🔥 BREAKING: CNN Interview Kamala Harris CAUGHT LYING Throw Biden UNDER BUS! Democrats FURIOUS!

hello everybody Welcome to tonight's show this is a big one KLA Harris just did the scen in interview and it was bad really really bad bad for the Democrats and actually Joe Biden a lot of things have been exposed they literally cut the interview short it was supposed to be an hour it was only 18 minutes and then they cut it even shorter she's been caught lying Big Time de Democrats are Furious this is crazy we also have Trump who has just announced that he plans to mandate insurance companies to cover the cost for IVF treatment and he wants to overturn Florida's six- week abortion ban saying it's too short and I have a video where you will not believe what you hear what you see but I'm telling you it's messed up I didn't even know this existed when it came to people voting and what people think of other people that vote and whatnot but people are really ignorant and they need to start treating people fairly there's just so much breaking news that's going on I've got you taken care of hooked up tonight so if you don't mind please hit the thumbs up like button if you're not subscribed please hit the Subscribe button so I can serve you every day with the top news and also just want to say thank you to everybody that blesses me and my family with a super chat donation through the channel this means so much to us all the members of the channel who support us we couldn't do this without you you literally are supporting my family and we are here to serve you with the top news and that's what we're going to do we love you let's get right into this because what we're seeing is literally you can't make this stuff up a lot of people are Furious check it out generally speaking how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made uh that you've explained some of here uh in your policy is it because you have more experience now and you've learned more about the information is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary do you see what she's doing if you're not catching this she's leading her in the question instead of just saying like why have you changed all your policies you saying is it this is it that it's trying to help her in this interview remember it was supposed to be an hour long they cut it after only 18 minutes and they even shortened it and they won't release the transcripts it was that bad but listen to the bombshell she's about to expose and should they feel comfortable and confident that what you're saying now is going to be your policy moving forward Dana I think the the the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed you you hear that my values have not changed so everything that I've said in the the past and what I'm trying to do all the same the green New Deal I have always believed and I have worked on it that the climate crisis is real that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time we did that with the inflation reduction act we have set goals for the United States of America and by extension the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as an example that value has not changed I don't know if you caught that but she just said look we I believe in the green New Deal I wanted to uh we couldn't get that pass but we got the inflation reduction Act pass which has a lot of the green New Deal stuff in it so this was just released right here check this out that CNN won't release the Harris interview transcript of what was actually said because they're literally cutting up and sound biting it because it's so bad it was supposed to last an hour it only lasted 18 minutes and then CNN plans to air a shortened version of the of the interview that's how bad it was not only that more things have popped up so remember whenever everybody's been fighting about is she the borders are is she this this dealing with the immigration well guess what just somebody was able to go through Twitter go through all this somebody had a screenshot because they actually deleted this but somebody had a screenshot and they found this hey Tina fredet thank you so much for the Super Chat she says thank you for having our backs have a safe and blessed holiday weekend hey thank you so much for that blessing you're awesome everybody show some love to Tina in the chat so check this out this is nuts because remember they deleted this but somebody had a screenshot they found it look what it says right here remember she's not the borders are she wasn't in charge of the Border or anything like that this is Vice President KLA Harris's account on Twitter at podus asked me to lead our diplomatic work with Mexico El Salvador Guatemala and Honduras to address the situation at the southern border this is it this is huge because this is where everybody was like well we said this this and this and that and now a lot of the news stations are going crazy because they're bringing up this and they're saying she said it herself where everybody has been trying to protect her now we have the proof we have the evidence she said it herself she was supposed to address the situation at the southern border thank God to whoever screenshotted this tweet from kamla Harris let me know your thoughts in the comment section but that's not all all because again too you know we've got you taken care of we know we've got all this news uh to to uh fully show you what's going on something else is leaked check this out is is fascinating back in 2017 KL Harris had a tweet and I'm going to read it Trump's border wall is just a stupid use of money I will block any funding for it now that was in 2017 uh do you see this this is nuts can you believe all this stuff that's coming out I'm telling you Democrats are Furious she literally we got some more stuff for you in just a moment because she throws Biden under the bus tonight is a crazy night for the news she's we've also got a whole bunch of sound bites regarding border wall and her contempt for the idea let me just roll that and then get your your opinion on it all roll it on the subject of transnational gangs let's be perfectly clear the president's medeval vanity project is not going to stop them and he has held up the United States government and