Michael Phelps' Secret to Success: The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Welcome [Music] Introduction imagine a part of your brain that never sleeps never rests and controls 95% of your life without you even realizing it it records every experience Works in silence and has the power to shape your reality what if I told you that you can tap into this hidden Powerhouse and use it to transform your life today we're exploring the subconscious mind what it is how it operates and most importantly how you can unlock its incredible [Music] What is the Subconscious Mind? potential let's start by defining the subconscious mind it's the part of your brain that operates below the level of conscious awareness constantly working in the background your conscious mind handles about 5% of your daily activities decision-making planning and analyzing while the subconscious controls the other 95% managing everything from your heartbeat to your habits Freud the father of psychoanalysis introduced the idea of the subconscious as a storehouse of repressed memories and desires but Carl Jung took this further describing it as the gateway to the collective unconscious a reservoir of human experiences modern psychology has expanded on this showing that the subconscious is far more powerful than previously thought it's the engine that drives your beliefs emotions and automatic [Music] responses consider this you don't need to consciously think about every step when walking your subconscious mind controls your muscles balance and movement while your conscious mind can focus on other things think about how many things you've learned that became second nature like riding a bike typing on a keyboard or even driving all thanks to your subconscious mind The Subconscious Mind’s Role in Everyday Life your subconscious mind is like an advanced autopilot it handles most of your day-to-day tasks so that you don't have to consciously think about every action habits like brushing your teeth making coffee and even your posture are controlled automatically but here's where it gets fascinating your subconscious isn't just managing physical tasks it's also dictating your thoughts reactions and emotional responses Studies have shown that up to 40% of our daily actions are purely habitual driven by the subconscious mind and often we don't even notice it happening let's take a look at Charles doig's work in the Power of Habit he found that habits are formed in a loop queue routine reward once a habit is ingrained the subconscious takes over and executes it without the need for conscious thought this allows you to conserve energy for more demanding cognitive [Music] The Power of the Subconscious Mind tasks the power of the subconscious mind the sheer power of the subconscious mind is staggering it processes 11 million bits of information per second while your conscious mind only processes about 40 bits this means that most of the stimuli you're exposed to the sounds sights smells and Sensations are being registered by your subconscious without you even realizing it what's even more amazing is how the subconscious governs your emotional responses when you meet someone new and feel an instant connection or distrust that's your subconscious mind tapping into its vast Storehouse of past experiences memories and subtle cues like body language it makes decisions in the blink of an eye often before your conscious mind even catches up ever felt a gut instinct about something maybe you walked into a room and immediately sensed tension even though no one had said a word that's your subconscious at work picking up on non-verbal signals like posture tone and facial expressions Malcolm gladwell's blink discusses how split-second decisions made by the subconscious are often more accurate than those made through conscious deliberation if you're enjoying this so far don't forget to subscribe to the channel there's so much more to learn about the incredible potential of your [Music] The Language of the Subconscious Mind mind the language of the subconscious mind the subconscious doesn't communicate with words it speaks in images symbols and emotions when you dream for example your subconscious is expressing itself through metaphors and Abstract imagery it's also why emotions can be so powerful there the subconscious mind's way of signaling important information think about it have you ever had a hunch about someone or felt uneasy in a situation for no logical reason that's your subconscious sending you a message based on past experiences stored memories and cues you aren't consciously aware of take the fight or flight response when you sense danger your subconscious mind activates this response before you consciously register the threat your heart races adrenaline surges and your muscles tense up all of this happens in an instant demonstrating how the subconscious controls your survival [Music] The Subconscious Mind & Dreams instincts the subconscious mind and dreams dreams are one of the most direct ways we experience the subconscious mind while we sleep the conscious mind rests but the subconscious is busy processing emotions unresolved thoughts and experiences from the day dreams are how your subconscious communicates its deeper insight often using symbols that represent your inner struggles or desires Freud famously called dreams the royal road to the unconscious but today we understand that they serve a more functional purpose dreams allow your brain to reorganize information solve problems and process emotions recurring dreams often point to something unresolved in your Waking Life that your subconscious wants you to address according to sleep studies your brain waves shift into Theta frequencies during REM sleep the phase where most vivid dreams occur in this state your subconscious mind is highly active working through emotions and experiences it's also why lucid dreaming the practice of becoming aware of your dreams and controlling them can be a powerful tool for personal How Habits Shape the Subconscious Mind growth your subconscious mind is built on patterns and repetition every time you repeat an action you are strengthening the neural Pathways in your brain that store that habit over time these Pathways become so strong that the behavior becomes automatic this is why habits both good and bad are hard to break they're deeply ingrained in the subconscious but here's the good news just as habits are formed they can also be changed by consciously repeating new behaviors you can rewire those neural Pathways and form new positive habits let's take learning to drive as an example at first it requires full concentration you have to think about every turn every signal and every movement but after a while it becomes automatic you can drive while holding a conversation or even planning your day the same principle applies to any habit from exercising regularly to procrastinating it's all in the hands of your [Music] The Subconscious Mind Takes Everything Literally subconscious the subconscious mind takes everything literally here's a fascinating and sometimes problematic truth about the subconscious mind it takes everything literally it doesn't understand sarcasm or jokes so when you say I'm such an idiot your subconscious mind believes it this is why the language you use with yourself is so important positive affirmations are effective because they leverage this literal nature when you repeatedly tell yourself I am confident or I am successful your subconscious mind accepts these statements as reality over time this shapes your beliefs and actions to align with those affirmations psychologist Claude Steel's research on self-affirmation Theory shows that positive affirmations can reduce stress