I Spent The Night At Camp Crystal Lake On Friday The 13th - My Return To Original Camp Blood Tour!

for today's Creature Feature We Begin this video in Blairstown New Jersey the filming location for the original Friday the 13th in the original Friday the 13th film Annie on her way to Camp Crystal Lake walks through this pathway she actually walked through this way and out into the street we're heading over here where the establishing shot of this town was in the you actually have to go right over here in front of this waterfall near the Blair Academy entrance the reverse angle coming this way on the screen in the film right here June 13th I'll never forget that date Jason's birthday because that's my grandfather's birthday June 13th as mentioned Betsy Palmer Mrs Vorhees mentions at the end of Friday the 13th I am so stoked to announce right here up front in the video that I will be spending the night at the original Camp blood tonight I'm camping out at the original Camp blood this will be my second time visiting the original Friday the 13th filming location and recreating another screen grab from the original Friday the 13th Back In 1980 this building right here that's blue it was painted like a pink reddish color another scene of Annie walking down this sidewalk I will be waking up at the original Camp blood on Friday the 13th this is a dream come true Crossing off my Friday the 13th bucket list once again the Blair's toown Diner also a filming location Mr chrisy had a late night coffee before driving back to Camp Crystal Lake right here at this Diner tomorrow night Friday the 13th today if you're watching this video they're having an event out here a Friday the 13th celebration with the first Jason himself Ari Leman right here in the window they've got a flyer for some of the conventions they do out here Chris the girl made it for this awesome video check her video out his name was Jason a Friday the 13th fan film love that fan film they are embracing Jason Vorhees here at the filming location in the Blairstown Diner look CJ Graham one of my favorites Friday the 13th Part 6 also did a tour of those locations check out the photos this is awesome welcome back to the channel welcome if it's your first time I am Tampa J and the words of crazy Ralph you're all doomed if you stay here you're all doomed and tonight I will be so doomed because I am spending the night at camp Crystal Lake Goosebumps on my Goosebumps I am so excited for this moment I couldn't wait to get here this will be my second time visiting the original Friday the 13th filming location Camp noi bushu hope I'm not butchering that camp name it's a boy scout camp and Crystal Lake tours is the company the group putting on these tours out here at the original Friday the 13th movie tour Camp I will be spending the night inside one of the cabins from Friday the 13th waking up on Friday the 13th at the location of one of my all-time favorite movies this is a bucket list dream come true and jez man I I I'm speechless right now thanks for clicking on the video guys I'm going to document my experience today tonight and in the morning this is going to be a crazy video as far as the timing I haven't made anything like this before I have been out here for this tour before back in 2020 on Halloween I took the Camp Crystal leg tour the filming locations to The Original Classic Shaun s cutting ham we're talking about Tom savini uh Harry manfredini did the music Adrien King played Alice shout out to all the amazing actors and people behind the scenes to this film I am a fan of Friday the 13th this is the one that started it all and I'm so stoked to be here guys I've got to go do some shopping we are camping overnight Crystal Lake tours has asked us to bring sleeping bags uh flashlights we're going to watch the movie we're going to watch the movie tonight on the beach of Camp Crystal Lake right there on Crystal Lake where it all went down I am so freaking stuned right here on the highway in Blair toown thought this would be a great place to begin going to travel out to Walmart get my camping supplies I flew up here here from Tampa I'm in a rental car so I have nothing so I got to go buy that stuff I'll give you the rundown of the tour I'll show you some of the filming locations update you all night of what's going on are you guys ready happy Friday the 13th everyone and welcome to New Jersey we're going to Camp Crystal Lake again my return to Camp blood the original here we go there's much ahead also I just met a few people from Toronto that are fans of the film that was awesome just running into people out here all the time that are going on the tour tonight Camp noi Buu is 12 minutes away from downtown Blair toown but the nearest Walmart is about 30 minutes in the opposite direction I've got a few hours though check in is at 3:30 but I've got a few hours to go to Walmart and then drive from Walmart out to Camp blood and the closest Walmart to Camp Crystal Lake is actually located in Newton New Jersey and I have found the camp in section going to need a sleeping bag maybe a pillow oh here we go here's the sleeping bags something simple I decided to get this bag here this hiking bag because I can put my sleeping bag right there in it I'll just have to transfer my stuff that's a good tool that way I'm not carrying the sleeping bag around so tonight's tour