its workers around his vanity project called a wall This president's medieval vanity project called a wall for him he talks about that wall he wants everyone to be preoccupied with his billion dollar multi-billion dollar vanity project this issue is about a vanity project for this President not only has she now converted to the vanity project that was his that was Donald Trump's that she called medieval but but a lot of it was destroyed we had all these materials just just waiting in the winds sitting in the rain rusting and and wasting away I think they they finally sold a bunch of it at an auction that's the Biden Harris Administration that sold it so now we're going to taxpayers are going to have to buy it again uh at full price I mean it's just it's just such a waste and and and it just leads you to believe what kind of a decision maker she really is uh not just at full price but with the inflation of course that created April of 2021 I went to Arizona to to do a ride along with the panal county sheriff's department to point out the differences between the Biden administration's policies on the border and the Trump Administration and I drove by one of those lots where the wall was sitting there not up on the border but 90 miles north of the Border just waiting to be taken down there and put up and so I think you're giving her too much credit when it comes to flip-flopping or change in position we haven't heard anything from her directly on any of these positions and so as far as the American people are concerned they should take her at her word and at her record she only talked about this being a vanity project for Donald Trump but she also voted against funding for it while she was in the Senate and so but also note too she just said at her one of her rallies that she pledges to give $650 million to help fin finish the border wall so you just saw like Mo a lot of this stuff is coming full circle and it's 100% she's getting exposed and caught in her lies this is something that she has embraced both in word and in action well other things that she's embraced is well a big one the biggest issue according to voters all around the country is bomic uh Byron I mean she was she was the main cheerleader for biomics and now she's trying to distance herself she's talking about how bad inflation is how much uh middle Americans are hurt by the inflation that her Administration caused as though she had nothing to do with let me just play a little sound sound clips of of her touting bomic roll that one is it term we're very proud of I must tell you because biomics is working it's working biomics and biomics is working biomics and biomics is working well her delivery might be a little bit better but the message isn't Americans still feel that on the most part the the economy is is at best fair and most people thinks it's bad right now I mean how does she back away from Biden Amic you know uh she did something a couple of weeks ago that Republicans couldn't really believe their good luck which is that she came out gave a speech on economic issues and talked in in specific terms about how expensive everything is and how expensive everything has gotten which allowed the um uh the Trump campaign to put together clips of that speech with what you just played which is her bomic as working uh lines now her solution is very very unclear at this point before that speech there was a lot of talk that she was embracing price controls uh and then after the speech her staff anonymously again because that's how they all operate uh talked about no no no that's not what she was talking about uh she was talking about anti- gouging legislation but it probably Hey Big Dog DFW with the $10 Super Chat thank you so much bro hey everybody show some love to big dog thank y'all so much guys for supporting the channel supporting and blessing us we are so grateful for every single one of you wouldn't apply to our current situation today because you know gouging is like when there's a hurricane and people locally start charging $20 a gallon for gas something like that and this is this doesn't fit that emergency I got to say Jean Sperling came on with Neil Cavuto last Thursday after her team quietly was saying well she didn't mean price control but he was going full bore he was saying you know and clearly he was one of the people behind the whole price gouging price control thing but he was saying no no no we have information about certain companies that have done this and uh but I I want to switch to you you mentioned Trump and Katie we do have an incredible thing happening with the Trump campaign it is now the campaign of inclusion that's the word that the Democrats thought they owned 100% but you think of RFK Jr you think of Tulsi Gabbert and and JD Vance spoke about this yesterday I believe it was in Wisconsin let me just roll that hey Tammy Fields thank you so much for the Super Chat guys you're doing so y'all are like killing it tonight thank you so much for all the support everybody show some love to Tammy Phils big dog DFW uh DFW and to uh to Tina in the Super Chat thank y'all so much for the support get you to respond roll it are we thrilled to have the endorsement of RFK and Tulsi gabard we we are yes it's it's it's funny as much as the media says that Trump is the candidate of division the reality is that we from Nikki Haley and Brian km to RFK and Tuli gabard Donald Trump is the candidate of Common Sense and cutting out the craziness and we're thrilled to have support from across the political Spectrum so the party of unity has become Trump right Katie yeah you know the left in the media have always tried to paint Trump as this far right uh figure when really throughout his career he was more of a Democrat and actually became more of a moderate and ran as Republican You could argue he may be the first independent president who ran and won in 2016 although he was running running on the Republican ticket and when you look at the reasons why hey zie Richard thank you so much for the Super Chat guys thank y'all so much for supporting us we're so grateful everybody show some love to zelby in the chat man I'm just guys I'm going crazy over here y'all are just blessing us so much thank you so much these endorsements