JD Vance Says He Would’ve Stolen the 2020 Election if He Was in Mike Pence’s Position

he was asked to not certify it sure so would you have certified it last year for the third again I I would have asked the states to submit alternative slates of electors and let the country have the debate about what actually matters and what kind of an election that we have would have certifi to be clear I would have asked the states to submit alternative slate to that's that's that's what I would have done again I've said that publicly many times you just heard JD van say with his full chest that he would have refused to certify the 2020 election if he were in Mike Pence's position he would have asked states to submit alternate slates of electors in order to let the country have a debate but we already had that debate it's called an election and Trump lost but regardless he says he would have asked for alternative slates of electors I.E fraudulent electors to subvert the will of Voters that's not spin that is literally what Trump's own attorney Kenneth Chester bro tried to do Let me refresh your m AP reports a new memo was issued that called for expanding the strategy to other key States creating slates of quote fraudulent electors for Trump the end goal according to prosecutors was to prevent Biden from receiving the 270 electoral votes necessary to secure the presidency on January 6th so while JD Vans calls them alternative slates of electors Trump's own attorney referred to them as fraudulent electors in mamos because that's what they were they were fraudulent it was a crime and the criminal Trump attorney who admitted that the electors were fraudulent pled guilty after being indicted for his fake elector scheme so when JD van says that he would ask for alternative slates of electors he is quite literally admitting that he would have committed a federal crime to stop the peaceful transfer of power he is saying out loud mind you that he would have disenfranchised all 81 million Americans that voted for Joe Biden so Trump can illegally cling to power after losing an election and and we're not hearing this from some anonymous source close to JD Vance or from a leaked email we're hearing it straight from the horse's mouth I'll say it again a candidate for vice president is saying that he would have stolen an election and yet this is still a close election he still has a pretty good chance of winning wow I genuinely don't think that Americans understand the gravity of the moment that we're in we might be sleep walking into a literal dictatorship this November and the media is going out of their way to try to sash Donald Trump so as to avoid being called biased and we're all just pretending like this election is about the economy or inflation in my mind this is the only issue that matters because if fascists assume power and try to hang on to power in perpetuity we're not going to get to weigh in in future elections it'll be over that'll be the end of democracy and look I understand that people feel like America was never really Democratic in the first place and that our system is so broken and corrupt that it's almost comical to even say that America is a democracy and I hear you and I agree with you but ask any political scientist and they will tell you that you will feel the difference between a flawed semi-democracy and an outright authoritarian dictatorship this is not a normal election the future of democracy is at stake and I get that we hear that all the time and it sounds hyperbolic but in my defense they're admitting it Christians get out and vote just this time you won't have to do it anymore four more years you know what it'll be fixed it'll be fine you won't have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians I love you Christians I'm a Christian I love you get out you got to get out and vote in four years you don't have to vote again we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote I mean what more is there to say they're broadcasting their intent to steal the election after trying to do it four years ago and Trump is still hanging on to the pretense of fraud all to justify his authoritarian takeover of our democracy just a couple of days ago he tweeted this he's watching the 2024 presidential election very closely saying quote when I win those people that cheated will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law which will include long-term prison sentences so that this depravity of Justice does not happen again he later adds those involved in unscrupulous Behavior will be sought out caught and prosecuted at levels unfortunately never seen before in our country so if you commit fraud he's going to prosecute you the problem is that fraud is already illegal and to make matters worse he's presented zero evidence for the claim that there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election his own judges rejected his claims because he had no evidence and the only fraud that took place in 201 20 came from him when he tried to illegally overturn the election and this lie has poisoned the minds of so many Americans not to mention it's made the lives of election officials hell which is why we're seeing record turnover right now as they increasingly fear for their lives due to threats that they received from Trump supporters after he told them that the election was stolen and all of this is happening because the lies of just one con man who doesn't want to admit that he lost the election and look he knows that he's lying all Wann toe dictators across the world use false claims of fraud as a pretense to do couet toas or illegally stained power in some way but after insisting for years that he actually won in 20120 he recently let it slip that he actually knows he lost during an interview with Lex Friedman I was told if I got 63 million which is what I got the first time you you you would win you can't not win and I got millions of more votes than that and uh lost by a whisker that's weird because I thought that he said he won interesting now it really doesn't matter because in the same interview he also talked about how the election was stolen from him and we already know that he privately admitted that he didn't win but he says this because his sick offense will accept whatever he says he could say that the sky is actually green and that pigs can fly and they believe him because this is a cult but the fact remains that he has absolutely no evidence that the election was stolen his latest claim of ballot fraud in Penn is something that even his own daughter-in-law Laura Trump who's also the RNC co-chair admits that there's no evidence for uh he was quoting Tucker Carlson here with an election expert that 20% of mail in ballots in Pennsylvania are fraudulent here we go again where is the attorney general the FBI to investigate where is the Republican party in Pennsylvania the RNC must activate now now in August the RNC your RNC and the Trump campaign launched a get out the vote tool where Pennsylvania voters can request a mailin ballot directly is the former president saying that Republicans in Pennsylvania should not ask for these ballots and no quite the opposite Donald Trump wants every voter no matter if you're voting a republican Democrat or third party candidate to feel comfortable that you can 20% of them are fraudulent he's specifically referencing information from the 2020 election what we're talking about right now is making sure that every vote matters and every vote counts and I've worked very hard information do we have what evidence is there that % of the mail in ballots in Pennsylvania frul see I didn't see that report so I'd have to go back and look at it so I can't directly speak to that but what I can tell you is we've worked very hard on the ground at the RNC to make sure every voter in this country feels like when you cast a ballot whether it's VIA mail whether it's early voting in