Golden Casino - Part 8 $10 Ohio Lottery Scratch Off Tickets - Double The Odds Challenge

good morning good morning good morning it's me Mama hen how's everybody doing this morning I am up bright and early this morning I could not sleep and the children woke me up this morning so I'm going to get started early maybe I can get a lot done today um We are continuing our $10 High nominations tickets for the double the odds Challenge Series that I kind of created for myself that I just wanted to do to Showcase all the tickets that Ohio has to offer in each denomination and we have the $10 Ohio lottery ticket called Golden Casino I have how many of these do I have I was supposed to buy eight here I will show you guys I was supposed to buy eight tickets and didn't realize for the double the odds challenge when I left that I only bought seven so so we're just going to go with it we're just going to go with seven we're almost finished with this series so I have tickets numbers 10 through 16 so if you have not seen this ticket before let's take a look at it it is quite the challenging complicated ticket here but it is very fun to play um so on game one you have to reveal three identical prize amounts or if you get this gem symbol then you can win 10 times the prize shown and I have not found that gem symbol yet on if you have if you are a scratcher and you have found that gem symbol let me know shoot me an email or let me know in the comments and I'll I'll go take a look at your video I'd love to see that on game number two just like any other scratch ticket winning numbers here's the winning number and then your numbers um you can also reveal a 20x symbol to win 20 times a shine price shown or a $100 symbol and you win $100 automatically so same way with that if you have found those two symbols let me know I would love to see your video and then on game three you're rolling the dice for each line and if you get if your dice total seven or 11 in any roll you win the prize shown but if your total equals 21 in any one of the roles then you win all three prizes for the game and then in game number four each row row one two or three you just have to find two identical symbols and you win and then down here this is just the bonus if you reveal a $500 burst symbol you win so if anybody has found that let me know I would love to see that game number five reveal three identical symbols in the same vertical horizontal or Di dial straight line and win the price shown and so let's take a look at the odds this is game number 826 the overall odds are 1 and 3.88 the claimers on this ticket are 1,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 and $1 million of course the top prize of $1 million will be paid out at 4,000 a year for 25 years or if you do the cash option award it's 500,000 minus taxes so woohoo come on million dollars so let's get scratching we're going to start off on ticket number 10 and let's see what we can find I hope everybody is doing well today if you are a current subscriber to my Channel please comment and like I would greatly appreciate it and if you are new to my channel if you could please comment like And subscribe and hit the Bell notification the YouTube algorithm should notify you when when I upload a new video every day or every other day and as always it is free to subscribe so I hope everybody is doing well and having a great time and having a great day I am going to use princess scratchers bottle opener keychain here she has plenty I believe still of these left I might have misspoke there if you would like like to see one of her scratchers or get one of her scratchers please look her up look up her YouTube channel it is called Princess scratcher she is scratching Florida lottery tickets Lottery scratch off tickets down in Florida and I love watching her Channel I love supporting her woohoo all right way to scratch all right we got $5 right off the back there this morning on our first game all right so please go check out her Channel she's a lot of fun she's a hoot and I love watching her scratch those uh The Game of Life tickets they're a lot of fun and there's another one it's like crack the safe it's a monopoly one I like that ticket too so please go check her out and give her a little support I greatly appreciate it if you haven't already heard about her and know about her she's a bigger Channel than than me right now and so you probably have already heard about her can we find us an 11 nope nine and 10 I'm just a little Channel all right we got us an 11 just getting started but I did finally reach 400 subscribers I'm really excited about that I'm not sure when this video will go up it may go up after or no it's this video is going to go up Friday today or no this is is going up Friday this will be going up after um so so this video is going to go up next week so probably by the time this video is up hopefully I'll have 500 subscribers woohoo we got us another $5 okay so far we've gotten back 10 and the minimum back on this ticket is $10 so can we find something else can we get some more to add to it it sure would be nice to find a lot more than that but I am thankful for that we will take it now I am not very quick witted and very quick on adding so I'm going to do this slow here so 9 + 3 is 12 so that is not a winner 9 + 8 I know is definitely not a winner at 17 and 3 + 5 is eight and that one is not a winner all right can we find two matchy matches horseshoes piggy bank nope come on horseshoes nope cupcake coin and cupcake so that that game was not a winner all right we're going to go on on to game five and then we'll scratch the bonus last for those of you that believe in the white line hey we got a white line and we won a prize it doesn't always work that way for me but it's usually Hit or Miss sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't all right two wishbones come on Wishbone nope we got lemons melon coin coin I don't believe there is any way now for us to win nope there isn't but I will go ahead and scratch those off just