are coming in I think it's very interesting to see the through the through theme of why they're all coming to this the right side of the political Spectrum whether it's having a fair fight in these elections you had RFK Jr and his vice presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan talking all about the laware the Democrats have thrown at them tune millions of dollars tens of millions of dollars to keep them off of ballots that's not Democratic that's not how it's supposed to work and of course president Trump has faced a lot of this law fair as well and you of course have the Republicans who are coming to this his uh endorsement because of course they don't believe that Cala Harris is going to be a president who can bring the country together or who will Implement policies for jumping in Katie but uh we do have we don't have a clip but we do have a verbate of of what something that kamla just said in the in the interview and I I want to read that for you Byron you're going to have to trust my reading on this we just got it hot off the press I think and I'm quoting kamla Harris here according to CNN quote I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed I'm telling what do you think of that I mean certainly see when you say on the one hand uh border walls are terrible and on the other hand I'm going to use them and buy more of them that seems like values have changed a little bit doesn't it yes and I'm telling you this the more and more that she does these interviews and the more and more that she comes out all the policy are literally against America we told you earlier that her and Gavin Nome are working together to try to give Mass amnesty to millions of illegals as well as they're giving up to $150,000 in California to illegal to help by what by homes firsttime home buyers like we've got so many Americans that need that and they're not getting that same help hey Jack wiser thank you so much for the Super Chat he said keep it up great job thank y'all so much for blessing us y are killing it tonight guys and check this out because look we need some good news this is good news this is such a blessing check out this this was just passed just a couple of hours ago so right now the Biden Harris Administration has reopened an immigration program allowing migrants from Cuba H Haiti Nicaragua and Venezuela to come to the United States and hey everybody show Jackson show all these people some love for giving the super chats so far the program has permitted a total of 30,000 migrants per month so they're using taxpayer dollars to fly in up to 30,000 illegal immigrants that are not going through the normal migration process into the country giving them immediate citizenship they can vote and they can do a lot of things tell me are they not working behind the scenes to circumvent and try to buy votes with taxpayer dollars this is 100% messed up and what's also messed up is what you're about to see right here well California is taking kamla Harris's housing subsidies uh one step further the California legislature just passed a bill hey Miriam H hassa am I saying that right I don't know if I am but hey Miriam thank you so much for the Super Chat everybody show some love to Miriam y'all are just blessing us so much tonight me and my wife my family are so thankful for every single one of y'all man y'all are killing it tonight show show Miriam some love in the chat everybody that offers down payment assistance of up to $150,000 to illegal immigrant home buyers joining me now is Dr Ken Ben Carson former Housing and Urban Development secretary Dr great to see you again you see this it's already been passed they're giving migrants up to this is non-citizens you don't up to 150,000 to buy homes listen to what Ben Carson has to say uh what as a former head of Hud this is right up your alley what do you think of that where where most Americans particularly first home buyers are struggling to deal with almost 7% mortgage rates and and the high monthly payments double what they were when the bid administ came in suddenly get $150,000 for illegal migrants what what will that do to the housing market well David I got to tell you this is an a prime example of America last policies America last policy course you know having a home is an essential part of the American dream what people long for it's one of the reasons that people come here but what about the American citizens people who've been contributing to the United States budget their entire lives what about them why would we put other people in front of them with a program that probably will never get approved anyway it just doesn't make sense it's a political Ploy uh being utilized to gain the kind of traction that they don't otherwise have it's point we have to just start doing things that actually make sense if you really want to make homes affordable do what was done during the Trump Administration decrease the regulatory burden that's what's driving the prices particularly in California you can take $150,000 unit and by the time you get through applying all the regulations it's $600,000 what that's not helpful to us did you hear that you can take a $150,000 unit and by the time you add in all the regulations it's a $600,000 home where do you think who's getting all that money who's getting paid this this is corruption at wow against the American people and we need to look at the things that have worked in the past and we had the highest home ownership during the Trump Administration and particularly amongst minorities and we should ask ourselves what did we do then and I I see that camela is starting to talk about decreasing regulations which is must be antha to a Marxist but she's starting to talk about it at least and adopt more of the Trump policies she 100% is I hope people realize that she's just talking she doesn't really believe this well and she you know that that actually a while ago Trump did a speech and he said look I don't know if y'all noticed but KLA Harris is copying all my policy so much I think I'm just going to go ahead and send her a Maga hat because she is 100% working off of my campaign Jojo hey Jojo God oh my goodness thank you so much says thank you for your dedication thank you so much for this