in the lead eight pounds in an ounce does jump you up to second place going to be a good finish for you yeah absolutely I'm I'm happy with it like I said the good Lord blessed me with three I didn't have anything at noon today so it was all good and thank you Hank you and the whole staff here you guys are awesome thank you Gary we appreciate you smiling Gary har Gucci I'll see you in South Carolina Casey scandin come on up Casey started off with 1314 yesterday so many bags between 12 pounds and 15 pounds yesterday I felt like it was just on repeat five in the bag today Casey yeah a little bit lighter today it was a little tougher day out there 1112 2510 your two day total you're all right six place right now we'll see where you end up nice job this week Carson canus I know how you doing Carson good how are you we're good 4-3 yesterday 36 today 24th Place 7 pound 9 o today total so might get a check I don't know I missed some fish this thing is close I missed some fish this week I could have had a limit both days but it's fishing so sounds good good job this week 4th right now Joey Hannah Corsicana Texas come on up Joey started off with 414 yesterday bringing four more today Joey yeah a little bit better day didn't miss any fish today just didn't have enough bites eight even for you today Joey we appreciate you two day total 1214 108 at the moment Scott Don linger step on up Scottsboro Alabama bucket list Place coming up here 240 get you started yesterday Scott two more to go with it tough place to fish 310 for you today 63rd Place thank you Scott 514 your two-day total Ricardo Guzman come on up Ricardo nonb had a good start with eight pounds in an ounce day number one three more so he's got a big one too looking for 710 to take over the lead nine PBS 14 o new leader on the nonbo side with a 1715 two-day total on the nonbo side so again nice job there that might set the mark for a while oh two small mouth too there you go new leader let's here for him all right we got a phoenix boat big bass right now a 47 overall put the big one in there so you're looking for 47 on this one 4-1 4-1 on that one but nice job hey you're in the lead of the tournament good job this week thank you thank you I appreciate it I want to thank my wife she lets me fish all the time I'm a lucky guy she might be getting a little bit of money today good job we'll see where you end up right now you're in first right where you want to be Chris helit come on up 163 day number one he's got five more looks like a good day you need a little bit more than that to take over the lead 177 would do it 18 PB and 3 oz new leader on the Boer side 346 his two-day total and Chris hellbeck the EQ angler out of Michigan says hello to the leaderboard top of the leaderboard let's he for your new leader Chris helic and for 414 43 43 on that one nice job yeah it was a it was a good day in the water and uh as much as I love coming here to frog and flip and do the Mississippi River stuff it's I ended up doing something a little little more similar to what I do at home so it's exciting get one more day out of this yeah we'll see I you know I'd be exciting if I did but either way it's it's a good tournament and we'll uh you know hope we do nice job so far let's hear it for him he is in the lead with 346 through two days all right Andrew Binky come on up out of fond delac Wisconsin started off with 157 five more to go with it let's see what we got 1313 today jumps to fifth place goingon to be a good finish Andrew yeah absolutely hang on awesome he wants to picture real quick sure thing get for Andrew two-day total of 294 does jump him to fifth place so right now he is inside that top 10 setting his sights potentially on Championship Saturday not sure if that's going to be enough but still going to be a good week I think it's going to be a little bit short of fishing tomorrow like I really want it to be I just couldn't get that big bite that I got yesterday I was able to get a four pound fish yesterday came up a little bit short but it was still great to be close to home fish on a body of water that I'm familiar with got to give a huge shout out to the service crew I mean this place is relentless on equipment and they keep us on the water so huge shout out to them um huge shout out to my mom and her cousin came out from Fondulac real short trip but yeah this place is phenomenal it's fishing really good this year yall got to get out there and take advantage of it so blessed to be out there in chasing bass is awesome sounds good Andrew sounds good Andrew thank you all right let's keep on rolling trip ning Brian Alabama step on up EQ anger rolling with us all all year 8113 to get you started yesterday trip bringing five in today yeah I feel like I had a little bit better day today found found a few slightly bigger fish you know this place has been on my bucket list for about 15 years now and uh I think it caused me to vapor lock a little bit for a country boy that's only been north of the Mason Dixon a handful of times this place is going to take more than four days to figure out so thank y'all for having us this is a good crowd and this is a great fishery I look forward to coming back 10 two for you today trip good job 1815 your two-day total he's a bassm Elite Series angler 15-2 to start his touring off come on up dollar bill loen again 15-2 yesterday five in the bag today looks like another good day for Bill 16 PBS 10 o up to fourth place for Bill low and 3112 is two day total this going to be a good finish and maybe one more day for Bill if it holds up right now he's parked in fourth place again with a two-day total of 3112 larger bag today was 1610 let's he for him one time nice job all right may I mean I don't know maybe enough we don't know I don't know probably a little short the way it's been all year for me you know I've had a off year but it feels really good to come up here and fish the way I like to fish and end the year on catching some fish you know I've had a big flipping Arc flipping rod on my hand all week 22lb tattoo Flor carbon from seagar in my signature series jig and I've just been flipping and jerking and flipping and jerking so it's been fun regardless of what happens um about ready to go home put some mossio on some Drake water fou and go shoot some ducks and hang in a tree stand so it's been a long year and I'm ready for it to be over ready for it to be over but I'm sure you'll go one more day if you can nice job we'll see where you end up right now you're in fourth place going to be a good finish for you regardless Joshua canor come on up start off with 73 yesterday Joshua three in the back today we're 5 lb 13 O fourth place that's going to be a good finish hey uh yeah I appreciate it U but really had to give a big thank you to my Pros that I was with um you know they got me on the fish and then I did the rest but without them went been able to do it so I appreciate everybody El for being here and I really really appreciate my Pros that I was with nice job yeah you got to ride with Bill lowen today I know that was fun good job Brad come on up Brad theman or Thon theman that's what I thought come on up Brad started off with one lb 10 o yesterday nonb side but he got two today so he went the right way yep just wanted to do better than I did yesterday and I got that done yeah you did 47 for you today nice job 61 your two-day total thank you sir James Nigam come on up 117 to get him started out of Van Texas EQ angler he's bringing five more up better day today James yeah much better day today the Lord blessed me with a couple of big ones actually got them in the boat I think I might have had some good some better bites yesterday but uh didn't get him to the boat but this place has always been kind of challenging as far as like trying to be consistent from day to day and uh it's probably just uh one of those characteristics of being on the river 144 yeah much up better day today 2511 your two-day total all the way to Ninth Place yeah that's great um you know what every time I have a rough day I just want to make it a little bit better just move up the standings every day now I got a 15h hour drive home and then Tuesday I leave for about a couple weeks and just keep going and see everybody at Lake Heartwell sounds good we will see you there thank you James as always a pleasure and nice finish this week Billy Gilbert step on up 1313 to get him started he calls New York home he's an EQ angler only three today Billy unfortunately yeah it was tough day for the bites uh didn't get up to seven until about 9 9:30 and we had to come back early as well so but you know I had a great time and had the bites to do well just need a little more time three of the right ones n pounds 10 ounces on those three nice job 237 your two-day total the good news is you're in 13th at the moment Garrett pette step on up 158 to get him started and he said he was thought some cloud cover was coming in it's cloudy now I don't know if it was all day but you were looking for it yeah not as Cloud as I would have liked but uh a little better day today so yeah it is 17 PBS in an ounce all the way to fourth place with 329 is two-day total so said he was hoping for cloud cover he got it and look at what he called 171 today two-day total 329 and 414 is where we are on the Phoenix boat big bass 49 49 on that small mouth but a great great day two and it might mean a day three yeah I think I'm going to be just barely short um but if I could go I'd love to man this place is a bunch of fun we're catching just a ton of fish um but if we're short we're short you know I uh started the season really poorly at okachobee with 160th Place and we might have done the uh enough in the last five to make it interesting in the final one so we'll see good job way had to rebound fish hard Troy is it simple come on up Troy out of Sussex Wisconsin good to see you sir he's got two today he F strong and he rebounded today I did I uh caught him today I didn't yesterday though see what we got to wait for you on these two 410 410 for you today sir thank you very much we appreciate you fishing with us Brady Shan step on up Freddy on the Boer side how you doing Brady uh a little bit of a frustrating week this week but rebounded a little bit today could have had a a nicer bag than I had just if I could have hooked up with every one of them but it was a good day 85 for you on those three nice job two day total of 122 thank you Brady Tyler luot come on up 14-1 to get him started of Illinois home bringing five more up today better day Tyler no tougher day today didn't really figure out any current fish or any small mouth and sometimes those large mouth are tough to get two days in a row when you got six boats going in the same map behind you but it's fun it a great time I had a great co-angler and ready to get back to Lacrosse another time nice job on fish care 10 pounds 13 ounces for you today Tyler great SE 2414 your two-day total 14th right now Mako Mahira come on up Mako started off with 69 yesterday two more to go with it how you doing Mako good good all veryy good I today fun yeah good deal 315 today Ninth Place two day total 10 lb 8 ounces thank you very much and we will see you soon Charlie Harley step on up 135 to get him started five more to go better looks better I had a lot of fun today it was a great week I so happy to be here um enjoy both my co-anglers I want to say hi to my beautiful wife Tracy thank you for letting me fish all the time thank you Charlie as always a pleasure seeing you 14 five today 2710 your two-day total and you're in the top 10 at the moment in Ninth Place Hunter Stannis lki come on up Hunter started off with 311 yesterday three more to go with it today so you got your limit again 411 today we upgraded a little bit we're all the way to 13th nice job hell yeah sounds good I like it PG though PG Clayton Weber come on up Clayton out Wisconsin as well 153 to get Clayton started Boer side five more better day nope worse day get you checked in here 127 today hey does jump you up to Ninth Place you're okay 2710 two-day total Kyle minky step on up Kyle had 1312 day number one KY you got five more today looks better from what I can see yeah definitely a better day Willie and I my coer had a had had a good time today so thanks for the service crew they had to put a new L unit on for me yesterday so 1412 today 288 your 2day total all the way to eighth place nice job good finish for you sir Willie Meer come on up 63 to get Willie started yesterday three more to go in there today she had a good tournament yeah it was all right just want to say shout out to my wife back home we just bought a house if I cash I got the next gallon of paint so I think you do I think you're going to be able to get that 63 again today you're were very consistent 126 your today total fifth place and uh I might get you a couple of gallons Landon Whitton step on up I remember those days step on up Landon 113 yesterday three in the bag today so we went the right direction yep sure did definitely got some fish today I'm just glad that I did 5'8 for you today 75 your two-day total and you're in 35th five spots inside the money line Tom Monsour come on up Tom Lacrosse Wisconsin Tom started off with 152 day number one right here in the middle of Tom you know the drill looks like a good day for Tom 14 pounds 8 ounces up to Seventh Place grab you a couple Tom Show those off to representing the home toown Tom Monsour and be in seventh place at the moment 2910 your two-day total we'll make you catch it twice wild are wild there you go let's he for him one time nice job I'd say you represented lacrosse pretty well this week well I had fun I tried today was one of those days me and Karen when we fish tournaments some days I get them some days she gets them today wherever I went my coang got them but it was fun and I want to thank you for coming and I want to thank you for such a well-run tournament you guys do a great job and we love having you here well we appreciate you Tom thank you very much sir I'm sure our paths will cross again and right now you're in the top 10 we'll see where you end up Andrew branstrom come on up he rode with Tom let's see what he's got 62 yesterday three in the bag today day you need a big bag to take over the lead you need 1114 based on what Tom said you had a pretty good day in 62 yesterday 7 PBS 14 o up to third place real quick we can grab those top five two-day total 14 even nice job Andrew thank you sir hope you have fun this week Kevin drixler step on up Kevin calls Texas Home start off with 11:10 yesterday five more to go with it today Kevin today was a little bit better day yeah it was 154 today all the way to 13th Place nice job big fish is 414 414 on that one you got a good one you want to show off so many four Pounders in this place is crazy for 414 to tie 415 is all yours 411 411 but nice job this week thank you Kevin I'll see you down in Lake Hartwell be safe going home Jerry fulan come on up out of Texas two Texans fishing together right you ride with Kevin there we go it's random but uh that worked out yes sir yes sir no it was a great day on the lake Kevin did an exceptional job as my angler uh just had a great time and a big thanks to you guys this is awesome we appreciate you nice job this week too 611 today 810 your two day total you're at 15th right now good job you hire sa Mira come on up Yuka all right smiling 131 yesterday 1110 today 20th Place nice job thank you today is a very very enjoy thank you yeah thank you for fishing with us thank you sir all the way well he says Texas but we know where yuk is from Greg banon come on up 1314 to get him started he's from Bentonville Arkansas what's up Greg hey man this place is awesome I love coming to Wisconsin I got a dear leas about 15 minutes from here man you guys got an awesome fishery love coming here um any anybody think Wisconsin will beat to Alabama tomorrow no no I'm looking forward to getting home my son plays next week looking forward to seeing my her my wife and him and uh looking forward little football tomorrow sounds good Greg thank you you know I went to school at Alabama and I'll be the first to tell you I will not be surprised if you Badgers beat us tomorrow thank you if our line don't play better than they did against South Florida you will beat us so you heard that first thing here on the bass match Master stage P it up 1610 to get you started Parker kaville four in the bag today and to get checked in at 813 257 your two day total you're in 17 so it's not going to be a bad finish for you nice job no it was a tough day out there couldn't get anything to go so that was good we appreciate you fishing with us Parker and I hope to see you soon Dawson Weisner come on up Dawson out of Florida nonbo side helps out with St Croy folks all year long all right Daws we started off with 411 yesterday three in there today they're going to check in at 76 nice job all the way to Seventh Place be a good finish absolutely uh I hope so today was a lot better got the fish some grass what I'm used to and uh ready to go watch the Packers beat the Colts well that's the whole other league good job I figur we' get a cheer for that but no Emil Wagner step on up 1510 yesterday he's inside the top 10 in EQ points as well five in the bag today ail 1813 would put you in the lead 16 lbs 10 o up to fifth place for Mill Wagner 2day total 32 lb 4 oz so the top 10 EQ angler is going to get out of Lacrosse with a good finish right now inside the top 10 in fifth place may be looking at a championship Saturday but nonetheless going to be a great finish for him nice job all right I got a feeling you know regardless if we get to go tomorrow or not you're going to say yep we uh we came to Lacrosse and did what we needed to do 100% I mean the next one 's on Heartwell that's uh probably my favorite Lake in the country and to have a shot at the Elite Series going into that one's going to be crazy I after San Cooper I finished 187th and I thought there was no way I could climb my way out of that hole and uh to get through this one with a good finish is is awesome I'm super happy about it nice job and you may have one more day nice job you're in fifth right now Mark Howard come on up