First Time EVER Reacting to Taylor Swift: Journey to Fearless Documentary | Part 2 | REACTION!

why hello you amazing beautiful people and welcome back to another big Taylor Swift Friday and we are continuing Taylor Swift's journey to fearless or journey to Fearless Texas I'm not actually sure it's got two different titles but we'll just call it journey to Fearless for now ah I love how this is done I love it it's like a combination of a live show and also a documentary like spliced together which is kind of what we've seen before did speak now do something like this or it wasn't speak now was it 1989 what one was it it's crazy that we've done so many now that I imag having to go back through them like which one was it cuz it was one that had like Snippets of stuff I feel like it was 1989 um and but I feel like journey to Phyllis is is more than that you know it is like half documentary half um live show which honestly I think is just amazing I would love it if they were all like this I I love it because it gets you like the behind the scenes what's going on what what like how Taylor was feeling and we are literally getting that journey is showing me so many sides of Taylor and telling me so many stories I didn't even know best loving it amazing anyway get comfortable go grab some snacks a nice hot drink a blanket whatever it is you guys want to do to get ready for this video and yeah if you're not subscribed please like the video subscribe for more we're very close to half a million it'd be cool if one day we hit it and then maybe maybe road to uh to get another plaque on that wall who knows maybe one day anyway I'm going to stop talking let's jump into my first time ever react also actually one last thing please go support the hits differently podcast um if you haven't already they uploaded a an episode episode of the podcast where I went over and went over the entire um the entire experience of seeing Taylor live in London it was a lot of fun they are absolutely amazing if you want to support them just search for hits differently and it will come up all right go go show them some love they're absolutely wonderful anyway now let's jump into my first time of reaction to part two of Taylor Swift's journey to [Applause] [Music] feers I absolutely I just loved school and I'm so glad that I got to go to high school all the kids were so nice I wasn't weird for the first timeo they didn't really think much of it that I oh high school okay oh okay didn't expect this at all how I guess it was like before high school um cuz the way Taylor talks about her like childhood especially with like like with school um sounds like she had quite a bad experience but I guess high school was different wanted to be a singer on the first day of n9th grade walking into High School uh first class that I went to I sat next to this girl she had red hair and uh we became friends immediately uh just because I think we were the most cynical people in English class we just kind of understood each other and we were bitter about the same things we were happy about the same things we had the same goals and um we really hit it off they United in their bitterness you have to love it you have to love that's how you make true friends and I'm not even joking I'm actually not joking it's so funny like most of my best relationships like with people are literally were we both like dislike the same thing we they were like H I don't like this I don't like it either you don't like it either best friends forever she became the person that I would play all my songs for after I'd written them a this is the best Tru truly appreciate those moments when she wants to play something new for me that's my favorite time to witness her doing what she loves is when she's just wrong I would go over to her house like sit in her room and I'd play it for her she was like a huge cheerleader I'll compliment her to no end and she acts just so shocked and she'll just look at me and be like really thank you thank you so much she's just so grateful I wanted to write a song about what both of us went through Abigail and I were 15 we were freshman in high school and you know you're just navigating this huge World being 15 16 those are those are some of the hardest years as a girl I mean that's when you're developing and trying to figure out who you are and you're the tiniest little minnow in this huge ocean that is high school and you learn lessons you learn a lot of them the hard way this is the best ever I love it and then we transition into the song Come On journey to FIS is so great [Music] you take a deep breath and you walk through the doors [Music] it's come on this is amazing isn't it like getting the entire backstory for this song and then going into the performance and like and like it just makes it hit that much it's just this has been brilliantly done your friends SE in a wall try and stay out of every B's [Music] away it's a freshman year and you're going to be here for the next years in [Applause] this seor boys will wink at you and say you know I haven't seen your [Applause] eyes cuz when your are 15 somebody tells you they love you you going to believe them and when you're 15 feeling like there's nothing to figure out wow sit take it in this is life before you know who you're going to [Music] [Applause] [Music] the way she just