Super Chat y'all are guys I don't I can't express how grateful I am like y'all don't know that you know when when we get on here we're trying to bust our butt give you the best news and whenever y'all bless us like this like it means so much to us to me and my wife like you know we we just want to see the truth we just want to give y'all the truth thank you so much Jojo hey Glenn Carbonaro with the $10 Super Chat thank y'all so much like y'all are just blessing us so much we're going to get back into this because more news is coming out we have the interview that just happened we want to get you taken care of show some love to Jojo in the chat and Glenn carbar in the chat everybody got busted for lying oh I got this for you I got you I got you taking care of chat oh sorry sorry oh wrong one oh now it's buffering one second one second cnan Tim got busted for lying about being a head coach inflating his military service and telling kamla he can't handle spice after winning a spicy taco competition there's been growing doubts about the Harris walls campaign tonight one of Kam's key elements to her biography is come to question and it's a big one I want to ask a question uh about a topic that really unites America fast food okay so here's the deal I I heard a rumor that you worked at McDonald's is this true I did yes I did know I was in school uhuh me too I worked registered drive-thru and Grill uh I was known as a triple threat okay just for the record I did fries just the just the fries I did fries and then I did the cashier okay I'm impressed Fries Are Hard a producer at prime time used to work the kitchen says fries aren't hard they're the easiest and KLA didn't even start talking about cooking fries until she decided to run for president there was no mention of McDonald's and both of her memoirs and so far all reporters looking into it have found no evidence no evidence Andrew Kerr is a reporter at the Washington Free Beacon who's been investigating this story so what did you find right well kamla's story about her job in McDonald's has shifted dramatically over the past couple weeks um at first her campaign came out and said that this was a job she worked to pay her way through college uh but now they say that she worked there for one summer just to earn a little extra spending money so yeah we looked into it uh did she actually work at McDonald's well she didn't mention it throughout the first several decades of her political career uh made no mention of it in both of her books including her 2019 Memoir in which she devoted an entire chapter to the struggles of service industry workers uh there's been several biographies published about her in the past couple years none of which mention her job at McDonald's uh the author of one of those biographies told us that he was not aware of the claim we obtained a job application that Cala filled out for a um law clerk position in 1987 that instructor her to list every job that she had for the past 10 years McDonald's is not mention a job application or in her resume um at that time uh we reached out to uh McDonald's corporate several times asking hey can you confirm her employment no response we reached out to McDonald's in the Alam area uh none would say if Kam Cala worked at her at their location uh we reached out to the Harris campaign asking hey can you specify you know which location in almea county that she worked at and they won't answer so it's possible that she did work at McDonald's for a few weeks in the summer of uh 1983 but you know when you put all this together it just raises some very serious questions about what has become a foundational narrative that Democrats are relying on to connect uh K Harris to the working class so McDonald's keeps pretty good records of their employees mhm right they have AR a full-time archist on on file you know we we pester them for weeks uh and never got a response so they know everybody who's ever worked at a McDonald's and you gave him a month or a couple weeks and the maybe future president of the United States something you'd want to brag about if you were McDonald's they didn't get back to you with anything that is and you're right Andrew we're not saying she never worked at McDonald's we're just saying it doesn't smell right and there's no evidence anywhere uh anything else you'd like to add you do a really good job with this investigative reporting thank you yeah you know I think a great comparison is uh the 2008 campaign uh it was a big storyline Obama's first job as an ice cream scooper at Basin Robbins uh the difference with uh then and now is that there is no mystery at all surrounding OB first job news outlets published the address of his Basin robins and Honolulu on their websites photographers posted photos of the location um Basin Robbins proudly touts on his website that Obama used to scoop ice cream for them and the manager of that location you tout uh you joked uh to the LA Times uh in 2009 that she turned into somewhat of a media professional after dealing with so many reporters during the 2008 campaign the same just can't be said about Harris there's nothing but mystery surrounding her plan to work at McDonald's mysterious maybe he was Burger King and we don't know but I'll tell you this if y'all didn't know so there's there's a lot that's happened today there's a lot of lawsuits that are going out right now because the the DNC is moving forward so now they said they were going to do it it has officially been pushed through the DNC is filing a lawsuit against the Georgia Board uh election board because they said that they are being in a sense uh um they do not them trying to add more election Integrity to the 2024 election they said they shouldn't be doing it they're trying to delay the results and whatnot so you would think oh they're trying to make sure that what our elections are uh safe and secure the DNC is literally filing the lawsuit against uh the election board Georgia to make sure they remove that extra security the extra thing the other thing that's been said right now too there that Harris and Gavin Nome are trying to eliminate voter IDs just across the board they've already passed the law today they're doing they passed in California so what they do