person or whether it's on Election Day in an election uh office around the country your vote matters in your vote counts and Donald Trump very much wants every Republican voter to vote however they feel most comfortable and every voter in this country to vote however they feel most comfortable so I would have to go back and look at that I have not studied that of course you haven't because it doesn't exist and if the CNN anchor pressed her on other bogus election fraud claims her answer would probably be the same because there's no evidence that there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election sufficient to change the outcome we all know this by now Trump knows this by now every Republican supporting Donald Trump knows this but they are lying because they are afraid of the cult that Donald Trump created but put aside Donald Trump's election fraud for a second and just pretend like he doesn't actually want to become a Perma president just pretend like that's the case so look at his rhetoric alone because that in a vacuum should be enough to make him a non-starter to America let me just show you one example like there's there's endless examples of Donald Trump saying disturbing things but I want to show you one rally speech that he made recently where he was talking about migrants he raised the spect of extrajudicial executions of them and said that his policy towards them would be bloody that's his words not mine in Colorado they're so Brazen they're taking over sections of the state and you know getting them out will be a bloody story should have never been allowed to come into our country nobody checked them nobody checked were they criminals were they from jails we have them pouring out from jails we have the worst criminals in all of these countries 168 so far are registered 168 countries they're in our country and they said if you come back you will be executed you will be killed immediately not going to be easy but we'll do it for those who don't know he is referring to a conspiracy theory about a Venezuelan gang that supposedly took over an apartment complex in Aurora Colorado but you know it turned out to be a complete hoax but he decided to add another layer of to the false Story by saying they took over sex of the state and he's using that as a pretense to say that they should be executed that immigrants in particular should be executed no due process no civil liberties just execute them if they come back so there's a pattern with Donald Trump where he'll make up a false claim so he has a justification to violate the constitution immigrants by the way also have constitutional protections just FYI but what's to stop him from making up more lies to take more of our civil rights and civil liberties way that's what he's going to do how far will he go if he knows that traditional checks and balances are no longer there to hold him accountable if project 2025 actually does come to fruition and give him full control of the executive branch look I don't want to find out what that would look like and listen I know that people scoff at this notion that Trump is a threat to democracy because we've heard it so many times over so many years but fatigue with that notion and commentary doesn't make it any less true and listen I'm not going to vote a shame anyone because I know that the Democratic party is terrible for years they have spit in the faces of their leftist base and took their votes for granted so I get it and millions of leftists like myself included are reasonably pissed off at the Democratic party because they're bad they're not where they should be yes they're better than Republicans but that's a really low bar so I get why people want to vote third party I've done it myself in the past but if you live in a crucial swing state I would implore you to consider voting strategically for k Harris it doesn't make you a sellout or a liberal to vote for k Harris to defeat Donald Trump this is how we stop fascists as Callum Wilson of the US Communist Party put it voting against fascism is necessary because letting them win isn't going to bring us any closer to the Socialist Utopia that we all want in fact it'll make it harder to obtain and the fact of reality is that we live in a majoritarian winter takeoff system and only one of two candidates is going to become president it's going to be KLA Harris or Donald Trump and lover or hater kamla Harris is the only one that stands between Donald Trump and the white house right now and if you want a third party to be electorally viable I hear you but you have to fight to change the system otherwise it'll never change it's du's law even getting 5% won't automatically make a third party electorally viable we know this because it's happened before Ross per Reform Party Hit 5% and they still didn't build a long-term viable alternative to Democrats and Republicans because the system is just built to disenfranchise third parties and it was done so purposefully that is the way the system is set up now I will admit that a third and fourth party would be awesome I would love to see that I want more options but it's not going to change the underlying problem with our system we live in a late stage capitalist society and the core problem in my mind is capitalism not the two-party system and I think that capitalism would corrupt a multi-party system in the same way that it corrupted our two-party system but that's a different story for a different day all I'm trying to say right now is that voting against Donald Trump doesn't make you any less radical it's not an expression of your political ideology or love of a politician you can hate KLA Harris and still vote for her it doesn't mean that you love her it just means that you acknowledge that Donald Trump is an existential threat to American democracy and as David Dole puts it voting is a tool it's one of many tools that we have to affect change in this country and as uren put it voting is about choosing your adversary if you're a leftist because either way the system needs to be fought against and the president is going to maintain the system they're going to maintain the status quo so whoever becomes president you're going to have to fight them so we are picking our adversary here it is the Eternal duty of radicals to try and fight and since we're going to be fighting anyway it makes more sense to pick somebody who is the weaker opponent who might be able to be broken a little easier Trump's not going to listen to us KLA might it's unlikely but it's still possible so I say all this to say we've got to stop Trump I'm not going to vote or shame anyone who votes third party because as you all know I've been there before too but the situation now has changed I am no longer voting third party because I've accepted the reality begrudgingly that we can't have a multi-party system unless we get proportional representation or at a minimum rank Choice voting we have to fight for that first if we actually want to challenge the doop otherwise we're just farting in the wind we're not going to accomplish anything it's a protest vote and that might feel good but it's not going to produce the outcome that we want we're only inadvertently enabling fascists if we don't vote against them directly if we don't vote for the person who has the greater chance of winning and it sucks I hate it but that's our system fascism has arrived in America and the fascists are telling us that they're going to try to cling to power indefinitely this is a new reality that we have to adapt to now we're no longer merely talking about voting for the lesser of two evils we're talking about voting to be able to vote in subsequent elections and as leftists our number one priority should always be stopping Fascism and voting against them is one of many things we should do to stop this existential threat [Music] o [Music]

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