because I wanted to know all right and the bonus can we get a burst no I don't believe there's any winning combination for that $510 anyway so but hey we tried so hey we'll take it so we have a $70 session and so far we have back $10 so so it's a good start $10 out of 70 we're going to move on to ticket number 11 I hope everybody is having a great and awesome day I hope everybody is doing well life is hard and it can stink sometimes and sometimes you just got to relax and scratch uh that is what I do on this channel I enjoy scratching this is a stress reliever for me and I enjoy making these videos I enjoy uh having some camaraderie with the other scratchers I enjoy watching their videos I enjoy talking to them um it it's kind it's the scratcher family is very big and very wonderful and I just thly enjoy doing this so This Channel this is fun for me it is a job but yet it is fun so my channel may not be for you if you are not a scratcher and you do not understand um a lot of people cast judgment especially in lives when the trolls come in and I I just want to say that I am not addicted to a Gam Ling and I do not have a gambling problem I started uh doing scratch offs this year when I started this channel um so I actually started scratching off scratch offs in January and I started doing my first video in March you can go back and watch that I actually my very first video that I recorded I was so just in disbelief because it was a claimer it was a $1,000 claimer and it was my first video recording so no I I'm not addicted to gambling I do not have a gambling problem so please before you cast judgment on somebody give them the benefit of the doubt first um there's a lot of judgmental people in this in this world and I just think that's that's horrible uh don't cast stones if you live in a glass house so that's all I got to say about that so we have 12 and four we have four and one is five so that one is not a winner I will say that all the money that I have made so far scratching has rolled back over to buy more scratchers I am down right now but I am not down any more money than probably what somebody would go and spend on one vacation so yeah and we don't take family vacations you know everybody spends their money differently and we did take a small mini vacation this year with the children I did with my mom and and my kids we went up to Cedar Point but it's just before you cast judgment think about how much money you spend on entertainment purposes how much money do you spend eating out how much money do you spend vacationing how much money do you spend on lattes um because I don't spend any more money on scratch off tickets than what some people spend in other entertainment purposes like maybe going to baseball games football games basketball games hiking traveling you know everybody spends their money in different ways and just give some of these scratchers and the scratching channels the benefit of the doubt that they're not spending millions of dollars and going in debt and you know before you cast judgment a lot of these channels these big channels too are monetized I'm not monetized yet so yes all these tickets are coming out of my pocket but the big channels that are monetized that money that they make off of YouTube um that's what they're using to spend to buy their tickets and we are not promoting gambling this is for entertainment purposes only that's why we do this it's just it's fun and it's entertaining um I would like to get to a point where I am like a big Channel come on can we 5 $500 birth that way the money that I make off YouTube can pay for my tickets and that's my goal orange nope I knew that ticket was going to be loser rot nigs so so far we got 10 back out of 70 we're on ticket number 12 also think about the other YouTube channels that you watch how much do you think they spend spend on a business expense because this is this is all business expense how much do you think they spend to create their content how much do you think they got in supplies and video equipment and um whatever props they're using or whatever it is that they're doing in their video how much do you think they spend I bet you a lot of those YouTube uh content creators out there have spent way way a more money than a lot of us scratching Channels cuz at least the scratching channels have um the ability to make some of this money back and recruit some of our losses from the wins on our tickets but that is enough said that's all I'm going to say about that so trolls beware I have friends in the community so before you jump on my live and cast judgment just beware um judge not lest you be judged all right so we didn't find anything there we're going to move on to game number three that was just on my mind this morning and I just needed to say that so we got 14 we got 17 we have six can we find us another piggy bank nope not in the same row and no coin I kind of have a LoveHate relationship with this ticket because I love to scratch it but it is very hard to find winners on I know others it's just that's it's a gamble it's a hit or miss others have had success on it but star and I would love to share my spreadsheet with you guys I I know I've been talking about this that's why I can't wait to get monetized and I can't wait to um all right we got another white line here on 13 to get members because I would love to share my spreadsheet and show you um my odds that I have experienced on each ticket I'm going to share that um you know what I have spent how much I have made it it's really neat spreadsheet and what hits I've had on each ticket all right we did not find a gem and we did not find two identical prize amounts and I may start sharing some of that information by Gain come on seven on lives we'll have to see I also was able to take the spreadsheet and kind of just do some number crunching because Ohio does not tell you um um the minimum estimated minimum payback on a book like Texas does they don't put that all up there or like your overall odds per denomination like