is they try to pass to California and then they start moving it trying to push it to the other states so somebody went out and did a video because they said that voter IDs are racist this is what's been brought sped this is what the Democratic party has said that the reason that voter IDs are racist because minorities black people people my skin color we can't get voter we can't get IDs for some reason so check this out this is alarming I can't even believe that people in 2024 said what they're about to say let me know your thoughts in the comments have an opinion on voter ID laws uh yeah they're usually pretty racist and they're bad I think voter ID laws are a way to perpetuate racism would you say they're would you go as far to say those laws are racist for sure do you think it suppresses the African-American vote definitely tell tell us uh because they're less likely to have state IDs minority voters are less likely to have the kinds of IDs that have been um described or required these type of people don't live in areas with easy access to DMVs or other places where they can get identification you can always get IDs um you do over the Internet is that also make it difficult for for black people in particular yeah you have to have access to the internet you have to be able to pay an internet service provider for certain fees do you think that's harder for black people to go online I they don't have the knowledge of how of like how it works lot of people have smartphones but you might did you just hear that this girl and this is common this she's saying that black people don't have the knowledge of how the internet works to go get an ID data for most of the communities they don't really know what is out there just because they're not aware or like they're not informed I also think there's a repression of like black voting with um how they how if you're a convicted felon like you're not allowed to vote and everything and when you look at States like Florida that's a huge population of the the African amans now I'm here in East Harlem to ask black people their thoughts on what you just heard do you have ID normally you car ID around yes I have state ID do you carry ID yes I do do you know anybody who any black person who doesn't carry ID no everyone that I know has an ID why would they think we don't have ID that's a lie why would they say that do you have ID yes cuz I have my ID and my friends have their ID so like we know what we need to carry around everybody that I know have ID like that's one of the things you need to walk around with New York with ID do you know any black adult who does not have ID no I don't is it a weird thing to even say that yes it is what is this some some type of uh trick Candy Camera something I know right that's the only thing I brought with me legit those legit IDs I heard a lot also that uh black people can't figure out how to get to the DMV man is that is that what that Sadia I know it's that5 do you know where the ID the DMV is around you it's on 125th Street in Third Avenue I believe you know how to get there yeah do you have a problem getting there if you have to get there no you are not it's I know these sound like silly questions you know how to get the MV you know where it is you can get there uh no problem no problem just checking okay and I also heard a lot that black people especially poor black people have no access to the internet can't figure out how to use the internet that's that's a that's just stupidity honestly everybody has access to the internet even a little kid could figure out how to work the internet I had access to the internet for years you know how to use it properly exactly I do it at work so of course I know how to use it my kids know how to use it they all have iPads iPods whatever your phone has data you can actually unlimited unlimited data I use my phone as a Hotpot what does that say to you for the people who have this perception of blacking um uh they're pretty much ignorant that's what my thought process are I they think that's ignorant ignorant ignorant that's the ignorant ignorant very very ignorant do it sound racist for somebody to say that I I think it is a little racist because you know you're putting um people in a category and you have no idea what you're talking about maybe a little bit of racist in it but like I said I think it's more stupidity and ignorance judging somebody like well you judging them because they black say that they don't got it what people are they talking to what are who are these people talking to do you have a problem that if you go to vote and they say can we please see your idea to make sure you are who you say you are you love showing my ID you have no problem with that nope would you have a problem if when you go to vote if they say could we please your s see your ID to make sure you are we say you are do you have an issue with that no would you have a problem if there was a rule where you have to show your ID in order to vote I don't think so no would you have an issue if there was a rule saying you got to show your ID before you vote no are you cool with that yeah did you just see that I cannot believe in 2024 that those people actually said those things about black people about minorities that don't know how to use the internet don't know how to don't know where the DMV is at can't get to the can't get to the DMV can't get state law ID and that's why voter voter ID is racist do you see the lies that have been perpetuated by the party on the left to try to remove free and fair election to try to remove voter Integrity by saying it's racist when everybody that he but what are you talking about that's not racist no everybody can get everybody's got an ID everybody's got internet everybody's got a smartphone tell me one person that you know that don't have a smartphone that is what the Democratic party thinks of people and people are so ignorant and there's a lot of stupidity out there where they think that people can't get a dang ID that's messed up it is uncalled for it is in part racist too and should never be allowed they should even them saying those words it just makes them like AB like they're like above and it's just so bad let me know your thoughts in in the comment