hero with a meal today Mark helps out with the Yamaha and Toyota folks wherever we go across the country 212 yesterday Mark three more to go today yeah had a good day Emil was great to fish with a lot of fun that guy who knows how to fish let me tell you he'll be great he'll be great in the Elite Series um 73 I like that 73 you called it out 9:15 two-day total 14th hey that's great I want to say high to my grandkids all right thanks thanks Mark as always a pleasure sir and I will see you soon hopefully maybe Hart will I don't know Zach goote come on up out of New York EQ angler start off 145 yesterday Zach you had a good start five more to go with it yeah it was a tough day the Locking situation going down the pool nine really hurt me didn't have much time to fish but just glad I made it back without being late say you may be one of the few that made it back yeah I honestly just had a gut feeling about noon to call the lockmaster and see uh if there's any openings and he said you got 10 minutes or you're not getting out to 245 so I ran back and made it you did make it 114 jumps you to 18th Place so nice job and that was a good gut feeling right there Greg Spade come on up Greg all right we started off with two4 yesterday three more to go with us so you got your limit oh yeah good deal good deal Zack was great today nice job too 710 on those three good job for you 914 your two-day total 16th at the moment Jody Gardner come on up Jody let's see five in the bag for you had 128 yesterday looks like a better day yeah a little better today 1111 today 243 your two-day total thank you Joe 25th right now you're inside the top 45 Jeremy Radford step on up out of Virginia EQ start off with 122 yesterday five more today Jeremy today was a blast had all my fish in the first hour and just couldn't get that one big bite to get me going so when we get here with these 12 122 yesterday with e five get to calm down 1113 11:13 for you today good job Jeremy two-day total 2315 26 at the moment Daryl gleon come on up Manny Louisiana darl started off with 1514 yesterday had a good start five more today darl yeah a little tougher day I played the lock stuff and got burned a little bit but we'll see how it goes highlight of the day though I got the bumps some jackhammers from the man himself Brett height and that was really cool really nice guy yeah he he uh he knows a thing or two about those good job 123 today two day total 281 does jump you to 12th Place nice job Daryl Kyle weisenberger step on up to you from Ohio started off with 10:14 yesterday it's like a much better day today Kyle yeah we had a blast today me and my coer just caught fish after fish it was a better day so we had fun 146 for you today nice job Kyle two day total 254 23rd at the moment Albert Jones Jr come on up Albert started off with 4-2 yesterday we're coming in with a limit today yes sir today was a great day 6:15 today moves you all the way to 10th Place with the two-day total of 111 nice job great seeing you good finish for you Lucas Murphy come on up 911 day number one five more in there better than 911 barely I think is a little better than that let's see yeah a little better 1210 today 31st Place so we're inside the top 45 yeah we'll take it it was a good good time we caught a ton of fish and uh tough tournament but I guess let's get it out of the way before maybe we fish a few more of these thanks Lucas we appreciate you I look forward to seeing you next year Evan Kung come on up top 10 in EQ points actually top five rolling into here in third place 1214 to get you started here Evan five more to go with it today see what we got 1211 today does jump you to 20th Place so that should keep you inside that top 10 hopefully inside those EQ points yeah hopefully I lost one good one today that help but overall with the week I'm pretty happy after practice and ready to go to Heartwell nice good job and good job so far this season you got a great season going and uh one event to go Randy Howell come on up 173 yesterday and we guys talked about it he is 16 minutes late so that means we're going to net down to zero your five fish are going to gross out at 168 but we're going to net at zero so that means we're going to get away here at 173 but hey the fishing was good yeah that really was man I tell you it's the most disappointing it's such a roller coaster of emotions in bass fishing you know I've been doing this for 32 years now and I love this place I made three top 10 here in bass Elite events over the years and I finally had it where I really thought I had a shot at winning this one and I and and I only and I even bought $150 radio to communicate with the lock everything was good one and he said 130 I was good to come at 1:30 in the 2:30 flight so I from 10: to 12:00 I didn't call I called him at 12:00 and he said oh had an unexpected barge and uh 2:30 it's going to be at least 230 before I get him out of here and I even got back there and I could have got in with the barge but he wouldn't let me I guess they can't let you do that but that's the way it goes but it's very disappointing and uh I hope get to come back uh next year and have a shot to uh have another chance but I'm going to call him every 30 minutes Han told us in the meeting not to call the block people a lot because you don't want to bug them and I try to not bug him you know but I'm going to bug the heck out of him next time you need to call him you call him but hey nice job let's hear for him that's a tough break something Randy couldn't control and uh would have him fishing tomorrow I would think but again nice job Randy great seeing you and I hope to see you next season I think we will be and and kop paky come on up road with Randy today so again we started off with 78 yesterday so we're going to net down to zero here as well these three fish are going to gross out at 7eleven but unfortunately going to net out but but uh howy you got to fish with the Bassmaster Classic Champion yeah it was a great day Randy was on them I mean it's too bad I think he'd be fishing tomorrow so but hey I know he knows how to drive a boat and I I bet he had it tuned back coming back just to see yeah we did we didn't uh waste any time coming back even though we were late but good job hope you had fun out there 35th you're still okay you're in 35th right now you're inside the top 40 Scott Kur Lake step on up at okobe Florida 312 big fish is 414 think you got it I'm close sweet three fish we 99 let's hold the fish up for picture first Scott and then we'll weigh it two day total of 135 yeah there's a nice one absolutely 414 it's what you're looking for 4-1 4-1 on that one but a nice job Scott we appreciate you I'll see you at Lake harworth sir thank you very much good job this week Bo Thomas come on up didn't see Bo yesterday he's got a top 10 under his build already this year down at Lake you Falla Oklahoma fortunately this going be a tough turn just won today B oh man it's just U one of them derbs you know I even if I had the opportunity I mean being able to fish this this River without a trone motor it makes it a really really tough you know I couldn't fish any of my stuff yesterday I mean I pretty much had to scrap everything I found and had to go just I pretty much just sent it up in the farthest I could get it into a mat and just kind of went punching and throwing a frog and had a lot of fun today but um it is the way it is and you know we're going to bounce back we got Heartwell coming up and I'm going to go try try to go down there and learn as much as I can and get ready for next season good maybe win that when to move on to the classic good job this week good job this year so far and I'll see you in South Carolina Mike mcclelen come on up start out with 134 day number one he is bringing five more up Mike how you doing today doing pretty good man um I I was one of the fortunate ones that got back before the lock uh jammed up but uh it's been a fun week um this place is absolutely he full of fish um I just want to say thanks to all my sponsors thanks to the service Crews when we come to Rivers like this we're going to tear some stuff up and those guys have worked their tail off this week and thanks to you guys for putting on the events not a bad finish for you Mike you're in 16th Place 136 today 261 your two-day total so a good finish for you and I'll see you at Lake Harwell nice job Anthony Kroy step on up Anthony road with Mike today started off with 83 day number one so Anthony had a great start three in the bag you need just a little bit more than what you had yesterday you need 9913 to take care of the lead 512 today going to jump you to fourth place that's a good finish for you sir that works might be a good little Payday for you thank you sir we appreciate it nice job Jackie York come on up got a top 10 already this year down to Lake eala start off a 14 even yesterday Jack four more to go with it today where 713 today a little bit tougher for you this week yeah man it was a terrible day but uh hopefully we can bounce back at Heartwell and get back back in that top nine that was good good job good finish and uh finish strong there at Lake Hartwell Tristan McCormack speaking of Lake Hartwell he's a champion down there at Lake Hartwell before on the open side 1113 yesterday Tristan five more to go with it today looks better yeah a lot better today man it was fun out there today 15 even jumps you to 16th Place 2613 and we set our sights on a place where you've won before yeah I'm excited for that one the dates are really closed but I know harwell's changed a lot um and these guys back here they're they're uh they're ruthless out there but hey it's going to be fun one more event and uh it's hunting season so I'm ready get home good job Tristan we will see you in October and uh we'll wrap this Open Season up Matthew Cunningham step on up Matthew didn't see Matthew yesterday but we're finish strong finishing strong with a limit didn't put a bass in the boat yesterday but uh I think caught six Keepers today wondering if we can keep all of those no you can't do that but hey nice rebound 10 lbs 3 o all the way up to 15th Place there you go yeah had blast on the river here fish with Jack York yesterday Tristan today it was uh Class Act professional guys awesome biggest bag so far on the non- booer side today nice job Dalton Smith come on up 118 to get you started on the boater side five more in there how you doing D just a little bit better I thought I was going to be late made with 20 seconds to get in 131 today nice job 24-9 your two-day total has you in 30th Place nice job Dalton Mark Shield come on up 513 to get you started yesterday non Boer side bringing one more up today let's see we can get you inside the top 40 one fish today worth 315 nice one jumps you to 20th Place so you are inside that top 40 appreciate it had a great time yes sir thanks for fishing with us Bo Browning step on up Bo had 15 pounds in an ounce coming into day number two he's inside the top 15 and EQ points got a great season going so far five in the bag work 16 lb 5 oz up the seventh place for the Arkansas angler two-day total 316 and Bo brownie getting out of Lacrosse right now still inside the top 10 maybe one more day but if not getting out of Lacrosse with a very good finish right now in seventh place and if you don't think the pressure is on these guys if you watch his reaction with the season he's got going so far one more event to go one more event you know last night they updated EQ points and I was I think 13 out of the top nine cuts the elites and I mean it was like a a boulder landed on top of my back and I just had to had to make it out there today and luckily I got in my area and good Lord blessed me with about 13 PBS right of the gate and I ran to a spot that I hadn't fished all week and pulled up in the First cast I I saw a bald eagle land on it guys and my grandmother uh her bird was Bald Eagle When She was alive she loved bald eagles and a bald eagle landed on this point and I was like I got to try it for her and I rolled up and caught a four- pounder on my first cast and I was like man this might be my tourament to get out of here with some good points points you're getting out here with some good points and you may have one more day cuz you're in seventh right now nice job Austin Cranford come on up another angler with a great season going so far he calls Oklahoma home fortunately just one today Austin been a tough tournament this week yeah I don't even know how to get a bite right now so I pretty much screwed up my chances to uh get to the Elite Series so I guess we're going to Heartwell um it's a fun Lake I've done well there in the past it's kind of right down my alley this one hurts you know having a good season and then laying this down I mean I I mean that is what it is that's fishing so I guess we'll see you at Heartwell that's right but hey it's not over yet we got one more event you never know 111 today 111 today doc Wooten come on up doc start off with 123 day number one bring them on up doc five more to go with it today better day yeah well I don't know we'll see here in just a second I didn't judge my weight very well yesterday I thought I had about 11 pounds so a little bit better day hey bad story about Randy Hal unfortunate but let me tell you whoever runs lockmaster number seven bent over backwards for us today he's did an awesome job anybody knows him tell him we said thank you for the effort he did all right will do thank you doc good to hear 129 today two-day total of 242 30th spot right now Rich kiblinger come on up rich start off with 42 yesterday road with Doc today representing the Kansas bass Nation Jersey I like it three fish for you today nice job eight pounds even 122 today total all the way to eighth place thank you Richard we appreciate you sir nice finish for you like that Jersey too Matt com for com for come on up Matt non Boer side 54 to get you started yesterday fortunately just one out there today but hope you had a good week this week yeah it's nice actually catching fish as opposed to leech where it was a tough grind you weighed in both times today or this week good job 112 today we appreciate you fishing with us Bob zepi come on up Bob 7:15 on the nonbo side day number one Bob bringing up two more today one shot that limit do you have it on I did last half hour I lost it on a crank was on a back hook and could bring it in still going to be okay though 4-2 today 121 your two-day total you're top 10 right now Ninth Place thank you sir good job this week Conor Jacob come on up has a top 10 earlier this year down at Lake eala Oklahoma EQ angler out of Auburn Alabama start off here with 1512 yesterday five to go with it today wor 16 lb 5 O up to sixth place so Conor Jacob finds himself back inside the top 10 two-day total of 32-1 so the Auburn Alabama angler looking okay right now good job all right well that's got to feel good yeah after yesterday they caught him so much better than I thought they were going to and I swapped from Small E to large mouth and made it happen got one big bite on a frog and put together some other stuff so super happy with this one good job good finish for you Connor JJ Patton come on up out of Iowa know JJ for a long time on the bass Nation side of things started off with 67 yesterday JJ three more to go with it yeah had a great day Conor Jacobs one to watch he really knows what he's doing he does a great job very respectful 79 for you today nice job jumps you all the way to Fourth Place JJ always a pleasure seeing you sir 14 even your two-day total Brock Bel come on up Brock start off with 14-1 day number one Nebraska EQ angler five more looks better than 14-1 we had a day see what we got yeah you did 17 pounds 8 O is reaching there let's hold him up all the way to eighth place two day total of 319 so Brock Bel finds himself inside the top 10 remember top 10 moves on the championship Saturday you'll be able to follow along on FS1 and starting tomorrow morning right there in the middle Brock hold them high and let's here for him all the way to eighth place for Brock Bel way to finish strong here on day number two yeah it feels good um you know it's been up and down year for me so it felt good to catch them today and we just stumbled on to the right Little Rock deal and and they were loaded there and it was big one after big one sounds like that was fun good job and maybe maybe we'll see you tomorrow Shan Lofgren step on up Sean say I didn't think we saw Shawn yesterday we got him today got a smiling he says he's got a big one you got your Lim so what a difference to day makes what a day great day three fish in there worth n PBS N9 ounces 24th Place he wases from last to 24th Place all in that one bag of fish hold it up yeah there's a nice one for sure thank you sir looking for 47 see what we got 315 315 on that one but great job good finish way to finish strong sir thank you very much we'll see where you end up John Engler step on up John John had 165 yesterday looks like you got five big ones five in the bag 18-2 would put John in the lead 17 lb 9 o up to second place for John England nice job two-day total 3314 and that will probably be enough to get John in right here in the middle John get him in the championship Saturday nice job let's hear for him all right 414 where we are with big bass on the bo side 48 on that one 48 but hey that's two good days of fishing so far it was a really good day today yesterday went well um fortunate we were be able to get back through the locks at 12:30 as you can hear some guys didn't um I just uh whether I make it tomorrow or not I want to say special thanks to friends and family that are watching uh my girlfriend she's amazing lets me do this crazy Sport and uh my customers they're out there letting me have the week off also want to thank Bass Masters for coming back to Lacrosse this is awesome uh second time I fished and hopefully the second time I'm in the top 10 yeah that's a good little run right there nice job we'll see where you end up nice job John Joe Weber come on up coming to you from Missouri all right Joe we had 10 nine yesterday coming back with the limit again yeah a tough event I expected actually to do really good in this