like jumps back into it you know flicks her hair back picks up the guitar Tempo and just literally like changes the energy in that room everyone just starts cheering Taylor is just a is is a symphony's conductor with emotions when it comes to performing really is she stands there the same way a conductor stands in front of an orchestra except it's tailor in front of a crowd and just changes the emotions like the conductor just moves the hands it is amazing love the name is she in the crowd is she in the crowd is she in the crowd what is this [Music] about laughing at the other girls who think they're so cool we'll be out of here as soon as we can I remember when I played Abigail the song for the first time it was just a guitar vocal she was just blown away I couldn't believe it and it was very touching this is the best this is the best it's so adorable I love [Music] [Applause] [Music] it it's a very personal story of hers that gets told in that song it's really raw and real everybody asks me does that make you uncomfortable and not in the least because looking around in the audience and seeing people relating to the song that's all I asked for [Music] this is the best thing ever this is the you'll doer than dating the boy on the [Music] football I didn't know it at [Music] 15 I love this song so much as well because it's like it's so Dam real and it's so true I talk about this a lot when you're younger like a relationship feels like everything it's so weird isn't it it's so weird how naive our minds are when we are younger because my first breakup like um even like and I I mean like a like a in in school like my first like girlfriend in school when like my relationship ended I literally felt like it was over like everything was over like that was it it was all over what am I going to do how am I going to live on how am I going to live on I'm 15 years old and my life is ruined and I haven't even started Living what the hell but it feels like that and it really feels like that it's scary how much it feels like that you know it's crazy it is crazy but it's true it's so weird and it's just so wrong that's why I love this song it's bang on is she right 15 when she was [Music] 15 some bigger dreams in M Abigail gave gave everything she had to bore changed his [Music] mind I'm honored that she would want to talk about me and something that I've experienced this amazing better than to put in song millions of people it was one of my favorite things about that song is that she's so proud that maybe her story can help other girls to make the right decisions is that Snippets of the music video in the 15 music video is is Taylor's friend actually like in that looks like her right you know like the song says just look before you fall just to be oh gosh I didn't know I supposed to be oh god oh [Music] it's funny I'm like emotional and a mess and yet my brain with this camera change here my mind immediately went it looks like Taylor sitting on a trampoline I was like that's weird this stage is like a trampoline there you go it's a little bit of fun [Applause] oh my gosh Taylor's just Taylor's just had it o take a deep breath girl take a deep breath walk through the I find it mindblowing how many artists I listen to and and music I follow and bands and everything and how when I go back and listen to their older stuff it's so different and feels so different and they feel like a different band but with Taylor I never feel like that and I think she is the only artist I've ever had that with where I go back and watch young Taylor and it feels the same don't get me wrong she's changed but she also hasn't it's so weird I don't know how to describe it if you asked me to I wouldn't be able to but somehow it makes sense in my crazy mind [Applause] God that was the best I love the story around that song that song is going to mean so much more every time I listen have little hints of high school inspiration God man it's the best another song You Belong with Me which is about you know feeling inferior to the coolest girl in school um because she's a cheerleader and she's awesome and you're just like hey you know I mean for me like uh I think that I learned so much from just sitting there and feeling everything in high school and um you know the movie Not Another Teen Movie is that based on like a like a a a romantic movie what about like 10 Things I Hate About You um I feel like I watched that ages ago I don't I don't remember it what's like your classic like Teenage American Romance movie you know cuz I was always like a comedy fan so I only know like the comedy ones and but they must be based on on like actual two ones right Teardrops On My Guitar which is a complete confessional that you're in love with someone once upon a time there was this guy there was a guy talking about this guy in school and let's just write the name into the song What and this guy oh this guy used to sit next to me in class I started naming people in my songs when I started to you know have bigger crushes on people I was like you need to walk up to him right now and let him know how you feel who you are okay confession this is crazy Taylor had a crush so she just and she's just like I'm just G to start writing them into my songs I'm to start writing them into my songs I'm just going to write them song comes out tayor you you