Category: Sports
Serviz and from italy yic sinner [applauso] [musica] [applauso] al suo [musica] gioco appena la fa spostare un po' in difficoltà ma in netta difficoltà [applauso] finalmente finalmente si gioca finalmente in campo jannick sinner da numero un a flash in medow contro mckenzie mcdonald dopo tanti mesi... Read more
Category: Sports
Le immagini tornano in diretta dal campoo 5 dopo le 4 ore che ha impiegato hile hat numero 32 per recuperare du set di svantaggio a mitchell krueger vincendo 7-5 al quinto set il combattutissimo primo set la marta costio che la britannica tarte con vari set point cancellati con costio che poi ha dilagato... Read more
Category: Sports
Amici del grande tennis il saluto da parte di pietro nicolodi raffaella reggi ciao pietro buonasera a tutti avrei voluto dire sergio casall invece che pietro nicolodi poi ho guardato le foto che che ha messo oggi raffaella mi sono guardato allo specchio ho detto che non era proponibile la cosa quindi... Read more
Category: Sports
What the actual is this how does it happen how i have to wake up at 7:00 in the morning to see this bull result like why does it happen hogar let me live let me sleep through a first round match in peace brother let me sleep in peace and before youall ask why did you watch the match well maybe it's... Read more
Category: Sports
Should we get into what we we're going to get into get what we get into us open draw i can't believe we're here already here man last grand of the year it's quite sad i'm actually sad the year is basically done basically blood yeah but let's get to it should we start with a women's draw let's go women... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] lexus presents tennis on sky sports welcome back to new york we have some fantastic tennis to look forward to in terms of the women's semifinals but first of all of course we have to talk about jack drap and who better to look ahead to a semi-final then laura robson laura lovely to see you actually... Read more
Category: Sports
This is just embarrassing this is comical at this point players and fans have been begging for a vir system in tennis and we finally got it we got it people v v v wait what the first time they use the system they still got it blly wrong man what the f well if you don't know what i'm talking about then... Read more
Category: Sports
Buona domenica e buona giornata a tutti bentornati e benvenuti qui sul mio canale 10o episodio del tg tennis azzurro un episodio flash in quanto ieri sono stati pochi gli italiani impegnati solo sinner e bellucci e anche quest'oggi sono solamente due gli italiani in gara non perdiamo quindi altro tempo... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] lexis presents tennis on sky sports right there is only one place to start and that is with jack draper and his first quarterfinal in a grand slam and who better to have alongside me laura robson and tim henman to find out a bit more about ja about jack draper laori you know him very well let's... Read more
Category: Sports
Last week in the tournament we saw andy murray lost his last match with his brother on santa cour which you know to be honest with you was probably the best way to for him to go out i mean play on center court with his brother that was such an emotional moment when he's when the brothers hugged like... Read more
Category: Sports
How much of is an advantage of him getting the default over alex deonar today and i have to i'm i feel so bad for alex i mean it literally happened three points before the end of that match that he heard himself brutal way to go out of the tournament after having such a good year but just you know novak... Read more
Category: Sports
Oh [music] oh [music] oh [music] oh [music] oh [music] [music] Read more