event and uh I just don't know what happened to the fish there but I guess the high skies and everything uh yesterday and this morning uh just kind of scattered them out and I never caught up back with them so we'll move on to the next one 113 for you today Joe 2112 your day total 44th at the moment Taylor umin come on up out of Illinois 710 day number one on the nonbo side three more to go with it how you doing Taylor doing good doing good had a great day fishing out there with Joe 5'9 for you today all the way to seventh nice job 133 your two-day total thank you Taylor Jacob Tomkins come on up Myrtle Beach South Carolina started off with 11 PBS and 4 o first day ofish five more to go with it today Jacob yeah I did a little bit better today just couldn't find any big ones you did much better 128 today good job two day total of 2312 Michaels a Wiki come on up Michael non Boer side didn't see Michael yesterday but hey we're rebounding with two today yep fun day fishing with Jacob two young Anglers sharing the boat together so that was a fun time 44 for you today nice job two uh that is your two day total but thank you Michael we appreciate you Kevin Leo CH Oklahoma step on up start off with 614 day number one fortunately Kevin just one more to go with it today yeah I I usually wouldn't weigh that fish but this is my last tournament of the year and I wanted to come up here and say thanks to you and thanks to Bassmaster for putting on the best tournament in the nation uh this is the only sport in the world where a hillbilly from Oklahoma can draw a police officer from Chicago and go fish for eight hours and have fun you know so we'll see y'all next year and appreciate everything Kevin it's always a pleasure and uh yeah you're right that's pretty good let's bring him up Brandon troop Chicago Illinois we're good do you like try to get like Secrets like how to get away with things today he did a little bit but uh you know I schooled him right told him what he could couldn't do 67 yesterday seven even today jumps you up to seven Place let's hold up a couple and uh we'll thank our police officers once he holds that up we appreciate all that you do keeping us safe and let's hear it for Brandon real quick 137 two day total keeping Kevin in line I like it thanks right we'll see you soon all right let's keep on rolling tuger Smith sitting inside the top 10 in this tournament and in EQ points rolling into today started off with 184 yesterday five in the bag today if they go 163 he would take over the lead 13 PBS 4 ounces up to 10th place so not going to probably be in tomorrow but it's going to be a great finish and we have one more tournament to go yeah a lot tougher day today um it was still fun caught a bunch of fish but I'd like to say thanks to my mom and dad for coming and my girlfriend so yeah they were like half asleep when they pulled up today they didn't know if they could make it but they made it they made it yeah I'm happy they came one more event pressure is uh is building um to uh we rolled in here inside the top 10 and we're probably going to roll out of here inside the top 10 in EQ points uh it's really exciting I I really like Harwell and uh it's one of my favorite lake so I'm excited to get out there job let's here for you Tucker Smith great finish this week 10th place right now and uh one more to go in about a month Dale Salman come on up Dale good to see you sir 114 to get you started yesterday five today though yep upgraded I found a few today yeah I want to thank uh my wife for letting me do this um what is it Simon's Trucking and Farley for letting me off uh Wisconsin clothing clothing company for the jerseys and hi Emerson nice thank you D nice upgrade today 116 today 134 your two-day total Randy Ramsey come on up at of Burlington Michigan started off with 129 yesterday better little less today I couldn't come up with a good decision this week but uh I'm happy to be here at my age especially so you doing good getting around good 911 today 224 your two-day total thank you Randy 43rd right now pleasure seeing you this year on division three Jacob Collins come on up Jacob nonb side road with Randy today you're good 58 yesterday three more today we're 612 going to jump you up to 11th Place nice finish for you sir thank you very much hopefully be a good check 18 even to get the Idaho EQ anger started off come on up Cody Meyer s inside the top two in EQ points coming into this event five in the bag you need 167 to take over the lead 15 lb 6 o up to fourth place for Cody Meer with 336 his two-day total and Cody continues to perform well going to have him probably still inside that top three in EQ points exiting Lacrosse and right now he's got his sight set on Championship Saturday all right maybe maybe one more day and maybe the pressure will be off a little bit right because we know we would be in inside the top 10 man I'll tell you what I hope I get to go again just love fishing river systems this place is awesome you guys are awesome love coming to Lacrosse every year uh that we get a chance and uh yeah the pressure Hank is uh is real this year I'm not going to lie but uh just having fun I love catching five bass weighing them in love seeing you know a bunch of guys out here and and just having a blast want to say hi to my wife Carrie out there love you uh I wish Heartwell was like next week to be honest so we could just uh get it over with but we got to have the buildup we got the build up I know but uh I don't like living inside of a pressure cooker so I'm ready to exit that and uh get back out there and hopefully go fishing tomorrow regardless we're going to have fun and just want to thank all my sponsors and thank you guys and hopefully we see you tomorrow having a great season so far let's see for him Cody Meyer and you may get to watch him on FS1 tomorrow we will find out right now he's in fourth place Jeremiah shaver come on up Wisconsin bass nation president I lacrosse home started off with 1210 yesterday and looks like Jeremiah has upgraded today 18 lb and 10 o up to 13th Place for Jeremiah shaver 314 is two-day total going to be a great finish for him let's hear for him and all our bass Nation presidents nice job it's a lot of work you know you guys don't realize it but uh thankfully this week you're able just to enjoy a little bit of fishing hey you can tell you I put myself in a hole yesterday and uh I knew I had have a big bag today so I asked the birthday Gods to help me out and and uh they definitely came through there was a barge in the lock I was planning to go up to seven first things so I decided not to do that and uh I pulled up on our first spot and just started cracking them right from the get-go and and sat there all day uh but yeah thanks for you guys uh everything you do uh definitely love seeing you guys up here fish the divisional qualifier this spring looking forward to the National Championship in November and uh if you guys are interested in fishing bass uh first things join a Bass Club man uh if if you're new if you're old meet some new people and and come fish these events and have a great time did I so today's your birthday right did I see where your son's birthday was yesterday his birthday was the 11th so kind of a double birthday God gift this week and uh I couldn't be more pleased so hopefully I sneak a check in uh I I think so but that was the goal after yesterday yeah I think you're going to be okay there 13th Place happy birthday to you happy birthday to the Shavers let's hear for him and all our bass Nation presidents nice job sir we appreciate all your hard work work and uh glad you had a good tournament this week Mike stle come on up Mike he rode with Jeremiah today another uh EQ family but a bass Nation family too you guys have been through that and uh Mike's been having a great year on the non- booer side 75 to get you started Mike six pounds today jumps you up to eighth place so it's going to be a good finish for you yeah I'm pretty happy about that fishing with Jeremiah today was a treat oh he's a hoot now oh yeah he's funny kept me laughing all day and he whacked him it was so exciting watching him catch them fish great job for you sir one more to go down at Hartwell and uh yeah you're in eighth right now good finish for you former classic College classic bracket Champion out of Illinois come on up Trevor McKenna started off with 133 yesterday five more to go with it today Trevor yeah uh it was an interesting day 109 for you today 2312 your two-day total so we're 41st yep no uh tough tournament but uh you know I got stuck on a sandbar today for couple hours and uh my C liner float shallow but not that shallow we were about ankle deep and I got to say thanks to James NM um he come and pulled me out took took the time out of his day to pull me out so uh I'm ready to get home and get ready for Heartwell SS good Trevor always good seeing you sir be safe and I'll see you in a month Danny nisal step on up Danny had a great start on the nonbo side sitting inside that top five with nine PBS 14 o is unfortunately just one today Danny going to check in at 27 the good news is jumps you to 12th Place so hopefully we'll get a good check out of it yeah you bet I hope so thank you sir I appreciate you thanks for fishing with us too Andrew jelson step on up 11:15 day number one five more to go with it better day Andrew a little bit better see what we got five in the bag or 1415 yeah better day 23rd Place two day total of 2614 grab a picture real quick absolutely a of problem and a nice job Chris stelter come on up nonbo side had a great start eight pounds in an ounce three more to go with it need just a little bit more than that today you need 915 to take over the lead with these three seven pounds and N ounces does jump you up to third place so that's going to be a great finish for you sir thank you yeah it was great tournament got to fish with the Bassmaster Classic Champion yesterday and just an awesome dude today like couldn't ask for anything more looks like I'll cash a check so be great it does look like that nice job nice finish Bassmaster Elite Series angler and EQ angler come on up out of Japan K cira start off with four five day number one five more to go with it today Kenna yeah my frog pole L didn't hold up so yeah I had it to do what I can do 135 today does jump you to 21st it's going to be a good finish for you Kenna I will see you at Lake Harwell Glenn Walker Savage Minnesota step on up GL on that Bo start off with 11 12 day number one five more to go with it better day yeah definitely had a better day today and uh yeah a lot of fun appreciate you guys coming just want to say thanks to everyone for coming out and uh Phoenix and Mercury bring great sponsor can I show a big small off off quick sure absolutely grab it real quick 136 for you on today's weight 252 your two-day total 37th at the moment be a good finish for you oh yeah that is a nice small mouth nice job Glenn we appreciate you too sir see you next time Tanner visco out of Chicago Illinois step on up nonbo side had a great start with 8 lb and 5 oz got three more you don't need much more than that you need 91 to take over the lead six pounds even going to jump you to Fourth Place T Tanner grab a picture sure hang on tight for me Rich be a good finish for Tanner nice job Tanner visco Andy Rich lewitzky coming to you from Fort Myers Florida rich on that boater side EQ Ang start off with 1015 yesterday Rich five more today had a had a pretty good day today I got some bigger bites today and uh I thought that's what I would have had yesterday but um you know they just didn't I just didn't get the big bites but listen lacrosse is a great Fisher I love being here I'm actually from Florida in Florida but you know by way of Illinois I'm kind of a snowbird um but anyways you lacrosse guys what a fishery you have here it's unbelievable take care of it for our little gu guys um and listen keep supporting bass they are the kings of the sport right here they do a great job thank you all for coming out appreciate thank you Rich thanks for the kind words 149 today does jump you to 32nd 258 your two-day total Adam amelin come on up Adam Adam on that nonbo side 27 to get you started Adam but you're bringing a limit today yeah had a lot of fun today caught a lot of fish and yeah it was great 8113 good rebound for you jump all the way to 21st place with 11 for you two-day total Jim Mo come on up out of Minnesota Jim running the eqs this year with us 109 yesterday Jim better day today about the same probably a little better 118 today 221 your two-day total yeah this is uh this place is you know I I live in Minnesota so you think I know what I'm doing out here but I I really don't have this place styed in at all um but anyways I just want to take this moment to say I don't think I'm going to make it to Lake Hartwell for the last one so I just want to take this moment to uh congratulate bass and yourself in running a fine uh circuit for us I enjoyed it had a lot of fun fishing that's you know had some UPS had some downs but uh really enjoyed it you guys did good job putting these tournaments on so thank you thank you lacrosse as well Jim that means a lot with somebody like you a veteran in the sport we appreciate you sir I hope to see you in 2020 5 it's been a pleasure this year dice kikita come on up out of Japan EQ angler what is going on Dy how are you yeah good good good day no good day 68 for you today thank you Dy today total 134 Alex Welter come on up Alex boers side on Alaska Wisconsin started off with 121 five more today Alex yeah I got to uh the locals will like this I got to catch them the way I like to on a drop shot in the dredge Hole uh all 11 lb 6 o of them and uh I got to sleep in my own bed so it was a good week nice well I appreciate that and I got a feeling that's a community hole 116 today 237 your two day total Chris Morgan we're ready Chris come on up nonbo started out with 511 yesterday three more to go with it better we a little better today good yeah you did 712 today all the way to Ninth Place so that's going to have you in the top 10 right now this is the first uh Bas that's tur my fish you guys do a fantastic job appreciate that this place is on fire we must have caught 30 bass today man easy easy 30 bass but just big kicker bass but hey came in both they with limit all I can ask if you want to go fun fishing right lacrosse is the place to do it nice job 1337 your two-day total Ninth Place at of Stacy Minnesota come on up Matt Thompson mat fishing division three with us this year got to meet him over at St Clair for the first time all right Matt we started off with 95 yesterday five more in the bag better day absolutely a better day but how can you have a bad day when you're here in Lacrosse right this place is unbelievable look at this crowd I got hey hold on you want to grab one real quick that's fine we can bring you back yeah I uh I've been waiting all season to hold the damn fish in front of the Bassmaster logo and this is my last stop so I got to give one a ride in the McQueen squer sker and I'm holding it absolutely hold it up I'm sorry we didn't let you before then all you had to do was ask it's good though we'll pick at you a little bit but hold it up 142 today 237 is two day total 47th Place and you'll get that picture you standing on the bassm stage holding some fish up thank you very much for those of you who have ever ever thought about fishing with BSS it's a dream come true Hank and his crew and I can't thank all of you enough it's been absolutely unbelievable to be with you this year I hope this is not goodbye but just see you next time Matt thank you very much sir good job and we will see you hopefully in 2025 Randy McMillan step on up EQ angler out of kiston Florida that's where we started the season down in Lake okobi on the cluest side start off with 111 yesterday Brandon five more today we're 128 47th Place right now yeah I just never got around the the big ones um I stopped uh just a place I never even been to this morning and caught that by by 7:30 and then the rest of the other 42 stops I went did not go as as well so but we're going to get after him my Heartwell this probably ended my Elite serious dream but uh you know we'll see how it shapes out but we got one more left and we'll fish hard you're not out of it yet I I don't think so you go get you a good finish it Heartwell we'll see down there all right he was leading rolling into day number two out of Kentucky come on up Chris bury at 19 even day number one again he rolled out this morning in the lead of this tournament five in the bag need 15-7 to retake the lead 15 lbs 4 oz going to jump into second place and Chris bury looking like he can set his sights on Championship Saturday with a two-day total of 344 again 19 even yesterday 154 today gets him to 344 and has him parked in second place right now let's hear it for him all right we're about that halfway point and uh I'd be feeling pretty good if I were you yeah I think that's going to get me through to tomorrow um found some new fish and my primary school had a couple other boats there which wasn't surprising and uh was able to relocate those a little bit and catch a few but caught a lot of Keepers they just just didn't find uh those a lot bigger fish today so hopefully they'll uh they'll pull in for me tomorrow nice job so far let's here for him and you get to watch him tomorrow on FS1 and we'll see uh looking forward to it all right that Orange Texas come on up Jack Tindle started off with 1310 day number one five more to go with us that's two limits today and yesterday yeah if you would have told me I would had two limits back toback days before tournament I would have taken it so it was a tough practice but uh looking forward to coming back you're all right 13 even today Jack 2610 your two-day total 27th so you're inside the top 45 at the moment nice job this week buddy Benson step on up out of Dela Georgia started off with 154 yesterday five more to go with it buddy yeah it was a rough day on me but we we'll take it 125 for you today 279 your two-day total 24th Place Scout Eckles come on up out of Arkansas EQ angler 68 to get you started Scout but we're coming back with a limit