talking you're talking about me in this song what gave it away well you said my name you said you said my name that's my name I had the biggest crush on this guy and well he didn't even know I existed I feel like he does now but every day just like clockwork this guy would come in the [Music] class there he is there's the guy and every day just like clockwork this guy would sit down next to me and sometimes he would even talk to me about his girlfriend no not his girlfriend so I never told this guy that I liked him boo his girlfriend who we don't know song about [Music] him so I think he knows [Applause] now probably [Music] probably with Drew everybody knew who that one was about and I need to everything that we should be but she's beautiful that girl he talks about and she's got everything that I want to go back I want to be there again I couldn't believe it this was the first time I'd ever seen her go this personal with a song I laugh cuz it's just so funny that I can't even see anyone hates with me he said say he's so in love he's finally got it right I wonder if he knows he's all I think about [Applause] itar the only on a wish a song God I sing don't know why I in my Tuesday reaction that went out um this week I said like is there an interview where Taylor is interviewed by a Swifty um you know someone who's like a huge fan who knows Taylor really well like like and asks like questions that like a swift you would ask right and pretty much everyone was like no I am going to make it my freaking Mission I am going to be that interviewer I'm making it happen all right I'm going do my best that is my dream now all right all right screw the golden PL all right who cares one day I'm going to be the first Swifty interview I will be that person and I will struggle like hell break down and it will be and it will be a total mess but it will be amazing it will be amazing one day I am going to interview Taylor Swift I'm manifesting it one day I am doing it I am doing that is my goal that is my purpose I will do do this one day a Swifty interviews halor Swift can he tell it I can't breathe and there he goes so perfect the kind of I wish I could she better hold give them all the love look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cuz he's the reason for the te drops on my guitar the only thing that keeps me wish look at the phones and the cameras I love it my nose stop making me cry all the time Taylor jeez with Drew he actually showed up in my driveway like a year and a half later I don't know sometimes it gets awkward yeah that was really awkward I think she was shocked we were like wow who thought that was going to [Music] [Applause] happen well I'm not surprised when like I can imagine as a as a high school student if you just found out that the the beautiful amazing Taylor has a bit of a crush on you you would probably go and be like hey Taylor I heard this song um I don't know if you've heard of it as I turn out the I'll put his picture down and maybe get some sleep t stop the Le you're killing me only me to break my heart I keep singing don't know why I stop taking up but this never this part of the song kind of reminds me of the uh it was there I remember it all too well it's like like kind of gives me like all too well [Music] Vibe this pop the pop before thisp look at me I break is SM so he won't what did the conversation with Drew like how did that go how did that conversation go guess never know had many rehearsals earlier today and now I'm getting on a plane that's something that's something a Swifty could ask in the interview so Drew turned up in your driveway what did he say oh man see see you see for one night and then all of tomorrow when you are releasing a new album you just go nuts with your schedule you just go crazy craziest of my life [Applause] when it was time for The Fearless album be released we both looked at each other and realized that she just was living her dream Super Mom super mom mommy Taylor oh my God how you made our day yeah so today was crazy like we literally woke up at 4:45 and then got up hair and makeup for good morning America and went to Good Morning America soundcheck did all the the performances for that did the interview for [Applause] that for a second I thought this song was he's got a best friend on the phone uh only but she's got posters on the wall actually sounded like that for a second I was like I was like wow we're going proper old school with this the performances for that to be interview same beginning and then left how none of them just like like oh man it's how are none of like they all look everyone looks so calm when they meet Taylor how do people hold it together man went to MTV is everyone just like drunk how do they hold it together interviews and stuff look how normal they look everyone's so chilled I love you and I just want to say Happy Birthday ah she's the best and then she's got she Tak this ridiculous am I even making sense in this way um my materialist is out today and I'm so excited and after thatman and that's the first time I've ever played there so it was really cool she's adorable EXC about Letterman it was such a fun show and um I it was fun playing Fearless acoustic did you see um uh Taylor turn up to the um turn up to Travis's game recently the Kansas is it the Kansas City Chiefs um i' actually