boost confidence and improve performance when you speak kindly to yourself you're reprogramming your subconscious to adopt those beliefs which in turn influences your behavior if this resonates with you hit the like button below your support helps the channel grow and keeps us bringing you more transformative How to Harness the Power of the Subconscious Mind content how to harness the power of the subconscious mind now that we've explored the incredible capabilities of the subconscious mind let's dive into how you can actively harness its power to transform your life imagine having a tool that is always working always processing and that can be programmed for success that's exactly what the subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can be used to reprogram your beliefs habits and reality one of the most effective ways to harness the power of your subconscious is through visualization this technique used by some of the world's top athletes and high performers involves mentally rehearsing your success before it happens it's a process where you create Vivid images in your mind imagining yourself achieving your goals the more emotionally charged and detailed the visualization the more your subconscious accepts it as reality take Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps as an example Phelps one of the most decorated Olympians in history used the power of visualization to prepare for his races before every swim Phelps would mentally rehearse every single stroke of the race down to the feel of the water The Sounds around him and even the obstacles he might face he didn't just imagine the perfect race he visualized how he would overcome challenges like making a bad turn or water filling his goggles this mental practice gave his subconscious the blueprint for Success during the 2008 Beijing Olympics Phelps experienced one of those very obstacles in real life in the 200 met butterfly final his goggles filled with water halfway through the race leaving him unable to see but because Phelps had mentally rehearsed every possible scenario including this one his subconscious mind took over he knew exactly what to do he swam the rest of the race blind relying on his internal visualization to guide him and not only did he finish the race he won setting a world record this is the power of the subconscious mind at work you don't need to be an Olympic Athlete to benefit from visualization spend just 5 minutes a day vividly imagining your goals picture yourself already having achieved them feel the the emotions see the details hear the sounds around you the clearer and more emotional your visualizations are the more powerful they become by doing this regularly you're feeding your subconscious mind the mental blueprint for Success just like Phelps did another powerful method to harness your subconscious mind is through affirmations these are positive present tense statements that you repeat to yourself regularly such as I am confident or I am capable of achieving My Dreams by consistently telling your subconscious these affirmations you reshape its programming gradually overriding any negative beliefs that may be holding you back it's essential to be mindful of the language you use not just with others but with yourself words have power and the thoughts you repeatedly entertain become part of your subconscious programming think of it like planting seeds each time you speak positively about yourself or your goals you plant a seed in the fertile soil of your subconscious over time these seeds take root and grow into beliefs that shape your actions but the same is true for negative thoughts if you constantly tell yourself I'll never be able to do this your subconscious believes it and it reinforces that belief in your behavior finally meditation and mindfulness are powerful tools for connecting with your subconscious meditation quiets the conscious mind creating space for you to tap into the deeper layers of the subconscious by regularly practicing mindfulness you become more aware of your thoughts habits and emotional patterns which allows you to consciously reprogram negative Tendencies and align with a more positive mindset start with a simple 5-minute meditation each morning focus on your breath and visualize your goals during this time let this practice set the tone for the day directing your subconscious toward positive productive The Subconscious Mind is Always Awake actions the subconscious mind is always awake one of the most fascinating aspects of the subconscious mind is that it never sleeps even when your conscious mind is resting your subconscious remains fully active processing the day's experiences emotions and unresolved issues this is why sleep is so crucial for mental and emotional health it's when the subconscious does some of its most important work during sleep the subconscious reviews and organizes the information you've taken in throughout the day it sorts through your emotions reinforces newly learned skills and even solves problems many of History's Greatest thinkers like Thomas Edison and Salvador Dary understood this and intentionally used sleep to tap into their subconscious for Creative inspiration Edison famously held metal balls in his hand while sitting in a chair as he drifted into sleep his grip would loosen dropping the balls and waking him up in that in between state of wakefulness and sleep known as the hypnogogic state he often found answers to the problems he had been pondering this was his way of accessing the creative power of His subconscious mind in addition to dreams you can use techniques like lucid dreaming to consciously interact with your subconscious lucid dreaming is when you become aware that you are dreaming and can take control of the dream's narrative it's a powerful tool for self-discovery problem solving and even emotional healing to encourage lucid dreaming keep a dream journal by your bed write down any dreams you remember each morning and over time you'll begin to notice patterns and gain more awareness of your dream state by practicing you can start to control your dreams and explore the deeper workings of your Final Thoughts – The Untapped Power Within subconscious final thoughts the untapped power within the subconscious mind is a limitless reservoir of power knowledge and potential it shapes your reality in ways you may not always be aware of influencing your thoughts habits emotions and even the choices you make by learning how to communicate with it you can transform not only your inner world but also the reality you experience every day remember your subconscious mind is always listening what are you telling it are you feeding it thoughts of empowerment success and positivity or are you allowing negative beliefs and doubts to take root the beauty of the subconscious mind is that it can be reprogrammed the more you understand it the more control you have over your life's Direction in this video we've explored the incredible power of visualization the importance of positive affirmations the role of mindfulness and even how your subconscious continues working while you sleep armed with this knowledge you now have the tools to unlock your full potential and create the life you've always dreamed of the subconscious mind is always awake always ready to assist you on your journey it's your Silent Partner working tirelessly in the background shaping your experiences and guiding you toward your goals your subconscious mind is always listening what message will you program it with next thank you for watching don't forget to hit that subscribe button and give us a like join think wiser for more wisdom and insights to elevate your life

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