will consist of us camping out at Camp Crystal Lake at Camp no bushu there will be no running water as far as showers this is a showerless tour just a heads up if you plan on taking this we get out of the the tour tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. I'm going to go straight to my next hotel after that and take a shower just just to let you know this tour cost 750 bucks with all taxes and fees it is very expensive this will officially be the most expensive tour I have ever taken is it worth it to me absolutely 100% the first tour I took was just shy of 300 bucks totally worth it would have paid double for it this staying overnight I totally get it it almost being double than their regular daytime tours there's not a lot of movies where you can do this ever the original locations untouched since 1980 it looks the same as it did in the movie also I might want to grab some bug spray you never know although this might be useful it can't blood I don't think they uh prent any kind of weapons during the tour so don't bring this don't buy this I mean you could buy it but just don't take it to Crystal Lake tourus I'm trying to conserve space they did say bring a pillow I'm going to get one of these little fleece things I'm going to use this as my pillow I'll either W it up or just keep it like that why not all right that'll work Friday the 13th sleep pants all right I might have to get some of these of course check it out these will be good they're 2XL they're a little big but I like them a little baggy these are $12.98 almost $13 look at that K kill kill M and I'm buying the same sweatshirt twice in less than a week I forgot my sweatshirt my hoodie in Michigan when I did the haunted house a few days ago and I bought this at another Walmart in Michigan I buy it again that's what happens when you forget stuff at home and almost forgot to get a flashlight back in the camping section where are the flashlights last thing I need here we go now I don't need anything fancy I might do something old school considering this is an 80s movie check out these uh Ray loocks those are very vintage maybe just a smaller one like this one would do yeah this little guy will do I like that he's Orange getting situated here about 200 bucks for all this stuff I did grab an extra bag for my road trip cuz I needed it I travel light I don't need to get on a plane so getting extra luggage here cuz I'll be traveling for the next 4 days back down to Florida watch ahead do it haunted houses all packed up and ready to go to Crystal Lake I got my charger here my cell phone charger it also charges my uh camera that I'm using right now it's a USBC that'll give me like five charges so that should be good I'll be all charged up charge my stuff on the way there too but yeah this is my pack I may not even need my sweatshirt it's pretty toasty out here you guys ready as I'm approaching less than 5 miles away I am so so freaking happy the first time I came out here man I had such a blast and to know I'm going to be spending the night is just blowing my freaking mind I mean look at this this is beautiful out here check this out who knew New Jersey was this beautiful right I knew it was beautiful I've been here before but you know you think of when you think of New Jersey you think of the the city parts right and I am now at the corner of mstop and sand pwn Road right up this road here less than a mile 11 Sand Pond Road is the address for the entrance of Camp noi bushu they said on online and I remember from last time they will not open the gates for the tour until exactly 3:30 we will actually be just backed up behind cars if we were to go up that road so I don't want to get there too early I'm going to get in line I'm passing the gate there's already a line here someone out there motioned me to get in line so this is why I didn't want to come too early it is uh 3:26 they're about ready to open the gates I got to turn around somewhere I just turned around I'm almost back to the main gate I just want to show you real quick the actual name of Camp Crystal Lake or Crystal Lake is Sand Pond this is the camp over here and as I got back up into line they opened the gate look at that timing right there yeah you don't want to come too early you're going to sit on this road for a while all right so here we are at the entrance there's the sign Crystal Lake tours tickets required a little backup here everyone's coming in I'd say there's like 15 cars ahead of me and as I'm waiting in line here I just want to mention that you cannot come back into this Camp unless you are on one of these tours just so you know my souvenir ticket my second one this is freaking ridiculous I can't believe this is going down also got my wristband VIP Thursday and we're progressing look at this this is New Camp noi Buu I don't remember that the last time new to me cool sign and through the trees down the hill you can see the freaking Lake yeah Sand Pond Crystal Lake we're going to park right up here to the right Camp straight ahead I ready to make that right wow so beautiful Jason he's down there waiting for you all right so they said leave the camp gear in the car right now we can take our camp chairs if we have them so I'll come back for my pack I don't need much right now it's a beautiful day out here everyone's gathering over here there's a lot of people in