today yeah it was another tough day I just never got on those big fish this week what we can get for you 68 day number one 9 lb 5 O for you today Scout two day total 1513 Zack dice come on up out of Lynchburg Virginia started off with 154 yesterday five more today Jack five more babies but I did catch a lot of fish you can't say that enough about lacrosse for just setting the hook you can do that here 1212 for you today Jack good job this week 21st at the moment 28 even your two-day total Don Kimmel step on up all right Don two5 to get you started on the nonbo side yesterday you're bringing two more up hope you had a good time this week oh yeah most definitely great place to fish Jack was unbelievable and you guys do a great job thanks thank you sir 38 for you today good job two day total of all right all right we got you thank you Don Kyle dowy Kyle dowy come on up good to see you sir start off with 54 yesterday two in the B today how you doing I'm doing pretty good could have been a better day but they were biting just uh it was a timing deal for us 38 for you as well sir good job 812 today we will see where you end up Clemente Gutierrez step on up how is Clement how you doing sir doing great had a great day uh thanks to my co-angler showed me how to fish this place and we caught a lot of fish happy to have three nice job 514 for you today CL thank you sir 1311 your two-day total out of Lakeland Florida Blake Smith step on up 148 to get him started open up this morning with a good word to everybody five in the bag today Blake better day yeah a lot better day had a lot of fun caught fish everywhere and it was a blast I mean absolute blast I can't complain let me hold a couple these out cuz they're just they're beautiful 1611 today 313 is two-day total going to shoot Blake all the way up to 15th Place so inside the top 20 two-day total of 313 Blakes had a great uh Northern run St Clair top 10 and here you are in 15th Place at lacrosse yeah you know what it's a a good paycheck I love this place absolutely love it uh I have a lot of memories with my wife and girls here at actually to drive by Stoddard know that we used to that we've stayed down there at uh the uh whatever Water's Edge and uh man it just it it makes me happy but I wish they were here so they're watching right now I love y'all I can't wait to see you in a couple days and uh I'm just anxious to aim that truck South East and head home I think it's that way but that way yeah either way uh thank a couple sponsors you know Matt amped Outdoors uh you know they're right here in Wisconsin and best lithium batteries that you can get you know absolutely Bar None has been a crucial part of my rig for the past few years um but that sker Yamaha it keeps me light keeps me powered and keeps me going right where I need to go so God bless y'all we'll see you next month sounds good Blake as always a pleasure sir see you down in Harwell Eric gaffron step on up road with Blake today start off with 78 had a good start three more in the bag going to have a good finish here 78 yesterday 64 today all the way to eighth place nice job this week G man that was a lot of fun uh Blake Smith I got to give him a huge shout out fun to run around with learn learned a lot from um guy can catch a bass that's for darn sure and we had a great time I mean really a great time so I love coming to Lacrosse hope we get to come back here soon sounds good good job Gaff we will see where you end up right now you're in eighth place Kyle Austin your s Cooper Champion earlier this year step on up two events this year in South Carolina start off with 13-7 yesterday Kyle five more to go with it today we're 1210 jumps you to 32nd so going to be a good finish and we got one to go yeah definitely a good finish uh I think a lot of people got messed up in the lock today so definitely going to move up uh probably don't have a shot at the Elite Series going into the last one there's just not enough time to catch up with the point so it is what it is on that but I'm looking forward to fishing the classic next year so looking forward to it and uh yeah see you at Heartwell that was good headed back home thanks Kyle good job this week Jamie Gomez step on up started off with 710 he had a good start two more to go with it today Jamie two fish we're 44 44 for you today 21st Place nice job Jamie Dakota E bear step on up rolling in here in eighth place in EQ points started off with 146 yesterday Dakota five more in the bag today wor 14 lbs 12 O up to 19th Place so that's going to be a good finish yeah man uh this week was so much fun it's just a phenomenal fishery my hands are bleeding I caught all my fish on H KVD sexy dog and a Frog so uh just old school fish you know had a lot of fun it's going to be a great Kings of ass episode on YouTube so be sure to check that out and looking forward to going to Heartwell sounds good we will see you down there be safe going back home to Texas and I'll see you in South Carolina Steph Martin com on up out of Milwaukee oh we didn't see step yesterday we got him today though coming in with a limit today Stephen nice job yeah I'm good see what we can get for you three fish worth six pounds 5 ounces nice job jump sh to 74 thank you Stephen we'll see where you end up Chad griggsby Maple Gro Minnesota started off with 914 day number one Chad bring in five more looks better yeah it's a little better I just struggled all week trying to get big ones and I I just never really stumbled on to them so we'll go on to Heartwell and see what we can do and 14 for you today Chad appreciate you as always 20 pounds 12 oun is your two-day total all right Dave come on up David walk of North Carolina nonbo side started off with 115 day number one two more to go with it unusually tough for you this week yeah I didn't ever get it going um didn't catch the fish I wanted but Chad was great to ride with I found out if you give him enough gas money he'll let you hit him in the face with a crank bait oh man did you have to get some hooks out too no no no not that bad but I'm GNA send a a signup sheet around anybody's interested all right well thanks Dave 43 for you today 62 your two day total Chad pipkins Bassmaster Elite Series angler step on up start off with 13 Even yesterday Chad five more to go with it today yeah a little slow but it's a great place look forward to coming back here for the Elite Series it's a it's a fun place and the small mouth just gave me a little Dipsy Doo this week so we'll see what we can do next year 1210 for you 2510 your two-day total Chad as always a pleasure be safe enjoy your offseason 37th right now and we'll see you back in the spring Donald bigs step all up Donald brought 510 yesterday rode with Chad today so you got to ride with the lead angler hope that was fun it was a good time Chad was good to fish with I was with Brandon McMillan yesterday that was a good guy to be with also 615 for you today two day total 129 got you in 15th Place so that's going to be a good finish thank you Donald Allison Felix another Elite Series angler step on up Allon started off with 1413 day number one five more in there today Austin get you checked in at 15 lbs 8 O up to 16th Place 30 lb and 5 O your two-day total Austin Felix going to get out of here with looks like to be a good check and 35 30 PB and 5 ounces today total right now 10th place is 3112 that's the 10th Place Mark and Austin's in 16th Place nice job so does this uh officially start the off season yeah for Bassmaster anyways I actually disappointed it couldn't make a top 10 here but I managed to sneak in into a Max tournament team deal buddy of mine so we're going to run straight up there and just keep fishing it's good to end the year on a small mou on a check deal happy to get back next year but that's about it I'll see you in January all right Austin thank you man good job see you soon Brian porier I thought that's what it was I question myself sometimes RO with Austin today nonb start off with 610 day number one coming back with 76 today put put you all the way to Seventh Place nice job good upgrade for you we'll see where you end up Tai Al come on up out of Arizona 149 to start tie off here in Lacrosse five more to go with it today Ty yeah I think uh we did pretty good today 14 13 a little bit better than yesterday uh fishing caught a lot more fish uh this week um today um or this week I caught all our fish on a uh uh G Buzz it's a Buzz bait from Bill Lewis 38 s white and then a ball out jig Gman better buy me lunch so uh promoting his stuff but and then of course a yam motorcycle when the bike got tough 14 13 like you said 296 your two- day total 19th Place nice job Tai I will see you in Lake Hartwell Jacob Bigalow out of Cecil Wisconsin step on up all right Jacob bringing five up 10 five to get you started five more to go with it yeah you know I mean it was still a little bit better day but uh nothing crazy you know this place just has my number I still haven't figured it out you have being only 3 hours away so we're going to work on that uh probably a little bit next year and we'll go from there so see you Hardwell 116 for you today today total 2111 nice job see you in about a month Andrew it's Haymon right come on up started off with 1511 yesterday out of Iowa he's got five more to go with it all right got the whole crew looks like you've had a good day out there it was a good day yeah we take it 157 today 312 your two-day total all the way to 16th Place thank you sir thank you out to give Knuckles no maybe Knuckles there we go nice shout out to my friends and family for coming to watch today good job let's here for Adam nice job 16th Place at the moment Jimmy O'Brien we're ready ready with Adam today 61 to get you started three more to go with you had a good start looks like a good finish too absolutely I got my limit today that's about all I can ask for and they were all two and a half so perfect yeah they were 74 today all the way to 14th Place two day total 135 thanks Jimmy I'll see you at Harwell Brian Finch coming to you from Texas 128 to get you started five more to go with it good today look like you had a decent tournament though yeah yeah if anybody wants to take a kid fishing come talk to me we can go catch a 100 fish a day okay 10 two for you today 2210 your two day total and Brian wants to go fishing some more Eugene Kim come on up he's a former champion on the non-bo side a couple years back nice to see you how you doing Eugene I'm doing well sir doing well had a great time today fishing with Brian uh caught up like he said uh I was a kid he took me fishing we caught about a 100 fish all in that 13 13 and a half but had a lot of fun you guys put on an awesome show really appreciate you guys we appreciate you too 61 today 1212 your two day total 17 looking like you're going to get paid nice job Eugene always great seeing you sir Lance Crawford step on up all right lance out of Oklahoma start off with 912 yesterday five more to go with it today it's about the same better 914 today I'll give you a little bit more 1910 you two-day total thank you Lance Paul Mark step on up he's got a shot at the Elite Series rolling into this tournament inside the top 10 in EQ points started off here with 152 five more to go with it big day 17 lb 9 o all the way up to seventh place for Paul Marx and that is making Lake Hartwell turn into a very interesting tournament in a race follow along it's going to be tight to see who the top nine EQ Anglers are to punch their ticket to the Elite Series and right now Paul marks is in contention and he's in seventh here at this tournament you know I've asked Tucker I asked Cody Meyer uh you know the pressure is starting to get to him a little bit you feeling it a little bit now yeah pretty pretty scared be honest but uh I don't know it's it's going to be fun when we get to Heartwell I just hope I make the cut today I've missed the past two cuts by about 1 o so I say you're really close seventh right now so we'll see today was probably my best day of fishing all year I don't know how many I caught but it was a lot of fun awes good job good job so far maybe one more day Championship Saturday you get inside that top 10 right now you're in seventh speaking of eqs he's already won two opens this year he rolled into here leading the EQ points ad of Minnesota let's welcome to the stage East fathergill started off with 169 day number one 15 lb and 8 oz for day number two all the way to 10th Place two-day total of 32 pounds in an ounce and E fathergill is probably not probably we know he's going to exit out of here still leading the points of the Tackle Warehouse EQ race let's here for him right now he's in 10th place with 32-1 his two-day total and maybe maybe one more somebody's got to be in 10th place but I don't think it's probably going to be you but nonetheless a great tournament yeah I knew all day I was one bite away and you know I filled my limit out at noon I just could not make it happen all day long but you know I'm super super good week I'm super happy with it and hopefully be going into Heartwell in the lead still and see what we can do there one more to go you fish Heartwell a good bit too Heartwell is my favorite Lake in the country so I can't wait to get there nice job let here for East and father he's got a magical season going so far and one more to go and hopefully he'll be punching his ticket to the bassm Elite Series we will find out David Andrea is that right Andrea oh that's an L not an I I looked at it quickly how you doing David I'm doing great had a great day with East today fishing and uh lot of fun you did 69 today 142 your two- day total all the way to fifth place it's going to be a good finish thank you thank you sir we appreciate you David we'll see where you end up Bassmaster Elite Series angler Adam of New York come on up Kyle Patrick Kyle started off with 1214 yesterday five more to go with it Kyle great day had a ton of fun yeah you did 17 pounds in an ounce all the way to 21st place two day total 295 and Kyle Patrick finishing strong here 2915 for his two-day total anchored by the 17 pound 1 o bag today and that's how to finish strong oh dude I had such a blast um you know practice was tough for me here a lot of it was just figuring out how to get around that was the majority that was the goal coming here was to prepare for the Elite Series event um you know so accomplished that and then found some water today that was just magical I mean I probably you know my co- witnessed I think 60 fish I caught today so it was just an amazing day yeah awesome all right sounds good Kyle always great seeing you sir good finish Nick ran come on up he's a former College angler Western Michigan if I remember correctly is that right Lake State Lake spere State that's right LL lssu uh Sue St Marie right that's right y let's get you checked in here 72 yesterday 73 today all the way to fifth place so that's going to be a good finish for you nice job yeah thanks I I learned a lot from Kyle today he he did uh catch 60 bass plus so it was a good day for him great seeing you sir be safe going back home and we'll see you soon Chris Blanchett come on up 139 to get you started call South Carolina home five more to go with it today yeah you know we a little bit tougher on me today but you know we did the best we could with it uh did catch a nice small mouth I'll show my son's watching he was literally asking he said hey you got to hold one up tomorrow don't have nothing really crazy worth holding up but definitely a nice one right there there you go Wade that one's for you 118 today 251 your two day total I'll see you down in South Carolina Chris good job Josh Hubbert step on up Josh bringing in 74 yesterday on the nonbo side three more to go with it got your limit again oh yeah we had a lot of fun today we caught a lot of fish yeah you did all the way to fourth place 7-1 today 145 your two-day total nice job Josh Fernando lato come on up start off with 124 day number one bringing up five more today how you doing Fernando good yourself good 124 yesterday 127 today we moved the right way 57th place thanks Fernando two day 2411 Calvin lansburg step on up 71 to get you started on the nonbo side three more to go with it how you doing Calvin uh doing good it was a fun day see what we got three fish for you today 71 yesterday 713 today nice job all the way to fifth place 1414 your two-day total nice job Calvin brand Brandon Gan step on up 137 to get you started all right Brandon that's coming in with five more today how you doing good 145 today nice job we moved all the way to 30th Place today total 2712 Tad Johnson step on up Tad see you sir 51 yesterday we're coming back with a limit today yeah it was a tough day yesterday um caught a lot more bass today just want to say thank you to my wife for coming as always she shows up to every event brings our dogs takes care of me uh so thank you very thank you guys too 1210 for you today good job we'll see where you end up two day total 1711 C Bird come on up 1112 to get you started bringing up five more how's it going Cody ah it's going good man I love to fish here it's such an awesome place just I never got around them three plus Pounders you got to have them to do good here and I just never found them you're very consistent 1112 again today nice job 20 2 38 your two-day total Dan moan come on up Dan out of Iowa started off with 1415 day number one five more to go with it how you doing Dan hey not bad had a great tournament uh lost my biggest fish both days but uh you know pretty happy with it overall 1510 today 30 lbs 9 ounces your two-day total 19th Place going to be a good finish for you Dan thank you sir good finish and a good paycheck Mi Johnson come on up representing the Kentucky Christian University Jersey 4-4 yesterday to get you started Mitch three more to go with it today it's a good day I want to say big thanks to Dan over there and then my boater yesterday Jimmy 95 today 139 your two-day total good finish 14th Place nice job Mitch Mark rip melmont Wisconsin step on up Mark Mark started off on the nonot side was 78 yesterday three more today Mark yep it was a good day caught a lot of fish uh just no big bites but 644 you today 1312 two-day total