section but this is the stuff we want to show you the truth of what's actually going out there because remember they're trying to remove voter IDs Across the Nation so that you don't ever have to do it for a local election for a federal election but it's not true people have IDs what they want to do is circumvent and try to do what we all know that people do whenever there's whenever there's no accountability people break the law people commit fraud when there's no accountability and they can't be caught of course they're going to do it let me know your thoughts in the comment section I thought that was messed up but that's literally a video that is in this day and time in 2024 and those people actually said what they said it's 100% messed up but there there's more to the story check this out Donald Trump mocking comma for bringing her emotional support running mate to the interview here's what he told the Daily Mail she's doing it with her vice president sitting there so she's not very smart when they ask her a question that she can't answer she'll just just look at him you answer it he's sitting with her to help her out this is not the kind of a person we need as president not at all all right Jesse I'm going to start with you and also to I want to say this real quick so if you didn't catch me earlier on the video KLA Harris KLA Harris's interview with CNN was supposed to members it's been 40 days since she announced she was going to be the presidential candidate for the Democratic party that she would be running it's been 40 days since she has done a real interview they scheduled it with CNN it was pre-taped pre-edited she wasn't even doing it by herself she's doing with Tim Walls and she was doing it with Dana bass it was supposed to go an hour it went 18 minutes and they cut it because it was so bad the what we're about to show you in a minute is a shortened version from CNN because they don't even want to show the entire thing they're not even releasing the transcript for everybody to see the words that were ask actually said it was that bad she threw Biden under the bus she 100% said that her values and everything are still the same so everything of what is happening and the campaign is saying and what she is saying is completely opposite it is 100% a lie in gaslighting to the American people answer to her flip-flopping is going to be my values haven't changed but does that explained her positions in 2019 when she was running for president and all of the things she did as vice president they had 30 days to come up with an answer and they came up with that this is going to be a great campaign never been more confident than I am now that Trump's going to win this election this is a great examp why she'll never be you have less time the first question sorry y why are you a flip flopper and she says I'm not she basically saying I'm not a flip flopper Val have changed okay you said you said okay you said in 20 years you said in 20 years you can't get a new car that's a gas power car and now you say No actually that's not true at all and then in her answer she says yeah we're going to have deadlines that doesn't make any sense at all and when you listen to it it's all kind vague gobbledygook like it just washes over you like what what is she talking she doesn't really like bring you in okay okay so your values haven't changed all right when you were a prosecutor you said you prosecuted people for crossing the border and then when you were running for president you said crossing the border isn't a crime and when you were the borders are you were literally flying people across the border and now you want to build a wall but your values haven't changed none of that makes any sense nothing whatsoever Steven Miller was on the show last night and he said they basically nominated someone a Democrat who's afraid to go on a CNN interview you can walk around DC and just bump into people dying to do a CNN hit but they found the one person afraid to do CNN and now you know why she's afraid because she knows she's not up to the job she doesn't want the job she doesn't understand the issues she doesn't know where she stands on the issues and she's like John krey remember the John KY I voted for it before I was against it same thing with her she's just not authentic that politically is the killer you know Dana 100% is because again too the more and more I've got something special for you the more and more that she actually gets out there she's so incompetent how is she supposed to run the most powerful country in the entire world how is she supposed to lead the largest superpower in the entire world and she can't even do a full interview can't even express her policies is flip-flopping like crazy crazy check this out this is all Breaking you're seeing it first here on True Life news and I just want to say again too guys thank you everybody so much for your blessings Glenn Carbonaro for the super for the super chats JoJo thank you so much for that $ 49.99 Super Chat Miriam Jack Weiser zie Rich Richard Tammy Fields big dog DFW Tina y'all are such a blessing to us and we just want to say thank you so much check this out way here in Georgia you have less time to make your case to voters than any candidate in modern American history the voters are really eager to hear what your plans are if you are elected what would you do on day one in the white house well there are a number of things I will tell you first and foremost one of my highest priorities is to do what we can to support and strengthen the middle class um when I look look at the aspirations the goals the Ambitions of the American people I think that um people are ready for a new way forward um in a way that generations of Americans have been fueled by by hope and by optimism I think sadly in the last decade um we have had in the former president someone who has really been pushing an agenda agenda and in an environment that is about diminishing um the character and the strength of who we are as Americans uh really okay I don't know if y'all noticed she hasn't said anything of what she's going to do we're going to take care of the middle class doing what what are you going to do this is where people are getting so irritated it's not over I