this group parked here right behind me all right something new to the tour we get this backpack what okay a lot of new things coming to this tour today that we didn't do last time and they gave us this pamphlet that has all the rules on the front also all the merchandise we can buy here this weekend 133% off of course I'm so excited we're going to be able to see stuff there's new stuff out here that wasn't available to us last year not just merchandise but screen used stuff from the actual movie this is so cool all right they gave us a few minutes we're going to gather up we're going to go do a restroom break and officially start the tour now I don't remember doing a group photo last time I'm not so sure but we're doing it this time everyone's getting a photo right here under this sign and for some reason my bag that I got didn't have one of these cool water bottles they just handed me one got one now awesome this is this makes my second one and so we've been asked not to film the actual tour so I get it no spoilers I understand that completely things have changed here and uh so I'm not going to film The Tour but I will give you the update once we go get dinner and going to be out here watching the movie so much ahead I'll show you pictures later this is the camp this is the lake you can see this on their website this is the picture on the ticket right here here it is in the Reel and just a brief look at the gift shop we'll have so much time to come back here and look at stuff I'm most likely going to purchase a t-shirt this time let like we can fill up our bottle with drinks they got lemonade raspberry iced tea last time I was here it was cold so I got hot [Music] chocolate thank you it's blowing my mind I'm going to spend the night out here I actually feel like I'm coming to the movie a part of the movie just like a counselor oh man this is awesome Co update on the tour we're going to go eat dinner now it's 5:39 so I guess what's going to happen is we're going to see filming locations throughout the night and we walked through the actual Camp kitchen and there was so much good food provided to us and look I absolutely cleaned my plate and this is actually all you can eat although I'm just going to have one plate cuz technically that could be my last meal and just a little update on the tour having a great time making a lot of friends you get a lot of time to roam around and take photos right now we're on another break uh before we presum or reso the actual filming locations tour so this will go throughout the night we're going to go to some of the locations in the dark of course and uh just having a really good time man I couldn't wait to get up here um not really supposed I guess I was asked not to film like the tour portion but I can give updates so there you go so I'll give you updates and also I'll share more pictures with you you can take all the pictures you want out here as they told me as long as you don't you know film the tour guides or photograph the tour guides and what I'm going to do is check in with you periodically like this here are the photos I took since the time right before I started the tour really cool stuff you see out here some of the stuff untouched 100% those are some of the tents you can stay out here that's also an option right on the lake you can stay in the tents you can camp in the tents there's the lake there's the cabin the shower cabin there's me in front of the tents there's the uh that's brinda's cabin that's actually where Kevin Bacon uh got killed they're right there in the bunks right there that's actually Brenda's bunk right there same cabin really cool stuff out here yeah just took a lot of pictures this is what you can do out here when you come out here and of course there's a lot of stuff these uh tour guides are very knowledgeable of the movie they know all the secrets I learned a lot of stuff today I had no idea they have upgraded out here look at that sunset at Camp Crystal like what a dream come true over here is the tent we'll be watching the movie tonight so awesome continuing the tour if you take a screenshot last longer look at that I can't believe I'm here he comes up this is a really beautiful evening the weather here in New Jersey right now I think it's about 68 69° or at least it might be a little warmer than that but that's that's what it feels like that's like the perfect temp for me I don't think uh I'm going to have to use my hoodie tonight but I might might get down pretty cold I think it's supposed to get down the 50 so odd are I'll put that on having a really good time in this tour uh a dream come true still can't believe Sun's going to go down and we're going to watch the movie right over here beside the lake and we're going to sleep overnight oh a fish just jumped this is a cool spot cuz right over here is where you see Miss forhe hand you don't know it then and you you hear the for the first time all right making our way around the camp to the next tour spot it's starting to get very dark out here and guess what I left my flashlight in the car oh boy not too dark yet look at that you going to definitely wear comfortable shoes when you come out here you are camping being out here at night is so sick this is the archery range just spent about 10 minutes here took a lot of photos 4 hours until Friday the 13th 4 hours in about 10 minutes