tie for 13th at the moment and we've got uh 16 flights final flights du back in at 5 o'clock right at about 45 minutes from now final flight will be due back in Allan armor come on up 1994 Bassmaster Invitational Champion Missouri right leg of the Ozarks that's what I thought step on up Allan start off with 1312 yesterday 5 morning to go today Alan hey Hank I want to say hi to my wife out there is videotaping my girls at home Sophie and Nat love you girls um man this is a an awesome Lake this place is amazing this city is amazing everybody's been so nice and hospitable some of the most beautiful countryside I wish we had every tournament here it's awesome fishery well I don't know about January having a tournament here yeah maybe not January but still awesome so let's call the score 117 today 253 your two-day total 51st always a pleasure Alan I'll see you back close to home Lake Hartwell you call Atlanta Georgia home so we'll see you back there John Miller step on up Sunrise Beach Missouri non booer side John started off with 712 yesterday had a good start got three more to go with it John yeah I have three more I want to thank Allan and I want to thank uh J Jeremiah yesterday 72 today nice job John 1414 your two-day total jumps you to sixth place Deb Jones come on up the State of Florida de rides around all year helping out on the Yamaha and Toyota side of things we appreciate you there start off at 123 yesterday t five more today yeah about the same kind of deal um speaking of Tori Yota and Yamaha we're going to give away four contingency checks this week two for Toyota two for Yamaha highest and second highest finisher that are registered for Toyota bonus bucks and Yamaha power pay so catch me at any of these events if you think you've got an eligible vehicle it's got to be five years or newer 1211 for you today 2414 your two-day total thank you TB 58th right now Larry Peterson come on up yeah Anglers if you are uh part of not a part of those programs you're giving away money I can promise you that all right Larry started you off with 611 yesterday three more to go today we're 76 hey jumps you to 10th Place nice job good finish for you sir thank you jimy wasam step on up Jimmy having a great season so far start off with 11 two day number one five more to go with it today Jimmy hey we rebounded a little bit a little better day today 1415 today 261 your two- day total 41st so y you're going to get some good points out of it all right you know I I think yesterday kind of took me out of the race for the elites but the pressure was on today when I facetimed my wife my little boy was wearing his tournament Jersey to school so pressure was on but Jay I caught you some good ones today I'll Tell You Folks at home my co-angler Troy and I caught at least a hundred today and that's no joke if you just want to catch some fish get you a clone little belt Little Bear worm in black red glitter put it on a Shaky Head and just go to snatching cuz this place is awesome nice job Jimmy and you're awesome and right now you're in 41st Place Troy jutting step on up Troy 58 to get you started yesterday one more to go with it today we're 29 29 for you today Troy thank you sir 81 your 2day total Billy McDonald step on up Billy Billy start off 118 yesterday three more today Billy hey you know it's just been one of them years I can't put two days together and it's one of these years I'm just ready to be over but hey we'll be back at Heartwell swinging and see where it goes from there and thank you guys for what you do thank Lucas thank my wife for coming she's cooked for us all week so it's been a good week so sounds like an awesome week thank you thank you Billy 63 today 1711 your two-day total Sean Overton come on up Sean 68 yesterday got two more today hope you had a good time oh yeah it was a great great time fish my Billy 310 for you today 102 your two-day total 43rd thanks Sean Mike buan come on up or is it Broan brigin neither I remember that yesterday all right Mike you started off with 1610 yesterday five more today 14 pounds 15 o jumps you to 14th Place representing Lacrosse Wisconsin going to be a good finish for you nice job this week yeah I had some heartbreak today but I guess I'd like to thank Jed Marine um I'm going to need to boat Jetta so we'll have to talk Head Hunter lures I threw their line through Rattle Trap a lot everywhere their small MTH I want to if they'll bite that I want him to bite it then he do the trick stuff afterwards but they stay on that hook so well hopefully we'll be getting you a good down payment on that new boat nice job 14th right now Zachary dimler step on up Zack on that nonbo side start off with 212 day number one three more to go with it how's it going pretty good um this is my first open Event my first time fishing this River and my goal was just to catch enough fish to walk across the stage so you did that 72 today 914 your two- day total 46 place you are going to have a good finish nice job Zach Chris wilch come on up coming to you from Wisconsin fall R River Wisconsin start off with 12 three day number one five more to go with it how you doing Chris good doing well uh fish clean all day never lost any fish just nothing big like to say hi to my dad out there and the crowd and my girlfriend at home watching 1264 you today 249 your two-day total thank you sir 65th right now Kevin R come on up M at on Alaska Wisconsin 1515 to get Kevin started five more to go with it today good day I got a big one but I had a pretty tough day overall 146 today 30 pound 5 O your two-day total grab that big one let's hold it up there's a nice one nice job 414 Phoenix boat big bass what you need to tight IT 412 412 just shy of that but a nice job this week Kevin gonna be a good finish for you too 21st at the moment Dennis Duffy come on up Dennis start off with 7 PBS and 6 oz day number one three more to go with it let's get you inside that top 40 three fish worth six PBS 2 ounces all the way to 19th Place hopefully it'll be a good payday good Payday for you thank you sir Nathan Thompson come on up Minnesota former High School National Champion 157 to get you started Nathan five more to go with it yeah uh it was a rougher day but um had a fun time in this River so kind of complain 123 for you today 2710 your two-day total it's got you in 34th right now so you're inside the top 45 Brad Lightner had a good start with 175 day number one he's bringing five more up today he needs just a little bit less than what he brought in yesterday to take over the lead looking for 172 with these five 16 lbs 11 oz oh but we are 6 minutes late man you got me excited 10 lbs 11 o we're going to net out but grab a couple hold them out Brad's going to be 6 minutes late so he's going to gross at 1611 1011 is going to be his net and he's got him at 32nd two-day total of 28 even I'm guessing the lock got you today ah yeah lock giveth and the go lock taketh I I was there 3 hours early and still could not get through so a whole bunch of guys didn't make it through it's a shame but what do you do got holding on to a check 30 second right now but uh good week fishing wise it was awesome I wish I could have been on live tomorrow because you guys would have saw some awesome frog CES that does sound like fun but great job let's hear for him that's a tough break like Randy Howell but uh going to be a good for you nonetheless Brad got you in 302 at the moment Adam crigger step on up Adam five in the back for you 149 day number one five more to go with it no late penalties so it's going to be 100% to where you go what you need 135 again today two day total 274 34th Place thank you sir all right good job you are inside the top 45 at the moment Christopher Marley all right Chris out of Michigan started off at 1 nine yesterday two more to go with it today worth 5 pounds and an ounce 75th Place thanks Chris we appreciate you we will see you next time your bass Nation nonb booer champion last year at the bass Nation Championship out of Arizona coming up Hayden Spradlin Hayden was on that money line coming into today in 40th Place with six pounds and 10 o three fish today worth 5B 13 O bumps you all the way to 28th nice job awesome I need a check so hopefully it keeps me there I think uh I think you may get one you got 12 places to fall nice job Hayden good seeing you sir Parker come on up Parker kutson 510 yesterday for Parker five today we at 1214 96 place you move the right way yeah it was uh I actually got some frog bites today and got them in the boat but um yesterday was uh a tough one to swallow so yeah it's a good year you still fished hard though good job appreciate you fishing with us this year Parker and I'll see you in 2025 all right we got Bailey blessers fish right coming up the amander Riley the Bailey had some boat problems all right so Bailey called 1314 yesterday five in the bag today we're 1313 that's good it's going to jump him to 36th place all right uh Amanda go get your fish Amanda Riley coming up still the big bass leader with 7B 14 o total on her bag yesterday 47 on the big bass come on up Amanda bringing one more up we need to get you back inside that top 40 one fish today see what we can do one pound 13 ounces unfortunately going to have you in 50th place but uh still hope you had a good time this week yeah I had a blast you know you got some good days and you have bad days out there and yesterday I was really blessed with a great day uh today not so much uh he got his lower unit torn off and I got a half day fishing in um but we were fortunate um to have somebody bring us in so we could still weigh our fish so thank you to them and a shout out to my sponsors everybody who believed in me and and supported me to be in this um Ki swim jigs best swim jigs if you guys are looking for swim jigs get a hold of Ki um cast again tackle I had this tube that's what I caught it today uh R tungsten and then my local sponsors Jail House Saloon uh Pizza Coral features in Homan I'm trying to think though Larsson tree service and B&B clothing thank you to everybody you got it going on nice job let's here for her nice job Amanda we'll see where you end up two-day total of 9 Pound 11 ounces thank you very much Chris oswen step on up Chris 1315 to get you started voter side bringing five more up how you doing Chris all right I could have used a lot more today but that's the way it goes 127 for you today 47th Place two day total 266 thank you Chris russlan out of Prattville Alabama start off at 1110 day number one he's bringing five more up today a little better day it looks like yeah a little better I just made just a simple adjustment today instead of a flipping plastic I just uh pitched a jig around a little Buckeye jig with the Big Bite yo daddy H and I probably caught half as many fish today but the size was definitely better so sometimes it's just that simple one more month and I'll see you at Heartwell 146 today 26 even your two-day total thank you Russ we appreciate you being here with us Dave vaner come on up Dave road with Russ today 2113 to get you started Dave three more in the backs you got your limit I did get my limit I spent all day behind Russ Lane it just doesn't get any better than that nice 10 for you today good job two day total of 97 thanks Dave Leif Messer come on up P of Kentucky start off with 129 yesterday five more to go with it today Le yeah I got five more no big ones though 1112 for you today l two day total 245 Shan Ruger come on up Sean 310 to get you started non Boer side how you doing Sean good had a blast with LA out on the River today 28 today two day total of 62 J 83rd right now Keith Brumfield come on up out of Mississippi 65 yesterday four more to go with it today Keith that's right was four I was going to try to get my dad a head start you know and just catch the same thing he did yesterday but it just work out for me so I decided to catch a little bit more today 9:15 for you today is is Jimmy doing okay over there he looks excited he is just about to woring out his you can possibly get I mean I'm not sure if we're going to have to get the fibulator out and put it on him and get him going again but uh I know he's had a blast here fishing this week and and this is one of his bucket list late say it was mine and glad to be able to come up here and enjoy this experience together victor goes to spoils we got to hold the leader till the end Jimmy's having to do that thank you Keith good job 9:15 today 164 your two-day total Jimmy felly come come on up Jimmy's always a threat in the back of the boat see what we got Jimmy start off with three four yesterday we coming back with a limit today yeah 66 today 51st Place thank you Jimmy good job 9 lb 10 o your two-day total Lance Keane come on up Lance Lance started off with 1513 yesterday had a good start five more to go with it today Lance we at 13 PBS 5 O 28th Place it's going to be a good finish it was all right slower for me today but I grinded and that's what I got sound good hopefully be a good paycheck for you you can fall to 45th right now Freddy Palmer come on up Freddy started off at 138 day number one Freddy bringing up five more let's get you inside the top 45 better day it looks like man I tell you what I've had a bad year so this would be great just to get a check 17 lb 11 o grab him let's hold him up real quick Freddy all the way to 18th Place with 313 so a big move for Freddy Palmer and yeah I think he is going to be getting a check this week Freddy Palmer with a big move 1711 today one of the bigger bags Bobby bwell come on up out of Orlando Florida Bobby knocking on that door bassm Elite Series qualifying 136 yesterday for Bobby five fish today worth 17 lb and 2 O big move for Bobby bwell all the way to 22nd Place and I know yeah you're good hold it up real quick Bobby and then we'll wait and I know we're still a month away from Lake Hartwell but this EQ race is starting to shape up 414 that's what you need for this one to tie the big bass 52 there you go hey finish strong here at lacrosse yeah yeah that was that one right there was special uh five pound small mouth is always special no matter where you're at uh y are jerk bait and a spro Frog this week man that's that's the two players for me I caught that fish on a jerk bait it jumped about five times I thought I was going to have a heart attack but uh and then caught the other ones on a frog you know so caught him my favorite two ways to catch them in the world you know I mean on a frog and on a jerk bait on scope I can't complain I had a blast I got a shout out Rick green uh that was for your boy man that was for your boy hey and uh you know at the end of the year that 5-2 may be a huge fish for you of course of course points in this I tell you what being a fisherman especially trying to make a career out of it is not for the ill of heart you know you got to be so consistent especially across n events and I've been as consistent as could be I just I I haven't quite top 10 or anything like that I've just been kept it consistent I've had a blast and I can't complain you're sitting in 22nd right now nice job way to finish out lacrosse strong with the biggest bass so far too nice job Bob Harper come on up did Bob get to watch that he did get to watch that five pounder get caught that b up Sir Bob started off with with two pounds 12 O yesterday bringing one more up today how's Bob Bob's doing pretty good 115 for you today and uh sounds like that Smallmouth put on a show uh it put on a scary show to where I thought Bobby may have a heart attack not me but anyway I had a great time out here I am consistently consistent one fish yesterday one fish today same thing up at Leech Lake but anyway I want to thank my sponsors bastri I caught my fish on uh bastri swimbait uh wildware America you need jerseys t-shirts call them up wildware America we're good and I want to say happy anniversary to my wife Becky we got married on Friday the 13th so every Friday the 13th we celebrate I love you I'll be home tomorrow thank you Bob always good seeing you 115 today 411 your two day total UI AI step on up all right UI start off with 1410 yesterday good day good day good deal yeah it is 15 pounds 13 ounces up to 23rd Place nice job UI 30 pound 7 o your two day total Leo Morris come on up Leo Leo had 72 day number one three more to go with it how you doing Leo pretty good I had a good day see what we got RO with UI today see any crazy Japanese techniques today I did kind of yeah I saw some new stuff yeah see what we got 72 yesterday nice job eight pounds in an ounce all the way to Fourth Place good job two day total of 153 yeah we'll grab a picture no problem good bag today eight pounds in announce and a nice finish Kyle is it sober come on up started off with 1314 on the boater side out of Wisconsin five more how you doing call not too bad not too bad see what we can get for you five fish worth 15 pounds 5 oun 31 Place good finish for you sir 293 your two-day total up hang on tight hang tight for me Andrew all right now we're ready Andrew lerg another angler knocking on the door of the Elite Series step on up calls Alabama home now start off of 1415 yesterday Andrew five in the bag we 14 PBS 4 o it's going to jump you to 32 so that's going to be a good finish yeah not too bad I was uh pretty stoked on these last couple days I just fished all new water I ran around this River and uh stoked at 14 boat days uh looking for the last event on Harwell and uh had a really good time up north in Minnesota Wisconsin this place is awesome B towns all the hospitality is great nice job way to finish strong I'll see you in about a month Joey niia step on up he's qualified for the Bassmaster Classic twice via the opens two-time Champion start off with 16-1 yesterday Joey five more to go with it today worth 14 pounds in an ounce all the way to 27th yeah it was not as easy as I thought it was going to be today and I mean it never is when you got pressured fish um I I'm in a few I was in a few areas where there was hundreds of them swimming around and you'd be lucky to get 10 of them to bite in several hours of working on them so overall it was a good week I hope I get paid with that you would think 15 a day would but you never know because these guys truly on