have got their Jersey so I should know um and yeah she looked amazing she looked amazing when she left when she left with Travis as a couple they just look amazing and they look so happy and it just melts my freaking heart but man when she like when she when she like like went into the stadium she just like takes your freaking breath way doesn't she jeez so damn [Applause] awesome now I am on a plane and I'm about to go home and I'm to go buy my CD at midnight of my album being released I was at the Henderson I thought this was tonight is going to be a good night 11:59 and we're going to go buy the album oh man my nose is so messed up now and there were a bunch of people there and we all just were so excited thank you so much a she so freaking cute I can't we were all buying the album and I was buying the album we work really hard on this yep good job and it's real it's just it's crazy to think that you know I have a CD out in all these stores and and that a bunch of people would show up is isn't it this is going to be a good night it was it was a really fun experience my word got it but I love you so much thank you for being here for me buying my second CD first midnight I love you now I finally am not and I'm not doing anything anymore I'm on a plane this day is over and it has been the longest day ever when The Fearless album came out it sold 596 th000 in the first week and I was really happy about that considering the first record I was like freaking out about s selling 39,000 in the first week selling 500,000 in the first quite an improvement [Applause] 1 [Applause] [Music] [Music] two why do I know so many of these songs where have I heard them were before I know so many of these I don't know why what the freak what the freak car it's got a one hand on the Ste wheel the other on my heart look around [Applause] [Music] turn he ouren you when we're on the phone and you talk real slow cuz it's late and your mama don't know I is way look at all that singing [Music] along for stand asking good play G I'm such a mess I'm such a mess my nose everything WR I've been trampled on and lost and got through the hallway on my way to my left almost notice all the roses and the not that said our song is Green Door sneaking [Applause] out I really just want to point out just the absolute Beautiful Romance that comes from Taylor's lyrics and her songs like it's it's a proper um High School romance but like the best kind and the lyricism is so well done that it will make you even if you weren't part of it feel like you were part of it feel like you were there it's so incredibly well done that you do feel like your reliving memories you never lived for it in the first place does that make sense like her her like songs like this where she's talking about all like her experiences with like the like um like her High School crushes and just life in in high school and younger years in en you get sucked back there it's written so well that it does it sucks you back to a past you weren't past kiss asking to be good play [Music] again who doesn't love a good fiddle solo God my throat everything about me I'm so sorry it was earlier when I was crying it got me waai for something to come along was as good as our song [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on that was amazing that was amazing that was the best ah swifties don't need microphone they don't need one they got it [Music] covered way he left the first man I didn't kiss a man and when I got for I Stand aen asking God me play it again I play again he oh yeah oh yeah I was sh going with my hair UNL in the front seat of his car I got the p and an old napk and down [Applause] our you have to love what's this what's this is this like the end of part one or something you have to love how um how Taylor literally like there's a song about like we don't have a song most couples my wife and I included we're literally like we don't have a song we need a song and you think of a song and you go for like list of songs and eventually you find one right and you have a song um for my wife and I I don't mind sharing it it was Biffy uh Biffy clar Many of Horror um that was our song it was our first dance song that's our song um but for Taylor for Taylor is a little bit different for Taylor for Taylor um when she sits down and says we don't have a song she then makes a song we'll keep going even though it's the end of part one we'll keep going this be too short for journey to Fearless we'll do a bit [Music] more I could never have imagined how those 13 songs would Chang my [Applause] life Taylor's drive and determination pays off as Fearless becomes the top selling album two years straight wow who thought that was going to happen crazy love it you know people will ask me like when did you know you know that she had made it 2009 was a pretty good start finally the entertainment of the Year nominees are Kenny chy Kenny honestly I I got to be serious this this this right here this this this is another example of just why we [ __ ] love this woman Taylor how many how many people are watching this right now and you reckon all these artists and all these like people that are nominated for it in like these really professional environments or whatever meanwhile Taylor looking like she's just in like a pajama top almost um and then with her mom all in