yeah so I got that flashlight but I left it in my my pack and we haven't gone back to get it but thankfully I got my cell phone it's got my light on it all right here you go this is where this happens ah I think he chopped it like three times over there's the mess hall where we began and had dinner we're walking back towards the vehicles because a lot of people want to grab stuff it's not time to grab our stuff to go to go to where we're staying tonight that's been kind of a mystery and I like that like we have no idea where we're sleeping tonight all right that was like my favorite part of the tour right there the first kill spot of the entire franchise if you seen the movie you know come take the tour we're heading to the next spot later we're going to watch the movie and we we've seen all these spots in the Reel I am just going to like my mind is just going to be blown watching the movie right here and they've lit up the parking lot area so we can see in our cars that's really nice so yeah I'm just going to go ahead and get my book bag right now that way I don't have to come back later my book bag my camping bag dude I can't believe I'm about to camp out here all right so I'm going to just grab my bag bag also I forgot to grab something out of here didn't realize it but there's more stuff in here they give us hand sanitizer they give us uh hopefully it's in here let's see what else is in here oh wow that's cool drink coaster there should be oh yeah here it is so look at this I get to take this empty bottle and fill it with the water from Crystal Lake that's part of this VIP package that's really neat I actually bought this the last time I was here you can also buy it too they also have like sand and stuff in the gift shop from the uh Beach but yeah that comes with the tour so I'm going to fill that at some point before we leave tomorrow it is the real deal out here this is so much fun and I got my pack on look at that ready to roll for the rest of the evening and look at this finally I don't even know how to turn it on got the flashlight yeah here's a sign we took the group photo so much better at night okay what's freaking sick is they're playing the Harry manfredini soundtrack to the movie there's crazy Ralph's bike there's the Jeep back there and then over here we got the sign at the Target and also the truck back over there it's a really cool photo spots there's a lot of stuff on this tour that we did not get the last time I was was out here it is incredibly awesome so this is the replica but inside right over there we could probably see it better at night is the original Camp sign yeah you can see it way better also that's a screen used all that's pretty much screen used they said that that coffee cup came from the Blairstown Diner don't know if it was in the movie but that used to sit next to the cabin the main cabin that totem pole over there it was actually there the last time I was here tow the original sign from Friday the 13th we meet again that's so sick I time to refill I I'm not getting anything but this raspberry iced tea cuz it's freaking good and look at this they surprised everyone with a blanket Camp Crystal Lake blanket for tonight's tour it's the gift that keeps on giving I think I can fit that in my pack pretty cool there you go fits perfect and we have big gun making our way down to the lake to watch the movie so they placed this nice little tent right down by the lake all right so here's my spot someone had an extra chair this is where I'm going to sit and watch Friday the 13th right beside Camp Crystal Lake the the bottom there's the docks out [Music] there disi know slightly War look at that dude i' never dreamed that I would have s'mores and get for at the Friday the 13th location that's cool why you go go ahead I like that it's not all the way melted that's my favorite and we were handed popcorn look at that [Music] that was so amazing watching the movie right there by the lake looking over seeing it happening on the screen where it happened in real life there is nothing that tops that one of the best movies one of my I mean one of my favorite movies of all time just being here living it right here at night there's the main cabin behind me so they're letting people go back to their cars and get their stuff I already got my stuff and we're supposed to come back here and choose the cabin so the restrooms are back up the hill at the main cabin but also there's porta potties out here if you need to go a lot quicker could be the scariest part of the night right staying here at this camp tonight it's just a dream come true I feel very lucky it is a very pricey tour and um I I say if you're a super fan of Friday the 13th specifically you know the original movie it is so well worth it and you know I I would have paid a little more for this experience we do have a lot of time out here a lot of freedom um I do recommend for your first time come in the daylight because you get more opportunities for photos this is a treat coming back for the second time I will say out here at night is the best experience just like in the movie this is so freaking awesome I want to thank you guys for being here thanks for watching and happy Friday the 13th for today's Creature Feature got to learn how to do this flashlight I'm going to get a refill we're about ready to head down to the cabin and