know guys it's hard to listen to this but this is where it keeps us fully informed really dividing our nation and I think people are ready to turn the page on that so what would you do day one day one it's going to be about one implementing my plan for what I call an opportunity economy I've already laid out a number of um proposals in that regard which include what we're going to do to bring down um the cost of everyday Goods what we're going to do to invest in America's small businesses what we're going to do to invest in families for example extending the child tax credit to $6,000 for families for the first year of their child's life to help them and I just want you to know JD Vance came out and said we need to extend it make the child tax credit to $5,000 per family four days later she comes out and says hey we need to do the child tax credit to $6,000 copying the Trump campaign buy a car seat to help them buy baby clothes a crib um there oh trust me I know how how expensive all that stuff I got two two twin Monon 10-year-old I mean not 10-y old 10-month old twins these they're they're starting to walk now I know how expensive all that and I got a three-year-old toddler none of that's cheap the work that we're going to do that is about investing in the American family around affordable housing a big issue in our country right now so there are a number of things on day one what about you way here so as this stuff is coming out I'm going to make sure that y'all get to see it but everybody literally is is saying you didn't say anything you didn't tell us anything and even Dana Bash thankfully she just said hey what is the what are you going to do check this out got another one for yall because as these things get released I've got you we're going to take care of you because remember this this is all breaking news you're seeing it first right here check this out as vice president you were tasked with addressing the root causes of migration uh in southern countries and northern part of Central America the northern part of of uh of Central America that deals with and that affects the southern border of the US during the Biden Harris Administration there were record numbers of illegal border crossings also this is what I love did you hear how she said that during the Biden Harris Administration they're in the they're literally in the white house right now instead of saying y'all are in the white house right now in your Administration right now no she's trying to say it like it's past tense trying to remove her from Biden and from what Biden has done as the president or what she's done in the past why did the Biden Harris Administration and wait 3 and a half years to implement sweeping Asylum restrictions well first of all uh the root causes work that I did as vice president that I was asked to do by the president has actually resulted in a number of benefits including historic Investments by American businesses in that region um the number of uh immigrants coming from that region has actually reduced um since we began that work but I will say this so she literally said why during your Administration did you allow all these illegal millions of illegal immigrants to come in and she just said said nothing and then she said that she reduced it no when you got in y'all made policies and it increased exponentially that Joe Biden and I in our Administration worked with members of the United States Congress on an immigration uh issue that is very significant to the American people and to our security which is the border and through bipartisan work including some of the most conservative members of the United States Congress a bill was crafted which we supported which I support and Donald Trump got word of this bill that would contributed to securing our border and because he believes that it would not have helped him politically he told his folks in Congress Don't Put It Forward he killed the bill so right there instead of answering the question taking accountability you let in all these illegal immigrants under your watch under your Administration what do they do blame Trump check this out this is more this is just popping out now guys it's all I'm going to give it to you fresh off the press this is good this is breaking news of what we're seeing and what we're reacting to it you call it the opportunity uh economy you are well aware that right now many Americans are struggling there's a crisis of affordability one of your campaign themes is we're not going back but I wonder what you say to voters who do want to go back when it comes to the economy specifically because their groceries were less expensive housing was more affordable look I give credit where credit is due we've said this on this channel we are true and I don't care if you're Democrat from CNN from MSNBC whatever Dana Bash is asking the right question questions and now I'm seeing why it was supposed to be an hourong interview KLA Harris's team came in and cut the interview short at 18 minutes can you believe that let me know your thoughts in the comments this is nuts but now that we're seeing Dana Bash actually ask the hard questions this is amazing let's get some likes for the video for seeing in actually doing their dang job in reporting and asking the hard questions like she's doing right now Christine Coy said she's magot When Donald Trump was President well let's start with the fact that when Joe Biden and I came in office during the height of a pandemic we saw over 10 million jobs were lost uh people I I mean literally we were all tracking the numbers hundreds of people a day were dying because of covid um the economy had crashed in large part all of that because of Miss management by Donald Trump of that crisis when we came in our highest priority was to do what and if you didn't know more people died under I'm not going to say the name because I don't want to get my my YouTube video or anything like that copyrighted or whatever more people passed away under the Biden Harris Administration under from the pandemic virus than Trump's we could to rescue America and today we know that we have inflation at under 3% a lot of our policies have led to the reality that America recovered faster than any wealthy Nation around