the opens are the best in the world it's amazing the competition out here and I'm just excited to get home with my wife Jessica and my kids to our church family in pel City Alabama we'll be driving long drive home tomorrow but we're ready to get home and see our friends sounds good good finish Joey I'll see you at Lake artwell be safe going back home to Alabama we'll see in a mon Tom Howen step on up Tom started off with 7:15 yesterday roow with Joey today bringing two more up how you doing today Tom pretty good see what we got two fish for you 715 yesterday we get you inside that top 40 four pounds 10 ounces all the way to 28th Place nice job you inside that top 40 at the moment getting closer towards the end Colin Crawford final flight D back in in 15 minutes ping up cins start off with 146 yesterday five more to go with it today worth 13 pounds 9 ounces 41st Place you're hanging on to a check right now nice job Colin Jason is it steer stagger step on up Jason didn't see Jason yesterday we got him today though way to finish strong coming in with a limit good job thank you see what we can get you on the leaderboard three fish Rob Collins today 6 PB 6 o all the way to 79 thank you Jason we appreciate you today all right Kade lenberg start off with 181 day number one bringing in five more 166 puts you back in the lead 13 PBS 9 ounces up to 13th Place going to be just a little shy with 3110 two-day total but it's going to be a good finish Kade yeah it was a good week uh I'm a little disappointed with it obviously I feel like I blew a big opportunity here but what can you say I I fish pretty clean out there today just my milk run was off I I ran probably 100 spots today right down to the last minute locals here know how I am just running and Gun and Fish Two cast and go and it just didn't work out but happy you guys came and I hope you come back I'll be here when you come back it's always great seeing you K good job this week you're a great angler we appreciate you and you're going to have a good finish too Chase Trager come on up Chase RO with K sounds like that was uh all over the place uh at the end yeah it got wild there at the end but uh it was a fun day on the river with Kade and great week 68 for you today 109 your two-day total jumps you to 42nd nice job gold drumman come on up Effingham South Carolina 1210 to get you started five more in the bag better day today Cole yeah we had a little bit better day but we only lost one that would have helped us but take it out of it is ready to get to harv 148 for you today 272 your two-day total 51st Matt Messer he took on my Trophy last year down at the Harris Chain of Lakes on the open side started off here with 97 yesterday Matt five more to go with it a little bit better not by much 119 for you today two day total 21 even thanks Matt Devin sulk come on up Devin 28 to get you started two more to go with it how'd it go I lost a lot of fish um it was a good day learned a lot 315 for you today 672 day total thank you Devon see where you end up Casey good come on up sty at a Lacrosse Wisconsin start off with 1310 day number one five more to go with it how's it going pretty good to you we are good five fish worth 14 PBS and 13 O 38 spot so you were good two day total of 287 nice job ishman Ro started off with 1714 day number one come on up he's bringing five more to the stage 143 puts him back in 10th place looking for 143 14 pounds 2 oz is going to be just 1 oce shy of that 12th Place today total of 32 even but a good week this week is yeah it was a good week I mean I caught a lot of fish today I did have to make a little adjustment that sun didn't pop out as much and when that sun doesn't pop out they don't want to eat that frog so I picked up a missile baits D bomb I did have a first today is I was actually flipping a mat in about a foot and a half of water and I caught a walleye and I was like he must be lost stranded something happened but catching a walleye flipping a mat that's the first for me and all the years I've been fishing uh but definitely definely a great week uh get to head home see my lovely wife hey babe I'll be home tomorrow uh going to drive over to Hartwell drop my boat off and fly home well good job this week is fantastic finish 12th Place just one oce shot I'm making that top 10 but we don't know that's just where it is right now we'll see where it ends up once the way ends over with David Zim Zimmerman come on up 512 to get you started non booer side RO with Matt Messer today one more to go with it how you doing it was a good day but it was tough fight so 113 for you today two-day total of 79 thank you David Rich lingren come on Rich out of Minnesota started off with 132 day number one five more to go with it rich yeah a little bit less but I was one of the guys that just barely made it in from pool seven so 11:15 for you today 251 your two-day total thanks Rich 78th at the moment Clint Leonard step on up St Cloud Florida Clint caught 613 day number one five more to go with it today we're 12 even so we move the right direction yeah I do want to give a huge shout out shout out to Jay he uh I ended up tearing my lower unit on Tuesday and he let me use his boat to go fish these last two days so I do want to give a huge shout out to him and all my sponsors for letting me be up here today nice job Clint good finish for you 1813 your two-day total Maggie carelo come on up Maggie representing bassm we'll talk about that in a second let's get a weit first 113 to get you started Maggie but hey we're coming back with with a limit today we got a limit I'm happy 7:15 today let's gra reaching there and hold some up 912 your two-day total while she's reaching into there I'll tell you about a new initiative we launched this year uh for females it's called bass Mast her and it's a focus on female anglers in the outdoor industry let's hear it from Maggie Maggie is one of those ambassadors That Bass selected to travel all over the country give workshops talk fishing and uh try to just uh keep and increase more female anglers in in the into bass fishing yeah it's incredible to see what it's done already in the first year and I say this every time but although we may be ambassadors every gal that loves fishing is part of bass mask her so we have bigger and better things coming next year so stay tuned tell the folks real quick how they can follow you um I'm Maggie Joe Outdoors pretty much everywhere social media you'll find me you call how do you say it stouton Wisconsin home ston ston is that far from here uh two and a half hours you're here Here Local Wisconsin angler and so probably a lot of stuff around here where these folks could maybe see you around oh yeah I'm bopping around not not necessarily on the river but maybe some Lakes you'd see me nice job Maggie let's hear for her one more time and all the female Anglers out there representing the brand will we appreciate you I look forward to seeing you next time Tim Tindle come on up Tim Tindle out of Texas didn't see Tim yesterday we got you today though yeah you got me today barely you got three good start good finish 67 for you thanks Tim way to finish strong Kurt Blomquist step on up at a right Minnesota all right Kurt bringing one up how you doing doing good just got one fish today but had fun 212 for you today 212 for you on that one 82 your two-day total Joshua Soo come on up didn't see Josh yesterday we got him today though n Boer side absolutely we'll get it weighed first finish strong H decent but we'll see what this total is n lb and 9 o he said he's got a big one reaching there hold it up for the camera then we weigh it gotta beat 47 47 314 314 on that one nice job Joshua to finish strong we will see at the next one Tommy dun Havana Florida step on up see you five in the back start with 1114 day number one and uh coming back with a limit little better yes sir I had a little bit better day today I did have some missed opportunities again though so that's just part of fishing I got to catch all my fish this week on a wacky worm though so that's always fun and we give a big shout out to my co- anger over there he was great and also all my sponsors and everybody watching back home thank y'all 1337 for you today Tommy 255 your two-day total massm Elite Series angler and Angler of the Year Seth fighter step on up fighter started off with 1613 day number one five more to go with it today Seth worth 10B 4 ounce it's a little tougher today yeah I made a gamble did something a little different I thought I figured something out at the end of the day uh I did not um so I don't know what I did wrong but uh I drust in my gut and it uh led me to 10 pounds all season officially start tomorrow right now go you guys want to go hanging with Seth good job we appreciate you good luck and enjoy your offseason 104 today 271 your two-day total Satoshi igawa step on up start off with 172 day number one four more how you doing Satoshi and no good um by 1 pm it was Zero yeah 104 today 276 your two day total thank you Satoshi 53rd right now so going to be a good finish for you we appreciate you Josh Moon come on up Josh out of Iowa met Josh years ago the bass Nation side of things start off with six even yesterday Josh three more though yeah a little better day today seven even for you all the way to 27th Place so that's going to be a good finish for you Josh 13 even your two-day total Kevin Johnson come on up Kevin representing the area out of Sparta Wisconsin start off with 1010 yesterday but we're coming back with a limit better day yep not too bad nice job 1110 today 224 your two day total thank you Kevin we appreciate you this week nice meeting you this week too chancy Walters step on up chansy chansy I think had a good start he did 145 coming back with another good bag dude that lock was locked up tighter Alcatraz I'm about sick of it but yeah there was probably 50 to 60 of us that got locked out and a lot of people in the top 10 but hey fun day of fishing place is amazing I got you now so 143 but Chance unfortunately was bit by the lock bug 16 minutes late so that's going to zero him out but that bag did weigh 143 Chancey good job though all right we're getting caught back up all right we just got some uh checkin work going on so right now official time 456 final flight due back in in 4 minutes 4 minutes but then they have until 56 before they are zeroed but I think we are getting a few Anglers checked in that are going to be late so but that's okay you know again we hate to say it but you do uh you do run the risk again with the lock and you always lock at your own risk and again the bass rule is one pound per minute up to 16 minutes and then once you roll over 16 minutes late then you are zeroed after that all right we ready Austin you ready Scott Isaac's come on up N9 PBS 3 o yesterday bringing up four more you escaped the lock oh I did but still couldn't put a fifth fish in the boat 98 for you today 98 Scott thank you sir 1811 your two-day total Danny Mancini Step On Up 5 pound 8 ounces on the nonmotor side yesterday bringing us up three more got your limit I sure did said it was a good day uh caught what I got what bit me and that's all I could ask for the good news is 69 today 121 your two-day total 38th Place you are holding on to a check right now nice job Kya fuja bassm open champion and Bassmaster Elite Series angler Champion started off at 138 yesterday five to go with it today Coya Worth 16 lbs 6 o good move 31 place you can hold some fish up absolutely not a problem and Koyo was Victorious this year down at Toledo B the Bassmaster Elite Series opener he's going to be walking out of here and 31st on the open side of things nice job Coya we will see where you end up two day total 2914 Josh wezner come on up had a top three last year at the bass Nation Championship Ernie burst into the eqs so he's been running with us all year started off with 1212 yesterday five more to go with it today Josh yeah I wouldn't even a weigh these in but I got a story for you what you got so we're in the lock or we're coming through and I see a snake and I said don't let that snake get in our boat talking to my co-angler so there's a guy behind me in the lock I'm like do you see that snake coming in he's like no no where's the snake where's a snake I hate snakes so here it comes it's coming next to him and he goes crazy and I'm like don't send that thing my way and no kid and he hits it and it comes right right my way I'm like where is it where is it pops up it's in my motor comes up my motor in the splash well we couldn't get it out of there so I'm like all right lock opens up we're going to take off it's going to blow out take off I'm cruising I look back and here its head sticks up and looking at me and I'm like you got to be kidding me so like how far like how far from your head well it's right behind in the splash well so like too close so I slam on the brakes canger grabs the fish ruler knocks it off and then we take then we could take off but crazy I had a tell you that story I've seen them come at me already but I've never had one actually get in the boat and I was not cool like how big of a snake we talking all right I was going to say it's like a a miss fish story it's a it's a the only anaconda in Wisconsin yeah but good good week this week I had a really good pre-fish I actually thought I could win this thing uh I suck so you got here via the bass Nation you did a fantastic job 111 today 2313 your two-day total 9 third and uh don't play a snake joke on Josh just FYI Gary baronowski come on up Gary we're reloaded now nicely 72 to get you started so Gary Gary got to see the snake too uh sounds fun out yeah was quite fun you had a good start yesterday Gary 72 yesterday 5-1 today going to jump to 35th Place nice job you're inside the top 40 two-day total of 123 good job sir Mass Master Elite Series angler J Shakur step on up Victorious earlier this year on the open side of things at St Clair didn't see Jay yesterday but we're coming back today with 16 pounds 8 ounces so there's a big rebound gota ask Jay I don't know what happened yesterday but I am curious but Jay coming back with 168 today this a rough day yesterday oh we did not make it back yesterday um had some mechanical failures out there it's part of it it's part of the game uh the end of the season we run our equipment to the absolute uh test throughout the entire year and uh happy to have that today wish I could have had that yesterday but it's all right lacrosse is one of my favorite places to fish is this your offseason now this is my offseason going to fish a couple uh fun tournaments at home you know on on the river at home and uh start deer hunting and I was going to say in his boats for sale clean lightly used one owner so in case you're wondering but nice job 168 today stepen Codwell step on up start off with 11 five yesterday how you doing Stephen I'm good I'm good I uh my wife actually showed up she's out there with the Great Dane uh probably going to be my last open I think now that we got five grandkids you know now it's time to time to hand it off to the young kids and let them take it from here you know but uh I love lacrosse my wife and I bought us we I made Championship day here in 2019 we fell in love with the place bought a home up here for uh summer because if you know Texas it's hot and uh we consider ourselves texc conin nightes now so yeah but it's it's we love it up here we love the people and it's been been great well it's been a pleasure having you walk across this stage 1315 for you today 254 your two-day total thank you Stephen and I hope we see you soon I hope you don't give it up totally but if you do good luck with everything Joey Bunko step on up Joey Joey started off with eight even day number one five more coming back with a limit yeah it was a much better day today um actually had time to fish like yesterday and no issues so it was a fun day and good to be on the water with minimal issues To None So 914 for you today Joey good job 1714 your two-day total M trainer come on up Ma final flight should be back in now three fish for you today you had a great start yesterday with 8 pounds and 10 ounces 8 lb 2 oz today all the way to Second Place 2day total of 16 lb 12 O on the nonbo side hold those up nice job and while you do that speaking of non voters want to go ahead and get Ricardo Ricardo out there Guzman get you up to the stage we got a hot seat to occupy nice job good job by you uh Mac we'll see where you end up all the way to second right now Ricardo if you're out there go ahead and wake your way up to the stage we got a hot seat to occupy here in a moment kyden Cohen step on up start off with 134 day number one boers side bringing five more up yeah it was a tough one today but caught some can't complain 1112 for you 1112 good job 25 even your two- day total Kurt Shel shelman shelman we got it Ricardo once you get over here just SE over to the stage we'll get you on the hot seat once you get here all right Kurt had 214 yesterday three more today weth 5 lb 9 o 65th Place two day total 87 thank you sir Andy Nukem step on up Pro out of Missouri started off a 14 even day number one bringing up five more better day better day 14 even yesterday yeah it is 16 pounds in an ounce all the way to 30th Place so that's a good rebound yeah uh I had a lot of fun both days my hands are torn up and I caught two Northerns that were both over 36 Ines today which I didn't know they had them that big here but it was a it was a fun time people are great fishing's great I love coming here sounds good great seeing you Andy I'll see you in about a month down at Lake Hartwell Brian partak come on up 12-2 to get him started Brian has a top 10 already under his belt this year 122 to get you started five in the back today they're going to gross out at 1213 but unfortunately net out at 413 I'm guessing the lock got you yeah you know that's the as you said earlier that's the game we play we all know the rules and uh sometimes it works out and sometimes you get burned and that's what happened but you know again my Mom and Dad are here they're both in their 70s so to see them come here and have it all come full circle you know this is where I started when I was 16 I drew Doug