I got one more round of tee te still going going to head back down the hill and figure out where I'm sleeping everyone went back out to their cars to get their stuff all right so get this they have already assigned us a cabin because I'm by myself and I have mail I am in the mail cabin which happens to be the main cabin from the movie so I will be staying in the main cabin in the movie tonight and as I'm walking down to the lake I can hear John melan Camp playing another hooer wow right here the final battle between Alice and Mrs Vorhees right there so freaking cool and there's the tents that you can also stay out here I got the cabin but they they do have tent options I think it's all the same price just have to specify what you want come check them out Crystal rake lake radio this is freaking awesome oh check out the moon out there wow dude you can see the peak right right there in the movie here today too freaking Crystal like all right so I think in the morning I'll get my bottle out one the last things I'll do is bottle up me some water in the little H glass bottle they gave us for the VIP EXP experience there's so many different tours you can take out here so check out the website in the description below I uh again if you haven't been here I recommend taking the the full daylight tour so you get more of the filming locations but when you come back come at night cuz this is amazing canoe 6 just like in the movie and welcome home main cabin this where I'll be camping tonight oh yeah killer mommy killer looking back at the lake it's amazing all right I guess it's time to choose the bunk oh look at this in case of emergency got an emergency radio that's really nice time to get situated get my pack out this is freaking awesome so got this blanket actually might use this as a pillow tonight all right here I am in the corner got my pack all spread out got my makeshift pillows my bag down here got a nice little table little nightstand and look I got a place to charge my phone first come first serve I think uh getting your pack and taking it with you and not going all the way back to the car you get first divs I'm a messenger of God you're all doomed if you stay here this is the right where he said it and that's right where I'm sleeping yes dude I'm so happy sorry it is officially Friday the 13th as I stand here in front of the main cabin that I'm about to sleep in lights are officially out everyone's in they will be back at 7:00 a.m. to knock on the door to wake us all up so all [Music] [Music] [Music] that was cool good night all right got the flashlight on walking out to the lake a lot of folks out here taking pictures kill k k k k this is so awesome freaking Camp Crystal Lake at night kill kill kill kill that's one of the other cabins you sleep in that's the co-ed cabin not even scary at all but just think about the movie you just watched I'm seeing all the scenes play out right now I've seen my whole entire life and just now over there to see on that screen and sit there where they actually went down this a this is worth every penny to me that's where I'm staying tonight right there the main cabin Jason are you out there Jason kill her mommy kill her he's out there waiting for you just imagine Ari leing coming out of the water right now he's supposed to be here today later today the Blair toown Diner it' be cool if he just like popped up hey first Jason's here okay so I'm going to get some sleep and I'll check back in with you guys in the morning waking up Camp Crystal Lake on Friday the 13th yeah went to bed and woke up on Friday the 13th all right it's 2: a.m. am noring actually came out here cuz I had a lot of tea today and I got a pee I haven't slept much I'm just too excited to sleep about some Camp Crystal Lake cornhole at 2 a.m. I hear now it's so dark out here now I don't know if you can see the lake cabin over there barely see so here the ow so dark now you can see the leg getting freaked out where's Jason at or Mrs for all right I better get some sleep I got a long trip ahead of me I leave here tomorrow haunted see the stars [Music] survived we survived good morning Camp noi bushu attention campers you you are alive okay is that amazing we have just woken up a Camp Crystal leg the main cabin this is so cool so it's 7:00 got to gather up my things and uh we're headed to the mes hall for breakfast I got to get that water out of the lake all right goodbye bed was pretty comfy wasn't too bad his name was Jason right there all right now it's time to fill my bottle up check this out got my pack right here I did it I camped at Camp Crystal Lake I did it I camped at Camp Crystal Lake and look how beautiful it is out here oh my gosh I would have loved to been a boy Scout growing up here I always wanted to do that when I was a kid but then I saw a movie called Friday the 13th nah that didn't change anything thing just didn't have the opportunity all right so I'm going up to use the morning facilities I did bring my toothbrush with me so I will at least brush my teeth yes no showers got to check into my hotel in Pennsylvania tonight so probably hit up the shower first thing all right plenty of vacancies last door on the right good morning Camp noi Buu didn't drink all my tea last night I got some morning tea and also they've got hot coffee up there waiting for us breakfast kicks off at 8 I tell