bed all comfy you know they're not like going they're not like out anywhere fancy they're just relaxing in bed watching this this is the [Music] [Applause] best that was a good year and then won Grammy for album of the year when I was [Music] [Applause] 20 watch as Taylor Swift transforms her Fearless album into her first headlining tour this comes out during love story and it's going to be projected where these look like [Applause] castles Welcome to The Fearless Tour 2010 she was the youngest oh my God she's [ __ ] awesome she does the same thing she says their things she says their things on every T welcome to the AOS store welcome to the vill store she says the things oh man what's happened to me I don't I don't even get person ever to win a Grammy for album of the Year building the dream as Taylor takes us on her journey to Fearless that's too much that's too much that boy's life was just made then [Applause] [Music] the day was a fairy tale you were the prince I used to be a damel in distress took me by the you pic me up at was a fairy tale the nod the N that [Music] confidence the stage really is our home isn't it she shines brighter on that stage than any light any fireworks displaying any pyro technques anything they could put on that stage it does not matter you know any stage set piece any background on that giant freaking TV screen it does not matter you know whether or not the entire stage is a freaking TV screen it doesn't matter nothing on that stage catches your attention just like Taylor does [Music] today was a fairy tale I dress you were a dark gr t-shirt told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess there was a fair time slows down whenever [Music] you're the tour is inspired by lots of different elements that I've found fascinating in life I love costume changes I love Sparkles I love glitter I love the element of surprise those are all things that I wanted to bring together and put on that stage I do want to say one thing random okay from from the mind of of of the the the man in the relationship okay um I don't mean that in a in a in a condescending way at all by the way I mean it in a nice way and you see what I mean when uh maybe I can't speak for every guy all right but I can speak for me when um my wife thinks she looks like a mess and I say she looks beautiful I can tell you right now I'm not saying that because I'm like looking at her thinking oh she needs to hear it I'm saying that because I look at her and I think Jesus she looks beautiful so just so you know um I'm sure I'm sure it's the same for other guys too when you think you look like a mess and your partner tells you you look beautiful just know you do you absolutely do in their eyes you look absolutely beautiful because every single time I say it to my wife I [ __ ] mean it I had been dreaming about doing my first headlining tour I think since I was 4 years old the stage for The Fearless look at that look at that SP a lot time designing with Jonathan stage designer I wanted the stage to be part of the picture and part of visual not just this is ridiculous am I going to get to see this I want to see that what the hell it's a freaking pulling up to see it for the first time felt kind of like being dropped off on the first day of school man it's so cool excited I'm excited I'm excited now nous wck nobody seen anything right I had always wanted to put together a show that incorporated theater and storytelling and the songw writing and what I saw in my head when I was writing these songs I'm so excited I I'm I'm I don't know why I'm as excited as I am okay fine that's like what it's fine I walked in and saw it what they had it set up like that giant and it was [Music] glorious that is so rocking that is that on that stage for the first time it was like opening a present Christmas morning the biggest present she's ever had oh my God this is crazy the lift work yeah you did you want to yeah do you guys want to do look it was this she's such a dok I love her so much she is the best she is the best you know like not like a superstar walking in there going yeah cool looks good nice nice Work Well Done everybody well done well done good hustle good hustle good hustle just goes in there and goes oh my God it's amazing starts jumping around and goes does the lift work I have to get on the lift like I love it I love it Sparkling White stage with staircases all these different shapes and you project different visuals onto the stage this comes out during love story and it's going to be projected where these look like castles right and so we've been able to turn this whole thing into a story yeah and this we're going to get to see it next aren't we that's what they've been doing they've been like telling us the back story and then showing us the song we're going to get to see it next too all right come on show me I want to see stage I want to see this stage like this when I started out there's a bug don't fly around my face right now this and die is awesome what can I please see you put your hands in the air oh she's so amazing I can pull off this and die which is awesome Taylor that's not awesome oh she's [Music] crazy God man why does anyone watch my reactions I'm just a mess in a chair what [Music] [Applause] you feel this magic in the air it must have been the way you kissed me fell in