Stanton as a co-angler and that's where I got bit by the bug of bass fishing and just to come back here and Fish on the bass stage uh let's give it up to Hank I mean seriously I mean you do a great job you and the team um all always I mean they work hard all year and we still got one more to go but hey it's my rookie season doing this it's the highs and lows of the game I just want to thank bridgford um they support fishermen if you've never tried bridgeford beef jerky we're available in every Walmart Dollar General uh check us out also I want to give a shout out to Lucas Oil Bedford sales and uh again my wonderful girlfriend Anna I'll see you soon nice job as always Brian we appreciate the kind words and I will uh see you in about a month all right we ready come on up not not you not you Andrew we're going to bring our non-bo leader up let's welcome him to the stage Mr Ricardo Guzman step on up we got a hot seat for you we'll set it right over there have you ever sat in the hot seat before never never never never yeah I mean you know you always hope to win right but it can only be one you know so coming into this where you're like I got a shot at this or are you just coming in having a good time and now you find yourself in the hot seat I totally came into this thinking just to have a good time I had two great voters both of them were unbelievable never in my wildest dreams that I think I could win a tournament go have a seat we try to make it as small and uncomfortable as possible so uh it's kind of called a seat but have a seat let's hear for your nonb leader and let's see how that's going to rock along so we're getting close the final flights du back in we got our final group of anglers in this Harbor we still got a lot of weigh-in left to go though but hang tight the longer you last there the more money you win Andrew Smith come on up we're ready 133 133 to get you started yesterday five in the back today better day uh no it's uh I had dropped three big ones uh never been here before cool place not my style I'm a Great Lakes guy I can't wait to get back home to St Clair well you did a great job on fish care again 133 day number one well we figured it out a little bit though too you had a good start and good let's see if we got a good finish 10 lb in an ounce for you 104 two day total 23 forward thank you man Nick Vela come on up yeah guys watch your step right there two days of tracking uh Crush City mesh bags across the ground softening it up a little bit 25 for you yesterday three more to go with it today better day looks like better day lots of fun three fish were 63 63 for you today nice job 65th Place 8 lb 8 O your two-day total Patrick Patrick Andre come on up Patrick 53 to get you started day number one two more to go with it today and you got to ride with James Watson I hope that was fun it was a good time it was definitely a good time we uh I was hoping we were going to fish some boat docks we didn't do it today but uh we still had a blast 62 for you today 115 your two day total Nice Shot 44th Place let's bring him up James worldwide Watson sounds like you disappointed your nonbo today James he was hoping to go after after some boat docks well we had to fish grass instead these boat docks suck up here 125 yesterday 135 today 2510 your two-day total I've enjoyed having you here on division three yeah uh it was good to fish with you guys thanks for getting me in at the last minute uh being suspended from Major League Fishing for uh pissing boy duck it off uh so I'm on a two-year suspension and uh I'm going to raise some more hell about the fact that you can near near L kill somebody and plan an event in a Harris chain lock and say you're going to run a no wake zone with another boater have a crash with said boater and you get suspended for the rest of the season but you say something bad about boy Ducket you're suspended for two years and I'm very glad that I said what I did and I meant every bit of it well we appreciate you let's here for James Watson you're welcome anytime here on the Vass Master stage thank you sir and I look forward to seeing you next next time Harvey horn come on up B Vista Arkansas for some reason I got a feeling that clip may make it on the social media might we need to be hiding behind the the computer now all right Harvey 127 to get you started 1111 to wrap you up today tot 242 always a pleasure seeing you sir oh yeah it's been a great time up here lacrosse has been awesome love being up here hanging out with my friends that live a a little bit further north and fishing some of the other river pools it's a great place love the people up here that's been awesome this week look forward to coming back sounds good Harvey as always be safe going home to Arkansas look forward to seeing you next year Charles Johnson come on up didn't see Charles yesterday we got him today though finished strong how you doing I'm doing good um do had we had some boat issues yesterday um can I welcome my grandson which I'm really upset I wasn't there for him uh miles Jeffrey Johnson was born last night and I'm ready to get home that is awesome congratulations first grandkid nope he's my third but treat him all the same you got your hands full yes I do that's awesome Mom and baby doing good yes everybody's doing great I'm driving straight home from here so very good super congratulations to you and the family 312 for you today Charles thanks for fishing with us Chad stall come on up your reigning and defending nonb angler of the year last year started off with 73 yesterday Chad three in the bag that's a big one to avoid 7 pounds 8 ounces up to Ninth Place good job Chad as always going to probably get you a check this week Philip Cy come on up 97 to get you started on that boater side bringing five more up to the stage get you checked in at 119 119 for you today sir 21 even your two-day total thank you very much Adam bartus X step on up Adam start off with 1112 day number one Adam a couple weeks ago up at least late five in the B how's it going Adam going good always fun coming down to the Mississippi River uh love it here in September the Smallmouth and Largemouth play so you get to go chase them around nice job 129 always good to see you Adam thank you sir 245 your two-day total Jason Barber Gun Barrel City Texas Jason always a threat in the back of the boat as well started off with 53 yesterday Jason three more to go with it better day today yeah Adam uh he put on a Clin and gave me play bypl and actually you know kept me on some good fish 99 for you today jump Shi to Ninth Place they going to be a good finish for you Jason two day total of 1412 Trey Swindle got a top 10 this year down at Lake eala Oklahoma step on up started off with 133 day number one five in the bag today Trey we're at 12 lbs 4 o today total of 257 going to get some points yeah a little bit of points I'm really disappointed in this tournament I lost a couple fish today the one thing I did learn today is I got to eat some weed cuz me and Lily pass don't get along I had two big and strangled up in there I ain't never turned them yet so I gave that 73 uh meta series Rod all it could take but just didn't go my way this week I love this place this how I love to fish I grew up doing it so hopefully we come back soon I think we'll be back nice job good finish and I'll see you down in Hartwell Dan McAdams come on up Dan all right Dan start off with 714 on the nonbo side three more to go with it we're 613 all the way to 10th Place nice job for you sir two-day total 1411 Mass Master Elite Series angler Alex redwind step on up start off a 1410 day number one bringing five more in see we can get inside check range Alex 1410 day number one 138 today 43rd Place so we're hanging on top 45 get a check yeah hopefully you never know it'd be nice to end the season with a couple bucks but uh I think three years ago today uh was one I qualified for the Elite Series so it's just kind of cool to be back in the opens you know this is my second open that I did this year and here in the next month someone else a handful of people as their lives are going to change but it's just kind of cool to reminisce on that want to say hi to everyone back home any sponsors watching uh it's been fun up here I like this place and we get to come back next year for the elite season good Alex always good seeing you sir enjoy your offseason we'll see you back in 2025 Cole Z zsky come on up out of Stevens Point Wisconsin start off with 117 day number one bringing five more up today yeah five more not the Finish we're going to want but uh you know my family came today from Stevens Point and uh even Hawaii and shout out to my grandma she was in watching my high school tournaments on live and she finally uh was able to meet one gets to see one in person 11:14 for you today nice job 235 your two-day total coal got you in 109 right now appreciate you Randall th come on up Port St Joe Florida started off with 169 yesterday another limit to go with it Randall man I don't know if this is going to be enough but uh I'm not going to complain this week man I fish the way I love I kept my flipping stick my my my signature jig in my hand and every fish I weighed in was caught on that yesterday I was coing three Pounders today I never had a three pound bite it's just the way it goes 128 today you are inside the top 45 with 291 your two-day total nice job Randall I'll see you over at Heartwell We Appreciate You Bassmaster leite series angler Logan Park step on up Logan qualified for the Elite Series last year via the eqs started off here with 12 10 day number one Logan five more to go with it 18 lb and 5 O is a big move for Logan Parks all the way to 23rd Place two day total of 30 lb and 15 oz I think that may be the biggest bag so far crossing the stage today here on day number two again 185 big move for Logan Parks nice job got good finish yeah man it felt good to uh to go out there and believe or not a lot of people wouldn't believe this but I actually caught every single fish on a frog and a flipping jig and I didn't have to look at my screen so that was a lot of fun um caught everything on a swamp Lord big shout out to the guys at lock eight every time I called them they answered they were honest about the barges they may be over or underestimated some of the times but you know they took care of me got me through and it feels good to come out and catch a bag the second day I wish I was going fishing tomorrow still going to be a good finish for you Logan nice job you're going to get check out of this one Andrew harrove come on up Andrew has a top 10 earlier this year down in Lake Wasing in Arkansas all right Andrew step up right here start off with 59 unfortunately just two more today it was going to be a tough week here in Lacrosse yeah I'm clueless man I don't know what went wrong this week get checked in here 5'9 yesterday 36 today two day total 8:15 thanks Andrew I'll see you over at Harwell toddle come on up out of Jasper Alabama best golfer in the field in case you're wondering he won't tell tell you he is but I'll say he is turn up my bag doesn't allow me play as good as I'd like to my friend one of these days we're going to play and you're going to say Todd I thought you decent you've been lying this whole time 211 at Dayton 83 your two day total hey pull the tie through tomorrow you head to the game right I am and what an honor to be up here you know Wisconsin's so beautiful and yeah I'm going to go watch tide play and I hope they win but met a lot of wonderful Wisconsin people this week that was good TI always great seeing you sir youever in Jasper Alabama he's a get out of jail free card Cody stuckle come on up EQ angler rolling out of Las Vegas and Nevada start off with 12-1 yesterday Cody got five in the bag better day today 15-7 so we'll move the right direction yeah got down to the lock a little earlier today so uh got onto my spot caught a four pounder right away and uh the fish were there I just lost one that would have gave me 17 plus but uh still a great day and got back through 58th Place nice job Cody 278 your two-day total Chris kingry come on up Chris yeah if you got fish I I don't know if we got guys floating out there or not but let us know so we can know what to expect Chris had 9913 yesterday 1110 today we moved the right direction yeah we went the right direction just never got a big bite in two days I don't know what I did wrong but just had a lot of fun just yanking on fish so I had a really good time here in Lacrosse everything's beautiful the people are super nice uh but I'm ready to get home yeah we uh been thinking for you about you this week your old family nice job I know it's been a tough week 1110 today 217 your two-day total again if you got fish and you uh need just let us know you're out there and get them bagged up so we can get you up here and get ready to weigh in I know Ricardo wants that to happen speed this thing up Garrett Warren come on up Garrett started off with 1414 day number one five more to go with it good day yeah consistent uh week for me 147 for you today 36th place that's probably going to be good enough to get you a check two day total of 295 nice job and in case you're wondering Anglers we will be cutting checks right after the way in it'll be 11th to 45th on the Boer side and uh all 40 non booer checks so we will be cutting those right after the end of the we in Levi Warner come on up out of Wisconsin 614 to get you started bringing up three more nonbo side got that limit three fish worth 8 lbs even all the way to Seventh Place good finish for you 14 14 your two-day total Aaron jackfield come on up former Adrien College angler 132 to get you started Aon five more better day not really had a lot of fun today though caught him on a jig and that's what I like to do so 1212 for you today two day total 2514 Claus ker come on up Claus ker I can't get Claus's last name right to save me all right all right Claus got 115 yesterday we're bringing in a limit today nice job you upgraded oh I had a good time good time called Lotti says 57 today 82nd Place good job 76 your two-day total thank you Claus Danny McGary Come On Up 179 to get you started yesterday had a great start five in the bag 148 puts you inside the top 10 16 pounds in an ounce all the way to fourth place for the Canadian so he's setting his sights on the championship Saturday with a two-day total of 3310 that way to go Danny let's he for him all the way to fourth place with 16-1 today all right get ready get the makeup on CU we're headed to Bass Live oh man it was a crazy day I've never really dealt with the locks before so it was a bit nerve-racking but I came uh kind of make a choice had three fish at about 1:00 and I was like I need to get back so I went to the lock and just made it in time and then came down here and scrapped together what I got so I'm excited to get out there tomorrow late draw definitely was in your favor today nice job Danny all the way to Fourth Place look forward to seeing you in the morning Brian post 16 pounds in an ounce day number one he calls Wisconsin home step on up five in the bag for Brian you need just a little bit more than what you had yesterday 163 puts you in the top 10 12 lb 14 o up to 44th place so we're hanging on to a check right now they cut the current off and pulled a few inches of water out and uh I didn't adjust correctly I caught probably 40 50 fish today just no size no three Pounders like yesterday so get a good points out of it though yeah yep and looking for the LA forward to the last one uh down at Heartwell in a few weeks and we'll wrap season up and see what comes next sounds good Brian always great seeing you sir good job 44th place right now going to be a good finish Josh Butler he's headed to the bassm classic via Logan Martin open Win earlier this year had a good start with 1615 yesterday 155 would put into the top 10 he's got it 15 lbs 14 o and Josh Butler moves into eighth place today total of 3213 Josh Butler setting sights on his second top 10 of the Year 3213 all the way to eighth well the last time you found yourself in the top 10 you holding a trophy at the end of the day that'd be nice um yeah I mean a CAU a lot of fish today not the uh quality that caught yesterday but we scrapped it together and uh hopefully we can hang on I'd love to get back out there tomorrow this place is fun sounds good Josh good job so far eighth place we don't have many more to go Nicholas vaner step on up didn't see Nick yesterday but we got you today finish strong yeah I uh I weit to fish at the Bassmaster open so now I got to go home and tell my wife I'm trading in the Glastron there you go get the big rig two six for you today thanks Nick we appreciate you you are on the board Brett Cannon come on up Brett's had a great division three here on the opens started off here with 114 yesterday five in the back today we're at 11 PB 7 o a little bit tougher here at lacrosse this week yeah I just never figured it out you know but it is what it is and we're going to go on to Heartwell and try to got to win this one I look forward to seeing it Brett nice job two-day total of 2211 Sam hangy come on up former Auburn angler Knoxville Tennessee where he calls home now turned EQ 9:14 to get you started yesterday Sam five more to add to it yeah it was another fun day uh nothing crazy didn't catch any big ones but got a bunch of top water blowups it was a really good times so 913 for you that does sound like fun 1911 your two day total Chase Clark come on up fresh off of top 10 over at Leech Lake 124 to get you started five more to add to it Chase yeah it was a little bit tough today uh I'd like to come back and get some Redemption though I got a lot of great support behind me with site mix carolot and uh and my family and girlfriend coming out to support so about to put it in the wind tomorrow and watch B live 1014 for you today Chase appreciate it 232 your two-day total Dylan Mayo come on up with the long day of fishing today all right five in the bag Dylan started with 1011 yesterday five more to go with it8 pounds 15 ounces appreciate you Dylan 1910 your two-day total tell Mike hello Tom L laka come on up Tom start it off oh we didn't see Tom yesterday we