the world but you are right prices in particular for groceries are still too high the American people know it I know it which is why my agenda includes what we need to do to bring down the price of groceries for example dealing with an issue like price gouging what we need to do to extend the child tax credit to help young families be able to take care of their children in their most formative years what we need to do to bring down the cost of housing my proposal includes what would be a tax credit of $25,000 for firsttime home buyers so they can just have enough to put a down payment on a home which is part of the American dream and their aspiration but do it in a way that allows them to actually get on the path to achieving that goal and that dream so you so I'm tell like as this stuff is coming out we're going to be reporting it because this is all Breaking so now now she wants to say like it was Trump's fault we came in we had a problem it was Trump who messed everything up during the crisis because all this is popping off everybody is like it says is furious at K Harris for the things that she has said she has thrown her own uh Administration under the bus they're not taking accountability on any of this and the other part that they're saying too is that if you give if the government gives $25,000 to new first-time home buyers it's going to increase the cost of housing for everybody and it's going to add to the inflation they're saying this is what happens when you have somebody who has no idea how the economy Works how the dollar works and wants to just keep pumping money into the economy not understanding that that's what's causing inflation okay we got another one for you right here oh man people are Furious on X right now you should see the comments we can't show them because this is a familyfriendly show I've got you energy is a big one when you were in Congress you supported the green New Deal and in 2019 you said quote there is no question I'm in favor of banning fracking fracking as you know is a pretty big issue particularly in your must state of Pennsylvania do you still want to ban fracking no and I made that clear on the debate stage in 2020 that I would not ban fracking as vice president I did not ban fracking as president I will not ban fracking in 2019 I believe uh in a town hall you said you were asked would you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking on your first day in office and you said there's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking so yes so it Chang oh did did you just see that like literally Dana Bash good job for calling her out this is the truth I feel like there's a Great Awakening that is happening a lot of these news media Outlets are finally doing their dang job in asking the hard questions and this is 100% what should have been happening the entire time Biden was in office in the in that campaign in 2020 I made very clear where I stand we aren 2024 and I have not changed that position nor will I going forward I kept my word and I will keep my word so let me tell you this if you didn't know on day one because I'm I'm about to get you another one on day one Biden Harris Administration that's what it's called it's always been called that they stopped the Keystone Pipeline they stopped the border wall from being built there was a lot of of already purchased materials out there they rusted they got uh they were left out they they ended up having to be sold for scrap metal which costus the taxpayers hundreds I mean just so much so much M tens of millions of dollars now we're going through this interview and what you have seen what I have shown you she is now like I think we're I I that what's coming out I think we're at at the end because remember they cut the interview short so the interview was supposed to be an hour long it only lasted 18 minutes and it was her team that pulled her off of the interview like can you imagine like the disrespect on that when you haven't done an interview for 40 days and then you finally do one and then your team cuts it short let me know your thoughts in the comments section she's been asked you've seen it multiple times on what they would do day one people are are wanting to go back to the Trump error policies they want to go back under because it was better for their pockets it was better houses were more affordable gas was cheaper yeah that's it there's nothing else that's all like what we've shown you that's it she's a joke everybody KLA Harris literally cannot be the president of the United States she cannot do an interview she is 100% didn't even give a answer in this so-call and than and you know what good job Dana Bash you actually asked the hard questions that everybody's been asking and wanting to know what was going to happen and she literally gave no answer to anything that she just said let me know your thoughts in the comment section people are Furious yeah they're saying she has no clue on what she's going to do they said without her teleprompter she can't say anything this is so crazy I just want to say yeah it's like a movie it really feels like a it didn't even feel real right now I just want to say thank you to everybody that is supporting the channel thank you to all of our members of the channel for for for supporting us and if you haven't clicked the thumbs up like button please do that it really does help to grow the channel and hey hit that subscribe button we want to serve you every day with the breaking news this is huge and I do want to say again I want to give some shout outs again we've got thank you so much Tina fredi for the Super Chat big dog DFW Tammy Fields zie Richards Jack wiser Miriam hos JoJo Glenn Carbonaro thank y'all so much for the Super Chat donations we couldn't do it without you we are here to serve you and always make sure that you the top news every single day remember Monday through Friday two shows a day and on the weekends on Saturday we're going to do one and on Sunday we're going to do one we want to make sure that you have always the top news of what's going to happen but thank y'all so much we love y'all appreciate y'all and we will see you in the next one take care bye-bye

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