you what I'm pretty hungry I didn't go too hard on the uh dinner last night which was very good by the way um it was catered in from a local restaurant it was all you can eat but I just wanted to make sure I didn't eat too much um the s'mores I had three s'mores actually two and a half I just had Marsh on the third one so um yeah that was hours ago I ready to eat is what I'm saying delicious breakfast here French toast scrabbled eggs sausage and a nice little fruit cup so with the tour we got one free 8 by10 photo with the sign or any of the props that we choose also you could get a Polaroid I got the Vintage Polaroid shot right here Camp Crystal Lake 1980 there I have I'm Mrs Vorhees a good friend of the Christies they moved the Jeep in front of this sign here so we're going to do one more thing here on this tour we're going to go back down to the lake and they're going to allow us to canoe and that will be the last thing until the tour concludes I can't express how much fun I just freaking had that was a great experience and I cannot wait to do it again can't wait to get Chris the girl up here too I know she really like this tour plans much ahead right here at Camp noi bushu and shout out to all the guys here at all the guides and everyone that helped behind the scenes here uh the cooks everyone that does just a phenomenal job out here at the camp thank you so much for all the accommodations and making this a really special tour So yeah thank you guys I had a great time and uh really appreciate yall just bumped into another YouTube channel out here very nice uh guys rkg and they're all the way here from London so check them out all right so the last thing we're doing here is canoeing I got my life jacket check this out the canoes I think most of them say six like in the movie all right I got the picture on my phone it's out in the canoe went out to the spot where Jason pops out of the lake you can see the canoe right behind me that was that spot it was really cool to just be there next to it we got it from the coast last night on the tour but to be right there where Ari Leman pops out and gets Alice at the end of the movie that was freaking sweet there we go just showing you the pictures here didn't want to get my uh you know drop my phone did get a little wet just a little bit could took in just a little water but yeah not too bad just a some wet shoes I got extra socks with me Camp has officially been dismissed they handed this awesome guide map this will be the rest of the locations outside of the camp within 13 miles back at Hope in Blairstown it's really cool that they give you this map so you can find the rest of the movie filming locations and also look at this there I am right there they asked us if any of us wanted to play dead and couple people volunteer this was a great group group got to talk to most of these people out here and it's time to depart I'm going to grab my pack I left over here in the mess hall Friday the freaking 13th the movie The Day and the filming location bucket list checked off once again I want to thank you all for watching this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe below if it was your first time if you like Friday the 13th and you enjoyed this video please let me know hope you enjoyed the experience and come out here if you're a Super Fan like me it's worth every penny and if you're not a super fan of Friday the 13th this is one of the only movie location tours that you can spend the night and experience over 80% of the movie as it was 44 years ago there's not too many places you can do that but you can do it here at Crystal Lake tours I'm going to end this video I've got 3 hours to drive to my destination tonight going to walk through a haunted house haunt season is on we're getting close to Halloween I did it I survived Friday the 13th wow that was a dream come true thanks for watching guys thanks for sticking to the end Jason's right down there Sand Pond Crystal Lake also I've checked out all these locations before in that last video so if you want to see all the uh all the locations that's in that last video I made few years back there'll be a link in the description below all right know you're awesome know you're loved and no matter who you are what you're going through just know that there's always much ahead yeah and we leave Camp happy Friday the 13th best Friday the 13th ever for myself K like that the exit sign is just like the camp sign lovely com same shape also want to give a shout out here at the end almost forgot I took a photo with these love lovely people they are from Toronto this is Jen and Ryan I bumped into them at the Blairstown Diner yesterday when I started the video they're subscribers of the channel and they said that they saw my video uh the original one that I made out at the Camp Crystal Lake tour and it it sparked their interest in coming out and taking the tour themselves and little little did we know that look at that that's magic right there those are the moments I live for they they were a sweet couple we talked it up uh ate dinner and breakfast with them Jen and Ryan shout out thank you for making my Camp Crystal Lake tour so uh much more amazing nice people hope you guys had a safe trip home all right at the end I'm heading into town Newton to finish up this video put it out oh yeah Friday the 13th very relevant