love when I saw you [Music] standing I actually had someone uh uh message on my Discord saying that they had some confetti from the uh the eror store they wanted to send to me um I did reply uh on Discord but they never replied it is something I would absolutely love um I actually had someone hold on the amazing G sent me this which is confetti from BTS in Las Vegas in 2022 and they sent me this that they had like made up and they sent it to me so unbelievably sweet it is so damn precious to me I hope to one day at one of these concerts get some confetti for myself it I it was impossible to get you couldn't go back in there was no way to go to the floor from where I was standing or anything like that which is an awful shame because I would have absolutely loved to have picked some up from my London show and I feel like it is never going to happen sadly I just don't know anyone but maybe one day you know crazier things have happened who knows who knows but it would be nice to have some like from my first show like that would mean a lot to me [Music] [Applause] even just one piece I would literally get it frame [Music] [Applause] oh a [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I feel like uh that is a good spot to end I feel like that is a good spot to end I I I think I think so I think so I think so God I apologize for just sounding awful at this reaction um I don't think I'm I'm that well at first I thought it was hay fever but you know it's not really hay for season anymore but my nose is running maybe I'm a ill I'm not really sure um I take a lot of vitamins and stuff so when I'm Ill I'm always like I'm one of these people that when I'm Ill I'm just questioning whether or not I'm Ill cuz I'm never that ill you know cuz like I said take a lot of vitamins and stuff so when I get ill I don't get heavily ill so right now I'm like am I ill my throat's a bit sore I'm a bit sniffy but is it hay fever I'm like could be ill and then like that's how my brain works I'm like I don't know maybe I'll see how I am tomorrow and then yeah also randomly I have no idea what this popped into my head maybe it's cuz I'm hungry but I made um a lemon cheesecake the other day and it was so good and I feel like I need to make another one of those I know that it's really random but for some reason it popped into my head and I'm like I've been asking I asked uh my eldest son what he wanted also it was their first day at school their first day at school my eldest son and my youngest son go to school together now my youngest goes to nursery and my Elder start is in reception um and they went to school together oh man it was it was both amazing and and the saddest thing ever I felt like they aged like 5 years in like a day um but yeah I asked my oldest what he wanted the next cheesecake to be and he said strawberry so I've got to be strawberry cheesecake um if for some reason in a crazy world uh any of you wonderful swifties ever end up coming around my house for some crazy reason no idea why you would but just know you're going to eat good all right you're going to eat so good I'm I I'm I'm I'll be making a chili I'll make some awesome baked goods whether it's cookies brownies freaking um I me these really nice Christmas cookies they're really good and I love baking I do anyway I don't know why I'm on this tangent I don't know what's going on I I'm hungry ah oh come on how this is done is fantastic I love how it just showcases um just Taylor's just I don't know the word for it playfulness maybe just like just like fun you know she's an artist but she's having fun being an artist she's enjoying it and that enjoyment is so inous you know from her going to see all these set pieces to her talking about the stories behind the songs even when she's talking about like writing these songs and like using names she's so excited to do that and she's like oh yeah I use I I start just start putting people's names in my songs and and like this happened and that happened and she seems so happy about it and that enthusiasm is just so freaking contagious so infectious and it just it you just feel it and it's in like the songwriting and on the stage the love she has for the people in the crowd going out there cuddling them kissing them and giving them so much of her as well and it's just the best and I feel like journey to Fearless is showcasing that absolute sweet side of Taylor so well you know like from the music side to the professionalism to the stage performance to her interactions with fans to everything her General excitement and I feel like this this episode in particular just highlighted so significantly it really did we fall in love with Taylor once with her music twice with her and uh and yeah like I feel like this this journey to felus no one is watching this and not being in love with Taylor at the end of it no one ah anyway I'm going end my reaction there I hope all of you have the best freaking weekend ever thank you so much for giving me some of your precious time I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed this reaction I absolutely love you wonderful people if you did please press the like button please press the Subscribe button to support the channel have a one wonderful wonderful wonderful evening and as always my friends you right there will see me in the next video [Music]