your what what is your odds to hit 10,000 what is your odds to hit 20,000 what's your odds to hit a million and so I kind of created this spreadsheet to figure all that out so we had 15 here and 17 there and 11 right so that one that's a winner yeah that's a winner woohoo so we got a prize right here come on let's see what it is oh I forgot you guys that's my bad I've been messing up I wasn't scratching all three numbers I'll go back and check that I was just talking and thinking it was only two dice I forgot there is three numbers so that's 13 that's [Music] 18 that's 19 so that's not a winner and I always scratch the barcode at the the end to see if I miss something but yeah on this spreadsheet I created it's really neat because I go down I break all that down but it also lets me see how many tickets I've bought what I've spent on each game and what I've made on off of each individual game and then it gives me my overall um no bonus what I have spent total my Tall come on coins all right so that one looks like a loser too let's go back and look 13 that one was the white line it was a loser so that's 14 that's 20 that's 18 and that's 10 so it didn't matter that one was a loser and that first ticket we'll double check that too 13 eight and 14 so that one was loser definitely let's check on that first one when we got 10 because I might have made a mistake there so nine that's 18 that's 22 right 9 10 17 22 and nine yep so this was losers all right we're going to move on to ticket number 14 come on 50 bucks 25 come on 10 100 and 50 got the 50 but it was too late we needed three and I will be glad if you are a scratching Channel and you would love a copy of my spreadsheet so that you can tweak it and put in your games um if you're all into crunchy numbers and you are good at using Excel you're probably better than me um I can send you a copy I just email me and let me know if you are interested in something like that and then you could just go in the file and just delete all the stuff that I put in there and you can put in your own stuff your own um numbers if you're into that sort of thing I'm kind of geeky like that into that so we got six nine and 14 we got [Music] four 10 oh and 19 we got six eight and nine nine and eight is 17 23 I can add I just can't do it quickly and the older I have gotten the slower I have gotten at it bananas lemon and grapes Plum grapes and Wishbone all right come on grapes right here nope Plum so we can't get a winner on this ticket there unless we can right here in the bonus with a $500 burst come on 500 no it's a key all right that one is rotten eggs so so far we have found one winner moving on to ticket number 15 we've gotten 10 bucks back out of 70 so I hope everybody is enjoying these videos I can't help but talk sometimes to them Wooh that's just me Mama hen when you get to be my age you kind of just want to share life's lessons with others and your experience knowledge wisdom and discernment you know it's what everybody's seeking and you got to have the three together they go hand in hand come on can we find something else to go with our 10 all right we got us a five we got us 20 3 + 3 is six + one is seven Wooh we got that one six plus 8 is 14 + one is 15 5 + 4 9 + 5 is 14 but hey we got this one let's see what it is $10 so we got 10 20 30 I know where this is headed come on cupcake and a seven coin and a coin woohoo there we go cherry and a golden bar all right $10 woohoo 10 20 30 40 all right lemon Bell Wishbone lemon Wishbone grapes Bell grapes all right this has got to be either lemon or Wishbone to win and it's a woohoo $50 wo there we go all right I know there's no $550 price so this is going to be a loser but hey we'll take it that was awesome thank you princess scratcher for that awesome fine that $50 ticket there what a great ticket so that puts us at what did I say this other one was 1060 so hey that's great we're back $60 now out of 70 can we go back to back last ticket ticket 16 it's a white line can we go back to back and possibly Break Even or turn a profit come on Casino golden Casino don't let us down help us go back to back help us turn the profit here 500 50 500 would be nice come on 500 wo come on 500 5 5,000 come on 500 5,000 all right come on 5,000 right here 5,000 right here today right here 5,000 $50 nope not a winner seven 11 two five one and three nope all right game number three 6 + 5 is 11 + 2 is 13 8 + 4 12 sorry about the squeaky grud door my son is getting ready to leave to go to school 15 5 + 5 is 10 + 6 is 16 cherries Piggy Bank coin and cherries cupcake and a gold bar banana Wishbone Wishbone Plum coins and a melon so there's no way to win down here we will go ahead and scratch it all right last opportunity come on $500 worst right here oh it's a key it's a loser but hey we'll take we'll take what we got and we will be thankful for it that was a nice two wins there we got $60 back on this session out of 70 so just for you mockers and for all of you out there these trolls let me get up and get a pen we got $60 back out of 70 so if you do the math what did I lose today I only lost $10 so this video cost me 10 physical dollars it may cost me my time but so does other content creators all right so today is what is today's date I know it's Friday I think it is the 30th yes it is today is August 30th so we are on part eight of my douds challenge this is the golden cassino and like I said it is Friday but this video won't be released until next week so this session cost us $10 and we made 60 so I think that is great didn't cost me that much money to play and have fun and put out a YouTube video for everybody else to enjoy too so take care everybody have a great and awesome day I know this video is a little bit long and I hope you enjoy it it just is what it is sometimes when you have more tickets the videos are a little bit longer um so thanks for joining me have a great day and I will catch everybody and see you on the next one take care thanks bye

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