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Category: Entertainment

Geht man nach vorne hier ist am wenigsten wind für die kleine ja w nein überhaupt nicht w k euch einr gut wir werden trocken lassen so ich denke mal ich sollte mein hut auszehen mein hut gleich weg hast so eine schöne kurz willst du mir deine kppi geben danke [musik] wenn alle gut festthaltet dann gehen... Read more

Arbeit oder Rausschmiss? 😱 Die Girls legen sich ins Zeug! 😬💪 | Davina & Shania – We love Monaco #19 thumbnail
Arbeit oder Rausschmiss? 😱 Die Girls legen sich ins Zeug! 😬💪 | Davina & Shania – We love Monaco #19

Category: Entertainment

Wir haben richtig ärger papa droht uns rauszuschmeißen ja mir reicht jetzt langsam wenn die kinder jetzt nichts auf die reihe bekommen dann muss ich sie zwangsläufig rausschmeißen aber papa kann schon ja nicht so nett sein wenn er sauer auf uns ist papa ist ein bisschen ja enttäuscht von uns weil wir... Read more

Maryland State Fair - Fried Watermelon - State Fair Cryptids - Unusual Carnival Rides thumbnail
Maryland State Fair - Fried Watermelon - State Fair Cryptids - Unusual Carnival Rides

Category: Travel & Events

[music] hey you all carpet bger here coming to you live from the north more specifically we are in luther timonium maryland and even more specifically than that we are at the maryland state fair of course i am personally on a mission to visit every state fair and today we're going to be checking off... Read more

WEEK IN FIRE ISLAND | Ocean Beach + Ocean Bay Park + Sailors Haven | Best things to see, eat and do thumbnail
WEEK IN FIRE ISLAND | Ocean Beach + Ocean Bay Park + Sailors Haven | Best things to see, eat and do

Category: Travel & Events

[music] [applause] [music] for the past 26 years every summer our family on our mom's side has spent our vacation in ocean bay park our mom is the oldest of three siblings one brother and one sister but to us they're uncle jeff and and kathleen better known as the nelsons and gades as you can tell in... Read more

Julio: Inauguración olímpica con TOYOTA. y pongo a punto mi PRÓTESIS! (Parte 11/12) #roadtoparis2024 thumbnail
Julio: Inauguración olímpica con TOYOTA. y pongo a punto mi PRÓTESIS! (Parte 11/12) #roadtoparis2024

Category: Entertainment

Hola a todos soy deire y me falta un [música] pie hola chicos cómo estáis bienvenidos a un nuevo vídeo mi nombre es desi y hoy es muy temprano estoy con la cara de recién levantada y estoy aquí un parque porque he llegado temprano a una cosa que vamos a hacer hoy y aprovecho para haceros el resumen... Read more