got you today though zero yesterday one today two more days of fishing can all may bring the limit 27 for you today good job sir we appreciate it and we'll see you next time Lake schroer step on up we got a top 10 this year on the opens down in Lake wash Hot Springs Arkansas at 104 yesterday Blake bringing another limit in today yeah not what I wanted this Northern swings really my tail but a lot of learning experiences and look forward to coming back and seeing youall hard well good 123 for you today Blake and yeah that's what's about a lot of times is learning these bodies of water matah Yuki matsa coming up matah started off with 123 day number one five more better day matah no not good see what we got 123 yesterday a little better 124 today 251 your two-day total going hold up a couple sure that's fine hang tight for me Logan and if you got fish let us know we got a few more coming in Ricardo is hanging out thanks moah Logan Johnson Jasper Alabama 712 to get him started EQ angler come on up Logan five in the bag today looks like you got after it a little bit better today a little better today got stayed off the sand bars is the main thing 7 uh 9:15 9:15 for you today Logan 1711 two day total Justin opard up on up Justin hey Anglers y'all watch out right there a little soft ground Justin started off with 411 one more to add to it yeah it was a tough day but uh was a nice day in general so had fun on anyways one5 for you today one5 six even your two day total thank you Justin BR Shore step on up EQ angler out of Idaho we talk about it but brand owns the company acq they make all the way bags for us for bass master we appreciate him as always 6 even yesterday Brent we moved the right direction today 11 even today I'll take it I take it you guys don't realize like this bass fishing is such a demanding job out there you know and I was thinking about it this morning as we get in a boat and we slice through the pungent sting of the morning air and getting the cold deep dark stairs of ducks and geese and other small creatures that think they're better than you you got an artist mine I do and dude and I flew into this crowd of geese and one of them dropped this call and it and I was blowing it and I forgot it in the boat but it went I never know what's going to happen when you come on stage well didn't you know how it goes what I do know though is you make great way bags and you're always a pleasure to be around 17 even thanks Brent we appreciate you I got tell nobody got the joke I don't I don't know if you have much on I don't know if you have much of a comedy uh future I'll I'll work on the next one wait till Heartwell I'll have one there all right BR thanks F 17 even two day total Braden Rees come on up and I'm not really sure what just happened we'll keep going raen start off with 611 yesterday 1010 we moved the right direction we'll head home to Harwell yeah looking forward to Heartwell but I I didn't have the the trip I wanted here at this league but I need to tell my son Bo happy birthday he turned three today and he's watching right now so hey Bo happy birthday I'm I'm gonna call you in the car bud that's so awesome yeah go take care of that that's really the number one thing we appreciate you 1010 today 175 your two- day total Jason Elliott step on up Jason all right 14-1 to get you started five in the bag today 142 you moved up a little bit 49th Place We Appreciate You Jason two day total of 283 Johan keing come on up Sean 72 yesterday three more to add to it on the nonbo side done seat Ricardo you need 1014 73 today jumps you to tie for 14th Place thank you sir nice job Trey schroer come on up 1411 to get Trey started had a great run in these division three events all the northern side 1411 day number one five in the bag today what we can get 1310 today 48th Place trade it's going to be a good finish for you yeah you know it felt good to have some consistent tournaments up here and uh looking forward to getting the Heartwell and wrapping up the season sounds good great job Trey as always great seeing you beer come on up or is it bow beaver I did that yesterday take two Roy Beaver come on up 72 yesterday three in the back today we're 79 you mooved the right way 12th Place good job for you two day total of 1411 view to come on up 112 to get you started bringing up five more in the bag today better day a lot of f but wrong size 1014 for you today two day total of 22 evening thank you you as always great seeing you sir Daniel Basquez step on up nonb side pound 12 ounces yesterday but you've upgraded nicely with a limit so good job by you yeah I was fun fishing with Vu um I needed to have a good day today so I'm happy for that 55 today 71 your two day total again last call for fish do we have any more out there that we know of 71 two day total for Daniel nice job 86 Place David Broman Chinko come on up out of Minnesota 10 pounds 13 oun day number one bringing up one more how you doing David uh not too bad I'm just thankful that my wife let me come and fish the division with you guys and I hope you guys have another schedule like this next time we have thoroughly enjoyed this run I can promise you that 131 two4 today 131 your two-day total Matt hman come on up Matt two pounds in announce to get you started three more to add to it we need to be three five Pounders and I think we've only had one five pounder brought in the whole tournament Let's see we can get you inside the top 40 though 53 53 for you 86 Place sir thank you very much 7 for you two day total Derek leton in come on up DK had a good start 1413 day number one little lighter he says bring in five though let's see what we can get see we can get you inside that top 40 1113 for you today 71st Place and we're headed back home yeah I got to say a big shout out to Ana that's helped me this year I'm looking forward to Heartwell and HDE them all my kids my wife in the audiio Derek as always pleasure seeing you sir be safe going back home I'll see you there Bradley June come on up got one in the back four even yesterday 33 today nice one 33 two day total 73 good job sir thank you very much appreciate you Nick trim we're ready set onall up 157 yesterday come on in with the trim crew 157 yesterday 14-7 today jumps you to 36 so uh yeah we're definitely going to get a check out of that I don't think we have too many more people to go yeah happy to salvage a check I had a really rough practice uh this is unfortunately going to Mark the end of my EQ run but uh I can't wait to get started next year and uh thanks for everybody coming out today it's been a pleasure getting to know you this year I look forward to seeing you next year Nick thanks for fishing with us and you get a check at the end of it all right hang tight I think uh we're getting a bumped we got a few more teams coming in all right all right let's see here you know think we got just zip we winding it down we still got a few more out in the parking lot last call for fish you guys need to let us know quick so I do like he's ready he's ready you know this is all the good news for the uh hot seat too is you always help me stall as well how we doing I'm nervous as hell I was about to swear but I caught myself kind of swear I guess we are in the north though I'm we're good we're good super nervous yeah I mean I think I went through the payout I'll tell you just in case you're wondering I don't know if you are or not you just want the trophy yeah Andy says he'll take the check Cindy says she'll take the check let's see where' it go I think it's a 15 grand if I'm not mistaken yeah there we go yeah $15,300 to be exact if you make it all the way but you do know we have a two8 high for first right well we did we did y we got Jimmy B brunfield and Rich Conrad they're they're still back there they were coming into this tournament are into today tied with 10 pounds 8 ounces and uh strategically they have not weighed in yet well that's not cool yeah seems I don't I guess you haven't watched too many bassm weigh-ins on day two or made it this long I mean it is like a three-hour Marathon I watched it when they're fishing I never watched the weighin yeah they're back there still Jimmy's been holding tight uh oh I think you are just realizing this it's okay it's respectable doesn't mean they're going to win it we've had this happen a lot of times all right we ready Brian bingston come on up we'll get it closer rich and Jimmy just chilling Brian had 713 yesterday three more to go today yeah no I'm just we we didn't catch them but I had an amazing time and I appreciate everybody who helped support me and all of you guys 614 for you Brian been a pleasure this year sir 1411 your TW day total thank you very much David rigs come on up 103 to get you started on the nonbo side man you had a good start just five ounces outside the lead rolling into today one fish in there so this was in range for you one fish where two lbs even does jump you to 42nd Place unfortunately going to be just outside but hope you had a good good time this week it was a good time two great uh voters this week so it was a good thank you sir we appreciate you oh boy I see them they have lined up all right so I guess what we do paper rock scissors to see who comes up first all right Ricardo we are down to the final two non booters so that does mean here's what I like to do first that does mean we are official down to officially we will make that official in a minute but the top 10 should be set for tomorrow on Bassmaster live again we'll go back and confirm it at the end but here's what we're looking at Chris helic with 34 PB and 6 o Chris bury 344 John inler with 3314 Danny McGary with 3310 Cody stall 339 Cody Meer 336 Matt Adams 331 Josh Butler 3213 Paul marks with 3211 and then there's 4 oun difference between 10th and 11th and our final angler inside the top 10 is going to be Garrett pette with 329 those are your top 10 Anglers let's give them a round of applause they're going to be battling it out tomorrow on FS1 and and it's going to be very interesting to watch that all unfold but now we set our SS to the nonbo right now Ricardo Guzman with 1715 is your current leader he is sitting in the hot seat and we have just two Anglers left with those two Anglers we're tied for first rolling into today let's do it let's go get it done all right you ready all right we're goingon to bring the first one up doesn't really I mean they both were tied he is from Arcadia Wisconsin come on up rich Conrad 10 PBS 8 O through his or his first day of fishing he's got three more in the bag right here in the middle Rich three in the F in the bag looking for 7 lb 8 oz 8 lb three o Rich Conrad's going to be your new leader let's shake hands real quick with Ricardo one more round of applause Ricardo going to be a great finish for you you're going to finish no worse than third place you're taking home a lot of money good job thank you sir what's that hold the fish up first let here for Rich Conrad nice job he is in the lead with 1811 come here you're not going far sorry he's all fired up 311 on that one and here we are sir sitting in the lead with just one angler left wish for the best I mean it's it's been a long road to get here I uh I fish a lot of big tournaments and been so close a few times within 10 ounces of winning a boat a few years ago so I've done well in the in another circuit that comes here and I have a lot of my mentors in the crowd here good great fishermen Great River Rats like the shirt says go have a seat there really quick we're not ready yet John B if you would hold Jimmy's fish because we're gonna get Jimmy up here to chat for a second Jimmy watch your step right there don't step on that mat let's bring him up here out of Madison Mississippi Jimmy brunfield also rolled out tied for the lead today and what we always do at the end because it's going to get crazy we like to chat for a minute and if you know Jimmy you know he's always going to have a good story to tell but we don't want to give away anything we don't want Rich to know anything about what you caught today I'm sure you guys have been chatting back there but I want to chance to thank anybody I know Keith out there I see him in the back but uh tell us about your fishing this week and anybody you want to thank well I had a great two days I had two good partners it was tough a little tougher today but I caught something like six Keepers and 12 nine keepers and believe it or not 15 uh minutes before I had to check in I C up one fish for 3 o and I had what I thought I was going to weigh in at 7:30 this morning I had three fish at 7:30 and never caught another fish that would cull it but uh I'd like to thank my family back home they all are watching the grandkids even the great grandkids uh 77 years old Hank I fished my first bass tournament on a little old Lake in Southwest Arkansas uh late Milwood in 1979 you know back then back then everybody was a pro you had to flip a coin to whose boat you was going to you know fish out of that day but it's been a long ride I appreciate uh bassm and what they've done and you and what you've done here for uh especially for us Christians that and a focus a fellowship with Christian Anglers and meeting places for us and it's just it's just been a good ride for me and I I really appreciate this and can't you can't beat a Wisconsin guy on his home water but take him down to the Mississippi River and Mississippi where I am in the in the oxos I'd show him how to really catch some big fish told you not to give away anything but we don't know yet but it been a great week I don't know that I've got him I don't think I do but uh you know that's part of the game uh if I finish in the top 10 that's okay uh if I finish 40th it's okay and if I don't catch a fish it's okay because I put the Lord first and that's uh that's what's important to me it's uh being in his way every day if I can and be a blessing to others but anyway it was uh going to be a good day I know because uh Lord woke me up this morning you ready ready absolutely go get them rich I need you right here we need to go side by side Jimmy brunfield out of Madison Mississippi coming into today with 10 pound and 8 oz courtesy of a bag that rich just dropped 8 lb and 3 o say you are going to need Jimmy 8 lb 4 o he does have a limit bring him up hand him to Austin and we'll get you guys side by side rich I need you in the Middle Jimmy I need you side by side looking for eight pounds 4 ounces on these three anything lighter it goes to Mr Conrad and three fish all alive and feisty making it dramatic five pounds in an ounce and that means Rich Conrad's going to be your champion there we go round of applause for Jimmy thank you sir and let's get Mr Rick Miller over here with the trophy courtesy St Croy rods and uh we're going home a champion uh amen perfect I love it how didd you get it done this week just did a lot of fishing you know I I fish a lot I'm a big fisherman on this River and I just fish really hard I it wasn't easy but today was brutal we didn't get locked down until 9:30 so I was pretty nervous but I got one real big key bite and that helped so we got her done ready to hold that up reach over there Rick Miller courtesy of St Croy rod and let's hear for your Champion Lacrosse Wisconsin on the nonmotor side $115,000 richer 1811 two day total Rich Conrad and Rich Let's see you hold that trophy high once we get that picture it is all yours my friend hold it up and Let's Get Loud for him Wisconsin he is going to be your Champion getting it done in the back of the boats I know you got a lot of folks out there you said a lot of mentors what about family anybody else you did haven't mentioned yet you want to thank uh I want to thank my boarders first of all uh Chris Bure he's in second just was on a pile of fish yesterday and we we really had a great day so uh just everybody I thank everybody I I just can't say enough one more round of applause he is your Champion we're going to get second place up here Ricardo come on up Rick if you would go ahead and bring those other two trophies up rich taking on $15,300 Ricardo you're going to be taking on $3,600 not bad for a $470 entry fee and M trainer I hope you're still out here here too step right on over here what you need all right let's get Ricardo up here Mac are you out here too MC trainer all right second place Ricardo Guzman 1715 2day total let's hear it for him nice job congratulations sir my out of the way any uh thank you should he didn't get in nice job I want to thank my wife she's the best she lets me fish all I want and she supports me I love her to death congratulations sir again one more round of applause for Ricardo and then M trainer are you here I haven't heard a yell yet I don't know if Max here so that means that's going to wrap that up if you're here we'll get it but if not we will mail you the trophy all right that's going to wrap it up we got to go backstage and firm up the standings day two Lacrosse Wisconsin is done we will set our sights on Championship Saturday where the top 10 will be battling out starting on FS1 takeoff right here veterans Freedom Memorial Park 6:30 a.m they're going to come in at 2:30 and we will see how it all goes down $447,000 on the line right at $10,000 through the top 10 it's going to be fantastic for all the voters and non boter who did cut checks today we're going to go back and verify those and print those off here in a moment for anything and everything on this tournament head over to and you can follow along Austin bass master Howard thank you sir for all your hard work today and the bass Nation thank you sir for all your hard work that's wrap day number two we'll set our sits on championships Saturday until then you guys stay safe and we'll see you tomorrow

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Carolina Panthers vs. Buffalo Bills | 2024 NFL Preseason Week 3 | Predictions Madden NFL 25

Category: Gaming

Today from high mark stadium in orchard park new york this is the nfl on ea sports it's the buffalo bills taking on the carolina [applause] panthers from the home of the bills since 1973 we are at high mark stadium just south of downtown buffalo brandon gard and charles davis on hand kickoff just moments... Read more