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Taylor Swift urges people to register to vote at VMAs

Category: Entertainment

So thank you to mtv for giving me this opportunity to thank the fans thank you for what you've done taylor swift urges people to register to vote at vmas pop superstar taylor swift urged people to register to vote wednesday evening during mtv's 2024 video music awards vmas if you are over 18 please... Read more

Taylor Swift hugs Trump supporter Brittany Mahomes at star studded US Open final — best photos thumbnail
Taylor Swift hugs Trump supporter Brittany Mahomes at star studded US Open final — best photos

Category: Entertainment

[music] [applause] [music] it was a star-studded affair at the us open finals on sunday september 8th where taylor swift and britney mahomes were seen sharing warm moments dispelling any rumors of tension between them the two women were spotted side by side inside arthur ash stadium in new york city... Read more

Abdullah Avcı St. Gallen Maçını Değerlendirdi... "Taçtan Gol Yedik!" thumbnail
Abdullah Avcı St. Gallen Maçını Değerlendirdi... "Taçtan Gol Yedik!"

Category: People & Blogs

Oyunun ilk yarısı oyunu öncelikle bir değerlendireyim oyunun ilk yarısı zaman zaman baskıları doğru yaptık zaman zaman yapamadık baskıdan kalktıkları da belki maçı erken koparma duygusu çabuk ikinci pas 3 pasta kayıplar yaptık rakibin de organizasyonları vardı oyuna ortak oldu taç'tan da çıkardığımız... Read more

Penaltı Atışları | Trabzonspor 4-5 St. Gallen |  UEFA Konferans Ligi Play-Off Turu Rövanş Maçı thumbnail
Penaltı Atışları | Trabzonspor 4-5 St. Gallen | UEFA Konferans Ligi Play-Off Turu Rövanş Maçı

Category: Sports

Penaltı noktasına doğru ilerliyor çok büyük bir heyecan papar park'ta büyük bir emek bu emeğin sonunda çok istiyoruz konferans liginde [müzik] olmayı bu emeğin taşlanmasını bu mücadelenin taşlanmasını çok istiyoruz kaleci lawrence yerini aldı tranen son uyarılar geldi danil topun gerisinde haydi bakalım... Read more

🔴CANLI Penaltı Atışları Trabzonspor vs FC St. Gallen 1879 | UEFA Avrupa Konferans Ligi 2024 thumbnail
🔴CANLI Penaltı Atışları Trabzonspor vs FC St. Gallen 1879 | UEFA Avrupa Konferans Ligi 2024

Category: Sports

Evening for a game of football to which evening for a game of football to which three dream well a system promoted by the rise of total football peter the wider players in the front three are are key 3 three dream well a system promoted by the rise of total football peter the wider players in the front... Read more

Erdal Hoş'tan Flaş Terzic Açıklaması ! Şenol Güneş Her An Açıklanabilir ! Trabzonspor Yorumları ! thumbnail
Erdal Hoş'tan Flaş Terzic Açıklaması ! Şenol Güneş Her An Açıklanabilir ! Trabzonspor Yorumları !

Category: Sports

[müzik] trabzonspor'un nefes alacağı yer avrupa çünkü trabzonspor elbette şampiyonluk yarışının doğal adayıdır ama ihtimallerde sezon başı kadrolara bakıp bakıp hiçbir sene şampiyon olduğu sene dahi 1 sıraya trabzonspor'u yazamazsın bu eşyanın tabiatını aykırı dünyada da böyledir at sır yael türkiye... Read more

Taylor swift's reaction to Katy Perry Acceptance Speech ( 2024 MTV VMAs ) thumbnail
Taylor swift's reaction to Katy Perry Acceptance Speech ( 2024 MTV VMAs )

Category: Entertainment

Hey everyone welcome back to the channel where we keep you up to date with the hottest celebrity moments and viral reactions today we're diving into one of the most talked about moments from the 2024 mtv video music awards taylor swift's reaction to ktie perry's iconic acceptance speech what an amazing... Read more